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The attached primary source, secondary source, or historical issue are referred to in the sets of questions below. Pick the one answer that best answers or completes the question and fill in the letter that corresponds to your choice on the answer sheet supplied.

I have come to understand that man is the most fortunate of all creatures and worthy of all admiration. The nature of other beings is limited.

Pico della Mirandola was participating.

That man was a different kind of creature. The man is not worthy of admiration.

There is a soul in human beings.

Humans know that they will die.

Human beings can go to heaven.

There is no limit to the potential of the human being.

The Scribbling-Machines have thrown thousands of your petitioners out of work, and deprived them of the opportunity to bring up their children to labour, because they are not able to procure a maintenance for their families. Each machine can do as much work in twelve hours as ten men can do by hand.

The document can be used as evidence.

The British working class did not benefit from the introduction of machines.

The economic well-being of the city and the region was tied to its inhabitants having C.

The use of child labor increased in D.

Take up the White Man's burden.

To wait in a heavy harness. They are sons of the British race.

On fluttered folk and wild. They fight wars for the sake of peace.

They are ready to convert to Christianity.

They are the product of a less developed civilization.

The end was sought by Spain in the Spanish-American War. Kipling can bring all your hopes to naught with that watch sloth and heathen Folly information in mind.

There is a warning to avoid the war.

The death of true art will be depicted in the engraving.

Older men marrying younger women. The future of the realm will be solidified by the liquidation of art collections.

The various modes of worship in the Roman world were all considered equally useful by the people and equally false by the philosopher.

Religion was practiced in ancient Rome. The clergy's monopoly on academic scholars varied with the social position of the country.

Religious worship was a source of social tension and turmoil in ancient Rome.

In ancient Rome, religious worship was educated elite of Britain.

The lack of sources available to the eight lutionized by the introduction of Christianity was the reason for religious worship being revo D.

Drawing 17 was used to build the map above. The thin line for each voyage recorded in British could be used as evidence to support the following trade ship logs between 1750 and 1800.

British ships didn't sail along the west coast.

The British did not sail the Atlantic Ocean.

British ships did not sail in the Indian Ocean.

British ships traveled through North American waters into the Pacific Ocean.

British trade ships often visited China.

The Mediter ranean Sea was frequented by British trade ships.

Britain, North America, and the west coast of Africa were connected by a Triangle of Trade.

The history of previous societies is the history of class struggles. The bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society still has class antagonisms. New classes, new conditions of oppression and new forms of struggle have been established. The class antagonisms have been simplified by the epoch of the bourgeoisie. Society is more and more split into two great hostile camps, directly facing each other, as Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.

A destructive development could be B.

An example of history repeating itself. The year of 1848 was the most important year in German and European history, as it recapitulated Germany's past and inspired Germany's future. There has never been a revolution that was so inspired by a faith in the power of ideas. The failure of the revolution discredited liberal ideas. The idea of Force was the main idea of German history after it. The German people missed their cue for the first time since 1521 when they stepped on to the German stage. German history failed to turn. The essence of 1848 was this.

Taylor believes that the most important effect is A.

The failure to change in the B.

At the end of World War II, a historian might be inclined to look for the origins of perceived German belligerence.

The analysis of a historian in 1945 is irrelevant now that he is dead.

Historical analysis written in 1945 is not up to date.

The origins of the Cold War would be looked for by a historian at the end of World War II.

The society is ripe for change.

What was Gorbachev's main justification?

The Soviet Union was needed to avoid a crisis.

The collapse of the Soviet Union necessitated a restructuring of socialist society.

"It's posted at the district mayor's office," the man shouted as he ran. I looked at the message.

It was an announcement to a million people. I burst into the office of the chief after I got back to my newspaper's office. "It will be all right then," he said.

How did people react to 29?

Mobilization for war in 1914 was greeted with great skepticism in Paris.

B. had grave doubts about France's ability to Mobilize for war in 1914.

D. was relieved to hear that Paris was very enthusiastic about war in 1914.

The catastrophe of 1914 was caused by the Germans. Germany was unfortunate enough to allow herself to be betrayed into an excess of candour by her characteristic tendency to go to extremes. There is an old but childish race.

What feelings do you have towards 31?

He said Germany was to blame for the Great Depression.

He said that Germany was to blame for World War I.

We are full of mistakes and weakness. The last law of nature is this.

Christians are the most tolerant of all men.

The Scientific Revolution was founded by A. Voltaire.

The Enlightenment valued tolerance.

The Enlightenment believed in tolerance.

D. Voltaire believed in tolerance.

After the collapse of 1945, educated Germans began to criticize Germany's deviation from the West, initially by laying claim to a special German mission. The negative view is dominant.

The author's 36 is indicated by the passage.

The idea of a unique German path has never been popular in Germany.

B. was unaffected by Germany's defeat in World B.

Germany's defeat in World German path in history discredited the existence of a unique D.

The question of a unique German path in history has been answered.

During World War II, women were put in charge of factories.

The British military had a significant amount of women in it.

During World War II, women were happy to join the industrial workforce.

During World War II, women were involved in the production of weapons.

The focus was on minority groups.

It had the same goals as German propaganda.

It was intended to make women feel important in the war effort.

The unrealistic picture of opportu nities open to women was given by it.

The need for women in the military was caused by the wartime needs of Britain.

Women were required to work in the factory during the war.

The social change in Britain was caused by women working in factories with men.

Women joined the industrial workforce of Great Britain for the first time because of wartime needs.

Having by our late labours and dangers made it appear to the world how high a rate we value our freedom, and God having so far owned our cause, as to deliver the enemies into our hands, we do now hold ourselves bound in mutual duty to each other, to take the best

The ways of God's worship are not something that we can control.

It is against our freedom to force any of us to serve in the wars.

Every person may be bound alike in all laws.

According to the passage, one can infer that the 42.

To form a ruling body of England. To establish equality under the law.

They were fighting for their beliefs.

They defended the monarchy during the English Civil War.

They were trying to establish a republic.

They were trying to get independence from England.

We have established and proclaimed that the recollection of everything done be one party or the other.

In order that the exercise of the Roman and Catholic religion may be peaceably and freely exercised, we ordain that they be restored and reestablished in all places and localities of this kingdom and countries subject to our sway.

"In order to leave no occasion for troubles or differences between our subjects, we have permitted and herewith permit those of the said religion called Reformed to live and abide in all the cities and places of this kingdom and countries of our sway."

It is possible that 45 is inferred from the passage.

Banning Protestants from France B. Henry IV was a Protestant.

The church was banned in France.

There is a possibility that the Catholic Church could exist in France.

The true Church is the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church caused a lot of problems in France.

The office of Reliever-general to the poor cannot assume that a government cannot do anything more than protect. The citizen contributions were demanded for the mitigation of distress. To take care that every man has the freedom to do what he wants, if he doesn't violate the equal freedom of any other man.

The poverty of the incapable, the distresses that come upon the imprudent, the starvation of the idle, and those shoulderings aside of the weak by the strong. The deaths are seen to be full of the highest level of compassion.

Spencer was an advocate.

He was against the use of tax money to help the poor.

He questioned the government's right to tax people.

He believed that the government should do more.

D believed that working people should work together.

The principle of legal subordination of one sex to the other is wrong and is one of the main obstacles to human improvement. The masters of all other slaves rely on this. The masters of women wanted more than just obeying, they wanted to effect their purpose. All women are brought up in the belief that their ideal of character is not self-control, but submission and yielding to the control of others. The principle of social and economic science is general.

Mill was an advocate.

You should build your test-taking confidence.

Mill advocated A according to the passage. People are born bad.

People are generally good.

Equal opportunity for men and women.

It is with the mistress of the house, as with a Commander of the Army, or leader of any enterprise. Her spirit will be seen through the entire establishment and her domestics will follow in her path. Of all of those acquirements, which more particularly belong to the feminine character, there are none which take a higher rank than entering into a knowledge of household duties; for on these are dependent on the happiness, comfort, and well-being of the family.

Beeton was compelled to write the book.

The running of a school for girls was done by women.

A woman is running her own B. In the public sphere of social life, women were denied power.

Beeton believed that women were more suited for life than men.

Answer all parts of the questions. Writing outlines, phrases, and bullets will not be accepted.

Science and society are intertwined.

Historians argue that the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution are fundamentally similar.

All parts of the question can be answered using the passages below.

The pathless woods have a pleasure in them.

I love nature more than man.

You can use the passage below to answer the questions that follow.

The comforts and well-being of the poor cannot be permanently secured without some consideration on their part, or some effort on the part of the legislature, to regulate the increase of their numbers. The operation of the poor laws has been contrary to this. They have rendered restraint superfluous and invited impru dence by giving it a portion of the wages of industry.

The questions are based on documents 1-8. The historical thinking skills that this question is designed to test include contextualization, synthesis, historical argumentation, and the use of historical evidence. Your answer should be based on your knowledge of the topic and your analysis of the documents.

The proper form and role of government can be compared and contrasted.

They might be able to leave him free to develop himself and improve his condition. Men tend to believe that their happiness and well-being are secured by institutions rather than by their own conduct.

"Presumption makes of every man the guide of his own belief, the arbiter of laws according to which he is pleased to govern himself, or to allow someone else to govern him and his neighbors."

Write an essay that responds to one of the questions.

There is no evidence that this is a passage from an increase in the use of child labor, so D is incorrect. A document expressing concern about the loss of pride would be frowned upon by advocates of apprenticeship opportunities.

C is not correct. knowledge about labor techniques by machines was a prominent part of the natural world because of the Scientific social effect of industrialization. The document makes no reference to enon. D is incorrect because of Enlightenment nationalist concerns. The was a development in the 18th century.

Humans are the most recent expansion, according to the passage. A is not correct.

The document states that the argument is incorrect because the passage does not mention unemployment. The passage does not mention heaven, which would cause C to be incorrect.

The ration is incorrect. The document does not reference the size of that man alone has an unlimited potential, which is incorrect. The document one may infer that Pico accepts, rather than an appeal for continued work and mentions rejects, the notion that man is unique is incorrect. B is an undesirable outcome of rect because one may infer from the passage that unemployment.

God intended man to strive to achieve and because of 7. Pico's value of Renaissance "Heavy harness" and "savage wars of peace" is similar to the metaphor of a burden and images of a strive to achieve. D is incorrect because it indicates difficult work. B can't say anything from the passage because there are no images of humans becoming the equal of God.

There are no images that are glorious or 4 in the excerpt. The religious is clearly objecting to the petitioners. The elimination of traditional laboring jobs excerpt refers to hopes coming to naught by the introduction of machines. The overall theme of a burden implies an impor because the petitioners are asking for a return to purpose.

You should build your test-taking confidence. The spread of religious skepticism implies that these are peoples of the educated elite in Britain in the eight backward or less-developed civilization. The idea of a skeptical is incorrect because both of the lines they refer to are descriptions of the British imperialists. The people over whom the British are ruling are incorrect. The clergy is incorrect because nothing in the excerpt suggests that the natives are not ready for conversion.

B is incorrect because of 9. There is a warning about great costs and no hatred of Roman religious responsibility in the excerpt.

One can tell B is incorrect because the excerpt encourages nothing about the sources available from the Americans.

The excerpt does 14. Gibbon's interpretation does not call for the Christianizing of other civiliza tudes toward religious worship that correlated tions. The poem does not reflect the social position of the worshiper. B considers the burden of imperial rule incorrect because no reference is made to being heavy but not folly.

C is not correct. The difference of sons to daughters of wealthy bourgeois business ity and centralization is what is referred to as the Gibbon phenomenon. D is incorrect because men in order to ensure a combination of wealth do not mention the introduction or status of the next generation of the family.

The engraving depicts two 15. There are no lines on the map that show fathers haggling over the details of marrying British sailing routes in the Pacific Ocean. There are lines on the subject of the engraving that are not the sale of art. The subject of the engraving west coast of Africa, in the Atlantic Ocean, is not churchmen marrying, which is why the D map is incorrect.

The practice of eco 16 was criticized by Hogarth. The dark shaded lines connecting Britain, nomically motivated marriage through a satiri North America, and the west coast of Africa are comical. The existence of a Triangle of Trade is incorrect.

The depiction of the aristocrats in the North American waters to the Pacific Ocean is incorrect.

The B is incorrect because the image is not a landscape.

The sight of two fathers treating their child because there are no lines indicating British dren as economic assets while the clergyman trade voyages in the Mediterranean during this leers at the bride-to-be shows Hogarth's moral period.

The lack of interest was shown. The heavy blue shading shows a high fre by the future bride and groom, which is indicative of the misery that will follow the British trade ship voyages to Africa and India. The subject of the engraving map doesn't offer any evidence that the sale of art to foreigners isn't true. The cargo that ships carried is called B. There are no British trade ships that sailed west through portrait painting and patronage on the map. D is incorrect because the scene depicted on the map does not inspire con cates that there is a canal in the future.

The French Revolution 22 was viewed by Marx and Engels. The rise of "Force" that created a powerful bourgeoisie was the most significant effect of the economic change according to the quotation. The only viable option in German political D is incorrect due to the fact that both the struggles between members of a stable ruling conservative and liberal political aristocracy have been discredited.

The long-term effects of the revolutions example of economic determinism is the thrust of the quotation. There was an incor of 1848 on German history. The Oxford movement was a move because it shows that the long Christian traditions of faith were lost when the power of ideas was lost. Incorrect term effect is a bad sign for that power. Marx makes use of the Hegelian incorrect because the "Force" mentioned in the dialectic is not a police force.

It is important to remember the post-World War II ideas. The context of a historical analysis that purports to find economic ideas of the Scottish thinker of the roots of a German fascination with "Force" Enlightenment, such as Adam Smith, is incorrect. The quality of and action is more important than the status of the historian, which is why B is incorrect.

The statement is 20. Marx and Engels's view of history was true, but not particularly important to the reading of Taylor's analysis. The inevitable consequences were incorrect because the statement may be of economic change. The economic determinism that Taylor does not purport to find the roots of the acterized Marx and Engels's thought is incorrect.

According to the passage, Gorbachev said that possibility could be avoided. The passage does not say that history is incorrect.

D is incorrect failure to change. The passage does not go as far as to say that the delay in restructuring would have caused industrialization. The collapse of the Soviet Union is incorrect.

C is incorrect in the socialist society because the quotation does not analyze audience lived. There is no mention of capitalist enemies in build your test-taking confidence. C is for it. War II began in 1939 because World a socialist society to develop successfully. The Franco-Prussian War began in 1870 and the passage makes no mention of it.

The passage makes no mention of capitalism.

The pas had been looking for change for a long time. The war started by Germany. There is a war going on.

The people of Paris 32 were remembered by Doregeles. A is incorrect because of a sign of enthusiasm. B is incorrect about the rest of Europe.

He was "exhilarated" by the Enlightenment. D is incorrect because he is excited and happy by what he has seen. B is incorrect because there is nothing in the tury phenomenon, and because the passage indicates that Doregeles was disgusted.

The passage does not indicate that Doregeles was frightened. D is older than 33. Although in the war, A is incorrect.

The passage tells us that Clemenceau reacted. The quote "It will be all right then" is incorrect because it implies that the French public would react negatively to tolerance. The laws of nature are incorrect. Although there is nothing in the passage that indicates that the quotation is from a letter, D is incorrect. B is incorrect because society doesn't say that tolerance is unique to English.

According to the passage, the German public believes that the existence of a German Minister of France would serve as a Prime opinion.

The beginning of World War I in 1914 and the passage 2006) indicate a long-standing debate.

B is incorrect because there was a unique German path that one could not infer from the poster. There are no proportions of men and women in the military.

Marxists are wrong about the existence of public belief in C because they don't know anything about German history. The poster about the emotional state of the rect says nothing about women working in factories.

The goal of the poster was to make women feel important to 35. There was a lot of public belief in the fact that there was a special German mission in Great Britain. B is incorrect because of World War II. The first sentence of the passage states that British and German propaganda asserts that there was similar goals, but it cannot be a special German mission. There is a British poster that says C and D are incorrect. He wrote in 2006 that Winkler was not asserting or opposing incorrect because of factory work during the war.

The passage states that Germany's defeat is meaningless.

The phrase "late labours and hazards" was changed from saying that Germany had a unique reference to delivering the enemies of God mission in history to saying that Germany was into their hands. The English Civil War was fought recently. The existence of a unique German mission during the Seven Years' War was the reason why public opinion was incorrect. The collapse of 1945 changed B. The American War for Independence was not fought from 1775 to 1782. The Battle of public opinion on the question of Agincourt's uniqueness took place in 1441.

The passage indicates that 41.

One can infer that God's worship are not given to us by any human power. The authors of the passage fought for the freedom of the economy during World War II. The Levellers women do factory work. The poster does not indicate that women of the monarchy are being conscripted, so it is incorrect to fight on the Parliamentary side. The monarchy wouldn't be demanding any of the posters indicate anything about the things the Levellers do in the passage.

There is no mention of the establishment of a republic. This was the first time that it was incorrect because the Levellers were English, women were part of Great Britain's industrial and the passage didn't mention a workforce.

The number of tanks and aircraft seems to be 42. The phrase "That in all laws made, or to ing to come from the factory in the poster be made, every person may be bound alike" allows one to infer that women were used in the production of bombs. One can in England. To form a ruling body of England, you need to build your Test- Taking Confidence.

C and D are incorrect because nothing in the passage indicates a demand for the cessation of Henry IV's religious conversion.

The phrase "the danger of returning into the fundamental law to take care that every slavish condition" is used as an analogy.

One can use the phrase "the recol dom of any other man" to infer that Spencer was an advocate of the 19th century. There is no reference to the nineteenth gious conflict in France in the bles that Henry is trying to put an end to. One can't infer anything about Henry IV's traditional customs and institutions from A and B. The document has B as its own religion. The phrase "the recollection of every to the nineteenth-century anarchist belief that thing done by one party or the other" is incorrect. "D all the preceding period of troubles" is incorrect because there was no mention of religious conflict in the passage.

The restoration was replaced by cooperation.

The Catholic Church had been there for 47 years. The passage makes it clear that Spencer interrupted so that one could infer that Henry was assuring the existence of the Catholic in France by using tax money to aid the poor. B is incorrect because the Church does not challenge the right of the government to tax its people. The Catholic Church makes C incorrect.

The Catholic D is incorrect because the passage makes no reference to the true Church. People unite when D is present.

The Catholic Church's last paragraph caused too much late a belief in social Darwinism.

The creation of the cooperative society called kingdom and countries of our sway allows for by utopian socialism because the religion pretended to live and nothing in the passage makes any reference to abide in all the cities and places of this.

Protestants should be able to live peacefully in traditional social customs. The phrase, conservatism, is incorrect. There is nothing in the passage that refers to the cultivation of emotion pretended to live and abide in all and sentiment called for by Romanticism.

Mill was a supporter of lib 53. The title and reference to the 19th century allow one to infer that the subject is the role of tury socialist belief that competition should be a woman in running her own domestic house replaced by cooperation. B is incorrect because of hold. A is incorrect because the reference to the nine a commander of the army is a metaphor. The "domestics" referred to are traditional customs and institutions, which is why B is a teenth-century conservative belief that is incorrect. C is a household servant. The management of the 19th century belief that the of a household, not a school, is the topic of the passage is incorrect.

The nature of the feminine character allows one to infer that Beeton believed that women were better than men when it came to educational reform. A is incorrect because of management. The subject of the passage is not the running of women, but the use of the word "slavery" is incorrect. The passage's cally is incorrect. One can infer that Beeton tion is based on the subjection of women because of the patriarchal social reference to the importance of acquisition. D is incorrect because it is thought that women were better suited for the task of household passage than men were.

The passage refers to a corrupt or evil nature dependent on her doing her job well, allow one of human beings. Beeton believed that women held ing in the passage meant that they were responsible and powerful in the domestic sphere of social life, within the time. The passage indi confines of the household is incorrect. The differences between the nature of rect are a product of differing early public spheres of life, and the passage makes no reference to women and men.

D is incorrect because of 52. Mill's call, in the last sentence of the passage, reference in the passage to the mistress of the for an end to a system by which gender decides house being the "leader" of an establishment allows one to infer and her assertion that the "happiness" of a person is determined A is incorrect because the passage allows one to infer that she doesn't refer to the institution of marriage. Beeton believed that women were incorrect because the passage did not mention power or responsibility. D is incorrect because the sphere of social life does not advocate the benefits of unbri household, not that they were denied such dled competition the way a social Darwinist power and responsibility.

Vesalius studied the human body by dismembering it.

The law of gravitation is supported and illustrated. The topic sentence with specific examples was challenged by this.

Political thought was affected by the development of the Scientific to determine the "natural laws" of human beings. Montesquieu used a scientific method to identify perfect conditions. Attempts to reconcile these for different types of governments led to more systematic methods of inquiry.

The ideal spiritual world to the natural world was provided, as well as a way to prevent concentration of power, as a result of the shift in thinking from powers into three branches.

Utilitarians, such as John Stuart Mill or Jeremy, attempted to use empiricism to promote commercial revolution. Better understanding of astronomy advocated that policies be evaluated based on their for navigation purposes, as well as the need for results, and that the best were those that effected careful and accurate design and measurement in the greatest good for the greatest number.

Female philosophers in the Enlightenment used logic and reason to argue for political equality for women. She wants the world to be more accurate. Reasoning and logic were used to compare arbitrary sys to the study of geometry, as well as domination of some groups over others. Slavery or monarchy is something many artists like to apply to technology.

Both countries were in debt from wars. In two examples of the Romantic France, the wars of Louis XIV were the reason for the movement in the works of William Wordsworth. In World War I, the roots of Romanticism can be found. Rousseau argued in his works that the tax burden should be increased for the benefit of the poor and the bourgeoisie.

Both Wordsworth and * Radicals in both nations refer to the purity of Nature as opposed to the political theories that seemed to justify transform corrupt and "vulgar" experiences of society.

In Russia, there were two reasons for the rise of the Enlightenment.

Two reasons for the rise of the Romantic Movement are lutions.

Attempted to form moderate governments before many of the Romantics offered solace being taken over by more radical elements. This was seen in the National Assembly as a remedy for the dehumanizing effects of France, as well as factory work and urban living conditions, both of which had a goal of establishing a constitutional which they saw as arising from the excessive emphasis on monarchy. The on reason was used in European society. In March, 1917, the English poets William Wordsworth and Samuel began a series of liberal reforms, but Taylor Coleridge extolled the almost mystical quali intended to fulfill Russia's wartime commitments.

In both nations, revolutionary tensions were focused on the corrupt erbated by weak leadership in the form of Louis ing effects of society on pure souls, again stressing the XVI in France and Nicholas II in Russia.

Russia had a nature that governed economic markets.

Refer to the documents by their number for speed and existence of laws of nature.

Thinkers like Jeremy and Ricardo.

Metternich shows the conservative that could be adapted to new problems.

There are five steps to a history essay of a high person's social and economic position. Mill illus quality is described in Chapter 6 as saying that the only legitimate role for government is to protect individual liberty. As you read the documents, determine what they have in common and how you can position that there is a role for government in group them.

If you support and illustrate your thesis with spe class, it will crash.

A question about politics or political ideology is not well suited for the spectrum.

Group the documents according to ideol anarchism that government corrupts humanity and mustogy. If possible, disrupt the shared aspects of each group of doc. It doesn't fit neatly on a political spectrum because it is anti-uments and explains how those characteristics are political.

The documents within each group should show anarchism rejecting the notion of a political spectrum.

Western European societies were much more urban.

The majority of the British population lived in the country and there was a clear thesis and three topic sentences that you could side with.

The rise of Manchester,Sheffield, and Birmingham from small villages to industrial cities should be followed by the five-step formula.

The Industrial Revolution made Western Europe less family oriented.

Eldest sons and daughters decided what questions to ask in order to find factory work. With the rise of industrial.

Children often worked in different factories, so write a thesis that responds to the wives.

Traditional society was destroyed by the Industrial Revolution.

They add up to your thesis in the agricultural economy.

The demand for specific examples was introduced with the introduction of more machines.

With a new urban, individualized society of uncertainty, your goal is to write the clearest sentence possible.

Don't get caught up in unimportant things.

Mass politics does not go for a surprise ending.

The readers are looking for your thesis, your evidence, and the way in which you won their support; give it to them in a straightforward manner.

Almost universal manhood was created in 1867 and 1884.

The Industrial Revolution gave women the right to vote. In Germany, he promised a society that was more urban, less masculine and filled with uncertainty.

The Conservatives were made enthusiastically nationalist by Disraeli.

Louis-Napoleon's decision to end the republic War and the occupation of Egypt in Great Britain.

Louis "blood and iron" unification of Germany was made possible by the Second Empire.

Politicians found that the ism was appealed to the newly politicized mass because of the imperial ency that politicians had to win over.

The written passage or figure precedes each set of questions. Select the best answer for each question, then fill in the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

The Act of 2 was argued about by the English Parliament.

The English king should be given a new position.

An attempt to stop the spread of corruption in England.

Florence is five hundred forty years older than Venice. Thirty thousand estates, owned by nobleman and merchants, citizens and craftsman, give us yearly bread and meat, wine and oil, vegetables and cheese, hay and wood, to the value of nine thousand ducats in cash. The trades of wool and silk are larger than any of yours in Venice. The silk merchant's guild has 83 rich and splendid warehouses.

Evidence for the A may be found in the passage.

The universe is spherical in form, partly because it is a perfect whole requir ing no joints, and also because it is the most capacious form, which is best suited to contain and preserve everything. No one will doubt that this form belongs to the heavenly bodies.

The earth is spherical because it presses from all sides.

The general spherical nature of the earth is unaffected by the elevations of the mountains and the depressions of the valleys.

As we already know that the earth is a sphere, we must consider whether a movement also coincides with this form, and what place the earth holds in the universe. The majority of authors agree that the earth is still in the center of the universe. If the matter is carefully weighed, it will be seen that the question is not settled and therefore should not be taken lightly. Every change of place is due to a movement of the object or observer. The revolution of the heavens can be observed from the earth. If the earth doesn't move, then the daily revolution must take place outside of the earth, but in the opposite direction than if everything on the earth moved. This appears to affect the whole universe with the exception of the earth itself.

What belief was different from 9.

The universe is spherical.

The planet is spherical.

There is a Platonic/Pythagorean tradition.

The Earth is not standing still.

In the year 1645, I lived in London. We did it by agreements. Our business was to discourse and consider of Philosophical Enquiries, as well as related thereunto: as physics, astronomy, navigation, statics, magnetics, CHEMics, mechanics, and natural experiments. Some of which were new discoveries and others not so well known.

We did not allow any discourse of divinity, state affairs, or news, other than what was related to our business of philosophy. We met weekly at Mr. Foster's lodgings after the lecture ended, and also at the Bull Head in Cheapside.

The original power is from a compact, and agreement, and the consent of those who make up the community.

This fundamental rule of society will be violated by the legislative if either ambition, fear, folly or corruption are used to gain power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people.

Locke said how did society and its 14.

It can be overthrown if it is weak. The people want to change governors.

England is not a free place until the poor have a free allowance to dig and work in the commons.

Who were the Winstanley's?

The parliament supported the efforts of Winstanley and the diggers.

Winstanley and the diggers were to be driven off of all common land.

Winstanley and the diggers were given the use of the commons by C. Parliament.

D. Parliament was not interested in Winstanley and his movement.

Whoever consults common sense upon religious opinions will see that the attention given to any objects we presume interesting will see that the opinions have no foundation.

After meditating upon their terrible God, Madmen everywhere imagine that they must do themselves all possible injury to please him. The gloomy ideas more usefully formed of the Deity, far from consoling them under the evils of life, have everywhere disturbed their minds.

He has always been at the mercy of his priests, who have reserved for themselves the right of thinking for him and directing his actions.

Let men's minds be filled with true ideas. Men don't need theology, revelation, or gods to discover the true principles of morality.

Which of the following is the best?

Atheism is defended by it.

D. Catholic reason and freedom of thought are core Enlightenment ideals.

There is a proof of the existence of God.

The Protestant Reformation D uses satire to undermine orthodox ideas.

No church or parish of France or any French citizen may acknowledge the authority of an ordinary bishop or an archbishop whose see is under the control of a foreign power.

The day after the publication of the present decree, there will be one mode of choosing bishops and parish priests, namely that of election.

All elections will be decided by the absolute majority of the votes.

According to the forms and by the electoral body in the decree of December 22, 1789, the election of members of the departmental assembly will take place.

Before the consecration begins, the bishop will take a solemn oath, in the presence of the municipal officers, of the people, and of the clergy, to guard with care the faithful of his diocese who are to him, to be loyal to the nation, the law, and

What was the goal of 21?

The A would have been opposed by 1790.

To make France's clergy subservient to B.

Until the enemy is driven from the soil of the Republic, all Frenchmen are required to serve in the armies. The young men will go to battle, the married men will forge arms and transport provisions, the women will make tents and clothing, and the children will turn old linen into lint.

The Committee of Public Safety is charged to take all necessary measures to set up without delay an extraordinary manufacture of arms of every sort which correspond with the ardor and energy of the French people. It is authorized to form all the establishments, factories, workshops, and mills which are deemed necessary for the carrying on of these works, as well as to put in requisition, within the entire extent of the Republic, the artists and workingmen who can contribute to their work.

The representatives of the people sent out for the execution of the present law will have the same authority in their respective districts as the Committee of Public Safety, and they are invested with the unlimited powers assigned to the representatives of the people to the armies.

The establishment of which 24 is referred to in this passage.

Large-scale industrialization introduced weaponry C. War against the Coalition.

The total extinction of a nation was advocated. One example of the way in which enemies is the passage.

Total war was advocated.

The most desirable work for the cottager's wife is hand spinning wool. A wooden wheel costing 2 shillings for each person, with one reel costing 3 shillings to set up the family. The wool man either supplies them with wool by the pound or more at a time, as he can depend on their care, or they take it on his account from the chandler's shop, where they buy their food and raiment. When they bring back their pound of wool spun, they don't have to worry about it anymore. Children from five years old can run at the wheel, it is a very wholesome employment for them, keeps them in constant exercise, and upright, and people can work at it till a very advanced age.

Because of the establishment of mechanical spinning machines in many counties, no hand work could be done, and instead of six or seven shillings a week, the whole maintenance of the family devolves on the father.

I was able to get into the Machines after walking to them and seeing the Spinning Jenny and the Combing Machine. The machine was put in motion by a wheel that was turned by four men. The frames were supplied by a child with Wool, and as the wheel turned, a cylinder of ready combed Wool dropped into a trough, which a girl placed on the Spinning Jenny, which has a number of horizontal beams of wood. A girl sets these bobbins all in motion by turning a wheel at the end of the beam, a wire catches up a piece of Wool, and gathers it on each bobbin. The girl turns the wheel again, and 50 more are taken up and Spun. One girl may do the work of One Hundred Hand Wheels if she turns that wheel every minute.

I judge in one room about twenty sets of bobbins. The rooms are much larger than I was in, and most of these are many stories high. He said that he was not a married man and that many parents objected to their daughters being sent to school because they didn't have any work to set them up. I have to say that these girls appeared neat and orderly, yet I fear that they will be taken from their parents and put together with only men and boys, which will bring up a dissolute race of poor.

There were moral objections to mill A.

The religious instruction was not provided.

The work was done very quickly.

The entire household could be supported by a family making enough spinning.

The equipment investment was quickly recovered.

The work was done by girls.

After carefully examining the evidence I have been given, I want to recapitulate the conclusions that appear to me.

The various forms of epidemic, endemic, and other disease caused by atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable sub stances, by damp and filth, and close and overcrowded dwellings prevail amongst the population in every part of the kingdom.

The ravages of epidemics and other diseases tend to increase the population's pressure.

The younger population, bred up under noxious physical agencies, is inferior in physical organization and general health to a population preserved from such agencies.

The effects of education on a population are more variable than on a healthy population.

The adverse circumstances tend to produce an adult population that is short-lived, reckless, and intemperate.

What was one of the 30?

The population of poor moral quality was produced by A.

The disease B was caused by C. Poor living conditions and a new wave of Black Death improved moral values.

Europe is no longer united of faith, mission or aim. In the world, unity is a necessity. The secret of the crisis is here. Every person has a duty to carefully examine and analyze the new unity.

The people of Vienna fought to weaken the empire in order to lose power. It was not for an increase of wealth that the people of Lombardy fought in the same year, as the Austrian Government had done in Gallicia, but everywhere they had failed. They struggled, they still struggle, as do Poland, Germany, and Hungary, for country and liberty, for a word inscribed upon a banner, proclaiming to the world that they also live, think, love, and labor for the benefit of all. They speak the same language, they bear about them the impress of con sanguinity, they kneel beside the same tombs, they glory in the same tradition, and they demand to associate freely, without obstacles, without foreign domination, in order to elaborate and express their idea. The most important question in the present state of things is moral, and it is something they are seeking. The organization of the European task is what it is.

What was the proper defi 34?

There are people with geography and language.

The business of government is similar to that of a cobbler who examines shoes to see if they are suitable for him or not and then accepts or rejects them. I am happy with the comparison. The profession of government in the sense of Frederick the Great is to serve the people, but it may also be as a cobbler, as the opposite is to dominate the people. We want to help the people. I demand that he act as my co-shoemaker in order to make sure that no member of the public goes barefoot, and to create a suitable shoe for the people in this crucial area.

It is an injustice to hinder the self-defense of a large class of our fellow citizens and it is also an injustice to not offer them aid for the cause of their unhappiness. I understand that dissatisfied workers are what the Social Democratic leaders need. Their mission is to lead, to rule, and the necessary prerequisite for that is many dissatisfied classes. If they don't want to lose control over the people, they must oppose any attempt by the government.

I think it has this duty. It would be madness for a corporation or collectivity to take charge of the goals that the individual can achieve and the goals that the community can fulfill with justice and profit. National defense and the general system of transportation are among the objectives of the state. The state will not be able to withdraw in the long run because of that responsibility.

The influence of 37 is clearly shown in this passage.

To fulfill all social objectives. The birth of constitutionalism was fulfilled.

To fulfill objectives that have been 36.

He believed that the unification of Italy would happen.

He was doubtful about the unification of Italy.

The unification of Italy was viewed as a posi tive development by C.

The unification of Italy was viewed by D as a nega tive development.

The boot of Italy is depicted on the leg of King Victor Emanuel II of Piedmont-Sardinia.

He was against Italian unification.

He was in favor of Italian unification.

He believed that Garibaldi was involved in bringing about the unification of Italy.

He believed Count Cavour was the best person to unify Italy.

A confidential personal letter from the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary was delivered to the German Emperor Wilhelm II yesterday. A copy is being forwarded.

The Triple Alliance is threatened by the Russian and Serbian Pan-Slavic agitation, and His Majesty wants to say that he is not blind to the danger. According to the wishes of the Emperor, His Majesty will try to influence King Carol to fulfill the duties of his alliance, to renunciation of Serbia, and to suppression of the Rumanian protests against Austria.

The dispute between Austria-Hungary and Serbia is not within the competence of Serbia's ruler. As is required by the obligations of his alliance and ancient friendship, the Emperor will faithfully stand by Austria-Hungary.

The con 42 is described by which of the following.

During Germany's unification process, it promised to join the Triple Alliance and support Austria-Hungary against the B.

It promised Germany's full support to Joseph in his attempts to succeed Ferdinand.

It didn't offer any real support to Austria-Hungary.

Half of the human race are compelled to take their share of evil and good with the other half. The destruction of property, the increase of taxation, the rise of prices, and the destruction of beautiful things in nature are felt by both men and women. Some losses appeal to one or the other sex, but it would be difficult to say which one is more special, the men who get out of war or the women who don't.

The experience of the war can teach men and women how to solve economic problems by co-operation rather than conflict. Women who are drawn into the workforce are increasingly aware of the satisfaction they get from economic independence, the sweet taste of earned bread, and the depression of subjection. They are good for instruction and organization.

The dislocation of industry at the outbreak of the war was easily met.

The problems after the war will be more lasting.

Whether the women have a home or not, this cry will be raised. We must understand the right of a man who has lost his job and risked his life for his country to find decent employment and decent wages on his return to civil life. We need to understand that when women are able to live by their own productive work, they feel better about themselves, and that if they are not allowed to do so, they will be sent back to a moral imprisonment. conscienceless employers may regard women's labor as preferable due to its cheapness and docility. The kind of man who likes to keep women in their place may have made slaves who will be used against him.

The con 45 is described by which of the following.

Social changes are likely with A. As cheap and manageable alternatives to the coming of World War II returning male labor B. The effects of social changes.

Women wouldn't be able to adjust to life at home.

Women would revolt.

Pressure would be on women to return to the home.

Women would be paid more than men because of their experience.

The states of war between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey and Russia have ended. They are going to live in peace and amity.

The territories lying to the west of the line agreed upon by the contracting parties, which formerly belonged to Russia, will no longer be subject to Russian sovereignty as a result of the treaty of peace. The exact location of the line will be determined by a German commission.

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk should be 47.

The Russian war effort was necessitated by the need to end the German Empire to the Russian Empire.

hatred of modern civilization is the leading passion of my life and it is related to the desire to produce beautiful things.

The hope of the past times was gone, the struggles of mankind for many ages had produced nothing but this sordid, aimless, ugly confusion; the immedi ate future seemed to me likely to intensify all the present evils by sweeping away the last survivals of the days before the dull

This was a bad look out for a man of my disposition, careless of metaphysics and religion, as well as of scientific analysis, but with a deep love of the earth and the life on.

Morris dedicated himself to what 49 by 1896.

The spread of mechanical power was appalled by the waste of resources. Modern society has caused the transformation of Britain into a misery.

He became a socialist because of the C.

The spread of liberal democracy was rejected by him.

He rejected socialism because of his deep love for the Earth.

In the extreme, the situation is critical. Delaying the uprising would be fatal.

I urge my friends to realize that the problems we are confronted with are not solved by conferences or congresses, but by the struggle of the people.

The Revolutionary Military Committee can declare that it will only relinquish power to the true representatives of the people, the interests of the army, the interests of the peasants, and the starving.

All forces must immediately send their delegations to the Revolutionary Military Committee and the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks with the insistence that power should not be left in the hands of Kerensky and his colleagues.

"Call to Power" was written by Vladmir Illyich Lenin. What was the context of 51.

Russia entered World War I. A new B was launched by the Russian military.

Russia's exit from World War I was preceded by the October Revolution.

The Bolsheviks were ready to seize power.

Only the Russian military could rule Russia.

I think that the idea of life as something which works through matter may be novel to many. The matter of life, so far as we know it, breaks up in consequence of that continual death, into carbonic acid, water, and nitrogenous compounds, which have no properties.

How did Huxley define 53?

Anarchism is a force that works through matter.

I have never believed in collective guilt as a Jew.

The children of killers are not killers at all. I don't have the authority to judge the crimes committed by the generation of Hitler.

We must hold it responsible for the way it remembers the past. What does it do with the memory of the past? You can help your people rid themselves of ghosts by remembering. A community that does not come to terms with the dead will traumatize the living.

We remember Auschwitz because we believe that the world is worthy of salvation despite the past and its horrors, and that redemption can only be found in memory.

What do you think about the current Gen 55?

They shared their ancestors' guilt. It was necessary for the Germans to know about the Holocaust.

They had a responsibility to remember. The healing process for the Holocaust was hampered by it.

It was their responsibility to make sure that it didn't happen again.

The D would be forgiven by the Jews.

There was concern about the Holocaust.

All parts of the questions should be answered. Writing outlines, phrases, and bullets will not be accepted.

All parts of the question should be answered.

All parts of the question should be answered.

You can use the passage below to answer the questions that follow.

The class struggle cannot be abolished. Under detente the communists will reconcile themselves to capitalist exploitation or the monopolists will become revolutionaries.

The principle of non interference in the affairs of other states is an indispensable condition for detente.

We see in detente the road to creation of more favorable conditions for peaceful socialist and communist construction. This shows that socialism and peace are not separate.

The speech was given at the Congress on February 29, 1976.

The following question is based on documents. The historical thinking skills that this question is designed to test include contextualization, synthesis, historical argumentation, and the use of historical evidence. Your answer should be based on your knowledge of the topic and your analysis of the documents.

An appropriate thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question is what you need to write a well-integrated essay.

Analyzes the majority of the documents in terms of their intended audience, purpose, point of view, format, argument, limitations, and/or social context as appropriate to your argument.

The views presented below are related to the value of empire in the 19th century.

Our colonies were customers who could not escape us, and vendors who could sell to us alone.

A new system has arisen that is vastly different from the old one. Under this system, our colonies have cost us millions of dollars a year, in addition to the annual estimate for their civil government and defense.

There is a second object of the party. If the first is to maintain the institutions of the country, the second is to uphold the empire of England.

No minister in this country will do his duty if he neglects any opportunity of reconstructing as much as possible our colonial empire, and of responding to those distant sympathies which may become the source of incalculable strength. The maintenance of the Empire's public opinion appears to be in favor of our principles.

England will have to decide between national and cosmopolitan principles.

The issue isn't a mean one. It is whether you will be content to be a comfortable England, modelled and molded upon continental principles and meeting in due course an inevitable fate, or whether you will be a great country where your sons will rise to paramount importance.

The recent British policy is an honor from the beginning.

We have taken to ourselves since the Tories took office.

The British government should now take possession of the New Hebrides group of the South Sea islands, the Solomon group, and all the other islands in the intervening chain of islands. Because she has already taken possession of the east, and we hope that she has taken possession of the west, adjoining her Australian possessions, and the islands between them on the Australian coast.

The New Hebrides natives have sympathy for Great Britain and fear the French, because they have seen how the French have treated the native races.

The money used in Christianizing the New Hebrides has been British.

It would be foolish to let any other power now take possession of this group, in which over PS6000 yearly of British and British-colonial money is spent.

The policy of colonial expansion is a political and economic system.

In the area of economics, I am placing before you, with the support of some statistics, the considerations that justify the policy of colonial expansion, as seen from the perspective of a need, felt more and more urgent by the industrialized population of Europe.

The higher races have a right over the lower races. The superior races have a right because of their duty. Civilizing the inferior races is their duty.

This policy of colonial expansion was taken us under the Empire of Napoleon III's Second Empire, to Vietnam, to Cambodia, and then to Tunisia.

The English work quickly and secretly. The German-English African Treaty burst in the face of the astonished world on June 18th.

As long as our policy is one of free trade, we are compelled to seek new markets, for old ones are being closed to us by hostile tariffs, and our great dependencies are becoming our commercial rivals. We go forward or backward in our empire because of it. To allow other nations to develop new fields, and to refuse to do so ourselves, is to go back in time, as we have proved ourselves capable of dealing with native races and developing new countries at less expense than other nations.

I don't think the medical and industrial are the most useful missions. I think a combination of the two is an ideal mission. The value of the industrial mission depends on the nature of the tribes that it is located in.

Write an essay that responds to one of the questions.

Compare the political effects of nationalism on European civilization from 1789 to 1848 with the political effects of nationalism on European civilization from 1865 to 1945.

Compare the contexts in which scientific work was done in the 17th century and the 19th century.

There is an alliance with the Holy Roman Questions Emperor.

There are forms of corruption on the estates of Florence. The passage does not mention the size of the king's power and authority, which is incorrect. B is incorrect because the passage doesn't mention the number of estates or amend any of the errors, heresies, abuses, owned by any individuals. D is incorrect because of offenses. The passage does not mention gold.

The purpose of the Act is for exports of wool and silk products, and the passage refers to the large number of England. A is incorrect corroboration and confirmation of that fact. The passage does not refer to banking.

The passage doesn't refer to rect because it doesn't mention war or conquest.

The author's pride in England was not reflected in the achievements of his city. Calvinist theology is incorrect.

There is evidence of a monarch in the passage. The code of chivalry, which was at the expense of the Church and its clergy, was not referred to in the aid of his Parliament. The passage indicates that the Act culture is characteristic of medieval culture. The expense of the Catholic Church is incorrect because the English monarchy at patronage of the arts was a Renaissance value. Correct passage does not mention it.

The nobility perception of motion is based on piety, according to the passage. It is possible because the passage does not refer to an increase in the Earth's motion. On the part of the mass, A and B are incorrect.

The Act establishes that the Earth is spherical and that the Henry VIII has the right to have and enjoy it. C is a letter.

The argument in the passage is that the sun and moon are spherical and that the spread of Protestantism was due to the fact that water droplets are spherical. The general rule is what C is incorrect for. B makes no mention of legitimizing an heir and the passage makes no reference to ancient because Henry VIII had no male heir in 1534.

There is no reference to experimentation in build your test taking confidence. It implied deductive.

The willingness to question does not refer to conquest.

Locke's expression of the preservation is evidence that he was working in the skepti of society's mem cal tradition. A is incorrect because the passage bers of the limited nature of properly derived offers evidence of Copernicus's willingness to political power and the members question the traditional notion that of society as the origin of properly derived political the Earth was stationary. Power is one of the key concepts of constitutionalism.

It's true that the passage explicitly argues that the work of Copernicus can be understood to have worked in political power. D is incorrect because Locke's emphasis on the underlying mathematical laws of the property and possessions of society universe is incorrect.

The government is stated in the passage. It's clear from the passage that the group is no longer legitimate when it's met outside of, and independent from, tradi, and put into the hands of any tional institutions like universities, courts, and the other. A is incorrect because it is clear that the group was not part of the royal family. The legitimacy in moments of weakness is what makes C incorrect. The passage does not say that the group was part of an effort to form a new university. D is incorrect because the passage makes it clear that the group was not going to make a change. C is incorrect because it's under the auspices of a church.

The goal of the group was to equate illegitimacy, only that corruption could be used as a motivation for a government to cultivate at home and abroad.

People need to have more readily available. The goal of under that was being denied through the enclosure was not mentioned in the custom passage. B is not correct. The group avoided of the English Civil War, A and B, are incorrect issues of religion, but not that it was dedicated to because the illustration does not indicate that challenging the Church. Winstanley and the Diggers supported any partic the passage makes no reference to an attempt to outlying. The illustration regulates knowledge.

This power 16 is explicitly stated in the passage. The military force only has its original from compact, and agree to be used to expel Winstanley and the diggers from the commons. Because the illustration shows the military force, the passage does not refer to divine right, a con expelling Winstanley and the Diggers and not cept that Locke wished to destroy.

Men have no need of theology, of revelation, under the authority of the state, according to the passage. Some simple parish priests hold that God is necessary. C and the National Assembly believe that D is incorrect because both Protestant and simple people would be given greater care under a clergy that was elected and necessary God.

Frenchmen are always in demand for the Enlightenment. The French Republic was proclaimed to exist on September 22, 1792, nearly a year prior to the Protestant reformation, because of the date of the passage. The Committee of Public Safety was cre political ideas, not a critique of religion. The National Convention in March 1793 offers a critique of religion, not an argument for and then restructured in July 1793, which is incorrect because it was the need for an enlightened monarch.

The 19 was written by the Committee of Public Safety. France ideals of reason and freedom of thought had declared war on the Habsburg monarchy for a rational critique of religious belief. Austria is incorrect because not all of the Enlightenment's of Prussia joined the Austrian side in believing in faith and religion.

D is not a declaration of the Coalition.

An army of about eight hundred thousand is incorrect because the passage does not refer to Protestant theological reforms.

The passage forbids the French people of the new French Republic from trying to reform the economy.

The public safety position of the existing archbishops was owed to them.

The document 24 is incorrect. The clergy must be committed to a war effort because of the docu population and all the reserves of the state. The total extinction of France's impurities was not advocated by build your test taking confidence. The passage does not refer to the diet of the poor because the First Coalition continued to be run by French.

D is incorrect because the diers are available to them.

The effects on work ers who spun thread in their homes are described in the passage. The mode of production shifted demics and other diseases as a result of the ravages of epi textile trade.

A is incorrect because the passage doesn't say that the effects of shifting from epidemics to diseases don't diminish work in industrial manufacturing. B and D are incorrect because of shifts in the textile markets. D is incorrect because of ics and other diseases.

There is a belief that unsanitary 26. The passage does not indicate that spinning had the effect of producing a population that took very little time. The C passage indicates that spinning done by is incorrect because the passage does not exam wife and children, but father's income rather than replaced the effects of poor Sanitation. The moral effects are called D. The passage indicates that unsanitary living con spinning as a cottage industry was done by ditions and that a population that is "improvi wife and all the household children; it was in dent, reckless, and intemperate", not one.

The author's concern is "Kent Rick-Burner", and the moral effects of taking young girls and burning hayrick in the background all refer to "herding them together" with unmarried men. A is incorrect because the passage does not refer to a lack of religious instruction in the labor-displacing threshing machines and the mills. B is incorrect because the passage does not refer to theft on the part of workers. The women and girls were already rect because the images contained no reference to the spinning trade before the English monarchy. C is incorrect because of the mill system.

D is incorrect because of 28. According to the passage, the image contains no references to the Irish "the various forms of epidemic, endemic, and Potato Famine, and because 1830 is too early other disease."

The horse-mounted land is depicted in the image. He depicts the use of machines. B is not correct. B is incorrect because the image does not depict his government as servants of the people. The not as absolute rulers who should lead with image does not depict any industrial setting or opposition. The interests are what makes C incorrect.

Social Democrats who are characterized by Bismarck are 33. According to the passage, nationality should believe that they are leaders who should only be. The passage isn't correct because it isn't the loyal opposition.

There are objectives or longstanding borders according to the passage. It is incorrect that only the state in its totality can fulfill, because the passage does not say that a nation that fulfilling them is only a nation if its people are strong enough state from which the state will not be able to avoid foreign domination. The passage does not argue that it would be madness for a corporate nation to be run by people with a uni body or collectivity.

There are objectives that only the state in its sense that a united Italy is a "natural" totality can fulfill, and that is what the passage says is reflected in the nationalist B. The responsibility of the state is not that of private rect because of Mazzini's desire for a new nation. The passage of Italy does not say that the state must fulfill the nationalists' emphasis on tradition, stability, and tive.

B is incorrect because there is no 38. The socialist ideas depicted in the passage are depicted by the cartoonist. The D of two men responsible for the unification of is incorrect because there are no expressions of Italy.

A and Germany are portraying his conservative govern B as incorrect because the cartoon doesn't give any clues as to whether the cartoonist approved or not, and the Social disapproved of Italian unification. Count Cavour's absence from the ding of bourgeois capitalists and splitting the cartoon precludes a reliable inference as to his nation by looking to exploit and dominate the importance.

The pas 39 is incorrect. Constitutionalism, an ide the Italian Peninsula to Victor Emmanuel II on ology born in seventeenth-century Europe, is not addressed by the surrender of the southern lands of sage. A and B are both incorrect because 1848 is before a conservative national message is delivered. Garibaldi's campaign in Italy is incorrect because popular nationalism came in 1860. D is incorrect because it would not have been depicted as aiding Victor century when Garibaldi was in the first half of the 19th century.

The southern lands of the Italian Peninsula had only been going on for two years in 1916.

The were between 1918 and 1939 were depicted in the cartoon.

The passage states that the unification of Italy will allow the inference that it will be impossible for all to find cartoonist work. B is incorrect because it's for. The passage in question says that forcing unification of Italy as progressing, not doubt women back into the home would be unjust. C and D are incorrect because nothing in the book says that women would never be able to cartoon. The passage does not refer to a revolt of the nation's positive or negative development, but a unification of Italy.

The passage indi 41 is incorrect.

Austria-Hungary does not say that they would be better paid to deal with the Balkans than men.

According to the passage, women's labor may be viewed as prefer 28, 1914 by employers.

The telegram was incorrect because it did not refer to Germany's rearmament in viola to women in the context of military service.

The telegram referred to women working alongside men.

The treaty with 42 was agreed to by the government of Russia. Germany and its allies are often referred to as Russia's "blank check" because it was to end the war effort to consolidate its revo and give Austria an unlimited scope of lutionary gains. The treaty was not a result of corruption or Pan-Slavism within the Austro collaboration between Bolsheviks and Russian Hungarian Empire. The tel business interests are incorrect. The Triple dissolution of the Triple Entente alliance of Alliance was created in 1882 and the egram did not pledge Germany to join it.

The emperor of Austria-Hungary was the heir to the throne.

The passage talks about social changes. The western part of Russia's empire was devastated during World War I, which lasted until 1918. The essay was from Germany. The treaty was written in 1916 and World War II did not begin until 1939. World War I was the German Empire, not the other way around.

According to the passage, life has a physical 48. A is incorrect because the passage a something which works through matter is not a dedication to the spread of commonly held but incorrect view. The mechanical power in the industry is incorrect. B is incorrect because the passage does not refer to transform a philosophy. D is incorrect because Britain became a commonwealth. D is incorrect because the passage does not refer to the spread as a supernatural one.

A 49 is Huxley's view that life has a physical. The passage indicates that Morris turned to material basis because he was deeply disturbed by century ideology of materialism, which held modern civilization's "waste of mechanical power" that nothing exists except matter. The passage makes teenth-century ideology of anarchism, a politi no reference to Marx's arguments. Correct cal ideology advocated stateless societies.

There are nal forces for change. D is incorrect because the passage indicates that his deep love of the passage does not represent romanticism, which earth and the life on it is one reason that he urged the cultivation of sentiment and emotion to embrace socialism.

The passage requires the removal by force 54. The Revolution in Russia in 1917 is incorrect. Russia entered World War I in 1914 and Weisel never believed in it.

The fall from power of D is incorrect.

Kerensky's government was replaced by the Bolsheviks in World War I.

According to the passage, the Bolsheviks had to with and find "redemption" for Germany's seize power immediately from Kerensky and the past. The passage inti the government is incorrect. A is incorrect because mates that remembering the Holocaust would make no reference to a new military that promotes healing among the Germans, offensive. The passage asserts that it doesn't hinder it. The passage that the Bolsheviks had to seize power does not say that remembering the Holocaust from Kerensky could prevent it from happening again. Kerensky didn't have to move against the incorrect because the passage didn't mention the Bolsheviks. The German people were forgiven by the Jewish people.

If the government wants to take proactive the question, you should write a topic sentence that responds to it and give you a specific approach to the social problems.

The While governments are often comprised of indus topic sentence with specific examples.

The Public Health Act was passed by Great Britain.

Haussman's redesign of Paris began in like seed drills and was supported in England by 1856.

The movement increased agricultural produc together with the increasing risk to exports tivity at the same time it displaced small farm posed by such negative publicity. The Sale of Food mobile, wage-based workforce that was neces and Drug Act in Great Britain were created because of the increased efficiency of agriculture.

A good response will include one factor that agricultural change, which would have a simi contributed to the New Imperialism in the lar impact on farmers and the creation of a late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, mobile, wage.

Multiple families often stay in a single apartment as they gain control over their resources. Rival nations were denied access to the same disease as many people were materials.

The conquest was made because of social Darwinism and the increase on population strained the services of the other nations. The improvement of humanity was caused by this. By water sources and the spread of illnesses.

European cultures had little regulation of food.

The idea of the "white man's burden" was one of the additional social theories that were sold.

European nations competed for a new rifle with a mix of cow and dominance that led to their colonies seeking pig fat. They violated proscriptions stations for their naval and commercial ships by loading the rifles to act as coaling stops.

The acquisition of colonies became an issue as a result of a grow of national pride. The Indian way of life was changed by the failure of a nation to secure resentment against the British who were overseas colonies. Sepoys is an unacceptable weakness.

Technological advances like steamships helped lead to attacks on western European powers, and later any British, their military might across the world. Women and children are superior. The European mili response was swift and violent because of the British weaponry.

Europeans believed their boxing exercises would make them impervious to bullets and that Quinine would allow them to travel and settle.

The Boxers controlled the alism during this period, such as: area around Beijing, killing both foreigners, and the India Congress Party was formed in India Chinese Christians. Primarily of Hindu elites. After taking advantage of British liberal education in the United States, an international force regained control of Beijing.

There was a sphere ideology on women in the nine more radical group and they wanted to make any activity outside of Great Britain. Mohandas Gandhi was dangerous to the leaders because he was a woman's reputation.

His civil disobedience can be seen in the attention.

The Act was enacted by the Boers in southern Africa who migrated into the area to stop the spread of disease in towns with naval ports. The Zulu resisted when the British took over titution. An African tribe emphasizing military much of Britain, and any woman caught alone discipline and organization, which probably on the streets at night, was subject to arrest accounts for their early victory against the and the forced exam because the assumption, British in which their army, was the reason, was enforced over Dark was a sex worker.

One school of think India Company believes that the effect is caused by Indian soldiers working for the British East. The control over their children's education, the economic strain that the nuclear arms race domestic servants, and certain parts of the put on the Soviet Union were all given to the United States during this period.

The emergence of a separate sphere ideology in the 19th century made great demands on both the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and one reason is the competition for jobs. These demands were created by the second phase of industrialization.

The early phases of industrialization in the United States were less productive than the late 18th and early 19th century. The cost savings gained from teenth centuries, had been labor-intensive, the signing of treaties such as SALT I, SALT II, drawing large numbers of men, women, and and the Helsinki Accords, which limited the children into the factories and mills. In the second half of the 19th century, the number of nuclear weapons provided a great incentive for Brezhnev's machinery to make a lot of labor to cultivate an atmosphere of detente.

Section II, Part A: The jobs of men were lost due to cheaper labor by women and children.

As you read the documents, make sure to reference detente.

The United ments' docu ing tensions should be grouped in a way that explains why.

Make War by writing your topic sentences. They logically present your thesis when used by Brezhnev.

Detente can only refer to the era examples that contextualize the documents if you support and illustrate your thesis with spe 1964 to 1982.

The question asks you to compare and contrast views of the empire of the Soviet Union and the United States.

One reason that explains Brezhnev's willingness larities and differences is that the authors agree to cultivate an atmosphere of detente with the and disagree about.

Strategic necessity to replace arguments of eco was an extension of that notion.

colonies have been rendered economically unprofita if you find the action words in the question.

A thesis that responds to the nies is unprofitable in both the material and moral question as they must be held by military means against port and illustrate.

You should support and illustrate your thesis.

You are Christianizing your missions. Ferry states that colonies are economically, morally, and strategi most often the clearest sentence is necessary due to the need for economic out short one.

No matter how fascinating the base is. If the newspaper advertisement in #6 claims that colonies directly support or illustrate your thesis, it's not necessary for reasons of both economic interest put it in.

Don't ask a lot of rhetorical questions, colonies are economically necessary for new and don't go for a surprise ending.

The political effects of nation on European civilization from 1789 to 1848 and the political effects of nationalism on European from 1865 to 1945 are both evidence of the existence of arguments for profitability.

In the 19th century, nationalism tended to be #3. The liberal idea that political sovereignty after 1884 is necessity is supported in all documents. There is no mention of uprisings against traditional governments.

nationalism supported the conservative belief in the value of historical Section II, Part B: The Long- tions, helping to fuel movements of national unifica tion under traditional, conservative monarchies.

Choose the question for which you can quickly write ism was opposed by conservative forces, and national a clear thesis and three topic sentences that you can ists made common cause with liberal reformers.

The conserva was a blend of traditional thinking and newer thinking that emphasized natural beliefs in the value of historical traditions and heavy laws.

Secular institutions were the only places where scientific work was done in the 19th century.

Cambridge and Oxford were hubs of science in Britain in the 17th century.

Science displaced the Royal Society of London in the 19th century.

Materialist theories were fostered by institutions in the new secular context.

Two-thirds of your final score can be attributed to a score of 4 or 5 Multiple-choice questions.

A quarter of a point is deducted for each wrong answer.

One-third of your final score is attributed to free-response questions.

A score on the 1-to-5 scale is used to convert your score on the two test sections.

Historically accurate resources are often more interesting than textbooks. The sugges tions can be used to supplement your text. General websites that give you a broad array of material are included in the choices. Make connections with the content you have studied in class as you consider these alternate resources.

You already have enough on your plate. A study group could pick a literary work, an artist or an artistic movement, or a piece of music and have members present it every few weeks. Everyone in the group would benefit from not having to do all the work on their own.

Examples that make clear the importance of points of view and cli mates of opinion are what to look for. Two more samples follow. Each is meant to be a starting point for AP European History, and each makes you think about how history is written, by whom and to what end.

This book is an introduction to historiography and to effective analysis and communication skills. The truth of anything at all doesn't lie in someone's account of it. The small facts of the time are what lies in it.

Tey and Shakespeare's portrayals of King Richard III can be compared if you like reading or watching a production of a play. Keep in mind the author's purpose.

The Branagh version shows modern antipathy to war while the Olivier version is propagandistic and was made during World War II.

There are brief annotations of novels on this site, and the comments that follow have suggestions of other possibilities.

There are more than 5,000 works on this site. It is broken down by time.

There are ten novels on this site.

There are ways of seeing. This is a short art history. It will teach you how to analyze and interpret art.

War recruiting and patriotic post ers can help you understand art as propaganda.

Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe produced the most complete site.

It has a website as well. It's best to look for specific works, artists, and eras.

The films are about twentieth-century Europe and its wars.

There are names and events on the screen.

The years 1949-1989 are covered. This is useful even though some things are out of chronological order.

This covers the years 2000 to 2009. It's a little heavy on U.S. history but still useful.

The piece is about information technology.

The latter is available on television.

Caricaturists who specialized in political and social satire include William Hogarth and James Gilray. Honore Daumier is better known. Political and editorial cartooning took off.

Document Outline

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • About the Authors
  • Introduction: The Five-Step Program
  • STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program 1 What You Need to Know About the AP European History Exam Background Information Frequently Asked Questions About the AP European History Exam 2 How to Plan Your Time Three Approaches to Preparing for AP Exams Detailed Calendar for Each Plan Setting Up a Study Group
  • STEP 2 Understand the Skills That Will Be Tested 3 The Ways Historians Think Introduction Reasoning Chronologically Putting Information in Context Arguing from Evidence Developing Your Historical Thinking Skills Rapid Review
  • STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success 4 The Multiple-Choice Questions Introduction Passive Knowledge and the Process of Elimination Putting Your Historical Thinking Skills to Use About Guessing Further Practice with Multiple-Choice Questions 5 The Short-Answer Questions Introduction Putting Your Knowledge and Historical Thinking Skills to Use Further Practice with Short-Answer Questions 6 The Document-Based Question Introduction The High-Quality History Essay Five Steps for Creating an Outline for Your Essay Characteristics of the DBQ Applying the Principles of the High-Quality History Essay to the DBQ Scoring the DBQ Further Practice for the DBQ 7 The Long-Essay Question Introduction Choosing Your Topic Applying the Five Steps to a High-Quality History Essay Scoring of the Essays Further Practice for the Long-Essay Question
  • STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High 8 From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance 9 Major Themes of Modern European History Introduction Interaction of Europe and the World Changes in Wealth and Who Had It Changes in Knowledge Systems and World View Changes in Society and Its Institutions The Individual and Society National and European Identity The Organization of the AP Course into Units 10 The Challenge of the Renaissance Introduction Italian Society of the Renaissance Renaissance Values Artistic Achievement of the Renaissance The Renaissance and Scientific Advancements The Spread of the Renaissance Review Questions Rapid Review 11 The Reformation and the Fracturing of Christianity Introduction The Need for a Religious Reformation The Lutheran Revolt Creation and Spread of the Protestant Movement The English Reformation Calvin and Calvinism Social Dimensions and the Radical Reformation The Catholic Response Review Questions Rapid Review 12 The Great Voyages of Exploration and Early Colonization Introduction Exploration and Expansion The Spanish Empire in the New World England, France, and the Triangular Trade Networks Review Questions Rapid Review 13 Economic Change and Political Consolidation Introduction Economic Stress and Change Thirty Years' War Britain: The Rise of Parliament France: The Construction of a State Central and Eastern Europe: Compromise Review Questions Rapid Review 14 Economic Change and the Expansion of the State Introduction Great Britain: The Triumph of Constitutionalism France: The Triumph of Absolutism Russia: Tsarist Absolutism Breaking the Traditional Cycle of Population and Productivity Market-Oriented Agriculture Rural Manufacturing Technical Innovations in Agriculture and Manufacturing Eastern Ambition War and Diplomacy Review Questions Rapid Review 15 The Rise of Natural Philosophy, Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment Introduction The Traditional View of the Cosmos Alternative Traditions of Knowledge Before the Scientific Revolution Development of New Institutions The Rise of Copernicanism Kepler's Laws Galileo and the Value of Empirical Knowledge Advances in Anatomy, Physiology, and Medicine Contributions of Women During the Scientific Revolution Cartesian Skepticism and Deductive Reasoning The Enlightenment The Triumph of Newtonian Science New Ideas About Natural Law, Human Nature, and Society New Political Ideas The Philosophes and Enlightened Despotism Salons and Lodges Skepticism, Religion, and Social Criticism The Arts in the Enlightenment The Radical Enlightenment The Other Enlightenment Review Questions Rapid Review 16 The French Revolution and Empire Introduction The Ancien Regime in Crisis The Moderate Phase of the French Revolution (1789-1791) The Radical Phase of the French Revolution (1791-1794) The Final Phase of the French Revolution: Thermidor and the Rise of Napoleon (1794-1799) Post-Revolutionary France and the Napoleonic Code Napoleon's Empire The Decline and Fall of Napoleon and His Empire Restoration Review Questions Rapid Review 17 The Industrial Revolution Introduction The Factory System and the Division of Labor Iron and Steel New Sources of Power The Railway Boom The Reciprocal Nature of Heavy Industry The Spread of Industrialization Social Effects of Industrialization Science in an Industrial Age Review Questions Rapid Review 18 Cultural Responses to Revolution and Industrialization Introduction Political Ideologies in the Nineteenth Century Cultural Ideologies in the Nineteenth Century Review Questions Rapid Review 19 Mass Politics and Nationalism Introduction Nationalism and State-Building The Triumph of Conservative Nationalism The Unification of Italy The Unification of Germany Mass Politics and Nationalism in the Hapsburg Empire Mass Politics and Nationalism in France Mass Politics and Nationalism in Russia Mass Politics and Nationalism in Great Britain Review Questions Rapid Review 20 Mass Politics and Imperialism Introduction Causes of the New Imperialism The Scramble for Africa Dominance in Asia Review Questions Rapid Review 21 Politics of the Extreme and World War I Introduction Labor Unions Begin in Britain, Then Spread to Other Countries Socialist Parties in Britain, France, and Germany Women's Suffrage Movements and Feminism Anarchist Activity Ultranationalism and Anti-Semitism Zionism The Causes of World War I The Beginning of the War: 1914-1915 Total War 1916: "The Year of Bloodletting" Russian Revolution and Withdrawal Germany's Disintegration and the Peace Settlement Review Questions Rapid Review 22 The Interwar Years and World War II Introduction Problems and Challenges After World War I The Weimar Republic in Germany The Soviet Union in Economic Ruins The Great Depression The Rise of Fascism World War II Assessment and Aftermath of World War II Review Questions Rapid Review 23 The Cold War, Integration, and Globalization Introduction The Development of Nuclear Weapons The Settlement Following World War II The Cold War The European Union The Disintegration of the Iron Curtain and the Soviet Union Nationalism and Globalization Social Changes in Postwar Europe Review Questions Rapid Review
  • STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence Answer Sheet for the AP European History Practice Test 1 Section I, Part A: Multiple-Choice Questions Section I, Part B: Short-Answer Questions Section II, Part A: Document-Based Question Section II, Part B: Long-Essay Question Answers and Explanations for AP European History Practice Test 1 Answer Sheet for the AP European History Practice Test 2 Section I, Part A: Multiple-Choice Questions Section I, Part B: Short-Answer Questions Section II, Part A: Document-Based Question Section II, Part B: Long-Essay Question Answers and Explanations for AP European History Practice Test 2 Resource Guide Using Literary Works in European History General Websites General Background Resources by Historical Period

The attached primary source, secondary source, or historical issue are referred to in the sets of questions below. Pick the one answer that best answers or completes the question and fill in the letter that corresponds to your choice on the answer sheet supplied.

I have come to understand that man is the most fortunate of all creatures and worthy of all admiration. The nature of other beings is limited.

Pico della Mirandola was participating.

That man was a different kind of creature. The man is not worthy of admiration.

There is a soul in human beings.

Humans know that they will die.

Human beings can go to heaven.

There is no limit to the potential of the human being.

The Scribbling-Machines have thrown thousands of your petitioners out of work, and deprived them of the opportunity to bring up their children to labour, because they are not able to procure a maintenance for their families. Each machine can do as much work in twelve hours as ten men can do by hand.

The document can be used as evidence.

The British working class did not benefit from the introduction of machines.

The economic well-being of the city and the region was tied to its inhabitants having C.

The use of child labor increased in D.

Take up the White Man's burden.

To wait in a heavy harness. They are sons of the British race.

On fluttered folk and wild. They fight wars for the sake of peace.

They are ready to convert to Christianity.

They are the product of a less developed civilization.

The end was sought by Spain in the Spanish-American War. Kipling can bring all your hopes to naught with that watch sloth and heathen Folly information in mind.

There is a warning to avoid the war.

The death of true art will be depicted in the engraving.

Older men marrying younger women. The future of the realm will be solidified by the liquidation of art collections.

The various modes of worship in the Roman world were all considered equally useful by the people and equally false by the philosopher.

Religion was practiced in ancient Rome. The clergy's monopoly on academic scholars varied with the social position of the country.

Religious worship was a source of social tension and turmoil in ancient Rome.

In ancient Rome, religious worship was educated elite of Britain.

The lack of sources available to the eight lutionized by the introduction of Christianity was the reason for religious worship being revo D.

Drawing 17 was used to build the map above. The thin line for each voyage recorded in British could be used as evidence to support the following trade ship logs between 1750 and 1800.

British ships didn't sail along the west coast.

The British did not sail the Atlantic Ocean.

British ships did not sail in the Indian Ocean.

British ships traveled through North American waters into the Pacific Ocean.

British trade ships often visited China.

The Mediter ranean Sea was frequented by British trade ships.

Britain, North America, and the west coast of Africa were connected by a Triangle of Trade.

The history of previous societies is the history of class struggles. The bourgeois society that has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society still has class antagonisms. New classes, new conditions of oppression and new forms of struggle have been established. The class antagonisms have been simplified by the epoch of the bourgeoisie. Society is more and more split into two great hostile camps, directly facing each other, as Bourgeoisie and Proletariat.

A destructive development could be B.

An example of history repeating itself. The year of 1848 was the most important year in German and European history, as it recapitulated Germany's past and inspired Germany's future. There has never been a revolution that was so inspired by a faith in the power of ideas. The failure of the revolution discredited liberal ideas. The idea of Force was the main idea of German history after it. The German people missed their cue for the first time since 1521 when they stepped on to the German stage. German history failed to turn. The essence of 1848 was this.

Taylor believes that the most important effect is A.

The failure to change in the B.

At the end of World War II, a historian might be inclined to look for the origins of perceived German belligerence.

The analysis of a historian in 1945 is irrelevant now that he is dead.

Historical analysis written in 1945 is not up to date.

The origins of the Cold War would be looked for by a historian at the end of World War II.

The society is ripe for change.

What was Gorbachev's main justification?

The Soviet Union was needed to avoid a crisis.

The collapse of the Soviet Union necessitated a restructuring of socialist society.

"It's posted at the district mayor's office," the man shouted as he ran. I looked at the message.

It was an announcement to a million people. I burst into the office of the chief after I got back to my newspaper's office. "It will be all right then," he said.

How did people react to 29?

Mobilization for war in 1914 was greeted with great skepticism in Paris.

B. had grave doubts about France's ability to Mobilize for war in 1914.

D. was relieved to hear that Paris was very enthusiastic about war in 1914.

The catastrophe of 1914 was caused by the Germans. Germany was unfortunate enough to allow herself to be betrayed into an excess of candour by her characteristic tendency to go to extremes. There is an old but childish race.

What feelings do you have towards 31?

He said Germany was to blame for the Great Depression.

He said that Germany was to blame for World War I.

We are full of mistakes and weakness. The last law of nature is this.

Christians are the most tolerant of all men.

The Scientific Revolution was founded by A. Voltaire.

The Enlightenment valued tolerance.

The Enlightenment believed in tolerance.

D. Voltaire believed in tolerance.

After the collapse of 1945, educated Germans began to criticize Germany's deviation from the West, initially by laying claim to a special German mission. The negative view is dominant.

The author's 36 is indicated by the passage.

The idea of a unique German path has never been popular in Germany.

B. was unaffected by Germany's defeat in World B.

Germany's defeat in World German path in history discredited the existence of a unique D.

The question of a unique German path in history has been answered.

During World War II, women were put in charge of factories.

The British military had a significant amount of women in it.

During World War II, women were happy to join the industrial workforce.

During World War II, women were involved in the production of weapons.

The focus was on minority groups.

It had the same goals as German propaganda.

It was intended to make women feel important in the war effort.

The unrealistic picture of opportu nities open to women was given by it.

The need for women in the military was caused by the wartime needs of Britain.

Women were required to work in the factory during the war.

The social change in Britain was caused by women working in factories with men.

Women joined the industrial workforce of Great Britain for the first time because of wartime needs.

Having by our late labours and dangers made it appear to the world how high a rate we value our freedom, and God having so far owned our cause, as to deliver the enemies into our hands, we do now hold ourselves bound in mutual duty to each other, to take the best

The ways of God's worship are not something that we can control.

It is against our freedom to force any of us to serve in the wars.

Every person may be bound alike in all laws.

According to the passage, one can infer that the 42.

To form a ruling body of England. To establish equality under the law.

They were fighting for their beliefs.

They defended the monarchy during the English Civil War.

They were trying to establish a republic.

They were trying to get independence from England.

We have established and proclaimed that the recollection of everything done be one party or the other.

In order that the exercise of the Roman and Catholic religion may be peaceably and freely exercised, we ordain that they be restored and reestablished in all places and localities of this kingdom and countries subject to our sway.

"In order to leave no occasion for troubles or differences between our subjects, we have permitted and herewith permit those of the said religion called Reformed to live and abide in all the cities and places of this kingdom and countries of our sway."

It is possible that 45 is inferred from the passage.

Banning Protestants from France B. Henry IV was a Protestant.

The church was banned in France.

There is a possibility that the Catholic Church could exist in France.

The true Church is the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church caused a lot of problems in France.

The office of Reliever-general to the poor cannot assume that a government cannot do anything more than protect. The citizen contributions were demanded for the mitigation of distress. To take care that every man has the freedom to do what he wants, if he doesn't violate the equal freedom of any other man.

The poverty of the incapable, the distresses that come upon the imprudent, the starvation of the idle, and those shoulderings aside of the weak by the strong. The deaths are seen to be full of the highest level of compassion.

Spencer was an advocate.

He was against the use of tax money to help the poor.

He questioned the government's right to tax people.

He believed that the government should do more.

D believed that working people should work together.

The principle of legal subordination of one sex to the other is wrong and is one of the main obstacles to human improvement. The masters of all other slaves rely on this. The masters of women wanted more than just obeying, they wanted to effect their purpose. All women are brought up in the belief that their ideal of character is not self-control, but submission and yielding to the control of others. The principle of social and economic science is general.

Mill was an advocate.

You should build your test-taking confidence.

Mill advocated A according to the passage. People are born bad.

People are generally good.

Equal opportunity for men and women.

It is with the mistress of the house, as with a Commander of the Army, or leader of any enterprise. Her spirit will be seen through the entire establishment and her domestics will follow in her path. Of all of those acquirements, which more particularly belong to the feminine character, there are none which take a higher rank than entering into a knowledge of household duties; for on these are dependent on the happiness, comfort, and well-being of the family.

Beeton was compelled to write the book.

The running of a school for girls was done by women.

A woman is running her own B. In the public sphere of social life, women were denied power.

Beeton believed that women were more suited for life than men.

Answer all parts of the questions. Writing outlines, phrases, and bullets will not be accepted.

Science and society are intertwined.

Historians argue that the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution are fundamentally similar.

All parts of the question can be answered using the passages below.

The pathless woods have a pleasure in them.

I love nature more than man.

You can use the passage below to answer the questions that follow.

The comforts and well-being of the poor cannot be permanently secured without some consideration on their part, or some effort on the part of the legislature, to regulate the increase of their numbers. The operation of the poor laws has been contrary to this. They have rendered restraint superfluous and invited impru dence by giving it a portion of the wages of industry.

The questions are based on documents 1-8. The historical thinking skills that this question is designed to test include contextualization, synthesis, historical argumentation, and the use of historical evidence. Your answer should be based on your knowledge of the topic and your analysis of the documents.

The proper form and role of government can be compared and contrasted.

They might be able to leave him free to develop himself and improve his condition. Men tend to believe that their happiness and well-being are secured by institutions rather than by their own conduct.

"Presumption makes of every man the guide of his own belief, the arbiter of laws according to which he is pleased to govern himself, or to allow someone else to govern him and his neighbors."

Write an essay that responds to one of the questions.

There is no evidence that this is a passage from an increase in the use of child labor, so D is incorrect. A document expressing concern about the loss of pride would be frowned upon by advocates of apprenticeship opportunities.

C is not correct. knowledge about labor techniques by machines was a prominent part of the natural world because of the Scientific social effect of industrialization. The document makes no reference to enon. D is incorrect because of Enlightenment nationalist concerns. The was a development in the 18th century.

Humans are the most recent expansion, according to the passage. A is not correct.

The document states that the argument is incorrect because the passage does not mention unemployment. The passage does not mention heaven, which would cause C to be incorrect.

The ration is incorrect. The document does not reference the size of that man alone has an unlimited potential, which is incorrect. The document one may infer that Pico accepts, rather than an appeal for continued work and mentions rejects, the notion that man is unique is incorrect. B is an undesirable outcome of rect because one may infer from the passage that unemployment.

God intended man to strive to achieve and because of 7. Pico's value of Renaissance "Heavy harness" and "savage wars of peace" is similar to the metaphor of a burden and images of a strive to achieve. D is incorrect because it indicates difficult work. B can't say anything from the passage because there are no images of humans becoming the equal of God.

There are no images that are glorious or 4 in the excerpt. The religious is clearly objecting to the petitioners. The elimination of traditional laboring jobs excerpt refers to hopes coming to naught by the introduction of machines. The overall theme of a burden implies an impor because the petitioners are asking for a return to purpose.

You should build your test-taking confidence. The spread of religious skepticism implies that these are peoples of the educated elite in Britain in the eight backward or less-developed civilization. The idea of a skeptical is incorrect because both of the lines they refer to are descriptions of the British imperialists. The people over whom the British are ruling are incorrect. The clergy is incorrect because nothing in the excerpt suggests that the natives are not ready for conversion.

B is incorrect because of 9. There is a warning about great costs and no hatred of Roman religious responsibility in the excerpt.

One can tell B is incorrect because the excerpt encourages nothing about the sources available from the Americans.

The excerpt does 14. Gibbon's interpretation does not call for the Christianizing of other civiliza tudes toward religious worship that correlated tions. The poem does not reflect the social position of the worshiper. B considers the burden of imperial rule incorrect because no reference is made to being heavy but not folly.

C is not correct. The difference of sons to daughters of wealthy bourgeois business ity and centralization is what is referred to as the Gibbon phenomenon. D is incorrect because men in order to ensure a combination of wealth do not mention the introduction or status of the next generation of the family.

The engraving depicts two 15. There are no lines on the map that show fathers haggling over the details of marrying British sailing routes in the Pacific Ocean. There are lines on the subject of the engraving that are not the sale of art. The subject of the engraving west coast of Africa, in the Atlantic Ocean, is not churchmen marrying, which is why the D map is incorrect.

The practice of eco 16 was criticized by Hogarth. The dark shaded lines connecting Britain, nomically motivated marriage through a satiri North America, and the west coast of Africa are comical. The existence of a Triangle of Trade is incorrect.

The depiction of the aristocrats in the North American waters to the Pacific Ocean is incorrect.

The B is incorrect because the image is not a landscape.

The sight of two fathers treating their child because there are no lines indicating British dren as economic assets while the clergyman trade voyages in the Mediterranean during this leers at the bride-to-be shows Hogarth's moral period.

The lack of interest was shown. The heavy blue shading shows a high fre by the future bride and groom, which is indicative of the misery that will follow the British trade ship voyages to Africa and India. The subject of the engraving map doesn't offer any evidence that the sale of art to foreigners isn't true. The cargo that ships carried is called B. There are no British trade ships that sailed west through portrait painting and patronage on the map. D is incorrect because the scene depicted on the map does not inspire con cates that there is a canal in the future.

The French Revolution 22 was viewed by Marx and Engels. The rise of "Force" that created a powerful bourgeoisie was the most significant effect of the economic change according to the quotation. The only viable option in German political D is incorrect due to the fact that both the struggles between members of a stable ruling conservative and liberal political aristocracy have been discredited.

The long-term effects of the revolutions example of economic determinism is the thrust of the quotation. There was an incor of 1848 on German history. The Oxford movement was a move because it shows that the long Christian traditions of faith were lost when the power of ideas was lost. Incorrect term effect is a bad sign for that power. Marx makes use of the Hegelian incorrect because the "Force" mentioned in the dialectic is not a police force.

It is important to remember the post-World War II ideas. The context of a historical analysis that purports to find economic ideas of the Scottish thinker of the roots of a German fascination with "Force" Enlightenment, such as Adam Smith, is incorrect. The quality of and action is more important than the status of the historian, which is why B is incorrect.

The statement is 20. Marx and Engels's view of history was true, but not particularly important to the reading of Taylor's analysis. The inevitable consequences were incorrect because the statement may be of economic change. The economic determinism that Taylor does not purport to find the roots of the acterized Marx and Engels's thought is incorrect.

According to the passage, Gorbachev said that possibility could be avoided. The passage does not say that history is incorrect.

D is incorrect failure to change. The passage does not go as far as to say that the delay in restructuring would have caused industrialization. The collapse of the Soviet Union is incorrect.

C is incorrect in the socialist society because the quotation does not analyze audience lived. There is no mention of capitalist enemies in build your test-taking confidence. C is for it. War II began in 1939 because World a socialist society to develop successfully. The Franco-Prussian War began in 1870 and the passage makes no mention of it.

The passage makes no mention of capitalism.

The pas had been looking for change for a long time. The war started by Germany. There is a war going on.

The people of Paris 32 were remembered by Doregeles. A is incorrect because of a sign of enthusiasm. B is incorrect about the rest of Europe.

He was "exhilarated" by the Enlightenment. D is incorrect because he is excited and happy by what he has seen. B is incorrect because there is nothing in the tury phenomenon, and because the passage indicates that Doregeles was disgusted.

The passage does not indicate that Doregeles was frightened. D is older than 33. Although in the war, A is incorrect.

The passage tells us that Clemenceau reacted. The quote "It will be all right then" is incorrect because it implies that the French public would react negatively to tolerance. The laws of nature are incorrect. Although there is nothing in the passage that indicates that the quotation is from a letter, D is incorrect. B is incorrect because society doesn't say that tolerance is unique to English.

According to the passage, the German public believes that the existence of a German Minister of France would serve as a Prime opinion.

The beginning of World War I in 1914 and the passage 2006) indicate a long-standing debate.

B is incorrect because there was a unique German path that one could not infer from the poster. There are no proportions of men and women in the military.

Marxists are wrong about the existence of public belief in C because they don't know anything about German history. The poster about the emotional state of the rect says nothing about women working in factories.

The goal of the poster was to make women feel important to 35. There was a lot of public belief in the fact that there was a special German mission in Great Britain. B is incorrect because of World War II. The first sentence of the passage states that British and German propaganda asserts that there was similar goals, but it cannot be a special German mission. There is a British poster that says C and D are incorrect. He wrote in 2006 that Winkler was not asserting or opposing incorrect because of factory work during the war.

The passage states that Germany's defeat is meaningless.

The phrase "late labours and hazards" was changed from saying that Germany had a unique reference to delivering the enemies of God mission in history to saying that Germany was into their hands. The English Civil War was fought recently. The existence of a unique German mission during the Seven Years' War was the reason why public opinion was incorrect. The collapse of 1945 changed B. The American War for Independence was not fought from 1775 to 1782. The Battle of public opinion on the question of Agincourt's uniqueness took place in 1441.

The passage indicates that 41.

One can infer that God's worship are not given to us by any human power. The authors of the passage fought for the freedom of the economy during World War II. The Levellers women do factory work. The poster does not indicate that women of the monarchy are being conscripted, so it is incorrect to fight on the Parliamentary side. The monarchy wouldn't be demanding any of the posters indicate anything about the things the Levellers do in the passage.

There is no mention of the establishment of a republic. This was the first time that it was incorrect because the Levellers were English, women were part of Great Britain's industrial and the passage didn't mention a workforce.

The number of tanks and aircraft seems to be 42. The phrase "That in all laws made, or to ing to come from the factory in the poster be made, every person may be bound alike" allows one to infer that women were used in the production of bombs. One can in England. To form a ruling body of England, you need to build your Test- Taking Confidence.

C and D are incorrect because nothing in the passage indicates a demand for the cessation of Henry IV's religious conversion.

The phrase "the danger of returning into the fundamental law to take care that every slavish condition" is used as an analogy.

One can use the phrase "the recol dom of any other man" to infer that Spencer was an advocate of the 19th century. There is no reference to the nineteenth gious conflict in France in the bles that Henry is trying to put an end to. One can't infer anything about Henry IV's traditional customs and institutions from A and B. The document has B as its own religion. The phrase "the recollection of every to the nineteenth-century anarchist belief that thing done by one party or the other" is incorrect. "D all the preceding period of troubles" is incorrect because there was no mention of religious conflict in the passage.

The restoration was replaced by cooperation.

The Catholic Church had been there for 47 years. The passage makes it clear that Spencer interrupted so that one could infer that Henry was assuring the existence of the Catholic in France by using tax money to aid the poor. B is incorrect because the Church does not challenge the right of the government to tax its people. The Catholic Church makes C incorrect.

The Catholic D is incorrect because the passage makes no reference to the true Church. People unite when D is present.

The Catholic Church's last paragraph caused too much late a belief in social Darwinism.

The creation of the cooperative society called kingdom and countries of our sway allows for by utopian socialism because the religion pretended to live and nothing in the passage makes any reference to abide in all the cities and places of this.

Protestants should be able to live peacefully in traditional social customs. The phrase, conservatism, is incorrect. There is nothing in the passage that refers to the cultivation of emotion pretended to live and abide in all and sentiment called for by Romanticism.

Mill was a supporter of lib 53. The title and reference to the 19th century allow one to infer that the subject is the role of tury socialist belief that competition should be a woman in running her own domestic house replaced by cooperation. B is incorrect because of hold. A is incorrect because the reference to the nine a commander of the army is a metaphor. The "domestics" referred to are traditional customs and institutions, which is why B is a teenth-century conservative belief that is incorrect. C is a household servant. The management of the 19th century belief that the of a household, not a school, is the topic of the passage is incorrect.

The nature of the feminine character allows one to infer that Beeton believed that women were better than men when it came to educational reform. A is incorrect because of management. The subject of the passage is not the running of women, but the use of the word "slavery" is incorrect. The passage's cally is incorrect. One can infer that Beeton tion is based on the subjection of women because of the patriarchal social reference to the importance of acquisition. D is incorrect because it is thought that women were better suited for the task of household passage than men were.

The passage refers to a corrupt or evil nature dependent on her doing her job well, allow one of human beings. Beeton believed that women held ing in the passage meant that they were responsible and powerful in the domestic sphere of social life, within the time. The passage indi confines of the household is incorrect. The differences between the nature of rect are a product of differing early public spheres of life, and the passage makes no reference to women and men.

D is incorrect because of 52. Mill's call, in the last sentence of the passage, reference in the passage to the mistress of the for an end to a system by which gender decides house being the "leader" of an establishment allows one to infer and her assertion that the "happiness" of a person is determined A is incorrect because the passage allows one to infer that she doesn't refer to the institution of marriage. Beeton believed that women were incorrect because the passage did not mention power or responsibility. D is incorrect because the sphere of social life does not advocate the benefits of unbri household, not that they were denied such dled competition the way a social Darwinist power and responsibility.

Vesalius studied the human body by dismembering it.

The law of gravitation is supported and illustrated. The topic sentence with specific examples was challenged by this.

Political thought was affected by the development of the Scientific to determine the "natural laws" of human beings. Montesquieu used a scientific method to identify perfect conditions. Attempts to reconcile these for different types of governments led to more systematic methods of inquiry.

The ideal spiritual world to the natural world was provided, as well as a way to prevent concentration of power, as a result of the shift in thinking from powers into three branches.

Utilitarians, such as John Stuart Mill or Jeremy, attempted to use empiricism to promote commercial revolution. Better understanding of astronomy advocated that policies be evaluated based on their for navigation purposes, as well as the need for results, and that the best were those that effected careful and accurate design and measurement in the greatest good for the greatest number.

Female philosophers in the Enlightenment used logic and reason to argue for political equality for women. She wants the world to be more accurate. Reasoning and logic were used to compare arbitrary sys to the study of geometry, as well as domination of some groups over others. Slavery or monarchy is something many artists like to apply to technology.

Both countries were in debt from wars. In two examples of the Romantic France, the wars of Louis XIV were the reason for the movement in the works of William Wordsworth. In World War I, the roots of Romanticism can be found. Rousseau argued in his works that the tax burden should be increased for the benefit of the poor and the bourgeoisie.

Both Wordsworth and * Radicals in both nations refer to the purity of Nature as opposed to the political theories that seemed to justify transform corrupt and "vulgar" experiences of society.

In Russia, there were two reasons for the rise of the Enlightenment.

Two reasons for the rise of the Romantic Movement are lutions.

Attempted to form moderate governments before many of the Romantics offered solace being taken over by more radical elements. This was seen in the National Assembly as a remedy for the dehumanizing effects of France, as well as factory work and urban living conditions, both of which had a goal of establishing a constitutional which they saw as arising from the excessive emphasis on monarchy. The on reason was used in European society. In March, 1917, the English poets William Wordsworth and Samuel began a series of liberal reforms, but Taylor Coleridge extolled the almost mystical quali intended to fulfill Russia's wartime commitments.

In both nations, revolutionary tensions were focused on the corrupt erbated by weak leadership in the form of Louis ing effects of society on pure souls, again stressing the XVI in France and Nicholas II in Russia.

Russia had a nature that governed economic markets.

Refer to the documents by their number for speed and existence of laws of nature.

Thinkers like Jeremy and Ricardo.

Metternich shows the conservative that could be adapted to new problems.

There are five steps to a history essay of a high person's social and economic position. Mill illus quality is described in Chapter 6 as saying that the only legitimate role for government is to protect individual liberty. As you read the documents, determine what they have in common and how you can position that there is a role for government in group them.

If you support and illustrate your thesis with spe class, it will crash.

A question about politics or political ideology is not well suited for the spectrum.

Group the documents according to ideol anarchism that government corrupts humanity and mustogy. If possible, disrupt the shared aspects of each group of doc. It doesn't fit neatly on a political spectrum because it is anti-uments and explains how those characteristics are political.

The documents within each group should show anarchism rejecting the notion of a political spectrum.

Western European societies were much more urban.

The majority of the British population lived in the country and there was a clear thesis and three topic sentences that you could side with.

The rise of Manchester,Sheffield, and Birmingham from small villages to industrial cities should be followed by the five-step formula.

The Industrial Revolution made Western Europe less family oriented.

Eldest sons and daughters decided what questions to ask in order to find factory work. With the rise of industrial.

Children often worked in different factories, so write a thesis that responds to the wives.

Traditional society was destroyed by the Industrial Revolution.

They add up to your thesis in the agricultural economy.

The demand for specific examples was introduced with the introduction of more machines.

With a new urban, individualized society of uncertainty, your goal is to write the clearest sentence possible.

Don't get caught up in unimportant things.

Mass politics does not go for a surprise ending.

The readers are looking for your thesis, your evidence, and the way in which you won their support; give it to them in a straightforward manner.

Almost universal manhood was created in 1867 and 1884.

The Industrial Revolution gave women the right to vote. In Germany, he promised a society that was more urban, less masculine and filled with uncertainty.

The Conservatives were made enthusiastically nationalist by Disraeli.

Louis-Napoleon's decision to end the republic War and the occupation of Egypt in Great Britain.

Louis "blood and iron" unification of Germany was made possible by the Second Empire.

Politicians found that the ism was appealed to the newly politicized mass because of the imperial ency that politicians had to win over.

The written passage or figure precedes each set of questions. Select the best answer for each question, then fill in the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.

The Act of 2 was argued about by the English Parliament.

The English king should be given a new position.

An attempt to stop the spread of corruption in England.

Florence is five hundred forty years older than Venice. Thirty thousand estates, owned by nobleman and merchants, citizens and craftsman, give us yearly bread and meat, wine and oil, vegetables and cheese, hay and wood, to the value of nine thousand ducats in cash. The trades of wool and silk are larger than any of yours in Venice. The silk merchant's guild has 83 rich and splendid warehouses.

Evidence for the A may be found in the passage.

The universe is spherical in form, partly because it is a perfect whole requir ing no joints, and also because it is the most capacious form, which is best suited to contain and preserve everything. No one will doubt that this form belongs to the heavenly bodies.

The earth is spherical because it presses from all sides.

The general spherical nature of the earth is unaffected by the elevations of the mountains and the depressions of the valleys.

As we already know that the earth is a sphere, we must consider whether a movement also coincides with this form, and what place the earth holds in the universe. The majority of authors agree that the earth is still in the center of the universe. If the matter is carefully weighed, it will be seen that the question is not settled and therefore should not be taken lightly. Every change of place is due to a movement of the object or observer. The revolution of the heavens can be observed from the earth. If the earth doesn't move, then the daily revolution must take place outside of the earth, but in the opposite direction than if everything on the earth moved. This appears to affect the whole universe with the exception of the earth itself.

What belief was different from 9.

The universe is spherical.

The planet is spherical.

There is a Platonic/Pythagorean tradition.

The Earth is not standing still.

In the year 1645, I lived in London. We did it by agreements. Our business was to discourse and consider of Philosophical Enquiries, as well as related thereunto: as physics, astronomy, navigation, statics, magnetics, CHEMics, mechanics, and natural experiments. Some of which were new discoveries and others not so well known.

We did not allow any discourse of divinity, state affairs, or news, other than what was related to our business of philosophy. We met weekly at Mr. Foster's lodgings after the lecture ended, and also at the Bull Head in Cheapside.

The original power is from a compact, and agreement, and the consent of those who make up the community.

This fundamental rule of society will be violated by the legislative if either ambition, fear, folly or corruption are used to gain power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people.

Locke said how did society and its 14.

It can be overthrown if it is weak. The people want to change governors.

England is not a free place until the poor have a free allowance to dig and work in the commons.

Who were the Winstanley's?

The parliament supported the efforts of Winstanley and the diggers.

Winstanley and the diggers were to be driven off of all common land.

Winstanley and the diggers were given the use of the commons by C. Parliament.

D. Parliament was not interested in Winstanley and his movement.

Whoever consults common sense upon religious opinions will see that the attention given to any objects we presume interesting will see that the opinions have no foundation.

After meditating upon their terrible God, Madmen everywhere imagine that they must do themselves all possible injury to please him. The gloomy ideas more usefully formed of the Deity, far from consoling them under the evils of life, have everywhere disturbed their minds.

He has always been at the mercy of his priests, who have reserved for themselves the right of thinking for him and directing his actions.

Let men's minds be filled with true ideas. Men don't need theology, revelation, or gods to discover the true principles of morality.

Which of the following is the best?

Atheism is defended by it.

D. Catholic reason and freedom of thought are core Enlightenment ideals.

There is a proof of the existence of God.

The Protestant Reformation D uses satire to undermine orthodox ideas.

No church or parish of France or any French citizen may acknowledge the authority of an ordinary bishop or an archbishop whose see is under the control of a foreign power.

The day after the publication of the present decree, there will be one mode of choosing bishops and parish priests, namely that of election.

All elections will be decided by the absolute majority of the votes.

According to the forms and by the electoral body in the decree of December 22, 1789, the election of members of the departmental assembly will take place.

Before the consecration begins, the bishop will take a solemn oath, in the presence of the municipal officers, of the people, and of the clergy, to guard with care the faithful of his diocese who are to him, to be loyal to the nation, the law, and

What was the goal of 21?

The A would have been opposed by 1790.

To make France's clergy subservient to B.

Until the enemy is driven from the soil of the Republic, all Frenchmen are required to serve in the armies. The young men will go to battle, the married men will forge arms and transport provisions, the women will make tents and clothing, and the children will turn old linen into lint.

The Committee of Public Safety is charged to take all necessary measures to set up without delay an extraordinary manufacture of arms of every sort which correspond with the ardor and energy of the French people. It is authorized to form all the establishments, factories, workshops, and mills which are deemed necessary for the carrying on of these works, as well as to put in requisition, within the entire extent of the Republic, the artists and workingmen who can contribute to their work.

The representatives of the people sent out for the execution of the present law will have the same authority in their respective districts as the Committee of Public Safety, and they are invested with the unlimited powers assigned to the representatives of the people to the armies.

The establishment of which 24 is referred to in this passage.

Large-scale industrialization introduced weaponry C. War against the Coalition.

The total extinction of a nation was advocated. One example of the way in which enemies is the passage.

Total war was advocated.

The most desirable work for the cottager's wife is hand spinning wool. A wooden wheel costing 2 shillings for each person, with one reel costing 3 shillings to set up the family. The wool man either supplies them with wool by the pound or more at a time, as he can depend on their care, or they take it on his account from the chandler's shop, where they buy their food and raiment. When they bring back their pound of wool spun, they don't have to worry about it anymore. Children from five years old can run at the wheel, it is a very wholesome employment for them, keeps them in constant exercise, and upright, and people can work at it till a very advanced age.

Because of the establishment of mechanical spinning machines in many counties, no hand work could be done, and instead of six or seven shillings a week, the whole maintenance of the family devolves on the father.

I was able to get into the Machines after walking to them and seeing the Spinning Jenny and the Combing Machine. The machine was put in motion by a wheel that was turned by four men. The frames were supplied by a child with Wool, and as the wheel turned, a cylinder of ready combed Wool dropped into a trough, which a girl placed on the Spinning Jenny, which has a number of horizontal beams of wood. A girl sets these bobbins all in motion by turning a wheel at the end of the beam, a wire catches up a piece of Wool, and gathers it on each bobbin. The girl turns the wheel again, and 50 more are taken up and Spun. One girl may do the work of One Hundred Hand Wheels if she turns that wheel every minute.

I judge in one room about twenty sets of bobbins. The rooms are much larger than I was in, and most of these are many stories high. He said that he was not a married man and that many parents objected to their daughters being sent to school because they didn't have any work to set them up. I have to say that these girls appeared neat and orderly, yet I fear that they will be taken from their parents and put together with only men and boys, which will bring up a dissolute race of poor.

There were moral objections to mill A.

The religious instruction was not provided.

The work was done very quickly.

The entire household could be supported by a family making enough spinning.

The equipment investment was quickly recovered.

The work was done by girls.

After carefully examining the evidence I have been given, I want to recapitulate the conclusions that appear to me.

The various forms of epidemic, endemic, and other disease caused by atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable sub stances, by damp and filth, and close and overcrowded dwellings prevail amongst the population in every part of the kingdom.

The ravages of epidemics and other diseases tend to increase the population's pressure.

The younger population, bred up under noxious physical agencies, is inferior in physical organization and general health to a population preserved from such agencies.

The effects of education on a population are more variable than on a healthy population.

The adverse circumstances tend to produce an adult population that is short-lived, reckless, and intemperate.

What was one of the 30?

The population of poor moral quality was produced by A.

The disease B was caused by C. Poor living conditions and a new wave of Black Death improved moral values.

Europe is no longer united of faith, mission or aim. In the world, unity is a necessity. The secret of the crisis is here. Every person has a duty to carefully examine and analyze the new unity.

The people of Vienna fought to weaken the empire in order to lose power. It was not for an increase of wealth that the people of Lombardy fought in the same year, as the Austrian Government had done in Gallicia, but everywhere they had failed. They struggled, they still struggle, as do Poland, Germany, and Hungary, for country and liberty, for a word inscribed upon a banner, proclaiming to the world that they also live, think, love, and labor for the benefit of all. They speak the same language, they bear about them the impress of con sanguinity, they kneel beside the same tombs, they glory in the same tradition, and they demand to associate freely, without obstacles, without foreign domination, in order to elaborate and express their idea. The most important question in the present state of things is moral, and it is something they are seeking. The organization of the European task is what it is.

What was the proper defi 34?

There are people with geography and language.

The business of government is similar to that of a cobbler who examines shoes to see if they are suitable for him or not and then accepts or rejects them. I am happy with the comparison. The profession of government in the sense of Frederick the Great is to serve the people, but it may also be as a cobbler, as the opposite is to dominate the people. We want to help the people. I demand that he act as my co-shoemaker in order to make sure that no member of the public goes barefoot, and to create a suitable shoe for the people in this crucial area.

It is an injustice to hinder the self-defense of a large class of our fellow citizens and it is also an injustice to not offer them aid for the cause of their unhappiness. I understand that dissatisfied workers are what the Social Democratic leaders need. Their mission is to lead, to rule, and the necessary prerequisite for that is many dissatisfied classes. If they don't want to lose control over the people, they must oppose any attempt by the government.

I think it has this duty. It would be madness for a corporation or collectivity to take charge of the goals that the individual can achieve and the goals that the community can fulfill with justice and profit. National defense and the general system of transportation are among the objectives of the state. The state will not be able to withdraw in the long run because of that responsibility.

The influence of 37 is clearly shown in this passage.

To fulfill all social objectives. The birth of constitutionalism was fulfilled.

To fulfill objectives that have been 36.

He believed that the unification of Italy would happen.

He was doubtful about the unification of Italy.

The unification of Italy was viewed as a posi tive development by C.

The unification of Italy was viewed by D as a nega tive development.

The boot of Italy is depicted on the leg of King Victor Emanuel II of Piedmont-Sardinia.

He was against Italian unification.

He was in favor of Italian unification.

He believed that Garibaldi was involved in bringing about the unification of Italy.

He believed Count Cavour was the best person to unify Italy.

A confidential personal letter from the Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria-Hungary was delivered to the German Emperor Wilhelm II yesterday. A copy is being forwarded.

The Triple Alliance is threatened by the Russian and Serbian Pan-Slavic agitation, and His Majesty wants to say that he is not blind to the danger. According to the wishes of the Emperor, His Majesty will try to influence King Carol to fulfill the duties of his alliance, to renunciation of Serbia, and to suppression of the Rumanian protests against Austria.

The dispute between Austria-Hungary and Serbia is not within the competence of Serbia's ruler. As is required by the obligations of his alliance and ancient friendship, the Emperor will faithfully stand by Austria-Hungary.

The con 42 is described by which of the following.

During Germany's unification process, it promised to join the Triple Alliance and support Austria-Hungary against the B.

It promised Germany's full support to Joseph in his attempts to succeed Ferdinand.

It didn't offer any real support to Austria-Hungary.

Half of the human race are compelled to take their share of evil and good with the other half. The destruction of property, the increase of taxation, the rise of prices, and the destruction of beautiful things in nature are felt by both men and women. Some losses appeal to one or the other sex, but it would be difficult to say which one is more special, the men who get out of war or the women who don't.

The experience of the war can teach men and women how to solve economic problems by co-operation rather than conflict. Women who are drawn into the workforce are increasingly aware of the satisfaction they get from economic independence, the sweet taste of earned bread, and the depression of subjection. They are good for instruction and organization.

The dislocation of industry at the outbreak of the war was easily met.

The problems after the war will be more lasting.

Whether the women have a home or not, this cry will be raised. We must understand the right of a man who has lost his job and risked his life for his country to find decent employment and decent wages on his return to civil life. We need to understand that when women are able to live by their own productive work, they feel better about themselves, and that if they are not allowed to do so, they will be sent back to a moral imprisonment. conscienceless employers may regard women's labor as preferable due to its cheapness and docility. The kind of man who likes to keep women in their place may have made slaves who will be used against him.

The con 45 is described by which of the following.

Social changes are likely with A. As cheap and manageable alternatives to the coming of World War II returning male labor B. The effects of social changes.

Women wouldn't be able to adjust to life at home.

Women would revolt.

Pressure would be on women to return to the home.

Women would be paid more than men because of their experience.

The states of war between Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey and Russia have ended. They are going to live in peace and amity.

The territories lying to the west of the line agreed upon by the contracting parties, which formerly belonged to Russia, will no longer be subject to Russian sovereignty as a result of the treaty of peace. The exact location of the line will be determined by a German commission.

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk should be 47.

The Russian war effort was necessitated by the need to end the German Empire to the Russian Empire.

hatred of modern civilization is the leading passion of my life and it is related to the desire to produce beautiful things.

The hope of the past times was gone, the struggles of mankind for many ages had produced nothing but this sordid, aimless, ugly confusion; the immedi ate future seemed to me likely to intensify all the present evils by sweeping away the last survivals of the days before the dull

This was a bad look out for a man of my disposition, careless of metaphysics and religion, as well as of scientific analysis, but with a deep love of the earth and the life on.

Morris dedicated himself to what 49 by 1896.

The spread of mechanical power was appalled by the waste of resources. Modern society has caused the transformation of Britain into a misery.

He became a socialist because of the C.

The spread of liberal democracy was rejected by him.

He rejected socialism because of his deep love for the Earth.

In the extreme, the situation is critical. Delaying the uprising would be fatal.

I urge my friends to realize that the problems we are confronted with are not solved by conferences or congresses, but by the struggle of the people.

The Revolutionary Military Committee can declare that it will only relinquish power to the true representatives of the people, the interests of the army, the interests of the peasants, and the starving.

All forces must immediately send their delegations to the Revolutionary Military Committee and the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks with the insistence that power should not be left in the hands of Kerensky and his colleagues.

"Call to Power" was written by Vladmir Illyich Lenin. What was the context of 51.

Russia entered World War I. A new B was launched by the Russian military.

Russia's exit from World War I was preceded by the October Revolution.

The Bolsheviks were ready to seize power.

Only the Russian military could rule Russia.

I think that the idea of life as something which works through matter may be novel to many. The matter of life, so far as we know it, breaks up in consequence of that continual death, into carbonic acid, water, and nitrogenous compounds, which have no properties.

How did Huxley define 53?

Anarchism is a force that works through matter.

I have never believed in collective guilt as a Jew.

The children of killers are not killers at all. I don't have the authority to judge the crimes committed by the generation of Hitler.

We must hold it responsible for the way it remembers the past. What does it do with the memory of the past? You can help your people rid themselves of ghosts by remembering. A community that does not come to terms with the dead will traumatize the living.

We remember Auschwitz because we believe that the world is worthy of salvation despite the past and its horrors, and that redemption can only be found in memory.

What do you think about the current Gen 55?

They shared their ancestors' guilt. It was necessary for the Germans to know about the Holocaust.

They had a responsibility to remember. The healing process for the Holocaust was hampered by it.

It was their responsibility to make sure that it didn't happen again.

The D would be forgiven by the Jews.

There was concern about the Holocaust.

All parts of the questions should be answered. Writing outlines, phrases, and bullets will not be accepted.

All parts of the question should be answered.

All parts of the question should be answered.

You can use the passage below to answer the questions that follow.

The class struggle cannot be abolished. Under detente the communists will reconcile themselves to capitalist exploitation or the monopolists will become revolutionaries.

The principle of non interference in the affairs of other states is an indispensable condition for detente.

We see in detente the road to creation of more favorable conditions for peaceful socialist and communist construction. This shows that socialism and peace are not separate.

The speech was given at the Congress on February 29, 1976.

The following question is based on documents. The historical thinking skills that this question is designed to test include contextualization, synthesis, historical argumentation, and the use of historical evidence. Your answer should be based on your knowledge of the topic and your analysis of the documents.

An appropriate thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question is what you need to write a well-integrated essay.

Analyzes the majority of the documents in terms of their intended audience, purpose, point of view, format, argument, limitations, and/or social context as appropriate to your argument.

The views presented below are related to the value of empire in the 19th century.

Our colonies were customers who could not escape us, and vendors who could sell to us alone.

A new system has arisen that is vastly different from the old one. Under this system, our colonies have cost us millions of dollars a year, in addition to the annual estimate for their civil government and defense.

There is a second object of the party. If the first is to maintain the institutions of the country, the second is to uphold the empire of England.

No minister in this country will do his duty if he neglects any opportunity of reconstructing as much as possible our colonial empire, and of responding to those distant sympathies which may become the source of incalculable strength. The maintenance of the Empire's public opinion appears to be in favor of our principles.

England will have to decide between national and cosmopolitan principles.

The issue isn't a mean one. It is whether you will be content to be a comfortable England, modelled and molded upon continental principles and meeting in due course an inevitable fate, or whether you will be a great country where your sons will rise to paramount importance.

The recent British policy is an honor from the beginning.

We have taken to ourselves since the Tories took office.

The British government should now take possession of the New Hebrides group of the South Sea islands, the Solomon group, and all the other islands in the intervening chain of islands. Because she has already taken possession of the east, and we hope that she has taken possession of the west, adjoining her Australian possessions, and the islands between them on the Australian coast.

The New Hebrides natives have sympathy for Great Britain and fear the French, because they have seen how the French have treated the native races.

The money used in Christianizing the New Hebrides has been British.

It would be foolish to let any other power now take possession of this group, in which over PS6000 yearly of British and British-colonial money is spent.

The policy of colonial expansion is a political and economic system.

In the area of economics, I am placing before you, with the support of some statistics, the considerations that justify the policy of colonial expansion, as seen from the perspective of a need, felt more and more urgent by the industrialized population of Europe.

The higher races have a right over the lower races. The superior races have a right because of their duty. Civilizing the inferior races is their duty.

This policy of colonial expansion was taken us under the Empire of Napoleon III's Second Empire, to Vietnam, to Cambodia, and then to Tunisia.

The English work quickly and secretly. The German-English African Treaty burst in the face of the astonished world on June 18th.

As long as our policy is one of free trade, we are compelled to seek new markets, for old ones are being closed to us by hostile tariffs, and our great dependencies are becoming our commercial rivals. We go forward or backward in our empire because of it. To allow other nations to develop new fields, and to refuse to do so ourselves, is to go back in time, as we have proved ourselves capable of dealing with native races and developing new countries at less expense than other nations.

I don't think the medical and industrial are the most useful missions. I think a combination of the two is an ideal mission. The value of the industrial mission depends on the nature of the tribes that it is located in.

Write an essay that responds to one of the questions.

Compare the political effects of nationalism on European civilization from 1789 to 1848 with the political effects of nationalism on European civilization from 1865 to 1945.

Compare the contexts in which scientific work was done in the 17th century and the 19th century.

There is an alliance with the Holy Roman Questions Emperor.

There are forms of corruption on the estates of Florence. The passage does not mention the size of the king's power and authority, which is incorrect. B is incorrect because the passage doesn't mention the number of estates or amend any of the errors, heresies, abuses, owned by any individuals. D is incorrect because of offenses. The passage does not mention gold.

The purpose of the Act is for exports of wool and silk products, and the passage refers to the large number of England. A is incorrect corroboration and confirmation of that fact. The passage does not refer to banking.

The passage doesn't refer to rect because it doesn't mention war or conquest.

The author's pride in England was not reflected in the achievements of his city. Calvinist theology is incorrect.

There is evidence of a monarch in the passage. The code of chivalry, which was at the expense of the Church and its clergy, was not referred to in the aid of his Parliament. The passage indicates that the Act culture is characteristic of medieval culture. The expense of the Catholic Church is incorrect because the English monarchy at patronage of the arts was a Renaissance value. Correct passage does not mention it.

The nobility perception of motion is based on piety, according to the passage. It is possible because the passage does not refer to an increase in the Earth's motion. On the part of the mass, A and B are incorrect.

The Act establishes that the Earth is spherical and that the Henry VIII has the right to have and enjoy it. C is a letter.

The argument in the passage is that the sun and moon are spherical and that the spread of Protestantism was due to the fact that water droplets are spherical. The general rule is what C is incorrect for. B makes no mention of legitimizing an heir and the passage makes no reference to ancient because Henry VIII had no male heir in 1534.

There is no reference to experimentation in build your test taking confidence. It implied deductive.

The willingness to question does not refer to conquest.

Locke's expression of the preservation is evidence that he was working in the skepti of society's mem cal tradition. A is incorrect because the passage bers of the limited nature of properly derived offers evidence of Copernicus's willingness to political power and the members question the traditional notion that of society as the origin of properly derived political the Earth was stationary. Power is one of the key concepts of constitutionalism.

It's true that the passage explicitly argues that the work of Copernicus can be understood to have worked in political power. D is incorrect because Locke's emphasis on the underlying mathematical laws of the property and possessions of society universe is incorrect.

The government is stated in the passage. It's clear from the passage that the group is no longer legitimate when it's met outside of, and independent from, tradi, and put into the hands of any tional institutions like universities, courts, and the other. A is incorrect because it is clear that the group was not part of the royal family. The legitimacy in moments of weakness is what makes C incorrect. The passage does not say that the group was part of an effort to form a new university. D is incorrect because the passage makes it clear that the group was not going to make a change. C is incorrect because it's under the auspices of a church.

The goal of the group was to equate illegitimacy, only that corruption could be used as a motivation for a government to cultivate at home and abroad.

People need to have more readily available. The goal of under that was being denied through the enclosure was not mentioned in the custom passage. B is not correct. The group avoided of the English Civil War, A and B, are incorrect issues of religion, but not that it was dedicated to because the illustration does not indicate that challenging the Church. Winstanley and the Diggers supported any partic the passage makes no reference to an attempt to outlying. The illustration regulates knowledge.

This power 16 is explicitly stated in the passage. The military force only has its original from compact, and agree to be used to expel Winstanley and the diggers from the commons. Because the illustration shows the military force, the passage does not refer to divine right, a con expelling Winstanley and the Diggers and not cept that Locke wished to destroy.

Men have no need of theology, of revelation, under the authority of the state, according to the passage. Some simple parish priests hold that God is necessary. C and the National Assembly believe that D is incorrect because both Protestant and simple people would be given greater care under a clergy that was elected and necessary God.

Frenchmen are always in demand for the Enlightenment. The French Republic was proclaimed to exist on September 22, 1792, nearly a year prior to the Protestant reformation, because of the date of the passage. The Committee of Public Safety was cre political ideas, not a critique of religion. The National Convention in March 1793 offers a critique of religion, not an argument for and then restructured in July 1793, which is incorrect because it was the need for an enlightened monarch.

The 19 was written by the Committee of Public Safety. France ideals of reason and freedom of thought had declared war on the Habsburg monarchy for a rational critique of religious belief. Austria is incorrect because not all of the Enlightenment's of Prussia joined the Austrian side in believing in faith and religion.

D is not a declaration of the Coalition.

An army of about eight hundred thousand is incorrect because the passage does not refer to Protestant theological reforms.

The passage forbids the French people of the new French Republic from trying to reform the economy.

The public safety position of the existing archbishops was owed to them.

The document 24 is incorrect. The clergy must be committed to a war effort because of the docu population and all the reserves of the state. The total extinction of France's impurities was not advocated by build your test taking confidence. The passage does not refer to the diet of the poor because the First Coalition continued to be run by French.

D is incorrect because the diers are available to them.

The effects on work ers who spun thread in their homes are described in the passage. The mode of production shifted demics and other diseases as a result of the ravages of epi textile trade.

A is incorrect because the passage doesn't say that the effects of shifting from epidemics to diseases don't diminish work in industrial manufacturing. B and D are incorrect because of shifts in the textile markets. D is incorrect because of ics and other diseases.

There is a belief that unsanitary 26. The passage does not indicate that spinning had the effect of producing a population that took very little time. The C passage indicates that spinning done by is incorrect because the passage does not exam wife and children, but father's income rather than replaced the effects of poor Sanitation. The moral effects are called D. The passage indicates that unsanitary living con spinning as a cottage industry was done by ditions and that a population that is "improvi wife and all the household children; it was in dent, reckless, and intemperate", not one.

The author's concern is "Kent Rick-Burner", and the moral effects of taking young girls and burning hayrick in the background all refer to "herding them together" with unmarried men. A is incorrect because the passage does not refer to a lack of religious instruction in the labor-displacing threshing machines and the mills. B is incorrect because the passage does not refer to theft on the part of workers. The women and girls were already rect because the images contained no reference to the spinning trade before the English monarchy. C is incorrect because of the mill system.

D is incorrect because of 28. According to the passage, the image contains no references to the Irish "the various forms of epidemic, endemic, and Potato Famine, and because 1830 is too early other disease."

The horse-mounted land is depicted in the image. He depicts the use of machines. B is not correct. B is incorrect because the image does not depict his government as servants of the people. The not as absolute rulers who should lead with image does not depict any industrial setting or opposition. The interests are what makes C incorrect.

Social Democrats who are characterized by Bismarck are 33. According to the passage, nationality should believe that they are leaders who should only be. The passage isn't correct because it isn't the loyal opposition.

There are objectives or longstanding borders according to the passage. It is incorrect that only the state in its totality can fulfill, because the passage does not say that a nation that fulfilling them is only a nation if its people are strong enough state from which the state will not be able to avoid foreign domination. The passage does not argue that it would be madness for a corporate nation to be run by people with a uni body or collectivity.

There are objectives that only the state in its sense that a united Italy is a "natural" totality can fulfill, and that is what the passage says is reflected in the nationalist B. The responsibility of the state is not that of private rect because of Mazzini's desire for a new nation. The passage of Italy does not say that the state must fulfill the nationalists' emphasis on tradition, stability, and tive.

B is incorrect because there is no 38. The socialist ideas depicted in the passage are depicted by the cartoonist. The D of two men responsible for the unification of is incorrect because there are no expressions of Italy.

A and Germany are portraying his conservative govern B as incorrect because the cartoon doesn't give any clues as to whether the cartoonist approved or not, and the Social disapproved of Italian unification. Count Cavour's absence from the ding of bourgeois capitalists and splitting the cartoon precludes a reliable inference as to his nation by looking to exploit and dominate the importance.

The pas 39 is incorrect. Constitutionalism, an ide the Italian Peninsula to Victor Emmanuel II on ology born in seventeenth-century Europe, is not addressed by the surrender of the southern lands of sage. A and B are both incorrect because 1848 is before a conservative national message is delivered. Garibaldi's campaign in Italy is incorrect because popular nationalism came in 1860. D is incorrect because it would not have been depicted as aiding Victor century when Garibaldi was in the first half of the 19th century.

The southern lands of the Italian Peninsula had only been going on for two years in 1916.

The were between 1918 and 1939 were depicted in the cartoon.

The passage states that the unification of Italy will allow the inference that it will be impossible for all to find cartoonist work. B is incorrect because it's for. The passage in question says that forcing unification of Italy as progressing, not doubt women back into the home would be unjust. C and D are incorrect because nothing in the book says that women would never be able to cartoon. The passage does not refer to a revolt of the nation's positive or negative development, but a unification of Italy.

The passage indi 41 is incorrect.

Austria-Hungary does not say that they would be better paid to deal with the Balkans than men.

According to the passage, women's labor may be viewed as prefer 28, 1914 by employers.

The telegram was incorrect because it did not refer to Germany's rearmament in viola to women in the context of military service.

The telegram referred to women working alongside men.

The treaty with 42 was agreed to by the government of Russia. Germany and its allies are often referred to as Russia's "blank check" because it was to end the war effort to consolidate its revo and give Austria an unlimited scope of lutionary gains. The treaty was not a result of corruption or Pan-Slavism within the Austro collaboration between Bolsheviks and Russian Hungarian Empire. The tel business interests are incorrect. The Triple dissolution of the Triple Entente alliance of Alliance was created in 1882 and the egram did not pledge Germany to join it.

The emperor of Austria-Hungary was the heir to the throne.

The passage talks about social changes. The western part of Russia's empire was devastated during World War I, which lasted until 1918. The essay was from Germany. The treaty was written in 1916 and World War II did not begin until 1939. World War I was the German Empire, not the other way around.

According to the passage, life has a physical 48. A is incorrect because the passage a something which works through matter is not a dedication to the spread of commonly held but incorrect view. The mechanical power in the industry is incorrect. B is incorrect because the passage does not refer to transform a philosophy. D is incorrect because Britain became a commonwealth. D is incorrect because the passage does not refer to the spread as a supernatural one.

A 49 is Huxley's view that life has a physical. The passage indicates that Morris turned to material basis because he was deeply disturbed by century ideology of materialism, which held modern civilization's "waste of mechanical power" that nothing exists except matter. The passage makes teenth-century ideology of anarchism, a politi no reference to Marx's arguments. Correct cal ideology advocated stateless societies.

There are nal forces for change. D is incorrect because the passage indicates that his deep love of the passage does not represent romanticism, which earth and the life on it is one reason that he urged the cultivation of sentiment and emotion to embrace socialism.

The passage requires the removal by force 54. The Revolution in Russia in 1917 is incorrect. Russia entered World War I in 1914 and Weisel never believed in it.

The fall from power of D is incorrect.

Kerensky's government was replaced by the Bolsheviks in World War I.

According to the passage, the Bolsheviks had to with and find "redemption" for Germany's seize power immediately from Kerensky and the past. The passage inti the government is incorrect. A is incorrect because mates that remembering the Holocaust would make no reference to a new military that promotes healing among the Germans, offensive. The passage asserts that it doesn't hinder it. The passage that the Bolsheviks had to seize power does not say that remembering the Holocaust from Kerensky could prevent it from happening again. Kerensky didn't have to move against the incorrect because the passage didn't mention the Bolsheviks. The German people were forgiven by the Jewish people.

If the government wants to take proactive the question, you should write a topic sentence that responds to it and give you a specific approach to the social problems.

The While governments are often comprised of indus topic sentence with specific examples.

The Public Health Act was passed by Great Britain.

Haussman's redesign of Paris began in like seed drills and was supported in England by 1856.

The movement increased agricultural produc together with the increasing risk to exports tivity at the same time it displaced small farm posed by such negative publicity. The Sale of Food mobile, wage-based workforce that was neces and Drug Act in Great Britain were created because of the increased efficiency of agriculture.

A good response will include one factor that agricultural change, which would have a simi contributed to the New Imperialism in the lar impact on farmers and the creation of a late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, mobile, wage.

Multiple families often stay in a single apartment as they gain control over their resources. Rival nations were denied access to the same disease as many people were materials.

The conquest was made because of social Darwinism and the increase on population strained the services of the other nations. The improvement of humanity was caused by this. By water sources and the spread of illnesses.

European cultures had little regulation of food.

The idea of the "white man's burden" was one of the additional social theories that were sold.

European nations competed for a new rifle with a mix of cow and dominance that led to their colonies seeking pig fat. They violated proscriptions stations for their naval and commercial ships by loading the rifles to act as coaling stops.

The acquisition of colonies became an issue as a result of a grow of national pride. The Indian way of life was changed by the failure of a nation to secure resentment against the British who were overseas colonies. Sepoys is an unacceptable weakness.

Technological advances like steamships helped lead to attacks on western European powers, and later any British, their military might across the world. Women and children are superior. The European mili response was swift and violent because of the British weaponry.

Europeans believed their boxing exercises would make them impervious to bullets and that Quinine would allow them to travel and settle.

The Boxers controlled the alism during this period, such as: area around Beijing, killing both foreigners, and the India Congress Party was formed in India Chinese Christians. Primarily of Hindu elites. After taking advantage of British liberal education in the United States, an international force regained control of Beijing.

There was a sphere ideology on women in the nine more radical group and they wanted to make any activity outside of Great Britain. Mohandas Gandhi was dangerous to the leaders because he was a woman's reputation.

His civil disobedience can be seen in the attention.

The Act was enacted by the Boers in southern Africa who migrated into the area to stop the spread of disease in towns with naval ports. The Zulu resisted when the British took over titution. An African tribe emphasizing military much of Britain, and any woman caught alone discipline and organization, which probably on the streets at night, was subject to arrest accounts for their early victory against the and the forced exam because the assumption, British in which their army, was the reason, was enforced over Dark was a sex worker.

One school of think India Company believes that the effect is caused by Indian soldiers working for the British East. The control over their children's education, the economic strain that the nuclear arms race domestic servants, and certain parts of the put on the Soviet Union were all given to the United States during this period.

The emergence of a separate sphere ideology in the 19th century made great demands on both the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and one reason is the competition for jobs. These demands were created by the second phase of industrialization.

The early phases of industrialization in the United States were less productive than the late 18th and early 19th century. The cost savings gained from teenth centuries, had been labor-intensive, the signing of treaties such as SALT I, SALT II, drawing large numbers of men, women, and and the Helsinki Accords, which limited the children into the factories and mills. In the second half of the 19th century, the number of nuclear weapons provided a great incentive for Brezhnev's machinery to make a lot of labor to cultivate an atmosphere of detente.

Section II, Part A: The jobs of men were lost due to cheaper labor by women and children.

As you read the documents, make sure to reference detente.

The United ments' docu ing tensions should be grouped in a way that explains why.

Make War by writing your topic sentences. They logically present your thesis when used by Brezhnev.

Detente can only refer to the era examples that contextualize the documents if you support and illustrate your thesis with spe 1964 to 1982.

The question asks you to compare and contrast views of the empire of the Soviet Union and the United States.

One reason that explains Brezhnev's willingness larities and differences is that the authors agree to cultivate an atmosphere of detente with the and disagree about.

Strategic necessity to replace arguments of eco was an extension of that notion.

colonies have been rendered economically unprofita if you find the action words in the question.

A thesis that responds to the nies is unprofitable in both the material and moral question as they must be held by military means against port and illustrate.

You should support and illustrate your thesis.

You are Christianizing your missions. Ferry states that colonies are economically, morally, and strategi most often the clearest sentence is necessary due to the need for economic out short one.

No matter how fascinating the base is. If the newspaper advertisement in #6 claims that colonies directly support or illustrate your thesis, it's not necessary for reasons of both economic interest put it in.

Don't ask a lot of rhetorical questions, colonies are economically necessary for new and don't go for a surprise ending.

The political effects of nation on European civilization from 1789 to 1848 and the political effects of nationalism on European from 1865 to 1945 are both evidence of the existence of arguments for profitability.

In the 19th century, nationalism tended to be #3. The liberal idea that political sovereignty after 1884 is necessity is supported in all documents. There is no mention of uprisings against traditional governments.

nationalism supported the conservative belief in the value of historical Section II, Part B: The Long- tions, helping to fuel movements of national unifica tion under traditional, conservative monarchies.

Choose the question for which you can quickly write ism was opposed by conservative forces, and national a clear thesis and three topic sentences that you can ists made common cause with liberal reformers.

The conserva was a blend of traditional thinking and newer thinking that emphasized natural beliefs in the value of historical traditions and heavy laws.

Secular institutions were the only places where scientific work was done in the 19th century.

Cambridge and Oxford were hubs of science in Britain in the 17th century.

Science displaced the Royal Society of London in the 19th century.

Materialist theories were fostered by institutions in the new secular context.

Two-thirds of your final score can be attributed to a score of 4 or 5 Multiple-choice questions.

A quarter of a point is deducted for each wrong answer.

One-third of your final score is attributed to free-response questions.

A score on the 1-to-5 scale is used to convert your score on the two test sections.

Historically accurate resources are often more interesting than textbooks. The sugges tions can be used to supplement your text. General websites that give you a broad array of material are included in the choices. Make connections with the content you have studied in class as you consider these alternate resources.

You already have enough on your plate. A study group could pick a literary work, an artist or an artistic movement, or a piece of music and have members present it every few weeks. Everyone in the group would benefit from not having to do all the work on their own.

Examples that make clear the importance of points of view and cli mates of opinion are what to look for. Two more samples follow. Each is meant to be a starting point for AP European History, and each makes you think about how history is written, by whom and to what end.

This book is an introduction to historiography and to effective analysis and communication skills. The truth of anything at all doesn't lie in someone's account of it. The small facts of the time are what lies in it.

Tey and Shakespeare's portrayals of King Richard III can be compared if you like reading or watching a production of a play. Keep in mind the author's purpose.

The Branagh version shows modern antipathy to war while the Olivier version is propagandistic and was made during World War II.

There are brief annotations of novels on this site, and the comments that follow have suggestions of other possibilities.

There are more than 5,000 works on this site. It is broken down by time.

There are ten novels on this site.

There are ways of seeing. This is a short art history. It will teach you how to analyze and interpret art.

War recruiting and patriotic post ers can help you understand art as propaganda.

Christopher L. C. E. Witcombe produced the most complete site.

It has a website as well. It's best to look for specific works, artists, and eras.

The films are about twentieth-century Europe and its wars.

There are names and events on the screen.

The years 1949-1989 are covered. This is useful even though some things are out of chronological order.

This covers the years 2000 to 2009. It's a little heavy on U.S. history but still useful.

The piece is about information technology.

The latter is available on television.

Caricaturists who specialized in political and social satire include William Hogarth and James Gilray. Honore Daumier is better known. Political and editorial cartooning took off.

Document Outline

  • Cover
  • Title Page
  • Copyright Page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgments
  • About the Authors
  • Introduction: The Five-Step Program
  • STEP 1 Set Up Your Study Program 1 What You Need to Know About the AP European History Exam Background Information Frequently Asked Questions About the AP European History Exam 2 How to Plan Your Time Three Approaches to Preparing for AP Exams Detailed Calendar for Each Plan Setting Up a Study Group
  • STEP 2 Understand the Skills That Will Be Tested 3 The Ways Historians Think Introduction Reasoning Chronologically Putting Information in Context Arguing from Evidence Developing Your Historical Thinking Skills Rapid Review
  • STEP 3 Develop Strategies for Success 4 The Multiple-Choice Questions Introduction Passive Knowledge and the Process of Elimination Putting Your Historical Thinking Skills to Use About Guessing Further Practice with Multiple-Choice Questions 5 The Short-Answer Questions Introduction Putting Your Knowledge and Historical Thinking Skills to Use Further Practice with Short-Answer Questions 6 The Document-Based Question Introduction The High-Quality History Essay Five Steps for Creating an Outline for Your Essay Characteristics of the DBQ Applying the Principles of the High-Quality History Essay to the DBQ Scoring the DBQ Further Practice for the DBQ 7 The Long-Essay Question Introduction Choosing Your Topic Applying the Five Steps to a High-Quality History Essay Scoring of the Essays Further Practice for the Long-Essay Question
  • STEP 4 Review the Knowledge You Need to Score High 8 From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance 9 Major Themes of Modern European History Introduction Interaction of Europe and the World Changes in Wealth and Who Had It Changes in Knowledge Systems and World View Changes in Society and Its Institutions The Individual and Society National and European Identity The Organization of the AP Course into Units 10 The Challenge of the Renaissance Introduction Italian Society of the Renaissance Renaissance Values Artistic Achievement of the Renaissance The Renaissance and Scientific Advancements The Spread of the Renaissance Review Questions Rapid Review 11 The Reformation and the Fracturing of Christianity Introduction The Need for a Religious Reformation The Lutheran Revolt Creation and Spread of the Protestant Movement The English Reformation Calvin and Calvinism Social Dimensions and the Radical Reformation The Catholic Response Review Questions Rapid Review 12 The Great Voyages of Exploration and Early Colonization Introduction Exploration and Expansion The Spanish Empire in the New World England, France, and the Triangular Trade Networks Review Questions Rapid Review 13 Economic Change and Political Consolidation Introduction Economic Stress and Change Thirty Years' War Britain: The Rise of Parliament France: The Construction of a State Central and Eastern Europe: Compromise Review Questions Rapid Review 14 Economic Change and the Expansion of the State Introduction Great Britain: The Triumph of Constitutionalism France: The Triumph of Absolutism Russia: Tsarist Absolutism Breaking the Traditional Cycle of Population and Productivity Market-Oriented Agriculture Rural Manufacturing Technical Innovations in Agriculture and Manufacturing Eastern Ambition War and Diplomacy Review Questions Rapid Review 15 The Rise of Natural Philosophy, Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment Introduction The Traditional View of the Cosmos Alternative Traditions of Knowledge Before the Scientific Revolution Development of New Institutions The Rise of Copernicanism Kepler's Laws Galileo and the Value of Empirical Knowledge Advances in Anatomy, Physiology, and Medicine Contributions of Women During the Scientific Revolution Cartesian Skepticism and Deductive Reasoning The Enlightenment The Triumph of Newtonian Science New Ideas About Natural Law, Human Nature, and Society New Political Ideas The Philosophes and Enlightened Despotism Salons and Lodges Skepticism, Religion, and Social Criticism The Arts in the Enlightenment The Radical Enlightenment The Other Enlightenment Review Questions Rapid Review 16 The French Revolution and Empire Introduction The Ancien Regime in Crisis The Moderate Phase of the French Revolution (1789-1791) The Radical Phase of the French Revolution (1791-1794) The Final Phase of the French Revolution: Thermidor and the Rise of Napoleon (1794-1799) Post-Revolutionary France and the Napoleonic Code Napoleon's Empire The Decline and Fall of Napoleon and His Empire Restoration Review Questions Rapid Review 17 The Industrial Revolution Introduction The Factory System and the Division of Labor Iron and Steel New Sources of Power The Railway Boom The Reciprocal Nature of Heavy Industry The Spread of Industrialization Social Effects of Industrialization Science in an Industrial Age Review Questions Rapid Review 18 Cultural Responses to Revolution and Industrialization Introduction Political Ideologies in the Nineteenth Century Cultural Ideologies in the Nineteenth Century Review Questions Rapid Review 19 Mass Politics and Nationalism Introduction Nationalism and State-Building The Triumph of Conservative Nationalism The Unification of Italy The Unification of Germany Mass Politics and Nationalism in the Hapsburg Empire Mass Politics and Nationalism in France Mass Politics and Nationalism in Russia Mass Politics and Nationalism in Great Britain Review Questions Rapid Review 20 Mass Politics and Imperialism Introduction Causes of the New Imperialism The Scramble for Africa Dominance in Asia Review Questions Rapid Review 21 Politics of the Extreme and World War I Introduction Labor Unions Begin in Britain, Then Spread to Other Countries Socialist Parties in Britain, France, and Germany Women's Suffrage Movements and Feminism Anarchist Activity Ultranationalism and Anti-Semitism Zionism The Causes of World War I The Beginning of the War: 1914-1915 Total War 1916: "The Year of Bloodletting" Russian Revolution and Withdrawal Germany's Disintegration and the Peace Settlement Review Questions Rapid Review 22 The Interwar Years and World War II Introduction Problems and Challenges After World War I The Weimar Republic in Germany The Soviet Union in Economic Ruins The Great Depression The Rise of Fascism World War II Assessment and Aftermath of World War II Review Questions Rapid Review 23 The Cold War, Integration, and Globalization Introduction The Development of Nuclear Weapons The Settlement Following World War II The Cold War The European Union The Disintegration of the Iron Curtain and the Soviet Union Nationalism and Globalization Social Changes in Postwar Europe Review Questions Rapid Review
  • STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence Answer Sheet for the AP European History Practice Test 1 Section I, Part A: Multiple-Choice Questions Section I, Part B: Short-Answer Questions Section II, Part A: Document-Based Question Section II, Part B: Long-Essay Question Answers and Explanations for AP European History Practice Test 1 Answer Sheet for the AP European History Practice Test 2 Section I, Part A: Multiple-Choice Questions Section I, Part B: Short-Answer Questions Section II, Part A: Document-Based Question Section II, Part B: Long-Essay Question Answers and Explanations for AP European History Practice Test 2 Resource Guide Using Literary Works in European History General Websites General Background Resources by Historical Period