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32.1 Medical Imaging and Diagnostics

32.1 Medical Imaging and Diagnostics

  • Two people were caught entering the United States from Canada.
  • Nuclear radiation is used in a number of medical techniques.
    • It is a useful probe to monitor conditions inside the body because radiation can easily penetrate tissue.
    • Nuclear radiation depends on the nuclide and not on the chemical compound it is in, so that a radioactive nuclide can be put into a compound designed for specific purposes.
    • The location and concentration of a radiopharmaceutical can be determined by radiation detectors outside of the body.
    • Another application uses a radiopharmaceutical that the body sends to bone cells to detect tumors or healing points.
    • Images can be produced from bone scans.
    • Radioisotopes can be used to determine the functioning of body organs, such as blood flow and heart muscle activity.
  • A radiopharmaceutical is used to produce a brain image.
    • The features are computer enhanced.
    • Table 32.1 lists certain uses of radiopharmaceuticals.
    • Many organs can be imaged with a variety of nuclear isotopes.
  • Isidore is used to image the thyroid, since it is concentrated in that organ.
    • The most active cancer cells concentrate the most iodine and emit the most radiation.
    • Hypothyroidism is indicated by lack of iodine.
    • There are more than one isotope that can be used for multiple types of scans.
    • The thallium scans are used to evaluate the cardiovascular system and look at heart activity.
    • The salt is similar to NaCl and can be used.
    • There is rapid cell growth where Gallium-67 accumulates.
    • It's useful in cancer scans.
    • It can take several days for the gallium to build up after the injection, so it's best to have a body Scan 3 or 4 days after the injection.
  • There are many diagnostic uses for radiopharmaceuticals, where "m" stands for a metastable state of the technetium nucleus.
  • 80% of radiopharmaceutical procedures use it because of its many advantages.
    • The decay of its metastable state produces a single, easily identified 0.142-MeV ray.
    • The radiation dose to the patient is limited by the short half-life.
    • Its half-life is short, but it is easy to produce on site.
  • The basic process for production is.
  • A piece of lead with holes bored through itcollimates rays emerging from the patient, allowing detectors to receive rays from specific directions only.
    • An image is produced by the computer analysis of detector signals.
  • One of the disadvantages of this method is that it doesn't give a depth view of the tumor, because radiation from any location under that detector produces a signal.
  • An Anger camera has a lead collimator and an array of detectors.
    • There are light flashes in the scintillators.
    • The photomultipliers convert the light output to an electrical signal.
    • A computer creates an image.
  • Nuclear activity in patients is used to form threedimensional images in x-ray computed tomography (CT) scans.
    • The spatial resolution is poor, about 1 cm.
    • The difference in visual properties that make an object different from other objects is good.
  • An image of the concentration of a radiopharmaceutical compound is created by SPECT using a geometry similar to aCT.
  • In recent years, images produced by emitters have become important.
    • Two rays are produced when the emitted positron encounters an electron.
    • It requires detectors on opposite sides to detect the same photon at the same time.
  • The advantage of this list is that they can be used as tags for natural body compounds.
    • The accuracy and sensitivity of the scans make them useful for examining the brain's function.
    • The brain's use of oxygen and water can be monitored.
    • It is used to diagnose brain disorders.
    • A confirmation of Alzheimer's disease can cause decreased metabolism in certain regions.
    • When a person carries out specific activities, such as speaking, closing their eyes, and so on, the brain can become active.
  • The two identical -ray photons produced by positron-electron annihilation are used in a PET system.
    • The line along which each pair is emitted is determined by the rays that are emitted in opposite directions.
    • The events detected by several pairs of detectors are analyzed by a computer to create an accurate image.
  • MRI can tell.
    • Nuclear spins of the hydrogen nuclei of your water molecule are what radio transmitters are made of.
    • These little radios can be made to broadcast their positions, giving a detailed picture of the inside of your head.

32.1 Medical Imaging and Diagnostics

  • Two people were caught entering the United States from Canada.
  • Nuclear radiation is used in a number of medical techniques.
    • It is a useful probe to monitor conditions inside the body because radiation can easily penetrate tissue.
    • Nuclear radiation depends on the nuclide and not on the chemical compound it is in, so that a radioactive nuclide can be put into a compound designed for specific purposes.
    • The location and concentration of a radiopharmaceutical can be determined by radiation detectors outside of the body.
    • Another application uses a radiopharmaceutical that the body sends to bone cells to detect tumors or healing points.
    • Images can be produced from bone scans.
    • Radioisotopes can be used to determine the functioning of body organs, such as blood flow and heart muscle activity.
  • A radiopharmaceutical is used to produce a brain image.
    • The features are computer enhanced.
    • Table 32.1 lists certain uses of radiopharmaceuticals.
    • Many organs can be imaged with a variety of nuclear isotopes.
  • Isidore is used to image the thyroid, since it is concentrated in that organ.
    • The most active cancer cells concentrate the most iodine and emit the most radiation.
    • Hypothyroidism is indicated by lack of iodine.
    • There are more than one isotope that can be used for multiple types of scans.
    • The thallium scans are used to evaluate the cardiovascular system and look at heart activity.
    • The salt is similar to NaCl and can be used.
    • There is rapid cell growth where Gallium-67 accumulates.
    • It's useful in cancer scans.
    • It can take several days for the gallium to build up after the injection, so it's best to have a body Scan 3 or 4 days after the injection.
  • There are many diagnostic uses for radiopharmaceuticals, where "m" stands for a metastable state of the technetium nucleus.
  • 80% of radiopharmaceutical procedures use it because of its many advantages.
    • The decay of its metastable state produces a single, easily identified 0.142-MeV ray.
    • The radiation dose to the patient is limited by the short half-life.
    • Its half-life is short, but it is easy to produce on site.
  • The basic process for production is.
  • A piece of lead with holes bored through itcollimates rays emerging from the patient, allowing detectors to receive rays from specific directions only.
    • An image is produced by the computer analysis of detector signals.
  • One of the disadvantages of this method is that it doesn't give a depth view of the tumor, because radiation from any location under that detector produces a signal.
  • An Anger camera has a lead collimator and an array of detectors.
    • There are light flashes in the scintillators.
    • The photomultipliers convert the light output to an electrical signal.
    • A computer creates an image.
  • Nuclear activity in patients is used to form threedimensional images in x-ray computed tomography (CT) scans.
    • The spatial resolution is poor, about 1 cm.
    • The difference in visual properties that make an object different from other objects is good.
  • An image of the concentration of a radiopharmaceutical compound is created by SPECT using a geometry similar to aCT.
  • In recent years, images produced by emitters have become important.
    • Two rays are produced when the emitted positron encounters an electron.
    • It requires detectors on opposite sides to detect the same photon at the same time.
  • The advantage of this list is that they can be used as tags for natural body compounds.
    • The accuracy and sensitivity of the scans make them useful for examining the brain's function.
    • The brain's use of oxygen and water can be monitored.
    • It is used to diagnose brain disorders.
    • A confirmation of Alzheimer's disease can cause decreased metabolism in certain regions.
    • When a person carries out specific activities, such as speaking, closing their eyes, and so on, the brain can become active.
  • The two identical -ray photons produced by positron-electron annihilation are used in a PET system.
    • The line along which each pair is emitted is determined by the rays that are emitted in opposite directions.
    • The events detected by several pairs of detectors are analyzed by a computer to create an accurate image.
  • MRI can tell.
    • Nuclear spins of the hydrogen nuclei of your water molecule are what radio transmitters are made of.
    • These little radios can be made to broadcast their positions, giving a detailed picture of the inside of your head.