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AP European History Review: Period 4

-Wilson 14 points. Self determination-ethnicities choose own borders, leaders. Emergence of Austria, Hungary, turkey, Finland, Yugoslavia, baltic, Czechoslovakia.
-League of Nations, peace keepers. Economic sanctions, 3rd party problem solvers. No military, US, Germ, USSR not involved
-Increased opposition to imperialism India, Vietnam(europeans get self determination but the colonies don't)

-1929-WWII Overproduction: assembly lines. People stop buying, more stuff, price decreases. Deflation, farmers lose money. Unemployed formers/workers.
-Bank system failure: loans and stocks, prices start getting too high, stock inflates people stop buying, led to crash. banks go out of business, people rush to take out their own money.

-1937 Japan invade China, start 2nd Sino-Japanese war
-overwhelm/occupy main cities, go over board, extremely violent.
-Anglo-American oil embargo. Cut off Japan from oil to try to get them to stop.(Japan doesnt have oil reserves)
-Japan tries to take all of Dutch East Indies oil holdings, not successful
-attack Pearl Harbor, and western powers in E/SE Asia

-Potsdam Conference 1945- agree on self determination of Europe. 4 zones of Germany united into one. USSR violates this. force eastern to become communists
-Soviet Berlin blockade 1947, airlift by GB and US to save them
-Soviets support native communist parties, fund and control as puppets (satellite states) buffer for west
-peasants party oppressed

Unstable, economically. Communist, socialist became popular. Self determination, let them choose.
-Marshal plan, 1947 US lends money to France and anyone, creates opportunities
-GATT treaty, get rid of tariffs/free market economy, economies recover, gov stabilized, decrease communism
-heavy US influence on euro culture. French dislikes-anti americanization

-Influenced by existentialism
-Christianity: beleived follow the state. After totalitarianism, changes mind. Resist evil/corrupt gov
-Prot: pastor Bonhoeffer-Confessing Church. They opposed Nazis
-Cath: opposed USSR, John Paul ii helps
-Vatican Liberation theology 1. aid to poor 2. tolerant of other religions 3. accept science

AP European History Review: Period 4

-Wilson 14 points. Self determination-ethnicities choose own borders, leaders. Emergence of Austria, Hungary, turkey, Finland, Yugoslavia, baltic, Czechoslovakia.
-League of Nations, peace keepers. Economic sanctions, 3rd party problem solvers. No military, US, Germ, USSR not involved
-Increased opposition to imperialism India, Vietnam(europeans get self determination but the colonies don't)

-1929-WWII Overproduction: assembly lines. People stop buying, more stuff, price decreases. Deflation, farmers lose money. Unemployed formers/workers.
-Bank system failure: loans and stocks, prices start getting too high, stock inflates people stop buying, led to crash. banks go out of business, people rush to take out their own money.

-1937 Japan invade China, start 2nd Sino-Japanese war
-overwhelm/occupy main cities, go over board, extremely violent.
-Anglo-American oil embargo. Cut off Japan from oil to try to get them to stop.(Japan doesnt have oil reserves)
-Japan tries to take all of Dutch East Indies oil holdings, not successful
-attack Pearl Harbor, and western powers in E/SE Asia

-Potsdam Conference 1945- agree on self determination of Europe. 4 zones of Germany united into one. USSR violates this. force eastern to become communists
-Soviet Berlin blockade 1947, airlift by GB and US to save them
-Soviets support native communist parties, fund and control as puppets (satellite states) buffer for west
-peasants party oppressed

Unstable, economically. Communist, socialist became popular. Self determination, let them choose.
-Marshal plan, 1947 US lends money to France and anyone, creates opportunities
-GATT treaty, get rid of tariffs/free market economy, economies recover, gov stabilized, decrease communism
-heavy US influence on euro culture. French dislikes-anti americanization

-Influenced by existentialism
-Christianity: beleived follow the state. After totalitarianism, changes mind. Resist evil/corrupt gov
-Prot: pastor Bonhoeffer-Confessing Church. They opposed Nazis
-Cath: opposed USSR, John Paul ii helps
-Vatican Liberation theology 1. aid to poor 2. tolerant of other religions 3. accept science