section 2 - Cell structure

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how many times larger an image is when compared to the object

magnification = image / actual

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the smallest distance between two objects under the microscope that they are distinguisable

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cell fractionation

  • before place cells in a buffer with same water potential, same pH and a cool temperature

  • then blend cells in step called homogentation, remove large pieces of debris

  • then slowly spin cells in centrifuge in step called ultracentrifugation

  • collect the heaviest collected organelle (nucleus). collect supernatant and then repeat spinning supernatant until all the organelles are collected

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order for cell fractionation

→nucleus and whole cells

→lysosomes and mitochondria


→ribosomes and viruses

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the nucleus

  • nuclear envelope

    →double membrane surrounding the nucleus controlling the entry and exit of substances. often extension of the rough endoplasmic reticulum, with ribosomes

  • nuclear pores

    →around 3000 in a nuclear envelope, control the entry and exit of very large molecules (messenger RNA)

  • nucleoplasm

    → jelly like substance which occupies majority of the nucleus

  • chromosomes

    →linear DNA

    • nucleolus

      →small sphere where the manufacture of messenger RNA is synthesised

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  • surrounded by a double membrane to control entry and exit of the material. folded into cristae

  • cristae is an extension of membrane to provide large surface area for the use of enzymes

  • matrix makes up remainder of mitochondria. contains enzymes, DNA, proteins ,lipids

    • mitochondria are used to produce energy aerobically. they produce ATP which is used in metabolic reactions and other important processes around the body

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  • chloroplast double membrane which is highly selective of which substances it will allow in and out.

  • chloroplasts contains stacks of thylakoids called grana. these contain the chlorophyll and have bridges connecting the stacks. first stage of photosynthesis takes place here (light absorption)

  • stroma is the matrix filled fluid which is where second stage of photosynthesis occurs (synthesis of sugars)

  • has DNA and RNA to quickly make proteins for photosynthesis

  • large surface area in grana so lots of light can be absorbed

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Endoplasmic reticulum

  • 3D sheet continuous from the nuclear envelope

  • smooth endoplasmic reticulum

    • no ribosomes

    • synthesise store and transport lipids

    • synthesise store and transport carbohydrates

  • rough endoplasmic reticulum

    • has ribosomes

    • large surface area for glycoprotein synthesis and protein synthesis

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Golgi appartatus

  • occurs in all eukaryotic cells

  • functions

    • add carbs to proteins to form glycoproteins

    • produce secretory enzymes such as enzymes secreted by the pancreas

    • transport modify and store lipids

    • form lysosomes

  • structure

    • stack of membranes that make up flattened stacks

    • small round hollow vesicles

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  • hydrolysis material ingested by the phagocytic cells

  • releases enzymes

  • completely breaks down cells once they’ve been destroyed

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  • free or connected to the RER

  • 80s in eukaryotes

  • 70s in prokaryotes

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cell wall

  • consist of polysaccharides such as cellulose

  • thin layer called lamella which marks the boundary between adjacent cells

  • provide strength to cell and plant as a whole

  • allow water to pass in through cell wall

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  • fluid filled sack bounded by a single membrane

  • sugar and amino acid storage

  • pigments are attractive to pollenating insects

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cell specialisation

  • tissues

    • group of similar cells working together to perform a similar

    • epithelial tissues are in animals and they line surfaces of organs.

  • organs

    • group of similar tissues together to form an organ to perform a specific function

    • examples:

      • muscles to turn food

      • spongy mesophyll for gaseous diffusion

      • xylem to transport water an ions

      • phloem to transport organic material

  • organ systems

    • organs that work together as a single unit

    • examples:

      • digestive systems to digest and process food

      • respiratory system for breathing and gas exchange

      • circulatory system to circulate blood

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prokaryotic cells

  • cell wall and capsule are made up of mixture of polypeptides and polysaccharides

    • cell wall is a physical barrier that excludes certain substances from entry

    • capsule protects bacteria from other cells and sticks other bacteria cells together in order to gain more protection

  • cell surface membrane controls the entry and exit of substances from between cell and external environment

  • circular DNA contains genetic information for replication and cells and coding for proteins

  • plasmids are small circular sections of DNA containing gene that aid bacteria to survive in certain conditions

  • flagella for species in need to move. some species may have more than one.

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virus structure drawing

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main features of virus molecule

  • capsid - protective protein coat to provide protection for genetic material

  • genetic material - virus consists of a core which contains RNA and DNA. has a reduced genome and only produces the proteins which it cannot obtain for host cells

  • attachment proteins - allows the virus to attach to the host cell

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