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5.1 Components and Structure

5.1 Components and Structure

  • By the end of this section, you will be able to understand the cell fluid mosaic model and discuss the nature of the cell.
    • Cells take in and excrete other substances in controlled quantities.
    • Red and white blood cells can change their shape as they pass through narrow capillaries, if they are allowed to be very flexible.
    • These are the functions that are obvious.
    • The immune response's "self" versus "non-self" distinction can be seen in the markers on the surface of the plasma membrane, which are vital for tissue and organ formation during early development.
  • The ability to transmit signals is one of the most sophisticated functions of the plasma membranes.
    • Both the extracellular input receiver and the intracellular processing activators are acts by these proteins.
    • The effectors of hormones and growth factors can be activated when their effectors are bound.
    • Sometimes, viruses hijack receptors that they use to gain entry into cells, and at other times, the genes that make up the signal transduction process malfunction, causing disastrous consequences.
  • In 1915, scientists identified the chemical components of the plasma membrane.
    • They identified the components that were the main components.
    • In 1935, Hugh Davson and James Danielli proposed the structure.
    • The first model accepted by the scientific community was this one.
    • The "railroad track" appeared in early electron micrographs.
  • Davson and Danielli thought that the structure of the plasma membrane resembled a sandwich.
    • They compared the two to bread and the filling.
    • Researchers in the 1950s were able to see that the core was double rather than a single layer.
    • The model proposed by Singer and Nicolson provides more information about the function of the plasma membranes.
  • The fluid mosaic model describes the structure as a mosaic of components that give it a fluid character.
    • The thickness of the plasma membranes is between 5 and 10 nm.
    • Human red blood cells, visible via light microscopy, are approximately 8 um wide, or 1,000 times wider than a plasma membrane.
    • The membrane looks like a sandwich.
  • The model describes the fluid combination of cholesterol, cholesterol, and a few other things.
    • Carbohydrates attached to the lipids and the glycoproteins extend from the outside of the cell.
  • The main components of a plasma membrane are cholesterol and lipids.
    • There is a molecule consisting of glycerol, two fatty acids, and a phosphate-linked head group.
    • The Cholesterol is comprised of four fused carbon rings.
    • A typical human cell has about 50 percent of the composition by mass, 50 percent by lipids, and 10 percent byCarbohydrates.
    • Myelin, an outgrowth of specialized cells that insulates the peripheral nerves' axons, contains only 18 percent of its original content.
    • 76 percent of the cell's cells are composed of proteins and 24 percent are composed of lipids.
    • The red blood cells have a high percentage of lipids.
  • The main fabric of the membrane is amphiphilic.
    • They do not interact with polar molecules in chemical reactions.
    • A ball or cluster can be formed when placed in water.
    • The cell's exterior and interior have hydrogen bonds with water and other polar molecules.
    • The surfaces of the cell's interior and exterior are made of water.
    • The cell's interior does not interact with water.
    • The cell is made of two layers of cells, one of which is made of phospholipids.
  • There is a three-carbon glycerol backbone with two fatty acid molecule attached to carbons 1 and 2 and a group attached to the third carbon.
    • The overall molecule has a head area with a negative charge and a tail area with no charge.
    • The tail cannot form hydrogen bonds.
  • The molecule has a head and tails.
    • There is a group attached to a molecule.
    • The tails are made of long hydrocarbon chains.
  • This characteristic is important to the structure because in water, the tails of the phospholipids are facing out.
    • In this way, they form a bilayer that protects the water and other materials on one side from the other side.
    • Phosopholipids heated in an aqueous solution usually form small spheres or droplets, with their hydrophilic heads forming the exterior and their hydrophobic tails on the inside.
  • In an aqueous solution, the polar heads of thelipids are facing outward and the tails are facing inward.
  • The second major component is the proteins.
    • The transmembrane segment of a single-pass instument is usually composed of 20 to 25 amino acids.
    • Some stretch from one side to the other, while others are exposed on either side.
    • There are up to 12 single protein segments, which are folded and embedded in the membrane.
    • There are one or several mildly hydrophobic regions in thisProtein type.
    • The arrangement of theProtein's regions orients it alongside the Phosopholipids, with theProtein's hydrophobic region adjacent to the Phosopholipids' tails and theProtein's hydrophilic region protruding from the Membrane and in contact with the cytosol or extracellular fluid.
  • There may be one or more alpha-helices that span the membrane for an insturment.
  • As part of the cell's recognition sites or as part of the cytoskeleton's fibers, peripheral and integral proteins may serve as enzymes.
    • They are sometimes referred to as "cell-specific" proteins.
    • The body attacks foreign proteins that are associated with invaders.
  • The third major component isCarbohydrates.
    • They are bound to the cells' exterior surface either by the formation of glycoproteins or by the formation of glycolipids.
    • The 2-60 monosaccharide units in these carbohydrate chains can be either straight or branched.
    • Carbohydrates form on the cell surface to allow cells to recognize each other.
    • The way that the facial features of each person allow individuals to recognize him or her is similar to the way that these sites have unique patterns that allow for cell recognition.
    • This recognition function allows the immune system to differentiate between body cells and foreign cells, which is very important to cells.
    • Immune cells can't recognize and attack the surfaces of viruses if they have the same types on them.
  • The cell's exterior surface is referred to as the "sugar coating" by us.
    • Large amounts of water can be attracted to the cell's surface by the glycocalyx.
    • The cell's ability to obtain substances dissolved in the water is aided by this.
    • The glycocalyx is important for cell identification, self/non-self determination, and embryonic development, and is used in cell to cell attachment to form tissues.
  • Many viruses have an opportunity to be infections because of the patterns on the cells' surfaces.
    • The human body has specific organs and cells.
    • T-helper cells, monocytes and central nervous system cells are some of the cells that HIV can penetrate.
  • The cells have binding sites on their surfaces that are specific to and compatible with certain viruses, which is why these viruses are able to invade them.
    • The human immune system is stimulated by other recognition sites on the virus's surface.
    • Antibodies can be made in response to invaders or foreign cells, or they can be made in response to an organ transplant.
    • The same sites are used for the attachment and destruction of the virus' activity.
    • An effective vaccine against the HIV virus is very difficult because of the rapid change of the recognition sites.
    • A person with HIV will quickly develop different populations of the virus that are different from each other.
    • The effectiveness of the person's immune system in attacking the virus is decreased by the rapid change of surface markers.
    • In the case of HIV, the problem is compounded because the virus specifically destroys cells involved in the immune response, further incapacitating the host.
  • The CD4 receptor is a glycoprotein on T cell surfaces.
    • The nature of the membrane is illustrated by its mosaic characteristic.
    • There are two separate but attached molecules in the membranes.
    • These look like tiles from a mosaic picture, and they float, moving with respect to one another.
    • It is not like a balloon that can expand and contract, but rather it is rigid and can burst if a cell takes in too much water.
    • Because of its mosaic nature, a very fine needle can easily penetrate a plasma membrane without causing it to burst, and it will self- seal when one extracts the needle.
  • Some but not all of its fluidity is explained by the mosaic characteristics.
    • The fluid characteristic is maintained by two other factors.
    • The nature of the phospholipids is one factor.
    • The saturated form of the fatty acids in the tails are bound with hydrogen atoms.
    • There are no bonds between carbon atoms.
    • This results in tails that are straight.
    • Saturated fat acids do not have a lot of hydrogen atoms, but they do have some double bonds between carbon atoms.
  • If decreasing temperatures compress saturated fatty acids with their straight tails, they press in on each other, making a dense and fairly rigid membrane.
    • The "kinks" in their tails are adjacent to the phospholipids.
    • The "elbow room" helps to maintain the integrity of the membranes at certain temperatures.
    • In a cold environment, the relative fluidity of the membrane is important.
    • A cold environment makes the membranes less fluid and more susceptible to rupturing.
    • Many organisms are able to adapt to cold environments by changing the proportion of stearic acids in their membranes.
  • There are animations of the membranes' mosaic quality on this site.
  • Animals have an extra component that helps in maintaining fluidity.
    • Cholesterol, which is next to the phospholipids, tends to keep the temperature down.
    • Lower temperatures and increased temperatures are prevented from increasing fluidity too much by this buffer.
    • In both directions, cholesterol extends the temperature range in which the membrane is functional.
    • Cholesterol can be used to organize clusters of transmembrane proteins into lipid rafts.
  • Immunology is interested in the variations in peripheral proteins and carbohydrates that affect a cell's recognition sites.
  • Researchers have been able to conquer many infectious diseases with the help of vaccines.
  • Immunology is the study and treatment of allergies and other immune problems.
    • Immunology studies and treats diseases in which a person's immune system attacks his or her own cells or tissues, such as lupus, and immunodeficiencies, whether acquired (such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS) or hereditary.
    • The immune systems of organ transplant patients need to be suppressed so that they don't reject the organ.
    • Natural immunity and the effects of a person's environment are studied by some immunologists.
    • Questions about how the immune system affects diseases are worked on by others.
    • Researchers didn't understand the importance of a healthy immune system in preventing cancer in the past.
  • One needs a PhD or MD to work as an immunologist.
    • The American Board of Allergy and Immunology exam must be passed by immunologists who have at least two to three years of training in an accredited program.
    • Knowledge of the human body's function as they relate to issues beyond immunization, and knowledge of pharmacology and medical technology, such as medications, therapies, test materials, and surgical procedures, are some of the things that immunology must possess.

5.1 Components and Structure

  • By the end of this section, you will be able to understand the cell fluid mosaic model and discuss the nature of the cell.
    • Cells take in and excrete other substances in controlled quantities.
    • Red and white blood cells can change their shape as they pass through narrow capillaries, if they are allowed to be very flexible.
    • These are the functions that are obvious.
    • The immune response's "self" versus "non-self" distinction can be seen in the markers on the surface of the plasma membrane, which are vital for tissue and organ formation during early development.
  • The ability to transmit signals is one of the most sophisticated functions of the plasma membranes.
    • Both the extracellular input receiver and the intracellular processing activators are acts by these proteins.
    • The effectors of hormones and growth factors can be activated when their effectors are bound.
    • Sometimes, viruses hijack receptors that they use to gain entry into cells, and at other times, the genes that make up the signal transduction process malfunction, causing disastrous consequences.
  • In 1915, scientists identified the chemical components of the plasma membrane.
    • They identified the components that were the main components.
    • In 1935, Hugh Davson and James Danielli proposed the structure.
    • The first model accepted by the scientific community was this one.
    • The "railroad track" appeared in early electron micrographs.
  • Davson and Danielli thought that the structure of the plasma membrane resembled a sandwich.
    • They compared the two to bread and the filling.
    • Researchers in the 1950s were able to see that the core was double rather than a single layer.
    • The model proposed by Singer and Nicolson provides more information about the function of the plasma membranes.
  • The fluid mosaic model describes the structure as a mosaic of components that give it a fluid character.
    • The thickness of the plasma membranes is between 5 and 10 nm.
    • Human red blood cells, visible via light microscopy, are approximately 8 um wide, or 1,000 times wider than a plasma membrane.
    • The membrane looks like a sandwich.
  • The model describes the fluid combination of cholesterol, cholesterol, and a few other things.
    • Carbohydrates attached to the lipids and the glycoproteins extend from the outside of the cell.
  • The main components of a plasma membrane are cholesterol and lipids.
    • There is a molecule consisting of glycerol, two fatty acids, and a phosphate-linked head group.
    • The Cholesterol is comprised of four fused carbon rings.
    • A typical human cell has about 50 percent of the composition by mass, 50 percent by lipids, and 10 percent byCarbohydrates.
    • Myelin, an outgrowth of specialized cells that insulates the peripheral nerves' axons, contains only 18 percent of its original content.
    • 76 percent of the cell's cells are composed of proteins and 24 percent are composed of lipids.
    • The red blood cells have a high percentage of lipids.
  • The main fabric of the membrane is amphiphilic.
    • They do not interact with polar molecules in chemical reactions.
    • A ball or cluster can be formed when placed in water.
    • The cell's exterior and interior have hydrogen bonds with water and other polar molecules.
    • The surfaces of the cell's interior and exterior are made of water.
    • The cell's interior does not interact with water.
    • The cell is made of two layers of cells, one of which is made of phospholipids.
  • There is a three-carbon glycerol backbone with two fatty acid molecule attached to carbons 1 and 2 and a group attached to the third carbon.
    • The overall molecule has a head area with a negative charge and a tail area with no charge.
    • The tail cannot form hydrogen bonds.
  • The molecule has a head and tails.
    • There is a group attached to a molecule.
    • The tails are made of long hydrocarbon chains.
  • This characteristic is important to the structure because in water, the tails of the phospholipids are facing out.
    • In this way, they form a bilayer that protects the water and other materials on one side from the other side.
    • Phosopholipids heated in an aqueous solution usually form small spheres or droplets, with their hydrophilic heads forming the exterior and their hydrophobic tails on the inside.
  • In an aqueous solution, the polar heads of thelipids are facing outward and the tails are facing inward.
  • The second major component is the proteins.
    • The transmembrane segment of a single-pass instument is usually composed of 20 to 25 amino acids.
    • Some stretch from one side to the other, while others are exposed on either side.
    • There are up to 12 single protein segments, which are folded and embedded in the membrane.
    • There are one or several mildly hydrophobic regions in thisProtein type.
    • The arrangement of theProtein's regions orients it alongside the Phosopholipids, with theProtein's hydrophobic region adjacent to the Phosopholipids' tails and theProtein's hydrophilic region protruding from the Membrane and in contact with the cytosol or extracellular fluid.
  • There may be one or more alpha-helices that span the membrane for an insturment.
  • As part of the cell's recognition sites or as part of the cytoskeleton's fibers, peripheral and integral proteins may serve as enzymes.
    • They are sometimes referred to as "cell-specific" proteins.
    • The body attacks foreign proteins that are associated with invaders.
  • The third major component isCarbohydrates.
    • They are bound to the cells' exterior surface either by the formation of glycoproteins or by the formation of glycolipids.
    • The 2-60 monosaccharide units in these carbohydrate chains can be either straight or branched.
    • Carbohydrates form on the cell surface to allow cells to recognize each other.
    • The way that the facial features of each person allow individuals to recognize him or her is similar to the way that these sites have unique patterns that allow for cell recognition.
    • This recognition function allows the immune system to differentiate between body cells and foreign cells, which is very important to cells.
    • Immune cells can't recognize and attack the surfaces of viruses if they have the same types on them.
  • The cell's exterior surface is referred to as the "sugar coating" by us.
    • Large amounts of water can be attracted to the cell's surface by the glycocalyx.
    • The cell's ability to obtain substances dissolved in the water is aided by this.
    • The glycocalyx is important for cell identification, self/non-self determination, and embryonic development, and is used in cell to cell attachment to form tissues.
  • Many viruses have an opportunity to be infections because of the patterns on the cells' surfaces.
    • The human body has specific organs and cells.
    • T-helper cells, monocytes and central nervous system cells are some of the cells that HIV can penetrate.
  • The cells have binding sites on their surfaces that are specific to and compatible with certain viruses, which is why these viruses are able to invade them.
    • The human immune system is stimulated by other recognition sites on the virus's surface.
    • Antibodies can be made in response to invaders or foreign cells, or they can be made in response to an organ transplant.
    • The same sites are used for the attachment and destruction of the virus' activity.
    • An effective vaccine against the HIV virus is very difficult because of the rapid change of the recognition sites.
    • A person with HIV will quickly develop different populations of the virus that are different from each other.
    • The effectiveness of the person's immune system in attacking the virus is decreased by the rapid change of surface markers.
    • In the case of HIV, the problem is compounded because the virus specifically destroys cells involved in the immune response, further incapacitating the host.
  • The CD4 receptor is a glycoprotein on T cell surfaces.
    • The nature of the membrane is illustrated by its mosaic characteristic.
    • There are two separate but attached molecules in the membranes.
    • These look like tiles from a mosaic picture, and they float, moving with respect to one another.
    • It is not like a balloon that can expand and contract, but rather it is rigid and can burst if a cell takes in too much water.
    • Because of its mosaic nature, a very fine needle can easily penetrate a plasma membrane without causing it to burst, and it will self- seal when one extracts the needle.
  • Some but not all of its fluidity is explained by the mosaic characteristics.
    • The fluid characteristic is maintained by two other factors.
    • The nature of the phospholipids is one factor.
    • The saturated form of the fatty acids in the tails are bound with hydrogen atoms.
    • There are no bonds between carbon atoms.
    • This results in tails that are straight.
    • Saturated fat acids do not have a lot of hydrogen atoms, but they do have some double bonds between carbon atoms.
  • If decreasing temperatures compress saturated fatty acids with their straight tails, they press in on each other, making a dense and fairly rigid membrane.
    • The "kinks" in their tails are adjacent to the phospholipids.
    • The "elbow room" helps to maintain the integrity of the membranes at certain temperatures.
    • In a cold environment, the relative fluidity of the membrane is important.
    • A cold environment makes the membranes less fluid and more susceptible to rupturing.
    • Many organisms are able to adapt to cold environments by changing the proportion of stearic acids in their membranes.
  • There are animations of the membranes' mosaic quality on this site.
  • Animals have an extra component that helps in maintaining fluidity.
    • Cholesterol, which is next to the phospholipids, tends to keep the temperature down.
    • Lower temperatures and increased temperatures are prevented from increasing fluidity too much by this buffer.
    • In both directions, cholesterol extends the temperature range in which the membrane is functional.
    • Cholesterol can be used to organize clusters of transmembrane proteins into lipid rafts.
  • Immunology is interested in the variations in peripheral proteins and carbohydrates that affect a cell's recognition sites.
  • Researchers have been able to conquer many infectious diseases with the help of vaccines.
  • Immunology is the study and treatment of allergies and other immune problems.
    • Immunology studies and treats diseases in which a person's immune system attacks his or her own cells or tissues, such as lupus, and immunodeficiencies, whether acquired (such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, or AIDS) or hereditary.
    • The immune systems of organ transplant patients need to be suppressed so that they don't reject the organ.
    • Natural immunity and the effects of a person's environment are studied by some immunologists.
    • Questions about how the immune system affects diseases are worked on by others.
    • Researchers didn't understand the importance of a healthy immune system in preventing cancer in the past.
  • One needs a PhD or MD to work as an immunologist.
    • The American Board of Allergy and Immunology exam must be passed by immunologists who have at least two to three years of training in an accredited program.
    • Knowledge of the human body's function as they relate to issues beyond immunization, and knowledge of pharmacology and medical technology, such as medications, therapies, test materials, and surgical procedures, are some of the things that immunology must possess.