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Front:What is the basic unit of matter that consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons?

Back:This fundamental particle is composed of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, with electrons orbiting around it. It is the smallest unit of an element, retaining its chemical properties.

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Front:What subatomic particle has a positive charge and is found in the nucleus of an atom?

Back:This particle determines the atomic number of an element and contributes to the mass of the atom. It plays a crucial role in defining the identity of an element and influences chemical behavior.

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Definition: This fruit is typically round, comes in various colors like red, green, and yellow, and is known for its sweet or tart flavor. It grows on trees and is often eaten raw, used in desserts, or made into juice. It is also a symbol of knowledge and temptation in various cultures.

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Definition: A subatomic particle with a negative charge, found in the electron cloud surrounding an atom's nucleus. It plays a crucial role in chemical bonding and electricity. Electrons are much lighter than protons and neutrons and have a charge of -1. They determine the atom's reactivity and are involved in the formation of ions.

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Definition: A term describing something that is practical and relevant to real-world situations, often involving the use of scientific knowledge or theories in practical applications. It contrasts with theoretical concepts, focusing on how knowledge can be implemented effectively.

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Front:What is a nutritious fruit that is often red, green, or yellow, and is known for its crisp texture and sweet to tart flavor?

Back:This fruit is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and various antioxidants. It can be eaten raw, cooked, or juiced, and is commonly used in desserts, salads, and beverages. It's also associated with the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

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Front:A round fruit that can be red, green, or yellow, often crisp and sweet or tart in flavor.

Back:Commonly eaten raw, used in desserts, and rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin C. Often associated with the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

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Front:What is the study of matter, its properties, how it interacts, and changes?

Back:This field explores elements, compounds, reactions, and the laws governing these processes, including topics like atomic structure, chemical bonds, and stoichiometry. It is fundamental to understanding the material world and is divided into various branches such as organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, and biochemistry.

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Definition:Pure substances that consist of only one type of atom. They cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Each of these is defined by its atomic number, which corresponds to the number of protons in its nucleus. Examples include hydrogen, oxygen, and gold. They are the building blocks of matter and can combine to form compounds.

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Front:What are small, metal objects used to open locks or start vehicles?

Back:These objects often come in various shapes and sizes, can be duplicated, and are essential for security and access. They can also refer to important components in music or software.

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Front:What are the appendages of the body used for movement and manipulation?

Back:These are the arms and legs of an organism, typically consisting of bones, muscles, and joints. They enable various functions such as walking, running, grasping, and holding objects. In many animals, they play a crucial role in locomotion and interaction with the environment.

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Definition: A figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint known as the vertex. Angles are measured in degrees or radians and can be classified as acute, right, obtuse, or straight based on their measurement.

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Front:What are the appendages that extend from the main body, typically used for movement and manipulation?

Back:These are the arms and legs of an organism, which play crucial roles in locomotion, grasping, and interaction with the environment. They can be adapted for various functions depending on the species.

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Front:Young sheep, often raised for meat.

Back:This term refers to a juvenile version of a sheep, typically less than a year old. It is known for its tender meat, which is a popular choice in various cuisines. Lamb is also associated with spring and is often featured in traditional dishes during holidays.

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Back:In a position above or higher than something else; to surpass in degree or amount; to express movement across or beyond a point or limit. Often used in phrases indicating excess or coverage.

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Front:Indefinite article used before singular nouns.

Back:It introduces a non-specific item or person in a sentence, often indicating something that is one of many. Example: "I saw a dog."

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Definition: A method for proving the congruence of two triangles. It states that if two sides of one triangle are equal to two sides of another triangle, and the included angle between those sides is also equal, then the triangles are congruent.

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Definition: A term often used as a placeholder or to denote something nonsensical or irrelevant. It may appear in various contexts, such as coding, testing, or casual conversation, but lacks a specific meaning.

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Front:Law enforcement agency responsible for maintaining public order and safety.

Back:They investigate crimes, apprehend offenders, enforce laws, and provide community services. Officers often patrol neighborhoods, respond to emergencies, and work to prevent crime through community engagement.

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