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Page 1:

  • RSA cryptosystem has withstood attacks and is still considered secure

  • Legitimate threat to RSA is the rise of quantum computers

  • Hastad Broadcast Attack is one of the attacks that can be used against RSA


  • RSA was invented by Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman in response to an open problem posed by Diffie and Helman

  • Diffie and Helman hypothesized the concept of an asymmetric public-private key cryptosystem

  • RSA-129, a large number with 129 digits, was generated to test the hypothesis

  • It took 17 years to factorize RSA-129, leading to the need for bigger prime numbers

  • Prime factorization is a hard problem in computer science

  • RSA algorithm involves choosing large random prime numbers, calculating modulus and totient, and choosing public and private key exponents

Page 2

  • Correctness of RSA

    • Public key consists of N and e

    • Encryption function: f(M) ≡ Me(modN)

    • Private key is a positive integer d

    • Decryption function: g(C) ≡ Cd(modN)

  • Tools needed to prove the correctness of RSA

    • Fermat's Little Theorem

    • Euclid's Lemma

Page 2 (continued)

  • Fermat's Little Theorem

    • If p is a prime number and a is an integer relatively prime to p, then ap-1 ≡ 1 (mod p)

  • Euclid's Lemma

    • If d divides a * b, then either d divides a or d divides b

  • Lemma 2

    • If a ≡ M (mod p) and a ≡ M (mod q), then a ≡ M (mod p * q)

  • Proof that (Me)d ≡ M (mod N = p * q)

    • Show that (Me)d ≡ M (mod p)

    • Show that (Me)d ≡ M (mod q)

    • Use Lemma 2 to conclude that (Me)d ≡ M (mod N = p * q)

Page 2 (continued)

  • Attacks on RSA

    • Exploits on RSA due to poor implementation

    • Low public key exponent

  • Coppersmith Theorem

    • An algorithm to find all roots of a polynomial modulo N that are smaller than X = N1/d

  • Chinese Remainder Theorem

    • Simultaneous congruences have a solution modulo m, where m =

  • Hastad Broadcast Attack

    • When the same message is encrypted with the same small public exponent e and different moduli (Ni, e)

    • If k ≥ 3 ciphertexts are known, the message M is no longer secure

Page 3

  • Generalizations:

    • Hastad Broadcast attack

    • Linear-padding does not protect against the attack

    • System of univariate equations modulo relatively prime composites

    • Randomized padding should be used in RSA encryption

  • Theorem 2 (Hastad):

    • Relatively prime integers N1...Nk

    • Polynomials gi(x) of maximum degree q

    • Unique M satisfying gi(M) ≡ 0modNi for all i

    • k > q

    • Efficient algorithm to compute M

  • Proof:

    • Chinese Remainder Theorem to compute coefficients Ti

    • Setting g(x) = Pi · Ti · gi(x)

    • g(M) ≡ 0(mod Q Ni)

    • Compute integer roots x0 satisfying g(x0) ≡ 0(mod Q Ni) and |x0| < Q Ni) 1 q

    • M < Nmin < (Q N1) 1k < (Q N1) 1 q

  • Practical Example:

    • Challenge from PlaidCTF

    • Public key exponent e=5

    • Prime numbers p and q are 1024 bits long

    • 5 encrypted messages of the same message M

    • Linear padding applied to M and raised to the power of e

    • Script called generate.sage

    • Four numbers ai, bi, ci, and ni written onto data.txt 5 times

  • Using CRT to compute c* such that c∗ = ci(modni)

  • Linear padding makes standard broadcast attack infeasible

  • Using Theorem 2 to construct polynomial g(x)

  • Coppersmith’s method to find m

  • Solution code

Page 4:

  • Code for RSA encryption

    • Defines a matrix and a list

    • Iterates through the matrix and performs calculations

    • Defines a polynomial ring and performs calculations

    • Prints the result


  • Studied number theory and prime numbers

    • Discovered open problems like Goldbach conjecture and Twin Prime conjecture

  • Importance of understanding RSA algorithm

    • Highlighted the need for strong encryption in online transactions

    • Proved the correctness of RSA

    • Factorizing large integers is computationally hard

    • Low public key exponents and linear padding are not secure

    • Randomized padding is recommended

  • Acknowledgment

    • Thanked Prof. Koc for support and cooperation

  • References

    • Boneh, Dan. "Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem."

    • Durfee, Glenn. "Cryptanalysis of RSA using algebraic and lattice methods."

    • Wikipedia contributors. "Coppersmith's attack."

    • Ma, Dan. "Fermat's little theorem and RSA algorithm."

Page 1:

  • RSA cryptosystem has withstood attacks and is still considered secure

  • Legitimate threat to RSA is the rise of quantum computers

  • Hastad Broadcast Attack is one of the attacks that can be used against RSA


  • RSA was invented by Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman in response to an open problem posed by Diffie and Helman

  • Diffie and Helman hypothesized the concept of an asymmetric public-private key cryptosystem

  • RSA-129, a large number with 129 digits, was generated to test the hypothesis

  • It took 17 years to factorize RSA-129, leading to the need for bigger prime numbers

  • Prime factorization is a hard problem in computer science

  • RSA algorithm involves choosing large random prime numbers, calculating modulus and totient, and choosing public and private key exponents

Page 2

  • Correctness of RSA

    • Public key consists of N and e

    • Encryption function: f(M) ≡ Me(modN)

    • Private key is a positive integer d

    • Decryption function: g(C) ≡ Cd(modN)

  • Tools needed to prove the correctness of RSA

    • Fermat's Little Theorem

    • Euclid's Lemma

Page 2 (continued)

  • Fermat's Little Theorem

    • If p is a prime number and a is an integer relatively prime to p, then ap-1 ≡ 1 (mod p)

  • Euclid's Lemma

    • If d divides a * b, then either d divides a or d divides b

  • Lemma 2

    • If a ≡ M (mod p) and a ≡ M (mod q), then a ≡ M (mod p * q)

  • Proof that (Me)d ≡ M (mod N = p * q)

    • Show that (Me)d ≡ M (mod p)

    • Show that (Me)d ≡ M (mod q)

    • Use Lemma 2 to conclude that (Me)d ≡ M (mod N = p * q)

Page 2 (continued)

  • Attacks on RSA

    • Exploits on RSA due to poor implementation

    • Low public key exponent

  • Coppersmith Theorem

    • An algorithm to find all roots of a polynomial modulo N that are smaller than X = N1/d

  • Chinese Remainder Theorem

    • Simultaneous congruences have a solution modulo m, where m =

  • Hastad Broadcast Attack

    • When the same message is encrypted with the same small public exponent e and different moduli (Ni, e)

    • If k ≥ 3 ciphertexts are known, the message M is no longer secure

Page 3

  • Generalizations:

    • Hastad Broadcast attack

    • Linear-padding does not protect against the attack

    • System of univariate equations modulo relatively prime composites

    • Randomized padding should be used in RSA encryption

  • Theorem 2 (Hastad):

    • Relatively prime integers N1...Nk

    • Polynomials gi(x) of maximum degree q

    • Unique M satisfying gi(M) ≡ 0modNi for all i

    • k > q

    • Efficient algorithm to compute M

  • Proof:

    • Chinese Remainder Theorem to compute coefficients Ti

    • Setting g(x) = Pi · Ti · gi(x)

    • g(M) ≡ 0(mod Q Ni)

    • Compute integer roots x0 satisfying g(x0) ≡ 0(mod Q Ni) and |x0| < Q Ni) 1 q

    • M < Nmin < (Q N1) 1k < (Q N1) 1 q

  • Practical Example:

    • Challenge from PlaidCTF

    • Public key exponent e=5

    • Prime numbers p and q are 1024 bits long

    • 5 encrypted messages of the same message M

    • Linear padding applied to M and raised to the power of e

    • Script called generate.sage

    • Four numbers ai, bi, ci, and ni written onto data.txt 5 times

  • Using CRT to compute c* such that c∗ = ci(modni)

  • Linear padding makes standard broadcast attack infeasible

  • Using Theorem 2 to construct polynomial g(x)

  • Coppersmith’s method to find m

  • Solution code

Page 4:

  • Code for RSA encryption

    • Defines a matrix and a list

    • Iterates through the matrix and performs calculations

    • Defines a polynomial ring and performs calculations

    • Prints the result


  • Studied number theory and prime numbers

    • Discovered open problems like Goldbach conjecture and Twin Prime conjecture

  • Importance of understanding RSA algorithm

    • Highlighted the need for strong encryption in online transactions

    • Proved the correctness of RSA

    • Factorizing large integers is computationally hard

    • Low public key exponents and linear padding are not secure

    • Randomized padding is recommended

  • Acknowledgment

    • Thanked Prof. Koc for support and cooperation

  • References

    • Boneh, Dan. "Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem."

    • Durfee, Glenn. "Cryptanalysis of RSA using algebraic and lattice methods."

    • Wikipedia contributors. "Coppersmith's attack."

    • Ma, Dan. "Fermat's little theorem and RSA algorithm."