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16.1 Homeostasis and Osmoregulation

16.1 Homeostasis and Osmoregulation

  • Homeostasis refers to the relatively stable state inside the body.
    • The animal organs and organ systems adapt to internal and external changes in order to maintain a steady state.
    • There are internal conditions that are maintained homeostatically.
    • Negative feedback relationships result in stable conditions.
    • If the bloodglucose or calcium goes up, this signals to the organs that are supposed to lower it.
    • Negative feedback can be seen in the signals that restore the normal levels.
    • The results can be bad for the animal when homeostatic mechanisms fail.
  • Homeostatic mechanisms keep the body in a constant state of equilibrium.
    • This homeostatic equilibrium is maintained by an animal that is inactive.
    • The temperature and water content are two examples of factors that are regulated homeostatically.
    • The processes that regulate these two factors are called thermoregulation and osmoregulation.
  • The body's systems try to go back to this point when there are normal fluctuations from the set point.
    • The response of the system is to adjust the activities of the system so the value moves back toward the set point after a change in the internal or external environment.
    • Changes are made to cool the animal if it becomes too warm.
    • If the blood sugar levels go up after a meal, it's important to lower them to get the nutrition into tissues that need it or to store it for later use.
  • An adjustment must be made to keep the internal environment of the body and cells stable when there is a change in an animal's environment.
    • There is a feedback mechanism that senses the change in the environment.
    • The stimuli are detected by the receptor.
    • The brain relays appropriate signals to an effector organ that is able to cause an appropriate change, either up or down, depending on the information the sensor was sending.
  • Animals can be divided into two groups, those that maintain a constant body temperature in the face of differing environmental temperatures, and those that have a body temperature that is the same as their environment and thus varies with the environmental temperature.
    • The body temperature of these organisms is similar to the environment, although the individual organisms may do things that keep their bodies slightly below or above the environment temperature.
    • burrowing underground on a hot day or resting in the sunlight on a cold day are examples.
    • The term cold-blooded may not apply to an animal in the desert with a very warm body temperature.
  • The internal heat generated by these animals allows them to maintain a level of activity that other animals can't.
  • You can watch a Discovery Channel video on thermoregulation to see illustrations of the process in a variety of animals.
  • There are a variety of ways animals conserve heat.
    • Endothermic animals have insulation.
    • They have fur, fat, or feathers.
    • Animals with thick fur or feathers have an insulation layer between their skin and internal organs.
  • The polar bears and seals live and swim in a warm environment.
    • The fluffy tail of the arctic fox helps it sleep in cold weather.
    • It is possible for mammals to increase body heat production by shivering.
    • Individual hairs stand up when the individual is cold because of arrector pili muscles.
    • This increases the strength of the hair.
    • The reaction causes "goose bumps" instead of having the intended effect on our hairless bodies.
    • Animals use layers of fat as insulation.
    • Losing body fat will affect an individual's ability to conserve heat.
  • The circulatory systems of ectotherms and endotherms help maintain body temperature.
    • Vasodilation, the opening up of arteries to the skin by relaxation of their smooth muscles, brings more blood and heat to the body surface, facilitating radiation and cooling the body.
    • Vasoconstriction, the narrowing of blood vessels to the skin by contraction of their smooth muscles, reduces blood flow in peripheral blood vessels and conserves heat.
    • Some animals have adaptions to their circulatory system that allow them to transfer heat from arteries to veins that are flowing next to each other.
    • The countercurrent heat exchange prevents the cold blood from cooling the heart and other internal organs.
    • The countercurrent adaptation is found in many animals.
  • Some animals use changes in their behavior to regulate their body temperature.
    • During the hottest part of the day in the desert, they seek cooler areas.
    • The same animals may climb onto rocks in the evening to get some heat in the desert.
  • The processes of temperature control are coordinated by the nervous system in the animal brain.
    • The set point for body temperature is maintained by the hypothalamus through reflexes.
    • The sympathetic nervous system under control of the hypothalamus is in charge of the body's temperature loss and gain.
    • Some instances the set point may be adjusted.
    • During an infection, compounds called pyrogens are produced and circulate to the hypothalamus to reset the thermostat.
    • The body's temperature can increase to a new homeostatic equilibrium point when this occurs.
    • The increase in body heat makes the body less efficient in fighting infections and increases the activities of cells so they are better able to fight them.
  • The body is able to regulate temperature.
  • The blood contains pyrogens, which are released whenbacteria are destroyed.
    • The body's thermostat is set to a higher temperature.
  • The fluids inside and around the cells are made of water, electrolytes, and non-electrolytes.
    • An ion is a compound that is dissolved in water.
    • A nonelectrolyte does not form ion in water.
    • The "membranes" made of cells in the body are semipermeable.
    • Cells are impermeable to water and certain types of solutes.
  • The body is not isolated.
    • The system has a constant input of water and electrolytes.
    • osmotic balance is maintained by excess water, electrolytes, and waste being transported to the kidneys.
    • Insufficient fluid intake causes the kidneys to excrete more fluid.
    • There is a tendency to accumulate toxic waste and water if there is no mechanism to regulate osmotic pressure.
  • Specific concentrations of important electrolytes in the three major fluid compartments are regulated by mammalian systems.
    • The volume of the fluid compartments can change temporarily because osmotic pressure is regulated by the movement of water.
    • osmotic pressures have a direct bearing on blood pressure since blood is one of the fluid components.
  • The human excretory system removes waste from the body through the skin, lungs, and urinary system.
    • The three systems are involved in waste removal.
    • The OpenStax book is available for free at blood containing the metabolic wastes from cells.
    • The human body has a kidneys that filters blood about 60 times a day.
    • The urine is collected from the bladder.
  • An outer cortex, a medulla in the middle, and the expanded end of the ureter are the internal regions of the kidneys.
  • The human excretory system is made up of several organs.
    • The urine is stored in the bladder until it is eliminated through the urethra.
    • The internal structure of the kidneys is shown on the right.
    • It is distributed in smaller vessels.
    • The blood comes in contact with the waste-collecting tubules in a structure called the glomerulus.
    • Water and many solutes present in the blood, as well as wastes and valuable substances, leave the blood and enter the tubule system of the nephron.
    • When materials pass through the tubule, they are reabsorbed back into the capillaries that surround the tubules.
    • Active transport is required for some of this reabsorption.
    • Drugs and ion are taken up by tubule cells when they diffuse out of the capillaries into the interstitial fluid.
    • The tubules are active in the production of these wastes.
    • The blood collects in larger vessels and leaves the kidneys in the vein.
    • The amount of water and ion reabsorption into the circulatory system is regulated by the body.
    • The urine is stored in the bladder and the waste is collected in larger tubules.
  • When the bladder needs to be emptied, it has sensory nerves.
    • The urge to urinate can be suppressed up to a limit by these signals.

16.1 Homeostasis and Osmoregulation

  • Homeostasis refers to the relatively stable state inside the body.
    • The animal organs and organ systems adapt to internal and external changes in order to maintain a steady state.
    • There are internal conditions that are maintained homeostatically.
    • Negative feedback relationships result in stable conditions.
    • If the bloodglucose or calcium goes up, this signals to the organs that are supposed to lower it.
    • Negative feedback can be seen in the signals that restore the normal levels.
    • The results can be bad for the animal when homeostatic mechanisms fail.
  • Homeostatic mechanisms keep the body in a constant state of equilibrium.
    • This homeostatic equilibrium is maintained by an animal that is inactive.
    • The temperature and water content are two examples of factors that are regulated homeostatically.
    • The processes that regulate these two factors are called thermoregulation and osmoregulation.
  • The body's systems try to go back to this point when there are normal fluctuations from the set point.
    • The response of the system is to adjust the activities of the system so the value moves back toward the set point after a change in the internal or external environment.
    • Changes are made to cool the animal if it becomes too warm.
    • If the blood sugar levels go up after a meal, it's important to lower them to get the nutrition into tissues that need it or to store it for later use.
  • An adjustment must be made to keep the internal environment of the body and cells stable when there is a change in an animal's environment.
    • There is a feedback mechanism that senses the change in the environment.
    • The stimuli are detected by the receptor.
    • The brain relays appropriate signals to an effector organ that is able to cause an appropriate change, either up or down, depending on the information the sensor was sending.
  • Animals can be divided into two groups, those that maintain a constant body temperature in the face of differing environmental temperatures, and those that have a body temperature that is the same as their environment and thus varies with the environmental temperature.
    • The body temperature of these organisms is similar to the environment, although the individual organisms may do things that keep their bodies slightly below or above the environment temperature.
    • burrowing underground on a hot day or resting in the sunlight on a cold day are examples.
    • The term cold-blooded may not apply to an animal in the desert with a very warm body temperature.
  • The internal heat generated by these animals allows them to maintain a level of activity that other animals can't.
  • You can watch a Discovery Channel video on thermoregulation to see illustrations of the process in a variety of animals.
  • There are a variety of ways animals conserve heat.
    • Endothermic animals have insulation.
    • They have fur, fat, or feathers.
    • Animals with thick fur or feathers have an insulation layer between their skin and internal organs.
  • The polar bears and seals live and swim in a warm environment.
    • The fluffy tail of the arctic fox helps it sleep in cold weather.
    • It is possible for mammals to increase body heat production by shivering.
    • Individual hairs stand up when the individual is cold because of arrector pili muscles.
    • This increases the strength of the hair.
    • The reaction causes "goose bumps" instead of having the intended effect on our hairless bodies.
    • Animals use layers of fat as insulation.
    • Losing body fat will affect an individual's ability to conserve heat.
  • The circulatory systems of ectotherms and endotherms help maintain body temperature.
    • Vasodilation, the opening up of arteries to the skin by relaxation of their smooth muscles, brings more blood and heat to the body surface, facilitating radiation and cooling the body.
    • Vasoconstriction, the narrowing of blood vessels to the skin by contraction of their smooth muscles, reduces blood flow in peripheral blood vessels and conserves heat.
    • Some animals have adaptions to their circulatory system that allow them to transfer heat from arteries to veins that are flowing next to each other.
    • The countercurrent heat exchange prevents the cold blood from cooling the heart and other internal organs.
    • The countercurrent adaptation is found in many animals.
  • Some animals use changes in their behavior to regulate their body temperature.
    • During the hottest part of the day in the desert, they seek cooler areas.
    • The same animals may climb onto rocks in the evening to get some heat in the desert.
  • The processes of temperature control are coordinated by the nervous system in the animal brain.
    • The set point for body temperature is maintained by the hypothalamus through reflexes.
    • The sympathetic nervous system under control of the hypothalamus is in charge of the body's temperature loss and gain.
    • Some instances the set point may be adjusted.
    • During an infection, compounds called pyrogens are produced and circulate to the hypothalamus to reset the thermostat.
    • The body's temperature can increase to a new homeostatic equilibrium point when this occurs.
    • The increase in body heat makes the body less efficient in fighting infections and increases the activities of cells so they are better able to fight them.
  • The body is able to regulate temperature.
  • The blood contains pyrogens, which are released whenbacteria are destroyed.
    • The body's thermostat is set to a higher temperature.
  • The fluids inside and around the cells are made of water, electrolytes, and non-electrolytes.
    • An ion is a compound that is dissolved in water.
    • A nonelectrolyte does not form ion in water.
    • The "membranes" made of cells in the body are semipermeable.
    • Cells are impermeable to water and certain types of solutes.
  • The body is not isolated.
    • The system has a constant input of water and electrolytes.
    • osmotic balance is maintained by excess water, electrolytes, and waste being transported to the kidneys.
    • Insufficient fluid intake causes the kidneys to excrete more fluid.
    • There is a tendency to accumulate toxic waste and water if there is no mechanism to regulate osmotic pressure.
  • Specific concentrations of important electrolytes in the three major fluid compartments are regulated by mammalian systems.
    • The volume of the fluid compartments can change temporarily because osmotic pressure is regulated by the movement of water.
    • osmotic pressures have a direct bearing on blood pressure since blood is one of the fluid components.
  • The human excretory system removes waste from the body through the skin, lungs, and urinary system.
    • The three systems are involved in waste removal.
    • The OpenStax book is available for free at blood containing the metabolic wastes from cells.
    • The human body has a kidneys that filters blood about 60 times a day.
    • The urine is collected from the bladder.
  • An outer cortex, a medulla in the middle, and the expanded end of the ureter are the internal regions of the kidneys.
  • The human excretory system is made up of several organs.
    • The urine is stored in the bladder until it is eliminated through the urethra.
    • The internal structure of the kidneys is shown on the right.
    • It is distributed in smaller vessels.
    • The blood comes in contact with the waste-collecting tubules in a structure called the glomerulus.
    • Water and many solutes present in the blood, as well as wastes and valuable substances, leave the blood and enter the tubule system of the nephron.
    • When materials pass through the tubule, they are reabsorbed back into the capillaries that surround the tubules.
    • Active transport is required for some of this reabsorption.
    • Drugs and ion are taken up by tubule cells when they diffuse out of the capillaries into the interstitial fluid.
    • The tubules are active in the production of these wastes.
    • The blood collects in larger vessels and leaves the kidneys in the vein.
    • The amount of water and ion reabsorption into the circulatory system is regulated by the body.
    • The urine is stored in the bladder and the waste is collected in larger tubules.
  • When the bladder needs to be emptied, it has sensory nerves.
    • The urge to urinate can be suppressed up to a limit by these signals.