AP World History: Modern FRQ Room

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AP World History: Modern Free Response Prompts

We have over 2 million resources across various exams, and subjects to refer to at any point.

Unit 1: The Global Tapestry

LEQ: Changes in History - Buddhism's Influence
Evaluate the extent to which Buddhism changed social structures and cultural practices in East Asia from 600 to 1450 CE.
SAQ: Historians Disagree - Spread of Buddhism in East Asia
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
LEQ: Changes in History - European Feudalism
Evaluate the extent to which the Black Death changed European feudalism in the period 1347-1600 CE.
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Feudalism in Europe and Japan
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question

Unit 2: Networks of Exchange

LEQ: Relative Causes - Rise of the Mongol Empire
Evaluate the relative importance of military strategy and political leadership in the rise of the Mongol Empire in the period 1200-1400.
SAQ: Primary Source - Mongol Conquests
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - The Crusades
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Mongol Governance
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question

Unit 3: Land-Based Empires

SAQ: Historians Disagree - Joint-Stock Companies
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - European Colonization of the Americas
Answer the following AP World History Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - The Qing Dynasty's Rise
Answer the following AP World History Short Answer Question
LEQ: Causation - The Expansion of the Ottoman Empire
Evaluate the extent to which the expansion of the Ottoman Empire affected the political and religious landscape of the Mediterranean region from the 15th to the 17th centuries.

Unit 4: Transoceanic Interconnections

SAQ: Primary Source - The Beginnings of the Transatlantic Slave Trade
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Columbian Exchange
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
LEQ: Causation - The Impact of the African Slave Trade
Evaluate the extent to which the African slave trade affected African societies in the period 1450-1750.
LEQ: Relative Causes - The Columbian Exchange
Evaluate the relative importance of the Columbian Exchange's consequences on Europe and the Americas from 1492 to 1700.

Unit 5: Revolutions

SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - The French Revolution
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
LEQ: Relative Causes - Enlightenment Influences on Revolutions
Evaluate the relative importance of Enlightenment ideas in influencing the revolutions in the Americas and Europe in the period 1750-1850.
LEQ: Relative Causes - American Revolution
Evaluate the relative importance of economic policies and Enlightenment ideas as causes of the American Revolution in the period 1763-1789.
LEQ: Changes in History - Enlightenment Influence on Revolutions
Evaluate the extent to which the Enlightenment changed political thought and practice in the period from the 17th to the 19th century.

Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization

SAQ: Cause and Effect - Monroe Doctrine and US Foreign Policy
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Cause and Effect - European Colonization for Resources
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
LEQ: Changes in History - European Imperialism in India
Evaluate the extent to which British imperialism changed Indian society and governance in the period 1750-1947.
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - European Colonization and Resource Extraction
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question

Unit 7: Global Conflict

LEQ: Changes in History - The Impact of the Great Depression on Global Politics
Evaluate the extent to which the Great Depression changed global politics in the period 1929-1945.
SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Rise of Fascism
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Primary Source - Fascist Ideology in Italy
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - The Rise of Fascism
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question

Unit 8: Cold War and Decolonization

SAQ: Primary Source - Kwame Nkrumah on African Independence
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
LEQ: Changes in History - The Impact of the Cold War on Global Alliances
Evaluate the extent to which the formation of global alliances changed in response to the Cold War in the period 1945 to 1991.
LEQ: Causation - The Impact of Decolonization in Africa
Evaluate the extent to which decolonization affected political and social structures in African nations in the period 1950 to 2000.
LEQ: Relative Causes - Decolonization in Africa
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of decolonization in Africa in the period 1945-1965.

Unit 9: Globalization

SAQ: Continuity and Change (No Stimulus) - Global Health Crises
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
LEQ: Relative Causes - Environmental Change
Evaluate the relative importance of causes of environmental change in the period 1950-2000.
SAQ: Similarity and Difference - Economic Unions
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question
SAQ: Continuity and Change - Global Environmental Awareness
Answer the following AP World History: Modern Short Answer Question

AP Exam Tips from Former AP Students

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In this article, we will explore several effective tricks and tips to help you achieve a perfect score of 5 in the AP Computer Science Principles exam . By mastering these strategies, utilizing the right resources, and applying our AP Computer Science Principles test tips , you can confidently approach the exam and excel in it like a pro. So, let's delve into these techniques and insights to ensure you know how to pass the AP Computer Science Principles exam ! Free AP Computer Science Principles Resources No need to stress if you're cramming last-minute for the AP Computer Science...

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The Great Depression

Mind Map: The Great DepressionCentral Idea: The Great DepressionA severe worldwide economic depression in the 1930sMain Branches:Causes of the Great DepressionStock Market Crash of 1929Overproduction and UnderconsumptionBank FailuresDust BowlImpact on EconomyUnemploymentPovertyDecline in GDPDeflationGovernment ResponseNew Deal ProgramsFederal Reserve PoliciesPublic Works ProjectsSocial Security ActSocial and Cultural EffectsHomelessnessBreadlines and Soup KitchensRise of ShantytownsMigration and DisplacementSub-Branches:Causes of the Great DepressionStock Market Crash of 1929Speculation and buying on marginPanic selling and market collapseOverproduction and UnderconsumptionExcess production without sufficient demandDecreased consumer spendingBank FailuresBank runs and mass withdrawalsLoss of confidence in the banking systemDust BowlSevere drought and soil erosionAgricultural devastation in the MidwestImpact on EconomyUnemploymentMassive job losses across industriesHigh unemployment ratesPovertyWidespread poverty and destitutionLack of basic necessitiesDecline in GDPSharp decrease in economic outputNegative growth ratesDeflationFalling prices and wagesReduced consumer purchasing powerGovernment ResponseNew Deal ProgramsPublic Works Administration (PWA)Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)Works Progress Administration (WPA)Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)Federal Reserve PoliciesMonetary expansion and interest rate cutsEfforts to stabilize the banking systemPublic Works ProjectsInfrastructure developmentConstruction of roads, bridges, and damsSocial Security ActCreation of a social safety netRetirement and disability benefitsSocial and Cultural EffectsHomelessnessEvictions and foreclosuresLack of affordable housingBreadlines and Soup Kitchens...

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In this article, we will explore several effective tricks and tips to help you achieve a perfect score of 5 in the AP Computer Science Principles exam . By mastering these strategies, utilizing the right resources, and applying our AP Computer Science Principles test tips , you can confidently approach the exam and excel in it like a pro. So, let's delve into these techniques and insights to ensure you know how to pass the AP Computer Science Principles exam ! Free AP Computer Science Principles Resources No need to stress if you're cramming last-minute for the AP Computer Science...

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  • Learn mode: If your exam is coming up in less than a week, this is the study more for you! It's more than just flipping through flashcards - pick your question types and get tested continuously until you completely master every card in your set!
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Learn mode is a great way to master your flashcards, especially on a time crunch. To study your flashcards using learn mode, open your flashcard set and click on learn mode from the study modes on the left hand side. You can choose to turn on written mode or changes the question types of the flashcards using the Options button on th top right.