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Proclamation Line of 1763

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Proclamation Line of 1763

prohibited colonists from settling west of the Appalachian mountains

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Stamp Act of 1765

This act required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought paper items.

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Salutary Neglect

An English policy of not strictly enforcing laws in its colonies

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Townshend Acts

A tax that the British Parliament passed in 1767 that was placed on leads, glass, paint and tea

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Sugar Act of 1764

An act that raised tax revenue in the colonies for the crown. It also increased the duty on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies....enforced the Navigation Acts

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Tea Act of 1773

Gave the East India Company an unfair business advantage over colonial merchants.

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Quartering Act

1765 - Required the colonials to provide food, lodging, and supplies for the British troops in the colonies.

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Intolerable Acts

A series of laws set up by Parliament to punish Massachusetts for its protests against the British

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No taxation w/o representation

The assertion that Great Britain had no right to tax the American colonies as long as they did not have their own representatives in the British Parliament. (James Otis)

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Sons of Liberty

A radical political organization for colonial independence which formed in 1765 after the passage of the Stamp Act. They incited riots and burned the customs houses where the stamped British paper was kept. After the repeal of the Stamp Act, many of the local chapters formed the Committees of Correspondence which continued to promote opposition to British policies towards the colonies. The Sons leaders included Samuel Adams and Paul Revere.

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Daughters of Liberty

An organization formed by women prior to the American Revolution They got together to protest treatment of the colonies by their British Rulers and encourage boycotts

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Join or Die Cartoon

A cartoon that Benjamin Franklin made to convince the colonists to unite for defense first appeared in French and Indian War

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French and Indian War

(1754-1763) War fought in the colonies between the English and the French for possession of the Ohio Valley area. The English won.

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Boston Tea Party

demonstration (1773) by citizens of Boston who (disguised as Indians) raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumped hundreds of chests of tea into the harbor

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Boston Massacre

The first bloodshed of the American Revolution (1770), as British guards at the Boston Customs House opened fire on a crowd killing five Americans

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