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French and Indian War

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French and Indian War

a war fought with the British and colonist over land

<p>a war fought with the British and colonist over land</p>
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Proclamation of 1763

a statement made by the King stating the colonist could not move west of the Appalachians

<p>a statement made by the King stating the colonist could not move west of the Appalachians</p>
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King George III

King of Britian during the Revolutionary War

<p>King of Britian during the Revolutionary War</p>
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imposed by King George to help pay for the French and Indian War

<p>imposed by King George to help pay for the French and Indian War</p>
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Boston Tea Party

a protest against the tea tax. Sons of Liberty threw 342 chests of tea into Boston's harbor.

<p>a protest against the tea tax. Sons of Liberty threw 342 chests of tea into Boston&apos;s harbor.</p>
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Thomas Jefferson

wrote the draft of the Declaration of Independence

<p>wrote the draft of the Declaration of Independence</p>
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George Washington

Commander in Chief of the Continental Army

<p>Commander in Chief of the Continental Army</p>
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Battle of Lexington

known as the "shot heard around the world"

<p>known as the &quot;shot heard around the world&quot;</p>
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Patrick Henry

famous for saying "Give me liberty or give me death!"

<p>famous for saying &quot;Give me liberty or give me death!&quot;</p>
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Paul Revere

famous midnight rider to warn colonist the British were coming

<p>famous midnight rider to warn colonist the British were coming</p>
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Bunker Hill

important battle because colonist realize they can win this war....they just needed ammo

<p>important battle because colonist realize they can win this war....they just needed ammo</p>
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Battle of Yorktown

where General Cornwallis surrenders

<p>where General Cornwallis surrenders</p>
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Treaty of Paris

the treaty that offically ended the revolution

<p>the treaty that offically ended the revolution</p>
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Taxation without Representation

colonist had no voice in the British Parliment

<p>colonist had no voice in the British Parliment</p>
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Stamp Act

a tax issued on 54 different kinds of paper

<p>a tax issued on 54 different kinds of paper</p>
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Boston Massacre

British killed 5 colonist for throwing snowballs and rocks at them

<p>British killed 5 colonist for throwing snowballs and rocks at them</p>
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Intolerable Acts

punishment to the Bostonians for throwing the tea into Boston Harbor

<p>punishment to the Bostonians for throwing the tea into Boston Harbor</p>
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First Continental Congress

colonies met to discuss their rights and unite as one

<p>colonies met to discuss their rights and unite as one</p>
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men ready to fight in a minutes notice

<p>men ready to fight in a minutes notice</p>
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supporter of your own country

<p>supporter of your own country</p>
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supporter of the King and the British government

<p>supporter of the King and the British government</p>
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german soldier hired to fight

<p>german soldier hired to fight</p>
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Battle of Saratoga

French decided to help the Americans with supplies, money, arms and officers

<p>French decided to help the Americans with supplies, money, arms and officers</p>
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Thomas Paine

author of Common Sense

<p>author of Common Sense</p>
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Declaration of Independence

document that told England Americans wanted to be free and independent

<p>document that told England Americans wanted to be free and independent</p>
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Benjamin Franklin

helped revise the Declaration of Independence

<p>helped revise the Declaration of Independence</p>
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July 4, 1776

the date the Declaration fo Independence was signed

<p>the date the Declaration fo Independence was signed</p>
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John Hancok

first person to sign the Declaration of Independence

<p>first person to sign the Declaration of Independence</p>
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Deborah Sampson

disguised herself as a man and fought in the Revolutionary War

<p>disguised herself as a man and fought in the Revolutionary War</p>
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Washington crosses the Delaware

surprise attack on Christmas Eve on the German soldiers

<p>surprise attack on Christmas Eve on the German soldiers</p>
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Valley Forge

not a battle, but many soldiers died due to lack of supplies, hunger, sickness and desertion(they gave up).

<p>not a battle, but many soldiers died due to lack of supplies, hunger, sickness and desertion(they gave up).</p>
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2nd Continental Congress

voted to get all colonies involved in war, made George Washington Commander-in-Chief, asked for France's help in war

<p>voted to get all colonies involved in war, made George Washington Commander-in-Chief, asked for France&apos;s help in war</p>
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Olive Branch Petition

petition to get along and stop fighting issued by colonists

<p>petition to get along and stop fighting issued by colonists</p>
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