TCW Introduction to Globalization

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phenomenon involves the increasing linkage of national economies

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phenomenon involves the increasing linkage of national economies

Economic Process

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Subset of issues pertaining to the principle of state sovereignty, the growing impact of intergovernmental organizations, and the prospects for global governance.

Political Process

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Globalization as Economic Process

Globalization as Political Process

Globalization as a Cultural Process

Dimensions of Globalization,

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Growing network of complex cultural interconnections and interdependencies that characterize modern social life

Cultural Process

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fast speed of trade

• global economic organizations

• multinational and transnational corporations

• trade blocs

• free trade

• privatization

• less tariffs

Economic view Globalizations means

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• Globalization is a challenge to the nationstate

• Strength of regional blocs

• Emergence of global political norms

• Multilateral and bilateral relations among nation-states

• Emergence of corporations

• International laws

• World governance

Political Science view

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• Establishment "global village"

• "Shrinking world"

• Cultural imperialism

• Borderless world

• Adoption of other cultures

Cultural View Globalization means

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A. Various forms of connectivity

B. Expansion & stretching of social relations

C. Intensification & acceleration of social exchanges and activities

D. Occurs objectively

Attributes of Globalization

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• They are diverse (economic, political, cultural, etc)

• They are enabled by various factors, pressures, media, etc.

• They are uneven (different degrees of interconnections)

Various forms of connectivity

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• Regional and international NGOs

• Sister-cities mechanism

• Government associations

• MNCs and TNCs

Expansion & stretching of social relations

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• Door-to-door mail delivery to FB messages, IG, Snap Chat, Twitter

• Live TV telecast

• Travel capacities brought about by low airfares

Intensification & acceleration of social exchanges and activities

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• Think about the world

• Associate ourselves with global trends

• Sense of responsibility

Occurs objectively

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Globalization is about the liberalization and global integration of Markets

Six core claims of Globalization

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Globalization is inevitable and irreversible

Six core claims of Globalization

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Nobody is in charge of globalization

Six core claims of Globalization

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Globalization benefits everyone (in the long run)

Six core claims of Globalization

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Globalization furthers the spread of democracy in the world

Six core claims of Globalization

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Globalization requires a global war on terror

Six core claims of Globalization

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1. Rejectionist

2. Sceptics

3. Modifiers

Three categories for the arguments of Globaloney

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• Disputes the usefulness of globalization as sufficiently precise analytical concept.

• Globalization a vacuous term, suggesting that it has been used in academic discourse to refer to anything


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Suggestions for improvement; 1. Provide additional examples of how the term globalization obscures more than enlightens. 2. Complement the social scientific enterprise of exploring globalization as an objective process

Rejectionist (cont.)

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• Emphasizes limited nature of current globalizing processes.

• The world economy is not global but one centered on Europe, eastern Asia, and North America.

• Majority of economic activity around the world still remains primarily on financial flows


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• Warns against drawing global conclusions from the argument against the existence of economic globalization

• Assumes that globalization is primarily an economic phenomenon.

• All other dimensions of globalization as reflections of deeper economic processes.

Sceptics (cont.)

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• Disputes the novelty of the process and proofs

• Acknowledges the existence of moderate globalizing tendencies.

• Implying that globalization has often been applied in a historically imprecise manner.


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• Argue that the modern capitalist economy in which we live today has been global since its inception five centuries ago.

• Globalizing tendencies have been proceeding along the continuum of modernization of a long time.

Modifiers (cont.)

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Triumph of a capitalist world economy tied by a global division of labor David Harvey The co

Definitions of Globalizations Immanuel Wallerstein

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The compression of time and space

David Harvey

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Processes by which the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society

Martin Albrow

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Intensification of worldwide social relations that link distant localities.

Anthony Giddens

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Global cultural process and a product of the infinitely varied mutual contest of sameness and difference

Arjun Appadurai

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Form of internalization that implies integration between internationally dispersed economic activities.

Peter Dicken

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Interlinking financial structures through an increasing number of cross-border transactions to create an international division of labor

Paul Bairoch and Richard Kozul-Wright

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Internationalizing of production, division of labor, new migratory movements and the competitive environment that accelerates these processes.

Robert Cox

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as a dimension that derives partly from its historical development. Evolution of international markets and corporations led to an intensified form of global interdependence.

Definition of the Economic Globalization

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A rubric for a varied phenomena

James H. Mittleman

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Accelerated growth, of economic activity across national and regional political boundaries.

Charles Oman

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