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Chapter 36 - Six Debates Over Macroeconomic Policy

36-1 Should Monetary and Fiscal Policymakers Try to Stabilize the Economy?

36-2 Should the Government Fight Recessions with Spending Hikes Rather than Tax Cuts?

36-3 Should Monetary Policy Be Made by Rule Rather Than by Discretion?

36-4 Should the Central Bank Aim for Zero Inflation?

36-5 Should the Government Balance Its Budget?

36-6 Should the Tax Laws Be Reformed to Encourage Saving?

36-1 Should Monetary and Fiscal Policymakers Try to Stabilize the Economy?

36-2 Should the Government Fight Recessions with Spending Hikes Rather than Tax Cuts?

36-3 Should Monetary Policy Be Made by Rule Rather Than by Discretion?

36-4 Should the Central Bank Aim for Zero Inflation?

36-5 Should the Government Balance Its Budget?

36-6 Should the Tax Laws Be Reformed to Encourage Saving?