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Chapter 23: State Building and Social Change in Europe, 1850-1871

  • Revolutions of 1848

    • Revolution from lower classes was a failure

    • Governments responded by increasing centralization of power

  • The Crimean War

    • Fought over what great powers would do in response to the decline of Ottoman Empire

    • England, France, Austria and Russia al wanted to increase their sphere of influence in the region

    • Isolated Russia from European politics

    • Aided Prussia in expanding into Central Europe

  • France was given rights over Roman Catholics in the Ottoman Empire (1852)

  • Russians claimed right to rule over Eastern Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire (1853)

    • Turks rejected the Russian claim

    • Russians invaded Danubian Principalities and sunk Turkish fleet at the Battle of Sinope

    • Russians tried direct terms of peace with England and france rejecting terms and declaring war on Russia

  • September 9, 1854: English and French troops arrived in Crimea

    • War ended with Peace of Paris 1856

  • Cost of Crimean War

    • 750,000 dead, most being Russians

    • Bad medical conditions

  • Risorgimento was a cultural and political movement meant to reunify Italy

    • Failed throughout first half of the 19th Century

    • Treaty of Plombieres

  • 1860: Piedmont-Sardinia joined with rest of northern Italy

  • 1866: Prussia defeated Austria

  • Italy claimed Venetian provinces and Papal States

  • 1870: Prussians defeated the French

  • Otto Von Bismarck: force behind German Unification

    • Believed that traditional elites needed to join nationalists to survive

    • Used common ground of nationalism in order to manipulate and weaken liberals

  • Kaiser Wilhelm I attempted to reorganize the military in 1862

    • Traditional elites reacted strongly

  • Bismarck established alliance with Austria in 1846

  • Seven Weeks War (1866)

    • Started due to administrative disagreements between Austria and Prussia over territory of Schleswig

    • Prussian victory

    • Peace terms removed Austria from German unification

  • Franco-Prussian War (1870)

    • Southern German states were afraid of unification around Prussian power

    • Napoleon III of France was against a strong Prussia per French interests

    • French declared war

    • Southern German and Prussians united and won

  • German Unification

    • Became greatest industrial empire in Europe

    • Shift in balance of power

    • Allowed for a yearning for national prestige in German to exist

  • Ideology and symbolism allowed states t o make new national identities

  • Nationalism became connected to conflict and violence

  • Realism appeared through art, literature, science, and history

  • Paris Commune: continued struggle of people of Paris after Paris fell to Prussia

  • France: Second Empire 1852-1870

  • England: Liberal Parliamentary Democracy assisted reform

    • England faced many social issues as a result of unchecked industrialization and urbanization

    • 1868-1874: Great Ministry

    • 1874-1880: Tory Democracy

    • 1880: Liberals were back in power

    • 1884: Universal Male Suffrage

  • Russia

    • started as unreformed semi-feudal autocracy

    • Tsar had absolute power

    • Alexander II “Tsar Liberator” ended serfdom and freed serfs and gave them land

    • Economic reforms allowed for political reforms

  • Revolutions of 1848

    • Revolution from lower classes was a failure

    • Governments responded by increasing centralization of power

  • The Crimean War

    • Fought over what great powers would do in response to the decline of Ottoman Empire

    • England, France, Austria and Russia al wanted to increase their sphere of influence in the region

    • Isolated Russia from European politics

    • Aided Prussia in expanding into Central Europe

  • France was given rights over Roman Catholics in the Ottoman Empire (1852)

  • Russians claimed right to rule over Eastern Orthodox Christians in the Ottoman Empire (1853)

    • Turks rejected the Russian claim

    • Russians invaded Danubian Principalities and sunk Turkish fleet at the Battle of Sinope

    • Russians tried direct terms of peace with England and france rejecting terms and declaring war on Russia

  • September 9, 1854: English and French troops arrived in Crimea

    • War ended with Peace of Paris 1856

  • Cost of Crimean War

    • 750,000 dead, most being Russians

    • Bad medical conditions

  • Risorgimento was a cultural and political movement meant to reunify Italy

    • Failed throughout first half of the 19th Century

    • Treaty of Plombieres

  • 1860: Piedmont-Sardinia joined with rest of northern Italy

  • 1866: Prussia defeated Austria

  • Italy claimed Venetian provinces and Papal States

  • 1870: Prussians defeated the French

  • Otto Von Bismarck: force behind German Unification

    • Believed that traditional elites needed to join nationalists to survive

    • Used common ground of nationalism in order to manipulate and weaken liberals

  • Kaiser Wilhelm I attempted to reorganize the military in 1862

    • Traditional elites reacted strongly

  • Bismarck established alliance with Austria in 1846

  • Seven Weeks War (1866)

    • Started due to administrative disagreements between Austria and Prussia over territory of Schleswig

    • Prussian victory

    • Peace terms removed Austria from German unification

  • Franco-Prussian War (1870)

    • Southern German states were afraid of unification around Prussian power

    • Napoleon III of France was against a strong Prussia per French interests

    • French declared war

    • Southern German and Prussians united and won

  • German Unification

    • Became greatest industrial empire in Europe

    • Shift in balance of power

    • Allowed for a yearning for national prestige in German to exist

  • Ideology and symbolism allowed states t o make new national identities

  • Nationalism became connected to conflict and violence

  • Realism appeared through art, literature, science, and history

  • Paris Commune: continued struggle of people of Paris after Paris fell to Prussia

  • France: Second Empire 1852-1870

  • England: Liberal Parliamentary Democracy assisted reform

    • England faced many social issues as a result of unchecked industrialization and urbanization

    • 1868-1874: Great Ministry

    • 1874-1880: Tory Democracy

    • 1880: Liberals were back in power

    • 1884: Universal Male Suffrage

  • Russia

    • started as unreformed semi-feudal autocracy

    • Tsar had absolute power

    • Alexander II “Tsar Liberator” ended serfdom and freed serfs and gave them land

    • Economic reforms allowed for political reforms