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Individual carbon atoms are visible in this image of a carbon nanotube made by a scanning tunneling electron microscope.

Explain how electrons were discovered.

The energy-level diagram is used toIllustrate energy state.

Explain how laser emission is made.

Discuss and define holography.

Define and describe the wave-like properties of matter.

The state and the Zeeman effect are discussed.

According to shell filling, the position of each element is stated.

From the air we breathe to the leaves on the forest trail, we learn that atoms are a substructure. The existence and properties of atoms are used to explain many phenomena in this text. We apply quantum mechanics to the description of atoms and their properties in this chapter. New concepts emerge with applications far beyond the boundaries of atomic physics, just like the scientists who made the original discoveries.

A brief account of the progression from the proposal of atoms by the Greeks to the first direct evidence of their existence follows.

People have speculated about the structure of matter. The philosophers Leucippus and Democritus are some of the earliest significant ideas to survive. The question of whether a substance can be divided into smaller pieces was considered. There are a few possible answers. It is possible that infinitesimally small subdivisions are possible. According to Democritus, there is a smallest unit that cannot be further divided. The Greeks were correct when they said that atoms can be divided, but their identity is destroyed in the process. The Greeks believed that atoms were moving in a constant motion.

The proposal that the basic elements were earth, air, fire, and water was incorrect. The basic elements were not the most common examples of the four states of matter identified by the Greeks. It took more than 2000 years for equipment capable of revealing the true nature of atoms to be available.

Substances and their chemical reactions were discovered over the centuries. Efforts to transmute common and rare elements resulted in the recognition of certain systematic features. Secrecy was a problem. Many facts were rediscovered but were not made broadly available. The science of chemistry came about as the Middle Ages ended. It was no longer possible to keep discoveries secret. By the beginning of the 19th century, an important fact was established--the mass of reactants in specific chemical reactions always have a particular mass ratio. There are basic units that have the same mass ratios. The English chemist John Dalton did a lot of this work, as did the Italian physicist Amedeo Avogadro. Avogadro's number is named after him because he developed the idea of a fixed number of atoms and molecules in a mole. The Austrian physicist was the first to measure the value of the constant using the theory of gases.

We have been able to make many discoveries because of the recognition and appreciation of patterns. The proposed periodic table of elements was an organized summary of the known elements that led to many other discoveries. Patterns in the properties of particles lead to the idea of quarks as their underlying structure, an idea that is still bearing fruit.

The development of the periodic table of the elements was the culmination of knowledge of elements and compounds. The periodic nature of elements was highlighted by the array proposed by Mendeleev. He predicted the existence of unknown elements to complete the periodic table. The periodic table became universally accepted once these elements were discovered.

The theory of gases was developed during the 19th century. The existence of atoms and molecules in random thermal motion is the basis for the theory of the gas laws, heat transfer, and the Gas Laws and y. It is still indirect evidence that individual atoms and molecules have not been observed. Before direct evidence of atoms was obtained, there were heated debates about the validity of the theory.

Robert Brown is credited with the first direct evidence of atoms. He noticed that the tiny pollen grains were moving in complex paths. A microscope can be used to observe small particles in a fluid. Statistical fluctuations in the number of molecules hitting the sides of a visible particle cause it to move first. The effects of the molecule on the particle can be seen. The size of Molecules can be calculated by examining Brownian motion. The smaller and more numerous they are, the smaller the fluctuations in the numbers are.

Brownian motion can be seen in the position of a pollen grain in the water. Brownian motion is caused by fluctuations in the number of atoms and molecules colliding with a small mass.

A satisfactory alternative explanation for the existence of atoms cannot be found.

Albert Einstein published several papers in 1905 explaining how Brownian motion could be used to measure the size of atoms. He worked days as a patent examiner, so he did all of this in his spare time. Their sizes were only known to be based on a comparison of surface tension and heat created by Thomas Young of double-slit fame and Simon Laplace.

Einstein's ideas were used by the French physicist Jean-Baptiste Perrin to confirm his theory of Brownian motion. Knowing atomic and molecular sizes allowed a precise value for Avogadro's number to be obtained. The ideas that Perrin used to explain atomic andmolecular agitation effects in sedimentation were used to win the 1926 Nobel Prize. The accurate observation and analysis of Brownian motion was the first direct evidence of the existence of atoms.

There is a lot of evidence for the existence of atoms. It has become possible to measure the mass of an individual ion by using a mass spectrometer, similar to how electrons are accelerated in cathode-ray tubes. The scanning tunneling electron microscope is one of the devices that can observe individual atoms. Our understanding of the properties of matter is based on the atom. The atom's substructures, such as electron shells and the nucleus, are both important. The particles of which the nucleus is composed have a substructure. The question of whether there is a smallest basic structure to matter will be explored in later parts of the text.

The scanning tunneling electron microscope can be used to detect individual gold atoms.

Both electrons and nuclei are substructures of the atom. Some of the basic properties of atoms can be found in the experiments that were used to discover them and can be easily understood using ideas such as magnetic force.

Positive charge is associated with nuclei and negative charge with electrons. The electric and magnetic forces affect charges. The discovery of the electron and nucleus as substructures of the atom will be explored.

The gas glows when a high voltage is applied. Neon lights are the result of these tubes. They were first studied by a German inventor in the 1860s. The English scientist William Crookes continued to study what is known as the Crookes tubes, in which electrons are freed from atoms and molecules in the rarefied gas inside the tube and are accelerated from the negative to the positive by the high potential. The electrons' path is visible as a ray that spreads and fades as it moves away from the cathode, after these "cathode rays" collide with the gas atoms and molecule.

The electrons can make a small paddle wheel rotation. The normally straight path is bent by a magnet in the direction expected for a negative charge to move away from the cathode. These were the first signs of charge and electrons.

A gas discharge tube is glowing. The atoms and molecules in the gas glow in response to the electrons emitted from the cathode. The name of the tubes used in TVs, computer screens, and x-ray machines is now known as cathode-ray tubes. The beam bends when a magnetic field is applied. The negative charge of the rays was verified by magnetic and electric fields.

An excess of negative charge was found when he collected the rays in a metal cup.

The electric field is produced between the charging plates and the tube is placed between the poles of the magnet so that the electric field is in line with the magnetic field of the magnet. The fields produce opposing forces on the electrons.

Thomson moved the beam up and down by adjusting the electric field after determining the velocity of the electrons.

The schematic shows the electron beam in a CRT passing through electric and magnetic fields and causing phosphor to glow when striking the end of the tube.

The value was not known at the time.

The applied voltage and distance between the plates can be used to determine the deflection. The measurement can be made by bending the beam of electrons with the magnetic field. The results are obtained using a magnetic field.

Thomson realized that this is a huge number and that it means the electron has a very small mass. A factor of 1000 less than the charge per kilogram of electrons is needed to plate a material. Thomson did an experiment for hydrogen ion and found a charge per kilogram 1000 times smaller than for the electron, implying that the hydrogen ion is more massive than the electron.

The charge per kilogram is 1836 times less than the charge for the electron. The charges of electrons and protons are the same.

Thomson used different gases in discharge tubes and other methods, such as the photoelectric effect, to free electrons from atoms. He was able to prove that the electron was an independent particle. Thomson was awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in physics for his work, which began in 1897. It is difficult to remember how amazing it was to find a substructure in the atom.

Thomson's method could not determine the charge of individual electrons due to the order of magnitude expected.

It had been known for a long time that 100,000 C per mole was needed to plate singly ionized strontium. The charge per ion was calculated to be close to the actual value by dividing it by the number of ion per mole.

One of the most fundamental constants in nature, the charge on electrons, was measured for the first time by the Millikan oil drop experiment. Fine drops of oil are charged. There is a potential applied to the metal plates to oppose the force. The calculation of the charge on a drop can be done with the balance of electric and gravity. The excess and missing electrons on the oil drops are determined by the charge being quantized in units.

In the Millikan oil drop experiment, fine drops of oil are sprayed. Some of these are charged by the process and can be suspended between metal plates.

The drop's weight is adjusted to balance the electric field produced by the applied voltage. The drops can be seen using a microscope, but they are too small to measure their size and mass.

When the voltage is turned off, the mass of the drop is determined. The more massive drops fall faster than the less massive, and sophisticated calculations can reveal their mass, since air resistance is very significant for these submicroscopic drops. The mass of oil is nearly constant because it does not evaporate.

He observed that all charges were multiples of the basic electron charge and that sudden changes could occur in which electrons were added or removed from the drops. Millikan was awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize in physics for his studies of the photoelectric effect.

The mass of the electron can be calculated using the charge of the electron and the charge-to-mass ratio.

The mass of the electron has been verified in many subsequent experiments and is now known to be better than one part in one million. It is the smallest known mass of any particle. The calculation gives the mass of other particles.

To prove the existence of one substructure of atoms, the electron, Thomson and Millikan had to show that it had only a tiny fraction of the mass of an atom. The nature of the nucleus of an atom was completely unexpected.

Another characteristic of quantum mechanics was starting to emerge. All electrons are the same. The charge and mass of electrons are unique to all electrons. This is true of other fundamental entities. All protons are the same.

The first direct evidence of the size and mass of the nucleus is here. Basic information on nuclear size and mass is important to understanding the atom, but other aspects of nuclear physics will be examined in later chapters.

Nuclear radioactivity was discovered in 1896 and was the subject of intense study by a number of the best scientists in the world. After completing his postgraduate studies at the Cavendish Laboratories in England, he moved to Canada where he did the work that earned him a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1908. There is a lot of overlap between chemistry and physics in the area of atomic and nuclear physics. He returned to England in the late 80's and had many future winners as students. Nuclear radiation was used to look at the size and mass of the nucleus. A radioactive source that emits alpha radiation was placed in a lead container with a hole in one side to produce a beam of alpha particles, which are a type of ionizing radiation ejected by the nucleus of a radioactive source. The scattering of alpha particles was observed when they struck a phosphor screen after a thin gold foil was placed in the beam.

The size and mass of the nucleus were shown by scattering alpha particles from a thin gold foil. Alpha particles with energies of about are emitted from a radioactive source, which is a small metal container in which a specific amount of radioactive material is sealed, and fall upon the foil. The number of particles that penetrate the foil or scatter to different angles indicates that gold is very small and contains almost all of the gold atom's mass. The alpha particles that scatter to large angles are similar to a soccer ball bouncing off a goalie's head.

The nucleus of an unstable nuclide can be broken down by the emission of charged particles if the alpha particles are doubly charged. Nuclear size and mass can be revealed by the way in which the particles scatter from the nucleus. This is similar to how a bowling ball is scattered by an object.

The atom was supposed to be a small sphere with equal amounts of positive and negative charge. The incident massive alpha particles wouldn't suffer a lot in the model. The analysis shows that gold nuclei are very small compared to the size of a gold atom, with almost all of the atom's mass tightly bound. The gold nucleus is more massive than the alpha particle, so a head-on collision would scatter the alpha particle back to the source. The larger the nucleus, the less alpha particles that would hit one head on.

The results of the experiment were published by his colleagues in 1909, but it took him two years to convince himself of their meaning. Like Thomson before him, he was reluctant to accept such results. Even those at the forefront of discovery are surprised by nature on a small scale. It was almost as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you. The analysis and model of the atom were published in 1911. The size of the nucleus was determined to be 100,000 times smaller than the atom. This means a huge density on the order of the matter. The existence of previously unknown nuclear forces to counteract the repulsive Coulomb forces in the nucleus is implied. Huge forces are consistent with the large energies of nuclear radiation.

The small nucleus means that the atom is mostly empty. Most alphas went through the gold foil with very little scattering, since the atom was mostly empty with nothing for the alpha to hit. At the time he did his experiments, energetic electrons had been observed to penetrate thin foils more easily than expected. Most alpha particles are scattered by electrons. Occasionally, an alpha hits a nucleus head-on and is scattered backwards.

The circles and dots represent the atoms and the nucleus. The dots are larger than the scale. Most alpha particles are unaffected by crashes because of their high energy and small mass. Some head straight toward a nucleus and are scattered back. The size and mass of the nucleus are given in a detailed analysis.

The planetary model of the atom shows low-mass electrons. The size of the nucleus is small compared with the size of the electrons. This picture is similar to how low-mass planets in our solar system circle the large-mass Sun at large distances compared with the size of the sun. The attractive Coulomb force in the atom is similar to gravitation in the planetary system. Since the atom is too small to be seen with visible light, a model or mental picture is needed.

The nucleus, electrons, and size of the atom are included in the planetary model of the atom.

This model was the first to recognize the structure of atoms in which low-mass electrons are in a large nucleus. Our planetary system is similar to the empty atom.

In the next few sections, we will see how the planetary model of the atom was important to understanding the characteristics of atoms. It was an indication of how different nature is from the classical world on a small quantum mechanical scale. The discovery of a substructure to all matter in the form of atoms and molecules was being taken a step further to reveal a simpler substructure. We have been successful in finding deeper substructures, such as those inside the nucleus. We will look at the direction the search seems to be heading in the later chapters, after we follow this quest in the discussion of quarks and other elementary particles.

He recreated the famous experiment in which he disproved the Plum Pudding model of the atom by observing alpha particles bouncing off atoms and determining that they must have a small core.

The planetary model of the atom was used immediately by the great Danish physicist. He published his theory of the simplest atom, hydrogen, in 1913, based on the planetary model of the atom. Many questions had been asked about atomic characteristics. Much is known about atoms, but little is known about the laws of physics. New and broadly applicable principles in quantum mechanics were established by Bohr's theory.

The atomic spectrum and size of the hydrogen atom were explained by the planetary model of the atom. His contributions to the development of atomic physics and quantum mechanics, his personal influence on many students and colleagues, and his personal integrity, especially in the face of Nazi oppression, earned him a prominent place in history. The energies of some small systems are quantized. The emission and absorption of atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms There must be a connection between the spectrum of an atom and its structure, something like the resonance frequencies of musical instruments. Many great minds tried to come up with a theory, but no one came up with one. After Einstein's proposal of quantized energies directly proportional to their wavelength, it became clear that electrons in atoms can only exist in a single trajectory.

A discharge tube, slit, and grating produce a line spectrum from left to right. The emission line spectrum for iron is shown in part (b). The lines imply quantized energy states for the atoms. The line spectrum for each element is unique, providing a powerful and much used analytical tool, and many line spectrum were well known for many years before they could be explained with physics. The simplest atom has a relatively simple spectrum. The hydrogen spectrum had been observed in a number of different places. The series is named after researchers who studied them in detail.

A series is associated with a constant. Part of the Balmer series is visible with the rest of the UV. The rest are all IR. There is an unlimited number of series, although they are difficult to see as they get deeper into theIR. The constant is positive, but must be greater than.

That can approach infinite. The formula in the wavelength equation was just a recipe designed to fit data and was not based on physical principles. The formula for his series was the first to be devised, and it was later found to describe all the other series by using different values. The deeper meaning was comprehended by Bohr. We see the interplay between theory and experiment in physics again. An equation was found to fit the experimental data, but the theoretical foundation was missing.

The hydrogen spectrum has several series named for those who contributed the most.

The Balmer series is in the visible spectrum, while the Lyman series is in the UV and the Paschen series is in the IR.

We need to identify the physical principles involved in the Integrated Concept problem. We need to know the wavelength of light and the conditions for an interference maximum for the pattern from a double slit. Part (a) deals with a topic of the present chapter, while part (b) considers the wave interference material of Wave Optics.

That is required in the Balmer series.

The wavelength equation can be applied to the calculation.

The wavelength is similar to the second line in the Balmer series. The same simple recipe predicted all of the hydrogen spectrum lines in subsequent experiments.

To get constructive interference for a double slit, the path length difference must be an integral multiple of the wavelength.

In this example, the number is the order of the interference.

This number is similar to the one used in the interference examples of the introduction to quantum physics.

Basic physics, the planetary model of the atom, and some very important new proposals were used to derive the formula for the hydrogen spectrum. The first proposal was that only certain orbits were allowed. electrons can move to a higher orbit by absorbing energy and then dropping to a lower one by emitting energy The amount of energy absorbed or emitted can be quantized. The primary methods of transferring energy into and out of atoms are photon absorption and emission. When an electron moves from one electron to another, the energy of the photon is equal to the change in the electron's energy.

There is a change in energy between the initial and final orbits. It's logical that energy is involved in changing orbits. The space shuttle needs a lot of energy to get to a higher altitude. It is not expected that atomic orbits should be quantized. This is not observed for satellites or planets that have a proper energy balance.

The planetary model of the atom has the electrons quantized. There are only certain orbits that are allowed. The energy carried away from an atom by a photon is quantized by the dropping of an electron from one atom to another. This is also true for atomic absorption.

These are the allowed energy levels of the electron. The energy is plotted vertically with the lowest state at the bottom and excited states above. It is possible to determine the energy levels of an atom using the lines in an atomic spectrum. Energy-level diagrams are used for many systems. The physics of the system must be predicted by a theory of the atom.

An energy-level diagram plots energy vertically and is useful in visualization of the energy states of a system.

The way to calculate the electron orbital energies in hydrogen was found by Bohr. This was an important first step that has been improved upon, but it is worth repeating because it describes many characteristics of hydrogen.

This value can only be equal to, according to quantization. At the time, he didn't know why the energy in the hydrogen spectrum should be quantized, but using this assumption, he was able to calculate the energies in the hydrogen spectrum, something no one else had done at the time.

We will derive a number of important properties of the hydrogen atom from the classical physics we have covered in the text. The centripetal force that causes the electron to follow a circular path is supplied by the Coulomb force. This analysis is valid for any single-electron atom. The hydrogen-like ion is similar to hydrogen but has a higher energy due to the attraction of the electron and nucleus.

The assumption is that the nucleus is larger than the stationary electron. The planetary model of the atom is consistent with this.

In an earlier equation, the quantization is stated. We solve the equation for and substitute it for the one in the above.

The formula that gives the correct size of hydrogen is very impressive.

The radii are shown for the allowed electron orbits in hydrogen. The equation gave these radii after they were first calculated. The diameter of a hydrogen atom is verified by the lowest orbit.

If the electron is not moving at fast speeds, the Kinetic energy is familiar. The potential energy for the electron can be found in the nucleus, which looks like a point charge. The nucleus has a positive charge, recalling an earlier equation for the potential due to a point charge. The electron's charge is negative.

The above expression is for energy.

The diagram in Figure 30.20 shows an energy-level diagram for hydrogen and shows how the various hydrogen spectrums are related to transitions between energy levels.

The diagram shows the Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen series of transitions. The above equation is used to calculate the orbital energies.

The electron is bound to the nucleus so it's negative, like being in a hole without enough energy to escape. The electric potential energy becomes zero since the free electron gets very large. To ionize hydrogen, 13.6 eV is needed. The electron becomes unbound with some energy. Giving an electron 15 eV in the ground state of hydrogen takes it out of the atom and leaves it with a small amount of energy.

The formula first proposed by Balmer years earlier was used to derive the formula we use today.

The theory of the hydrogen atom by Bohr answers the question as to why this formula describes the hydrogen spectrum. The energy levels are proportional to the non-negative number. A downward transition releases energy. The transitions end on a certain level in the various series. The transitions end in the ground state for the Lyman series. The transitions end in the first excited state for the Balmer series. angular momentum is quantized and is emerging as a new recipe based in physics.

No one had been able to do what he did. He explained the spectrum of hydrogen and calculated the size of the atom from basic physics. Some of his ideas are applicable. All atoms and Molecules are quantized. It is quantized. Classically, the electrons would sit on the nucleus and decay quickly, so that the nucleus would collapse. These are major victories.

There are limits to the theory. It cannot be applied to multielectron atoms. We call it semiclassical. The orbits are quantized but are assumed to be simple circular paths. As quantum mechanics was developed, it became clear that there were clouds of probability. The theory did not explain that some lines are doublets. Many aspects of quantum mechanics will be examined in more detail, but they should be kept in mind that Bohr did not fail. He laid the foundation for all of atomic physics by making important steps along the way to greater knowledge.

Shoot light at the atom. The model predicts the experimental results.

Each type of atom has its own spectrum. Some of their important applications are explored in this section.

x rays are a part of the spectrum. An x-ray tube produces x rays. The electrons from a hot filament can be accelerated with a high voltage.

An x-ray tube has two processes by which x rays are produced. The x rays are called bremsstrahlung and come from the deceleration of electrons. The second process is atomic in nature and produces characteristic x rays. The x-ray spectrum in is typical of what is produced by an x-ray tube, showing a broad curve of bremsstrahlung radiation with characteristic xray peaks on it.

The X-ray spectrum is obtained when energetic electrons strike a material. The bremsstrahlung radiation is the smooth part of the spectrum. The x-ray peaks at different frequencies would be characteristic of a different anode material.

The range of x-ray energies in the bremsstrahlung radiation shows that an incident electron's energy isn't always converted into photon energy. All of the electron's energy was converted to photon energy to produce the highest-energy x ray. The maximum x-ray energy is related to the accelerating voltage.

It's convenient to have units of electron volts. The x-ray photon has a maximum energy of 100 keV.

There are electrons in the anode. One or more of the atom's inner electrons are knocked into a higher orbit, or the atom is ionized, if part of the energy that they deposit by collision with an atom. The atoms emit radiation when they de-excite. When an or shell electron is excited to a higher level and another falls into the vacant spot, the most energetic of these are produced. When an inner-shell vacancies is filled, a characteristic x ray is emitted by an atom.

An x ray is created when an electron falls into a shell. Every element has its own set of x-ray energies, which are dependent on the electron states in the atom. This property can be used to find small amounts of elements in an environmental sample.

The x rays are labeled according to the shell that the electron came from. When an electron comes from the shell, a x ray is produced.

The x-ray tube has a tungsten anode in it.

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Since there are two electrons in a filled shell, a vacancy would leave one electron, so that the effective charge would be rather than. The effective charge is 73.

x rays from heavy elements are typical of this large photon energy. It is larger than other atomic emissions because it is produced when an inner-shell vacancy is filled.

The x ray energy of heavier elements increases as they get bigger. The inner-shell vacancies need a lot of speed. Because other shells are filled and you cannot simply add one electron to a higher filled shell, 72.5 kV is needed in the case of tungsten. A high melting point material like tungsten is needed in x-ray tubes to absorb the energy of the impinging electrons.

Diagnostic uses of x-ray photons can be identified by all of us. Universal dental and medical x rays are an essential part of medical diagnostics. An x ray is more than a synonym for high-energy photon, it is an image produced by x rays, and it has been made into a familiar verb to be x-rayed.

An x-ray image of a person's chest shows an artificial pacemaker. The contents of a piece of luggage are shown in the x-ray image.

Simple shadows are the most common x-ray images. x-ray photons penetrate materials that are hard to see. Material will penetrate if the x-ray photon has more energy. An x-ray tube may be used for a chest x ray, but it may need to be used for a cast on a broken leg. The energy of the photon and the density of the material are related to the depth of penetration. The denser the material, the less xray rays get through. x rays excel at detecting breaks in bones and other structures that differ in density from surrounding material Because of their high photon energy, x rays damage cells in biological organisms. Modern uses reduce exposure to the patient and eliminate exposure to others. x rays and other types of ionizing radiation will be explored in the next chapter.

The Compton effect becomes more important as the x-ray energy increases. The x rays scatter from the outer electron shell of the atom, giving the ejected electron some energy. The number of electrons present in the material is the most important factor in determining the likelihood of attenuation of the x rays. The chemical composition of the medium is not important. Better contrast is provided by low-energy x rays. They are more absorbed by thicker materials. Greater contrast can be achieved by injecting a substance with a large atomic number. The structure of the part of the body that contains the substance can be seen in this way.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women. x-ray diagnostics are important because early detection can be very effective. A mammogram can only give evidence of a lump or region of increased density within the breast. X-ray absorption by different types of soft tissue is very similar, so contrast is difficult for younger women with denser breasts. Older women with more fat in the breast are more likely to see a lump or tumor. Conventional x rays can be used as a supplement to improve detection and eliminate false positives. The subject's radiation dose will be treated in a later chapter.

A standard x ray only gives a two-dimensional view of the object. Images of soft tissue or organs might be hidden by dense bones. If you took another x ray from the side of the person, you would get more information. Modern technology can produce more sophisticated images than shadow images can.

X rays are passed through a slice of the patient's body over a range of directions. There are many x rays on the other side of the patient. An image is taken of the patient and the system rotates around them. The x-ray tube and detector array are attached to each other. A highly detailed image is created by computer image processing of the x rays.

Different slices are taken as the patient moves through the machine. The development of computed tomography was developed by G. Hounsfield and A. Cormack.

A patient is being positioned in a hospital ship. The patient's body is scanned with the x rays through slices of it. Highly detailed images are produced by analyzing the x rays along different directions. Multiple slices can give three-dimensional information. A three-dimensional image of a skull was created using computed tomography and analysis of several x-ray slices of the head. The x-ray photons have relatively short wavelength. x rays can be used to detect the location, shape, and size of atoms, since they are on the order of 0.1 nm in size.

The double-helix structure of DNA was discovered in 1953 by an international team of scientists working at the Cavendish Laboratory. They were the first to discern the structure of DNA using x-ray data. The 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Crick, Wilkins, and Watson. There is a lot of debate over whether or not Rosalind Franklin was included in the prize.

The figure shows a pattern of x rays in a crystal. x-ray crystallography is a process that gives information about crystal structure, and it was the type of data that Rosalind Franklin supplied to Crick for DNA. x rays give information on the atomic arrangements in materials and confirm the size and shape of atoms. Current research in high-temperature superconductors involves complex materials whose lattice arrangements are crucial to obtaining a superconducting material. x-ray crystallography can be used to study these.

The interference pattern was created by the X-ray diffraction from the hen egg lysozyme. The German Max von Laue convinced two of his colleagues to scatter x rays from crystals after he discovered x rays in 1895. If a pattern of waves is obtained, the x rays could be determined. Von Laue was awarded the 1914 Nobel Prize in physics for suggesting that x rays are waves. The father and son team of Sir William Henry Bragg and his son Sir William Lawrence Bragg were awarded a joint Nobel Prize in 1915 for inventing the x-ray analyzer. After graduating from mathematics, the elder Bragg moved to Australia. He studied physics and chemistry at the University of Adelaide. The younger Bragg was born in Australia but went back to England to work in x-ray and neutron crystallography, and he supported the work of James Crick and Max Perutz for their work on unraveling the mysteries of DNA. This time, we see the enabling nature of physics--establishing instruments and designing experiments as well as solving mysteries in the biomedical sciences.

Other uses for x rays will be studied later in the chapter. X rays have an effect on cell reproduction and are useful in the treatment of cancer. X rays from outer space can be used to determine the nature of their sources, such as black holes. x rays can be used to detect atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons. X rays can cause the fluoresce of atoms, which makes them a valuable analytical tool in a range of fields from art to archaeology.

The properties of matter and phenomena in nature are related to atomic energy levels. The transparency of air, the color of a rose, and the output of a laser are a few examples.

It may not seem like they have much in common, but glow-in-the-dark pajamas and lasers are different applications of atomic de-excitations.

Light from a laser is based on atomic de-excitation.

The color of a material is determined by the ability of its atoms to absorb certain wavelengths. The levels of the lycopene's atoms are separated by a variety of energies, which correspond to all visible photon energies except red. Another example is air. It is transparent because there are few energy levels visible to the naked eye. The light cannot be absorbed. The visible light is scattered weakly by the air because the visible wavelength is larger than the air atoms. To cause red sunsets and blue skies, light must pass through kilometers of air.

The atomic energy levels of a material are related to its ability to emit light. Some rocks glow in black light because of their mineral composition. Posters with black lights make them glow.

When illuminated by a black light, objects glow in the visible spectrum. Emissions are related to the mineral's energy levels. In the case of scorpions, the blue glow is due to the presence of proteins near the surface of their skin. This is a colorful example of fluorescent activity in which de-excitation occurs in the form of visible light.

An atom is excited to a level several steps above its ground state by the absorption of a relatively high-energy UV photon. One way the atom can de-excite is to re-emit a photon of the same energy as excited it, a single step back to the ground state.

Smaller steps in which lower-energy (longer wavelength) photons are emitted are all other paths of de-excitation.

There are many types of energy input. The use of fluorescent paint, dyes, and soap in clothes makes the colors look brighter in the sun. X rays can be used to make visible images. Neon lights and gasdischarge tubes that produce atomic and molecular spectrum can be caused by electric discharges. Atomic emissions from mercury atoms are caused by an electric discharge in mercury vapor. The inside of a fluorescent light is coated with a fluorescent material that emits visible light over a broad spectrum of wavelength.

The fluorescent lights are four times more efficient in converting electrical energy into visible light than the incandescent lights are.

The atom is excited by the UV photon. It can de-excite in a single step, re-emitting a photon of the same energy, or in several steps. If the atom de-excites in smaller steps, it will emit different energy than if it excited it. UV, x-rays, and electrical discharge are some of the energy inputs that can causeescence.

glow-worms can be found in the Waitomo caves on New Zealand's North Island. The glow-worms hang up to 70 silk threads each to catch prey that fly towards them in the dark. The process of turning energy into light is very efficient.

There are many uses for florescence. It is used to follow a molecule in a cell. One can study the structure of genes. The emission of visible light is observed when the molecule is illuminated with UV light and tagged with fluorescent dyes. Identification of elements within a sample can be done this way.

The fluorescent dye shown in Figure 30.32 is called fluorescein. Figure 30.33 shows the dispersion of a fluorescent dye in water.

The dye is used in the laboratory. A beaker of water has fluorescent powder added to it. Under ultraviolet light, the mixture gives off a bright glow. These are small single-crystal molecules. The indicators are small and provide improved brightness. All colors can be excited with the same wavelength.

Conventional phosphors have a longer lifetime than organic dyes. They are an excellent tool for long-term studies of cells.

Chicken cells are being imaged using a fluorescent dye. Cell nuclei are blue while neurofilaments are green. Spontaneous de-excitation has a very short lifetime. Some levels have lifetimes of up to minutes or even hours. The energy levels are slow in de-exciting because their quantum numbers are different from the lower levels. phosphorescent substances are used to make glow-in-the-dark materials, such as Luminous dial on some watches and clocks and on children's toys and pajamas. The stored energy is released partially as visible light when the atoms or molecules decay slowly. After the ceramic has cooled from its firing, atomic energy can be frozen in. Since the release is slow, thermoluminescence can be used to date antiquities. The older the ceramic, the less light it emits.

The Chinese ceramic figure can be stimulated to de-excite and emit radiation by heating a sample of the ceramic, a process called thermoluminescence. Since the slowly states de-excite over centuries, the amount of thermoluminescence decreases with age, making it possible to use this effect to date and authenticate antiquities. The figure is from the 11th century. Today's lasers are commonplace. Lasers are used to read bar codes at stores and libraries, laser shows are staged for entertainment, laser printers produce high-quality images at a relatively low cost, and lasers send large numbers of telephone messages through optical fibers. Lasers are used in a number of things, including surveying, weapons guidance, tumor eradication, and for reading music CDs and computer CD-ROMs.

The answer is that lasers emit single-wavelength EM radiation that is very coherent. Laser output can be more precisely manipulated than other sources. Laser output is so pure and coherent because of how it is produced, which depends on a metastable state in the lasing material. electrons are raised to all possible levels when energy is put into a large collection of atoms The electrons that originally excited the metastable state and those that fell into it from above are included.

A population inversion has been achieved if a majority of electrons are in the metastable state.

An electron falls from the metastable state. A second photon of the same wavelength and phase with the first is emitted when this photon finds another atom in the metastable state. An excited atom with an electron in an energy orbit higher than normal releases a photon of a specific Frequency when the electron drops back to a lower energy orbit. If this photon strikes another electron in the same high-energy space, another photon of the same frequency is released. The emitted and triggering photons are both in the same phase and travel in the same direction. A majority of atoms must be in the metastable state to produce energy because the probability of absorption of a photon is the same as the probability of stimulated emission. Einstein was the first to realize that stimulated emission and absorption are equally probable. The laser acts as a temporary energy storage device that produces a massive energy output.

One atom in the metastable state spontaneously decays to a lower level, producing a photon that stimulates another atom to de-excite. The second photon is in phase with the first and has the same energy and wavelength. The emission of other photons is stimulated by both of them. A net production is necessary for there to be a net absorption.

The process was developed after advances in quantum physics. The development of lasers was one of the reasons why the Soviet Union and the United States won a joint Nobel Prize in 1964. Arthur Schawlow won the 1981 Nobel Prize for his work in laser applications. The devices were called masers because they produced microwaves. T. Maiman created the first working laser in 1960. The red light was produced by using a flash lamp and a rod. The name laser is used for all of the devices that produce a variety of wavelengths. In a process called optical pumping, energy input can come from a flash tube, electrical discharge, or other source. A large percentage of the original pumping energy is dissipated in other forms. Mirrors can be used to enhance stimulated emission by multiple passes of the radiation back and forth. Some of the light can be seen through one of the mirrors. A laser's output is 1% of the light passing back and forth in a laser.

Laser construction uses a method of pumping energy into the lasing material.

Many types of lasing materials are used to make lasers. The existence of a metastable state or phosphorescent material is what determines lasers. Some lasers produce continuous output while others are short-lived. The more common lasers produce something on the order of. The red light that comes from the laser is very common. The number of atoms of helium is ten times greater than the number of neon atoms. The first excited state of helium stores energy. Neon atoms have an excited state that is nearly the same as that in helium, which makes it easy to transfer this energy. The neon state that produces the laser output is also metastable. There are so many more helium atoms in neon that it can produce a population inversion. The population can be maintained even while lasing occurs because helium-neon lasers have continuous output. The most common lasers in use today are made of Silicon. The energy is pumped into the material by passing a current into the device. Light bounces back and forth and a tiny fraction emerges as laser light thanks to special coating on the ends and fine cleavings of the material. The lasers can produce outputs in the range of a few hundredths of a watt.

The gas mixture has more neon atoms than helium. In a collision, excited helium atoms can de-excite by transferring energy to neon. Neon allows lasing by the neon to occur.

There are many uses of lasers. Lasers can focus on a small spot. They have a wavelength that is defined. There are many types of lasers that provide the same wavelength of light.

One needs to be able to pick a wavelength that will be preferentially absorbed by the material of interest.

The objects appear a certain color because they absorb all other colors. The wavelength absorbed depends on the energy spacing between the electrons in the molecule. Unlike the hydrogen atom, biologicalmolecules are complex and have a variety of absorption lines. In the selection of a laser with the appropriate wavelength, these can be determined. Water absorbs light in the UV and IR regions. hemoglobin absorbs most of the UV light.

Laser surgery uses a wavelength that is absorbed by the tissue it is focused upon. Total loss of vision can be caused by a detached retina. scar tissue that can hold the retina in place, salvaged the patient's vision after Burns made by a laser focused to a small spot on the retina. Refractive dispersion of different wavelength light sources can't be focused as precisely as a laser. Laser surgery in the form of cutting or burning away tissue is more accurate because the laser output can be very precisely focused and is preferentially absorbed. Depending on what part of the eye needs repair, the appropriate type of laser can be selected. The repair of tears in the eye can be done with a green laser. The light absorbed by tissues containing blood can be used to "weld" the tear.

A laser is used to focus on a small spot on the retina, causing scar tissue to hold it in place. The light is focused by the lens of the eye and the laser is brought to the eye.

Lasers are being used in dentistry. The soft tissue of the mouth is the most common place where lasers are used. They can be used to heal wounds. The erbium YAG laser is used to cut into bones and teeth.

Since lasers can produce very high power in short bursts, they can be used to focus a lot of energy on a small glass sphere. The incident energy increases the fuel temperature so that fusion can occur and it also increases the density of the fuel. The implosion is caused by the impinging laser.

Nuclear fusion can be achieved using a system of lasers. A burst of energy is focused on a small fuel pellet, which is imploded to the high density and temperature needed to make the fusion reaction proceed. CDs and DVDs have larger storage capacities than vinyl records. The encyclopedia can be stored on a single CD. The CD can be used to record digital information because the pits are very small. They are read by having a cheap solid-state laser beam scatter from pits as the CD spins, revealing their digital pattern and the information on them.

Laser-created pits on a CD's surface hold digital information. The laser light scattered from the pit can be read. The precision of the laser makes it possible for large information capacity.

holograms are used for amusement, decoration on novelty items and magazine covers, security on credit cards and driver's licenses, and for serious three-dimensional information storage. When viewed from different angles, a hologram is a true three-dimensional image.

Holography uses light interference, whereas normal photography uses wave optics. The light from a laser is split into two parts by a mirror. The reference beam shines on a piece of film. Light from the object is interfering with the reference beam. The exposed film looks foggy, but close examination shows a complicated interference pattern on it. The film is darkened where the interference was constructive. Holography uses the wave characteristics of light as compared to normal photography, which requires a lens.

A piece of film is interfered with by a single wavelength coherent light from a laser. A partially silvered mirror splits the laser beam into two parts, one illuminating an object and the other shining directly on the film.

Light falling on a hologram can create a three-dimensional image. The film's exposed regions are dark and block the light, while less exposed regions allow light to pass. The film acts like a collection of gratings. Light passing through the hologram is diffracted in various directions, producing both real and virtual images of the object used to expose the film. The interference pattern is the same as the object. The interference pattern gives you different perspectives when you move your eye to different places. The image is three-dimensional like the object.

When a laser of the same type as that which exposed the hologram is passed through a transmission hologram, it creates real and virtual images. The interference pattern is the same as the object that was used to expose it.

White light holograms on credit cards are reflection holograms and are more common. White light holograms can appear blurry with rainbow edges due to the different patterns of light in different colors. 3-D images of human organs, as well as statues in museums and engineering studies of structures, are some of the types of 3-D information storage that can be done with holograms. Dennis Gabor, who won the 1971 Nobel Prize in physics for his work, was the inventor of holograms. The interference patterns of lasers are more pronounced. It is possible to record multiple holograms on a single piece of film by changing the angle of the film for each image. holograms that move as you walk by them are a kind of lensless movie.

holograms allow complete 3-D hologram displays of objects from a stack of images. It's easy to store these images for future use. High-resolution 3-D images of internal organs and tissues can be made with the use of an endoscope.

After visiting some of the applications of different aspects of atomic physics, we now return to the basic theory that was built upon the atom. Einstein said it was important to keep asking the questions. You know the answer. The wave-like properties of electrons were later proposed. In the next module, we will see that they can only exist if they interfere with each other and only certain orbits meet proper conditions.

After the initial work on the hydrogen atom, a decade was to pass before de Broglie proposed that matter has wave properties. The wave-like properties of matter were confirmed by observations of electron interference. There are only a few places where electron can exist. A standing wave on a string is what an electron's wavelength must fit into when it is bound to an atom. An electron can be allowed to interfere with itself. Constructive interference isn't produced by all of the orbits. The orbits are quantized.

Constructive interference can be obtained when an integral multiple of the electron's wavelength is equal to the circumference.

The wavelength of de broglie is here.

As stated earlier, this is the rule for allowed orbits. It is the condition for constructive interference of an electron that we now know about.

The quantization of energy levels in bound systems is done by the wave nature of matter. The electron can't spiral into the nucleus because it's possible in an atom. It can't be closer to the nucleus. The wave nature of matter gives atoms their sizes.

The third and fourth allowed circles have three and four wavelength in their circles.

A cloud of probability is consistent with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle because of the wave character of matter. If you use a probe that has a small wavelength to get some information, you will knock the electron out of its path. The location of the electron's position is determined by each measurement. A cloud of probability can be seen in the figure, with each speck of the location determined by a single measurement. There isn't a well-defined type of distribution. Nature is different on a small scale than it is on a large scale.

The ground state of a hydrogen atom has a probability cloud. The darkness of the cloud has an effect on the probability of finding the electron. The electron can be very close to the nucleus, but it is not likely to be a great distance.

The wave nature of matter causes quantization in bound systems such as the atom. When a particle is confined or bound to a small space, its allowed wavelengths are those which fit into that space. A particle in a box model is free to move in a small space surrounded by barriers. This is true in blackbody radiators as well as in atomic and molecular spectrum. Depending on the size and complexity of the system, various atoms and molecules will have different sets of electron orbits. When a system is large, such as a grain of sand, the tiny waves in it can fit in so many ways that it becomes impossible to see the states that are allowed.

The correspondence principle is satisfied. As systems get larger, they look less grainy. Unbound systems, such as an electron freed from an atom, do not have quantized energies since their wavelengths are not constrained to fit in a certain volume.

When waves spread out and interfere as they pass through a double slit, they are detected on a screen as tiny dots.

The lines of the atomic and molecular spectrum are more complex than they first appear. In this section, we will see that the complexity has yielded new information about electrons.

In order to explore the substructure of atoms, the Dutch physicist asked his student to study how magnetic fields might affect the spectrum. The 1902 Nobel Prize in physics was shared by Zeeman and Lorentz.

Some lines split into three lines, some into five, and so on. The amount of the split lines is proportional to the applied field strength, which indicates an interaction with a moving charge. The split means that an external magnetic field affects the quantized energy of an orbit, causing it to have several different energies. Even without an external magnetic field, very precise measurements showed that the lines are doublets because of the magnetic fields within the atom.

A magnetic field can cause the splitting of lines. The spread is determined by the strength of the applied field.

It is possible to see how a magnetic field affects an electron's orbit.

The magnetic field interacts with the magnetic field in the air. There is energy associated with this interaction and a Torque rotating a system through an angle does work. The external magnetic field has different energies.

The energies are quantized because the magnetic field splits the lines into different lines.

The picture shows how the current loop produces its own magnetic field. It shows how the line is the same as the momentum.

There are only certain angles allowed between the two. The Zeeman effect splits lines into several lines. Each line has an angle between the magnetic field and the external magnetic field.

We already know that the magnitude of momentum is quantized. The direction of the momentum is quantized. This quantization of direction is completely unexpected. The moon can have any magnitude and be in any direction on the scale.

The treatment of space quantization began to explain some of the quirks of the atomic spectrum. The doublet changes when a magnetic field is applied. In 1925, Sem Goudsmit and George Uhlenbeck, two Dutch physicists, successfully argued that electrons have properties similar to a charge spinning on its axis.

In the same way, electron spin is quantized in magnitude and direction. This is referred to as spin up or spin down for the electron. The lines are split into two because each spin direction has a different energy.

The doublets are thought to be due to spin.

In the absence of an external magnetic field, the lines are doublets. The electron has a magnetic field.

The spin of an electron is thought to be the cause of its magnetic field. The model seems to have no size. Only one of two angles with another magnetic field can be created by the spin and intrinsic magnetic field of the electron. The space is quantized for spin.

The direction of spin is quantized and the direction of electrons' spin is explained by their intrinsic spin. The way in which the magnetic field of hydrogen and biological atoms interact with an external field underlies the diagnostic fundamentals.

The names and symbols that are given to the physical characteristics that are quantized are very important. This section covers some of the more important quantum numbers and rules, which apply in chemistry, material science, and far beyond the realm of atomic physics, where they were first discovered. We see how physics makes discoveries that allow other fields to grow.

The energy states of bound systems are quantized because the particle wavelength can fit into the bounds of the system. The allowed energies are expressed as, where, for the hydrogen atom. The basic states of a system are labeled by the principal quantum number. The lowest-energy state has the first excited state.

The energy of the system, such as the hydrogen atom, can be expressed as some function of, as can other characteristics.

It is now known that the magnitude of angular momentum is quantized; it was first recognized by Bohr in relation to the hydrogen atom.

There is a rule for in atoms. The value can be anything from zero to. If that is the case, then it can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.

It can only be zero. The ground-state momentum for hydrogen is actually zero. The picture of a circular circle is not valid. The electron is near the nucleus. The uncertainty principle explains why the electron doesn't stay in the nucleus.

The first excited state of hydrogen can be either 0 or 1, according to the rule.

It is more convenient to state the value of, rather than calculating it.

It is very easy to state.

The direction of the momentum is quantized. This is true in all circumstances. The component of angular momentum along one direction in space can only have certain values. The direction in space is related to the direction of the magnetic field. This is an aspect of perception. Magnetic force has no meaning if there is nothing that varies with direction.

The rule in parentheses is that the values can range from one step to the next. The five values are -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2. Each corresponds to a different energy in the presence of a magnetic field, so that they are related to the splitting of lines into parts.

The component of a given momentum can only have certain values, which are shown here. The direction can only have certain angles relative to the - axis.

The vectors are represented in Figure 30.54 with arrows pointing in the correct direction. The angle of interest is determined by the ratio of to to.

We are given, so that can be either 0 or -1. The value was given by.

The figure is consistent with the angles. The angle is quantized. As illustrated, the angular momentum is on cones. This behavior is not observed on a large scale. Consider that the smallest angle is for the maximum value in the example.

For large, there are many values so that all angles become possible.

There are two more worrisome numbers. Both were first discovered for electrons. electrons and other fundamental particles have spin that is roughly the same as a planet spinning on its axis. Only one magnitude of spin is allowed for a given type of particle. Intrinsic angular momentum is quantized by itself. The direction of the spin is quantized as well.

The direction of spin is quantized the same way as the direction of momentum.

For electrons, they can only be 1/2 or 1/2. The difference between spin up and spin down is referred to as spin up.

In the later chapters, we will see that spin is a characteristic of all particles. There are important differences between half-integral spin particles and integral spin particles. Particles called pions have the same properties as protons and neutrons.

The state of a system is determined by its particular quantum numbers. The principal quantum number can have values for electrons in atoms. The values of the quantum number are limited. The quantum number can only have the values for a given value. It is always having electron spin.

There are two values for the spin projection quantum number.

There are hydrogen states in Figure 30.55 that correspond to different sets of quantum numbers. The clouds of probability are the locations of electrons that are determined by the number of times a measurement is made. The pattern of probability is shown in the figure. The clouds of probability look different from classical ones. The uncertainty principle makes it impossible for us and nature to know how the electron gets from one place to another. Nature on a small scale is very different from that on a large scale.

The nature of these states is determined by their sets of quantum numbers. One of the possibilities for the second excited state is (3, 2, 1). The darker the color, the greater the chance of finding the electron.

The quantum numbers discussed in this section are valid for a broad range of particles and other systems. Some quantum numbers, such as intrinsic spin, are related to fundamental classifications of subatomic particles, and they obey laws that will give us further insight into the substructure of matter and its interactions.

Spin is a property of atoms. Spin has no classical counterpart. When the spin component is measured, one can get either spin up or spin down.

There are multiple-electron atoms. The number of electrons a neutral atom has is related to the physical and chemical properties of elements. In this section, we will see that the exclusion principle applies far beyond the realm of atomic physics.

No two electrons can be in the same state. The Pauli exclusion principle is very applicable.

No two electrons have the same set of quantum numbers.

No two electrons have the same set of quantum numbers. No two electrons can be in the same state.

Wolfgang Pauli was a major player in the development of quantum mechanics. He made fundamental contributions to several areas of theoretical physics and influenced many students who went on to do important work of their own.

The exclusion principle applies to electrons in atoms.

Since is always for electrons, it is redundant to list, and so we specify the state of an electron by a set of four numbers. The state of an electron in an atom is determined by the quantum numbers.

There are limits to how many electrons can be in the same energy state since no two can have the same set of quantum numbers. The energy state is determined by the absence of a magnetic field. We see how many electrons can be in this energy state when we first choose. For example, consider the level. The value can only be 0 if a list of possible values is known.

Both of them have quantum numbers.

The Pauli exclusion principle explains why certain configurations of electrons are allowed.

The spins of the two electrons must be in opposite directions.

Only hydrogen and helium can have all of their electrons in the state because of the Pauli exclusion principle. One must be in the level to have three electrons in lithium. There is a concept of shells and shell filling. There are limits to the number of electrons for each value as we progress up in the number of electrons. Higher values of the shell correspond to higher energies and can allow more electrons because of various combinations. The physical and chemical properties of atoms are determined by the number of electrons in the shell.

The cloud of electrons with the lowest value are close to the nucleus. When shells fill, they start with, progress to, and so on.

The table below has symbols used to indicate shells and subshells.

We write with a number and a letter for shells and subshells. An electron is defined as one that is in the state. There are two electrons in the state. An electron in the state is written as. There is a case of three electrons.

We can determine how many electrons it takes to fill each shell by counting the number of possible combinations of quantum numbers.

Determine the number of electrons that can be in the shell and each of its subshells by listing all the possible sets of quantum numbers.

The rules for quantum numbers are 0 or 1.

Since the lowest subshell fills first, we start with the subshell possibilities and then proceed with the subshell.

The table shows the possible quantum numbers.

Subshells having more than 6 are usually labeled in alphabetical order.

Every time we want to know how many electrons can be in a shell, it's hard to make a table like this. There are general rules that are easy to apply.

The number of electrons in a subshell depends on the value.

There are possibilities since the first step is l. Since each electron can spin up or down, the number is doubled. The maximum number of electrons that can be in a subshell is.

The subshell has a maximum of 6 electrons. The maximum number is what can fit in the subshells. There is a maximum number of electrons that can be in a shell.

Only two electrons can be in the shell.

Determine the maximum number of electrons that will fit into each subshell, and verify that the total is.

We apply the equation "maximum number of electrons that can be in a subshell" to find the number of electrons in each subshell after determining which values are allowed.

There are three possible subshells since we know that can be.

The formula is the same as the total number of electrons in the three possible subshells. A filled shell is referred to as. Shells fill in different ways. We begin to find electrons in the shell before it is completely filled.

Table 30.3 shows electron configurations for the first 20 elements in the periodic table, starting with hydrogen and ending with calcium. The maximum number of electrons allowed in each shell is determined by the Pauli exclusion principle. The order in which the shells and subshells are filled is complicated by the large number of interactions between electrons.

As the number of electrons in an atom increases, the lowest-energy shell gets filled first, and then the shell begins to fill.

When all subshells are filled, the subshells fill with the lowest one first. The first exception to this is for potassium, where the subshell begins to fill before any electrons go into it. The rubidium exception is not shown in Table 30.3 because the subshell starts to fill before the subshell. The reason for these exceptions is that electrons are more tightly bound and have more probability clouds that penetrate closer to the nucleus.

The periodic table is shown in Figure 30.61 The main groups have elements in the numbered columns 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18.

The chemical properties of the atom are determined by the number of electrons in the outermost subshell. The atom will be highly reactive if the outermost subshell can easily accept an electron. The periodic table has groups that are characterized by their outermost electron configuration. Group 18 is the most familiar of the noble gases. The gases are characterized by a filled outer subshell. They do not give up an electron. If they were to accept an extra electron, it would be in a higher level and thus loose. Sharing electrons is often involved in chemical reactions. Under high pressure and temperature, noble gases can be forced into unstable chemical compounds.

Group 17 contains the halogens, which have one less electron than a neighboring noble gas. The subshell can hold up to 6 electrons.

They accept an extra electron and are highly reactive. A singly negative ion is formed when an extra electron is put into the outer subshell. All alkali metals have a single electron in their outermost subshell and are members of Group I.

These elements are highly reactive and easy to give up. They form singly positive ion by losing their electron. The outer electron can move freely, so they are metals.

Other groups are also of interest. Carbon, Silicon, and germanium are all in the same group. Carbon is able to form many types of bonds and be part of long chains. The filling of the subshells and crossing of energy levels are some of the characteristics of the large group of transitional elements. The lanthanide series' shells do not fill in simple order. The groups recognized by chemists have an explanation for the substructure of atoms.

See how the element, charge, and mass change when you build an atom out of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

An energy-level diagram is a useful way to plot orbital energies.

The smallest unit of elements is the atom and the smallest unit of compounds is the molecule.

On average, the analysis of Brownian motion gave accurate sizes for atoms and a precise value for Avogadro's number.

For all 30.2 discoveries of the parts of the electron, the circle is called the atom.

The X rays are high-frequency and are used in applications around the nucleus.

The first are produced by transitions between reasonable theory of hydrogen and planetary model.

The de-excitation of a metastable is called phosphorescence.

The decay of the principal quantum state is stimulated.

The Wave Nature of Matter causes quantization.

In nature of matter, the direction of angular momentum is quantized. Allowed in atoms occur for that its component along an axis defined by a magnetic constructive interference of electrons in the orbit, field, called the - axis.

There are clouds of probability because of the electron's intrinsic spin angular Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

The spin quantum number is defined by the energy and radii of the electrons in atoms as quantized. The energy of an absorbed photon and the direction of the electron's spin along the - axis are used to calculate transitions between orbits.

The allowed circles are referred to as spin up and the allowed circles are referred to as spin down.

The state of a system is completely described by a, and is Planck's constant.

This set was written as 30.7 patterns.

The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two electrons can have the same set of quantum numbers.

The magnitude and direction of the subshell is related to the maximum number of electrons that can be in it.

The atomic and molecular spectrums are distinct.

Explain how the principle applies.

CDs can be burned and read with lasers.

Explain how the principle applies.

How are the energies of the hydrogen-like atom? An inventor claims to be able to do the reverse and radii of his electron orbits.

CDs can be burned and read with lasers.

x rays can be used to examine crystal lattices.

In each case, give an example.

State which rule is not allowed.

A hydrogen atom in an excited state can be ionized with less energy than in its ground state.

This implied a lot of density.

Millikan's oil-drop experiment shows a small oil spectrum for a transition that ends in the level.

The separation of a singly ionized helium ion is only one electron. The density is the oil drop.

The atom is in a state of hydrogen.

The solar corona has high temperatures. The first line in electron is calculated by calculating its wavelength.

The aluminum oxide crystal is used to doped the chromium atoms. The approach was stated in the text.

The wavelength of the four Balmer series lines for hydrogen is found to be between 410.3 and 454. It is amazing how a simple formula could duplicate this phenomenon.

This is the basis of a laser.

TVs have shielding to protect them from x rays.

An x ray tube has a high applied voltage.

The energy wavelength of the radiation is .

A laser is pumped.

There are concepts for an electron.

Each rule is not allowed.

The following spectroscopic notations are determined by having them interact with very small allowed objects, which do not violate any of the rules.

The beam is very similar to water. The phase change from liquid to gas can be determined. Observations and compare the result with the known divide of the heat of vaporization in kJ/kg by the number value.

This can be converted to eV and compared to the photon energy.

The stars can't tell the difference between one side and the other because the neighboring galaxy rotates on its axis.

Particles called muons can be seen in Cosmic rays and can be moved over the entire range of + 200 km/s. There was something created in particle accelerators. Muons have the same charge and spin as electrons, but they line in the Balmer series of hydrogen that has a mass 207 times greater. This is a galaxy when muons are present.

The mass in A pulsar is a rapidly spinning remnant of a supernova.

The muon is inside the. The range of wavelength will fall into a hydrogen-like circle.

Determine the minimum amount of energy needed to create a population in a helium with a straight path through an electric and neon laser.

A carbon dioxide laser is used in surgery and emits a wavelength that is independent of the charge and mass of the particle radiation. In 1.00 ms, involved.

Unreasonable results evaporated it.

You may think that 0.0100-fm-wavelength X-rays have the same heat of vaporization as water.

The radio waves used by the magnetic resonance imager are 100-MHz.

Most of the atoms in the solar corona are spectrum with a grating for ionization. Consider a hydrogen-like atom in the corona. There is only one electron. She observes a yellow line in the spectrum and finds a wavelength of 589 nm.

Consider the hydrogen spectrum that was received from a rapidly retreating galaxy. If you want to know if the Balmer series can be described with a formula like that in the equation, you have to create a problem in which you calculate the energies of selected lines.

Individual carbon atoms are visible in this image of a carbon nanotube made by a scanning tunneling electron microscope.

Explain how electrons were discovered.

The energy-level diagram is used toIllustrate energy state.

Explain how laser emission is made.

Discuss and define holography.

Define and describe the wave-like properties of matter.

The state and the Zeeman effect are discussed.

According to shell filling, the position of each element is stated.

From the air we breathe to the leaves on the forest trail, we learn that atoms are a substructure. The existence and properties of atoms are used to explain many phenomena in this text. We apply quantum mechanics to the description of atoms and their properties in this chapter. New concepts emerge with applications far beyond the boundaries of atomic physics, just like the scientists who made the original discoveries.

A brief account of the progression from the proposal of atoms by the Greeks to the first direct evidence of their existence follows.

People have speculated about the structure of matter. The philosophers Leucippus and Democritus are some of the earliest significant ideas to survive. The question of whether a substance can be divided into smaller pieces was considered. There are a few possible answers. It is possible that infinitesimally small subdivisions are possible. According to Democritus, there is a smallest unit that cannot be further divided. The Greeks were correct when they said that atoms can be divided, but their identity is destroyed in the process. The Greeks believed that atoms were moving in a constant motion.

The proposal that the basic elements were earth, air, fire, and water was incorrect. The basic elements were not the most common examples of the four states of matter identified by the Greeks. It took more than 2000 years for equipment capable of revealing the true nature of atoms to be available.

Substances and their chemical reactions were discovered over the centuries. Efforts to transmute common and rare elements resulted in the recognition of certain systematic features. Secrecy was a problem. Many facts were rediscovered but were not made broadly available. The science of chemistry came about as the Middle Ages ended. It was no longer possible to keep discoveries secret. By the beginning of the 19th century, an important fact was established--the mass of reactants in specific chemical reactions always have a particular mass ratio. There are basic units that have the same mass ratios. The English chemist John Dalton did a lot of this work, as did the Italian physicist Amedeo Avogadro. Avogadro's number is named after him because he developed the idea of a fixed number of atoms and molecules in a mole. The Austrian physicist was the first to measure the value of the constant using the theory of gases.

We have been able to make many discoveries because of the recognition and appreciation of patterns. The proposed periodic table of elements was an organized summary of the known elements that led to many other discoveries. Patterns in the properties of particles lead to the idea of quarks as their underlying structure, an idea that is still bearing fruit.

The development of the periodic table of the elements was the culmination of knowledge of elements and compounds. The periodic nature of elements was highlighted by the array proposed by Mendeleev. He predicted the existence of unknown elements to complete the periodic table. The periodic table became universally accepted once these elements were discovered.

The theory of gases was developed during the 19th century. The existence of atoms and molecules in random thermal motion is the basis for the theory of the gas laws, heat transfer, and the Gas Laws and y. It is still indirect evidence that individual atoms and molecules have not been observed. Before direct evidence of atoms was obtained, there were heated debates about the validity of the theory.

Robert Brown is credited with the first direct evidence of atoms. He noticed that the tiny pollen grains were moving in complex paths. A microscope can be used to observe small particles in a fluid. Statistical fluctuations in the number of molecules hitting the sides of a visible particle cause it to move first. The effects of the molecule on the particle can be seen. The size of Molecules can be calculated by examining Brownian motion. The smaller and more numerous they are, the smaller the fluctuations in the numbers are.

Brownian motion can be seen in the position of a pollen grain in the water. Brownian motion is caused by fluctuations in the number of atoms and molecules colliding with a small mass.

A satisfactory alternative explanation for the existence of atoms cannot be found.

Albert Einstein published several papers in 1905 explaining how Brownian motion could be used to measure the size of atoms. He worked days as a patent examiner, so he did all of this in his spare time. Their sizes were only known to be based on a comparison of surface tension and heat created by Thomas Young of double-slit fame and Simon Laplace.

Einstein's ideas were used by the French physicist Jean-Baptiste Perrin to confirm his theory of Brownian motion. Knowing atomic and molecular sizes allowed a precise value for Avogadro's number to be obtained. The ideas that Perrin used to explain atomic andmolecular agitation effects in sedimentation were used to win the 1926 Nobel Prize. The accurate observation and analysis of Brownian motion was the first direct evidence of the existence of atoms.

There is a lot of evidence for the existence of atoms. It has become possible to measure the mass of an individual ion by using a mass spectrometer, similar to how electrons are accelerated in cathode-ray tubes. The scanning tunneling electron microscope is one of the devices that can observe individual atoms. Our understanding of the properties of matter is based on the atom. The atom's substructures, such as electron shells and the nucleus, are both important. The particles of which the nucleus is composed have a substructure. The question of whether there is a smallest basic structure to matter will be explored in later parts of the text.

The scanning tunneling electron microscope can be used to detect individual gold atoms.

Both electrons and nuclei are substructures of the atom. Some of the basic properties of atoms can be found in the experiments that were used to discover them and can be easily understood using ideas such as magnetic force.

Positive charge is associated with nuclei and negative charge with electrons. The electric and magnetic forces affect charges. The discovery of the electron and nucleus as substructures of the atom will be explored.

The gas glows when a high voltage is applied. Neon lights are the result of these tubes. They were first studied by a German inventor in the 1860s. The English scientist William Crookes continued to study what is known as the Crookes tubes, in which electrons are freed from atoms and molecules in the rarefied gas inside the tube and are accelerated from the negative to the positive by the high potential. The electrons' path is visible as a ray that spreads and fades as it moves away from the cathode, after these "cathode rays" collide with the gas atoms and molecule.

The electrons can make a small paddle wheel rotation. The normally straight path is bent by a magnet in the direction expected for a negative charge to move away from the cathode. These were the first signs of charge and electrons.

A gas discharge tube is glowing. The atoms and molecules in the gas glow in response to the electrons emitted from the cathode. The name of the tubes used in TVs, computer screens, and x-ray machines is now known as cathode-ray tubes. The beam bends when a magnetic field is applied. The negative charge of the rays was verified by magnetic and electric fields.

An excess of negative charge was found when he collected the rays in a metal cup.

The electric field is produced between the charging plates and the tube is placed between the poles of the magnet so that the electric field is in line with the magnetic field of the magnet. The fields produce opposing forces on the electrons.

Thomson moved the beam up and down by adjusting the electric field after determining the velocity of the electrons.

The schematic shows the electron beam in a CRT passing through electric and magnetic fields and causing phosphor to glow when striking the end of the tube.

The value was not known at the time.

The applied voltage and distance between the plates can be used to determine the deflection. The measurement can be made by bending the beam of electrons with the magnetic field. The results are obtained using a magnetic field.

Thomson realized that this is a huge number and that it means the electron has a very small mass. A factor of 1000 less than the charge per kilogram of electrons is needed to plate a material. Thomson did an experiment for hydrogen ion and found a charge per kilogram 1000 times smaller than for the electron, implying that the hydrogen ion is more massive than the electron.

The charge per kilogram is 1836 times less than the charge for the electron. The charges of electrons and protons are the same.

Thomson used different gases in discharge tubes and other methods, such as the photoelectric effect, to free electrons from atoms. He was able to prove that the electron was an independent particle. Thomson was awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in physics for his work, which began in 1897. It is difficult to remember how amazing it was to find a substructure in the atom.

Thomson's method could not determine the charge of individual electrons due to the order of magnitude expected.

It had been known for a long time that 100,000 C per mole was needed to plate singly ionized strontium. The charge per ion was calculated to be close to the actual value by dividing it by the number of ion per mole.

One of the most fundamental constants in nature, the charge on electrons, was measured for the first time by the Millikan oil drop experiment. Fine drops of oil are charged. There is a potential applied to the metal plates to oppose the force. The calculation of the charge on a drop can be done with the balance of electric and gravity. The excess and missing electrons on the oil drops are determined by the charge being quantized in units.

In the Millikan oil drop experiment, fine drops of oil are sprayed. Some of these are charged by the process and can be suspended between metal plates.

The drop's weight is adjusted to balance the electric field produced by the applied voltage. The drops can be seen using a microscope, but they are too small to measure their size and mass.

When the voltage is turned off, the mass of the drop is determined. The more massive drops fall faster than the less massive, and sophisticated calculations can reveal their mass, since air resistance is very significant for these submicroscopic drops. The mass of oil is nearly constant because it does not evaporate.

He observed that all charges were multiples of the basic electron charge and that sudden changes could occur in which electrons were added or removed from the drops. Millikan was awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize in physics for his studies of the photoelectric effect.

The mass of the electron can be calculated using the charge of the electron and the charge-to-mass ratio.

The mass of the electron has been verified in many subsequent experiments and is now known to be better than one part in one million. It is the smallest known mass of any particle. The calculation gives the mass of other particles.

To prove the existence of one substructure of atoms, the electron, Thomson and Millikan had to show that it had only a tiny fraction of the mass of an atom. The nature of the nucleus of an atom was completely unexpected.

Another characteristic of quantum mechanics was starting to emerge. All electrons are the same. The charge and mass of electrons are unique to all electrons. This is true of other fundamental entities. All protons are the same.

The first direct evidence of the size and mass of the nucleus is here. Basic information on nuclear size and mass is important to understanding the atom, but other aspects of nuclear physics will be examined in later chapters.

Nuclear radioactivity was discovered in 1896 and was the subject of intense study by a number of the best scientists in the world. After completing his postgraduate studies at the Cavendish Laboratories in England, he moved to Canada where he did the work that earned him a Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1908. There is a lot of overlap between chemistry and physics in the area of atomic and nuclear physics. He returned to England in the late 80's and had many future winners as students. Nuclear radiation was used to look at the size and mass of the nucleus. A radioactive source that emits alpha radiation was placed in a lead container with a hole in one side to produce a beam of alpha particles, which are a type of ionizing radiation ejected by the nucleus of a radioactive source. The scattering of alpha particles was observed when they struck a phosphor screen after a thin gold foil was placed in the beam.

The size and mass of the nucleus were shown by scattering alpha particles from a thin gold foil. Alpha particles with energies of about are emitted from a radioactive source, which is a small metal container in which a specific amount of radioactive material is sealed, and fall upon the foil. The number of particles that penetrate the foil or scatter to different angles indicates that gold is very small and contains almost all of the gold atom's mass. The alpha particles that scatter to large angles are similar to a soccer ball bouncing off a goalie's head.

The nucleus of an unstable nuclide can be broken down by the emission of charged particles if the alpha particles are doubly charged. Nuclear size and mass can be revealed by the way in which the particles scatter from the nucleus. This is similar to how a bowling ball is scattered by an object.

The atom was supposed to be a small sphere with equal amounts of positive and negative charge. The incident massive alpha particles wouldn't suffer a lot in the model. The analysis shows that gold nuclei are very small compared to the size of a gold atom, with almost all of the atom's mass tightly bound. The gold nucleus is more massive than the alpha particle, so a head-on collision would scatter the alpha particle back to the source. The larger the nucleus, the less alpha particles that would hit one head on.

The results of the experiment were published by his colleagues in 1909, but it took him two years to convince himself of their meaning. Like Thomson before him, he was reluctant to accept such results. Even those at the forefront of discovery are surprised by nature on a small scale. It was almost as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you. The analysis and model of the atom were published in 1911. The size of the nucleus was determined to be 100,000 times smaller than the atom. This means a huge density on the order of the matter. The existence of previously unknown nuclear forces to counteract the repulsive Coulomb forces in the nucleus is implied. Huge forces are consistent with the large energies of nuclear radiation.

The small nucleus means that the atom is mostly empty. Most alphas went through the gold foil with very little scattering, since the atom was mostly empty with nothing for the alpha to hit. At the time he did his experiments, energetic electrons had been observed to penetrate thin foils more easily than expected. Most alpha particles are scattered by electrons. Occasionally, an alpha hits a nucleus head-on and is scattered backwards.

The circles and dots represent the atoms and the nucleus. The dots are larger than the scale. Most alpha particles are unaffected by crashes because of their high energy and small mass. Some head straight toward a nucleus and are scattered back. The size and mass of the nucleus are given in a detailed analysis.

The planetary model of the atom shows low-mass electrons. The size of the nucleus is small compared with the size of the electrons. This picture is similar to how low-mass planets in our solar system circle the large-mass Sun at large distances compared with the size of the sun. The attractive Coulomb force in the atom is similar to gravitation in the planetary system. Since the atom is too small to be seen with visible light, a model or mental picture is needed.

The nucleus, electrons, and size of the atom are included in the planetary model of the atom.

This model was the first to recognize the structure of atoms in which low-mass electrons are in a large nucleus. Our planetary system is similar to the empty atom.

In the next few sections, we will see how the planetary model of the atom was important to understanding the characteristics of atoms. It was an indication of how different nature is from the classical world on a small quantum mechanical scale. The discovery of a substructure to all matter in the form of atoms and molecules was being taken a step further to reveal a simpler substructure. We have been successful in finding deeper substructures, such as those inside the nucleus. We will look at the direction the search seems to be heading in the later chapters, after we follow this quest in the discussion of quarks and other elementary particles.

He recreated the famous experiment in which he disproved the Plum Pudding model of the atom by observing alpha particles bouncing off atoms and determining that they must have a small core.

The planetary model of the atom was used immediately by the great Danish physicist. He published his theory of the simplest atom, hydrogen, in 1913, based on the planetary model of the atom. Many questions had been asked about atomic characteristics. Much is known about atoms, but little is known about the laws of physics. New and broadly applicable principles in quantum mechanics were established by Bohr's theory.

The atomic spectrum and size of the hydrogen atom were explained by the planetary model of the atom. His contributions to the development of atomic physics and quantum mechanics, his personal influence on many students and colleagues, and his personal integrity, especially in the face of Nazi oppression, earned him a prominent place in history. The energies of some small systems are quantized. The emission and absorption of atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms and atoms There must be a connection between the spectrum of an atom and its structure, something like the resonance frequencies of musical instruments. Many great minds tried to come up with a theory, but no one came up with one. After Einstein's proposal of quantized energies directly proportional to their wavelength, it became clear that electrons in atoms can only exist in a single trajectory.

A discharge tube, slit, and grating produce a line spectrum from left to right. The emission line spectrum for iron is shown in part (b). The lines imply quantized energy states for the atoms. The line spectrum for each element is unique, providing a powerful and much used analytical tool, and many line spectrum were well known for many years before they could be explained with physics. The simplest atom has a relatively simple spectrum. The hydrogen spectrum had been observed in a number of different places. The series is named after researchers who studied them in detail.

A series is associated with a constant. Part of the Balmer series is visible with the rest of the UV. The rest are all IR. There is an unlimited number of series, although they are difficult to see as they get deeper into theIR. The constant is positive, but must be greater than.

That can approach infinite. The formula in the wavelength equation was just a recipe designed to fit data and was not based on physical principles. The formula for his series was the first to be devised, and it was later found to describe all the other series by using different values. The deeper meaning was comprehended by Bohr. We see the interplay between theory and experiment in physics again. An equation was found to fit the experimental data, but the theoretical foundation was missing.

The hydrogen spectrum has several series named for those who contributed the most.

The Balmer series is in the visible spectrum, while the Lyman series is in the UV and the Paschen series is in the IR.

We need to identify the physical principles involved in the Integrated Concept problem. We need to know the wavelength of light and the conditions for an interference maximum for the pattern from a double slit. Part (a) deals with a topic of the present chapter, while part (b) considers the wave interference material of Wave Optics.

That is required in the Balmer series.

The wavelength equation can be applied to the calculation.

The wavelength is similar to the second line in the Balmer series. The same simple recipe predicted all of the hydrogen spectrum lines in subsequent experiments.

To get constructive interference for a double slit, the path length difference must be an integral multiple of the wavelength.

In this example, the number is the order of the interference.

This number is similar to the one used in the interference examples of the introduction to quantum physics.

Basic physics, the planetary model of the atom, and some very important new proposals were used to derive the formula for the hydrogen spectrum. The first proposal was that only certain orbits were allowed. electrons can move to a higher orbit by absorbing energy and then dropping to a lower one by emitting energy The amount of energy absorbed or emitted can be quantized. The primary methods of transferring energy into and out of atoms are photon absorption and emission. When an electron moves from one electron to another, the energy of the photon is equal to the change in the electron's energy.

There is a change in energy between the initial and final orbits. It's logical that energy is involved in changing orbits. The space shuttle needs a lot of energy to get to a higher altitude. It is not expected that atomic orbits should be quantized. This is not observed for satellites or planets that have a proper energy balance.

The planetary model of the atom has the electrons quantized. There are only certain orbits that are allowed. The energy carried away from an atom by a photon is quantized by the dropping of an electron from one atom to another. This is also true for atomic absorption.

These are the allowed energy levels of the electron. The energy is plotted vertically with the lowest state at the bottom and excited states above. It is possible to determine the energy levels of an atom using the lines in an atomic spectrum. Energy-level diagrams are used for many systems. The physics of the system must be predicted by a theory of the atom.

An energy-level diagram plots energy vertically and is useful in visualization of the energy states of a system.

The way to calculate the electron orbital energies in hydrogen was found by Bohr. This was an important first step that has been improved upon, but it is worth repeating because it describes many characteristics of hydrogen.

This value can only be equal to, according to quantization. At the time, he didn't know why the energy in the hydrogen spectrum should be quantized, but using this assumption, he was able to calculate the energies in the hydrogen spectrum, something no one else had done at the time.

We will derive a number of important properties of the hydrogen atom from the classical physics we have covered in the text. The centripetal force that causes the electron to follow a circular path is supplied by the Coulomb force. This analysis is valid for any single-electron atom. The hydrogen-like ion is similar to hydrogen but has a higher energy due to the attraction of the electron and nucleus.

The assumption is that the nucleus is larger than the stationary electron. The planetary model of the atom is consistent with this.

In an earlier equation, the quantization is stated. We solve the equation for and substitute it for the one in the above.

The formula that gives the correct size of hydrogen is very impressive.

The radii are shown for the allowed electron orbits in hydrogen. The equation gave these radii after they were first calculated. The diameter of a hydrogen atom is verified by the lowest orbit.

If the electron is not moving at fast speeds, the Kinetic energy is familiar. The potential energy for the electron can be found in the nucleus, which looks like a point charge. The nucleus has a positive charge, recalling an earlier equation for the potential due to a point charge. The electron's charge is negative.

The above expression is for energy.

The diagram in Figure 30.20 shows an energy-level diagram for hydrogen and shows how the various hydrogen spectrums are related to transitions between energy levels.

The diagram shows the Lyman, Balmer, and Paschen series of transitions. The above equation is used to calculate the orbital energies.

The electron is bound to the nucleus so it's negative, like being in a hole without enough energy to escape. The electric potential energy becomes zero since the free electron gets very large. To ionize hydrogen, 13.6 eV is needed. The electron becomes unbound with some energy. Giving an electron 15 eV in the ground state of hydrogen takes it out of the atom and leaves it with a small amount of energy.

The formula first proposed by Balmer years earlier was used to derive the formula we use today.

The theory of the hydrogen atom by Bohr answers the question as to why this formula describes the hydrogen spectrum. The energy levels are proportional to the non-negative number. A downward transition releases energy. The transitions end on a certain level in the various series. The transitions end in the ground state for the Lyman series. The transitions end in the first excited state for the Balmer series. angular momentum is quantized and is emerging as a new recipe based in physics.

No one had been able to do what he did. He explained the spectrum of hydrogen and calculated the size of the atom from basic physics. Some of his ideas are applicable. All atoms and Molecules are quantized. It is quantized. Classically, the electrons would sit on the nucleus and decay quickly, so that the nucleus would collapse. These are major victories.

There are limits to the theory. It cannot be applied to multielectron atoms. We call it semiclassical. The orbits are quantized but are assumed to be simple circular paths. As quantum mechanics was developed, it became clear that there were clouds of probability. The theory did not explain that some lines are doublets. Many aspects of quantum mechanics will be examined in more detail, but they should be kept in mind that Bohr did not fail. He laid the foundation for all of atomic physics by making important steps along the way to greater knowledge.

Shoot light at the atom. The model predicts the experimental results.

Each type of atom has its own spectrum. Some of their important applications are explored in this section.

x rays are a part of the spectrum. An x-ray tube produces x rays. The electrons from a hot filament can be accelerated with a high voltage.

An x-ray tube has two processes by which x rays are produced. The x rays are called bremsstrahlung and come from the deceleration of electrons. The second process is atomic in nature and produces characteristic x rays. The x-ray spectrum in is typical of what is produced by an x-ray tube, showing a broad curve of bremsstrahlung radiation with characteristic xray peaks on it.

The X-ray spectrum is obtained when energetic electrons strike a material. The bremsstrahlung radiation is the smooth part of the spectrum. The x-ray peaks at different frequencies would be characteristic of a different anode material.

The range of x-ray energies in the bremsstrahlung radiation shows that an incident electron's energy isn't always converted into photon energy. All of the electron's energy was converted to photon energy to produce the highest-energy x ray. The maximum x-ray energy is related to the accelerating voltage.

It's convenient to have units of electron volts. The x-ray photon has a maximum energy of 100 keV.

There are electrons in the anode. One or more of the atom's inner electrons are knocked into a higher orbit, or the atom is ionized, if part of the energy that they deposit by collision with an atom. The atoms emit radiation when they de-excite. When an or shell electron is excited to a higher level and another falls into the vacant spot, the most energetic of these are produced. When an inner-shell vacancies is filled, a characteristic x ray is emitted by an atom.

An x ray is created when an electron falls into a shell. Every element has its own set of x-ray energies, which are dependent on the electron states in the atom. This property can be used to find small amounts of elements in an environmental sample.

The x rays are labeled according to the shell that the electron came from. When an electron comes from the shell, a x ray is produced.

The x-ray tube has a tungsten anode in it.

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Since there are two electrons in a filled shell, a vacancy would leave one electron, so that the effective charge would be rather than. The effective charge is 73.

x rays from heavy elements are typical of this large photon energy. It is larger than other atomic emissions because it is produced when an inner-shell vacancy is filled.

The x ray energy of heavier elements increases as they get bigger. The inner-shell vacancies need a lot of speed. Because other shells are filled and you cannot simply add one electron to a higher filled shell, 72.5 kV is needed in the case of tungsten. A high melting point material like tungsten is needed in x-ray tubes to absorb the energy of the impinging electrons.

Diagnostic uses of x-ray photons can be identified by all of us. Universal dental and medical x rays are an essential part of medical diagnostics. An x ray is more than a synonym for high-energy photon, it is an image produced by x rays, and it has been made into a familiar verb to be x-rayed.

An x-ray image of a person's chest shows an artificial pacemaker. The contents of a piece of luggage are shown in the x-ray image.

Simple shadows are the most common x-ray images. x-ray photons penetrate materials that are hard to see. Material will penetrate if the x-ray photon has more energy. An x-ray tube may be used for a chest x ray, but it may need to be used for a cast on a broken leg. The energy of the photon and the density of the material are related to the depth of penetration. The denser the material, the less xray rays get through. x rays excel at detecting breaks in bones and other structures that differ in density from surrounding material Because of their high photon energy, x rays damage cells in biological organisms. Modern uses reduce exposure to the patient and eliminate exposure to others. x rays and other types of ionizing radiation will be explored in the next chapter.

The Compton effect becomes more important as the x-ray energy increases. The x rays scatter from the outer electron shell of the atom, giving the ejected electron some energy. The number of electrons present in the material is the most important factor in determining the likelihood of attenuation of the x rays. The chemical composition of the medium is not important. Better contrast is provided by low-energy x rays. They are more absorbed by thicker materials. Greater contrast can be achieved by injecting a substance with a large atomic number. The structure of the part of the body that contains the substance can be seen in this way.

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women. x-ray diagnostics are important because early detection can be very effective. A mammogram can only give evidence of a lump or region of increased density within the breast. X-ray absorption by different types of soft tissue is very similar, so contrast is difficult for younger women with denser breasts. Older women with more fat in the breast are more likely to see a lump or tumor. Conventional x rays can be used as a supplement to improve detection and eliminate false positives. The subject's radiation dose will be treated in a later chapter.

A standard x ray only gives a two-dimensional view of the object. Images of soft tissue or organs might be hidden by dense bones. If you took another x ray from the side of the person, you would get more information. Modern technology can produce more sophisticated images than shadow images can.

X rays are passed through a slice of the patient's body over a range of directions. There are many x rays on the other side of the patient. An image is taken of the patient and the system rotates around them. The x-ray tube and detector array are attached to each other. A highly detailed image is created by computer image processing of the x rays.

Different slices are taken as the patient moves through the machine. The development of computed tomography was developed by G. Hounsfield and A. Cormack.

A patient is being positioned in a hospital ship. The patient's body is scanned with the x rays through slices of it. Highly detailed images are produced by analyzing the x rays along different directions. Multiple slices can give three-dimensional information. A three-dimensional image of a skull was created using computed tomography and analysis of several x-ray slices of the head. The x-ray photons have relatively short wavelength. x rays can be used to detect the location, shape, and size of atoms, since they are on the order of 0.1 nm in size.

The double-helix structure of DNA was discovered in 1953 by an international team of scientists working at the Cavendish Laboratory. They were the first to discern the structure of DNA using x-ray data. The 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Crick, Wilkins, and Watson. There is a lot of debate over whether or not Rosalind Franklin was included in the prize.

The figure shows a pattern of x rays in a crystal. x-ray crystallography is a process that gives information about crystal structure, and it was the type of data that Rosalind Franklin supplied to Crick for DNA. x rays give information on the atomic arrangements in materials and confirm the size and shape of atoms. Current research in high-temperature superconductors involves complex materials whose lattice arrangements are crucial to obtaining a superconducting material. x-ray crystallography can be used to study these.

The interference pattern was created by the X-ray diffraction from the hen egg lysozyme. The German Max von Laue convinced two of his colleagues to scatter x rays from crystals after he discovered x rays in 1895. If a pattern of waves is obtained, the x rays could be determined. Von Laue was awarded the 1914 Nobel Prize in physics for suggesting that x rays are waves. The father and son team of Sir William Henry Bragg and his son Sir William Lawrence Bragg were awarded a joint Nobel Prize in 1915 for inventing the x-ray analyzer. After graduating from mathematics, the elder Bragg moved to Australia. He studied physics and chemistry at the University of Adelaide. The younger Bragg was born in Australia but went back to England to work in x-ray and neutron crystallography, and he supported the work of James Crick and Max Perutz for their work on unraveling the mysteries of DNA. This time, we see the enabling nature of physics--establishing instruments and designing experiments as well as solving mysteries in the biomedical sciences.

Other uses for x rays will be studied later in the chapter. X rays have an effect on cell reproduction and are useful in the treatment of cancer. X rays from outer space can be used to determine the nature of their sources, such as black holes. x rays can be used to detect atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons. X rays can cause the fluoresce of atoms, which makes them a valuable analytical tool in a range of fields from art to archaeology.

The properties of matter and phenomena in nature are related to atomic energy levels. The transparency of air, the color of a rose, and the output of a laser are a few examples.

It may not seem like they have much in common, but glow-in-the-dark pajamas and lasers are different applications of atomic de-excitations.

Light from a laser is based on atomic de-excitation.

The color of a material is determined by the ability of its atoms to absorb certain wavelengths. The levels of the lycopene's atoms are separated by a variety of energies, which correspond to all visible photon energies except red. Another example is air. It is transparent because there are few energy levels visible to the naked eye. The light cannot be absorbed. The visible light is scattered weakly by the air because the visible wavelength is larger than the air atoms. To cause red sunsets and blue skies, light must pass through kilometers of air.

The atomic energy levels of a material are related to its ability to emit light. Some rocks glow in black light because of their mineral composition. Posters with black lights make them glow.

When illuminated by a black light, objects glow in the visible spectrum. Emissions are related to the mineral's energy levels. In the case of scorpions, the blue glow is due to the presence of proteins near the surface of their skin. This is a colorful example of fluorescent activity in which de-excitation occurs in the form of visible light.

An atom is excited to a level several steps above its ground state by the absorption of a relatively high-energy UV photon. One way the atom can de-excite is to re-emit a photon of the same energy as excited it, a single step back to the ground state.

Smaller steps in which lower-energy (longer wavelength) photons are emitted are all other paths of de-excitation.

There are many types of energy input. The use of fluorescent paint, dyes, and soap in clothes makes the colors look brighter in the sun. X rays can be used to make visible images. Neon lights and gasdischarge tubes that produce atomic and molecular spectrum can be caused by electric discharges. Atomic emissions from mercury atoms are caused by an electric discharge in mercury vapor. The inside of a fluorescent light is coated with a fluorescent material that emits visible light over a broad spectrum of wavelength.

The fluorescent lights are four times more efficient in converting electrical energy into visible light than the incandescent lights are.

The atom is excited by the UV photon. It can de-excite in a single step, re-emitting a photon of the same energy, or in several steps. If the atom de-excites in smaller steps, it will emit different energy than if it excited it. UV, x-rays, and electrical discharge are some of the energy inputs that can causeescence.

glow-worms can be found in the Waitomo caves on New Zealand's North Island. The glow-worms hang up to 70 silk threads each to catch prey that fly towards them in the dark. The process of turning energy into light is very efficient.

There are many uses for florescence. It is used to follow a molecule in a cell. One can study the structure of genes. The emission of visible light is observed when the molecule is illuminated with UV light and tagged with fluorescent dyes. Identification of elements within a sample can be done this way.

The fluorescent dye shown in Figure 30.32 is called fluorescein. Figure 30.33 shows the dispersion of a fluorescent dye in water.

The dye is used in the laboratory. A beaker of water has fluorescent powder added to it. Under ultraviolet light, the mixture gives off a bright glow. These are small single-crystal molecules. The indicators are small and provide improved brightness. All colors can be excited with the same wavelength.

Conventional phosphors have a longer lifetime than organic dyes. They are an excellent tool for long-term studies of cells.

Chicken cells are being imaged using a fluorescent dye. Cell nuclei are blue while neurofilaments are green. Spontaneous de-excitation has a very short lifetime. Some levels have lifetimes of up to minutes or even hours. The energy levels are slow in de-exciting because their quantum numbers are different from the lower levels. phosphorescent substances are used to make glow-in-the-dark materials, such as Luminous dial on some watches and clocks and on children's toys and pajamas. The stored energy is released partially as visible light when the atoms or molecules decay slowly. After the ceramic has cooled from its firing, atomic energy can be frozen in. Since the release is slow, thermoluminescence can be used to date antiquities. The older the ceramic, the less light it emits.

The Chinese ceramic figure can be stimulated to de-excite and emit radiation by heating a sample of the ceramic, a process called thermoluminescence. Since the slowly states de-excite over centuries, the amount of thermoluminescence decreases with age, making it possible to use this effect to date and authenticate antiquities. The figure is from the 11th century. Today's lasers are commonplace. Lasers are used to read bar codes at stores and libraries, laser shows are staged for entertainment, laser printers produce high-quality images at a relatively low cost, and lasers send large numbers of telephone messages through optical fibers. Lasers are used in a number of things, including surveying, weapons guidance, tumor eradication, and for reading music CDs and computer CD-ROMs.

The answer is that lasers emit single-wavelength EM radiation that is very coherent. Laser output can be more precisely manipulated than other sources. Laser output is so pure and coherent because of how it is produced, which depends on a metastable state in the lasing material. electrons are raised to all possible levels when energy is put into a large collection of atoms The electrons that originally excited the metastable state and those that fell into it from above are included.

A population inversion has been achieved if a majority of electrons are in the metastable state.

An electron falls from the metastable state. A second photon of the same wavelength and phase with the first is emitted when this photon finds another atom in the metastable state. An excited atom with an electron in an energy orbit higher than normal releases a photon of a specific Frequency when the electron drops back to a lower energy orbit. If this photon strikes another electron in the same high-energy space, another photon of the same frequency is released. The emitted and triggering photons are both in the same phase and travel in the same direction. A majority of atoms must be in the metastable state to produce energy because the probability of absorption of a photon is the same as the probability of stimulated emission. Einstein was the first to realize that stimulated emission and absorption are equally probable. The laser acts as a temporary energy storage device that produces a massive energy output.

One atom in the metastable state spontaneously decays to a lower level, producing a photon that stimulates another atom to de-excite. The second photon is in phase with the first and has the same energy and wavelength. The emission of other photons is stimulated by both of them. A net production is necessary for there to be a net absorption.

The process was developed after advances in quantum physics. The development of lasers was one of the reasons why the Soviet Union and the United States won a joint Nobel Prize in 1964. Arthur Schawlow won the 1981 Nobel Prize for his work in laser applications. The devices were called masers because they produced microwaves. T. Maiman created the first working laser in 1960. The red light was produced by using a flash lamp and a rod. The name laser is used for all of the devices that produce a variety of wavelengths. In a process called optical pumping, energy input can come from a flash tube, electrical discharge, or other source. A large percentage of the original pumping energy is dissipated in other forms. Mirrors can be used to enhance stimulated emission by multiple passes of the radiation back and forth. Some of the light can be seen through one of the mirrors. A laser's output is 1% of the light passing back and forth in a laser.

Laser construction uses a method of pumping energy into the lasing material.

Many types of lasing materials are used to make lasers. The existence of a metastable state or phosphorescent material is what determines lasers. Some lasers produce continuous output while others are short-lived. The more common lasers produce something on the order of. The red light that comes from the laser is very common. The number of atoms of helium is ten times greater than the number of neon atoms. The first excited state of helium stores energy. Neon atoms have an excited state that is nearly the same as that in helium, which makes it easy to transfer this energy. The neon state that produces the laser output is also metastable. There are so many more helium atoms in neon that it can produce a population inversion. The population can be maintained even while lasing occurs because helium-neon lasers have continuous output. The most common lasers in use today are made of Silicon. The energy is pumped into the material by passing a current into the device. Light bounces back and forth and a tiny fraction emerges as laser light thanks to special coating on the ends and fine cleavings of the material. The lasers can produce outputs in the range of a few hundredths of a watt.

The gas mixture has more neon atoms than helium. In a collision, excited helium atoms can de-excite by transferring energy to neon. Neon allows lasing by the neon to occur.

There are many uses of lasers. Lasers can focus on a small spot. They have a wavelength that is defined. There are many types of lasers that provide the same wavelength of light.

One needs to be able to pick a wavelength that will be preferentially absorbed by the material of interest.

The objects appear a certain color because they absorb all other colors. The wavelength absorbed depends on the energy spacing between the electrons in the molecule. Unlike the hydrogen atom, biologicalmolecules are complex and have a variety of absorption lines. In the selection of a laser with the appropriate wavelength, these can be determined. Water absorbs light in the UV and IR regions. hemoglobin absorbs most of the UV light.

Laser surgery uses a wavelength that is absorbed by the tissue it is focused upon. Total loss of vision can be caused by a detached retina. scar tissue that can hold the retina in place, salvaged the patient's vision after Burns made by a laser focused to a small spot on the retina. Refractive dispersion of different wavelength light sources can't be focused as precisely as a laser. Laser surgery in the form of cutting or burning away tissue is more accurate because the laser output can be very precisely focused and is preferentially absorbed. Depending on what part of the eye needs repair, the appropriate type of laser can be selected. The repair of tears in the eye can be done with a green laser. The light absorbed by tissues containing blood can be used to "weld" the tear.

A laser is used to focus on a small spot on the retina, causing scar tissue to hold it in place. The light is focused by the lens of the eye and the laser is brought to the eye.

Lasers are being used in dentistry. The soft tissue of the mouth is the most common place where lasers are used. They can be used to heal wounds. The erbium YAG laser is used to cut into bones and teeth.

Since lasers can produce very high power in short bursts, they can be used to focus a lot of energy on a small glass sphere. The incident energy increases the fuel temperature so that fusion can occur and it also increases the density of the fuel. The implosion is caused by the impinging laser.

Nuclear fusion can be achieved using a system of lasers. A burst of energy is focused on a small fuel pellet, which is imploded to the high density and temperature needed to make the fusion reaction proceed. CDs and DVDs have larger storage capacities than vinyl records. The encyclopedia can be stored on a single CD. The CD can be used to record digital information because the pits are very small. They are read by having a cheap solid-state laser beam scatter from pits as the CD spins, revealing their digital pattern and the information on them.

Laser-created pits on a CD's surface hold digital information. The laser light scattered from the pit can be read. The precision of the laser makes it possible for large information capacity.

holograms are used for amusement, decoration on novelty items and magazine covers, security on credit cards and driver's licenses, and for serious three-dimensional information storage. When viewed from different angles, a hologram is a true three-dimensional image.

Holography uses light interference, whereas normal photography uses wave optics. The light from a laser is split into two parts by a mirror. The reference beam shines on a piece of film. Light from the object is interfering with the reference beam. The exposed film looks foggy, but close examination shows a complicated interference pattern on it. The film is darkened where the interference was constructive. Holography uses the wave characteristics of light as compared to normal photography, which requires a lens.

A piece of film is interfered with by a single wavelength coherent light from a laser. A partially silvered mirror splits the laser beam into two parts, one illuminating an object and the other shining directly on the film.

Light falling on a hologram can create a three-dimensional image. The film's exposed regions are dark and block the light, while less exposed regions allow light to pass. The film acts like a collection of gratings. Light passing through the hologram is diffracted in various directions, producing both real and virtual images of the object used to expose the film. The interference pattern is the same as the object. The interference pattern gives you different perspectives when you move your eye to different places. The image is three-dimensional like the object.

When a laser of the same type as that which exposed the hologram is passed through a transmission hologram, it creates real and virtual images. The interference pattern is the same as the object that was used to expose it.

White light holograms on credit cards are reflection holograms and are more common. White light holograms can appear blurry with rainbow edges due to the different patterns of light in different colors. 3-D images of human organs, as well as statues in museums and engineering studies of structures, are some of the types of 3-D information storage that can be done with holograms. Dennis Gabor, who won the 1971 Nobel Prize in physics for his work, was the inventor of holograms. The interference patterns of lasers are more pronounced. It is possible to record multiple holograms on a single piece of film by changing the angle of the film for each image. holograms that move as you walk by them are a kind of lensless movie.

holograms allow complete 3-D hologram displays of objects from a stack of images. It's easy to store these images for future use. High-resolution 3-D images of internal organs and tissues can be made with the use of an endoscope.

After visiting some of the applications of different aspects of atomic physics, we now return to the basic theory that was built upon the atom. Einstein said it was important to keep asking the questions. You know the answer. The wave-like properties of electrons were later proposed. In the next module, we will see that they can only exist if they interfere with each other and only certain orbits meet proper conditions.

After the initial work on the hydrogen atom, a decade was to pass before de Broglie proposed that matter has wave properties. The wave-like properties of matter were confirmed by observations of electron interference. There are only a few places where electron can exist. A standing wave on a string is what an electron's wavelength must fit into when it is bound to an atom. An electron can be allowed to interfere with itself. Constructive interference isn't produced by all of the orbits. The orbits are quantized.

Constructive interference can be obtained when an integral multiple of the electron's wavelength is equal to the circumference.

The wavelength of de broglie is here.

As stated earlier, this is the rule for allowed orbits. It is the condition for constructive interference of an electron that we now know about.

The quantization of energy levels in bound systems is done by the wave nature of matter. The electron can't spiral into the nucleus because it's possible in an atom. It can't be closer to the nucleus. The wave nature of matter gives atoms their sizes.

The third and fourth allowed circles have three and four wavelength in their circles.

A cloud of probability is consistent with Heisenberg's uncertainty principle because of the wave character of matter. If you use a probe that has a small wavelength to get some information, you will knock the electron out of its path. The location of the electron's position is determined by each measurement. A cloud of probability can be seen in the figure, with each speck of the location determined by a single measurement. There isn't a well-defined type of distribution. Nature is different on a small scale than it is on a large scale.

The ground state of a hydrogen atom has a probability cloud. The darkness of the cloud has an effect on the probability of finding the electron. The electron can be very close to the nucleus, but it is not likely to be a great distance.

The wave nature of matter causes quantization in bound systems such as the atom. When a particle is confined or bound to a small space, its allowed wavelengths are those which fit into that space. A particle in a box model is free to move in a small space surrounded by barriers. This is true in blackbody radiators as well as in atomic and molecular spectrum. Depending on the size and complexity of the system, various atoms and molecules will have different sets of electron orbits. When a system is large, such as a grain of sand, the tiny waves in it can fit in so many ways that it becomes impossible to see the states that are allowed.

The correspondence principle is satisfied. As systems get larger, they look less grainy. Unbound systems, such as an electron freed from an atom, do not have quantized energies since their wavelengths are not constrained to fit in a certain volume.

When waves spread out and interfere as they pass through a double slit, they are detected on a screen as tiny dots.

The lines of the atomic and molecular spectrum are more complex than they first appear. In this section, we will see that the complexity has yielded new information about electrons.

In order to explore the substructure of atoms, the Dutch physicist asked his student to study how magnetic fields might affect the spectrum. The 1902 Nobel Prize in physics was shared by Zeeman and Lorentz.

Some lines split into three lines, some into five, and so on. The amount of the split lines is proportional to the applied field strength, which indicates an interaction with a moving charge. The split means that an external magnetic field affects the quantized energy of an orbit, causing it to have several different energies. Even without an external magnetic field, very precise measurements showed that the lines are doublets because of the magnetic fields within the atom.

A magnetic field can cause the splitting of lines. The spread is determined by the strength of the applied field.

It is possible to see how a magnetic field affects an electron's orbit.

The magnetic field interacts with the magnetic field in the air. There is energy associated with this interaction and a Torque rotating a system through an angle does work. The external magnetic field has different energies.

The energies are quantized because the magnetic field splits the lines into different lines.

The picture shows how the current loop produces its own magnetic field. It shows how the line is the same as the momentum.

There are only certain angles allowed between the two. The Zeeman effect splits lines into several lines. Each line has an angle between the magnetic field and the external magnetic field.

We already know that the magnitude of momentum is quantized. The direction of the momentum is quantized. This quantization of direction is completely unexpected. The moon can have any magnitude and be in any direction on the scale.

The treatment of space quantization began to explain some of the quirks of the atomic spectrum. The doublet changes when a magnetic field is applied. In 1925, Sem Goudsmit and George Uhlenbeck, two Dutch physicists, successfully argued that electrons have properties similar to a charge spinning on its axis.

In the same way, electron spin is quantized in magnitude and direction. This is referred to as spin up or spin down for the electron. The lines are split into two because each spin direction has a different energy.

The doublets are thought to be due to spin.

In the absence of an external magnetic field, the lines are doublets. The electron has a magnetic field.

The spin of an electron is thought to be the cause of its magnetic field. The model seems to have no size. Only one of two angles with another magnetic field can be created by the spin and intrinsic magnetic field of the electron. The space is quantized for spin.

The direction of spin is quantized and the direction of electrons' spin is explained by their intrinsic spin. The way in which the magnetic field of hydrogen and biological atoms interact with an external field underlies the diagnostic fundamentals.

The names and symbols that are given to the physical characteristics that are quantized are very important. This section covers some of the more important quantum numbers and rules, which apply in chemistry, material science, and far beyond the realm of atomic physics, where they were first discovered. We see how physics makes discoveries that allow other fields to grow.

The energy states of bound systems are quantized because the particle wavelength can fit into the bounds of the system. The allowed energies are expressed as, where, for the hydrogen atom. The basic states of a system are labeled by the principal quantum number. The lowest-energy state has the first excited state.

The energy of the system, such as the hydrogen atom, can be expressed as some function of, as can other characteristics.

It is now known that the magnitude of angular momentum is quantized; it was first recognized by Bohr in relation to the hydrogen atom.

There is a rule for in atoms. The value can be anything from zero to. If that is the case, then it can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.

It can only be zero. The ground-state momentum for hydrogen is actually zero. The picture of a circular circle is not valid. The electron is near the nucleus. The uncertainty principle explains why the electron doesn't stay in the nucleus.

The first excited state of hydrogen can be either 0 or 1, according to the rule.

It is more convenient to state the value of, rather than calculating it.

It is very easy to state.

The direction of the momentum is quantized. This is true in all circumstances. The component of angular momentum along one direction in space can only have certain values. The direction in space is related to the direction of the magnetic field. This is an aspect of perception. Magnetic force has no meaning if there is nothing that varies with direction.

The rule in parentheses is that the values can range from one step to the next. The five values are -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2. Each corresponds to a different energy in the presence of a magnetic field, so that they are related to the splitting of lines into parts.

The component of a given momentum can only have certain values, which are shown here. The direction can only have certain angles relative to the - axis.

The vectors are represented in Figure 30.54 with arrows pointing in the correct direction. The angle of interest is determined by the ratio of to to.

We are given, so that can be either 0 or -1. The value was given by.

The figure is consistent with the angles. The angle is quantized. As illustrated, the angular momentum is on cones. This behavior is not observed on a large scale. Consider that the smallest angle is for the maximum value in the example.

For large, there are many values so that all angles become possible.

There are two more worrisome numbers. Both were first discovered for electrons. electrons and other fundamental particles have spin that is roughly the same as a planet spinning on its axis. Only one magnitude of spin is allowed for a given type of particle. Intrinsic angular momentum is quantized by itself. The direction of the spin is quantized as well.

The direction of spin is quantized the same way as the direction of momentum.

For electrons, they can only be 1/2 or 1/2. The difference between spin up and spin down is referred to as spin up.

In the later chapters, we will see that spin is a characteristic of all particles. There are important differences between half-integral spin particles and integral spin particles. Particles called pions have the same properties as protons and neutrons.

The state of a system is determined by its particular quantum numbers. The principal quantum number can have values for electrons in atoms. The values of the quantum number are limited. The quantum number can only have the values for a given value. It is always having electron spin.

There are two values for the spin projection quantum number.

There are hydrogen states in Figure 30.55 that correspond to different sets of quantum numbers. The clouds of probability are the locations of electrons that are determined by the number of times a measurement is made. The pattern of probability is shown in the figure. The clouds of probability look different from classical ones. The uncertainty principle makes it impossible for us and nature to know how the electron gets from one place to another. Nature on a small scale is very different from that on a large scale.

The nature of these states is determined by their sets of quantum numbers. One of the possibilities for the second excited state is (3, 2, 1). The darker the color, the greater the chance of finding the electron.

The quantum numbers discussed in this section are valid for a broad range of particles and other systems. Some quantum numbers, such as intrinsic spin, are related to fundamental classifications of subatomic particles, and they obey laws that will give us further insight into the substructure of matter and its interactions.

Spin is a property of atoms. Spin has no classical counterpart. When the spin component is measured, one can get either spin up or spin down.

There are multiple-electron atoms. The number of electrons a neutral atom has is related to the physical and chemical properties of elements. In this section, we will see that the exclusion principle applies far beyond the realm of atomic physics.

No two electrons can be in the same state. The Pauli exclusion principle is very applicable.

No two electrons have the same set of quantum numbers.

No two electrons have the same set of quantum numbers. No two electrons can be in the same state.

Wolfgang Pauli was a major player in the development of quantum mechanics. He made fundamental contributions to several areas of theoretical physics and influenced many students who went on to do important work of their own.

The exclusion principle applies to electrons in atoms.

Since is always for electrons, it is redundant to list, and so we specify the state of an electron by a set of four numbers. The state of an electron in an atom is determined by the quantum numbers.

There are limits to how many electrons can be in the same energy state since no two can have the same set of quantum numbers. The energy state is determined by the absence of a magnetic field. We see how many electrons can be in this energy state when we first choose. For example, consider the level. The value can only be 0 if a list of possible values is known.

Both of them have quantum numbers.

The Pauli exclusion principle explains why certain configurations of electrons are allowed.

The spins of the two electrons must be in opposite directions.

Only hydrogen and helium can have all of their electrons in the state because of the Pauli exclusion principle. One must be in the level to have three electrons in lithium. There is a concept of shells and shell filling. There are limits to the number of electrons for each value as we progress up in the number of electrons. Higher values of the shell correspond to higher energies and can allow more electrons because of various combinations. The physical and chemical properties of atoms are determined by the number of electrons in the shell.

The cloud of electrons with the lowest value are close to the nucleus. When shells fill, they start with, progress to, and so on.

The table below has symbols used to indicate shells and subshells.

We write with a number and a letter for shells and subshells. An electron is defined as one that is in the state. There are two electrons in the state. An electron in the state is written as. There is a case of three electrons.

We can determine how many electrons it takes to fill each shell by counting the number of possible combinations of quantum numbers.

Determine the number of electrons that can be in the shell and each of its subshells by listing all the possible sets of quantum numbers.

The rules for quantum numbers are 0 or 1.

Since the lowest subshell fills first, we start with the subshell possibilities and then proceed with the subshell.

The table shows the possible quantum numbers.

Subshells having more than 6 are usually labeled in alphabetical order.

Every time we want to know how many electrons can be in a shell, it's hard to make a table like this. There are general rules that are easy to apply.

The number of electrons in a subshell depends on the value.

There are possibilities since the first step is l. Since each electron can spin up or down, the number is doubled. The maximum number of electrons that can be in a subshell is.

The subshell has a maximum of 6 electrons. The maximum number is what can fit in the subshells. There is a maximum number of electrons that can be in a shell.

Only two electrons can be in the shell.

Determine the maximum number of electrons that will fit into each subshell, and verify that the total is.

We apply the equation "maximum number of electrons that can be in a subshell" to find the number of electrons in each subshell after determining which values are allowed.

There are three possible subshells since we know that can be.

The formula is the same as the total number of electrons in the three possible subshells. A filled shell is referred to as. Shells fill in different ways. We begin to find electrons in the shell before it is completely filled.

Table 30.3 shows electron configurations for the first 20 elements in the periodic table, starting with hydrogen and ending with calcium. The maximum number of electrons allowed in each shell is determined by the Pauli exclusion principle. The order in which the shells and subshells are filled is complicated by the large number of interactions between electrons.

As the number of electrons in an atom increases, the lowest-energy shell gets filled first, and then the shell begins to fill.

When all subshells are filled, the subshells fill with the lowest one first. The first exception to this is for potassium, where the subshell begins to fill before any electrons go into it. The rubidium exception is not shown in Table 30.3 because the subshell starts to fill before the subshell. The reason for these exceptions is that electrons are more tightly bound and have more probability clouds that penetrate closer to the nucleus.

The periodic table is shown in Figure 30.61 The main groups have elements in the numbered columns 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18.

The chemical properties of the atom are determined by the number of electrons in the outermost subshell. The atom will be highly reactive if the outermost subshell can easily accept an electron. The periodic table has groups that are characterized by their outermost electron configuration. Group 18 is the most familiar of the noble gases. The gases are characterized by a filled outer subshell. They do not give up an electron. If they were to accept an extra electron, it would be in a higher level and thus loose. Sharing electrons is often involved in chemical reactions. Under high pressure and temperature, noble gases can be forced into unstable chemical compounds.

Group 17 contains the halogens, which have one less electron than a neighboring noble gas. The subshell can hold up to 6 electrons.

They accept an extra electron and are highly reactive. A singly negative ion is formed when an extra electron is put into the outer subshell. All alkali metals have a single electron in their outermost subshell and are members of Group I.

These elements are highly reactive and easy to give up. They form singly positive ion by losing their electron. The outer electron can move freely, so they are metals.

Other groups are also of interest. Carbon, Silicon, and germanium are all in the same group. Carbon is able to form many types of bonds and be part of long chains. The filling of the subshells and crossing of energy levels are some of the characteristics of the large group of transitional elements. The lanthanide series' shells do not fill in simple order. The groups recognized by chemists have an explanation for the substructure of atoms.

See how the element, charge, and mass change when you build an atom out of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

An energy-level diagram is a useful way to plot orbital energies.

The smallest unit of elements is the atom and the smallest unit of compounds is the molecule.

On average, the analysis of Brownian motion gave accurate sizes for atoms and a precise value for Avogadro's number.

For all 30.2 discoveries of the parts of the electron, the circle is called the atom.

The X rays are high-frequency and are used in applications around the nucleus.

The first are produced by transitions between reasonable theory of hydrogen and planetary model.

The de-excitation of a metastable is called phosphorescence.

The decay of the principal quantum state is stimulated.

The Wave Nature of Matter causes quantization.

In nature of matter, the direction of angular momentum is quantized. Allowed in atoms occur for that its component along an axis defined by a magnetic constructive interference of electrons in the orbit, field, called the - axis.

There are clouds of probability because of the electron's intrinsic spin angular Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

The spin quantum number is defined by the energy and radii of the electrons in atoms as quantized. The energy of an absorbed photon and the direction of the electron's spin along the - axis are used to calculate transitions between orbits.

The allowed circles are referred to as spin up and the allowed circles are referred to as spin down.

The state of a system is completely described by a, and is Planck's constant.

This set was written as 30.7 patterns.

The Pauli exclusion principle states that no two electrons can have the same set of quantum numbers.

The magnitude and direction of the subshell is related to the maximum number of electrons that can be in it.

The atomic and molecular spectrums are distinct.

Explain how the principle applies.

CDs can be burned and read with lasers.

Explain how the principle applies.

How are the energies of the hydrogen-like atom? An inventor claims to be able to do the reverse and radii of his electron orbits.

CDs can be burned and read with lasers.

x rays can be used to examine crystal lattices.

In each case, give an example.

State which rule is not allowed.

A hydrogen atom in an excited state can be ionized with less energy than in its ground state.

This implied a lot of density.

Millikan's oil-drop experiment shows a small oil spectrum for a transition that ends in the level.

The separation of a singly ionized helium ion is only one electron. The density is the oil drop.

The atom is in a state of hydrogen.

The solar corona has high temperatures. The first line in electron is calculated by calculating its wavelength.

The aluminum oxide crystal is used to doped the chromium atoms. The approach was stated in the text.

The wavelength of the four Balmer series lines for hydrogen is found to be between 410.3 and 454. It is amazing how a simple formula could duplicate this phenomenon.

This is the basis of a laser.

TVs have shielding to protect them from x rays.

An x ray tube has a high applied voltage.

The energy wavelength of the radiation is .

A laser is pumped.

There are concepts for an electron.

Each rule is not allowed.

The following spectroscopic notations are determined by having them interact with very small allowed objects, which do not violate any of the rules.

The beam is very similar to water. The phase change from liquid to gas can be determined. Observations and compare the result with the known divide of the heat of vaporization in kJ/kg by the number value.

This can be converted to eV and compared to the photon energy.

The stars can't tell the difference between one side and the other because the neighboring galaxy rotates on its axis.

Particles called muons can be seen in Cosmic rays and can be moved over the entire range of + 200 km/s. There was something created in particle accelerators. Muons have the same charge and spin as electrons, but they line in the Balmer series of hydrogen that has a mass 207 times greater. This is a galaxy when muons are present.

The mass in A pulsar is a rapidly spinning remnant of a supernova.

The muon is inside the. The range of wavelength will fall into a hydrogen-like circle.

Determine the minimum amount of energy needed to create a population in a helium with a straight path through an electric and neon laser.

A carbon dioxide laser is used in surgery and emits a wavelength that is independent of the charge and mass of the particle radiation. In 1.00 ms, involved.

Unreasonable results evaporated it.

You may think that 0.0100-fm-wavelength X-rays have the same heat of vaporization as water.

The radio waves used by the magnetic resonance imager are 100-MHz.

Most of the atoms in the solar corona are spectrum with a grating for ionization. Consider a hydrogen-like atom in the corona. There is only one electron. She observes a yellow line in the spectrum and finds a wavelength of 589 nm.

Consider the hydrogen spectrum that was received from a rapidly retreating galaxy. If you want to know if the Balmer series can be described with a formula like that in the equation, you have to create a problem in which you calculate the energies of selected lines.