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The Virtuous Leader

  • What are virtues?

  • Intellectual Virtues

  • Virtue you need to be good at something

  • Basic understanding- A sense of feeling for others to create a system of judgment

  • Practical Reason- Ability to create, build, execute

  • Theoretical Reason- Ability to research the higher things in life

  • Intelligence- A mind to see everything

  • Character Virtues- Is balance between two extreme behaviors

  • Courage- the mean between the rashness and cowardice

  • Generosity- the mean between wasteful and stinginess

  • Content- the mean between depressed and elated (like a weird happy)

  • Aristotle/ Virtue Ethics

  • Mind has three components( passions, faculties, and state of character)

  • Passions are the feelings, desires, ambitions we exert on the world

  • Faculties are the natural capacity to feel (emotions) based on how the world impacts us

  • State of character- how we act based upon certain circumstances (based on passions and faculties

  • People do not like extreme personalities

  • Willpower

  • Controlled Decisions-cognitive energy

  • Automated Decisions-automatic

  • Intellectual Virtues and Character Virtues = Good Life

  • Servant Based leadership

  • The person who serves first and leds second

  • You get elected by the people

  • Example: Martin Luther King and gandhi

  • Conceptualize

  • Servant- leaders seek to nurture their abilities to “dream great dreams”

  • The ability to look at a person or organization from conceptualizing perspective

  • Servant- leaders must seem to the delicate balance between conceptualizations and day to day focus

  • Solutions to consider

  • How does Father Roberto’s approach fit with the concept of servant leadership

-Father Roberto shows signs of the following

  • Being a servant

  • Acts of service

  • Accountability to resources

  • Moral reasoning and action

  • Sense of mission

  • Vision

  • Mentoring

  • Trust

  • Empowerment

  • Module 6: Understanding Our Differences in the Context of Decision-Making Virtue Development

  • Can we judge a person if something is not their fault?

  • Can we judge someone if an action is not in their control?

  • Moral Luck (Thomas Nagel)

  • Constitutional Luck (Nature) (How you were born or what you were born to)

  • Circumstantial Luck(Nurture)

  • What are virtues?

  • Intellectual Virtues

  • Virtue you need to be good at something

  • Basic understanding- A sense of feeling for others to create a system of judgment

  • Practical Reason- Ability to create, build, execute

  • Theoretical Reason- Ability to research the higher things in life

  • Intelligence- A mind to see everything

  • Character Virtues- Is balance between two extreme behaviors

  • Courage- the mean between the rashness and cowardice

  • Generosity- the mean between wasteful and stinginess

  • Content- the mean between depressed and elated (like a weird happy)

  • Aristotle/ Virtue Ethics

  • Mind has three components( passions, faculties, and state of character)

  • Passions are the feelings, desires, ambitions we exert on the world

  • Faculties are the natural capacity to feel (emotions) based on how the world impacts us

  • State of character- how we act based upon certain circumstances (based on passions and faculties

  • People do not like extreme personalities

  • Willpower

  • Controlled Decisions-cognitive energy

  • Automated Decisions-automatic

  • Intellectual Virtues and Character Virtues = Good Life

  • Servant Based leadership

  • The person who serves first and leds second

  • You get elected by the people

  • Example: Martin Luther King and gandhi

  • Conceptualize

  • Servant- leaders seek to nurture their abilities to “dream great dreams”

  • The ability to look at a person or organization from conceptualizing perspective

  • Servant- leaders must seem to the delicate balance between conceptualizations and day to day focus

  • Solutions to consider

  • How does Father Roberto’s approach fit with the concept of servant leadership

-Father Roberto shows signs of the following

  • Being a servant

  • Acts of service

  • Accountability to resources

  • Moral reasoning and action

  • Sense of mission

  • Vision

  • Mentoring

  • Trust

  • Empowerment

  • Module 6: Understanding Our Differences in the Context of Decision-Making Virtue Development

  • Can we judge a person if something is not their fault?

  • Can we judge someone if an action is not in their control?

  • Moral Luck (Thomas Nagel)

  • Constitutional Luck (Nature) (How you were born or what you were born to)

  • Circumstantial Luck(Nurture)