Exam 2

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Bunker/Breeds Hill

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Bunker/Breeds Hill

Outside of Boston; It was a battle meant to keep the British in Boston; Colonial win

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Lexington and Concord

"Shot heard around the world", minutemen were there to defend each town while General Gage and men went to get ride of weapons

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Leadership in Colonial side

George Washington Benedict Arnold Nathaniel Greene

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Effort in Quebec

Washington and Montgomery went to get French to help and it back fired and turned into war; Montgomery died

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Blockade of New York

British make a Naval blockade and win this; it becomes the home base of the British

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German mercenary fighter; you pay them, they fight for you

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Attack on Hessians in Trenton (New Jersey)

cross the Delaware in the night; famous painting; surprise the Hessians; they were caught by surprise and gave up

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British strategy

-Occupy -Divide and conquer -Conquer

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Occupation attempts of British

New York, Boston, Charleston

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Division attempts of British

They want to divide colonies into top middle bottom to weaken them

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Conquering attempts of British

do not see this happen; they had high hopes

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Leadership of Britisn

General Clinton General Howe General Burgoyne

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Battle of Saratoga

British troops low on supplies and exhausted; Colonist attack coming from Canada area and General Clinton is too late; British, General Burgoyne, must surrender; Colonist win

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What did France do in 1778?

officially recognized USA, pissed off England

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French Aid in the Revolution

They bring mainly Navy help

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Benjamin Franklin and diplomatic work in Europe

The win at Saratoga helped him; attempting to gain recognition of USA

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Importance of Philadelphia

1&2 Continental Congress here; main hub; main banking area

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Battle at Germantown/Philidelphia

Washington tries to run them out but they loose because of 1 out # by men 2 winter is going to hit

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Valley Forge

Terrible winter; much sickness and disease; Men were trained by Baron von Steuben on how to be a real army; this prepared them for battles

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Treason of Benedict Arnold and John Andre

They were giving information about Washingtons movements and other troops movements to the British; Andre gets killed and Arnold miraculously goes back to England at the end of the war

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John Paul Jones

Patriot Naval Hero

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War at Sea

French against English

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War in the southern part of colonies

Savannah and Charleston were over taken by British British are cutting off routes of trade and supplies to these towns

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Nathaniel Greene

known as the "Fighting Quaker"; his job was to keep the British occupied so the battle comes to the middle colonies (waiting for Washington to get there basically) ; Greene brings Brits up to Virginia and Washington brings Brits down to Virginia

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French and Colonist bombard Yorktown where the British are; Last a month; British cannot bring in their navy so they surrender; considered the last battle

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Treaty of Paris 1783

Treaty that took forever to be written for the official end of the war; Signed by French, American and British; generous treaty to Americans

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Specific Terms of the Treaty of Paris 1783

  • American territory extended to Mississippi River

  • Fishing rights gained in Canadian waters

  • Creditor paid on both sides

  • Prisoners of war released on both sides and exchanged (@ Benedict Arnold)

  • Access and Navigation rights to Mississippi River on both sides

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African American experience during Revolutionary War

slaves experience; British used the divide and conquer method with slaves to stir them for revolt; British would recruit former slaves; Continental Army takes slaves and gives them freedom if they fight

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Native American experience during Revolutionary War

forgotten group; tribes went past the Appalachian Mt; align with British and British tried to stir them up; treaty made with them; still horrible battles

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Women's experience during Revolutionary War

NOT passive spectators; educated; ran the home while sons and husbands fought; encouraged family to fight

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Front line experience during Revolutionary War

Lack experience and not trained; Had lice or the "itch"; hard time keeping soldiers

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Citizens experience during Revolutionary War

Cruel if occupied by the British; Hard life; British wanted to make citizens miserable

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Inventions, arts, science developed during Revolutionary War

Bushnell's Turtle - first submarine; used in a river Penn. Rifle changes - long barrell rifle with groves for more accurate shot John Trumbull's paintings - most famous from the war

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Moral and Religious values at the end of the war

"duty to the community" "Nation with the soul of a church"

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Questions for Constitutional Convention

How to divide Sovereignty? How to have a form of government preserve liberty? How to have government for protection? What is Virtue or the Commonwealth?

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Turning Colonies into States

Legal paperwork; rewrite or revise states constitution; Give power to the state legislature; people vote

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Influential men at Constitutional Convention

Thomas Jefferson John Adams George Mason

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E Pluribus Unum

out of many, one

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Articles of Confederation

early version of gvmt; all 13 must ratify all issues; purposefully weak;

  • Each State has same vote

  • Need a majority of 9 states for all major decisions

  • Power of congress but no way to enforce laws

  • No executive or judicial branch

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Northwest Ordinance

Specific for entry of these states; how to make a new state; Jefferson's ideas influenced; MUST HAVE - governor; legislative council; 60,000 population, treated same as original 13; not allowed to spread slavery to the new state

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Other Issues in the New Nation

Slavery - does it spread Education - varied state by state Religious Freedom - we are just at tolerance Trial by Jury - where are you tried if you broke a law in another colony?

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Constitutional Convention attendance

1st one in Maryland - only 5 colonies 2nd one (after saying we are ditching Article of Confederation) - all but RI showed

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Important men at Constitutional Convention

Leader - George Washington Thinker - James Madison (Idea writer of Constitution) Dead Guy - John Locke; promotes individual rights

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Shay's Rebellion

Small problem in Mass; showed the Article of Conf was weak because no one would send their army/militia to help Mass; described as a catalyst for changing from Article of Confederation

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Virginia Plan

James Madison Large State Strong National Gvmt Executive is needed but weak Legislative is based on population in 2 houses (Bicameralism) Judicial power in Federal Gvmt

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New Jersey Plan

William Paterson Small State Weak National Gvmt Executive is an administer at best and weak Legislative is based on statehood in one house (unicameralism) Judicial power held in states; advocate trial by jury

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Major Argument a Convention aka the Great Compromise

Legislative power at national level 2 house system in Congress

  • H of R --> by population

  • Senate --> by statehood

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How to finance Bills in Congress?

ALWAYS start in the Lower house - H of R Why? they know the people better, voted in every 2 years

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Slavery Decisions at Great Compromise

Population - counted as 3/5 of a person Property - for taxes they are counted as property Atlantic Slave Trade - to end after 20 years in 1807 Domestic Slave Trade - states rights issue

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Legislative Branch

H or R - elected by people and based on population Senate - elected by state legislature; no population vote

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Executive Branch

President and V President ran separate; VP was runner up

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Judicial Branch

Supreme Court - just one court; job is to determine if a law is constitutional or not

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Articles of Constitution Breakdown

  1. Legislative; longest; most important; need to be 30 and cit for 9 years for Senate; need to be 25 and cit for 7 years for Rep; each house sets own rules for meetings and congress; this is where impeachment starts

  2. Executive; Pres 35 years old and Nat born cit while living in USA for past 14 years; job is to protect/preserve/defend constitution

  3. Judicial; power to make small courts; case must relate to constitution

  4. States rights; not in here belongs to state; full faith and credit; apply for statehood

  5. How to amend the constitution; pass 2/3 in the house, Pres signs, 3/4 of state legs vote

  6. Sovereignty; all debts are to be paid; no religious test for people in gvmt

  7. Ratification; 9 states needed to ratify

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James Madison/Alexander Hamilton/John Jay Push for National gvmt

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Federalist Papers

Papers printed and sent out as argument for the constitution; explain thinking behind Argument 1: Articles of Conf needs fixing it is chaos Argument 2: quality of men at convention

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Federalist paper 10

  • Larger we grow, the better pool of men to choose from for leadership and government positions

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Federalist paper 51

  • Government has o control and govern itself; protect society

  • republic guards against "mobocracy"

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George Mason, Richard Henly Lee, Luther Martin Arguments against ratify to Constitution

  • feared virtue would prevail

  • government wouldn't check as they are suppose to

  • not any term limits

  • feared judiciary would be out of control

  • no guarantee for citizens rights

  • should have a man of god as leaders

  • want to have rights in the states

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Ratification of Constitution

ratified by legislature of state

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Violence in states during ratification

riots in New York (Albany where state legislature was)

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State Unanimous during ratification of Constiution

Delaware, New Jersey, Georgia

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State evenly split during ratification of Constiution

Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York

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First to Ratify the Constitution


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Bill of Rights

1 - speech, press, religion, petition, assembly 2 - bear arms and militia 3 - no quartering 4 - no unreasonable searches or seizures 5 - no double jeopardy/self incrimination (plead 5th) 6 - public and speedy trial, cannot be tried again 7 - trial by jury; 8 - no cruel or unusual punishment 9&10 - limit rights of federal gvmt(9) & revise all other rights(10)

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New states in 1803


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New government concept

Republic under "We, the people"

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Why was George Washington chosen for president?

Virginian/Popular war hero/Unanimous vote in Electoral College

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Location of the first presidents house


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George Washing Inaugural Address

-Providential Hand (God/Religion/Creator helped with country founding) -Public virtue is required for the success of nation

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Men in Washington's Cabinet

Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox, Edmund Randolph

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Secretary of State

representative of the USA

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Secretary of Treasury

finances within the country

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Secretary of War

Conducts war and protects the nation

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Attorney General

the head of the department of justice; try to keep peace; help with constitutionalism

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Washington Precedents set

Congress - Presidents appt cabinet; President doesn't sit in congress; he is neutral Titles - We call him Mr.President Court - President appoints the Judge Cabinet - congress must approve, Pres and pardon w/o approval of congress

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11th Amendment

Citizen of one state cannot go an sue another state if citizen doesn't live the other state

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First Supreme Court Justice

John Jay

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What is the Judicial Power

little power during Washington/Adams time; 13 federals courts and 3 circuits

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Judiciary Act 1789

A law passed to expand court system

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Alexander Hamiltons plans for the US

1 Credit and Debt: 54 million; get out of it 2 National Bank: "necessary and proper"; needed national bank but it is privately owned 3 Natural Mint: currency at federal level, not state 4 Manufacturing: promoting tariffs

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Jay's Treaty

meant to help our relationship with England; We wanted the English out of their forts in the west; want a foot in on fur trade; didn't go so well

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Whiskey Rebellion

taxes on whiskey; there was protest from the people but Washington and army marched and told the people they must pay; no problems after; the men were tried for protesting but pardoned; this helped define what treason was and was not

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Farewell Address of Washington

not a speech; promoted unity and the commonwealth

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Territories added during Washington's term

Vermont; Kentucky; Tennessee

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John Adams

not popular; barely beat Thomas Jefferson; He was part of federalist party; from Mass; Unitarian; very intellectual; spoke many languages; family man

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Beginning of Political Parties

Federalist (Adams): national based system; northern Republican (Jefferson): agri based system; southern

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Cabinet Issues with John Adams

Cabinet of Washington stayed; "Washington didn't do it that way"; just keeps the peace in the cabinet rather than working with them

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Naval Plans of 1798

Positive; new cabinet position; Benjamin Stoddart; Navy means power; slow building

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Relationship between Adams and Hamilton

similar thinking; they just have to deal with each other; Hamilton wants to "party" and Adams won't let him

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Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)

Negative and added to Adams unpopularity; Alien - President can expel all aliens if we are in war with their country and make residency req 14 years to be a citizen Sedition - Any threat against an officer of government can be thrown in jail; huge freedom of speech issue; Fixed in Jefferson Presidency

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Moved the Capitol to Washington DC in what year

1800; white house was built

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Campaign of 1800

Jefferson vs Adams again Jefferson against "God and areligious president" Adams against "Jefferson and No God" Jefferson Adams lost Adams went to Boston and lived a quiet life

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About Thomas Jefferson

He is a Virginia Plantation owner widower in the white house Botanist and loved nature Invented dumbwaiter from cellar; great clock; revolving chair; polygraph machine University of Virginia is his university Monticello was his home full of art and things he loved Diplomat to france Pushed for education in Virginia Believes in enlightenment principles and God

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Vice Presidency in 1800

Now your VP is your running mate

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12th Amendment

VP and President dun together for Executive Branch

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Who is Jefferson's VP

Aaron Burr

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How is Jefferson a man of the people?

He dressed like them shook hands rather than bowed refused to wear a wig

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John Marshall

appointed by Jefferson to be a Justice; very popular

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Midnight appointments

Right before Adams term was done, he appointed 42 new justices and 16 circuit judges so his influence could stay. Jefferson refused their appointment which cause a Supreme Court Case Marbury v. Madison

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Marbury v. Madison

issue with midnight appointments Some who were appointed sued Jefferson because they believed their justice appointment by Adams was theirs. 3 Major points in case

  • deserve commission?

  • laws applied?

  • can supreme court offer remedy?

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