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Deriving Einstein's most famous equation: Why does energy mass x speed of light squared?

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • The equation equals MC squared is famous but few people know its meaning or origin

  • Deriving the equation and understanding its meaning

  • Insight into Einstein's theory of special relativity

Chapter 2: Mechanics and Frames of Reference

  • Mechanics describes how bodies change position in space over time

  • Observing the motion of a stone dropped from a moving train

  • Stone appears to descend in a straight line from the train's frame of reference

  • Stone appears to fall in a parabolic curve from the platform's frame of reference

  • Using a system of coordinates to describe motion relative to a frame of reference

Chapter 3: Principle of Inertia and Inertial Frames of Reference

  • The fundamental law of mechanics: A body continues in rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force

  • Principle of inertia

  • An inertial frame of reference is a non-accelerating frame of reference

  • Einstein's theory of special relativity focuses on inertial frames of reference

Chapter 4: Principle of Relativity

  • Introduced by Galileo in his dialogue concerning the 2 chief world systems

Chapter 2: Particular Moving Clock

  • Einstein's experiment with the speed of light

    • Spaceship traveling at 200,000 km/s relative to the road

    • Beam of light travels past at 300,000 km/s relative to the road

    • Speed of light relative to the spaceship is 100,000 km/s

    • Experiment shows light traveling 300,000 km/s relative to spaceship and road

    • Conclusion: Sense of space and time is not the same for a person standing still and a person moving

  • Measuring the duration of time

    • Simple clock with parallel mirrors separated by one meter

    • Light signal reflects off mirrors, making a tick every time it moves up and a tock every time it comes down

    • Two clocks with same length are synchronized

    • Light always travels at the same speed

  • Comparison of stationary and moving clocks

    • Stationary clock takes time T Naught for one tick-tock

    • Moving clock on a train takes longer path due to train's motion

    • Observer sees light taking a zigzag path in the moving clock

    • Path taken by light in moving clock is longer than in stationary clock

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • The train is moving with velocity V relative to the platform

  • The time taken for light to travel from bottom mirror to top mirror is big t

Chapter 2: Pythagoras' Theorem

  • Using Pythagoras' theorem to find a relationship between the sides of a right angle triangle

  • CT squared = 1 squared + vt squared

  • Rearranging for t, the time taken for a tick of the moving clock

  • t = 2 / square root of (c squared - v squared)

Chapter 3: Time Dilation

  • Expressing t in terms of t naught, the time taken for the tick tock of the stationary clock

  • t = t naught / square root of (1 - v squared / c squared)

  • Gamma (γ) is the factor that tells us the difference between t and t naught

  • If v = 0, then gamma = 1 and t = t naught

  • If v > 0, then gamma > 1 and t > t naught

  • All moving clocks run slower by the same amount to preserve the principle of relativity

  • Time dilation is the difference in elapsed time between stationary and moving frames of reference

Chapter 4: Time Dilation at the Speed of Light

  • As v approaches c, gamma approaches infinity and t tends to infinity

  • The tick tock of the moving clock would get slower and eventually freeze

  • Time dilation becomes more significant for very fast moving objects

Chapter 3: Energy Of Object

  • Usane Bolt example

    • Calculating time dilation factor

    • t is essentially the same as t naught

  • Time dilation with muons

    • Muons created in upper atmosphere decay quickly

    • Time dilation allows muons to travel further and be detected on the ground

  • Linking time dilation to Einstein's equation

    • Defining energy in classical physics

    • Using Newton's second law and momentum

    • Expression for relativistic momentum

    • Derivative of momentum

    • Derivative of momentum in integral for kinetic energy

    • Changing variables in integral

Chapter 5: Energy Of Object

  • Energy of an object at rest is its mass times the speed of light squared

  • Equation for energy of a moving object: e = gammamzsquared

  • The equation is the most general expression for the energy of an object moving with any velocity below the speed of light

  • Speed of light represents an upper limit to the velocity an object can possess

  • Plotting the kinetic energy function for a relativistic object shows that the kinetic energy tends to infinity when the velocity tends to the speed of light

  • Speed of light represents a fundamental limit to the velocity of any object

  • Not all objects have mass, for example, photons are massless particles that travel at the speed of light

  • Substituting m = 0 and V = C into the equation E = gammamcsquared gives the energy of a photon

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Energy of a master's particle is not determined by velocity

  • Question: Can massless particles have different energies if they all travel at the same velocity?

Chapter 2: Energy in terms of momentum

  • Expressing total energy in terms of momentum

  • Relating kinetic energy and momentum in classical physics

  • Relativistic energy equation: e = γmz²

  • Squaring both sides of the equation

  • Combining terms and simplifying equation

  • Energy squared equals momentum squared plus mass squared

  • Advantage of this expression for describing all particles

Chapter 3: Energy of massless particles

  • Energy of massless particle: e = PC

  • Massless particles carry momentum

  • Magnitude of momentum is energy divided by speed of light

  • Relation between energy of massless photon and momentum

  • Equation proposed by Louis De Bruyne and its impact on quantum mechanics

Chapter 4: Energy-momentum relation in particle physics

  • Energy-momentum relation is fundamental in particle physics

  • Conservation of energy and momentum in isolated systems

  • Different observers assign different values for energy and momentum

  • Mass of an object is a fundamental invariant

  • Using energy-momentum relation to determine mass of particles

  • Experimental discovery of Higgs Boson and determination of its mass


  • Albert Einstein's wise words

Chapter 6: Conclusion

  • The important thing is to not stop questioning.

  • Curiosity has its own reason for existence.

  • One cannot help but be in awe when contemplating the mysteries of eternity, life, and the marvelous structure of reality.

  • It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.

  • The video aims to help viewers comprehend a little of the mystery of relativity.

Thank you for watching.

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • The equation equals MC squared is famous but few people know its meaning or origin

  • Deriving the equation and understanding its meaning

  • Insight into Einstein's theory of special relativity

Chapter 2: Mechanics and Frames of Reference

  • Mechanics describes how bodies change position in space over time

  • Observing the motion of a stone dropped from a moving train

  • Stone appears to descend in a straight line from the train's frame of reference

  • Stone appears to fall in a parabolic curve from the platform's frame of reference

  • Using a system of coordinates to describe motion relative to a frame of reference

Chapter 3: Principle of Inertia and Inertial Frames of Reference

  • The fundamental law of mechanics: A body continues in rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force

  • Principle of inertia

  • An inertial frame of reference is a non-accelerating frame of reference

  • Einstein's theory of special relativity focuses on inertial frames of reference

Chapter 4: Principle of Relativity

  • Introduced by Galileo in his dialogue concerning the 2 chief world systems

Chapter 2: Particular Moving Clock

  • Einstein's experiment with the speed of light

    • Spaceship traveling at 200,000 km/s relative to the road

    • Beam of light travels past at 300,000 km/s relative to the road

    • Speed of light relative to the spaceship is 100,000 km/s

    • Experiment shows light traveling 300,000 km/s relative to spaceship and road

    • Conclusion: Sense of space and time is not the same for a person standing still and a person moving

  • Measuring the duration of time

    • Simple clock with parallel mirrors separated by one meter

    • Light signal reflects off mirrors, making a tick every time it moves up and a tock every time it comes down

    • Two clocks with same length are synchronized

    • Light always travels at the same speed

  • Comparison of stationary and moving clocks

    • Stationary clock takes time T Naught for one tick-tock

    • Moving clock on a train takes longer path due to train's motion

    • Observer sees light taking a zigzag path in the moving clock

    • Path taken by light in moving clock is longer than in stationary clock

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • The train is moving with velocity V relative to the platform

  • The time taken for light to travel from bottom mirror to top mirror is big t

Chapter 2: Pythagoras' Theorem

  • Using Pythagoras' theorem to find a relationship between the sides of a right angle triangle

  • CT squared = 1 squared + vt squared

  • Rearranging for t, the time taken for a tick of the moving clock

  • t = 2 / square root of (c squared - v squared)

Chapter 3: Time Dilation

  • Expressing t in terms of t naught, the time taken for the tick tock of the stationary clock

  • t = t naught / square root of (1 - v squared / c squared)

  • Gamma (γ) is the factor that tells us the difference between t and t naught

  • If v = 0, then gamma = 1 and t = t naught

  • If v > 0, then gamma > 1 and t > t naught

  • All moving clocks run slower by the same amount to preserve the principle of relativity

  • Time dilation is the difference in elapsed time between stationary and moving frames of reference

Chapter 4: Time Dilation at the Speed of Light

  • As v approaches c, gamma approaches infinity and t tends to infinity

  • The tick tock of the moving clock would get slower and eventually freeze

  • Time dilation becomes more significant for very fast moving objects

Chapter 3: Energy Of Object

  • Usane Bolt example

    • Calculating time dilation factor

    • t is essentially the same as t naught

  • Time dilation with muons

    • Muons created in upper atmosphere decay quickly

    • Time dilation allows muons to travel further and be detected on the ground

  • Linking time dilation to Einstein's equation

    • Defining energy in classical physics

    • Using Newton's second law and momentum

    • Expression for relativistic momentum

    • Derivative of momentum

    • Derivative of momentum in integral for kinetic energy

    • Changing variables in integral

Chapter 5: Energy Of Object

  • Energy of an object at rest is its mass times the speed of light squared

  • Equation for energy of a moving object: e = gammamzsquared

  • The equation is the most general expression for the energy of an object moving with any velocity below the speed of light

  • Speed of light represents an upper limit to the velocity an object can possess

  • Plotting the kinetic energy function for a relativistic object shows that the kinetic energy tends to infinity when the velocity tends to the speed of light

  • Speed of light represents a fundamental limit to the velocity of any object

  • Not all objects have mass, for example, photons are massless particles that travel at the speed of light

  • Substituting m = 0 and V = C into the equation E = gammamcsquared gives the energy of a photon

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Energy of a master's particle is not determined by velocity

  • Question: Can massless particles have different energies if they all travel at the same velocity?

Chapter 2: Energy in terms of momentum

  • Expressing total energy in terms of momentum

  • Relating kinetic energy and momentum in classical physics

  • Relativistic energy equation: e = γmz²

  • Squaring both sides of the equation

  • Combining terms and simplifying equation

  • Energy squared equals momentum squared plus mass squared

  • Advantage of this expression for describing all particles

Chapter 3: Energy of massless particles

  • Energy of massless particle: e = PC

  • Massless particles carry momentum

  • Magnitude of momentum is energy divided by speed of light

  • Relation between energy of massless photon and momentum

  • Equation proposed by Louis De Bruyne and its impact on quantum mechanics

Chapter 4: Energy-momentum relation in particle physics

  • Energy-momentum relation is fundamental in particle physics

  • Conservation of energy and momentum in isolated systems

  • Different observers assign different values for energy and momentum

  • Mass of an object is a fundamental invariant

  • Using energy-momentum relation to determine mass of particles

  • Experimental discovery of Higgs Boson and determination of its mass


  • Albert Einstein's wise words

Chapter 6: Conclusion

  • The important thing is to not stop questioning.

  • Curiosity has its own reason for existence.

  • One cannot help but be in awe when contemplating the mysteries of eternity, life, and the marvelous structure of reality.

  • It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day.

  • The video aims to help viewers comprehend a little of the mystery of relativity.

Thank you for watching.