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Chapter 1: Introduction

  • The north won the civil war, but Abraham Lincoln was assassinated 2 months prior

  • The north occupied the south and entered a period called reconstruction

  • Reconstruction refers to the actual reconstruction and reform of the south

  • Three big things happened during reconstruction:

    • The north suspended democracy in the south and installed its own politicians

    • The United States passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments

    • The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in 1865

Chapter 2: The United States

  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    • Abraham Lincoln's executive order

    • Official law in 1865

  • The 14th Amendment

    • Made every person born in the United States a citizen

    • Included the free slaves

    • Introduced due process

  • The 15th Amendment

    • Gave all free men the right to vote

    • No non-free men

    • Women still did not have the right to vote

  • Former slaves brought on equal standing by law, but not in practice

Chapter 3: Called Jim Crow

  • The reconstruction period ends in 1877

  • Republicans were in power in the North, Democrats in the South

  • Democracy was contested and elections were heavily contested

Jim Crow Laws

  • Jim Crow laws were passed in the South

  • Named after a parody character from the early 1800s

  • Blacks and whites were segregated

  • Conditions for blacks were far inferior

  • Blacks had to use separate drinking fountains

Chapter 4: The United States

  • Segregation and discrimination

    • Separate bathroom rooms

    • Segregation in theaters and buses

    • Lasted until the civil rights movement in the 1960s

  • Economic boom and innovation

    • Post-war and post-civil war period

    • Massive building of railroads and steam engines

    • Various ages of mass innovation

    • 1873: Governments shift from gold and silver standard to gold standard

  • Panic of 1873

Chapter 5: The United States

  • The United States experiences a decline in the price of silver

    • This negatively affects silver miners and associated industries

  • The decline in silver prices restricts the money supply

    • Restricting the money supply leads to an increase in interest rates

    • This causes a bubble in the economy to burst

  • The United States enters a depression from 1873 to 1879

  • After recovering from the depression, the United States experiences rapid economic growth

    • A large influx of immigrants from Europe contributes to this growth

    • By 1890, the United States becomes the richest country in the world on a per capita basis

  • In 1898, a significant event occurs (details not provided in the transcript)

Chapter 6: The United States

  • The United States starts to become an empire

  • In 1898, Cuba was a Spanish colony

  • Cubans revolted against the Spanish

  • The United States sympathized with the Cubans

  • The United States sent ships to Havana Harbor to protect American interests

  • The US battleship called the Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor


  • The United States was not interested in controlling other nations or people

  • The Spanish were known for cracking down hard on revolts

  • The United States sent ships to protect American interests, similar to the Mexican American war

  • The USS Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor

  • Pictures became relevant in this period of history

Chapter 7: War On Spain

  • The sinking of the main

    • People speculate on the cause

    • Some believe Spain blew up the main

    • Conspiracy theorists suggest the US did it intentionally

  • Declaration of war on Spain

    • American public and government angered

    • Short-lived war, US emerges victorious

  • Consequences of the Spanish American war

    • US becomes an empire

    • Temporary control of Cuba

    • Permanent control of Guam

    • Control of the Philippines until World War 2

    • Puerto Rico becomes US territory

War Breaks Out in Europe

  • 1914: Start of World War 1

Chapter 8: Blockade Of British

  • The British empire and Germany are the two strongest powers at this time period

  • The United States is trying to stay neutral

    • American people have sympathies for the British empire

  • The British have a blockade of the Germans

    • The Germans wanted to blockade the British

    • Germany did not have a strong navy

  • In 1917, Germany starts sending submarines into the Atlantic

    • They want to harass or blow up ships trading with Great Britain

    • Germany becomes more desperate as the war goes on

Chapter 9: World War

  • The US enters the war in 1917 due to German U boats attacking civilian ships

  • Germany didn't take the United States seriously until then

  • In 1918, the United States played a significant role in turning the tides of the war

  • War ends in 1918

  • Consequences of the war:

    • Austrian Hungary and the Ottoman Empire cease to exist as nations

    • Germany faces huge reparations by the victors

    • Possible connection between the reparations and World War 2

1920: Amendments and Prohibition

  • In 1920, the 18th and 19th amendments are passed

  • The 18th amendment enacts prohibition, making alcohol illegal in the United States

  • Ironically, this leads to the rise of bootleggers and a crime scene around illegal alcohol

Chapter 10: Conclusion

  • The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote

  • Before the amendment, there were arguments against women's suffrage

    • One argument was that only men who fought for the country should have the right to vote

    • This argument changed during World War 1

  • During World War 1, women had to take up domestic responsibilities while men were fighting

    • Women played a significant role in the war effort by working in factories and producing goods

    • This global shift led to women gaining the right to vote

  • In the 1920s, there was a post-war economic boom

    • This boom eventually turned into an economic bubble

    • The bubble burst in 1929 with the stock market crash

  • The stock market crash led to the Great Depression

    • The Great Depression was a global economic crisis

    • It lasted until the US entry into World War 2

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • The north won the civil war, but Abraham Lincoln was assassinated 2 months prior

  • The north occupied the south and entered a period called reconstruction

  • Reconstruction refers to the actual reconstruction and reform of the south

  • Three big things happened during reconstruction:

    • The north suspended democracy in the south and installed its own politicians

    • The United States passed the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments

    • The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in 1865

Chapter 2: The United States

  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    • Abraham Lincoln's executive order

    • Official law in 1865

  • The 14th Amendment

    • Made every person born in the United States a citizen

    • Included the free slaves

    • Introduced due process

  • The 15th Amendment

    • Gave all free men the right to vote

    • No non-free men

    • Women still did not have the right to vote

  • Former slaves brought on equal standing by law, but not in practice

Chapter 3: Called Jim Crow

  • The reconstruction period ends in 1877

  • Republicans were in power in the North, Democrats in the South

  • Democracy was contested and elections were heavily contested

Jim Crow Laws

  • Jim Crow laws were passed in the South

  • Named after a parody character from the early 1800s

  • Blacks and whites were segregated

  • Conditions for blacks were far inferior

  • Blacks had to use separate drinking fountains

Chapter 4: The United States

  • Segregation and discrimination

    • Separate bathroom rooms

    • Segregation in theaters and buses

    • Lasted until the civil rights movement in the 1960s

  • Economic boom and innovation

    • Post-war and post-civil war period

    • Massive building of railroads and steam engines

    • Various ages of mass innovation

    • 1873: Governments shift from gold and silver standard to gold standard

  • Panic of 1873

Chapter 5: The United States

  • The United States experiences a decline in the price of silver

    • This negatively affects silver miners and associated industries

  • The decline in silver prices restricts the money supply

    • Restricting the money supply leads to an increase in interest rates

    • This causes a bubble in the economy to burst

  • The United States enters a depression from 1873 to 1879

  • After recovering from the depression, the United States experiences rapid economic growth

    • A large influx of immigrants from Europe contributes to this growth

    • By 1890, the United States becomes the richest country in the world on a per capita basis

  • In 1898, a significant event occurs (details not provided in the transcript)

Chapter 6: The United States

  • The United States starts to become an empire

  • In 1898, Cuba was a Spanish colony

  • Cubans revolted against the Spanish

  • The United States sympathized with the Cubans

  • The United States sent ships to Havana Harbor to protect American interests

  • The US battleship called the Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor


  • The United States was not interested in controlling other nations or people

  • The Spanish were known for cracking down hard on revolts

  • The United States sent ships to protect American interests, similar to the Mexican American war

  • The USS Maine exploded and sank in Havana Harbor

  • Pictures became relevant in this period of history

Chapter 7: War On Spain

  • The sinking of the main

    • People speculate on the cause

    • Some believe Spain blew up the main

    • Conspiracy theorists suggest the US did it intentionally

  • Declaration of war on Spain

    • American public and government angered

    • Short-lived war, US emerges victorious

  • Consequences of the Spanish American war

    • US becomes an empire

    • Temporary control of Cuba

    • Permanent control of Guam

    • Control of the Philippines until World War 2

    • Puerto Rico becomes US territory

War Breaks Out in Europe

  • 1914: Start of World War 1

Chapter 8: Blockade Of British

  • The British empire and Germany are the two strongest powers at this time period

  • The United States is trying to stay neutral

    • American people have sympathies for the British empire

  • The British have a blockade of the Germans

    • The Germans wanted to blockade the British

    • Germany did not have a strong navy

  • In 1917, Germany starts sending submarines into the Atlantic

    • They want to harass or blow up ships trading with Great Britain

    • Germany becomes more desperate as the war goes on

Chapter 9: World War

  • The US enters the war in 1917 due to German U boats attacking civilian ships

  • Germany didn't take the United States seriously until then

  • In 1918, the United States played a significant role in turning the tides of the war

  • War ends in 1918

  • Consequences of the war:

    • Austrian Hungary and the Ottoman Empire cease to exist as nations

    • Germany faces huge reparations by the victors

    • Possible connection between the reparations and World War 2

1920: Amendments and Prohibition

  • In 1920, the 18th and 19th amendments are passed

  • The 18th amendment enacts prohibition, making alcohol illegal in the United States

  • Ironically, this leads to the rise of bootleggers and a crime scene around illegal alcohol

Chapter 10: Conclusion

  • The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote

  • Before the amendment, there were arguments against women's suffrage

    • One argument was that only men who fought for the country should have the right to vote

    • This argument changed during World War 1

  • During World War 1, women had to take up domestic responsibilities while men were fighting

    • Women played a significant role in the war effort by working in factories and producing goods

    • This global shift led to women gaining the right to vote

  • In the 1920s, there was a post-war economic boom

    • This boom eventually turned into an economic bubble

    • The bubble burst in 1929 with the stock market crash

  • The stock market crash led to the Great Depression

    • The Great Depression was a global economic crisis

    • It lasted until the US entry into World War 2