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AP Prep

The Great Depression

Mind Map: The Great DepressionCentral Idea: The Great DepressionA severe worldwide economic depression in the 1930sMain Branches:Causes of the Great DepressionStock Market Crash of 1929Overproduction and UnderconsumptionBank FailuresDust BowlImpact on EconomyUnemploymentPovertyDecline in GDPDeflationGovernment ResponseNew Deal ProgramsFederal Reserve PoliciesPublic Works ProjectsSocial Security ActSocial and Cultural EffectsHomelessnessBreadlines and Soup KitchensRise of ShantytownsMigration and DisplacementSub-Branches:Causes of the Great DepressionStock Market Crash of 1929Speculation and buying on marginPanic selling and market collapseOverproduction and UnderconsumptionExcess production without sufficient demandDecreased consumer spendingBank FailuresBank runs and mass withdrawalsLoss of confidence in the banking systemDust BowlSevere drought and soil erosionAgricultural devastation in the MidwestImpact on EconomyUnemploymentMassive job losses across industriesHigh unemployment ratesPovertyWidespread poverty and destitutionLack of basic necessitiesDecline in GDPSharp decrease in economic outputNegative growth ratesDeflationFalling prices and wagesReduced consumer purchasing powerGovernment ResponseNew Deal ProgramsPublic Works Administration (PWA)Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)Works Progress Administration (WPA)Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)Federal Reserve PoliciesMonetary expansion and interest rate cutsEfforts to stabilize the banking systemPublic Works ProjectsInfrastructure developmentConstruction of roads, bridges, and damsSocial Security ActCreation of a social safety netRetirement and disability benefitsSocial and Cultural EffectsHomelessnessEvictions and foreclosuresLack of affordable housingBreadlines and Soup Kitchens...