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The Civil War (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)

The Civil War

  • Date: 1861-1865

  • Parties: Union (North) vs. Confederacy (South)

  • Causes: States' rights, slavery, economic differences

  • Key Events:

    • Battle of Gettysburg

    • Emancipation Proclamation

    • Sherman's March to the Sea

  • Leaders:

    • Union: Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant

    • Confederacy: Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee

  • Outcome:

    • Union victory

    • Abolition of slavery with the 13th Amendment

  • Impact:

    • Over 600,000 casualties

    • Reconstruction era to rebuild the South

  • Legacy:

    • Strengthened federal government

    • Redefined American identity and unity

The Civil War

  • Date: 1861-1865

  • Parties: Union (North) vs. Confederacy (South)

  • Causes: States' rights, slavery, economic differences

  • Key Events:

    • Battle of Gettysburg

    • Emancipation Proclamation

    • Sherman's March to the Sea

  • Leaders:

    • Union: Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant

    • Confederacy: Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee

  • Outcome:

    • Union victory

    • Abolition of slavery with the 13th Amendment

  • Impact:

    • Over 600,000 casualties

    • Reconstruction era to rebuild the South

  • Legacy:

    • Strengthened federal government

    • Redefined American identity and unity