US Gov: Second Court Case Quiz

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Boy Scouts of America v Dale

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Boy Scouts of America v Dale

A private organization is allowed, under certain criteria, to exclude a person from membership through their First Amendment right to freedom of association in spite of state antidiscrimination laws.

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Everson v Board of Education

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment is incorporated against the states. However, the Supreme Court found that the New Jersey law was not in violation of the Establishment Clause.

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Texas v Johnson

A statute that criminalizes the desecration of the American flag violates the First Amendment.

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Mapp v Ohio

The Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures, as applied to the states through the Fourteenth, excludes unconstitutionally obtained evidence from use in criminal prosecutions.

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Gitlow v New York

The freedom of speech guarantee of the First Amendment applies to the states as well as the federal government through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

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Dred Scott v Sandford

Slaves are not citizens of the United States, the Missouri Compromise is illegal, and the federal government is prohibited from freeing slaves brought into federal territories.

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Weeks v United States

The warrantless seizure of documents from a private home violated the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable search and seizures, and evidence obtained in this manner is excluded from use in federal criminal prosecutions.

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Regents of the University of California v Bakke

Numbered racial quotas for college admission are illegal. However, race may be used as a factor when awarding admissions.

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Miranda v Arizona

The Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination requires law enforcement officials to advise a suspect interrogated in custody of his rights to remain silent and to obtain an attorney.

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Plessy v Ferguson

This case supported the concept of "separate but equal".

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Griswold v Connecticut

A law criminalizing contraceptives violates the right to marital privacy.

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New York Times v Sullivan

A newspaper cannot be sued for making false defamatory statements about a public official because those statements were not made with knowing or reckless disregard for the truth.

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Lawrence v Texas

This case ruled that state law may not ban sexual relations between same-sex partners. Citizens have a constitutional right to privacy.

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Printz v United States

This case ruled that the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act's interim provision that the "chief law enforcement officer" (CLEO) of each local jurisdiction to conduct background checks is unconstitutional.

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Alden v Maine

This case states that states are immune from cases brought against them in federal court.

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