Yes! We have free science flashcards for all the AP IB History (SL) classes including Military leaders, Conquest and its impact, The move to global war, Rights and protest, Conflict and intervention, Society and economy (750–1400), Causes and effects of medieval wars (750–1500), Dynasties and rulers (750–1500), Societies in transition (1400–1700), Early Modern states (1450–1789), Causes and effects of Early Modern wars (1500–1750), Origins, development and impact of industrialization (1750–2005), Independence movements (1800–2000), Evolution and development of democratic states (1848–2000), Authoritarian states (20th century), Causes and effects of 20th-century wars, The Cold War: Superpower tensions and rivalries (20th century). To find those, you can use the exams tab in the navigation bar to find free study guides and flashcards for each exam.