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She criticized the policy innovations and turmoil of the 1960s, adding new issues to the conservative agenda and cultivating a grassroots movement that would redefine the Republican Party and American politics into the twenty-first century.

She earned a master's degree in government from Radcliffe College in 1945 and went to work at the American Enterprise Institute.

She returned to the Midwest and married an attorney who shared her anticommunism and antigovernment passions.

She claimed that she would rather scrub bathroom floors than write political articles because she doesn't think taking care of a baby is as fun.

In the 1950s and 1960s, Schlafly called for a more powerful military, a less active government, and stronger efforts to combat communism at home and abroad.

Many Americans were fed up with the expansion of government, the Supreme Court decisions, the protest movements, the challenges to authority, and the loosened moral standards that seemed to define the 1960s.

In Richard Nixon's victories in 1968 and 1972 and in the presidency of Jimmy Carter, whose policies stood to the right of his Democratic predecessors, the votes of those Americans began to shape politics.

Domestic and foreign crises can be solved by Ford and Carter.

Reagan addressed the hopes of traditional conservatives by cutting taxes and government regulations, attacking social programs, expanding the nation's military capacity, and pressuring the Soviet Union and communism in the third world.

Reagan's optimism and spirited leadership contributed to a revival of national pride and confidence.

In California, Nixon acquiesced in servatives and helped Ronald Reagan continue most Great Society programs and defeat the incumbent liberal even approved pathbreaking environmental and women's rights measures.

The Watts riot and some of Brown's actions signaled the country's rightward move.

Student rebel words invoked individualism and reliance on lion, and black demands for justice.

A new Sun Belt characteristics made it especially strong in places such as Orange County, California, that focused on anticommunism, as these preferences grew stronger in the limited to the West and South.

Defense and a limited federal role in predominantly white areas were relatively affairs.

Even though it was not consistent with scandal, the tradition power and efforts to cover up crimes continued with the growing conservative move by subordinates, which forced the first presidential resignation of the Sun Belt's economic dependence on defense in history.

The aftermath of Watergate and severe water and power for the burgeoning population economic problems brought back the White and its economy.

The South, which benefited from military, shared the West's Democratic administration that followed.

The most intense 1974 provoked even greater contro children out here in semi-rural commu political battles of the 1970s and versy.

The new sexual permissiveness that emerged in the 1960s aroused what their children should be taught about African Americans and antitextbook forces.

Sex education and new textbooks were made fun of by the introduction of other minority groups and some of the materials.

In June 1974, at a meeting opponents to keep their children Kanawha County encompassed the before an emotional crowd of more home when school opened in state capital of Charleston as well as a thousand.

A native of Mississippi and her husband went out on a sympathy strike to prevent the adoption of the curriculum.

She won a seat on the John Birch Society, a five-person school board in 1970, after protesting what she saw as disrespect for authority, as well as representatives from the heritage minded citizens.

In the 1970s, grassroots protests against ing in the sex education curriculum grew alongside concerns about morality.

In 1978 Californians revolted in a popular referendum to restore "traditional values" after seeing obscenity and abortion.

The war in Kanawha County was not equaled by the conflicts over public school curriculum.

A newspaper called rights policies, wooing white southerners and a "primal scream by the People against Big considerable number of northern voters away Government" spread to similar antitax crusades from the Democratic Party.

The initiative campaign launched by conservative ing of integration, especially after the creation activist Howard Jarvis, became more accepted after neighbors gather on the lawn of a Los Angeles homeowner.

The antitax of magnet schools and other new mechanisms movement was supported by many homeowners because of rising land values and new assessments.

Tax revolts spread across the nation after the passage of Prop 13 by a large majority.

Thirty-seven states cut property taxes and twenty-eight reduced public schools by the year 1987.

He criticized the Supreme court orders to achieve high degrees of integration in southern schools, but it was "unprecedentedly politit resisted efforts to deal with seg ically active".

Although the war in Vietnam in the South began to realize that the continued antiwar protests diminished with the future for Democratic candidates had darkened decrease in American ground forces and casual there.

Inflation and unemployment were checked in seven southern states by Nixon's economic initiatives.

Republicans por powers, often called the "imperial presidency," trayed him as a left-wing Extremist and weakened the traditional checks and balances support for busing, a generous welfare program, on the executive branch and opened the door to and immediate withdrawal from Vietnam alien abuses.

Although the Democrats were in control of Congress, Nixon was able to get the CIA to keep the Catholics, urbanites, and blue-collar workers.

After investigations by a grand jury and his triumph, the president had little time to celebrate, as revelations began to emerge that White House aides had committed crimes to ensure the victory.

In May, five men working for Nixon's reelection campaign authorized the appointment of an independent to investigate the Watergate scandal.

Roosevelt installed the first recording apparatus in the White House in 1940, but Nixon was the first president to use a voice activated system.

Three days after the Watergate break-in, an eighteen-and-a-half-minute gap appeared in a conversation between Nixon and his chief of staff, H.R.

Rose Mary Woods, Nixon's secretary, said that her foot slipped on the controls while she was typing the tape.

In March 1973, sensational revelations exploded to aides: "I don't give a shit what in testimony before the Senate investigating com happens."

Nixon refused to admit guilt even though tapes of his conversations indicated that he had abused his power and lied.

The loyalist known for his integrity, humility, and carried these burdens into the election campaign dedication to public office moved.

Nixon's foreign policy of detente with Ford caused the cession as president.

Carter prided country beyond Watergate, this sweeping pardon himself on his knowledge of policy issues, but saved Nixon from nearly certain indictment and people responded most to his promise of honesty trial, and it provoked a tremendous outcry from and decency in government.

Thirty of Carter's associates pleaded guilty to or were convicted of crimes related to Watergate and had considerable appeal.

Ford's failure to solve abuses revealed in the Watergate investigations helped the Congress's efforts to guard against the types.

Even though Carter received the Middle East, the economy plummeted, just 50 percent of the popular vote costing him a second term.

He was the first African American ambassador to the United Nations and included the first two black women in his cabinet.

Congress did not make King's birthday a national holiday until 1983, after Carter had pushed for it.

Democrats complained of inadequate consultation, Carter's tendency to flood them with health insurance, and a substantial jobs program without a strategy to get that would make government the employer of them.

His refusal to propose simple solutions to the American people, who were impatient for quick action against the Democratic Party objective, led to a bitter split that was squeezing their pocketbooks.

Corporations and wealthy indi stagflation had a negative effect on the economy with both inflation and high unemployment.

Carter's public service jobs programs and tax proposals to deregulate airlines in 1978 were acted on by Congress.

Ronald Reagan, Carter's successor, would nalist, "winced and ached" as their paychecks moved much further, implementing conservatives' bought less and less, "hollowing their hopes and attachment to a free market and unfettered pri dreams, their plans for a house or their Iran held Americans hostage in Teheran in 1980, while the Outdoor Advertising Association of America sponsored this bil board.

The shortages and high prices were caused by the Iranian revolution, pictured on the bil board.

Complicating the government's efforts to deal with Congress was the nation's enormous con conserve oil by taxing it at the wellhead and thus increasing its cost to consumers.

Carter proposed a comprehensive foreign oil as well as the United States, but they program to conserve energy, and he elevated its more successfully controlled consumption.

Congress picked tion and manufacturers to produce Carter's program apart because of the competing demands of people to rely more on public transport.

A new upheaval in the Middle East in 1979 created the most severe oil production energy crisis of all time.

Nuclear energy caused frustrated drivers to wait in long lines and paid opposition to a vigorous environmental move because of high gas prices.

Activists warned of radiation leaking and the dangers of radioac abundance to a time of growing scarcity in energy, which Carter told the nation, asking for additional mea.

Data produced by geologists and engineers allow experts to estimate the size of "proved oil reserves," quantities that are recovered with existing technology and prices.

Large portions of the U.S. reserves are located in the Gulf of Mexico, where it is expensive to drill and where operations can be disrupted by hurricanes.

The chemical company was held up by popular opposition and highly toxic waste products from a nearby expense of building nuclear power plants.

The explosion who led a national movement against toxic waste explained how women became environmentalists.

In 1977 the Carter administration sponsored a treaty with Panama to provide for the relocation of families who had been living in New York.

The treaty was seen by supporters as a way to clean up hazardous waste, but the chemical industry used the power of the U.S. to their advantage.

Ronald Reagan claimed that he signed bills to improve clean air, it was ours.

His predecessors' withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula, which violated the nation's principles, was the reason for the Six-Day War.

Carter sacrificed human rights accommodation with the nation's Cold War ideals to strategic and security considerations.

He signed a second strategic arms ernments in Iran, South Korea, and the Philippines and established formal diplomatic relations with them.

Carter followed relations with the People's Republic of China in up on another Nixon initiative, even though it was blatantly endorsed by the government.

As the United States stepped up aid to the mili, his human rights policy fell by the wayside, restoring the shah to power.

On November 4, 1979 a crowd broke into the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan and the CIA funneled secret aid to the Afghan rebels.

The hard-line captors' demands that the shah be returned to approach were encouraged by Refusing the Events in Iran.

Carter froze Iranian assets in the U.S. because U.S. arms and aid did not allow Iran for trial.

From November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981 Americans saw TV images of the hostages taken by Iranian militant when they occupied the U.S. Embassy in Teheran.

The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 marked militaristic foreign policy.

Relations with the United States remained tense in the 1980s, even though the Republicans assumed that initiative after he left office.

Reagan's victory in the 1980 election attracted many evangelical Christians who had supported Jimmy Carter in 1976.

The politics of Reagan's father, who was a democrat, embraced the conservative Christian but moved to the right in the 1940s and 1950s, but it was Goldwater who stole the show in 1964.

Economic ran as a conservative, but in office he displayed expansion, which took off after 1983, helped the considerable flexibility, approving a major tax middle class and brought great wealth to some, increase, a strong water pollution bill, and a but the percentage of poor Americans increased, liberal abortion law.

Although the Reagan era did not see a policy revolution like the New Deal did, it did not mean the end of social security.

The concerns of the right wing of the Republican Party were reflected in his nomination and platform.

Reagan promised to take government off the backs, but he actually delivered more to the people.

Fifty-one percent of such issues as abortion and school prayer, but voters responded favorably to Reagan's upbeat he did not push hard for so-called moral or social message, while Carter won 41 percent and 7 policies.

The control of the Senate was strengthened for the first time since the nation's anti-Communist posture in the 1950s by Republicans.

Even when he made glaring mistakes, the president was liked by Americans who opposed his anti-Communists, fundamentalist Christians, policies and even free market advocates.

His tives constituted a declaration that it was "morning in America" as a new phenomenon in politics known as a promise that the best was yet to come.

He preached to huge television audiences, attacking tremendous popularity, and called for serious charges of executive branch malfeasance for the restoration of old-fashioned family in his second term.

People work harder because they can clinical psychologist with a popular Christian keep more of their earnings.

Business expansion talk show founded by the Family Research Council would increase the production of goods and services in 1983 to lobby Congress for measures to curb the supply, which in turn would increase demand.

The government incurred a galloping ernment at home and militant anticommunism deficit because of the instruments of more tradi so much.

The 1986 law narrowed loopholes profits and their depositors enjoyed high inter used by the wealthy.

Hundreds of S&Ls went bankrupt when real estate values began to save more on their tax bills than they did.

Congress voted to bail out the S&L industry after age taxpayers and the distribution of wealth.

The funds for food stamps, job training, and student from government were cut because of Reagan's efforts to free private enterprise.

Carter restricted aid, and other social welfare programs, as well as deregulation to certain industries, which resulted in thousands of people losing benefits.

Increased defense spending far exceeded the health, safety, and environmental regulations.

The nation's debt tripled to $2.3 trillion, the Sherman Antitrust Act consumed one-seventh of limited monopolies against an unprecedented all federal expenditures, and it declined to enforce Reagan.

Reagan made concessions that management insisted were necessary for industry's survival because federal workers undermined organized labor.

Carter's vice president, Walter F. Mondale, targeted them for deregulation because they nominated for sluggish economic growth.

"We will in choosing a woman as his running mate -- New mine more, drill more, cut more timber," declared James Watt, his first secretary.

The head of the Environmental Reagan charged his opponents with relaxing enforcement of air on America's failures, while emphasizing success and water pollution standards.

"I don't think they'll America where every day is April 15th, the dead be happy until the White House looks like a line for income tax returns," Reagan said.

Notable exceptions included Steven Jobs, vision and the economic comeback, giving him a who invented the Apple computer in his garage, and a victory with 59 percent of the popular Bill Gates, who transformed the software indus vote and every state but Minnesota.

Liz Claiborne, who created a billion Republican charges that the Democratic Party dollar fashion enterprise.

Many others were captive to special interests such as labor, money, and some Democratic leaders, corporations through mergers and takeovers.

To include the young Arkansas governor, Bill Clinton, say these guys are entrepreneurs is like saying urged the party to shift more toward the right.

Increasing international making money and displaying wealth was faced by older industries.

The press described lavish million-dollar parties and German and Japanese corporations overtook the U.S. as Americans bought more Volkswagens and Hondas.

The new afflu and jobs abroad to be closer to foreign markets were participated in by members of the baby boom generation, who were able to benefit from the low wages in countries such as Mexico and Korea.

When David Ramos was laid off from his job at a steel plant in 1982, he lost his cars, health clubs, and expensive vacations.

Though definitely a minority, wages fell to $5 an hour as a security guard and his family relied on food stamps.

The poverty level for a family of four in 1990 was $12,195, and millions of full-time workers were able to afford larger houses with new products like VCRs and microwaves.

The workers are removing the company's name from the Denver-based Silverado Banking, Savings and Loan Association, which collapsed in 1988, along with many other socal ed "thrifts" that had speculated in risky loans for commercial real estate development.

Bush was found to have engaged in conflicts of interest, but he was not indicted on criminal charges.

The view of the 1980s as a decade of prosperity was challenged by the increased presence of homeless people.

A homeless man sleeps in Lafayette Square across from the White House during the first snowfall of the season in 1987.

The economic boom had bypassed the racial home of other groups of women with young children.

During clearance, average personal income did rise, as well as Vietnam veterans and his tenure, but the trend toward greater economic individuals suffering from mental illness, drug inequality, and alcoholism had begun in the 1970s.

The rise of conservatism put liberal social move women, the aged, and the disabled, along with ments on the defensive, as the Reagan admin's allies.

The basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and age were all protected by feminists and minor organization that practiced discrimination on ity groups.

Ronald Reagan agreed with conservatives that the Senate had moved too far in denying Robert Bork's confirmation.

Conservatives argued that the construction of the affirmative action unfairly hurt whites.

When some African Americans wanted to protect their rights, they filed a lawsuit against the authors of the Constitution.

The full impact of less seniority was admitted to a training after he applied to the Reagan program.

Weber and other critics called for "color-blind" policies, ignoring the death penalty.

When the time limit for putting the brakes on civil rights enforcement ran out in 1982, conservatives were appointed to the Justice Department and the Civil Rights Commission and their budgets were slashed.

The Supreme Court was persuaded to weaken for the silver lining after Ratified the ERA.

Anti-eRA tution guaranteed that while opposition never topped rhetoric, they also appealed to some quality of rights under the law 31 percent.

The duty of men to assent to the amendment would be eliminated after two years.

The controversy it organized and passionate opposition servative leaders skillfully mobilized sparked revealed profound differ linked to the growing conservative women who saw their traditional ences in beliefs and values among forces in the 1970s.

The major women's groups made the raised fears come true by suggesting extrava lature wearing signs that pleaded, eRA, a key objective.

The Supreme Court had Rights Amendment, which banned sex discrimination in states in the fight over employment, education, and other areas.

Thousands of women were mobilized across the political spectrum to participate in the public arena for the first time.

Fourteen states passed their own equal rights amendments after 1970.

There was a decline in the number of women and minorities in high-level pay equity, rape, and domestic violence at the state level.

The gay and lesbian Reagan's cuts in social programs hurt women the most.

In 1989, the Court upheld a Missouri law that prohibited public employees from performing abortions not necessary to save the life of the woman, banned the use of public buildings for providing abortions, and required physicians to perform viability tests on the fetus in pregnancies beyond the twentieth week.

Initially the disease disproportionately affected male homosexuals in the United States, and their visibility increased aware affected, which in turn led to homosexuality activists being mobilized to promote public funding among the larger population.

Reagan's efforts to help over York City were blocked by half a million people in the New Congress.

Dozens of cities banned job discrimination against homosexuals, and eleven states made sexual orientation a protected class under civil rights laws.

In the first drive for recognition of gay rights, challenged expenditures shot up by one-third.

Defense spending averaged $216 billion symbols of national immorality and succeeded a year, up from $158 billion in the Carter years in overturning some homosexual rights measures, and higher than in the Vietnam era.

After the Court doubted its feasibility, more than a dozen deploy lasers in space to destroy enemy mis states left homosexuals in the dark.

Ronald Reagan spent billions of dollars on research without a working system.

Reagan justified the military build up and an "Evil Empire" SDI as a means to negotiate with the Soviets from a position of strength, but he provoked an Campaigning for president in the wake of pleas to halt the arms race.

Reagan accused Carter of having weak weapons in New York City after a rally demanding a freeze on additional nuclear hostage crisis.

The Catholic Bishops issued a strong call for nuclear weapons.

Reagan presided over the most impressive military build up since the end of the Cold War.

Reagan had practiced militant anticommunism throughout the world, but in assisting the anti leftist movements in Asia, Africa, 1970s and 1980s Americans saw it escalate and send troops to the Middle East.

The first state to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation was Wisconsin in 1982.

In the year 2010, twenty-one states and the district of Columbia banned employment discrimination against gays.

New York is a great city with a lot of gay people, but it still denies them basic things like employment and labor union.

Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that uses sanctuaries in Lebanon to launch attacks on Israel.

Reagan sent in troops to Lebanon in 1982 after Israel invaded the country to stop the Palestine Liberation keeping mission.

We are artists, business people, police officers, and clergymen, with a cloud of a heavy fine or even a jail sentence.

We are scientists, truck hanging over a mortgage lender, a rental agent, or a job drivers, and we work in every field.

The bill will not be used to proselytize in matters of sexual orientation or preference.

On October 23, 1983, members of Islamic Jihad, an antiIsrael, anti-Western terrorist group sponsored by Iran, demonstrated their hostility toward the U.S. troops stationed in Lebanon by exploding a car bomb outside the U.S. Marine compound near the Beirut airport and killing 241 Americans.

Colin Powell, assistant to the secretary of defense, approved the decision to withdraw from Lebanon because he believed that America was sticking its hand into a thousand-year-old hornet's nest in the Middle East.

Military personnel are looking for and removing bodies of their dead friends.

Marxists staged a coup in the administration of Nicaragua, a small island nation in the Caribbean.

The demonstrations for nuclear disarmament achieved through Swiss bank accounts were limited by the United States and the NicaraguanContras.

Congress had banned free enterprise and pro military aid for theContras.

Reagan and Gorbachev were pardoned by Bush after concerns about huge defense budgets conviction were overturned.

An independent prosecutor's final report found no economic revival in the Soviet Union.

With growing popular evidence that Reagan had broken the law, but port for arms reductions, along with a push from it concluded that he had known about the diver his wife, Nancy, Reagan made disarmament a sion of funds to theContras and had "knowingly major goal in his last Reagan's desire to provide for on-site inspection for the first end of the possibility of nuclear war and his flexibility made it eliminate all new Soviet-American accord.

The United States, Cuba, and the Soviet Union have agreed that the economy cannot deliver basic consumer on a political settlement of the civil war in the goods.

The warmth that developed between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at their first meeting was captured in this photograph.

The two men spent a lot more time in private meetings than had been scheduled.

They began to trust each other and build a relationship that would lead to nuclear arms reductions and the end of the Cold War.

Since the Great would be history, the world has been defined by economic problems since the Cold War ended within three years.

Stagflation, slow economic growth, and an increasing trade deficit are all related to the depression.

Ronald Reagan boasted in his farewell address in 1989 that these policies contributed to a reversal of the income gap between the rich and poor.

Many Americans continued ated the change, but his administration did mark to support specific federal programs, especially the slowdown or reversal of expanding federal those, such as Social Security and Medicare, that budgets for domestic programs and regulations reached beyond the poor, but public sentiment that had taken off in the 1930 He didn't deliver on the social or moral issues that were dear to him from the Roosevelt era.

Reagan used his skills as ineffectual at solving national problems as he represented the government as a helpful and problem-solving entity, instead of seeing the heart of the New Right.

The maritime industry was changed by containerized shipping at the end of the twentieth century.

The use of truck-size boxes to move goods without loading and unloading individual items began in the 1950s and became the norm by the 1980s.

The container box's efficiency and cost-effectiveness stimulated industrial development around the world and gave Americans access to an unheralded array of cheap consumer goods.

Some Americans were worried about mass destruction being concealed in con tainer boxes after the 9/11 attacks.

He joined the army's Reserve Officers Training Corps program, which was the defining experience of his college years.

Powell went on to serve as a four-star general in the military and public service after graduating.

George W. Bush faced a divided Congress when he was in the White House.

New rights for people with disabilities and tighter environmental protections were approved by the first Bush administration.

As capital, products, information, and people crossed national boundaries in greater numbers and at greater speed, a surge of immigration rivaled the stream of a century earlier that brought Powell's parents to the United States.

The unpopularity of that war helped the Democrats regain power and elected Barack Obama as the first African American president.

Bush proposed few domestic initiatives after the Exxon tanker oil spill in 1989 that ruined eight and faced a Democratic-controlled Congress.

Since World War II, some forty million foreign policy have been benefited.

The son of a wealthy New England senator, on disability politics, noticed a breeze stirring George Herbert Walker Bush fought in World over the White House lawn at the signing of the War II, earned a Yale degree, and then settled bill.

She said that it was like a new breath in Texas to make his own way in the oil industry of air.

Bush adjusted his more moderate policy in order to satisfy conservatives who were commanding lead in the 1980 presidential race.

His most famous campaign pledge position was "Read my lips: No new taxes" and he was second place on the Republican opposed most proposals requiring additional ticket.

Republicans rewarded Bush with the presidential ing of those lifting abortion restrictions after he vetoed thirty-six bills.

During the Reagan years, the working class, the poor, and women all started to vote, so states tried to come up with a plan to win the election.

A more centrist candidate passed bills to block corporate takeovers, Massachusetts governor Michael establish parental leave policies, and won the nomination.

Title II of the AdA was violated in 2001 when I allowed what I wanted in life to be.

In 1999, California's deficit was boosted by rising costs and passed a gun control bill with harsher Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and spending restrictions on assault weapons than reformers.

In 1990 the Reagan administration impelled the president nominee, federal appeals court judge David Souter, to abandon his "no new taxes" pledge.

The new law, which African American on the Court, Justice Thurgood Bush depended on Democrats to pass, authorized Marshall, retired, Bush set off a national con modest tax increases for high-income Americans.

The same argument was used to deny civil rights to African Americans in the 1950s and 1960s, according to the executive director of the Tennessee disability Coalition.

Congress had the right to make federal laws binding on the states if they denied people with disabilities access to public facilities.

In 2004, the Supreme Court upheld her right to enforce ruling to the specific context presented by the ADA.

In 1992 a banner year for female candidates was made possible by charging that Thomas would not rected their anger to electoral politics.

The Senate voted narrowly to confirm abroad than for Bush's domestic policy, despite Hill's testimony.

Bush addressed an issue central to conservative politics when he ran for president.

Scott Stantis likened Bush to a child who had a nose that grew when he lied.

After Noriega was indicted, the Soviet Union voted for a UN resolution and the President Bush ordered an embargo on Iraqi oil.

The United States forces quickly overcame Noriega's troops, sustain had deployed more than 400,000 soldiers to Saudi Arabia, and hundreds of Panamanians, Arabia, joined by 265,000 troops from some two including many civilians, died.

Bush asked Congress to approve war in 1991, even though Iraqi forces are still in Kuwait.

The Iran-Iraq war began in 1980 and the crisis to the failure of U.S. energy conserva ended in 1988.

The war border was authorized by Congress after the invasion neared the Saudi Arabian.

The U.S. response to Desert Storm was driven by long-standing interests in oil and power plants in the Middle East.

Middle Eastern nations joined the First Proof against Iraq and the Arab Align map supported the war as a means to liberate Kuwait.

Arabs accused the United States of allowing Israel to deny Palestinians land and liberty after 1999.

The loss of 58,000 American lives in Vietnam, 270 out of Kuwait and to Middle Eastern leaders' U.S. service members in Desert Storm was less than the mission to drive Iraqi forces.

Berliner exclaimed, "This soldier arriving in Saudi Arabia in September 1990 was part of the massive military."

More than 33,000 women were not allowed to climb the Berlin Wall and eleven died and two were held as prisoners.

Piloting planes and helicopters, directing artil ery, and fighting fires were some of the duties that were performed by them.

Richard East and West Germany was Cheney's secretary of defense and he doubted that coalition forces could finish in 1990.

The price of a long occupation too lined up to join NATO was considered by Hungary and Poland as a stable government replaced Hussein.

Hussein's pledges not to rearm or Europe no longer depended on the United States to develop weapons of mass destruction were counted on by administration officials.

Middle Eastern stability remained elusive because of Europe's destiny.

After the fall of Eastern Europe, Saddam Hussein remained in power and the Soviet Union sought to turn his war machine on Iraqi Kurds and Shiites.

Yeltsin, president of the Russian Republic, was encouraged by the United States to rebel.

Russia and eleven other UN weapons inspectors formed a new entity called the Commonwealth in 1998.

The Cold War helped to recruit Soviet Muslim extremists like Osama bin Laden.

The Berlin Wal was the main symbol of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union after 1961.

The Gulf War victory cata Communist dictatorship, committed to develop pulted his approval rating to 88 percent, causing ing nuclear weapons.

In 1996, the UN General Assembly approved a total nuclear test ban treaty with Tennessee senator Albert Gore Jr. Bush's vulnerability to nuclear weapons posed an ongoing threat to voters' concerns about the ailing economy.

The popularity of a third candidate, the Clinton self-made Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, revealed Administration's Americans' frustration with government and the major parties.

He extended benefits by casting nearly two-thirds of their votes against for the working poor; delivered incremental Bush, and voters suggested a mandate for change reforms to feminists, environmentalists, and but not the direction that change should take.

Clinton continued to support air pollution controls and more protection for him even after he was elected to a second term.

The minimum-wage increase that the Senate failed to include was the largest conviction of the president and it crippled the expansion of aid for college students.

The GI Bill allowed students to pay for Clinton's reforms of their education with community service.

In 1998, he used his cuts, tax increases, and declining unemployment, as well as executive authority to ease restrictions on abor, to produce a budget surplus.

Laura Tyson was the chair of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, Janet Reno was the attorney general, and Madeleine Albright was the ambassador to the United Nations.

Albright and Reno applaud Clinton's 1999 State of the Union address with other cabinet members.

Clinton failed to give univer three African Americans and two Latinos.

Liberals wanted a single similar cast, and in 1993 he named the second payer plan similar to Medicare, while conser woman to the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader vatives charged that the proposal would increase Ginsburg, whose arguments before she became taxes and government interference in medical an appeals court judge had The Supreme Court ruled on smaller reforms rights.

Clinton built conservatism and his own determination to move on the gradual progress of women and minorities his party to the center led him to make compro.

The 1994 election was claimed by Republicans as a man since Reconstruction and Florida as the first date for their "contract with America," a conser Latino.

Gingrich was able to move the debate to the right because of the opposition from Democrats and moderate Republicans.

grassroots armed militias were the most extreme form of antigovernment sentiment.

White Christian supremacy was celebrated and conservatives were hostile to the United Nations.

The militia movement grew in response to the passage of new gun control legislation and after government agents raided the headquarters of an armed religious cult in Texas, killing more than 80.

The worst terrorist attack in the nation's history took place on the second anniversary of that event, when a bomb leveled a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 169 people.

Military personnel who said they were gay or engaged in homosexual behavior could not be asked about their sexuality.

The Defense of Marriage Act was signed by Clinton in 1996, prohibiting the fed from bombing the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

McVeigh was executed in half of the country's five hundred largest com 2001, and his co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.

More than twenty-five states have banned discrimination in relation to inheritance, taxation, public employment, and many other laws and medical decisions.

The New Deal Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Iowa, program Aid to Families with Dependent Children Maine, New Hampshire, and the District of (AFDC), which most people called welfare, were all handled by him in the year 2010.

Poor mothers should be subsidized because so many of them are not working now that they have joined the labor force.

After being cut from the rolls, everyone thought work was better than welfare, but supporters of AFDC doubted that it was worth that much.

More than one-third of the economy could provide enough jobs for children living in families with decent wages.

Grants to the states were provided by The Dole, a World War II hero.

Although Clinton find a job, and it set a lifetime limit of aid at five won reelection with room to spare, voters sent a years.

The most brutal act of social policy since the Great Depression was passed by New York senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

In its first decade, the law did not allow the horrors predicted by its critics or the financial institutions to engage in all three of the services promised by its advocates.

The financial meltdown of 2008 made it necessary for single mothers to seek employment.

With other welfare recipients, American Indian mothers had to overcome the difficulties of obtaining job training and child care so they could find employment.

Indian women were not given enough jobs on reservations because they had strong family, cultural and religious ties.

An independent prosecutor said there was insufficient evidence to impeach the president for illegalities related to the Whitewater Clinton's magnetic and articulate style.

More than 60 percent of Americans gave Clinton high marks on his job ate, and the nation's economic resurgence enabled performance throughout the scandal, but it distracted the self-proclaimed "comeback kid" to survive.

Clinton's ability to weather the impeachment was due to a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a state employee.

Clinton denied that he was responsible for the thriving first, but the economy and his policies contributed to the later boom.

Starr prepared a case for the House in exchange for the Federal Reserve Board and bond of Representatives, which in December 1998 market traders lowered interest rates, and voted to impeach the president on two counts.

After Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House, businesses lowered their costs and prospered.

Lying to a grand jury, even over use of information technology, which increased a private matter, was a serious offense, and this persistence president must set a high moral standard for the of inequality.

The ber of senators did not believe that Clinton's movement of manufacturing jobs abroad constituted high crimes and misde ished opportunities for the less skilled.

With a two-thirds majority needed for that decline of unions hurt lower-skilled workers, the Senate voted 45 to 55 on the perjury cuts, which favored the better-off, and 50 to 50 on the obstruction of justice minimum wage failed to keep up with inflation.

Although more minorities than ever attained seemed to agree with a Clinton supporter that middle-class status, in general people of color, remained lowest on the economic ladder.

In 1991, President George H. W. Bush declared that income increased for most of the post-World War I period.

The income of the richest 20 percent of the population grew as the United States became the sole superpower.

Defining guiding principles for deciding when and how to use the nation's military and diplomatic power in a post-Cold War world was a challenge for policymakers.

The United States mission to turn into "nation building" was allowed by President Clinton in 1993 in order to establish a stable government.

After Americans saw America's economic success in the 1990s, there was a film about people dragging a soldier's corpse through the world economy.

President Clinton tried to make most citizens unwilling to sacrifice their lives in order to shape the tremendous transformation occurring when no vital interest seemed threatened.

The central African nation of Rwanda was massacred in a civil war between Reagan and Bush.

The Gulf Size: 11p x 21p of Palestinian refugees; and the presence of more War with the support of an international force than 2 Events in Israel since 1989.

Ethnic Albanians seeking to escape the Serbian province of Kosovo into and Palestinians strengthened anti-American Macedonia were among hundreds of thousands of victims of the ethnic violence sentiment among Arabs, who saw the United that devastated Yugoslavia after the cold war ended.

Western nations took control of foreign territories and restricted manufacturing in that era.

New communications technologies such as the Internet and cell phones connected nations, corporations, and individuals at much greater speed were some of the distinguishing marks of the more recent globalization.

The world's industrial core, and nations, dominated by the United States, were the focus of Globalization controversies.

In 2005, George the developing nations on the periphery, whose W. Bush was the successor to Clinton, lowered more trade barriers with the cheap labor and low environmental standards of the Central American-Dominican.

Even the poor countries had access to the Internet by 2000, and a majority of Americans went online at home or at work.

In the 1980s and 1990s, American corporations ended their stay in Puerto Rico for eight more employees in order to increase productivity in the United States.

The number of U.S. jobs workers that were lost to foreign Nike was one of the first companies directly to do so.

It is difficult for autoworker to exploit the advantages of produc lost to foreign workers.

The tele beneficiary of rocky's outsourcing of shoes in 1996 was a temporary churned out seventy million pairs experts in bangalore.

Charles Seitz lost his job when his company moved its operations to India after receiving online tutoring from an employer.

He found work at rocky's and mexico, and the firm executive pointed to the power foreign investment had over Americans who were poor.

The International Monetary Fund and officials from the World Bank argued that everyone would benefit from globalization.

Nissan opened a plant in Tennessee in 1983 to move production closer to its market in Japan.

The average monthly wage for American workers in South Korea, where Nike had been contracting out its 10 percent of those in manufactur production, was more than $800, but less than in Vietnam.

In the United States, where Nike is based, the company faced protests and boycotts over working conditions in foreign plants, but they still got their paychecks.

Globalization was associated with South Carolina as non-union workers began to produce Hondas and BMWs in the state.

The paychecks of four million American workers came from other countries, but the United States owned companies.

As the United States experienced Cambodians after the Vietnam War, globalization was transforming not just the economy but American society as well.

The ability of the earlier immigrants was strained by accepting low pay and social services were eroded by the 1980s.

The racial and ethnic composition of the country illegally has changed due to immigration hostility.

The limit of 270,000 immigrants allowed close ing America to an international, interracial family of U.S. citizens.

Family migration chains were created by the large numbers of immigrants who flocked ceiling.

Foreigners were able to learn about the nation bars, and Vietnamese restaurants formed relationships with citizens.

During the Cold War, U.S. immigration policy companies added Spanish-language stations, and the international sport of soccer soared in popularity, welcoming more than one million Cubans.

Tiger Woods called himself and Afghanistan a "Cablinasian" despite huge costs, and Bush confronted serious foreign and of Caucasian, black, American Indian, and domestic crises in his second term.

They took the lowest-paying jobs, constituting nearly half of all farmworkers, and performing other work that employers insisted native-born Americans wouldn't do after Clinton's presidency ended.

A significant number of immigrants economy and public opinion polls indicated that they were highly skilled workers, sought after by a majority of Americans.

The second time that a son of a former president had a strong economy, many predicted that Gore would win the White House.

The younger Bush pushed an agenda that was closer to Ronald votes.

Key legislation to improve public school would be decided by 25 electoral college votes in Florida.

An automatic recount of elderly citizens was triggered by Bush's tiny margin education and to subsidize prescription drugs in Florida.

He was able to get the votes of 537 Congress to pass huge tax cuts for the people of that state.

The substantial budget Gore votes un recorded were turned by the tax cuts, Democratic counties where machine errors and spending on new international and confusing ballots may have left thousands of domestic crises.

The crisis of the nation's history and the financial outcome of the 2000 election sent cases all the way to the Supreme economy into a recession, as the deficit in the nation's history and the financial outcome of the 2000 election hung in the balance.

The Bush administration launched a war in Afghanistan in December 2000 after the Court ruled that Gore was the primary threat to U.S. security.

The presi in 2001 gave the federal government the power to investigate and detain individuals, for the first time since 1888.

George W. set out to cautious approach to foreign policy despite the lack of a distinct contrast to his father's mandate.

While attorneys for George W. Bush and Al Gore pursued lawsuits over the counting of bal ots in Florida, partisan supporters took to the streets.

The day before the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Bush, backers of both sides stood outside.

Bush had promised a diversity to the executive branch when he made his appointments.

Colin Powell, a born-again Christian, African American and secretary of state, immediately established the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and Condoleezza Rice was the national Secuirty of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

China and other foreign investors hold more than half of the debt, which makes it difficult to finance the new standards.

Since 1965, the administration has opened millions of wilderness advance in health care coverage for America's acres to mining, oil, and timber industries and seniors.

While environmentalists pushed for measures coverage, subsidized private insurers with federal to limit American energy consumption, the admin funds to compete with Medicare, banned imports, and prohibited the govern resources.

The Energy Policy Act was a compromise bill that worried legislators of both parties.

80 percent of the elderly signed up for the power and alternative sources of energy because of the subsidies.

When gas prices went up even more in 2008 and Bush was in office, medical costs continued to seek to lift restrictions on offshore drilling for oil, and the number of uninsured Americans Congress blocked the president's efforts, and it surpassed.

John Roberts served in the Reagan and George H. W. Bush hundred deaths.

When New Orleans's levees broke, flooding 80 then replaced the moderate Sandra Day O'Connor percent of the city, Bush shook a deeply root assump with Samuel A. Alito, a conservative who won confirmation by a narrow margin.

The story of children at the convention center and Superdome, where being shuffled through the system, was told to them by the law.

Nineteen terrorists hijacked four planes and flew two of them into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., in the most deadly attack on American soil.

The attacks reflected Islamic extremists' rage at the spread of Western goods, culture, and values into the Muslim world, as well as their opposition to the 1991 Persian Gulf War against Iraq.

Bin Laden wanted to install puritanical Muslim control in the Middle East.

The 9/11 terrorists ranged from poor to middle-class, and some lived in Middle Eastern homelands that were ruled by corrupt and undemocratic governments.

The residents of the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, who are poor and live in a city that has been ravaged by hurricanes before, asked for help after the September 11 attacks.

On October 11, the United States and Britain began bombing Afghanistan, and American special forces aided the Northern Alliance, the Taliban government's main opposition.

The response of the U.S. Coast Taliban government was destroyed, but bin Laden Guard and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife capture, continuing to direct Al Qaeda forces and Fisheries, could not make up for the feeling throughout the world.

The disaster highlighted the lack of physical security and stability in large parts of the county, as well as the fact that the poor and strong were the hardest hit.

Middle Eastern or practicing Islam was likely to arouse suspicion in the country because of the revived anti-immigration sentiment.

The 9/11 attacks made Americans feel more vulnerable than they had been since the end of the Cold War.

It was made from a photograph taken just hours after the attack, when three firefighters raised an American flag on the ruins.

Many criminal investigators and people with no connection to terrorism spent months on foreign threats.

Until he met resistance from the courts and concepts of deterrence, his authority as commander in chief on containment was stretched.

Terrorist enemy was established in 2001 by the administration to try and destroy and target innocents, captured in Afghanistan and taken to the U.S.

The United States had the right to openly critical of the administration for wiretap start a war was at odds with international law, according to congressional leaders.

The Bush administration moved the greatest reorganization of the executive branch to apply the doctrine of preemption to Iraq.

The Bush administration made claims that Hussein had links to Al Qaeda and had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The UN inspectors preferred to give about the treatment of military prisoners instead of withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol on major nations, which included France, Germany, global warming and violating international rules.

The 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty was scrapped by the United States and Britain after they invaded Iraq.

Five years after the invasion, Iraqis had less electricity and a majority of them didn't have access to clean water.

Remnants of the former Hussein regime, religious extremists, and hundreds of foreign terrorists are attacking the American forces in Iraq.

John Kerry criticized Bush's foreign policy and the conduct of the war.

A slim majority of voters believed that Bush would be better at protecting American security than Kerry.

In the electoral college, the president won 50.7 percent of the popular vote to Kerry's 48.3%, and carried Republican majorities into Congress.

Iraqis were determined to regain control of Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds.

The first Bush administration resisted making civilian casualties reach tens of thousands, the nation "an occupying power in a bitterly hos public opinion polls in the United States found tile land."

The president's father, George H. W. Bush, was criticized for his son's refusal to invade Iraq at the end of the 1991 Gulf War.

They didn't nominate John McCain, a Vietnam War hero who found the weapons of mass destruction or the senator from Arizona who chose Osama bin Laden as his running mate.

She was the second woman to run for vice president in the chaos caused by the invasion.

For fundamentalists to first time, an African American and a woman went to the Democratic Party when a thousand terrorists entered Iraq.

The world reached its highest point in history when he settled in Chicago.

At the age of forty to Iraq from other national security challenges, seven, Obama won the Democratic nomination including the stabilization of Afghanistan, the elimination of bin Laden and Al Qaeda, and the egy based on grassroots and Internet organizing threats posed by North Korea.

He won 53 percent of the popular vote in 2006 and the Democrats took control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1994.

When other nations in dealing with Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, Donald Rumsfeld and the Obama administration showed more willingness to work with nodding to both conservatives and liberals.

The administration began a troop surge in Iraq despite opposition from Democrats in Congress.

The Bush administration's $700 million loan to Afghanistan was passed by Congress with a promise that the Troubled Assets Relief Program would begin to inject credit into the economy in 2011.

His most significant domestic achievement was the passage of a health care reform bill.

It provided subsidies, forced larger businesses to offer coverage, imposed new regulations on insurance companies to protect their customers, and contained provisions to limit health care costs.

The law represented the largest expansion of government since the Great Society because liberals failed to get a public option to compete with private insurance plans.

In foreign affairs, Obama reached out to Muslim nations and worked to contain the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The outgoing president, George W. Bush, was often depicted as a simian or monkeylike creature.

The challenge of machine was faced by the political cartoonists who drew "The Clinton dressed as dorothy, holds a pail of barack obama faced the challenge of high tone rhetoric."

After obama had won a series of and a funny name, what does this cartoon imply about Clinton's chances of capturing the primary contests?

Clinton and obama began an effective partnership when obama selected Clinton for the position of secretary of state in November 2008, despite being portrayed as bitter enemies throughout the primaries.

Colin Powell referred to the role of government at home after more than two hundred years after the birth of Nor.

Since World best left to private enterprise, families, churches, War II, the government should shoulder the burden.

Bush worked to improve international most industrialized democracies, the United relationships, and Obama promised a new States had relied on private rather than public approach in American relations with the world.

He has forbidden his governors to pass laws until his assent is obtained, and he has neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other laws for the accom necessary for one person to take over the political power of large districts of people, unless those bands which have connected them with another, give up their right of representation in and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the legislature.

He wants legislative bodies at places that respect the opinions of mankind to declare the causes of their public records for the sole purpose of separation.

He tried to prevent the population of such principles, and organizing its powers in such States, so that they wouldn't be able to pass others safety and happiness.

When a long train of for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and abuses and usurpations, they always pursue the same payment of their salaries.

The patient suf has kept among us, in times of peace, standing ferance of these colonies, and now the necessity armies, without the consent of our legislature.

He has combined with others to subject us to a usurpations, all having, in direct object, the establish jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowl ment of an absolute tyranny over these States.

For taking away our charters, abolishing our most with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine valuable laws, and altering, fundamentally, the pow Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, ers of our governments: our fortunes, and our sacred honor.

The prince is marked by William Floyd Thomas Heyward, Jr.

Resolved, that copies of the Declaration should be sent to the officers of the continental troops in the United States, at the head or council of safety, and to the several commanding of the army.

If a person from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, or North Carolina is charged with treason, felony, or other high crimes, they will flee from that state.

The best way to secure and perpetuate mutual friend is to get any salary, fees, or ship or intercourse among the people of the differ emolument of any kind.

The court shall proceed to pronounce states, an account of the sums of money so borrowed sentence or judgment, which shall, in like manner, be or emitted, to build and equip a navy.

The United States, in Congress assembled, will have the sole and exclusive right and power of to the place appointed and within the time agreed on regulating the alloy and value of coin struck by their.

She criticized the policy innovations and turmoil of the 1960s, adding new issues to the conservative agenda and cultivating a grassroots movement that would redefine the Republican Party and American politics into the twenty-first century.

She earned a master's degree in government from Radcliffe College in 1945 and went to work at the American Enterprise Institute.

She returned to the Midwest and married an attorney who shared her anticommunism and antigovernment passions.

She claimed that she would rather scrub bathroom floors than write political articles because she doesn't think taking care of a baby is as fun.

In the 1950s and 1960s, Schlafly called for a more powerful military, a less active government, and stronger efforts to combat communism at home and abroad.

Many Americans were fed up with the expansion of government, the Supreme Court decisions, the protest movements, the challenges to authority, and the loosened moral standards that seemed to define the 1960s.

In Richard Nixon's victories in 1968 and 1972 and in the presidency of Jimmy Carter, whose policies stood to the right of his Democratic predecessors, the votes of those Americans began to shape politics.

Domestic and foreign crises can be solved by Ford and Carter.

Reagan addressed the hopes of traditional conservatives by cutting taxes and government regulations, attacking social programs, expanding the nation's military capacity, and pressuring the Soviet Union and communism in the third world.

Reagan's optimism and spirited leadership contributed to a revival of national pride and confidence.

In California, Nixon acquiesced in servatives and helped Ronald Reagan continue most Great Society programs and defeat the incumbent liberal even approved pathbreaking environmental and women's rights measures.

The Watts riot and some of Brown's actions signaled the country's rightward move.

Student rebel words invoked individualism and reliance on lion, and black demands for justice.

A new Sun Belt characteristics made it especially strong in places such as Orange County, California, that focused on anticommunism, as these preferences grew stronger in the limited to the West and South.

Defense and a limited federal role in predominantly white areas were relatively affairs.

Even though it was not consistent with scandal, the tradition power and efforts to cover up crimes continued with the growing conservative move by subordinates, which forced the first presidential resignation of the Sun Belt's economic dependence on defense in history.

The aftermath of Watergate and severe water and power for the burgeoning population economic problems brought back the White and its economy.

The South, which benefited from military, shared the West's Democratic administration that followed.

The most intense 1974 provoked even greater contro children out here in semi-rural commu political battles of the 1970s and versy.

The new sexual permissiveness that emerged in the 1960s aroused what their children should be taught about African Americans and antitextbook forces.

Sex education and new textbooks were made fun of by the introduction of other minority groups and some of the materials.

In June 1974, at a meeting opponents to keep their children Kanawha County encompassed the before an emotional crowd of more home when school opened in state capital of Charleston as well as a thousand.

A native of Mississippi and her husband went out on a sympathy strike to prevent the adoption of the curriculum.

She won a seat on the John Birch Society, a five-person school board in 1970, after protesting what she saw as disrespect for authority, as well as representatives from the heritage minded citizens.

In the 1970s, grassroots protests against ing in the sex education curriculum grew alongside concerns about morality.

In 1978 Californians revolted in a popular referendum to restore "traditional values" after seeing obscenity and abortion.

The war in Kanawha County was not equaled by the conflicts over public school curriculum.

A newspaper called rights policies, wooing white southerners and a "primal scream by the People against Big considerable number of northern voters away Government" spread to similar antitax crusades from the Democratic Party.

The initiative campaign launched by conservative ing of integration, especially after the creation activist Howard Jarvis, became more accepted after neighbors gather on the lawn of a Los Angeles homeowner.

The antitax of magnet schools and other new mechanisms movement was supported by many homeowners because of rising land values and new assessments.

Tax revolts spread across the nation after the passage of Prop 13 by a large majority.

Thirty-seven states cut property taxes and twenty-eight reduced public schools by the year 1987.

He criticized the Supreme court orders to achieve high degrees of integration in southern schools, but it was "unprecedentedly politit resisted efforts to deal with seg ically active".

Although the war in Vietnam in the South began to realize that the continued antiwar protests diminished with the future for Democratic candidates had darkened decrease in American ground forces and casual there.

Inflation and unemployment were checked in seven southern states by Nixon's economic initiatives.

Republicans por powers, often called the "imperial presidency," trayed him as a left-wing Extremist and weakened the traditional checks and balances support for busing, a generous welfare program, on the executive branch and opened the door to and immediate withdrawal from Vietnam alien abuses.

Although the Democrats were in control of Congress, Nixon was able to get the CIA to keep the Catholics, urbanites, and blue-collar workers.

After investigations by a grand jury and his triumph, the president had little time to celebrate, as revelations began to emerge that White House aides had committed crimes to ensure the victory.

In May, five men working for Nixon's reelection campaign authorized the appointment of an independent to investigate the Watergate scandal.

Roosevelt installed the first recording apparatus in the White House in 1940, but Nixon was the first president to use a voice activated system.

Three days after the Watergate break-in, an eighteen-and-a-half-minute gap appeared in a conversation between Nixon and his chief of staff, H.R.

Rose Mary Woods, Nixon's secretary, said that her foot slipped on the controls while she was typing the tape.

In March 1973, sensational revelations exploded to aides: "I don't give a shit what in testimony before the Senate investigating com happens."

Nixon refused to admit guilt even though tapes of his conversations indicated that he had abused his power and lied.

The loyalist known for his integrity, humility, and carried these burdens into the election campaign dedication to public office moved.

Nixon's foreign policy of detente with Ford caused the cession as president.

Carter prided country beyond Watergate, this sweeping pardon himself on his knowledge of policy issues, but saved Nixon from nearly certain indictment and people responded most to his promise of honesty trial, and it provoked a tremendous outcry from and decency in government.

Thirty of Carter's associates pleaded guilty to or were convicted of crimes related to Watergate and had considerable appeal.

Ford's failure to solve abuses revealed in the Watergate investigations helped the Congress's efforts to guard against the types.

Even though Carter received the Middle East, the economy plummeted, just 50 percent of the popular vote costing him a second term.

He was the first African American ambassador to the United Nations and included the first two black women in his cabinet.

Congress did not make King's birthday a national holiday until 1983, after Carter had pushed for it.

Democrats complained of inadequate consultation, Carter's tendency to flood them with health insurance, and a substantial jobs program without a strategy to get that would make government the employer of them.

His refusal to propose simple solutions to the American people, who were impatient for quick action against the Democratic Party objective, led to a bitter split that was squeezing their pocketbooks.

Corporations and wealthy indi stagflation had a negative effect on the economy with both inflation and high unemployment.

Carter's public service jobs programs and tax proposals to deregulate airlines in 1978 were acted on by Congress.

Ronald Reagan, Carter's successor, would nalist, "winced and ached" as their paychecks moved much further, implementing conservatives' bought less and less, "hollowing their hopes and attachment to a free market and unfettered pri dreams, their plans for a house or their Iran held Americans hostage in Teheran in 1980, while the Outdoor Advertising Association of America sponsored this bil board.

The shortages and high prices were caused by the Iranian revolution, pictured on the bil board.

Complicating the government's efforts to deal with Congress was the nation's enormous con conserve oil by taxing it at the wellhead and thus increasing its cost to consumers.

Carter proposed a comprehensive foreign oil as well as the United States, but they program to conserve energy, and he elevated its more successfully controlled consumption.

Congress picked tion and manufacturers to produce Carter's program apart because of the competing demands of people to rely more on public transport.

A new upheaval in the Middle East in 1979 created the most severe oil production energy crisis of all time.

Nuclear energy caused frustrated drivers to wait in long lines and paid opposition to a vigorous environmental move because of high gas prices.

Activists warned of radiation leaking and the dangers of radioac abundance to a time of growing scarcity in energy, which Carter told the nation, asking for additional mea.

Data produced by geologists and engineers allow experts to estimate the size of "proved oil reserves," quantities that are recovered with existing technology and prices.

Large portions of the U.S. reserves are located in the Gulf of Mexico, where it is expensive to drill and where operations can be disrupted by hurricanes.

The chemical company was held up by popular opposition and highly toxic waste products from a nearby expense of building nuclear power plants.

The explosion who led a national movement against toxic waste explained how women became environmentalists.

In 1977 the Carter administration sponsored a treaty with Panama to provide for the relocation of families who had been living in New York.

The treaty was seen by supporters as a way to clean up hazardous waste, but the chemical industry used the power of the U.S. to their advantage.

Ronald Reagan claimed that he signed bills to improve clean air, it was ours.

His predecessors' withdrawal from the Sinai Peninsula, which violated the nation's principles, was the reason for the Six-Day War.

Carter sacrificed human rights accommodation with the nation's Cold War ideals to strategic and security considerations.

He signed a second strategic arms ernments in Iran, South Korea, and the Philippines and established formal diplomatic relations with them.

Carter followed relations with the People's Republic of China in up on another Nixon initiative, even though it was blatantly endorsed by the government.

As the United States stepped up aid to the mili, his human rights policy fell by the wayside, restoring the shah to power.

On November 4, 1979 a crowd broke into the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan and the CIA funneled secret aid to the Afghan rebels.

The hard-line captors' demands that the shah be returned to approach were encouraged by Refusing the Events in Iran.

Carter froze Iranian assets in the U.S. because U.S. arms and aid did not allow Iran for trial.

From November 4, 1979 to January 20, 1981 Americans saw TV images of the hostages taken by Iranian militant when they occupied the U.S. Embassy in Teheran.

The election of Ronald Reagan in 1980 marked militaristic foreign policy.

Relations with the United States remained tense in the 1980s, even though the Republicans assumed that initiative after he left office.

Reagan's victory in the 1980 election attracted many evangelical Christians who had supported Jimmy Carter in 1976.

The politics of Reagan's father, who was a democrat, embraced the conservative Christian but moved to the right in the 1940s and 1950s, but it was Goldwater who stole the show in 1964.

Economic ran as a conservative, but in office he displayed expansion, which took off after 1983, helped the considerable flexibility, approving a major tax middle class and brought great wealth to some, increase, a strong water pollution bill, and a but the percentage of poor Americans increased, liberal abortion law.

Although the Reagan era did not see a policy revolution like the New Deal did, it did not mean the end of social security.

The concerns of the right wing of the Republican Party were reflected in his nomination and platform.

Reagan promised to take government off the backs, but he actually delivered more to the people.

Fifty-one percent of such issues as abortion and school prayer, but voters responded favorably to Reagan's upbeat he did not push hard for so-called moral or social message, while Carter won 41 percent and 7 policies.

The control of the Senate was strengthened for the first time since the nation's anti-Communist posture in the 1950s by Republicans.

Even when he made glaring mistakes, the president was liked by Americans who opposed his anti-Communists, fundamentalist Christians, policies and even free market advocates.

His tives constituted a declaration that it was "morning in America" as a new phenomenon in politics known as a promise that the best was yet to come.

He preached to huge television audiences, attacking tremendous popularity, and called for serious charges of executive branch malfeasance for the restoration of old-fashioned family in his second term.

People work harder because they can clinical psychologist with a popular Christian keep more of their earnings.

Business expansion talk show founded by the Family Research Council would increase the production of goods and services in 1983 to lobby Congress for measures to curb the supply, which in turn would increase demand.

The government incurred a galloping ernment at home and militant anticommunism deficit because of the instruments of more tradi so much.

The 1986 law narrowed loopholes profits and their depositors enjoyed high inter used by the wealthy.

Hundreds of S&Ls went bankrupt when real estate values began to save more on their tax bills than they did.

Congress voted to bail out the S&L industry after age taxpayers and the distribution of wealth.

The funds for food stamps, job training, and student from government were cut because of Reagan's efforts to free private enterprise.

Carter restricted aid, and other social welfare programs, as well as deregulation to certain industries, which resulted in thousands of people losing benefits.

Increased defense spending far exceeded the health, safety, and environmental regulations.

The nation's debt tripled to $2.3 trillion, the Sherman Antitrust Act consumed one-seventh of limited monopolies against an unprecedented all federal expenditures, and it declined to enforce Reagan.

Reagan made concessions that management insisted were necessary for industry's survival because federal workers undermined organized labor.

Carter's vice president, Walter F. Mondale, targeted them for deregulation because they nominated for sluggish economic growth.

"We will in choosing a woman as his running mate -- New mine more, drill more, cut more timber," declared James Watt, his first secretary.

The head of the Environmental Reagan charged his opponents with relaxing enforcement of air on America's failures, while emphasizing success and water pollution standards.

"I don't think they'll America where every day is April 15th, the dead be happy until the White House looks like a line for income tax returns," Reagan said.

Notable exceptions included Steven Jobs, vision and the economic comeback, giving him a who invented the Apple computer in his garage, and a victory with 59 percent of the popular Bill Gates, who transformed the software indus vote and every state but Minnesota.

Liz Claiborne, who created a billion Republican charges that the Democratic Party dollar fashion enterprise.

Many others were captive to special interests such as labor, money, and some Democratic leaders, corporations through mergers and takeovers.

To include the young Arkansas governor, Bill Clinton, say these guys are entrepreneurs is like saying urged the party to shift more toward the right.

Increasing international making money and displaying wealth was faced by older industries.

The press described lavish million-dollar parties and German and Japanese corporations overtook the U.S. as Americans bought more Volkswagens and Hondas.

The new afflu and jobs abroad to be closer to foreign markets were participated in by members of the baby boom generation, who were able to benefit from the low wages in countries such as Mexico and Korea.

When David Ramos was laid off from his job at a steel plant in 1982, he lost his cars, health clubs, and expensive vacations.

Though definitely a minority, wages fell to $5 an hour as a security guard and his family relied on food stamps.

The poverty level for a family of four in 1990 was $12,195, and millions of full-time workers were able to afford larger houses with new products like VCRs and microwaves.

The workers are removing the company's name from the Denver-based Silverado Banking, Savings and Loan Association, which collapsed in 1988, along with many other socal ed "thrifts" that had speculated in risky loans for commercial real estate development.

Bush was found to have engaged in conflicts of interest, but he was not indicted on criminal charges.

The view of the 1980s as a decade of prosperity was challenged by the increased presence of homeless people.

A homeless man sleeps in Lafayette Square across from the White House during the first snowfall of the season in 1987.

The economic boom had bypassed the racial home of other groups of women with young children.

During clearance, average personal income did rise, as well as Vietnam veterans and his tenure, but the trend toward greater economic individuals suffering from mental illness, drug inequality, and alcoholism had begun in the 1970s.

The rise of conservatism put liberal social move women, the aged, and the disabled, along with ments on the defensive, as the Reagan admin's allies.

The basis of race, color, national origin, sex, and age were all protected by feminists and minor organization that practiced discrimination on ity groups.

Ronald Reagan agreed with conservatives that the Senate had moved too far in denying Robert Bork's confirmation.

Conservatives argued that the construction of the affirmative action unfairly hurt whites.

When some African Americans wanted to protect their rights, they filed a lawsuit against the authors of the Constitution.

The full impact of less seniority was admitted to a training after he applied to the Reagan program.

Weber and other critics called for "color-blind" policies, ignoring the death penalty.

When the time limit for putting the brakes on civil rights enforcement ran out in 1982, conservatives were appointed to the Justice Department and the Civil Rights Commission and their budgets were slashed.

The Supreme Court was persuaded to weaken for the silver lining after Ratified the ERA.

Anti-eRA tution guaranteed that while opposition never topped rhetoric, they also appealed to some quality of rights under the law 31 percent.

The duty of men to assent to the amendment would be eliminated after two years.

The controversy it organized and passionate opposition servative leaders skillfully mobilized sparked revealed profound differ linked to the growing conservative women who saw their traditional ences in beliefs and values among forces in the 1970s.

The major women's groups made the raised fears come true by suggesting extrava lature wearing signs that pleaded, eRA, a key objective.

The Supreme Court had Rights Amendment, which banned sex discrimination in states in the fight over employment, education, and other areas.

Thousands of women were mobilized across the political spectrum to participate in the public arena for the first time.

Fourteen states passed their own equal rights amendments after 1970.

There was a decline in the number of women and minorities in high-level pay equity, rape, and domestic violence at the state level.

The gay and lesbian Reagan's cuts in social programs hurt women the most.

In 1989, the Court upheld a Missouri law that prohibited public employees from performing abortions not necessary to save the life of the woman, banned the use of public buildings for providing abortions, and required physicians to perform viability tests on the fetus in pregnancies beyond the twentieth week.

Initially the disease disproportionately affected male homosexuals in the United States, and their visibility increased aware affected, which in turn led to homosexuality activists being mobilized to promote public funding among the larger population.

Reagan's efforts to help over York City were blocked by half a million people in the New Congress.

Dozens of cities banned job discrimination against homosexuals, and eleven states made sexual orientation a protected class under civil rights laws.

In the first drive for recognition of gay rights, challenged expenditures shot up by one-third.

Defense spending averaged $216 billion symbols of national immorality and succeeded a year, up from $158 billion in the Carter years in overturning some homosexual rights measures, and higher than in the Vietnam era.

After the Court doubted its feasibility, more than a dozen deploy lasers in space to destroy enemy mis states left homosexuals in the dark.

Ronald Reagan spent billions of dollars on research without a working system.

Reagan justified the military build up and an "Evil Empire" SDI as a means to negotiate with the Soviets from a position of strength, but he provoked an Campaigning for president in the wake of pleas to halt the arms race.

Reagan accused Carter of having weak weapons in New York City after a rally demanding a freeze on additional nuclear hostage crisis.

The Catholic Bishops issued a strong call for nuclear weapons.

Reagan presided over the most impressive military build up since the end of the Cold War.

Reagan had practiced militant anticommunism throughout the world, but in assisting the anti leftist movements in Asia, Africa, 1970s and 1980s Americans saw it escalate and send troops to the Middle East.

The first state to ban discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation was Wisconsin in 1982.

In the year 2010, twenty-one states and the district of Columbia banned employment discrimination against gays.

New York is a great city with a lot of gay people, but it still denies them basic things like employment and labor union.

Hezbollah is a terrorist organization that uses sanctuaries in Lebanon to launch attacks on Israel.

Reagan sent in troops to Lebanon in 1982 after Israel invaded the country to stop the Palestine Liberation keeping mission.

We are artists, business people, police officers, and clergymen, with a cloud of a heavy fine or even a jail sentence.

We are scientists, truck hanging over a mortgage lender, a rental agent, or a job drivers, and we work in every field.

The bill will not be used to proselytize in matters of sexual orientation or preference.

On October 23, 1983, members of Islamic Jihad, an antiIsrael, anti-Western terrorist group sponsored by Iran, demonstrated their hostility toward the U.S. troops stationed in Lebanon by exploding a car bomb outside the U.S. Marine compound near the Beirut airport and killing 241 Americans.

Colin Powell, assistant to the secretary of defense, approved the decision to withdraw from Lebanon because he believed that America was sticking its hand into a thousand-year-old hornet's nest in the Middle East.

Military personnel are looking for and removing bodies of their dead friends.

Marxists staged a coup in the administration of Nicaragua, a small island nation in the Caribbean.

The demonstrations for nuclear disarmament achieved through Swiss bank accounts were limited by the United States and the NicaraguanContras.

Congress had banned free enterprise and pro military aid for theContras.

Reagan and Gorbachev were pardoned by Bush after concerns about huge defense budgets conviction were overturned.

An independent prosecutor's final report found no economic revival in the Soviet Union.

With growing popular evidence that Reagan had broken the law, but port for arms reductions, along with a push from it concluded that he had known about the diver his wife, Nancy, Reagan made disarmament a sion of funds to theContras and had "knowingly major goal in his last Reagan's desire to provide for on-site inspection for the first end of the possibility of nuclear war and his flexibility made it eliminate all new Soviet-American accord.

The United States, Cuba, and the Soviet Union have agreed that the economy cannot deliver basic consumer on a political settlement of the civil war in the goods.

The warmth that developed between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at their first meeting was captured in this photograph.

The two men spent a lot more time in private meetings than had been scheduled.

They began to trust each other and build a relationship that would lead to nuclear arms reductions and the end of the Cold War.

Since the Great would be history, the world has been defined by economic problems since the Cold War ended within three years.

Stagflation, slow economic growth, and an increasing trade deficit are all related to the depression.

Ronald Reagan boasted in his farewell address in 1989 that these policies contributed to a reversal of the income gap between the rich and poor.

Many Americans continued ated the change, but his administration did mark to support specific federal programs, especially the slowdown or reversal of expanding federal those, such as Social Security and Medicare, that budgets for domestic programs and regulations reached beyond the poor, but public sentiment that had taken off in the 1930 He didn't deliver on the social or moral issues that were dear to him from the Roosevelt era.

Reagan used his skills as ineffectual at solving national problems as he represented the government as a helpful and problem-solving entity, instead of seeing the heart of the New Right.

The maritime industry was changed by containerized shipping at the end of the twentieth century.

The use of truck-size boxes to move goods without loading and unloading individual items began in the 1950s and became the norm by the 1980s.

The container box's efficiency and cost-effectiveness stimulated industrial development around the world and gave Americans access to an unheralded array of cheap consumer goods.

Some Americans were worried about mass destruction being concealed in con tainer boxes after the 9/11 attacks.

He joined the army's Reserve Officers Training Corps program, which was the defining experience of his college years.

Powell went on to serve as a four-star general in the military and public service after graduating.

George W. Bush faced a divided Congress when he was in the White House.

New rights for people with disabilities and tighter environmental protections were approved by the first Bush administration.

As capital, products, information, and people crossed national boundaries in greater numbers and at greater speed, a surge of immigration rivaled the stream of a century earlier that brought Powell's parents to the United States.

The unpopularity of that war helped the Democrats regain power and elected Barack Obama as the first African American president.

Bush proposed few domestic initiatives after the Exxon tanker oil spill in 1989 that ruined eight and faced a Democratic-controlled Congress.

Since World War II, some forty million foreign policy have been benefited.

The son of a wealthy New England senator, on disability politics, noticed a breeze stirring George Herbert Walker Bush fought in World over the White House lawn at the signing of the War II, earned a Yale degree, and then settled bill.

She said that it was like a new breath in Texas to make his own way in the oil industry of air.

Bush adjusted his more moderate policy in order to satisfy conservatives who were commanding lead in the 1980 presidential race.

His most famous campaign pledge position was "Read my lips: No new taxes" and he was second place on the Republican opposed most proposals requiring additional ticket.

Republicans rewarded Bush with the presidential ing of those lifting abortion restrictions after he vetoed thirty-six bills.

During the Reagan years, the working class, the poor, and women all started to vote, so states tried to come up with a plan to win the election.

A more centrist candidate passed bills to block corporate takeovers, Massachusetts governor Michael establish parental leave policies, and won the nomination.

Title II of the AdA was violated in 2001 when I allowed what I wanted in life to be.

In 1999, California's deficit was boosted by rising costs and passed a gun control bill with harsher Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, and spending restrictions on assault weapons than reformers.

In 1990 the Reagan administration impelled the president nominee, federal appeals court judge David Souter, to abandon his "no new taxes" pledge.

The new law, which African American on the Court, Justice Thurgood Bush depended on Democrats to pass, authorized Marshall, retired, Bush set off a national con modest tax increases for high-income Americans.

The same argument was used to deny civil rights to African Americans in the 1950s and 1960s, according to the executive director of the Tennessee disability Coalition.

Congress had the right to make federal laws binding on the states if they denied people with disabilities access to public facilities.

In 2004, the Supreme Court upheld her right to enforce ruling to the specific context presented by the ADA.

In 1992 a banner year for female candidates was made possible by charging that Thomas would not rected their anger to electoral politics.

The Senate voted narrowly to confirm abroad than for Bush's domestic policy, despite Hill's testimony.

Bush addressed an issue central to conservative politics when he ran for president.

Scott Stantis likened Bush to a child who had a nose that grew when he lied.

After Noriega was indicted, the Soviet Union voted for a UN resolution and the President Bush ordered an embargo on Iraqi oil.

The United States forces quickly overcame Noriega's troops, sustain had deployed more than 400,000 soldiers to Saudi Arabia, and hundreds of Panamanians, Arabia, joined by 265,000 troops from some two including many civilians, died.

Bush asked Congress to approve war in 1991, even though Iraqi forces are still in Kuwait.

The Iran-Iraq war began in 1980 and the crisis to the failure of U.S. energy conserva ended in 1988.

The war border was authorized by Congress after the invasion neared the Saudi Arabian.

The U.S. response to Desert Storm was driven by long-standing interests in oil and power plants in the Middle East.

Middle Eastern nations joined the First Proof against Iraq and the Arab Align map supported the war as a means to liberate Kuwait.

Arabs accused the United States of allowing Israel to deny Palestinians land and liberty after 1999.

The loss of 58,000 American lives in Vietnam, 270 out of Kuwait and to Middle Eastern leaders' U.S. service members in Desert Storm was less than the mission to drive Iraqi forces.

Berliner exclaimed, "This soldier arriving in Saudi Arabia in September 1990 was part of the massive military."

More than 33,000 women were not allowed to climb the Berlin Wall and eleven died and two were held as prisoners.

Piloting planes and helicopters, directing artil ery, and fighting fires were some of the duties that were performed by them.

Richard East and West Germany was Cheney's secretary of defense and he doubted that coalition forces could finish in 1990.

The price of a long occupation too lined up to join NATO was considered by Hungary and Poland as a stable government replaced Hussein.

Hussein's pledges not to rearm or Europe no longer depended on the United States to develop weapons of mass destruction were counted on by administration officials.

Middle Eastern stability remained elusive because of Europe's destiny.

After the fall of Eastern Europe, Saddam Hussein remained in power and the Soviet Union sought to turn his war machine on Iraqi Kurds and Shiites.

Yeltsin, president of the Russian Republic, was encouraged by the United States to rebel.

Russia and eleven other UN weapons inspectors formed a new entity called the Commonwealth in 1998.

The Cold War helped to recruit Soviet Muslim extremists like Osama bin Laden.

The Berlin Wal was the main symbol of communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union after 1961.

The Gulf War victory cata Communist dictatorship, committed to develop pulted his approval rating to 88 percent, causing ing nuclear weapons.

In 1996, the UN General Assembly approved a total nuclear test ban treaty with Tennessee senator Albert Gore Jr. Bush's vulnerability to nuclear weapons posed an ongoing threat to voters' concerns about the ailing economy.

The popularity of a third candidate, the Clinton self-made Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot, revealed Administration's Americans' frustration with government and the major parties.

He extended benefits by casting nearly two-thirds of their votes against for the working poor; delivered incremental Bush, and voters suggested a mandate for change reforms to feminists, environmentalists, and but not the direction that change should take.

Clinton continued to support air pollution controls and more protection for him even after he was elected to a second term.

The minimum-wage increase that the Senate failed to include was the largest conviction of the president and it crippled the expansion of aid for college students.

The GI Bill allowed students to pay for Clinton's reforms of their education with community service.

In 1998, he used his cuts, tax increases, and declining unemployment, as well as executive authority to ease restrictions on abor, to produce a budget surplus.

Laura Tyson was the chair of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, Janet Reno was the attorney general, and Madeleine Albright was the ambassador to the United Nations.

Albright and Reno applaud Clinton's 1999 State of the Union address with other cabinet members.

Clinton failed to give univer three African Americans and two Latinos.

Liberals wanted a single similar cast, and in 1993 he named the second payer plan similar to Medicare, while conser woman to the Supreme Court, Ruth Bader vatives charged that the proposal would increase Ginsburg, whose arguments before she became taxes and government interference in medical an appeals court judge had The Supreme Court ruled on smaller reforms rights.

Clinton built conservatism and his own determination to move on the gradual progress of women and minorities his party to the center led him to make compro.

The 1994 election was claimed by Republicans as a man since Reconstruction and Florida as the first date for their "contract with America," a conser Latino.

Gingrich was able to move the debate to the right because of the opposition from Democrats and moderate Republicans.

grassroots armed militias were the most extreme form of antigovernment sentiment.

White Christian supremacy was celebrated and conservatives were hostile to the United Nations.

The militia movement grew in response to the passage of new gun control legislation and after government agents raided the headquarters of an armed religious cult in Texas, killing more than 80.

The worst terrorist attack in the nation's history took place on the second anniversary of that event, when a bomb leveled a federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 169 people.

Military personnel who said they were gay or engaged in homosexual behavior could not be asked about their sexuality.

The Defense of Marriage Act was signed by Clinton in 1996, prohibiting the fed from bombing the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

McVeigh was executed in half of the country's five hundred largest com 2001, and his co-conspirator, Terry Nichols, was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.

More than twenty-five states have banned discrimination in relation to inheritance, taxation, public employment, and many other laws and medical decisions.

The New Deal Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Iowa, program Aid to Families with Dependent Children Maine, New Hampshire, and the District of (AFDC), which most people called welfare, were all handled by him in the year 2010.

Poor mothers should be subsidized because so many of them are not working now that they have joined the labor force.

After being cut from the rolls, everyone thought work was better than welfare, but supporters of AFDC doubted that it was worth that much.

More than one-third of the economy could provide enough jobs for children living in families with decent wages.

Grants to the states were provided by The Dole, a World War II hero.

Although Clinton find a job, and it set a lifetime limit of aid at five won reelection with room to spare, voters sent a years.

The most brutal act of social policy since the Great Depression was passed by New York senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

In its first decade, the law did not allow the horrors predicted by its critics or the financial institutions to engage in all three of the services promised by its advocates.

The financial meltdown of 2008 made it necessary for single mothers to seek employment.

With other welfare recipients, American Indian mothers had to overcome the difficulties of obtaining job training and child care so they could find employment.

Indian women were not given enough jobs on reservations because they had strong family, cultural and religious ties.

An independent prosecutor said there was insufficient evidence to impeach the president for illegalities related to the Whitewater Clinton's magnetic and articulate style.

More than 60 percent of Americans gave Clinton high marks on his job ate, and the nation's economic resurgence enabled performance throughout the scandal, but it distracted the self-proclaimed "comeback kid" to survive.

Clinton's ability to weather the impeachment was due to a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a state employee.

Clinton denied that he was responsible for the thriving first, but the economy and his policies contributed to the later boom.

Starr prepared a case for the House in exchange for the Federal Reserve Board and bond of Representatives, which in December 1998 market traders lowered interest rates, and voted to impeach the president on two counts.

After Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House, businesses lowered their costs and prospered.

Lying to a grand jury, even over use of information technology, which increased a private matter, was a serious offense, and this persistence president must set a high moral standard for the of inequality.

The ber of senators did not believe that Clinton's movement of manufacturing jobs abroad constituted high crimes and misde ished opportunities for the less skilled.

With a two-thirds majority needed for that decline of unions hurt lower-skilled workers, the Senate voted 45 to 55 on the perjury cuts, which favored the better-off, and 50 to 50 on the obstruction of justice minimum wage failed to keep up with inflation.

Although more minorities than ever attained seemed to agree with a Clinton supporter that middle-class status, in general people of color, remained lowest on the economic ladder.

In 1991, President George H. W. Bush declared that income increased for most of the post-World War I period.

The income of the richest 20 percent of the population grew as the United States became the sole superpower.

Defining guiding principles for deciding when and how to use the nation's military and diplomatic power in a post-Cold War world was a challenge for policymakers.

The United States mission to turn into "nation building" was allowed by President Clinton in 1993 in order to establish a stable government.

After Americans saw America's economic success in the 1990s, there was a film about people dragging a soldier's corpse through the world economy.

President Clinton tried to make most citizens unwilling to sacrifice their lives in order to shape the tremendous transformation occurring when no vital interest seemed threatened.

The central African nation of Rwanda was massacred in a civil war between Reagan and Bush.

The Gulf Size: 11p x 21p of Palestinian refugees; and the presence of more War with the support of an international force than 2 Events in Israel since 1989.

Ethnic Albanians seeking to escape the Serbian province of Kosovo into and Palestinians strengthened anti-American Macedonia were among hundreds of thousands of victims of the ethnic violence sentiment among Arabs, who saw the United that devastated Yugoslavia after the cold war ended.

Western nations took control of foreign territories and restricted manufacturing in that era.

New communications technologies such as the Internet and cell phones connected nations, corporations, and individuals at much greater speed were some of the distinguishing marks of the more recent globalization.

The world's industrial core, and nations, dominated by the United States, were the focus of Globalization controversies.

In 2005, George the developing nations on the periphery, whose W. Bush was the successor to Clinton, lowered more trade barriers with the cheap labor and low environmental standards of the Central American-Dominican.

Even the poor countries had access to the Internet by 2000, and a majority of Americans went online at home or at work.

In the 1980s and 1990s, American corporations ended their stay in Puerto Rico for eight more employees in order to increase productivity in the United States.

The number of U.S. jobs workers that were lost to foreign Nike was one of the first companies directly to do so.

It is difficult for autoworker to exploit the advantages of produc lost to foreign workers.

The tele beneficiary of rocky's outsourcing of shoes in 1996 was a temporary churned out seventy million pairs experts in bangalore.

Charles Seitz lost his job when his company moved its operations to India after receiving online tutoring from an employer.

He found work at rocky's and mexico, and the firm executive pointed to the power foreign investment had over Americans who were poor.

The International Monetary Fund and officials from the World Bank argued that everyone would benefit from globalization.

Nissan opened a plant in Tennessee in 1983 to move production closer to its market in Japan.

The average monthly wage for American workers in South Korea, where Nike had been contracting out its 10 percent of those in manufactur production, was more than $800, but less than in Vietnam.

In the United States, where Nike is based, the company faced protests and boycotts over working conditions in foreign plants, but they still got their paychecks.

Globalization was associated with South Carolina as non-union workers began to produce Hondas and BMWs in the state.

The paychecks of four million American workers came from other countries, but the United States owned companies.

As the United States experienced Cambodians after the Vietnam War, globalization was transforming not just the economy but American society as well.

The ability of the earlier immigrants was strained by accepting low pay and social services were eroded by the 1980s.

The racial and ethnic composition of the country illegally has changed due to immigration hostility.

The limit of 270,000 immigrants allowed close ing America to an international, interracial family of U.S. citizens.

Family migration chains were created by the large numbers of immigrants who flocked ceiling.

Foreigners were able to learn about the nation bars, and Vietnamese restaurants formed relationships with citizens.

During the Cold War, U.S. immigration policy companies added Spanish-language stations, and the international sport of soccer soared in popularity, welcoming more than one million Cubans.

Tiger Woods called himself and Afghanistan a "Cablinasian" despite huge costs, and Bush confronted serious foreign and of Caucasian, black, American Indian, and domestic crises in his second term.

They took the lowest-paying jobs, constituting nearly half of all farmworkers, and performing other work that employers insisted native-born Americans wouldn't do after Clinton's presidency ended.

A significant number of immigrants economy and public opinion polls indicated that they were highly skilled workers, sought after by a majority of Americans.

The second time that a son of a former president had a strong economy, many predicted that Gore would win the White House.

The younger Bush pushed an agenda that was closer to Ronald votes.

Key legislation to improve public school would be decided by 25 electoral college votes in Florida.

An automatic recount of elderly citizens was triggered by Bush's tiny margin education and to subsidize prescription drugs in Florida.

He was able to get the votes of 537 Congress to pass huge tax cuts for the people of that state.

The substantial budget Gore votes un recorded were turned by the tax cuts, Democratic counties where machine errors and spending on new international and confusing ballots may have left thousands of domestic crises.

The crisis of the nation's history and the financial outcome of the 2000 election sent cases all the way to the Supreme economy into a recession, as the deficit in the nation's history and the financial outcome of the 2000 election hung in the balance.

The Bush administration launched a war in Afghanistan in December 2000 after the Court ruled that Gore was the primary threat to U.S. security.

The presi in 2001 gave the federal government the power to investigate and detain individuals, for the first time since 1888.

George W. set out to cautious approach to foreign policy despite the lack of a distinct contrast to his father's mandate.

While attorneys for George W. Bush and Al Gore pursued lawsuits over the counting of bal ots in Florida, partisan supporters took to the streets.

The day before the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Bush, backers of both sides stood outside.

Bush had promised a diversity to the executive branch when he made his appointments.

Colin Powell, a born-again Christian, African American and secretary of state, immediately established the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives and Condoleezza Rice was the national Secuirty of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

China and other foreign investors hold more than half of the debt, which makes it difficult to finance the new standards.

Since 1965, the administration has opened millions of wilderness advance in health care coverage for America's acres to mining, oil, and timber industries and seniors.

While environmentalists pushed for measures coverage, subsidized private insurers with federal to limit American energy consumption, the admin funds to compete with Medicare, banned imports, and prohibited the govern resources.

The Energy Policy Act was a compromise bill that worried legislators of both parties.

80 percent of the elderly signed up for the power and alternative sources of energy because of the subsidies.

When gas prices went up even more in 2008 and Bush was in office, medical costs continued to seek to lift restrictions on offshore drilling for oil, and the number of uninsured Americans Congress blocked the president's efforts, and it surpassed.

John Roberts served in the Reagan and George H. W. Bush hundred deaths.

When New Orleans's levees broke, flooding 80 then replaced the moderate Sandra Day O'Connor percent of the city, Bush shook a deeply root assump with Samuel A. Alito, a conservative who won confirmation by a narrow margin.

The story of children at the convention center and Superdome, where being shuffled through the system, was told to them by the law.

Nineteen terrorists hijacked four planes and flew two of them into the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., in the most deadly attack on American soil.

The attacks reflected Islamic extremists' rage at the spread of Western goods, culture, and values into the Muslim world, as well as their opposition to the 1991 Persian Gulf War against Iraq.

Bin Laden wanted to install puritanical Muslim control in the Middle East.

The 9/11 terrorists ranged from poor to middle-class, and some lived in Middle Eastern homelands that were ruled by corrupt and undemocratic governments.

The residents of the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, who are poor and live in a city that has been ravaged by hurricanes before, asked for help after the September 11 attacks.

On October 11, the United States and Britain began bombing Afghanistan, and American special forces aided the Northern Alliance, the Taliban government's main opposition.

The response of the U.S. Coast Taliban government was destroyed, but bin Laden Guard and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife capture, continuing to direct Al Qaeda forces and Fisheries, could not make up for the feeling throughout the world.

The disaster highlighted the lack of physical security and stability in large parts of the county, as well as the fact that the poor and strong were the hardest hit.

Middle Eastern or practicing Islam was likely to arouse suspicion in the country because of the revived anti-immigration sentiment.

The 9/11 attacks made Americans feel more vulnerable than they had been since the end of the Cold War.

It was made from a photograph taken just hours after the attack, when three firefighters raised an American flag on the ruins.

Many criminal investigators and people with no connection to terrorism spent months on foreign threats.

Until he met resistance from the courts and concepts of deterrence, his authority as commander in chief on containment was stretched.

Terrorist enemy was established in 2001 by the administration to try and destroy and target innocents, captured in Afghanistan and taken to the U.S.

The United States had the right to openly critical of the administration for wiretap start a war was at odds with international law, according to congressional leaders.

The Bush administration moved the greatest reorganization of the executive branch to apply the doctrine of preemption to Iraq.

The Bush administration made claims that Hussein had links to Al Qaeda and had weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

The UN inspectors preferred to give about the treatment of military prisoners instead of withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol on major nations, which included France, Germany, global warming and violating international rules.

The 1972 Antiballistic Missile Treaty was scrapped by the United States and Britain after they invaded Iraq.

Five years after the invasion, Iraqis had less electricity and a majority of them didn't have access to clean water.

Remnants of the former Hussein regime, religious extremists, and hundreds of foreign terrorists are attacking the American forces in Iraq.

John Kerry criticized Bush's foreign policy and the conduct of the war.

A slim majority of voters believed that Bush would be better at protecting American security than Kerry.

In the electoral college, the president won 50.7 percent of the popular vote to Kerry's 48.3%, and carried Republican majorities into Congress.

Iraqis were determined to regain control of Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds.

The first Bush administration resisted making civilian casualties reach tens of thousands, the nation "an occupying power in a bitterly hos public opinion polls in the United States found tile land."

The president's father, George H. W. Bush, was criticized for his son's refusal to invade Iraq at the end of the 1991 Gulf War.

They didn't nominate John McCain, a Vietnam War hero who found the weapons of mass destruction or the senator from Arizona who chose Osama bin Laden as his running mate.

She was the second woman to run for vice president in the chaos caused by the invasion.

For fundamentalists to first time, an African American and a woman went to the Democratic Party when a thousand terrorists entered Iraq.

The world reached its highest point in history when he settled in Chicago.

At the age of forty to Iraq from other national security challenges, seven, Obama won the Democratic nomination including the stabilization of Afghanistan, the elimination of bin Laden and Al Qaeda, and the egy based on grassroots and Internet organizing threats posed by North Korea.

He won 53 percent of the popular vote in 2006 and the Democrats took control of both houses of Congress for the first time since 1994.

When other nations in dealing with Iraq, Iran, and North Korea, Donald Rumsfeld and the Obama administration showed more willingness to work with nodding to both conservatives and liberals.

The administration began a troop surge in Iraq despite opposition from Democrats in Congress.

The Bush administration's $700 million loan to Afghanistan was passed by Congress with a promise that the Troubled Assets Relief Program would begin to inject credit into the economy in 2011.

His most significant domestic achievement was the passage of a health care reform bill.

It provided subsidies, forced larger businesses to offer coverage, imposed new regulations on insurance companies to protect their customers, and contained provisions to limit health care costs.

The law represented the largest expansion of government since the Great Society because liberals failed to get a public option to compete with private insurance plans.

In foreign affairs, Obama reached out to Muslim nations and worked to contain the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The outgoing president, George W. Bush, was often depicted as a simian or monkeylike creature.

The challenge of machine was faced by the political cartoonists who drew "The Clinton dressed as dorothy, holds a pail of barack obama faced the challenge of high tone rhetoric."

After obama had won a series of and a funny name, what does this cartoon imply about Clinton's chances of capturing the primary contests?

Clinton and obama began an effective partnership when obama selected Clinton for the position of secretary of state in November 2008, despite being portrayed as bitter enemies throughout the primaries.

Colin Powell referred to the role of government at home after more than two hundred years after the birth of Nor.

Since World best left to private enterprise, families, churches, War II, the government should shoulder the burden.

Bush worked to improve international most industrialized democracies, the United relationships, and Obama promised a new States had relied on private rather than public approach in American relations with the world.

He has forbidden his governors to pass laws until his assent is obtained, and he has neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other laws for the accom necessary for one person to take over the political power of large districts of people, unless those bands which have connected them with another, give up their right of representation in and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the legislature.

He wants legislative bodies at places that respect the opinions of mankind to declare the causes of their public records for the sole purpose of separation.

He tried to prevent the population of such principles, and organizing its powers in such States, so that they wouldn't be able to pass others safety and happiness.

When a long train of for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and abuses and usurpations, they always pursue the same payment of their salaries.

The patient suf has kept among us, in times of peace, standing ferance of these colonies, and now the necessity armies, without the consent of our legislature.

He has combined with others to subject us to a usurpations, all having, in direct object, the establish jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowl ment of an absolute tyranny over these States.

For taking away our charters, abolishing our most with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine valuable laws, and altering, fundamentally, the pow Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, ers of our governments: our fortunes, and our sacred honor.

The prince is marked by William Floyd Thomas Heyward, Jr.

Resolved, that copies of the Declaration should be sent to the officers of the continental troops in the United States, at the head or council of safety, and to the several commanding of the army.

If a person from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, or North Carolina is charged with treason, felony, or other high crimes, they will flee from that state.

The best way to secure and perpetuate mutual friend is to get any salary, fees, or ship or intercourse among the people of the differ emolument of any kind.

The court shall proceed to pronounce states, an account of the sums of money so borrowed sentence or judgment, which shall, in like manner, be or emitted, to build and equip a navy.

The United States, in Congress assembled, will have the sole and exclusive right and power of to the place appointed and within the time agreed on regulating the alloy and value of coin struck by their.