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Hypotheses are tested by designing experiments that examine the contribution of a single experimental variable to the observation and by comparing the response of a test group to that of a control group in an experiment.

Humans benefit from having many different organisms for food, medicines, and raw materials.

Stable conditions that are suitable for the survival of humans and other organisms can be found in well- functioning ecosystems.

An emerging disease may spread quickly due to international travel.

Ions are formed when an electron is transferred away from an atom, creating a positively charged particle, or when an electron is accepted by an atom, creating a negatively charged particle.

The oxygen in water attracts the electrons it shares with hydrogen more strongly, resulting in greater electronegativity and a polar covalent bond.

The property of cohesion is demonstrated when hydrogen bonding results in the molecule of water clinging together.

This results in water's ability to absorb a lot of heat energy.

The carboxyl group more easily donates its hydrogen and functions as an acid when it is in a polar state.

Carbohydrates have a carbon to hydrogen to oxygen ratio of 1:2 and are chains of different lengths of sugar.

Humans don't have the ability to break the bonds in the cellulose that would make it possible to use it as an energy source.

Saturated fat acids tend to stack in certain places, such as blood vessels.

metabolism, structure, transportation, defense, hormone regulation, and contraction producing motion are some of the functions of proteins.

The cell can respond to changing environments more quickly with this division of labor.

Nuclear pores are used by cells to regulate what enters and leaves the nucleus.

Hereditary information in genes located in the nucleus is transcribed intoRNA molecule, some of which specify the sequence of the amino acid.

Golgi malfunction would prevent materials from reaching their destinations, disrupting cellular function and leading to cell death.

The hydrolytic-digestive enzymes in lysozymes destroy the nonfunctional parts of the cell.

The energy-requiring reactions of the cell are carried out by the Mitochondria, which break down carbohydrates to produce the energy-requiring molecule.

Chloroplasts and mitochondria are similar in size tobacteria, have multiple membranes, and have circular genomes.

The large surface area of the mitochondria provides a home for the enzymes involved in cellular respiration.

There is a large area in the chloroplasts to hold the chlorophyll and other pigments involved in photosynthesis.

Microtubule help maintain cellular shape and provide an internal road system used to transport materials.

The fatty acid tails of the phospholipids cause the pores to be hydrophobic.

The gap junctions allow small molecule and ion to pass from one cell to another.

The potential energy in a breakfast meal can be used to power a morning run.

The first law of thermodynamics states that cells can convert one form of energy to another.

The last group ofphosphates can be easily removed and the energy can be released.

A structural change can be brought about by the addition of a high-energy negatively charged phosphate.

The reactants are brought together at the active site or positioned so that they are ready to react.

Because they interact with their reactants in a specific way, the products produced from them can be regulated.

Environmental factors that affect the speed of reactions include the concentration of water, the temperature, and the availability of cofactors.

During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide from the air is fixed to create carbohydrate molecule used for energy and plant structure.

Low-energy electrons from water in Photosystem II are excited to be in a higher energy state.

The electrons are excited by a higher energy state created by Photosystem I.

Carbon dioxide is formed when hydrogen atoms are removed from glucose along with electrons.

Oxygen is reduced to form water by adding hydrogen atoms and electrons.

As pyruvate is reduced to lactate, the NADH produced in glycolysis is converted to NAD+.

If there is a failure to replicate the DNA, the G2 checkpoint stops cell division.

Cell division will be stopped at the M checkpoint if there is a failure of chromosomes to attach to the spindle.

There is an intermediate level coiling of DNA arranged in loose, radial loops.

Cancer cells lack differentiation, have abnormal nuclei, may form tumors, and may also spread throughout the body.

There is a separation of the duplicated chromosomes attached to the Page A6 cell wall and the inward growth of the plasma membrane.

Many thousands of genes are contained in the long, linear chromosomes of the Eukaryotes.

Sister chromatids are produced by Homologous chromosomes prior to meiosis I.

When they separate, each daughter cell gets one pair of sister chromatids, resulting in a reduction in the number of chromosomes.

At least some individuals have genetic variability that allows them to survive adverse conditions.

The theory of inheritance assumed that the parents' characteristics were combined in the offspring to produce an intermediate appearance.

New combinations in the offspring were created with the shuffling of hereditary units of the parents.

The garden pea has a relatively short generation time, each plant produces many offspring, and cross-pollination is only possible by hand.

X-linked traits have a different pattern of inheritance than alleles that are autosomal because of the Y chromosome.

Two strands of the double helix run in opposite directions.

The molecule is held together in the center by hydrogen bonds between bases, and is composed of alternating sugarphosphate groups.

Prokaryotic DNA replication begins at a single origin and usually proceeds in both directions to a region on the opposite side of the chromosomes.

Eukaryotic DNA replication begins at multiple origins and continues until the forks meet.

A pre-mRNA transcript contains noncoding sequences that are not included in the mature mRNA.

A cell's ability to create multiple mRNA molecules from a single gene through alternative splicing allows it to create a wider variety of proteins that may affect survival.

The ribosome is delivered with the help of TransferRNA, which binding to the codon on the mRNA is what it does.

Large and small ribosomal subunits work together in a sequence dictated by the mRNA.

A stop codon is reached, a release factor is binding to it, and the finished product is cleaved from the last tRNA.

A completely altered sequence is created when a frameshiftmutation affects all the codons downstream.

The normal operation of the checkpoint in the cell cycle is disrupted by these genes.

It's possible to make many copies of a specific segment of DNA with the help of PCR.

The amplification of DNA can be used to create fingerprints, which can be analyzed to identify the source of the sample.

A cloned animal is genetically identical to the one that was created, but it does not contain rDNA.

Scientists can quickly analyze experimental data and generate large databases of information with the help of bing.

Local mass extinctions followed by new species repopulating the area are explained by Catastrophism.

Individuals have variation that is heritable, organisms compete for resources, and adaptation to environmental change.

New phenotypes that may have increased reproductive success may be produced by changes in the DNA code.

The ability of a mosquito and bird to fly do not inform us about our common ancestry.

Natural selection is not a random process and can only shape existing variation.

Heterozygotes for the sicklecell trait have an advantage because they provide resistance to Malaria in Africa.

Those who have a normal trait but lack natural resistance to it die young from it.

The smallest set of interbreeding organisms in that population must be a phylogenetic species.

You would expect to see the same shape of head and teeth in the fishes in the new African Rift Valley lake.

New groups of organisms moved into an area after a mass extinction, according to Cuvier.

Iron-sulfur world hypothesis--ironnickel sulfides at thermal vents act as catalysts.

The first hypothesis is thatRNA carried out the processes associated with genes before they evolved.

Taxonomy is the assignment of groups to a taxon, while classification is the naming of organisms.

There are differences in Archaea's cell wall structure, rRNA, and lipids.

In the lysogenic cycle, the viral DNA is passed on as the cell divides.

Heterotrophs and photo autotrophs are the two types of organisms that get their food from the environment.

Alveolates are single-celled and have small sacs below their plasma membrane that are used for support and transport.

The cell walls of the plant and the scuplture are made of different materials.

Fruiting bodies expose them to wind, insects, and rain, each of which can increase dispersal of the spores.

Development of a diploid genome to reduce water loss.

A dominant gametophyte generation can produce flagellated sperm that swim to the egg, and can also reproduce asexually.

Cone bearing, evergreen, and wind pollinated cycads, ginkgoes, and gnetophytes are conifers.

Water and minerals can't move between the cells because the cortex and inner cylinder have a Casparian strip.

One layer of spring wood made up of wide vessel elements with thin walls is followed by one layer of summer wood which has fewer vessels in an annual ring.

A single blade or compound leaves can be divided into many leaflets.

Plants extract Ca2+ and K+ from negatively charged clay and humus by exchanging H+ for them.

Nitrogen can be taken up by plant roots by the way thebacteria convert it to nitrate or ammonium.

Adhesion allows water to cling to the sides of xylem vessels.

Sugars entering sieve tubes at sources creates pressure.

When sugars and water are removed at the sink, the pressure is relieved at the other end.

ABA closes stomata and maintains seed and bud dormancy.

The mechanism by which root cells perceive gravity is caused by the deposition of statoliths.

Red light causes various genes to become active or inactive, which in turn leads to seed germination, shoot growth, and flowering responses.

The conversion between red and far-red causes a number of effects on plants.

A seven-celled female gametophyte called the embryo sac is produced by one of the four megaspores.

Natural selection in the flowering plant may lead to an increase in the structural support of the part that the pollinator lands upon.

The embryo, stored food, and seed coat are all derived from the ovule wall.

Animals are more likely to eat juicy fruits that are derived from the ovary and other parts of the flower.

The hook shape and sheath of the monocot seedlings protect the first true leaves.

New shoots and roots can be produced by fruit trees, sphinxes, stem cuttings, and Stolons and rhizomes.

A hollow threadlike structure is discharged from a fluid-filled capsule called a nematocyst when stimulated.

Annelids and molluscs have a complete digestive tract, a true coelom, and a circulatory system.

Tube feet are part of the water system on the oral surface and are used in locomotion, feeding, gas exchange, and sensory reception.

The partially eaten food is taken into the stomach of the sea star.

Humans have four characteristics during the early stages of their life cycle.

The endoskeleton protects internal organs, provides a place of attachment for muscles, and permits rapid, efficient movement.

They all live in Page A-11 water, breathe by gills, and have a single circulatory loop.

Two pairs of limbs; smooth, nonscaly skin that stays moist; lungs; a three-chambered heart with a double-loop circulatory pathway; sense organs adapted for a land environment; and have aquatic reproduction.

The forelimbs of early amphibians have the same bones as the front fins of the lobefinned fishes.

Alligators and crocodiles live in fresh water with a thick skin, two pairs of legs, and a long muscular tail that allows them to capture and eat other animals.

Monotremes, marsupials, and placental mammals all have a cloaca and lay eggs.

Mobile limbs, grasping hands, flattened face, and large complex brain reduced reproductive rate.

Both humans and Chimpanzees have the same structure of their genomes, as well as general characteristics of all primate species.

Bipedalism, which freed the hands to use tools and hold babies, is an evolutionary development that occurred with hominins.

Increased brain size and Bipedalism allowed organisms to adapt to nonforest environments.

Humans evolved from one group in Africa to other locations according to the replacement model.

Increased brain size and reliance on tool use required development of communication.

The types of cells that line the blood vessels and air sacs of lungs are referred to as scythes.

The walls of internal organs are affected by smooth muscle.

Cardiac muscle has branching, striated cells, each with a single nucleus, which causes the heart to beat.

The dermis helps regulate body temperature and provides sensory reception.

A dark-skinned person in a low sunlight area might have a deficiency of vitamins D and E. Hair is made of dead epithelial cells that have been keratinized, sweat is tubule from the dermis, and oil is associated with hair follicles.

Homeostasis is the equilibrium of the internal environment that maintains body conditions.

Blood contains respiratory pigments that allow it to carry oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from them.

The hemolymph can return to the heart of the organisms that have an open circulatory system.

Arteries don't need valves to move blood because they have thick walls.

The synthesis of thrombin occurs when platelets accumulate at the site of injury.

An Rh-positive woman doesn't make antibodies against the Rh positive cells of the fetus.

PAMPs are a type of molecule found only in the cell walls of the bacterium.

In a one-way system powered by the contraction of muscles, excess fluid and lipids are absorbed by the lymphatic capillaries and returned to the bloodstream.

The lymphatic system helps defend the body against pathogens by absorbing fats and returning excess fluid to the bloodstream.

The spleen has both immune and red blood cell maintenance functions and is an oblong organ.

Chemical barriers include lysozyme, stomach acid, and protective proteins.

Inflammation causes other components of the immune system to move to the area.

A genetic defect in the immune system is the most common cause of primary immunodeficiencies.

Drugs that suppress the immune system are used to treat autoimmune diseases.

The complete tract of earthworms has a pharynx, crop, gizzard, and intestine.

There is only one opening in an incomplete tract and parts that are not very specialized serve multiple functions.

The incisors and enlarged canine teeth of the ganveres are used to tear off small pieces of food.

The taste buds allow an animal to distinguish between healthy and potentially dangerous foods.

The villi and microvilli of the intestinal wall greatly increase the surface area.

The large intestine is larger to allow storage of undigested food prior to defecation.

salivary amylase digests starch to maltose in the mouth.

In the small intestine, maltose is absorbed into a blood capillary.

A high saturated fat diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

earthworms live in moist earth, while salamanders have skin that gives them hydration.

These animals have a large surface area compared to their size, or they have many capillaries close to the skin to facilitate gas exchange.

50% of the O2 content in the water Page A-13 would be the highest value a concurrent mechanism could achieve.

At a constant temperature, the pressure of a given quantity of gas is related to its volume.

Reduced lung expansion and narrowing of the airways are seen in bronchitis and asthma.

Smoking contributes to a number of diseases, including acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, and lung cancer.

The rats have fur to prevent water loss from skin and excrete a hypertonic urine to eliminate very dry feces.

The kidneys are responsible for regulating blood pressure, pH, and water-salt balance.

In response to low blood pressure, the kidneys produce renin, which converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I.

The cluster of neurons is located outside of the central nervous system in animals.

The forebrain, which receives sensory input, is connected to the hindbrain through the midbrain, which controls breathing, heart functions, and basic motor activity.

Nerve impulses travel more quickly down myelinated axons due to saltatory conduction.

The sensory information from internal organs travels through the nervous system to the brain.

Motor impulses are sent through tracts to the root ganglia and then to the effector organ.

Parkinson disease, with symptoms such as tremors, difficult speech, and trouble walking or standing, is associated with a loss of dopamine-producing cells in the forebrain.

The parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is stimulated by eating a big meal.

Exercising will reduce blood flow to the stomach and cause it to ache.

The parasympathetic division dominates as you sleep, but being startled causes a sudden increase in fight or flight activity.

Sensory transduction occurs when some type of environmental stimuli is converted into a nerve impulse.

A dog's sense of smell is much more sensitive than a human's, and some snakes and bats can perceive a variety of radiation and sound waves.

Many rods and cones can be used to excite a single ganglion cell.

A lack of muscle tone would make it difficult for a person to walk, sit, or do other activities.

A person with nociceptors would be more prone to injury due to the lack of warning signs.

The body can't support itself because the muscle layers surrounding the coelom no longer contract.

The central canals of the body are surrounded by a hard matrix of osteons.

A pair of muscles that work opposite of one another, for example, if one flexes the joint the other extends it.

The myosin heads can bind to actin filaments and pull them toward the center of the sarcomere.

After the offspring have developed within the mother's body, a viviparous animal gives birth.

The parent of an ovoviviparous animal gives birth to the young once they hatch.

A shelled egg has extraembryonic membranes which keep the embryo moist, carry out gas exchange, collect waste, and provide yolk as food.

The luteal phase ends with the production of progesterone by the developing corpus luteum.

If there is no pregnant woman, low levels of hormones start menstruation.

In IVF, fertilization takes place outside of the body and the embryo is transferred to the woman's uterus.

Eggs and sperm are placed in the uterus immediately after being brought together in laboratory glassware.

Some strains of the human immunodeficiency virus can cause cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, anus, and mouth and throat.

The slow block occurs when the zona pellucida is converted into the fertilization Membrane.

Notochord--mesoderm; thyroid and parathyroid glands--endoderm; nervous system--ectoderm.

Morphogens diffuse away from high concentration areas in the embryo to form a pattern of tissue development.

The nervous system, heart, chorionic villi, umbilical cord, and limb buds are some of the structures that begin to develop between the third and Page A-15 fifth weeks.

The ovaries stop producing hormones from the anterior pituitary.

There are theories that suggest aging is due to an accumulate of cellular damage.

The songs whitecrowned sparrows learn can be influenced by social interactions.

honeybees do a waggle dance to guide other bees to a food source, vervet monkeys have calls that make other vervets run away, and pheromones are used to mark a territory so other individuals of that species will stay away.

The recipient needs to be present when a message is sent but can be modified with chemical or visual.

In order to get a reliable source of food, defending a territory is often done.

Features that increase an animal's chance of producing offspring are favored by both reproductive strategy and sexual selection.

When an offspring helps its parents raise siblings, the helpers may be increasing the presence of their own genes in the next generation.

The point at which the size of the population has reached the environment's carrying capacity is whenential growth ceases.

Growth ceases when the population reaches or exceeds carrying capacity.

If a flash flood occurs, mice that can stay afloat will survive and reproduce, whereas those that quickly sink will not.

Population size can change due to Intrinsic factors such as anatomy, physiology, and behaviors.

Humans burn fossil fuels and destroy forests that take up CO2 in order to return CO2 to the atmosphere.

Modern agricultural practices that produce large amounts of nitrous oxide and alterations of landscapes that produce large amounts of carbon dioxide are some of the factors contributing to climate change.

Taking small steps in the home can help decrease our impact on climate change.

We can use low-flow water fixtures, usensulating drafty areas of Page A-16, and switch to ENERGY STAR appliances to save on energy consumption for heating and cooling.

A tropical rain forest has a canopy of evergreen trees with trunks at ground level.

The forest floor is very sparse and the understory consists of smaller plants.

Oak, beech, sycamore, and maple are some of the trees that lose leaves in the fall.

A layer of understory trees are allowed by the light penetrating the canopy.

The heat of the sun causes water to evaporate and fall back as rain, which eventually moves to the sea.

Conserving natural resources is important for preserving all species now and in the future.

Data provided by many disciplines in basic and applied biology supports the goal of preserving biodiversity.

Rates of photosynthesis, response to elevated carbon dioxide levels, degree of resource acquisition and retention, and the ability to survive environmental changes are thought to be correlated with levels of biodiversity.

The keystone species include bats in tropical forests of the Old World, grizzly bears in the northwestern United States and Canada, beavers in wetlands, bison in grassland, and elephants in swamps.

Molecules are tending to raise the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution.

Sulfate or nitrate salts of acids can return to Earth in rain or snow.

The immune system's response to a vaccine can allow for the production of antibodies.

Modification of structure, function, or behavior makes a species more suited to its environment.

The inside of capillaries and transport vessels are where hydrogen bonds are formed.

Mineralocorticoids, such as aldosterone and cortisol, are produced by the outer portion of the adrenal glands.

A form of white blood cell that does not have spherical vesicles.

The formation of blood vessels in mammals is caused by extraembryonic membrane that accumulates nitrogenous waste in the eggs of animals.

Alleles occur at the same place on the same chromosomes in an alternative form of a gene.

New species arise due to an interruption of gene flow between populations that are separated geographically, according to a model.

The genomes of two or more different species are contained in a polyploid organisms.

Land plants have a life cycle in which a diploid sporophyte alternates with a haploid gametophyte.

There is a disease of the central nervous system that is characterized by a build up of plaques and tangles in the hippocampus and amygdala.

Nitrogenous end product requires a lot of water to excrete because it is toxic.

A fluid-filled sac is formed by the extraembryonic membrane of birds, reptiles, and mammals.

The amniote groups are the reptiles (including birds) and mammals.

Page G-2 frog, toads, and salamanders are tied to a watery environment for reproduction.

The brain's limbic system is associated with emotional experiences.

A severe form of anaphylaxis involves a rapid drop in blood pressure, impaired breathing, and bronchiolar constriction.

Blood pressure is raised by the production of angiotensinogen by the kidneys and lungs.

The presence of muscular and nervous tissue is what characterizes animals.

The shape of the immune system cells allows them to combine with a specific antigen.

The immune system can defend the body against a particular antigen by displaying it to certain cells.

The major systemic arteries in humans take blood from the heart to the tissues.

Parasitic protozoans, formerly called sporozoans, that lack mobility and form spores, are now named for a unique collection of organelles.

A cascade of specific cellular events leads to death and destruction of the cell.

A small appendage that extends from the cecum of the large intestine in humans.

Land plants and red and green algae are included in the super group.

reproduction that produces genetically identical offspring requires only one parent and does not involve gametes Plants take up ammonia and nitrate from the soil and use it to make nucleic acids.

The form of cardiovascular disease is caused by the build up of cholesterol in the arteries.

The vertical support or axis includes the skull, rib cage, and the vertebral column.

A portion of a neuron that conducts nerve impulses from the cell body to the synapse.

Lymphocytes that mature in the bone marrow give rise to antibodies when stimulated by a specific antigen.

Murray Barr was the discoverer of the X chromosome in the cell nuclei of female mammals.

Reducing the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution will raise the pH numerically.

HCO - 3 is the chemical formula for buffering the blood and the form in which carbon dioxide is transported in the bloodstream.

The secretion of the liver that is temporarily stored and concentrated in the gallbladder is what causes fat to accumulate.

The total number of species, the variability of their genes, and the communities in which they live.

Exchange pools, storage areas, and biotic communities are involved in the pathway of elements such as carbon and nitrogen.

The area of scientific study uses computer technologies to analyze large sets of data.

One of the biosphere's major communities is characterized by certain types of plants and animals.

The use of genetic engineering and DNA technology can be used to make a product that benefits an environment.

A reptile that has feathers and wings is often adapted for flight and lays hard-shelled eggs.

Homologous chromosomes, each having sister chromatids that are joined by a nucleoprotein lattice during meiosis, are also called a tetrad.

clams, oysters, and scallops are types of mollusc with a shell composed of two valves.

The expanded portion of the land plant leaf may be single or compound.

The early stage of human development consists of a hollow ball of cells.

Natural disasters or human interference can cause a type of genetic drift.

The brain is located in the skull at the anterior end of the nerve cord.

Asexual reproduction is when a new organisms develops as an outgrowth of the parent's body.

The male sex glands produce pre Page G-4 ejaculate fluid.

The amount of heat energy is needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water.

A form of photosynthesis in plants that separates the light-dependent and Calvin reactions by time is called crassulacean-acid metabolism.

A single lens focuses an image on closely packed photoreceptors.

The process of hiding from predator allows it to blend into the background and prevent detection.

Malignant tumors have nondifferentiated cells that exhibit loss of contact inhibition and the ability to invade tissue.

Gases and other substances are exchanged between the walls of a capillary between blood and interstitial fluid.

Monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides are included in the class of organic compounds that typically contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio.

The Calvin cycle reactions occur when carbon dioxide gas is attached to an organic compound.

Animals have an organ system that is involved in blood circulation.

The xanthophylls and the carotenes are the two classes of the accessory photosynthetic pigment of plants and algae.

A person with no apparent abnormality can pass on an allele for a genetic disorder.

A molecule or an ion can be transported across the plasma membrane with the help of a piece ofprotein.

Chondrichthyes have a cartilaginous skeleton and include sharks, rays, and skates.

Water and solute transport between adjacent cells are prevented by a layer of impermeable lignin and suberin.

Catabolic metabolism is the process of breaking down large molecule into smaller ones.

The transmission of light to the retina is prevented when the lens of the eye becomes opaque.

The appearance of change through time was proposed by the belief that periods of catastrophic extinctions occurred after the repopulation of surviving species.

The stages G1, S, G2, and M are part of an ordered sequence of events that involves cell growth and nuclear division.

The body's defense against pathogens is aided by the identification of self and the formation of the plasmamembrane.

Drug, cosmetics, or agricultural chemicals can be produced by small clumps of naked plant cells grown in tissue culture.

The cell's shape and rigidity are maintained by the cellular structure that surrounds it.

A plasmodium is formed by free-living amoeboid cells that feed onbacteria and yeasts.

The type of mollusc in which the head is prominent and the foot is modified to form two arms and several tentacles includes squids, cuttlefish, octopuses, and nautiluses.

The outer layer of cerebral hemispheres receives sensory information and controls motor activities.

The dense thickets formed by broad-leafed evergreen shrubs are adapted to being exposed to fire.

When similar species belong to the same community than they are isolated from one another, tendencies for characteristics to be more different.

The type of living green algae is most closely related to land plants.

A pair of pointed appendages are used to manipulate food in arthropods.

The process by which mitochondria and chloroplasts use the energy of an electron transport chain to create a hydrogen ion gradient.

The most abundant and diverse group of green algae are freshwater, marine, and terrestrial forms.

An animal with a tubular nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal gill pouch, and a postanal tail at some point in its life cycle is included.

A pair of sister chromatids are held together at the centromere, each with a single DNA helix.

Frequent alcohol consumption can cause chronic injury to the liver.

A branching diagram is used in cladistics to show the relationship between species.

The taxon above the order level is a category used by taxonomists to group species.

The weather patterns of an area are determined by temperature and average precipitation.

Evidence shows that the recent changes in the Earth's climate are due to human influence.

When succession comes to an end in ecology, there is a mature and stable community.

Coagulation is the body's response to an injury in the vessels of the circulatory system.

A three-base sequence in messenger RNA directs the addition of a particular amino acid or terminates the process.

An identifying characteristic in animal classification is the method by which the coelom is formed.

The reabsorption of water occurs in the duct that receives fluid from several nephrons.

All animals are descended from a hollow colony of flagellated cells, most likely resembling modern choanoflagellates.

There is a form of enzyme inhibition in which the substrates and the inhibitor bind to the active site.

Some of the enzymes and activators in the blood may bind to an antibody and cause a foreign cell to break.

The type of eye found in arthropods is composed of many independent visual units.

Discipline seeks to understand the effects of human activities on species, communities, and ecosystems and to develop practical approaches to preventing the extinction of species.

A standard against which the results of an experiment are checked is a sample that does not contain the variable being tested.

In plants and animals, the ground tissue in stems and roots is the same as the outer layer of an organ.

Decreases inflammation and promotes fat metabolism by the adrenal cortex, which responds to stress on a long-term basis.

A member of a group of arthropods that include shrimps, crabs, crayfish, and lobsters.

Touch, pain, pressure, and temperature are some of the things that the sensory receptors of the dermis are activated by.

Plants are protected against water loss and disease by a layer of wax.

Gymnosperms with large cones and palmate leaves are found in the tropics and subtropics.

The resting structure in protists and invertebrates contains reproductive bodies.

The electron transport chain in photosynthesis and cellular respiration is made up of several iron-based proteins.

The process that parcels out the maternal determinants plays a role in development.

Allergic response is initiated at the site of the allergen by sensitized T cells.

The loss of an internal segment can be caused by a change in the structure of the chromosomes.

It's usually caused by a less than optimal pH and temperature, so that the normal shape of the enzyme is lost.

The conversion of nitrate or nitrite to nitrogen gas is carried out bybacteria in the soil.

Population size can be affected by abiotic factors, such as fire or flood.

Structural, physiological, or behavioral trait is not present in the common ancestor of several related lineages.

The first embryonic opening, the blastopore, is associated with the anus in a group of coelomate animals.

A contraceptive device that prevents sperm from reaching the egg is found in mammals.

There is a photosynthetic protist with two flagella, one whiplash and the other located within a grooves between protective plates.

The large reptiles that existed prior to the start of the Cretaceous period are referred to as a general term.

In a changing environment, the outcome of natural selection in which an extreme phenotype is favored.

Natural selection in which the two extreme phenotypes are favored over the average one leads to more than one form.

Variations in the number of small segments of DNA can be used to identify an individual.

Gene chips are glass or plastic slides containing thousands of single stranded DNA fragments arranged in an array.

The original base sequence is restored in an altered strand of DNA.

One of the three domains of life contains prokaryotic cells that are different from archaea because they have their own unique genetic, biochemical, and physiological characteristics.

Protists, plants, and animals are included in one of the three domains of life.

Changes in the makeup of a community can be gradual or begin with the creation of new soil.

The outer layer of the embryo gives rise to the nervous system and the integument.

The organisms can respond to environmental stimuli by receiving signals from motor fibers.

Warming of water in the eastern Pacific equatorial region can cause the Humboldt Current to be displaced and result in a reduction in marine life.

In the middle stage of translation, additional amino acids are added to the growing polypeptide.

The process by which substances are moved from the environment to the cell is called endocytosis.

The linings of the digestive tract and associated structures are formed by the inner primary tissue layer of an animal embryo.

Organisms that maintain a constant body temperature are independent of the environment.

Capacity to do work and bring about change can be found in a variety of forms.

Red blood cell formation is accelerated by a hormone produced by the kidneys.

In plants, a substance that cannot be produced in sufficient quantities by the body must be obtained from the diet.

When a plant is grown in the dark, the leaves are yellow and shoot length increases.

Natural selection is the result of genetic change in a species and the descent of organisms from a common ancestor.

Euglenids, kinetoplastids, parabasalids, and diplomonads are part of the super group.

The portion of the gene that remains within the mRNA after it has been splicing has been contained in the segment.

There is a condition associated with an enlargement of the thyroid glands and an abnormal appearance of the eyes.

The process of mixing top and bottom waters occurs in the fall.

Anaerobic breakdown of glucose results in a gain of two end products, such as alcohol and lactate, in the cell's cytoplasm.

A member of a group of land plants that have large fronds, the independent gametophyte produces flagellated sperm in the sexual life cycle.

Membranous is a process used in fishes and other aquatic animals to propel, balance, or guide the body.

The metabolism of a cell is altered by a chemical signal that involves a peptide hormone and a second messenger.

fishes were among the earliest vertebrates that evolved and have fins and skin covered with scales.

The kingdoms Monera, Protista, Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi are included in the system of classification.

Thenate behavior pattern is stereotyped, spontaneously, genetically, and independently of individual learning.

Animals that evoke a strong emotional response in humans are lions, tigers, dolphins, and pandas.

The reproductive organ of a flowering plant consists of several kinds of modified leaves arranged in rings and attached to a stem called the receptacle.

The model is based on the changing location and pattern of the proteins in the bilayer.

In males and females, the anterior pituitary releases hormones that promote the production of sperm and the development of the follicle in the ovary.

The flow of energy from a detritivore to the final consumer is shown by the order in which one population feeds on another.

The feeding relationships between organisms in the community are represented by a complex pattern of interdependent food chains.

The Earth's crust contains evidence of past organisms.

There is a specific cluster of atoms attached to the carbon skeleton of the organic molecule.

Gametes that unite to form a diploid zygote are produced by haploid generation of the life cycle of a plant.

The formation of a gastrula from a blastula is characterized by invagination to form cell layers of a caplike structure.

Molecules are separated by passing them through a matrix based on their size and electrical charge.

Each codon has three bases that stand for one of the 20 amino acids found in the human body.

Alterations to the genomes of organisms are usually for the purpose of enhancing a trait or a product beneficial to humans.

The process in which chromosomes are broken and rejoined to form novel combinations can be used to give offspring alleles that are different from their parents.

Endoncleases are used to target specific sequences of DNA for the addition or removal of nucleotides.

Human activities that promote the greenhouse effect are predicted to increase the Earth's temperature.

The hormone produced by the pancreas raises blood sugar levels.

The coating protects the bacterium against drying out and the host's immune system.

sacs and vesicles are part of the Organelle that processes, packages, and distributes molecule about or from the cell.

The anterior pituitary has a substance that regulates the activity of the ovaries and testes.

The roots and stems of plants show a growth response to the Earth's gravity.

Nonmyelinated cells and axons can be found in the central nervous system.

The greenhouse effect is caused by gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, ozone, and nitrous oxide.

Most of the body of a plant is comprised of parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells.

The substance produced by the anterior pituitary controls the size of an individual.

Changes in the turgor pressure of the cells surrounding the leaf stoma can cause it to open or close.

Water droplets are freed from the edges and tips of leaves.

A type of plant in which the seeds are not enclosed by fruit and can be found in cones.

Genotypic and allele frequencies will not change in a population when there are no other evolutionary influences.

Nonrandom mating, selection, migration, and genetic drift are some of the influences.

Muscular organs cause blood to circulate in the body of an animal.

Perennial plants tend to die back to ground at the end of the growing season.

The substance produced by basophils in blood and mast cells causes capillaries to dilate.

The homeobox of homeotic genes contains a region of transcription factors.

There is a bryophyte with a thin gametophyte and a small sporophyte that resembles a broom handle.

Cartilage has cells in lacunae separated by a white, translucent matrix.

Prezygotic isolation mechanisms prevent interbreeding between two different species.

There are hot springs in the seafloor along ocean ridges where heated seawater and sulfate react to produce hydrogen sulfide.

A negative charge is created when a water molecule loses an electron when it splits.

Caused by the oversecretion of hormones, symptoms include nervousness and insomnia.

The cell loses water by osmosis when thesolute concentration is higher than the cytoplasm.

Symptoms include weight gain, depression, and lethargic behavior.

The allergic response is caused by the attachment of the allergen to IgE antibodies.

Young animals form an association with the first moving object they are exposed to.

Mating between closely related individuals affects the ratio of the genes in the pool.

Personal reproduction and helping nondescendant relatives reproduce result in fitness.

A molecule that brings about activity of an operon by joining with a repressor and preventing it from binding to the operator.

The process of logic and reasoning is used to arrive at general scientific principles.

The injury's tissue response is characterized by redness, swelling, pain, and heat.

According to Lamarckian beliefs, characteristics acquired during the lifetime of an organisms can be passed on to offspring.

A previous exposure to the pathogen is not required for an immune response.

The release of hormones by the pancreas lowers blood sugar levels by stimulating the growth of cells in the body.

There are excitatory and inhibitory signals coming from a neuron or part of the brain.

Ropelike assembly of fibrous polypeptides in the cytoskeleton are called because they are intermediate in size between actin and microtubules.

The fluid surrounds the body's cells and consists of dissolved substances that leave the blood capillaries.

Alteration of gene activity and abnormality can be caused by a change in the structure of the chromosomes.

The hypothesis was that the materials needed for abiotic synthesis were provided by the ocean thermal vents.

Proposes that the level of diversity on an island is dependent on the distance from the mainland.

There is a yellow tint to the skin caused by an abnormal amount of bilirubin in the blood.

The two organs of the urinary system regulate the chemical composition of the blood and produce a waste product called urine.

The flagellate protist characterized Page G-14 by the presence of a large mass of DNA.

The voice box is located between the pharynx and the trachea and is sometimes called the cartilaginous organ.

The canal system allows fishes to detect water currents and pressure waves.

The basic functions of the natural world are described by the universal principle.

The hormones produced by the fat cells act on the hypothalamus to signal satiety.

Individuals grow, develop, maintain themselves and reproduce in a recurring pattern of genetically programmed events.

The portion of photosynthesis that captures solar energy takes place in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts.

Learning and memory are governed by the functional association of various brain centers, including the amygdala and hippocampus.

The abundance and distribution of an organisms is restricted by a resource or environmental condition.

Fats and oils are part of the class of organic compounds that tend to be in nonpolar solvents.

There is a large, dark red internal organ that produces urea and bile, as well as other functions.

Population increase results in an S-shaped curve, with growth slow at first, steepens, and then levels off due to environmental resistance.

Any part of the respiratory system can be affected by unregulated cell growth.

The anterior pituitary releases hormones that regulate the production of testosterone by the interstitial cells in males and the development of the corpus luteum in females.

The smallest vessel of the lymphatic system is responsible for the excretion of fluids.

Bacteriophage life cycle in which the virus takes over the operation of the bacterium immediately upon entering it and destroys it.

Nitrogen, calcium, or sulfur are essential elements for plant growth.

Reduced vision and blindness can be caused by a condition in which the capillaries supplying the eye's retina become damaged.

Soft wetlands are covered in water and often contain rushes, reeds, or grasses.

An immature young nursed in a marsupium is a member of a group of mammals.

The part of the brain stem that is continuous with the spine is what controls vital functions in animals.

One of the two types of spores produced by seed plants develops into a female gametophyte.

The specialized cell in the skin's surface is responsible for producing melanin.

The capacity of the brain to store and retrieve information is essential to learning.

During a primary immune response, the forms enter a resting phase.

There is a transparent, jellylike substance between the temporomandibular joint of some sponges and cnidarians.

The type ofRNA was formed from a DNA template and had information for the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.

A series of linked reactions begin with a reactant and end with a product.

The type of archaean that lives in swamps releases methane gas.

The supportive cells of the nervous system help remove debris from the brain.

Small amounts of essential elements are needed for plant growth.

The properties of today's cells are similar to those of the formed fromproteinoids exposed to water.

A male gametophyte develops into apollen grain, one of the two types of spores produced by seed plants.

There is a small, cylindrical organelle composed of tubulin that is present in the cytoplasm, centrioles, and flagella.

In mammals, the part of the brain located below the thalamus and above the pons serves as a relay station.

A more-or-less cylindrical arthropod has two pairs of short legs on most of its body segments.

A survival mechanism that appears to be noxious is superficial resemblance to two or more species.

Minerals are needed in the diet for naturally occurring substance containing two or more elements.

The process in which a parent nucleus makes two daughter nuclei, each with the same number and kinds of chromosomes, is the stage of cellular reproduction in which nuclear division occurs.

A mass of hyphae (filaments) that grow on organic matter, such as human food and clothing, is the body of various fungi.

The idea is that the rate at which certain genes change over time is not related to adaptation to the environment.

The flowering plant group has one embryonic leaf, parallel-veined leaves, scattered vascular bundles, flower parts in threes or multiples of three, and other characteristics.

After it becomes a macrophage, the type of agranular leukocyte that functions as a phagocyte is also an antigenpresenting cell.

The climate in India and southern Asia is caused by wet ocean winds.

The people enjoy a good standard of living in a country that is industrialized.

The disease of the central nervous system is characterized by the breakdown of myelin in the neurons.

A type of animal tissue composed of long and short fibers.

The source of new variation for a species is any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA.

The vegetative body of a fungus is composed of a large mass of hyphal filaments.

A covering for nerve fibers is formed by white, fatty material.

Specific muscle cell organelle has a linear arrangement of sarcomeres.

The sarcomere is made up of muscle protein that pulls actin to shorten it.

Environmental selection of organisms that have heritable variation and compete for resources results in adaptation to the environment.

A man with a sturdy build that lived during the last Ice Age in Europe and the Middle East hunted large game and left evidence of being culturally advanced.

A threadlike fiber in a capsule aids in the capture of prey in cnidarians.

Nerve cells, which conduct impulses, and neuroglia, which support and protect them, are contained in this tissue.

The future location of the neural tube is marked by the region of the dorsal surface of the embryo.

A disease that damages or impairs the function of nervous tissue is usually caused by a prion, virus, or bacterium.

Nitrogen in ammonia and organic compounds is converted to nitrates and nitrites by soilbacteria.

The process of assigning names to groups is determined by governing organizations.

The postganglionic fibers in the sympathetic division of the autonomic system are called noradrenaline.

At some point in their life cycle, the supportive dorsal rod is replaced by the vertebrae.

The ribosomal subunits are able to leave the nucleus through the opening in the nuclear envelope.

Nucleariids lack the same type of cell wall and have threadlike pseudopods, which may be related to protist.

The region of prokaryotic cells where DNA is located is not bound by a nuclear envelope.

In the presence of free oxygen, prokaryote is unable to grow.

Recording data from an experiment or natural event is the initial step in the scientific method.

The liquid form of Triglyceride is usually composed of glycerol and three fatty acids and is liquid in consistency due to many unsaturated bonds in the hydrocarbon chains of the fatty acids.

The expression of structural genes is regulated by the sequence of DNA that serves as a binding site for a repressor.

The taxon is located above the family level and is used by taxonomists to group species.

The amount of liquid on the side of the membrane with higher solute concentration can be seen as the tendency of water to move across it.

Loss of bone density is associated with levels of sex hormones and diet.

A group that is not a member of the taxa is being analyzed in a cladistic study of evolutionary relationships among organisms.

The level of sex hormones in the blood is determined by monthly changes in the ovary.

In flowering plants, the enlarged ovule-bearing portion of the carpel that develops into a fruit.

During strenuous muscle activity, the amount of oxygen required to oxidize lactic acid is produced.

The contraction of the uterus and milk letdown is caused by the release of hormones.

The hormones produced by the four parathyroid glands increase and decrease the levels of calcium and phosphate in the body.

The final shape of an organisms is determined by the positioning of cells during development.

The portion of the skeleton that provides support and attachment for the upper limbs is located on each side of the body.

The intestines break down short chains of amino acids to individual ones that are absorbed across the wall.

A flower part that is conspicuously colored to attract pollinators.

Cells form an intracellular vacuole when they process large substances.

A chemical messenger that works at a distance changes the behavior of another member of the same species.

Plants have a series of reactions when carbon dioxide levels are low but oxygen is still present.

Part of plankton containing organisms that photosynthesize, releasing oxygen to the atmosphere and serving as the main producers in aquatic ecosystems.

The early colonizer of barren or disturbed habitats usually has rapid growth and a high dispersal rate.

During the development of mammals from the chorion and the uterine wall, an organ is formed that allows the embryo and fetus to get nutrition and excrete waste.

The species that rely on internal development is called eutherian.

The organisms that are suspended on or near the surface of the water include zooplankton.

The entrance and exit ofmolecules from the cell are regulated by a Membrane surrounding the cytoplasm.

There is a free-living mass of cytoplasm that moves by pseudopods on a forest floor or in a field.

The Earth's crust is divided into plates with movements that account for continental drift.

The filling of the bronchi and alveoli with fluid is a condition of the respiratory system.

Three of the four cells produced by meiosis are polar bodies, which is a nonfunctional product of oogenesis.

When a pollen grain lands on the stigma in a seed plant, a tube forms.

The tube grows, passing between the cells of the stigma and the style to reach the egg inside the ovule.

The practice of female animals having several male mates is found in the New World monkeys.

A trait is controlled by several allelic pairs in a pattern of inheritance.

Small, abnormal growth that arises from the epithelial lining is found in the body form that is directed upward.

The medulla oblongata regulates the breathing rate by controlling the portion of the brain stem above it.

The mechanism of homeostatic response increases the output of the system.

A reaction that oxidizes pyruvate with the release of carbon dioxide results in acetyl CoA.

Explanation for phloem transport, osmotic pressure following active transport of sugar into phloem produces a flow of sap from a source to a sink.

Page G-20 monkeys, apes, and hominins have adapted to living in trees.

Green plants on land and algae in water are what photosynthetic organisms make their own food from.

A segment of a tapeworm that contains both male and female sex organs becomes a bag of eggs.

The anterior pituitary produces a hormone that stimulates the production of milk.

Male humans produce an alkaline, cloudy fluid that increases the sperm's ability to travel.

Posttranslational control of gene expression is achieved by cells using a cellular structure containing proteases.

In chemical evolution, the proposal that made possible the formation of Protocells came before other macromolecules.

In biological evolution, a spherical grouping of lipids becomes a cell once it acquires genes.

The sound was felt in the walls of the arteries due to the expansion of the aorta.

The expected results of simple genetic crosses are calculated using a visual representation developed by Punnett.

The amount of light entering the eye is regulated by opening in the center of the iris.

Favorable life history strategy is characterized by a high reproductive rate with little or no attention given to offspring survival.

Similar parts are arranged around a central axis in a body plan.

A protist has a glassy Silicon test with a radial arrangement of spines and pseudopods outside.

A mechanism for the cell to sense and adjust to its surroundings is provided by a type of membrane protein.

Coralline algae of coral reefs are included in marine protists.

The site of blood cell formation can be found in the cavities of the bone.

The coastal waters turn red due to a population bloom of dinoflagellates.

When a neuron is unable to conduct another nerve impulse, time is following an action potential.

A rise in blood pressure is caused by the release of the kidneys'sidase that leads to the production of aldosterone.

There is an egg with a leathery shell and internal fertilization of snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, and birds.

The mechanism increases the number of niches by dividing the resources between the species.

The medulla oblongata has a group of nerve cells that send out impulses on a rhythmic basis.

The area of the brain that contains the reticular formation acts as a relay for information to and from the peripheral nervous system and higher processing centers of the brain.

The matrix of the tissue is very thin with branched and delicate supporting networks.

The retroviruses have a viralidase that is capable of converting their genome into a DNA copy.

messengerRNA, ribosomalRNA, and transferRNA are some of the forms of nucleic acid produced from the sugar ribose.

There is a cellular process that uses miRNA and siRNA to reduce or prevent the expression of specific genes.

The formation of the first cell(s) was allowed by the proposal that RNA originated before other macromolecules.

The majority of cell division takes place under the root cap.

The extension of a root cell increases the surface area for absorption of water and minerals.

Water is elevated in the xylem for a short time due to osmotic pressure caused by minerals moving into root cells.

When beating a ciliated corona, Microscopic invertebrates look like a rotating wheel.

The system of tubules, vesicles, and sacs in cells has attached ribosomes.

Calvin cycle reactions can be started by catalyzing the attachment of the carbon atom from CO2 to RuBP.

The first chamber in the ruminant mammal's stomach is where the complex carbohydrates are broken down.

Morels, truffles, yeasts, and molds are some of the organisms that produce asci within a fuiting body.

Organism absorbs and excretes food and water back into the body.

The grassland in Africa is characterized by few trees and a severe dry season.

The myelin sheath is a cell that surrounds a peripheral nerve.

Scientists formulate a hypothesis, gather data by observation and experimentation, and come to a conclusion.

The plant tissue has heavily Page G-22 lignified cell walls.

There are hooks and suckers for attachment to host and feeding in the tapeworm head region.

A chemical signal that causes the cell to respond to a first messenger is called cyclicAMP.

In plants, the molecule not directly involved in growth, development, or reproduction can be used to discourage herbivores.

The process of DNA replication results in two double helix molecule, each with one parent and one new strand.

Male humans produce a fluid that provides nutrition to their sperm cells.

A sensory neuron is a part of a structure that receives either external or internal stimuli.

The offspring of meiosis, gamete formation, and fertilization have a unique combination of genes.

The process of analyzing DNA in which a banding pattern is created is usually unique for each individual.

Plants with shorter day lengths include cocklebur, poinsettia, and chrysanthemum.

There is an aridterrestrial area characterized by shrubs and tending to occur along coasts that have dry summers and receive most of their rain in the winter.

A fixed action pattern or unchanging behavioral response is caused by the environmentaltrigger.

An explanation for muscle contraction is based on the movement of actin filaments.

The system of tubules, vesicles, and sacs in cells lacks ribosomes.

Group in which members of a species are organized in a way that extends beyond sexual and parental behavior.

The growth of vegetation can be supported by the addition of rock material and organic matter.

The A horizon is the major layer of soil visible in the vertical profile.

The skin, joints, and skeletal muscles are served by a portion of the peripheral nervous system.

Group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring; organisms that share a common gene pool; and the taxon at the lowest level of classification.

The male gamete has a haploid number of chromosomes and can fertilize an egg.

sponges composed of calcium carbonate or silicate have a Skeletal structure.

A long, rod-shaped bacterium that is twisted into a rigid spiral is called a spirochete.

The upper left region of the abdomen has a large glandular organ.

A single-celled choanoflagellate is what invertebrates look like when they have their inner body wall lined with collar cells.

A layer of tissue in a plant leaf increases the surface area for gas exchange.

There are anomalies in normal biological processes that lead to the creation of a new variation.

The process of mixing top and bottom waters occurs in the spring.

Storage polysaccharide found in plants is joined in a linear fashion with few side chains.

The upright, vertical portion of a plant transports substances to and from the leaves.

The type of hormone has the same complex of four carbon rings, but each one has different side chains.

The muscular sac mixes food with gastric juices to form chyme.

There are alternating light and dark bands in cardiac and skeletal muscle.

The region that surrounds the grana contains the enzymes involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates during the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis.

The attraction of water through hydrogen bonds causes moist membranes to be held together.

The number of times a cell can divide may be regulated by the tip of the end of a chromosomes.

The forest south of the taiga is characterized by trees such as oak, beech, and maple, moderate climate, and plentiful ground life.

The North American prairies are characterized by very cold winters and hot summers.

There is aiferous forest that runs along the west coast of Canada and the United States.

The portion of the diencephalon that passes on sensory information to the cerebrum is found in animals.

Scientific studies and experimentation have supported an explanation of a specific aspect of the natural world.

A type of archaean that lives in hot, acidic, aquatic habitats.

The gray wolf and Louisiana black bear are likely to become extinct in the foreseeable future.

The location where the light reactions of photosynthesis occur is where the sac is Flattened.

The immune system involves the development and functioning of the Lymphoid organ.

Several important hormones, including triiodothyronine, are produced by a large gland in the neck.

The growth and development of the cells is stimulated by the hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

There are many toxins that can cause disease on contact with or absorption by body tissues.

A type of cell in xylem that has pits and ends that allow water and minerals to flow through.

The hydrogen atoms are not on the same side as the carbon-carbon double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acid chain.

The first stage of gene expression is when a DNA strand serves as a template.

The initiation of transcription can be accomplished by binding the enhancer regulatory regions to the protein.

The ciliates contain barbed threads that are useful for defense and capturing prey.

There are two bands of cilia around the middle of the type of protostome that produces the trochophore larva.

The equator in South America, Africa, and the Indo-Malayan regions contains the greatest diversity of species in the world.

Molecules from blood are moved into the tubule of a nephron to be added to urine.

The cell cycle is normally suppressed by a Gene that codes for a protein that can lead to a tumor.

Plants have internal support because of the pressure against the cell wall and the water content of the vacuole.

Blood vessels pass through the cord connecting the fetus to the placenta.

A saturated hydrocarbon chain has more hydrogens than a double bonds molecule.

It replaces surface waters that move away from shore when the direction of prevailing wind changes.

Eggs pass through the expanded portion of the female reproductive tract to the environment or embryo before birth in mammals.

The penis is received during copulation in the female reproductive system.

The storage location for mature sperm is called the ductus deferens.

The superior or inferior vena cava is a large systemic vein that returns blood to the heart.

The portion of the body that houses the spine is separated by intervertebral disks.

Problems in the semicircular canals in the ear are associated with equilibrium disorder.

An outer capsid and an inner core of nucleic acid are the noncellular parasites.

The ability of the eye to focus at different distances can be changed by the lens.

The folds of tissue within the larynx create vocal sounds when they vibrate.

Water molecule joined together in xylem from the leaves to the roots in plants.

There are several types of leukocytes, each with a specific function in protecting the body from invasion.

The tissue that transports water and mineral solutes upward through the plant body contains vessel elements.

The first site for blood cell formation in mammals is the extraembryonic membranes, which contains yolk.

Part of plankton contains animals that act as the primary consumers of water.

Sexual reproduction of black bread mold involves a thick-walled zygospore.

Unit 1: The Cell Chapter 2: Basic Chemistry 2.1 Chemical Elements 2.2 Molecules and Compounds 2.3 Chemistry of Water 2.4 Acids and Bases Chapter 3: The Chemistry of Organic Molecules 3.1 Organic Molecules 3.2 Carbohydrates 3.3 Lipids 3.4 Proteins 3.5 Nucleic Acids Chapter 4: Cell Structure and Function 4.1 Cellular Level of Organization 4.2 Prokaryotic Cells 4.3 Introduction to Eukaryotic Cells 4.4 The Nucleus and Ribosomes 4.5 The Endomembrane System 4.6 Microbodies and Vacuoles 4.7 The Energy-Related Organelles 4.8 The Cytoskeleton Chapter 5: Membrane Structure and Function 5.1 Plasma Membrane Structure and Function 5.2 Passive Transport Across a Membrane 5.3 Active Transport Across a Membrane 5.4 Modification of Cell Surfaces Chapter 6: Metabolism: Energy and Enzymes 6.1 Cells and the Flow of Energy 6.2 Metabolic Reactions and Energy Transformations 6.3 Metabolic Pathways and Enzymes 6.4 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions and Metabolism Chapter 7: Photosynthesis 7.1 Photosynthetic Organisms 7.2 The Process of Photosynthesis 7.3 Plants Convert Solar Energy 7.4 Plants Fix Carbon Dioxide 7.5 Other Types of Photosynthesis Chapter 8: Cellular Respiration 8.1 Overview of Cellular Respiration 8.2 Outside the Mitochondria: Glycolysis 8.3 Outside the Mitochondria: Fermentation 8.4 Inside the Mitochondria 8.5 Metabolism Unit 2: Genetic Basis of Life Chapter 9: The Cell Cycle and Cellular Reproduction 9.1 The Cell Cycle 9.2 The Eukaryotic Chromosome 9.3 Mitosis and Cytokinesis 9.4 The Cell Cycle and Cancer 9.5 Prokaryotic Cell Division Chapter 10: Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction 10.1 Overview of Meiosis 10.2 Genetic Variation 10.3 The Phases of Meiosis 10.4 Meiosis Compared to Mitosis 10.5 The Cycle of Life 10.6 Changes in Chromosome Number and Structure Chapter 11: Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance 11.1 Gregor Mendel 11.2 Mendel's Laws 11.3 Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance and Human Disease 11.4 Beyond Mendelian Inheritance Chapter 12: Molecular Biology of the Gene 12.1 The Genetic Material 12.2 Replication of DNA 12.3 Gene Expression: RNA and the Genetic Code 12.4 Gene Expression: Transcription 12.5 Gene Expression: Translation Chapter 13: Regulation of Gene Expression 13.1 Prokaryotic Regulation 13.2 Eukaryotic Regulation 13.3 Gene Mutations Chapter 14: Biotechnology and Genomics 14.1 DNA Technology 14.2 Biotechnology Products 14.3 Gene Therapy 14.4 Genomics Unit 3: Evolution Chapter 15: Darwin and Evolution 15.1 History of Evolutionary Thought 15.2 Darwin's Theory of Evolution 15.3 Evidence for Evolution Chapter 16: How Populations Evolve 16.1 Genes, Populations, and Evolution 16.2 Natural Selection 16.3 Maintenance of Diversity Chapter 17: Speciation and Macroevolution 17.1 How New Species Evolve 17.2 Modes of Speciation 17.3 Principles of Macroevolution Chapter 18: Origin and History of Life 18.1 Origin of Life 18.2 History of Life 18.3 Geological Factors That Influence Evolution Chapter 19: Taxonomy, Systematics, and Phylogeny 19.1 Systematic Biology 19.2 The Three-Domain System 19.3 Phylogeny Unit 4: Microbiology and Evolution Chapter 20: Viruses, Bacteria, and Archaea 20.1 Viruses, Viroids, and Prions 20.2 The Prokaryotes 20.3 The Bacteria 20.4 The Archaea Chapter 21: Protist Evolution and Diversity 21.1 General Biology of Protists 21.2 Supergroup Archaeplastida 21.3 Supergroup SAR 21.4 Supergroup Excavata 21.5 Supergroups Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta Chapter 22: Fungi Evolution and Diversity 22.1 Evolution and Characteristics of Fungi 22.2 Diversity of Fungi 22.3 Symbiotic Relationships of Fungi Unit 8: Behavior and Ecology Chapter 43: Behavioral Ecology 43.1 Inheritance Influences Behavior 43.2 The Environment Influences Behavior 43.3 Animal Communication 43.4 Behaviors That Increase Fitness Chapter 44: Population Ecology 44.1 Scope of Ecology 44.2 Demographics of Populations 44.3 Population Growth Models 44.4 Regulation of Population Size 44.5 Life History Patterns 44.6 Human Population Growth Chapter 45: Community and Ecosystem Ecology 45.1 Ecology of Communities 45.2 Community Development 45.3 Dynamics of an Ecosystem 45.4 Ecological Consequences of Climate Change Chapter 46: Major Ecosystems of the Biosphere 46.1 Climate and the Biosphere 46.2 Terrestrial Ecosystems 46.3 Aquatic Ecosystems Chapter 47: Conservation of Biodiversity 47.1 Conservation Biology and Biodiversity 47.2 Value of Biodiversity 47.3 Causes of Extinction 47.4 Conservation Techniques Appendices Appendix A: Periodic Table of Elements & The Metric System Appendix B: Answer Key Glossary Index

Hypotheses are tested by designing experiments that examine the contribution of a single experimental variable to the observation and by comparing the response of a test group to that of a control group in an experiment.

Humans benefit from having many different organisms for food, medicines, and raw materials.

Stable conditions that are suitable for the survival of humans and other organisms can be found in well- functioning ecosystems.

An emerging disease may spread quickly due to international travel.

Ions are formed when an electron is transferred away from an atom, creating a positively charged particle, or when an electron is accepted by an atom, creating a negatively charged particle.

The oxygen in water attracts the electrons it shares with hydrogen more strongly, resulting in greater electronegativity and a polar covalent bond.

The property of cohesion is demonstrated when hydrogen bonding results in the molecule of water clinging together.

This results in water's ability to absorb a lot of heat energy.

The carboxyl group more easily donates its hydrogen and functions as an acid when it is in a polar state.

Carbohydrates have a carbon to hydrogen to oxygen ratio of 1:2 and are chains of different lengths of sugar.

Humans don't have the ability to break the bonds in the cellulose that would make it possible to use it as an energy source.

Saturated fat acids tend to stack in certain places, such as blood vessels.

metabolism, structure, transportation, defense, hormone regulation, and contraction producing motion are some of the functions of proteins.

The cell can respond to changing environments more quickly with this division of labor.

Nuclear pores are used by cells to regulate what enters and leaves the nucleus.

Hereditary information in genes located in the nucleus is transcribed intoRNA molecule, some of which specify the sequence of the amino acid.

Golgi malfunction would prevent materials from reaching their destinations, disrupting cellular function and leading to cell death.

The hydrolytic-digestive enzymes in lysozymes destroy the nonfunctional parts of the cell.

The energy-requiring reactions of the cell are carried out by the Mitochondria, which break down carbohydrates to produce the energy-requiring molecule.

Chloroplasts and mitochondria are similar in size tobacteria, have multiple membranes, and have circular genomes.

The large surface area of the mitochondria provides a home for the enzymes involved in cellular respiration.

There is a large area in the chloroplasts to hold the chlorophyll and other pigments involved in photosynthesis.

Microtubule help maintain cellular shape and provide an internal road system used to transport materials.

The fatty acid tails of the phospholipids cause the pores to be hydrophobic.

The gap junctions allow small molecule and ion to pass from one cell to another.

The potential energy in a breakfast meal can be used to power a morning run.

The first law of thermodynamics states that cells can convert one form of energy to another.

The last group ofphosphates can be easily removed and the energy can be released.

A structural change can be brought about by the addition of a high-energy negatively charged phosphate.

The reactants are brought together at the active site or positioned so that they are ready to react.

Because they interact with their reactants in a specific way, the products produced from them can be regulated.

Environmental factors that affect the speed of reactions include the concentration of water, the temperature, and the availability of cofactors.

During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide from the air is fixed to create carbohydrate molecule used for energy and plant structure.

Low-energy electrons from water in Photosystem II are excited to be in a higher energy state.

The electrons are excited by a higher energy state created by Photosystem I.

Carbon dioxide is formed when hydrogen atoms are removed from glucose along with electrons.

Oxygen is reduced to form water by adding hydrogen atoms and electrons.

As pyruvate is reduced to lactate, the NADH produced in glycolysis is converted to NAD+.

If there is a failure to replicate the DNA, the G2 checkpoint stops cell division.

Cell division will be stopped at the M checkpoint if there is a failure of chromosomes to attach to the spindle.

There is an intermediate level coiling of DNA arranged in loose, radial loops.

Cancer cells lack differentiation, have abnormal nuclei, may form tumors, and may also spread throughout the body.

There is a separation of the duplicated chromosomes attached to the Page A6 cell wall and the inward growth of the plasma membrane.

Many thousands of genes are contained in the long, linear chromosomes of the Eukaryotes.

Sister chromatids are produced by Homologous chromosomes prior to meiosis I.

When they separate, each daughter cell gets one pair of sister chromatids, resulting in a reduction in the number of chromosomes.

At least some individuals have genetic variability that allows them to survive adverse conditions.

The theory of inheritance assumed that the parents' characteristics were combined in the offspring to produce an intermediate appearance.

New combinations in the offspring were created with the shuffling of hereditary units of the parents.

The garden pea has a relatively short generation time, each plant produces many offspring, and cross-pollination is only possible by hand.

X-linked traits have a different pattern of inheritance than alleles that are autosomal because of the Y chromosome.

Two strands of the double helix run in opposite directions.

The molecule is held together in the center by hydrogen bonds between bases, and is composed of alternating sugarphosphate groups.

Prokaryotic DNA replication begins at a single origin and usually proceeds in both directions to a region on the opposite side of the chromosomes.

Eukaryotic DNA replication begins at multiple origins and continues until the forks meet.

A pre-mRNA transcript contains noncoding sequences that are not included in the mature mRNA.

A cell's ability to create multiple mRNA molecules from a single gene through alternative splicing allows it to create a wider variety of proteins that may affect survival.

The ribosome is delivered with the help of TransferRNA, which binding to the codon on the mRNA is what it does.

Large and small ribosomal subunits work together in a sequence dictated by the mRNA.

A stop codon is reached, a release factor is binding to it, and the finished product is cleaved from the last tRNA.

A completely altered sequence is created when a frameshiftmutation affects all the codons downstream.

The normal operation of the checkpoint in the cell cycle is disrupted by these genes.

It's possible to make many copies of a specific segment of DNA with the help of PCR.

The amplification of DNA can be used to create fingerprints, which can be analyzed to identify the source of the sample.

A cloned animal is genetically identical to the one that was created, but it does not contain rDNA.

Scientists can quickly analyze experimental data and generate large databases of information with the help of bing.

Local mass extinctions followed by new species repopulating the area are explained by Catastrophism.

Individuals have variation that is heritable, organisms compete for resources, and adaptation to environmental change.

New phenotypes that may have increased reproductive success may be produced by changes in the DNA code.

The ability of a mosquito and bird to fly do not inform us about our common ancestry.

Natural selection is not a random process and can only shape existing variation.

Heterozygotes for the sicklecell trait have an advantage because they provide resistance to Malaria in Africa.

Those who have a normal trait but lack natural resistance to it die young from it.

The smallest set of interbreeding organisms in that population must be a phylogenetic species.

You would expect to see the same shape of head and teeth in the fishes in the new African Rift Valley lake.

New groups of organisms moved into an area after a mass extinction, according to Cuvier.

Iron-sulfur world hypothesis--ironnickel sulfides at thermal vents act as catalysts.

The first hypothesis is thatRNA carried out the processes associated with genes before they evolved.

Taxonomy is the assignment of groups to a taxon, while classification is the naming of organisms.

There are differences in Archaea's cell wall structure, rRNA, and lipids.

In the lysogenic cycle, the viral DNA is passed on as the cell divides.

Heterotrophs and photo autotrophs are the two types of organisms that get their food from the environment.

Alveolates are single-celled and have small sacs below their plasma membrane that are used for support and transport.

The cell walls of the plant and the scuplture are made of different materials.

Fruiting bodies expose them to wind, insects, and rain, each of which can increase dispersal of the spores.

Development of a diploid genome to reduce water loss.

A dominant gametophyte generation can produce flagellated sperm that swim to the egg, and can also reproduce asexually.

Cone bearing, evergreen, and wind pollinated cycads, ginkgoes, and gnetophytes are conifers.

Water and minerals can't move between the cells because the cortex and inner cylinder have a Casparian strip.

One layer of spring wood made up of wide vessel elements with thin walls is followed by one layer of summer wood which has fewer vessels in an annual ring.

A single blade or compound leaves can be divided into many leaflets.

Plants extract Ca2+ and K+ from negatively charged clay and humus by exchanging H+ for them.

Nitrogen can be taken up by plant roots by the way thebacteria convert it to nitrate or ammonium.

Adhesion allows water to cling to the sides of xylem vessels.

Sugars entering sieve tubes at sources creates pressure.

When sugars and water are removed at the sink, the pressure is relieved at the other end.

ABA closes stomata and maintains seed and bud dormancy.

The mechanism by which root cells perceive gravity is caused by the deposition of statoliths.

Red light causes various genes to become active or inactive, which in turn leads to seed germination, shoot growth, and flowering responses.

The conversion between red and far-red causes a number of effects on plants.

A seven-celled female gametophyte called the embryo sac is produced by one of the four megaspores.

Natural selection in the flowering plant may lead to an increase in the structural support of the part that the pollinator lands upon.

The embryo, stored food, and seed coat are all derived from the ovule wall.

Animals are more likely to eat juicy fruits that are derived from the ovary and other parts of the flower.

The hook shape and sheath of the monocot seedlings protect the first true leaves.

New shoots and roots can be produced by fruit trees, sphinxes, stem cuttings, and Stolons and rhizomes.

A hollow threadlike structure is discharged from a fluid-filled capsule called a nematocyst when stimulated.

Annelids and molluscs have a complete digestive tract, a true coelom, and a circulatory system.

Tube feet are part of the water system on the oral surface and are used in locomotion, feeding, gas exchange, and sensory reception.

The partially eaten food is taken into the stomach of the sea star.

Humans have four characteristics during the early stages of their life cycle.

The endoskeleton protects internal organs, provides a place of attachment for muscles, and permits rapid, efficient movement.

They all live in Page A-11 water, breathe by gills, and have a single circulatory loop.

Two pairs of limbs; smooth, nonscaly skin that stays moist; lungs; a three-chambered heart with a double-loop circulatory pathway; sense organs adapted for a land environment; and have aquatic reproduction.

The forelimbs of early amphibians have the same bones as the front fins of the lobefinned fishes.

Alligators and crocodiles live in fresh water with a thick skin, two pairs of legs, and a long muscular tail that allows them to capture and eat other animals.

Monotremes, marsupials, and placental mammals all have a cloaca and lay eggs.

Mobile limbs, grasping hands, flattened face, and large complex brain reduced reproductive rate.

Both humans and Chimpanzees have the same structure of their genomes, as well as general characteristics of all primate species.

Bipedalism, which freed the hands to use tools and hold babies, is an evolutionary development that occurred with hominins.

Increased brain size and Bipedalism allowed organisms to adapt to nonforest environments.

Humans evolved from one group in Africa to other locations according to the replacement model.

Increased brain size and reliance on tool use required development of communication.

The types of cells that line the blood vessels and air sacs of lungs are referred to as scythes.

The walls of internal organs are affected by smooth muscle.

Cardiac muscle has branching, striated cells, each with a single nucleus, which causes the heart to beat.

The dermis helps regulate body temperature and provides sensory reception.

A dark-skinned person in a low sunlight area might have a deficiency of vitamins D and E. Hair is made of dead epithelial cells that have been keratinized, sweat is tubule from the dermis, and oil is associated with hair follicles.

Homeostasis is the equilibrium of the internal environment that maintains body conditions.

Blood contains respiratory pigments that allow it to carry oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide away from them.

The hemolymph can return to the heart of the organisms that have an open circulatory system.

Arteries don't need valves to move blood because they have thick walls.

The synthesis of thrombin occurs when platelets accumulate at the site of injury.

An Rh-positive woman doesn't make antibodies against the Rh positive cells of the fetus.

PAMPs are a type of molecule found only in the cell walls of the bacterium.

In a one-way system powered by the contraction of muscles, excess fluid and lipids are absorbed by the lymphatic capillaries and returned to the bloodstream.

The lymphatic system helps defend the body against pathogens by absorbing fats and returning excess fluid to the bloodstream.

The spleen has both immune and red blood cell maintenance functions and is an oblong organ.

Chemical barriers include lysozyme, stomach acid, and protective proteins.

Inflammation causes other components of the immune system to move to the area.

A genetic defect in the immune system is the most common cause of primary immunodeficiencies.

Drugs that suppress the immune system are used to treat autoimmune diseases.

The complete tract of earthworms has a pharynx, crop, gizzard, and intestine.

There is only one opening in an incomplete tract and parts that are not very specialized serve multiple functions.

The incisors and enlarged canine teeth of the ganveres are used to tear off small pieces of food.

The taste buds allow an animal to distinguish between healthy and potentially dangerous foods.

The villi and microvilli of the intestinal wall greatly increase the surface area.

The large intestine is larger to allow storage of undigested food prior to defecation.

salivary amylase digests starch to maltose in the mouth.

In the small intestine, maltose is absorbed into a blood capillary.

A high saturated fat diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

earthworms live in moist earth, while salamanders have skin that gives them hydration.

These animals have a large surface area compared to their size, or they have many capillaries close to the skin to facilitate gas exchange.

50% of the O2 content in the water Page A-13 would be the highest value a concurrent mechanism could achieve.

At a constant temperature, the pressure of a given quantity of gas is related to its volume.

Reduced lung expansion and narrowing of the airways are seen in bronchitis and asthma.

Smoking contributes to a number of diseases, including acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema, and lung cancer.

The rats have fur to prevent water loss from skin and excrete a hypertonic urine to eliminate very dry feces.

The kidneys are responsible for regulating blood pressure, pH, and water-salt balance.

In response to low blood pressure, the kidneys produce renin, which converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I.

The cluster of neurons is located outside of the central nervous system in animals.

The forebrain, which receives sensory input, is connected to the hindbrain through the midbrain, which controls breathing, heart functions, and basic motor activity.

Nerve impulses travel more quickly down myelinated axons due to saltatory conduction.

The sensory information from internal organs travels through the nervous system to the brain.

Motor impulses are sent through tracts to the root ganglia and then to the effector organ.

Parkinson disease, with symptoms such as tremors, difficult speech, and trouble walking or standing, is associated with a loss of dopamine-producing cells in the forebrain.

The parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is stimulated by eating a big meal.

Exercising will reduce blood flow to the stomach and cause it to ache.

The parasympathetic division dominates as you sleep, but being startled causes a sudden increase in fight or flight activity.

Sensory transduction occurs when some type of environmental stimuli is converted into a nerve impulse.

A dog's sense of smell is much more sensitive than a human's, and some snakes and bats can perceive a variety of radiation and sound waves.

Many rods and cones can be used to excite a single ganglion cell.

A lack of muscle tone would make it difficult for a person to walk, sit, or do other activities.

A person with nociceptors would be more prone to injury due to the lack of warning signs.

The body can't support itself because the muscle layers surrounding the coelom no longer contract.

The central canals of the body are surrounded by a hard matrix of osteons.

A pair of muscles that work opposite of one another, for example, if one flexes the joint the other extends it.

The myosin heads can bind to actin filaments and pull them toward the center of the sarcomere.

After the offspring have developed within the mother's body, a viviparous animal gives birth.

The parent of an ovoviviparous animal gives birth to the young once they hatch.

A shelled egg has extraembryonic membranes which keep the embryo moist, carry out gas exchange, collect waste, and provide yolk as food.

The luteal phase ends with the production of progesterone by the developing corpus luteum.

If there is no pregnant woman, low levels of hormones start menstruation.

In IVF, fertilization takes place outside of the body and the embryo is transferred to the woman's uterus.

Eggs and sperm are placed in the uterus immediately after being brought together in laboratory glassware.

Some strains of the human immunodeficiency virus can cause cancer of the cervix, vagina, vulva, anus, and mouth and throat.

The slow block occurs when the zona pellucida is converted into the fertilization Membrane.

Notochord--mesoderm; thyroid and parathyroid glands--endoderm; nervous system--ectoderm.

Morphogens diffuse away from high concentration areas in the embryo to form a pattern of tissue development.

The nervous system, heart, chorionic villi, umbilical cord, and limb buds are some of the structures that begin to develop between the third and Page A-15 fifth weeks.

The ovaries stop producing hormones from the anterior pituitary.

There are theories that suggest aging is due to an accumulate of cellular damage.

The songs whitecrowned sparrows learn can be influenced by social interactions.

honeybees do a waggle dance to guide other bees to a food source, vervet monkeys have calls that make other vervets run away, and pheromones are used to mark a territory so other individuals of that species will stay away.

The recipient needs to be present when a message is sent but can be modified with chemical or visual.

In order to get a reliable source of food, defending a territory is often done.

Features that increase an animal's chance of producing offspring are favored by both reproductive strategy and sexual selection.

When an offspring helps its parents raise siblings, the helpers may be increasing the presence of their own genes in the next generation.

The point at which the size of the population has reached the environment's carrying capacity is whenential growth ceases.

Growth ceases when the population reaches or exceeds carrying capacity.

If a flash flood occurs, mice that can stay afloat will survive and reproduce, whereas those that quickly sink will not.

Population size can change due to Intrinsic factors such as anatomy, physiology, and behaviors.

Humans burn fossil fuels and destroy forests that take up CO2 in order to return CO2 to the atmosphere.

Modern agricultural practices that produce large amounts of nitrous oxide and alterations of landscapes that produce large amounts of carbon dioxide are some of the factors contributing to climate change.

Taking small steps in the home can help decrease our impact on climate change.

We can use low-flow water fixtures, usensulating drafty areas of Page A-16, and switch to ENERGY STAR appliances to save on energy consumption for heating and cooling.

A tropical rain forest has a canopy of evergreen trees with trunks at ground level.

The forest floor is very sparse and the understory consists of smaller plants.

Oak, beech, sycamore, and maple are some of the trees that lose leaves in the fall.

A layer of understory trees are allowed by the light penetrating the canopy.

The heat of the sun causes water to evaporate and fall back as rain, which eventually moves to the sea.

Conserving natural resources is important for preserving all species now and in the future.

Data provided by many disciplines in basic and applied biology supports the goal of preserving biodiversity.

Rates of photosynthesis, response to elevated carbon dioxide levels, degree of resource acquisition and retention, and the ability to survive environmental changes are thought to be correlated with levels of biodiversity.

The keystone species include bats in tropical forests of the Old World, grizzly bears in the northwestern United States and Canada, beavers in wetlands, bison in grassland, and elephants in swamps.

Molecules are tending to raise the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution.

Sulfate or nitrate salts of acids can return to Earth in rain or snow.

The immune system's response to a vaccine can allow for the production of antibodies.

Modification of structure, function, or behavior makes a species more suited to its environment.

The inside of capillaries and transport vessels are where hydrogen bonds are formed.

Mineralocorticoids, such as aldosterone and cortisol, are produced by the outer portion of the adrenal glands.

A form of white blood cell that does not have spherical vesicles.

The formation of blood vessels in mammals is caused by extraembryonic membrane that accumulates nitrogenous waste in the eggs of animals.

Alleles occur at the same place on the same chromosomes in an alternative form of a gene.

New species arise due to an interruption of gene flow between populations that are separated geographically, according to a model.

The genomes of two or more different species are contained in a polyploid organisms.

Land plants have a life cycle in which a diploid sporophyte alternates with a haploid gametophyte.

There is a disease of the central nervous system that is characterized by a build up of plaques and tangles in the hippocampus and amygdala.

Nitrogenous end product requires a lot of water to excrete because it is toxic.

A fluid-filled sac is formed by the extraembryonic membrane of birds, reptiles, and mammals.

The amniote groups are the reptiles (including birds) and mammals.

Page G-2 frog, toads, and salamanders are tied to a watery environment for reproduction.

The brain's limbic system is associated with emotional experiences.

A severe form of anaphylaxis involves a rapid drop in blood pressure, impaired breathing, and bronchiolar constriction.

Blood pressure is raised by the production of angiotensinogen by the kidneys and lungs.

The presence of muscular and nervous tissue is what characterizes animals.

The shape of the immune system cells allows them to combine with a specific antigen.

The immune system can defend the body against a particular antigen by displaying it to certain cells.

The major systemic arteries in humans take blood from the heart to the tissues.

Parasitic protozoans, formerly called sporozoans, that lack mobility and form spores, are now named for a unique collection of organelles.

A cascade of specific cellular events leads to death and destruction of the cell.

A small appendage that extends from the cecum of the large intestine in humans.

Land plants and red and green algae are included in the super group.

reproduction that produces genetically identical offspring requires only one parent and does not involve gametes Plants take up ammonia and nitrate from the soil and use it to make nucleic acids.

The form of cardiovascular disease is caused by the build up of cholesterol in the arteries.

The vertical support or axis includes the skull, rib cage, and the vertebral column.

A portion of a neuron that conducts nerve impulses from the cell body to the synapse.

Lymphocytes that mature in the bone marrow give rise to antibodies when stimulated by a specific antigen.

Murray Barr was the discoverer of the X chromosome in the cell nuclei of female mammals.

Reducing the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution will raise the pH numerically.

HCO - 3 is the chemical formula for buffering the blood and the form in which carbon dioxide is transported in the bloodstream.

The secretion of the liver that is temporarily stored and concentrated in the gallbladder is what causes fat to accumulate.

The total number of species, the variability of their genes, and the communities in which they live.

Exchange pools, storage areas, and biotic communities are involved in the pathway of elements such as carbon and nitrogen.

The area of scientific study uses computer technologies to analyze large sets of data.

One of the biosphere's major communities is characterized by certain types of plants and animals.

The use of genetic engineering and DNA technology can be used to make a product that benefits an environment.

A reptile that has feathers and wings is often adapted for flight and lays hard-shelled eggs.

Homologous chromosomes, each having sister chromatids that are joined by a nucleoprotein lattice during meiosis, are also called a tetrad.

clams, oysters, and scallops are types of mollusc with a shell composed of two valves.

The expanded portion of the land plant leaf may be single or compound.

The early stage of human development consists of a hollow ball of cells.

Natural disasters or human interference can cause a type of genetic drift.

The brain is located in the skull at the anterior end of the nerve cord.

Asexual reproduction is when a new organisms develops as an outgrowth of the parent's body.

The male sex glands produce pre Page G-4 ejaculate fluid.

The amount of heat energy is needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water.

A form of photosynthesis in plants that separates the light-dependent and Calvin reactions by time is called crassulacean-acid metabolism.

A single lens focuses an image on closely packed photoreceptors.

The process of hiding from predator allows it to blend into the background and prevent detection.

Malignant tumors have nondifferentiated cells that exhibit loss of contact inhibition and the ability to invade tissue.

Gases and other substances are exchanged between the walls of a capillary between blood and interstitial fluid.

Monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides are included in the class of organic compounds that typically contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio.

The Calvin cycle reactions occur when carbon dioxide gas is attached to an organic compound.

Animals have an organ system that is involved in blood circulation.

The xanthophylls and the carotenes are the two classes of the accessory photosynthetic pigment of plants and algae.

A person with no apparent abnormality can pass on an allele for a genetic disorder.

A molecule or an ion can be transported across the plasma membrane with the help of a piece ofprotein.

Chondrichthyes have a cartilaginous skeleton and include sharks, rays, and skates.

Water and solute transport between adjacent cells are prevented by a layer of impermeable lignin and suberin.

Catabolic metabolism is the process of breaking down large molecule into smaller ones.

The transmission of light to the retina is prevented when the lens of the eye becomes opaque.

The appearance of change through time was proposed by the belief that periods of catastrophic extinctions occurred after the repopulation of surviving species.

The stages G1, S, G2, and M are part of an ordered sequence of events that involves cell growth and nuclear division.

The body's defense against pathogens is aided by the identification of self and the formation of the plasmamembrane.

Drug, cosmetics, or agricultural chemicals can be produced by small clumps of naked plant cells grown in tissue culture.

The cell's shape and rigidity are maintained by the cellular structure that surrounds it.

A plasmodium is formed by free-living amoeboid cells that feed onbacteria and yeasts.

The type of mollusc in which the head is prominent and the foot is modified to form two arms and several tentacles includes squids, cuttlefish, octopuses, and nautiluses.

The outer layer of cerebral hemispheres receives sensory information and controls motor activities.

The dense thickets formed by broad-leafed evergreen shrubs are adapted to being exposed to fire.

When similar species belong to the same community than they are isolated from one another, tendencies for characteristics to be more different.

The type of living green algae is most closely related to land plants.

A pair of pointed appendages are used to manipulate food in arthropods.

The process by which mitochondria and chloroplasts use the energy of an electron transport chain to create a hydrogen ion gradient.

The most abundant and diverse group of green algae are freshwater, marine, and terrestrial forms.

An animal with a tubular nerve cord, a notochord, pharyngeal gill pouch, and a postanal tail at some point in its life cycle is included.

A pair of sister chromatids are held together at the centromere, each with a single DNA helix.

Frequent alcohol consumption can cause chronic injury to the liver.

A branching diagram is used in cladistics to show the relationship between species.

The taxon above the order level is a category used by taxonomists to group species.

The weather patterns of an area are determined by temperature and average precipitation.

Evidence shows that the recent changes in the Earth's climate are due to human influence.

When succession comes to an end in ecology, there is a mature and stable community.

Coagulation is the body's response to an injury in the vessels of the circulatory system.

A three-base sequence in messenger RNA directs the addition of a particular amino acid or terminates the process.

An identifying characteristic in animal classification is the method by which the coelom is formed.

The reabsorption of water occurs in the duct that receives fluid from several nephrons.

All animals are descended from a hollow colony of flagellated cells, most likely resembling modern choanoflagellates.

There is a form of enzyme inhibition in which the substrates and the inhibitor bind to the active site.

Some of the enzymes and activators in the blood may bind to an antibody and cause a foreign cell to break.

The type of eye found in arthropods is composed of many independent visual units.

Discipline seeks to understand the effects of human activities on species, communities, and ecosystems and to develop practical approaches to preventing the extinction of species.

A standard against which the results of an experiment are checked is a sample that does not contain the variable being tested.

In plants and animals, the ground tissue in stems and roots is the same as the outer layer of an organ.

Decreases inflammation and promotes fat metabolism by the adrenal cortex, which responds to stress on a long-term basis.

A member of a group of arthropods that include shrimps, crabs, crayfish, and lobsters.

Touch, pain, pressure, and temperature are some of the things that the sensory receptors of the dermis are activated by.

Plants are protected against water loss and disease by a layer of wax.

Gymnosperms with large cones and palmate leaves are found in the tropics and subtropics.

The resting structure in protists and invertebrates contains reproductive bodies.

The electron transport chain in photosynthesis and cellular respiration is made up of several iron-based proteins.

The process that parcels out the maternal determinants plays a role in development.

Allergic response is initiated at the site of the allergen by sensitized T cells.

The loss of an internal segment can be caused by a change in the structure of the chromosomes.

It's usually caused by a less than optimal pH and temperature, so that the normal shape of the enzyme is lost.

The conversion of nitrate or nitrite to nitrogen gas is carried out bybacteria in the soil.

Population size can be affected by abiotic factors, such as fire or flood.

Structural, physiological, or behavioral trait is not present in the common ancestor of several related lineages.

The first embryonic opening, the blastopore, is associated with the anus in a group of coelomate animals.

A contraceptive device that prevents sperm from reaching the egg is found in mammals.

There is a photosynthetic protist with two flagella, one whiplash and the other located within a grooves between protective plates.

The large reptiles that existed prior to the start of the Cretaceous period are referred to as a general term.

In a changing environment, the outcome of natural selection in which an extreme phenotype is favored.

Natural selection in which the two extreme phenotypes are favored over the average one leads to more than one form.

Variations in the number of small segments of DNA can be used to identify an individual.

Gene chips are glass or plastic slides containing thousands of single stranded DNA fragments arranged in an array.

The original base sequence is restored in an altered strand of DNA.

One of the three domains of life contains prokaryotic cells that are different from archaea because they have their own unique genetic, biochemical, and physiological characteristics.

Protists, plants, and animals are included in one of the three domains of life.

Changes in the makeup of a community can be gradual or begin with the creation of new soil.

The outer layer of the embryo gives rise to the nervous system and the integument.

The organisms can respond to environmental stimuli by receiving signals from motor fibers.

Warming of water in the eastern Pacific equatorial region can cause the Humboldt Current to be displaced and result in a reduction in marine life.

In the middle stage of translation, additional amino acids are added to the growing polypeptide.

The process by which substances are moved from the environment to the cell is called endocytosis.

The linings of the digestive tract and associated structures are formed by the inner primary tissue layer of an animal embryo.

Organisms that maintain a constant body temperature are independent of the environment.

Capacity to do work and bring about change can be found in a variety of forms.

Red blood cell formation is accelerated by a hormone produced by the kidneys.

In plants, a substance that cannot be produced in sufficient quantities by the body must be obtained from the diet.

When a plant is grown in the dark, the leaves are yellow and shoot length increases.

Natural selection is the result of genetic change in a species and the descent of organisms from a common ancestor.

Euglenids, kinetoplastids, parabasalids, and diplomonads are part of the super group.

The portion of the gene that remains within the mRNA after it has been splicing has been contained in the segment.

There is a condition associated with an enlargement of the thyroid glands and an abnormal appearance of the eyes.

The process of mixing top and bottom waters occurs in the fall.

Anaerobic breakdown of glucose results in a gain of two end products, such as alcohol and lactate, in the cell's cytoplasm.

A member of a group of land plants that have large fronds, the independent gametophyte produces flagellated sperm in the sexual life cycle.

Membranous is a process used in fishes and other aquatic animals to propel, balance, or guide the body.

The metabolism of a cell is altered by a chemical signal that involves a peptide hormone and a second messenger.

fishes were among the earliest vertebrates that evolved and have fins and skin covered with scales.

The kingdoms Monera, Protista, Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi are included in the system of classification.

Thenate behavior pattern is stereotyped, spontaneously, genetically, and independently of individual learning.

Animals that evoke a strong emotional response in humans are lions, tigers, dolphins, and pandas.

The reproductive organ of a flowering plant consists of several kinds of modified leaves arranged in rings and attached to a stem called the receptacle.

The model is based on the changing location and pattern of the proteins in the bilayer.

In males and females, the anterior pituitary releases hormones that promote the production of sperm and the development of the follicle in the ovary.

The flow of energy from a detritivore to the final consumer is shown by the order in which one population feeds on another.

The feeding relationships between organisms in the community are represented by a complex pattern of interdependent food chains.

The Earth's crust contains evidence of past organisms.

There is a specific cluster of atoms attached to the carbon skeleton of the organic molecule.

Gametes that unite to form a diploid zygote are produced by haploid generation of the life cycle of a plant.

The formation of a gastrula from a blastula is characterized by invagination to form cell layers of a caplike structure.

Molecules are separated by passing them through a matrix based on their size and electrical charge.

Each codon has three bases that stand for one of the 20 amino acids found in the human body.

Alterations to the genomes of organisms are usually for the purpose of enhancing a trait or a product beneficial to humans.

The process in which chromosomes are broken and rejoined to form novel combinations can be used to give offspring alleles that are different from their parents.

Endoncleases are used to target specific sequences of DNA for the addition or removal of nucleotides.

Human activities that promote the greenhouse effect are predicted to increase the Earth's temperature.

The hormone produced by the pancreas raises blood sugar levels.

The coating protects the bacterium against drying out and the host's immune system.

sacs and vesicles are part of the Organelle that processes, packages, and distributes molecule about or from the cell.

The anterior pituitary has a substance that regulates the activity of the ovaries and testes.

The roots and stems of plants show a growth response to the Earth's gravity.

Nonmyelinated cells and axons can be found in the central nervous system.

The greenhouse effect is caused by gases in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, ozone, and nitrous oxide.

Most of the body of a plant is comprised of parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma cells.

The substance produced by the anterior pituitary controls the size of an individual.

Changes in the turgor pressure of the cells surrounding the leaf stoma can cause it to open or close.

Water droplets are freed from the edges and tips of leaves.

A type of plant in which the seeds are not enclosed by fruit and can be found in cones.

Genotypic and allele frequencies will not change in a population when there are no other evolutionary influences.

Nonrandom mating, selection, migration, and genetic drift are some of the influences.

Muscular organs cause blood to circulate in the body of an animal.

Perennial plants tend to die back to ground at the end of the growing season.

The substance produced by basophils in blood and mast cells causes capillaries to dilate.

The homeobox of homeotic genes contains a region of transcription factors.

There is a bryophyte with a thin gametophyte and a small sporophyte that resembles a broom handle.

Cartilage has cells in lacunae separated by a white, translucent matrix.

Prezygotic isolation mechanisms prevent interbreeding between two different species.

There are hot springs in the seafloor along ocean ridges where heated seawater and sulfate react to produce hydrogen sulfide.

A negative charge is created when a water molecule loses an electron when it splits.

Caused by the oversecretion of hormones, symptoms include nervousness and insomnia.

The cell loses water by osmosis when thesolute concentration is higher than the cytoplasm.

Symptoms include weight gain, depression, and lethargic behavior.

The allergic response is caused by the attachment of the allergen to IgE antibodies.

Young animals form an association with the first moving object they are exposed to.

Mating between closely related individuals affects the ratio of the genes in the pool.

Personal reproduction and helping nondescendant relatives reproduce result in fitness.

A molecule that brings about activity of an operon by joining with a repressor and preventing it from binding to the operator.

The process of logic and reasoning is used to arrive at general scientific principles.

The injury's tissue response is characterized by redness, swelling, pain, and heat.

According to Lamarckian beliefs, characteristics acquired during the lifetime of an organisms can be passed on to offspring.

A previous exposure to the pathogen is not required for an immune response.

The release of hormones by the pancreas lowers blood sugar levels by stimulating the growth of cells in the body.

There are excitatory and inhibitory signals coming from a neuron or part of the brain.

Ropelike assembly of fibrous polypeptides in the cytoskeleton are called because they are intermediate in size between actin and microtubules.

The fluid surrounds the body's cells and consists of dissolved substances that leave the blood capillaries.

Alteration of gene activity and abnormality can be caused by a change in the structure of the chromosomes.

The hypothesis was that the materials needed for abiotic synthesis were provided by the ocean thermal vents.

Proposes that the level of diversity on an island is dependent on the distance from the mainland.

There is a yellow tint to the skin caused by an abnormal amount of bilirubin in the blood.

The two organs of the urinary system regulate the chemical composition of the blood and produce a waste product called urine.

The flagellate protist characterized Page G-14 by the presence of a large mass of DNA.

The voice box is located between the pharynx and the trachea and is sometimes called the cartilaginous organ.

The canal system allows fishes to detect water currents and pressure waves.

The basic functions of the natural world are described by the universal principle.

The hormones produced by the fat cells act on the hypothalamus to signal satiety.

Individuals grow, develop, maintain themselves and reproduce in a recurring pattern of genetically programmed events.

The portion of photosynthesis that captures solar energy takes place in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts.

Learning and memory are governed by the functional association of various brain centers, including the amygdala and hippocampus.

The abundance and distribution of an organisms is restricted by a resource or environmental condition.

Fats and oils are part of the class of organic compounds that tend to be in nonpolar solvents.

There is a large, dark red internal organ that produces urea and bile, as well as other functions.

Population increase results in an S-shaped curve, with growth slow at first, steepens, and then levels off due to environmental resistance.

Any part of the respiratory system can be affected by unregulated cell growth.

The anterior pituitary releases hormones that regulate the production of testosterone by the interstitial cells in males and the development of the corpus luteum in females.

The smallest vessel of the lymphatic system is responsible for the excretion of fluids.

Bacteriophage life cycle in which the virus takes over the operation of the bacterium immediately upon entering it and destroys it.

Nitrogen, calcium, or sulfur are essential elements for plant growth.

Reduced vision and blindness can be caused by a condition in which the capillaries supplying the eye's retina become damaged.

Soft wetlands are covered in water and often contain rushes, reeds, or grasses.

An immature young nursed in a marsupium is a member of a group of mammals.

The part of the brain stem that is continuous with the spine is what controls vital functions in animals.

One of the two types of spores produced by seed plants develops into a female gametophyte.

The specialized cell in the skin's surface is responsible for producing melanin.

The capacity of the brain to store and retrieve information is essential to learning.

During a primary immune response, the forms enter a resting phase.

There is a transparent, jellylike substance between the temporomandibular joint of some sponges and cnidarians.

The type ofRNA was formed from a DNA template and had information for the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.

A series of linked reactions begin with a reactant and end with a product.

The type of archaean that lives in swamps releases methane gas.

The supportive cells of the nervous system help remove debris from the brain.

Small amounts of essential elements are needed for plant growth.

The properties of today's cells are similar to those of the formed fromproteinoids exposed to water.

A male gametophyte develops into apollen grain, one of the two types of spores produced by seed plants.

There is a small, cylindrical organelle composed of tubulin that is present in the cytoplasm, centrioles, and flagella.

In mammals, the part of the brain located below the thalamus and above the pons serves as a relay station.

A more-or-less cylindrical arthropod has two pairs of short legs on most of its body segments.

A survival mechanism that appears to be noxious is superficial resemblance to two or more species.

Minerals are needed in the diet for naturally occurring substance containing two or more elements.

The process in which a parent nucleus makes two daughter nuclei, each with the same number and kinds of chromosomes, is the stage of cellular reproduction in which nuclear division occurs.

A mass of hyphae (filaments) that grow on organic matter, such as human food and clothing, is the body of various fungi.

The idea is that the rate at which certain genes change over time is not related to adaptation to the environment.

The flowering plant group has one embryonic leaf, parallel-veined leaves, scattered vascular bundles, flower parts in threes or multiples of three, and other characteristics.

After it becomes a macrophage, the type of agranular leukocyte that functions as a phagocyte is also an antigenpresenting cell.

The climate in India and southern Asia is caused by wet ocean winds.

The people enjoy a good standard of living in a country that is industrialized.

The disease of the central nervous system is characterized by the breakdown of myelin in the neurons.

A type of animal tissue composed of long and short fibers.

The source of new variation for a species is any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA.

The vegetative body of a fungus is composed of a large mass of hyphal filaments.

A covering for nerve fibers is formed by white, fatty material.

Specific muscle cell organelle has a linear arrangement of sarcomeres.

The sarcomere is made up of muscle protein that pulls actin to shorten it.

Environmental selection of organisms that have heritable variation and compete for resources results in adaptation to the environment.

A man with a sturdy build that lived during the last Ice Age in Europe and the Middle East hunted large game and left evidence of being culturally advanced.

A threadlike fiber in a capsule aids in the capture of prey in cnidarians.

Nerve cells, which conduct impulses, and neuroglia, which support and protect them, are contained in this tissue.

The future location of the neural tube is marked by the region of the dorsal surface of the embryo.

A disease that damages or impairs the function of nervous tissue is usually caused by a prion, virus, or bacterium.

Nitrogen in ammonia and organic compounds is converted to nitrates and nitrites by soilbacteria.

The process of assigning names to groups is determined by governing organizations.

The postganglionic fibers in the sympathetic division of the autonomic system are called noradrenaline.

At some point in their life cycle, the supportive dorsal rod is replaced by the vertebrae.

The ribosomal subunits are able to leave the nucleus through the opening in the nuclear envelope.

Nucleariids lack the same type of cell wall and have threadlike pseudopods, which may be related to protist.

The region of prokaryotic cells where DNA is located is not bound by a nuclear envelope.

In the presence of free oxygen, prokaryote is unable to grow.

Recording data from an experiment or natural event is the initial step in the scientific method.

The liquid form of Triglyceride is usually composed of glycerol and three fatty acids and is liquid in consistency due to many unsaturated bonds in the hydrocarbon chains of the fatty acids.

The expression of structural genes is regulated by the sequence of DNA that serves as a binding site for a repressor.

The taxon is located above the family level and is used by taxonomists to group species.

The amount of liquid on the side of the membrane with higher solute concentration can be seen as the tendency of water to move across it.

Loss of bone density is associated with levels of sex hormones and diet.

A group that is not a member of the taxa is being analyzed in a cladistic study of evolutionary relationships among organisms.

The level of sex hormones in the blood is determined by monthly changes in the ovary.

In flowering plants, the enlarged ovule-bearing portion of the carpel that develops into a fruit.

During strenuous muscle activity, the amount of oxygen required to oxidize lactic acid is produced.

The contraction of the uterus and milk letdown is caused by the release of hormones.

The hormones produced by the four parathyroid glands increase and decrease the levels of calcium and phosphate in the body.

The final shape of an organisms is determined by the positioning of cells during development.

The portion of the skeleton that provides support and attachment for the upper limbs is located on each side of the body.

The intestines break down short chains of amino acids to individual ones that are absorbed across the wall.

A flower part that is conspicuously colored to attract pollinators.

Cells form an intracellular vacuole when they process large substances.

A chemical messenger that works at a distance changes the behavior of another member of the same species.

Plants have a series of reactions when carbon dioxide levels are low but oxygen is still present.

Part of plankton containing organisms that photosynthesize, releasing oxygen to the atmosphere and serving as the main producers in aquatic ecosystems.

The early colonizer of barren or disturbed habitats usually has rapid growth and a high dispersal rate.

During the development of mammals from the chorion and the uterine wall, an organ is formed that allows the embryo and fetus to get nutrition and excrete waste.

The species that rely on internal development is called eutherian.

The organisms that are suspended on or near the surface of the water include zooplankton.

The entrance and exit ofmolecules from the cell are regulated by a Membrane surrounding the cytoplasm.

There is a free-living mass of cytoplasm that moves by pseudopods on a forest floor or in a field.

The Earth's crust is divided into plates with movements that account for continental drift.

The filling of the bronchi and alveoli with fluid is a condition of the respiratory system.

Three of the four cells produced by meiosis are polar bodies, which is a nonfunctional product of oogenesis.

When a pollen grain lands on the stigma in a seed plant, a tube forms.

The tube grows, passing between the cells of the stigma and the style to reach the egg inside the ovule.

The practice of female animals having several male mates is found in the New World monkeys.

A trait is controlled by several allelic pairs in a pattern of inheritance.

Small, abnormal growth that arises from the epithelial lining is found in the body form that is directed upward.

The medulla oblongata regulates the breathing rate by controlling the portion of the brain stem above it.

The mechanism of homeostatic response increases the output of the system.

A reaction that oxidizes pyruvate with the release of carbon dioxide results in acetyl CoA.

Explanation for phloem transport, osmotic pressure following active transport of sugar into phloem produces a flow of sap from a source to a sink.

Page G-20 monkeys, apes, and hominins have adapted to living in trees.

Green plants on land and algae in water are what photosynthetic organisms make their own food from.

A segment of a tapeworm that contains both male and female sex organs becomes a bag of eggs.

The anterior pituitary produces a hormone that stimulates the production of milk.

Male humans produce an alkaline, cloudy fluid that increases the sperm's ability to travel.

Posttranslational control of gene expression is achieved by cells using a cellular structure containing proteases.

In chemical evolution, the proposal that made possible the formation of Protocells came before other macromolecules.

In biological evolution, a spherical grouping of lipids becomes a cell once it acquires genes.

The sound was felt in the walls of the arteries due to the expansion of the aorta.

The expected results of simple genetic crosses are calculated using a visual representation developed by Punnett.

The amount of light entering the eye is regulated by opening in the center of the iris.

Favorable life history strategy is characterized by a high reproductive rate with little or no attention given to offspring survival.

Similar parts are arranged around a central axis in a body plan.

A protist has a glassy Silicon test with a radial arrangement of spines and pseudopods outside.

A mechanism for the cell to sense and adjust to its surroundings is provided by a type of membrane protein.

Coralline algae of coral reefs are included in marine protists.

The site of blood cell formation can be found in the cavities of the bone.

The coastal waters turn red due to a population bloom of dinoflagellates.

When a neuron is unable to conduct another nerve impulse, time is following an action potential.

A rise in blood pressure is caused by the release of the kidneys'sidase that leads to the production of aldosterone.

There is an egg with a leathery shell and internal fertilization of snakes, lizards, turtles, crocodiles, and birds.

The mechanism increases the number of niches by dividing the resources between the species.

The medulla oblongata has a group of nerve cells that send out impulses on a rhythmic basis.

The area of the brain that contains the reticular formation acts as a relay for information to and from the peripheral nervous system and higher processing centers of the brain.

The matrix of the tissue is very thin with branched and delicate supporting networks.

The retroviruses have a viralidase that is capable of converting their genome into a DNA copy.

messengerRNA, ribosomalRNA, and transferRNA are some of the forms of nucleic acid produced from the sugar ribose.

There is a cellular process that uses miRNA and siRNA to reduce or prevent the expression of specific genes.

The formation of the first cell(s) was allowed by the proposal that RNA originated before other macromolecules.

The majority of cell division takes place under the root cap.

The extension of a root cell increases the surface area for absorption of water and minerals.

Water is elevated in the xylem for a short time due to osmotic pressure caused by minerals moving into root cells.

When beating a ciliated corona, Microscopic invertebrates look like a rotating wheel.

The system of tubules, vesicles, and sacs in cells has attached ribosomes.

Calvin cycle reactions can be started by catalyzing the attachment of the carbon atom from CO2 to RuBP.

The first chamber in the ruminant mammal's stomach is where the complex carbohydrates are broken down.

Morels, truffles, yeasts, and molds are some of the organisms that produce asci within a fuiting body.

Organism absorbs and excretes food and water back into the body.

The grassland in Africa is characterized by few trees and a severe dry season.

The myelin sheath is a cell that surrounds a peripheral nerve.

Scientists formulate a hypothesis, gather data by observation and experimentation, and come to a conclusion.

The plant tissue has heavily Page G-22 lignified cell walls.

There are hooks and suckers for attachment to host and feeding in the tapeworm head region.

A chemical signal that causes the cell to respond to a first messenger is called cyclicAMP.

In plants, the molecule not directly involved in growth, development, or reproduction can be used to discourage herbivores.

The process of DNA replication results in two double helix molecule, each with one parent and one new strand.

Male humans produce a fluid that provides nutrition to their sperm cells.

A sensory neuron is a part of a structure that receives either external or internal stimuli.

The offspring of meiosis, gamete formation, and fertilization have a unique combination of genes.

The process of analyzing DNA in which a banding pattern is created is usually unique for each individual.

Plants with shorter day lengths include cocklebur, poinsettia, and chrysanthemum.

There is an aridterrestrial area characterized by shrubs and tending to occur along coasts that have dry summers and receive most of their rain in the winter.

A fixed action pattern or unchanging behavioral response is caused by the environmentaltrigger.

An explanation for muscle contraction is based on the movement of actin filaments.

The system of tubules, vesicles, and sacs in cells lacks ribosomes.

Group in which members of a species are organized in a way that extends beyond sexual and parental behavior.

The growth of vegetation can be supported by the addition of rock material and organic matter.

The A horizon is the major layer of soil visible in the vertical profile.

The skin, joints, and skeletal muscles are served by a portion of the peripheral nervous system.

Group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring; organisms that share a common gene pool; and the taxon at the lowest level of classification.

The male gamete has a haploid number of chromosomes and can fertilize an egg.

sponges composed of calcium carbonate or silicate have a Skeletal structure.

A long, rod-shaped bacterium that is twisted into a rigid spiral is called a spirochete.

The upper left region of the abdomen has a large glandular organ.

A single-celled choanoflagellate is what invertebrates look like when they have their inner body wall lined with collar cells.

A layer of tissue in a plant leaf increases the surface area for gas exchange.

There are anomalies in normal biological processes that lead to the creation of a new variation.

The process of mixing top and bottom waters occurs in the spring.

Storage polysaccharide found in plants is joined in a linear fashion with few side chains.

The upright, vertical portion of a plant transports substances to and from the leaves.

The type of hormone has the same complex of four carbon rings, but each one has different side chains.

The muscular sac mixes food with gastric juices to form chyme.

There are alternating light and dark bands in cardiac and skeletal muscle.

The region that surrounds the grana contains the enzymes involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates during the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis.

The attraction of water through hydrogen bonds causes moist membranes to be held together.

The number of times a cell can divide may be regulated by the tip of the end of a chromosomes.

The forest south of the taiga is characterized by trees such as oak, beech, and maple, moderate climate, and plentiful ground life.

The North American prairies are characterized by very cold winters and hot summers.

There is aiferous forest that runs along the west coast of Canada and the United States.

The portion of the diencephalon that passes on sensory information to the cerebrum is found in animals.

Scientific studies and experimentation have supported an explanation of a specific aspect of the natural world.

A type of archaean that lives in hot, acidic, aquatic habitats.

The gray wolf and Louisiana black bear are likely to become extinct in the foreseeable future.

The location where the light reactions of photosynthesis occur is where the sac is Flattened.

The immune system involves the development and functioning of the Lymphoid organ.

Several important hormones, including triiodothyronine, are produced by a large gland in the neck.

The growth and development of the cells is stimulated by the hormones produced by the thyroid gland.

There are many toxins that can cause disease on contact with or absorption by body tissues.

A type of cell in xylem that has pits and ends that allow water and minerals to flow through.

The hydrogen atoms are not on the same side as the carbon-carbon double bonds in the unsaturated fatty acid chain.

The first stage of gene expression is when a DNA strand serves as a template.

The initiation of transcription can be accomplished by binding the enhancer regulatory regions to the protein.

The ciliates contain barbed threads that are useful for defense and capturing prey.

There are two bands of cilia around the middle of the type of protostome that produces the trochophore larva.

The equator in South America, Africa, and the Indo-Malayan regions contains the greatest diversity of species in the world.

Molecules from blood are moved into the tubule of a nephron to be added to urine.

The cell cycle is normally suppressed by a Gene that codes for a protein that can lead to a tumor.

Plants have internal support because of the pressure against the cell wall and the water content of the vacuole.

Blood vessels pass through the cord connecting the fetus to the placenta.

A saturated hydrocarbon chain has more hydrogens than a double bonds molecule.

It replaces surface waters that move away from shore when the direction of prevailing wind changes.

Eggs pass through the expanded portion of the female reproductive tract to the environment or embryo before birth in mammals.

The penis is received during copulation in the female reproductive system.

The storage location for mature sperm is called the ductus deferens.

The superior or inferior vena cava is a large systemic vein that returns blood to the heart.

The portion of the body that houses the spine is separated by intervertebral disks.

Problems in the semicircular canals in the ear are associated with equilibrium disorder.

An outer capsid and an inner core of nucleic acid are the noncellular parasites.

The ability of the eye to focus at different distances can be changed by the lens.

The folds of tissue within the larynx create vocal sounds when they vibrate.

Water molecule joined together in xylem from the leaves to the roots in plants.

There are several types of leukocytes, each with a specific function in protecting the body from invasion.

The tissue that transports water and mineral solutes upward through the plant body contains vessel elements.

The first site for blood cell formation in mammals is the extraembryonic membranes, which contains yolk.

Part of plankton contains animals that act as the primary consumers of water.

Sexual reproduction of black bread mold involves a thick-walled zygospore.

Unit 1: The Cell Chapter 2: Basic Chemistry 2.1 Chemical Elements 2.2 Molecules and Compounds 2.3 Chemistry of Water 2.4 Acids and Bases Chapter 3: The Chemistry of Organic Molecules 3.1 Organic Molecules 3.2 Carbohydrates 3.3 Lipids 3.4 Proteins 3.5 Nucleic Acids Chapter 4: Cell Structure and Function 4.1 Cellular Level of Organization 4.2 Prokaryotic Cells 4.3 Introduction to Eukaryotic Cells 4.4 The Nucleus and Ribosomes 4.5 The Endomembrane System 4.6 Microbodies and Vacuoles 4.7 The Energy-Related Organelles 4.8 The Cytoskeleton Chapter 5: Membrane Structure and Function 5.1 Plasma Membrane Structure and Function 5.2 Passive Transport Across a Membrane 5.3 Active Transport Across a Membrane 5.4 Modification of Cell Surfaces Chapter 6: Metabolism: Energy and Enzymes 6.1 Cells and the Flow of Energy 6.2 Metabolic Reactions and Energy Transformations 6.3 Metabolic Pathways and Enzymes 6.4 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions and Metabolism Chapter 7: Photosynthesis 7.1 Photosynthetic Organisms 7.2 The Process of Photosynthesis 7.3 Plants Convert Solar Energy 7.4 Plants Fix Carbon Dioxide 7.5 Other Types of Photosynthesis Chapter 8: Cellular Respiration 8.1 Overview of Cellular Respiration 8.2 Outside the Mitochondria: Glycolysis 8.3 Outside the Mitochondria: Fermentation 8.4 Inside the Mitochondria 8.5 Metabolism Unit 2: Genetic Basis of Life Chapter 9: The Cell Cycle and Cellular Reproduction 9.1 The Cell Cycle 9.2 The Eukaryotic Chromosome 9.3 Mitosis and Cytokinesis 9.4 The Cell Cycle and Cancer 9.5 Prokaryotic Cell Division Chapter 10: Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction 10.1 Overview of Meiosis 10.2 Genetic Variation 10.3 The Phases of Meiosis 10.4 Meiosis Compared to Mitosis 10.5 The Cycle of Life 10.6 Changes in Chromosome Number and Structure Chapter 11: Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance 11.1 Gregor Mendel 11.2 Mendel's Laws 11.3 Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance and Human Disease 11.4 Beyond Mendelian Inheritance Chapter 12: Molecular Biology of the Gene 12.1 The Genetic Material 12.2 Replication of DNA 12.3 Gene Expression: RNA and the Genetic Code 12.4 Gene Expression: Transcription 12.5 Gene Expression: Translation Chapter 13: Regulation of Gene Expression 13.1 Prokaryotic Regulation 13.2 Eukaryotic Regulation 13.3 Gene Mutations Chapter 14: Biotechnology and Genomics 14.1 DNA Technology 14.2 Biotechnology Products 14.3 Gene Therapy 14.4 Genomics Unit 3: Evolution Chapter 15: Darwin and Evolution 15.1 History of Evolutionary Thought 15.2 Darwin's Theory of Evolution 15.3 Evidence for Evolution Chapter 16: How Populations Evolve 16.1 Genes, Populations, and Evolution 16.2 Natural Selection 16.3 Maintenance of Diversity Chapter 17: Speciation and Macroevolution 17.1 How New Species Evolve 17.2 Modes of Speciation 17.3 Principles of Macroevolution Chapter 18: Origin and History of Life 18.1 Origin of Life 18.2 History of Life 18.3 Geological Factors That Influence Evolution Chapter 19: Taxonomy, Systematics, and Phylogeny 19.1 Systematic Biology 19.2 The Three-Domain System 19.3 Phylogeny Unit 4: Microbiology and Evolution Chapter 20: Viruses, Bacteria, and Archaea 20.1 Viruses, Viroids, and Prions 20.2 The Prokaryotes 20.3 The Bacteria 20.4 The Archaea Chapter 21: Protist Evolution and Diversity 21.1 General Biology of Protists 21.2 Supergroup Archaeplastida 21.3 Supergroup SAR 21.4 Supergroup Excavata 21.5 Supergroups Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta Chapter 22: Fungi Evolution and Diversity 22.1 Evolution and Characteristics of Fungi 22.2 Diversity of Fungi 22.3 Symbiotic Relationships of Fungi Unit 8: Behavior and Ecology Chapter 43: Behavioral Ecology 43.1 Inheritance Influences Behavior 43.2 The Environment Influences Behavior 43.3 Animal Communication 43.4 Behaviors That Increase Fitness Chapter 44: Population Ecology 44.1 Scope of Ecology 44.2 Demographics of Populations 44.3 Population Growth Models 44.4 Regulation of Population Size 44.5 Life History Patterns 44.6 Human Population Growth Chapter 45: Community and Ecosystem Ecology 45.1 Ecology of Communities 45.2 Community Development 45.3 Dynamics of an Ecosystem 45.4 Ecological Consequences of Climate Change Chapter 46: Major Ecosystems of the Biosphere 46.1 Climate and the Biosphere 46.2 Terrestrial Ecosystems 46.3 Aquatic Ecosystems Chapter 47: Conservation of Biodiversity 47.1 Conservation Biology and Biodiversity 47.2 Value of Biodiversity 47.3 Causes of Extinction 47.4 Conservation Techniques Appendices Appendix A: Periodic Table of Elements & The Metric System Appendix B: Answer Key Glossary Index