Medicine Through Time Edexcel GCSE

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<p>Medieval period</p>

Medieval period

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<p>Medieval period</p>
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<p>Medieval period</p>

Medieval period


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<p>What is miasma ?</p>
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<p>What is miasma ?</p>

What is miasma ?

Idea that disease was spread through bad smells and evil fumes

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<p>Which disease was mentioned in the bible as a consequence of sin?</p>
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<p>Which disease was mentioned in the bible as a consequence of sin?</p>

Which disease was mentioned in the bible as a consequence of sin?


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What was on the regimen sanitatis?

have a healthy diet avoid stress bathe exercise not to much sex avoid drunks and barking dogs

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Why did people want the King to touch them?

They believed it could cure illness and disease (especially scrofula (tuberculosis))

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How many people did Edward 1 attempt to touch a year?


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Why were physicians uncommon in the Medieval period?

rare Expensive

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<p>What was the original role of hospitals?</p>
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<p>What was the original role of hospitals?</p>

What was the original role of hospitals?

To offer hospitality to travellers and pilgrims

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<p>How many hospitals were in England by 1500?</p>
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<p>How many hospitals were in England by 1500?</p>

How many hospitals were in England by 1500?


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<p>What percent of hospitals were run by the church?</p>
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<p>What percent of hospitals were run by the church?</p>

What percent of hospitals were run by the church?


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<p>Who ran church hospitals?</p>
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<p>Who ran church hospitals?</p>

Who ran church hospitals?

monks and nuns

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<p>What was an endowment?</p>
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<p>What was an endowment?</p>

What was an endowment?

When a wealthy person left money for a hospital

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<p>Why did the church want people to recover?</p>
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<p>Why did the church want people to recover?</p>

Why did the church want people to recover?

to prove God existed

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<p>When did the black death outbreak occur?</p>
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<p>When did the black death outbreak occur?</p>

When did the black death outbreak occur?


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<p>At its height how many were buried in London per day?</p>
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<p>At its height how many were buried in London per day?</p>

At its height how many were buried in London per day?


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<p>What was believed to have caused the Black death?</p>
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<p>What was believed to have caused the Black death?</p>

What was believed to have caused the Black death?

unusual alignment of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Impure air from a volcano imbalanced humours punishment for sin

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<p>What was self-flagellation</p>
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<p>What was self-flagellation</p>

What was self-flagellation

Whipping yourself to remove humanities sins (attempted to get rid of the plague)

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<p>How did people try to prevent the Black Death?</p>
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<p>How did people try to prevent the Black Death?</p>

How did people try to prevent the Black Death?

stopped cleaning the streets (bad smell drove off miasma) carry a posy to smell pray or go on pilgrimages self-flagellate avoid people with the plague

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<p>How long were new people in a town quarantined for?</p>
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<p>How long were new people in a town quarantined for?</p>

How long were new people in a town quarantined for?

40 days

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<p>How did people try to treat the Black Death</p>
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<p>How did people try to treat the Black Death</p>

How did people try to treat the Black Death

spent time confessing sins cut open buboes bleeding took theriaca ingest aloe and myrrh- healing properties they didn't- it was Gods will

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<p>Renaissance Period</p>
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<p>Renaissance Period</p>

Renaissance Period


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<p>What continued into the Renaissance?</p>
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<p>What continued into the Renaissance?</p>

What continued into the Renaissance?

4 humours bleeding ,purging herbal remedies prayer avoidance of disease regimen sanitatis

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<p>What was Humanism?</p>
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<p>What was Humanism?</p>

What was Humanism?

idea that humans should be free to explore the truth of the world and encouraged learning - in the medieval period people were asked not to challenge the church.

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<p>Who, and when was the printing press created?</p>
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<p>Who, and when was the printing press created?</p>

Who, and when was the printing press created?

Johannes Guttenberg 1440s-although not widely used until the renaissance

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<p>Why were books rare in the medieval period?</p>
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<p>Why were books rare in the medieval period?</p>

Why were books rare in the medieval period?

They were handwritten by monks this made them rare and expensive

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<p>What did the Printing Press allow ?</p>
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<p>What did the Printing Press allow ?</p>

What did the Printing Press allow ?

criticism of the church and Galens ideas

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<p>Who was Sydenham known as ?</p>
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<p>Who was Sydenham known as ?</p>

Who was Sydenham known as ?

The "English Hippocrates"

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<p>What did Sydenham say physicians should do ?</p>
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<p>What did Sydenham say physicians should do ?</p>

What did Sydenham say physicians should do ?

doctors should observe and keep accurate records of symptoms, said diseases should be treated as a whole - not just individual symptom

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<p>Which diseases did Thomas Sydenham discover were different ?</p>
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<p>Which diseases did Thomas Sydenham discover were different ?</p>

Which diseases did Thomas Sydenham discover were different ?

Measels and the Scarlet Fever

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<p>What was observationes Medicae? , When was it published?</p>
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<p>What was observationes Medicae? , When was it published?</p>

What was observationes Medicae? , When was it published?

  • A book of Sydenham's studies -1676

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<p>What is the Royal Society?</p>
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<p>What is the Royal Society?</p>

What is the Royal Society?

-a scientific group that encouraged sharing and developing of ideas -created a library of research

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<p>Who and when was the royal society founded?</p>
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<p>Who and when was the royal society founded?</p>

Who and when was the royal society founded?

-K -1660ing Charles ii

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<p>When was the Pharmacopheia Londinesis published? How many remedies were contained in it ?</p>
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<p>When was the Pharmacopheia Londinesis published? How many remedies were contained in it ?</p>

When was the Pharmacopheia Londinesis published? How many remedies were contained in it ?


  • over 2000 remedies

  • one remedy treated louis xiv of France of Thyroid

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<p>Why did people still believe in the 4 humours?</p>
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<p>Why did people still believe in the 4 humours?</p>

Why did people still believe in the 4 humours?

-they did not like change

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Why was bathing less common?

People were catching syphilis from bathhouses - Henry viii closed all bathhouses in London it was actually due to bathhouses being brothels as well

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What was the theory of Transferrence?

idea of illness being able to be moved to an object EG

rubbing a wart with an onion

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<p>Why was the Age of Exploration important ?</p>
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<p>Why was the Age of Exploration important ?</p>

Why was the Age of Exploration important ?

It brought new herbal items from the Americas such as tobacco, cedar and cinchona bark used to treat malaria

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<p>Who was Vesalius?</p>
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<p>Who was Vesalius?</p>

Who was Vesalius?

-studied at the university of Padua -wrote Fabric of The Human Body in 1543 -noted Galen had made mistakes

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<p>When was fabric of the human body published?</p>
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<p>When was fabric of the human body published?</p>

When was fabric of the human body published?


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<p>What were some of the 300 mistakes Galen had made?</p>
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<p>What were some of the 300 mistakes Galen had made?</p>

What were some of the 300 mistakes Galen had made?

-the jaw was 1 bone not 2 -men did not have a fewer pair of ribs then women -the liver did not have 5 separate lobes

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<p>What did Vesalius encourage more of?</p>
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<p>What did Vesalius encourage more of?</p>

What did Vesalius encourage more of?


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<p>What did William Harvey discover?</p>
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<p>What did William Harvey discover?</p>

What did William Harvey discover?

-proved Galen wrong -blood was not created by the Liver -discovered arteries and veins were part of one system pumped by the heart

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