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What is an ideology?

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What is an ideology?

An ideology is a set of beliefs or principles, especially one on which a political system, party, or organisation is based.

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Who are the bourgeoisie?

The capitalist class who own most of society’s wealth and means of production

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What are the proletariat?

The working class people.

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What is capitalism?

An economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods.

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What is communism?

A classless system in which the means of production are owned communally and private property is non-existent or severely curtailed.

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What is the dominant ideology?

The attitudes, beliefs, values, and morals shared by the majority of the people in a given society.

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What is a means of production?

Land/labour which can be used to produce products.

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What is an ideological state apparatus?

Institutions such as education, the church, family, media, trade unions, and law, which were formally outside state control but which served t transmit the values of the state.

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What is false consciousness?

A way of thinking that prevents a person from perceived the true nature of their social or economic situation.

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What is class consciousness?

Awareness of ones place in a system of social class.

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What do Marxist’s believe about the family?

  1. Families socialise children to be obedient and hardworking which benefits capitalism

  2. Wealth is passed down families, perpetuation inequalities

  3. Families are too privatised, discouraging wage labourers from uniting against capitalism

  4. Community living would be preferable

    1. A communist society, in which all means of productions such as farms and factories are collectively owned and workers received a fair share of the profits, should replace private ownership of business.

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What is Poulantzas (1969) view of the family?

The family is an ideological state apparatus used by the ruling class to spread their dominant ideology. These ideas support capitalism and maintain the powerful position of the ruling class.

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What is the effect of children being socialised by the family to be obedient and hardworking?

Children accepting a hierarchy in the family prepares them for the hierarchy of work - which is beneficial to capitalism.

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What is the effect of the family being privatised?

This keeps people separate and stops the labour force from uniting and adopting more community living which is beneficial to capitalism.

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What are the three functions the family perform for capitalism?

  1. Inheritance of Property

  2. Ideological Functions

    1. Unit of Consumption

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What was Engels (1884) theory?

In a classless society there is ‘primitive communism’ where there is no private property, Engels says at this stage there is no family but instead a tribe with no restrictions on sexual relationships.

As societies wealth increases, with the development of private property, men developed who could control the means of production and pass it to their children (marriage ensures their children are the biological rightful heirs) - this supports capitalism.

Engels says women should be incorporated into the workforce and children should be socialised by the communist state, instead of their being a dominant, male breadwinner.

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What is an evaluation of Engel’s theory?

Engels theory is based on unavailable historical evidence but his theory of men’s control of women and capitalists’ domination of the proletariat was tried in Russia where the nuclear family became discouraged by making divorce simpler and legalised abortion. However Stalin reversed these policies when they led to declining birth rates.

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What is Zaretsky’s (1976) theory?

The family performs an ideological function by creating the idea that family is a ‘safe haven’ to escape from the harsh/exploitative world. This is an illusion as the family cannot meet its member’s needs - the capitalist world is still oppressive.

The family sees wealth as admirable so buy things to make their lives seem better - this makes them work more so they can afford material goods. People become trapped in the cycle of conspicuous consumption. These worries stop the proletariat achieving class consciousness.

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How does the family benefit Capitalism through being a means of consumption?

The family generates profits for capitalists as advertisements urge us to compete with others to have the latest things, with children learning to mock one another of being without.

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What are evaluations of the Marxist perspective?

  1. Some Marxist ideas are based on views of history that may not be correct.

  2. Not all families socialise their children in the same way.

  3. Postmodernists would say Marxists don’t acknowledge family diversity.

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