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Chapter> Chapter1 :1: Dreaming Dreaming of R ofuling a Ruling Country 2

  • >

    • >ThereMany people are have dream somet of un rulingclaimed their lands own in country due to geopolitics

    • Complicated geopol itics have resulted

    • B someir T unclaimed landsaw a famous example

    • An an example un is Birclaimed T trapeawziloidal, space oidal space between

      • and Sudan >B ir

      • Egypt and Sudan claimed of different territories in Egypt exchange or territorial claims li> Sur rounding countries

      • In exchange block access, to both these un countries claimedclaimed the lands H 'ib Triangle liWhen> people do areas , most

      • countriesSur refuseround toing acknowledge countries can them from claiming these unclaimed lands

      • When people do reach these unclaimed lands, most countries refuse to acknowledge them

Chapter> Chapter1 :1: Dreaming Dreaming of R ofuling a Ruling Country 2

  • >

    • >ThereMany people are have dream somet of un rulingclaimed their lands own in country due to geopolitics

    • Complicated geopol itics have resulted

    • B someir T unclaimed landsaw a famous example

    • An an example un is Birclaimed T trapeawziloidal, space oidal space between

      • and Sudan >B ir

      • Egypt and Sudan claimed of different territories in Egypt exchange or territorial claims li> Sur rounding countries

      • In exchange block access, to both these un countries claimedclaimed the lands H 'ib Triangle liWhen> people do areas , most

      • countriesSur refuseround toing acknowledge countries can them from claiming these unclaimed lands

      • When people do reach these unclaimed lands, most countries refuse to acknowledge them