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Yes, it's possible to listen for cookie changes in a PyQt application that uses QWebEngineView for displaying web content. This can be achieved by monitoring cookies in the QWebEngineProfile associated with your QWebEngineView. When a cookie is added, updated, or deleted, you can trigger specific actions in your application, such as updating the UI or handling clipboard actions based on the cookie's value.

Here's a simplified approach to achieve this:

1. Access the Cookie Store: First, you need to access the QWebEngineCookieStore from the QWebEngineProfile associated with your QWebEngineView. This store manages the cookies for web content.

2. Connect to the Cookie Store Signals: The QWebEngineCookieStore class provides signals such as cookieAdded(QNetworkCookie) and cookieRemoved(QNetworkCookie) that you can connect to. This allows your application to react to changes in the cookies.

3. Implement Slots for Cookie Changes: Implement slots (methods) in your application that will be called when the cookies are added or removed. In these slots, you can check for specific cookies related to user interactions and perform the necessary actions in response.

4. Update Your Application Based on Cookie Values: Based on the cookie changes, update your application's state or UI. For instance, if a certain cookie is set or updated as a result of a user action in the web UI, you can trigger a method in your ClipboardUi class to respond to this interaction.

Here's an example illustrating how to listen for cookie changes:


from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import QWebEngineProfile

class ClipboardUi(QMainWindow):

# Your existing initialization code...

def init(self, clipboardSyncing):


# Your existing code...


def initializeCookieListener(self):

profile = QWebEngineProfile.defaultProfile()

self.cookieStore = profile.cookieStore()



def onCookieAdded(self, cookie):

if == b'interactionCookie':

print("Interaction cookie added or updated")

# Perform your task based on the cookie value


def onCookieRemoved(self, cookie):

if == b'interactionCookie':

print("Interaction cookie removed")

# Handle cookie removal if necessary

def handleUserInteraction(self, value):

# Handle the specific interaction

# For example, updating UI or performing a task based on the cookie value

print(f"Handling interaction with value: {value}")

# You might check the value and call corresponding methods of ClipboardUi


This example demonstrates the basic setup for listening to cookie changes in a PyQt application that uses QWebEngineView. You'll need to adjust the onCookieAdded and onCookieRemoved slots to match the specific logic and cookies relevant to your application. This approach allows you to react dynamically to user interactions within the web content displayed by your application, integrating web-based UI interactions with your PyQt application logic seamlessly.

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