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Market integration

process by which economies are becoming more interdependent and interconnected in terms of commodity flows including externalities and spillover of impacts

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International Financial Institutions or IFIs

institutions that provide support through loans or grants and technical advices to promote a country's economic and social development

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private institutions that produce or manufacture goods, products, and services for a more expanded market usually at the reach of regions or the world.

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Transnational corporations (TNCs)

have a more complex setting where each foreign subsidiary is given some freedom to develop its own product lines and marketing

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Multinational corporations (MNCs)

have more of a home or country base taking care of the R&D and marketing, and focus more on exporting their products and services

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has 851 BPO companies, more than half of which are call centers (429).

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the call center capital of the world, accounting to 18 percent of the global market share

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Horizontal integration

happens when a firm gains control of other firms performing similar marketing functions at the same level in the marketing sequence.

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bought by Disney, which is also in the entertainment media, for $7.4 billion

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Example of a local market integration

Landbank of the Philippines acquired the Philippine Postal Savings Bank, for the latter to focus on overseas Filipino worker clients.

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Vertical integration

happens when one company owns the operations and products from one stage to the other along the supply chain

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Example of vertical integration

an iron mining company operates the steel manufacturing firm

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Example of vertical integration

McDonald's owns the land where its supplies are located to avoid cost of lease

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International Financial Institutions or IFIs

are institutions that provide support through loans or grants and technical advices to promote a country's economic and social development

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Global and regional IFIs

include International Monetary Fund (IMF) and multilateral development banks (MDBs) like the World Bank Group, the African Development Bank (ADB), the inter-American Development Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

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provides financial and technical services and products not for profit but for overall economic and social development

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also works with the private sector for investment and policy reforms to promote private sector expansion

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Four key issues with IFIs

  • legitimacy

  • effectiveness

  • support conditionality and financial capacity

  • sustainability

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Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

focuses on the harmonization, alignment, and managing aid for results including monitoring systems and indicators

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16th-18th century

the modern capitalist world economy was flourished

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First period of globalization

The start of the modern global trade leading to 1914

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First period of globalization

This is when trade, capital, and immigration flows grew tremendously and in large volume, but the global institutional architecture to manage these were quite limited

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International convention and treaties also served as drivers for these large-scale global movements

  • International Telegraph Union in 1865

  • Universal Postal Union in 1874

  • International Association of Railway Congresses (1884)

  • International Sanitary Convention in 1892

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The Second World War to the late 1990s

the modern international economic enabling architecture was established

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The Second World War to the late 1990s

the expansion of MNCs across the globe, supported by enabling policies and improved communications and transport

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Trade liberalization and free flow of capital in the world

resulted from political changes like the fall of the Berlin Wall, establishment of regional networks, and trade agreements

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1994/95 Mexico crisis

When Mexico's multi-billion loan from IMF created a negative spillover effect on US, Europe, Portugal, and Spain

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From the late 1990s until very recently

Third wave of market integration

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Third wave of market integration

  • The advent of the modern Internet

  • The WTO establishment

  • Formal entry of China into the trading system through its accession to international financial institutions

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Global corporations

One of the major players in globalization and the modern capitalist market

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Modern global corporations

Commonly referred to as multinational corporations and transnational corporations

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IFIs and global corporations

Play a significant role in global wealth creation and distribution, including global economic development

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Trends that complicates the significant growth of IFIs and global corporation

  • Global inequality

  • Systematic stability and viability of the global financial system and climate issues

  • Issues on human security

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