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14. The Civil War

14. The Civil War

  • Cold every American as military deployment reached levels never before seen in Harbor, Virginia.
  • The war to preserve the Union began in 1865.
  • African Americans pressed the issue of freedom and nurtured it.
    • While navigating a world without many men of military age, women thrust themselves into critical wartime roles.
    • The Civil War was a defining event in the history of the United States and the Americans were thrust into it.
  • The 1860 presidential election was chaotic.
    • Charleston, South Carolina, was the site of the Democratic Party's meeting in April.
    • The goal was to get a candidate on the ticket, but the party was deeply divided.
    • The refusal of the leaders to include a pro-slavery platform resulted in delegates from the south walking out of the convention, preventing Douglas from getting the two-thirds majority needed for a nomination.
    • The Democrats had two presidential candidates.
    • The current vice president, John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky, was nominated by southerners at the Baltimore convention.
    • Initially, the Republicans were not unified around a single candi date.
    • Leading Republican men vied for their party's nomination.
    • At the May 1860 convention, a consensus was reached that the party's nominee would need to carry all the free states in order to win.
    • New York Senator William Seward was passed over.
    • In Pennsylvania and New Jersey, there was a potential obstacle to Seward's pro- immigrant position.
    • Lincoln rose from a pool of potential candidates and was selected by the delegates on the third ballot.
    • The electoral landscape was further complicated by the emergence of a fourth candidate, Tennessee's John Bell.
    • The Constitutional Unionists, made up of former Whigs and some southern Democrats, made it their mission to avoid the threat of secession while doing little else to address the issues tearing the country apart.
  • The Repub lican Party got a big boost from Abraham Lincoln's nomination.
    • New Jersey was the only free state Lincoln did not carry.
    • 81.2 percent of the electorate came out to vote, the highest ever for a presidential election.
    • Lincoln received less than 40 percent of the popular vote, but with the field so split, that percentage yielded 180 electoral votes.
  • Lincoln's name was not included in the ballots of the Library of the exception of Virginia.
  • Lincoln's election and the perceived threat to the institution of slavery proved too much for the deep southern states.
    • South Carolina called for a convention to declare independence.
    • The South Carolina convention voted unanimously to end their union with the United States on December 20, 1860.
    • On January 9, 1861, Mississippi adopted their own resolution, followed by Florida on January 10, Alabama on January 11, Georgia on January 19, Louisiana on January 26, and Texas on February 1.
    • Texas was the only state that put the issue up for a popular vote.
  • The Confederates adopted a new nationalism.
    • Slavery was one of the main ideals of Confederate nationalism.
    • The foundation of the Confederacy rests on the fact that the negro is not equal to the white man.
    • The election of Lincoln in 1860 showed that the South was overwhelmed.
  • Slavery was the most common frame of reference for power in the prewar South.
    • The thought of being reduced to a slave was terrifying to a southern man.
  • George Washington standing in a Roman toga is one of the emblems of nationalism on the currency.
  • Christianity was explicitly mentioned in the founding document of the Confederacy.
    • In every case, the rationale for secession was tied to slavery.
    • "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery--the greatest material interest of the world," proclaimed the Mississippi statement of secession.
  • Some southerners participated in Confederate nationalism.
    • Unionist southerners were most common in the upcountry where slavery was weakest.
    • The southerners joined the Union army and worked to defeat the Confederacy, most of whom were slaves.
    • The effort to try to solve the issue fell on Congress, which included prominent men such as Stephen Douglas, William Seward, Robert Toombs, and John Crittenden.
    • "Crittenden's Compromise" was a series of Constitutional amendments that guaranteed slavery in southern states and territories, denied the federal government slave trade regulatory power, and offered to compensate owners of fugitive slaves.
    • The measure was voted down by the Committee of Thirteen and failed in the full Senate vote.
    • The seven seceding states met in Montgomery, Alabama to organize a new nation.
    • The capital of Montgomery, Alabama, was established by the delegates after they selected Jefferson Davis of Mississippi as president.
    • It was not certain if other states of the Upper South would join the Confederacy.
    • By the early spring of 1861, voters in Virginia, Missouri, and Arkansas had rejected the idea of seceding from the United States.
    • The acts of loyalty in the Upper South were dependent on a lack of intervention by the federal government.
    • Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States on March 4, 1861.
  • He would use force to maintain possession of federal property in states that were not part of the United States.
    • The federal installation in Charleston, South Carolina was the focus of attention.
    • Lincoln intended to give the fort some supplies.
    • The fort was called for to be evacuated by South Carolina.
    • Major Robert Anderson refused.
    • Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard fired on the fort.
    • The Union troops were evacuated after Anderson surrendered.
  • On April 13, 1861, Major Robert Anderson accepted the offer from General Beauregard to leave Fort Sumter after thirty hours, according to the telegraph.
    • The Civil War began after the Union surrendered Fort Sumter.
  • In the wake of the rebellion, President Lincoln called for volunteers to serve three months.
  • The American Civil War started.
  • Several Upper South states joined the Confederacy because of the assault on Fort Sumter.
    • Eleven states gave up their loyalty to the United States.
    • The promotion of any and all interests that reinforced the objective of the new Confederate nation was predicated on the institution of slavery.
    • The defense of slavery was couched as a preservation of states' rights by some southerners.
    • In order to protect slavery, the Confederate constitution left less power to the states than the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Union adopted the General in-Chief's plan to suppress the rebellion after Lincoln's call for troops.
    • The strategy was to cut off access to coastal ports and inland waterways.
    • There would be ground troops in the interior.
    • They planned to surround and squeeze the Confederacy.
  • The border states of Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky were connected to both the North and the South.
  • To lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game according to Abraham Lincoln.
    • Lincoln's military advisors realized that the loss of the border states could cause a significant decrease in Union resources and threaten the capital in resources, block Washington.
    • Lincoln wanted to foster loyalty among all coastal ports and inland citizens so that the Union could minimize their occupation.
    • The four border states did not allow the impor to remain loyal to the Union during the war.
  • The Union's plan was illustrated by the United States.
  • If war disrupted the cotton supply, it could have catastrophic ramifications for commercial and financial markets abroad.
  • While Lincoln, his cabinet, and the War Department devised strategies to defeat the rebel insurrection, black Americans quickly forced the issue of slavery as a primary issue in the debate.
    • The Lincoln administration was urged to serve in the army and navy by black Americans.
    • He believed that the loyalty of border states would be threatened by the presence of African American troops.
    • The population of formerly enslaved people who escaped to freedom behind Union army lines was not ignored by army commanders.
    • The federal government was forced to act by the former enslaved people.
    • As the number of refugees grew, Lincoln and Congress found it harder to avoid the issue.
  • In order to avoid the issue of the slaves' freedom, he had as much a right to Enslaved African Americans who took freedom into their own hands and ran to Union lines as he did to runaway slaves.
    • The places shown in the photograph were crude, disorganized, and dirty.
    • They were still centers of freedom for slaves.
  • The First Confiscation Act was affirmed by Congress later that summer.
    • Runaways were left in a state of limbo by the act.
    • The master's claim was nullified when the slave escaped.
    • She wasn't a free citizen of the United States.
    • Runaways used to live in "contraband camps," where there was rampant disease and malnutrition.
    • Women and men were required to work in war, raising fortifications, cooking meals, and laying railroad tracks.
    • Thousands of slaves seized the chance to freedom, even though life as a contraband offered a potential path to freedom.
  • The Union military was faced with a dilemma.
    • Soldiers were not allowed to assist runaways or interfere with slavery.
    • Those who were indifferent to slavery were reluctant to help the enemy.
    • The local terrain and the movements of Confederate troops could be given useful information by fugitive slaves.
    • When Confederate commanders began forcing slaves to work on fortifications, Union officers became reluctant to turn away fugitive slaves.
    • The Confederate war effort lost every slave who escaped to the Union.
  • There were no hopes of a conflict when Union and Con federate forces met at the Battle of Bull Run.
  • The horrors of war were captured in photography.
    • Civil War photographers arranged the actors in their frames to take the best picture, even with dead soldiers in the background.
  • The Confederate victory proved that the Civil War would be long and costly.
    • Lincoln promoted Major General George B. McClellan to commander of the newly formed Army of the Potomac after the embarrassing Union defeat.
    • The Eastern Theater was silent for nearly a year after the First Battle of Bull Run.
    • Smaller engagements resulted in a bloody stalemate.
  • The same could not be said of Republicans in Washington.
    • The Whig economic package, which included the Homestead Act, the Land-Grant College Act, and the Pacific Railroad Act, was passed because of the absence of fractious, stalling southerners in Congress.
    • Robert E. Lee's railroad gun and crew were used in the main eastern theater of war.
  • The creation of banks with national characteristics was one of the things that the CIvIl War 381 began to do.
  • The expansion of the federal government and industry was aided by such acts.
  • The Democrats were divided into two camps without their southern leaders.
    • President Lincoln was supported by war Democrats.
    • The Peace Democratsclashed frequently with both War Democrats and Republicans.
    • Copperheads were sympathetic to the Confederacy and used public antiwar sentiment to push President Lincoln to negotiate an immediate peace, regardless of political leverage or bargaining power.
    • The Union would have been forced to recognize the Confederacy as a separate and legitimate government if the Copperheads had succeeded in bringing about peace.
  • While Washington was busy with political activity, military life was dull.
    • The daily life of a soldier during the Civil War was routine.
    • A typical day begins around six in the morning with drill, marching, lunch break, and more drilling followed by policing the camp.
    • Weapon inspection and cleaning followed, perhaps one final drill, dinner, and taps around nine or nine thirty in the evening.
    • The soldiers in both armies were tired of the routine.
  • Distractions to the monotony were provided by picketing or foraged.
  • The soldiers came up with clever ways of dealing with boredom.
  • Nine out of every ten Federals and eight out of every ten Confederates could read and write.
    • Letters home served as a tether linking soldiers to their loved ones.
    • The newspapers were in high demand.
    • News of battles, events in Europe, politics in Washington, and local concerns were sought and traded.
  • Camp life was mostly male while there were nurses, camp followers, and some women who pretended to be men.
    • Soldiers drank liquor, smoked tobacco, and swore.
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  • Some methods of distraction were beneficial.
    • Soldiers played sports and organized debate societies.
  • To trade with the enemy.
    • The soldiers preferred coffee and newspapers from the north.
    • These were exchanged for tobacco from the south.
    • Civil War armies had supply shortages and poor Sanitation.
    • The men were close to each other.
  • They were soldiers' daily companions.
  • Music was popular among the soldiers of both armies, creating a di version from the boredom and horror of the war.
    • Soldiers often sang while in camp and on fatigue duty.
    • There were dances held in the camp.
    • Soldiers would dance with one another because there weren't many women nearby.
  • Both the Union and Confederate versions of the song stressed that they were on the right side of history.
    • The words to Julia Ward Howe's poem "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" were set to the melody, implying Union success.
  • After a long delay, George McClellan's army moved via ship to the peninsula between the York and James Rivers in Virginia.
    • McClellan tried to get around the rebels before they knew what hit them, rather than crossing overland through the former battlefield at Manassas Junction.
    • McClellan was an overly cautious man.
    • The Confederates' favor was played on the outskirts ofRichmond.
    • The Peninsular Campaign became a huge failure after Robert E. Lee forced McClellan to retreat fromRichmond.
    • Forts Henry and Donelson were captured by the Union in February of 1862.
    • The fighting in the West was different from the fighting in the East.
  • The Confederates fought for control of the rivers since the Mississippi River and its tributaries were part of the Union's plan.
    • The Battle of Shiloh took place along the Tennessee River on April 6-7, 1862.
    • The costliest battle in American history up to that time was this one.
    • The Union victory shocked both the Union and the Confederacy with approximately twenty-three thousand casualties, a number 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465, which was 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611
  • During the Civil War, the Union and Confederates helped or hindered army move ments around the many marine environments of the southern United.
    • Under the leadership of white officers, Northern free blacks and newly freed slaves joined together to fight for the Union.
  • This novelty was beneficial for the Union war effort because it showed the Confederacy that the Union wanted to destroy slavery.
  • The navy used the latest technology to win.
  • The task of constructing a fleet from scratch was not easy for the Confederate navy.
    • The Union navy implemented the General-in-Chief's plan.
    • The future of naval warfare was revealed in the spring of 1862 as two warships fought a battle.
    • The age of the wooden sail was gone.
    • African Americans on the ground were complicating Union war aims because of advances in naval technology.
  • By the summer of 1862, the actions of black Americans were pushing the Union toward a full-blown war of emancipation.
    • The Second Confiscation Act was passed by Congress in July of 1862.
    • More runaways made their way into the Union lines as a result of this legislation.
    • Lincoln's thinking began to change.
    • In the summer of 1862, Lincoln floated the idea of an Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet.
    • The first iteration of the Emancipation Proclamation was proposed by him in August of 1862.
    • The idea was supported by Lincoln's cabinet, but the secretary of state wanted Lincoln to wait for a Union victory so that it wouldn't appear desperate.
  • The issuance of the Emancipa tion Proclamation occurred in the fall of 1862 along Antietam Creek in Maryland.
    • Lee and Jefferson Davis wanted to end the war by winning a decisive victory in Union territory.
    • At the Battle of Antietam, McClellan's and Lee's forces clashed.
    • The first major battle of the Civil War took place on Union soil.
    • It was the bloodiest day in American history, with over twenty thousand soldiers killed, wounded, or missing.
  • The Bat tle of Antietam was not a decisive Union victory despite the high death toll.
    • It resulted in enough of a victory for Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves in areas under Confederate control.
  • This African American family dressed in their finest clothes for this photograph, projecting respectability and dignity that was at odds with the southern perception of black Americans.
  • The war's aims were shifted from simple union to emancipation as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation, a far cry from a universal end to slavery.
  • Lincoln and his cabinet thought that stripping the Confederacy of its labor force would hurt the southern economy and weaken the Confederates.
    • The Battle of Antietam and the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation ensured that the Confederacy would not be recognized by European powers.
    • The Confederates continued fighting.
    • In December of 1862, Confederate and Union forces clashed in Virginia.
    • The Union casualties were staggering.
  • As the Union armies penetrated deeper into the Confederacy, politicians and generals came to understand the necessity and benefit of black men in the army and navy.
    • Although a few commanders began forming black units in 1862, widespread enlistment did not occur until the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on January 1, 1863.
    • Lincoln stated that "such persons of suitable condition will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service."
  • Lincoln wanted to separate African American troops from the white soldiers who were campaigning.
    • I believe that it is a resource that will close the contest soon.
    • The majority of the United States Colored Troops remained behind the lines as garrison forces despite the fact that more than 180,000 black men served during the war.
  • Black soldiers in the Union army were paid less than their white counterparts and were at risk of being murdered or sold into slavery if captured.
    • In 1863, James Henry Gooding wrote to Abraham Lincoln questioning why he and his fellow volunteers were paid less than white men.
    • Gooding argued that since he and his brethren were born in the United States, they should be treated as American soldiers.
  • African American soldiers used their positions in the army to change society.
  • The majority of the USCT had once been enslaved, and their presence as armed, blue-clad soldiers sent shock waves throughout the Confederacy.
  • African American soldiers symbolized liberation and the destruction of slavery to their friends and families.
    • The disruption of the Old South's racial and social hierarchy was represented by them.
  • The war gave martial authority to towns and plantations.
    • The library of war was as a black soldier marched by a group of Confederate prisoners.
  • The majority of the USCT occupied the South by performing garrison duty; other black soldiers performed admirably on the battlefield, shattering white myths that docile, Cowardly black men would fold in the maelstrom of war.
    • Black troops fought in more than four hundred battles and skirmishes, including Milliken's Bend and Port Hudson, Louisiana.
    • The highest honor for military heroism is the Medal of Honor.
    • Black soldiers laid their claims for citizenship through their voluntarism, service, and death.
    • There is no power on earth that can deny that a black man has earned the right to citizenship.
    • 25 slaves were with their masters in the army.
  • They were "camp servants," cooking their meals, raising their tents, and carrying their supplies.
    • Slaves were impressed by the Confederacy to perform manual labor.
    • The "Confederate" slaves have three important points to make.
    • Their labor was often coerced.
    • People are complicated and have differing loyalties.
    • A slave could hope that the Confederacy would lose but at the same time be concerned for the safety of his master and the Confederate soldiers he saw on a daily basis.
  • White Confederates did not see African Americans as equals.
    • Black laborers and camp servants were property.
    • It is difficult to argue that no African American ever fired a gun for the Confederacy; a camp servant whose master died in battle might well pick up his dead master's gun and continue firing, if for no other reason than to protect himself.
    • This was always informal.
    • The Confederate government passed a law in March 1865 that allowed for the enlistment of black soldiers, but only a few dozen African Americans had enlisted by the war's end.
  • Lee's Army of Northern Virginia continued its strategy in the East.
    • Chancellorsville, Virginia, was the site of one of the war's major battles between April 30 and May 6, 1863.
    • The Battle of Chancellorsville resulted in heavy casualties and the death of a Confederate general who was killed by friendly fire.
  • Lee invaded Pennsylvania in the summer of 1863 despite Jackson's death.
    • Heavy casualties crippled both sides during the battle at Gettysburg.
    • The July 3 assault on the Union center caused Lee to retreat from Pennsylvania.
    • The Battle of Gettysburg is the bloodiest battle of the war, with fifty-one thousand casualties.
  • Union forces continued their movement along the Mississippi River in the west.
    • In the winter of 1862, Grant launched his campaign against Vicksburg.
    • The "Gibraltar of the West" was Vicksburg, which was the last holdout in the west and would allow Union forces to travel along the Mississippi River.
    • The Vicksburg Campaign ended with the city's surrender.
    • The Confederacy was split in two by the fall of Vicksburg.
  • There was discontent over the war in the North despite the Union's success in the summer of 1863.
    • The first attempt at a draft among the northern populace during the Civil War was made in the wake of the Enrollment Act.
    • The wealthy could pay $300 for a substitute, sparing them from the carnage of war.
    • "A rich man's war, but a poor man's fight" was a popular refrain.
    • The New York City Draft Riots took place in July of 1863.
    • At least eleven black New Yorkers were lynched by white rioters over the course of four days.
    • The complete destruction of more than fifty properties, including the Colored Orphan Asylum, caused property damage in the millions.
  • It was the largest civil unrest to date in the United States and only was stopped by the deployment of Union soldiers, some of whom came directly from the battlefield at Gettysburg.
  • There were many displays of unity in the North.
    • In the Old Northwest, sanitary fairs raised millions of dollars for the Union.
    • Many women rose to take important leadership roles in the sanitary fairs, a clear contribution to the northern war effort.
  • There was a similar situation in the Confederacy.
    • The first act of the Confederate Library at Yale Congress took place in the spring of 1862.
  • Between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five, all able-bodied males were required to serve in the military.
    • The Confederacy had exemptions for those who owned more than 20 slaves.
  • In 1863, popular discontent reached a boiling point.
    • In the spring of 1863, there were "bread riots" in several Confederate cities, most notablyRichmond, Virginia, and the Georgia cities of Augusta, Macon, and Columbus.
    • The mobs were led by Confederate women to protest food shortages.
    • Women dramatically impacted the war through violent actions, as well as constant petitions to governors for aid and the release of husbands from military service, because of their own political control.
    • "Especially for the sake of suffering women and children, do try and stop this cruel war," one of these women wrote in a letter to the North Carolina governor.
    • 27 Confederates fought against the Union.
  • For some women, the best way to support their cause was to spy on the enemy.
    • When the war broke out, Rose O' Neal Greenhow was living in Washington, D.C., where she traveled in high social circles, gathering information for her Confederate contact.
    • Allan Pinkerton placed her under house arrest after he suspected Greenhow of espionage, and then instigated a raid on her house to gather evidence, which led to her imprisonment in Old Capitol Prison.
    • She was sent to Baltimore, Maryland, under guard.
    • Greenhow went to Europe to try to get support for the Confederacy.
  • She drowned after her boat capsized.
    • Elizabeth "Crazy Bet" Van Lew sacrificed her social standing for the Union, while Greenhow gave her life for the Confederate cause.
  • Van Lew was held in contempt by the narrow minded men and women of her city for her loyalty after she spied on the Confederacy.
    • General Grant put a guard on Van Lew when he took over.
    • In addition to her espionage activities, Van Lew also worked as a nurse.
    • There were more opportunities for proConfederate southern women to show their contempt for the enemy.
  • An American actress and a wartime spy was identified by the CIvIl War 391.
    • Military plans and drawings were snuck to Union officials by Cushman in order to fraternize with Confederate officers.
    • She was sentenced to death but was saved days before her execution by the Union's occupation of New Orleans.
    • Women were essential to the Union war effort.
  • The military strategy was changed in 1864.
    • The new tactics of "hard war" evolved slowly, as restraint toward southern civilians and property eventually gave way to a concerted effort to demoralize southern civilians and destroy the southern economy.
    • Lincoln promoted Grant to general-in-chief of the Union army in early 1864 after Grant's successes at Vicksburg and Chattanooga, Tennessee.
    • Some of the bloodiest battles of the Eastern Theater were caused by the change in command.
    • Grant's willingness to attack the Army of Northern Virginia was demonstrated by the Battle of the Wilderness, the Battle of Cold Harbor, and the siege of Petersburg.
    • Grant's army surrounded the Confederate city of Petersburg in June of 1864.
    • Supplies from the capital of the Confederacy were cut off.
    • The vital rail hub of Atlanta was captured by the Union armies under the command of William Tecumseh Sherman.
  • The disease was furthered by the action in both theaters during 1864.
    • Both armies were haunted by disease.
  • Half of the men in a company could be sick.
  • Civil War soldiers came from rural areas, where they were less exposed to diseases.
  • Soldiers from urban environments were less likely to die from diseases than their rural counterparts.
  • Civil War medicine focused on curing the patient.
    • Many soldiers tried to cure themselves with their own concoctions.
    • The ineffective home remedies were often made from plants.
    • Soldiers ate food that was not properly cooked and handled, and practiced poor personal hygiene because there was no understanding of germ theory.
    • They didn't take the right steps to make sure the water was free frombacteria.
    • It was common to have diarrhea and dysentery.
    • Civil War soldiers did not understand the value of replacing fluids when they were lost.
    • As a result, men affected by these conditions would weaken and become unable to fight or march, and as they became dehydrated their immune system became less effective, inviting other infections to attack the body.
    • Soldiers began to protect themselves from some of the more preventable sources of infections through trial and error.
    • Both armies began to dig latrines in the late 19th century.
  • The war cut down on exposure to diseases by burying human and animal waste.
  • The surgery was brutal.
    • There was little surgeons could do if a soldier was wounded in the torso, throat, or head.
    • Invasive procedures to repair damaged organs resulted in death.
    • One in six combat wounds were to one of those parts.
    • It was possible to amputate the remaining limbs.
    • If the limb was removed in forty-eight hours, soldiers had the best chance of survival.
    • A skilled surgeon could amputate a limb in a few minutes.
    • The lack of germ theory caused several unsafe practices, such as using the same tools on multiple patients, wiping hands on filthy gowns, or placing hands in communal buckets of water, and there is evidence that amputation offered the best chance of survival.
  • During the warmputations were a common form of treatment.
    • It was painful and resulted in death in many cases.
    • The first community of war veterans without limbs in American history was produced by it.
  • A common misconception is that amputation was done against a patient's wishes.
    • Americans have understood the benefits of nitrous oxide and ether since the 1830s.
    • Chloroform and opium were used to make patients unconscious or dull pain during the procedure.
    • Surgeons wouldn't amputate without the patient's consent.
  • opium and lion opium pills were administered in the Union army.
    • The United States had a Surgeon General in the 19th century.
    • He wanted to regulate the amount of medicine and make sure there was enough for the next engagement.
    • His guidelines only applied to the regular federal army.
    • The Union soldiers were organized at the state level.
    • Their surgeons often used their own concoctions from local flora, ignoring posted limits on medicines.
  • The hospitals in the North had better conditions.
  • This was partly due to the organizational skills of women like Dorothea Dix, who was the Union's Superintendent for Army Nurses.
    • Many women were members of the United States sanitary commission and helped to staff and supply hospitals in the North.
  • Key roles were taken on by women in both hospitals.
  • Death came in many forms; disease, prisons, bullets, even lightning and bee sting took men slowly or suddenly.
    • Their deaths affected more than their units.
    • Before the war, a wife was expected to sit at her husband's bed, hold his hand and preach to him after a long, fulfilling life.
    • The Civil War changed this type of death as men died far from home among strangers, so a woman was often at the mercy of the 395 men who fought alongside her husband.
  • I'm a widow now.
    • The loss of financial, physical, and emotional support can shatter lives.
    • It had the power to free women from bad marriages and open doors to financial and psychological independence.
  • The role of widows in the conflict was important.
    • The ideal widow wore black, mourned for a minimum of two and a half years, resigned herself to God's will, devoted herself to her husband's memory, and brought his body home for burial.
    • Not all widows were able to live up to the ideal.
    • Many couldn't purchase proper mourning garb.
    • Black silk dresses, heavy veils, and other antebellum mourning features were expensive and in short supply.
    • The war created an unprecedented number of widows who were pregnant or still nursing infants because most of these women were in their childbearing years.
  • In a time when the average woman gave birth to eight to ten children in her lifetime, the Civil War created many widows who were also young mothers with little time for formal mourning.
    • American society was affected by widowhood.
    • It was up to each widow to grieve her own way.
  • Military and social events took place against the backdrop of the presidential election of 1864.
    • The presidential contest featured a changed electorate.
    • The eleven states of the Confederacy did not participate in the addition of three new states.
    • The National Union Party ticket had Lincoln and Andrew Johnson on it.
    • George B. McClellan was his former commander.
    • McClellan was a "War Democrat" and the official platform of the Democratic Party was about negotiating an end to the Civil War.
    • George H. Pendleton was McClellan's vice presidential nominee.
  • Lincoln and McClellan each needed at least 116 electoral votes to win the presidency.
  • He would be given support.
    • Thanks to William Sherman's capture of Atlanta on September 2, 1864, Lincoln won the election easily.
    • Lincoln received support from members of the Radical Democracy Party who wanted the end of slavery.
  • Lincoln defeated McClellan in the popular vote.
    • Lincoln's victory was more pronounced in the Electoral College.
  • On March 4, 1865, President Lincoln delivered his inaugural address in front of a crowd of people at the U.S. Capitol.
  • Hard war was defined by the years of 1864 and 1865.
    • The effectiveness of the Union's strategy was demonstrated by the destruction of Confederate infrastructure in the West and East.
    • After the capture of Atlanta in the fall of 1864, William Sherman traveled to the Sea in the winter of 1865 to deliver the gift to Abraham Lincoln.
    • As Sherman moved into the heart of the Confederacy in South Carolina in 1865, his path of destruction became even more destructive.
    • Columbia, South Carolina, and the capture of Charleston brought the war to the birthplace of independence.
    • Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865, ending major Confederate military operations.
  • The end of legal slavery happened in 1865.
  • Ex-slaves were often Wikimedia.
  • The camps were disease-ridden.
    • The Republican Reconstruction program of guaranteeing black rights ended after the war.
    • After 1865, most black southerners continued to work on plantations, even though they faced public segregation and voting discrimination.
    • The effects of slavery continued after they were abolished.
  • America was once again territorially united as battlefields fell silent in 1865, after the question of secession had been answered.
    • The Civil War created more questions than answers.
  • Soldiers from the north and south returned home with broken bodies, broken spirits and broken minds.
    • Plantation owners did not have labor.
    • African Americans had no land after being freed.
    • Legal marriage, family reunions, employment, and fresh starts were some of the possibilities former slaves faced.
    • The battles for the peace were just beginning after the war was over.
  • Content contributions by Thomas Balcerski, William Black, Frank Cirillo, and Matthew C. were included in the edited chapter.
  • NoTeS to Ter 14 1.
  • The Lincoln Papers are from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
  • The Civil War's Ragged Edges were the subject of Weirding the War.
  • The CIvIl War was written by Clinton, Catherine and Silber.
  • The Ordeal of Combat was the subject of The Union Soldier in Battle.

14. The Civil War

  • Cold every American as military deployment reached levels never before seen in Harbor, Virginia.
  • The war to preserve the Union began in 1865.
  • African Americans pressed the issue of freedom and nurtured it.
    • While navigating a world without many men of military age, women thrust themselves into critical wartime roles.
    • The Civil War was a defining event in the history of the United States and the Americans were thrust into it.
  • The 1860 presidential election was chaotic.
    • Charleston, South Carolina, was the site of the Democratic Party's meeting in April.
    • The goal was to get a candidate on the ticket, but the party was deeply divided.
    • The refusal of the leaders to include a pro-slavery platform resulted in delegates from the south walking out of the convention, preventing Douglas from getting the two-thirds majority needed for a nomination.
    • The Democrats had two presidential candidates.
    • The current vice president, John C. Breckinridge of Kentucky, was nominated by southerners at the Baltimore convention.
    • Initially, the Republicans were not unified around a single candi date.
    • Leading Republican men vied for their party's nomination.
    • At the May 1860 convention, a consensus was reached that the party's nominee would need to carry all the free states in order to win.
    • New York Senator William Seward was passed over.
    • In Pennsylvania and New Jersey, there was a potential obstacle to Seward's pro- immigrant position.
    • Lincoln rose from a pool of potential candidates and was selected by the delegates on the third ballot.
    • The electoral landscape was further complicated by the emergence of a fourth candidate, Tennessee's John Bell.
    • The Constitutional Unionists, made up of former Whigs and some southern Democrats, made it their mission to avoid the threat of secession while doing little else to address the issues tearing the country apart.
  • The Repub lican Party got a big boost from Abraham Lincoln's nomination.
    • New Jersey was the only free state Lincoln did not carry.
    • 81.2 percent of the electorate came out to vote, the highest ever for a presidential election.
    • Lincoln received less than 40 percent of the popular vote, but with the field so split, that percentage yielded 180 electoral votes.
  • Lincoln's name was not included in the ballots of the Library of the exception of Virginia.
  • Lincoln's election and the perceived threat to the institution of slavery proved too much for the deep southern states.
    • South Carolina called for a convention to declare independence.
    • The South Carolina convention voted unanimously to end their union with the United States on December 20, 1860.
    • On January 9, 1861, Mississippi adopted their own resolution, followed by Florida on January 10, Alabama on January 11, Georgia on January 19, Louisiana on January 26, and Texas on February 1.
    • Texas was the only state that put the issue up for a popular vote.
  • The Confederates adopted a new nationalism.
    • Slavery was one of the main ideals of Confederate nationalism.
    • The foundation of the Confederacy rests on the fact that the negro is not equal to the white man.
    • The election of Lincoln in 1860 showed that the South was overwhelmed.
  • Slavery was the most common frame of reference for power in the prewar South.
    • The thought of being reduced to a slave was terrifying to a southern man.
  • George Washington standing in a Roman toga is one of the emblems of nationalism on the currency.
  • Christianity was explicitly mentioned in the founding document of the Confederacy.
    • In every case, the rationale for secession was tied to slavery.
    • "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery--the greatest material interest of the world," proclaimed the Mississippi statement of secession.
  • Some southerners participated in Confederate nationalism.
    • Unionist southerners were most common in the upcountry where slavery was weakest.
    • The southerners joined the Union army and worked to defeat the Confederacy, most of whom were slaves.
    • The effort to try to solve the issue fell on Congress, which included prominent men such as Stephen Douglas, William Seward, Robert Toombs, and John Crittenden.
    • "Crittenden's Compromise" was a series of Constitutional amendments that guaranteed slavery in southern states and territories, denied the federal government slave trade regulatory power, and offered to compensate owners of fugitive slaves.
    • The measure was voted down by the Committee of Thirteen and failed in the full Senate vote.
    • The seven seceding states met in Montgomery, Alabama to organize a new nation.
    • The capital of Montgomery, Alabama, was established by the delegates after they selected Jefferson Davis of Mississippi as president.
    • It was not certain if other states of the Upper South would join the Confederacy.
    • By the early spring of 1861, voters in Virginia, Missouri, and Arkansas had rejected the idea of seceding from the United States.
    • The acts of loyalty in the Upper South were dependent on a lack of intervention by the federal government.
    • Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States on March 4, 1861.
  • He would use force to maintain possession of federal property in states that were not part of the United States.
    • The federal installation in Charleston, South Carolina was the focus of attention.
    • Lincoln intended to give the fort some supplies.
    • The fort was called for to be evacuated by South Carolina.
    • Major Robert Anderson refused.
    • Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard fired on the fort.
    • The Union troops were evacuated after Anderson surrendered.
  • On April 13, 1861, Major Robert Anderson accepted the offer from General Beauregard to leave Fort Sumter after thirty hours, according to the telegraph.
    • The Civil War began after the Union surrendered Fort Sumter.
  • In the wake of the rebellion, President Lincoln called for volunteers to serve three months.
  • The American Civil War started.
  • Several Upper South states joined the Confederacy because of the assault on Fort Sumter.
    • Eleven states gave up their loyalty to the United States.
    • The promotion of any and all interests that reinforced the objective of the new Confederate nation was predicated on the institution of slavery.
    • The defense of slavery was couched as a preservation of states' rights by some southerners.
    • In order to protect slavery, the Confederate constitution left less power to the states than the U.S. Constitution.
  • The Union adopted the General in-Chief's plan to suppress the rebellion after Lincoln's call for troops.
    • The strategy was to cut off access to coastal ports and inland waterways.
    • There would be ground troops in the interior.
    • They planned to surround and squeeze the Confederacy.
  • The border states of Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, and Kentucky were connected to both the North and the South.
  • To lose Kentucky is nearly the same as to lose the whole game according to Abraham Lincoln.
    • Lincoln's military advisors realized that the loss of the border states could cause a significant decrease in Union resources and threaten the capital in resources, block Washington.
    • Lincoln wanted to foster loyalty among all coastal ports and inland citizens so that the Union could minimize their occupation.
    • The four border states did not allow the impor to remain loyal to the Union during the war.
  • The Union's plan was illustrated by the United States.
  • If war disrupted the cotton supply, it could have catastrophic ramifications for commercial and financial markets abroad.
  • While Lincoln, his cabinet, and the War Department devised strategies to defeat the rebel insurrection, black Americans quickly forced the issue of slavery as a primary issue in the debate.
    • The Lincoln administration was urged to serve in the army and navy by black Americans.
    • He believed that the loyalty of border states would be threatened by the presence of African American troops.
    • The population of formerly enslaved people who escaped to freedom behind Union army lines was not ignored by army commanders.
    • The federal government was forced to act by the former enslaved people.
    • As the number of refugees grew, Lincoln and Congress found it harder to avoid the issue.
  • In order to avoid the issue of the slaves' freedom, he had as much a right to Enslaved African Americans who took freedom into their own hands and ran to Union lines as he did to runaway slaves.
    • The places shown in the photograph were crude, disorganized, and dirty.
    • They were still centers of freedom for slaves.
  • The First Confiscation Act was affirmed by Congress later that summer.
    • Runaways were left in a state of limbo by the act.
    • The master's claim was nullified when the slave escaped.
    • She wasn't a free citizen of the United States.
    • Runaways used to live in "contraband camps," where there was rampant disease and malnutrition.
    • Women and men were required to work in war, raising fortifications, cooking meals, and laying railroad tracks.
    • Thousands of slaves seized the chance to freedom, even though life as a contraband offered a potential path to freedom.
  • The Union military was faced with a dilemma.
    • Soldiers were not allowed to assist runaways or interfere with slavery.
    • Those who were indifferent to slavery were reluctant to help the enemy.
    • The local terrain and the movements of Confederate troops could be given useful information by fugitive slaves.
    • When Confederate commanders began forcing slaves to work on fortifications, Union officers became reluctant to turn away fugitive slaves.
    • The Confederate war effort lost every slave who escaped to the Union.
  • There were no hopes of a conflict when Union and Con federate forces met at the Battle of Bull Run.
  • The horrors of war were captured in photography.
    • Civil War photographers arranged the actors in their frames to take the best picture, even with dead soldiers in the background.
  • The Confederate victory proved that the Civil War would be long and costly.
    • Lincoln promoted Major General George B. McClellan to commander of the newly formed Army of the Potomac after the embarrassing Union defeat.
    • The Eastern Theater was silent for nearly a year after the First Battle of Bull Run.
    • Smaller engagements resulted in a bloody stalemate.
  • The same could not be said of Republicans in Washington.
    • The Whig economic package, which included the Homestead Act, the Land-Grant College Act, and the Pacific Railroad Act, was passed because of the absence of fractious, stalling southerners in Congress.
    • Robert E. Lee's railroad gun and crew were used in the main eastern theater of war.
  • The creation of banks with national characteristics was one of the things that the CIvIl War 381 began to do.
  • The expansion of the federal government and industry was aided by such acts.
  • The Democrats were divided into two camps without their southern leaders.
    • President Lincoln was supported by war Democrats.
    • The Peace Democratsclashed frequently with both War Democrats and Republicans.
    • Copperheads were sympathetic to the Confederacy and used public antiwar sentiment to push President Lincoln to negotiate an immediate peace, regardless of political leverage or bargaining power.
    • The Union would have been forced to recognize the Confederacy as a separate and legitimate government if the Copperheads had succeeded in bringing about peace.
  • While Washington was busy with political activity, military life was dull.
    • The daily life of a soldier during the Civil War was routine.
    • A typical day begins around six in the morning with drill, marching, lunch break, and more drilling followed by policing the camp.
    • Weapon inspection and cleaning followed, perhaps one final drill, dinner, and taps around nine or nine thirty in the evening.
    • The soldiers in both armies were tired of the routine.
  • Distractions to the monotony were provided by picketing or foraged.
  • The soldiers came up with clever ways of dealing with boredom.
  • Nine out of every ten Federals and eight out of every ten Confederates could read and write.
    • Letters home served as a tether linking soldiers to their loved ones.
    • The newspapers were in high demand.
    • News of battles, events in Europe, politics in Washington, and local concerns were sought and traded.
  • Camp life was mostly male while there were nurses, camp followers, and some women who pretended to be men.
    • Soldiers drank liquor, smoked tobacco, and swore.
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  • Some methods of distraction were beneficial.
    • Soldiers played sports and organized debate societies.
  • To trade with the enemy.
    • The soldiers preferred coffee and newspapers from the north.
    • These were exchanged for tobacco from the south.
    • Civil War armies had supply shortages and poor Sanitation.
    • The men were close to each other.
  • They were soldiers' daily companions.
  • Music was popular among the soldiers of both armies, creating a di version from the boredom and horror of the war.
    • Soldiers often sang while in camp and on fatigue duty.
    • There were dances held in the camp.
    • Soldiers would dance with one another because there weren't many women nearby.
  • Both the Union and Confederate versions of the song stressed that they were on the right side of history.
    • The words to Julia Ward Howe's poem "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" were set to the melody, implying Union success.
  • After a long delay, George McClellan's army moved via ship to the peninsula between the York and James Rivers in Virginia.
    • McClellan tried to get around the rebels before they knew what hit them, rather than crossing overland through the former battlefield at Manassas Junction.
    • McClellan was an overly cautious man.
    • The Confederates' favor was played on the outskirts ofRichmond.
    • The Peninsular Campaign became a huge failure after Robert E. Lee forced McClellan to retreat fromRichmond.
    • Forts Henry and Donelson were captured by the Union in February of 1862.
    • The fighting in the West was different from the fighting in the East.
  • The Confederates fought for control of the rivers since the Mississippi River and its tributaries were part of the Union's plan.
    • The Battle of Shiloh took place along the Tennessee River on April 6-7, 1862.
    • The costliest battle in American history up to that time was this one.
    • The Union victory shocked both the Union and the Confederacy with approximately twenty-three thousand casualties, a number 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465 888-282-0465, which was 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611 888-270-6611
  • During the Civil War, the Union and Confederates helped or hindered army move ments around the many marine environments of the southern United.
    • Under the leadership of white officers, Northern free blacks and newly freed slaves joined together to fight for the Union.
  • This novelty was beneficial for the Union war effort because it showed the Confederacy that the Union wanted to destroy slavery.
  • The navy used the latest technology to win.
  • The task of constructing a fleet from scratch was not easy for the Confederate navy.
    • The Union navy implemented the General-in-Chief's plan.
    • The future of naval warfare was revealed in the spring of 1862 as two warships fought a battle.
    • The age of the wooden sail was gone.
    • African Americans on the ground were complicating Union war aims because of advances in naval technology.
  • By the summer of 1862, the actions of black Americans were pushing the Union toward a full-blown war of emancipation.
    • The Second Confiscation Act was passed by Congress in July of 1862.
    • More runaways made their way into the Union lines as a result of this legislation.
    • Lincoln's thinking began to change.
    • In the summer of 1862, Lincoln floated the idea of an Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet.
    • The first iteration of the Emancipation Proclamation was proposed by him in August of 1862.
    • The idea was supported by Lincoln's cabinet, but the secretary of state wanted Lincoln to wait for a Union victory so that it wouldn't appear desperate.
  • The issuance of the Emancipa tion Proclamation occurred in the fall of 1862 along Antietam Creek in Maryland.
    • Lee and Jefferson Davis wanted to end the war by winning a decisive victory in Union territory.
    • At the Battle of Antietam, McClellan's and Lee's forces clashed.
    • The first major battle of the Civil War took place on Union soil.
    • It was the bloodiest day in American history, with over twenty thousand soldiers killed, wounded, or missing.
  • The Bat tle of Antietam was not a decisive Union victory despite the high death toll.
    • It resulted in enough of a victory for Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves in areas under Confederate control.
  • This African American family dressed in their finest clothes for this photograph, projecting respectability and dignity that was at odds with the southern perception of black Americans.
  • The war's aims were shifted from simple union to emancipation as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation, a far cry from a universal end to slavery.
  • Lincoln and his cabinet thought that stripping the Confederacy of its labor force would hurt the southern economy and weaken the Confederates.
    • The Battle of Antietam and the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation ensured that the Confederacy would not be recognized by European powers.
    • The Confederates continued fighting.
    • In December of 1862, Confederate and Union forces clashed in Virginia.
    • The Union casualties were staggering.
  • As the Union armies penetrated deeper into the Confederacy, politicians and generals came to understand the necessity and benefit of black men in the army and navy.
    • Although a few commanders began forming black units in 1862, widespread enlistment did not occur until the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect on January 1, 1863.
    • Lincoln stated that "such persons of suitable condition will be received into the armed service of the United States to garrison forts, positions, stations, and other places, and to man vessels of all sorts in said service."
  • Lincoln wanted to separate African American troops from the white soldiers who were campaigning.
    • I believe that it is a resource that will close the contest soon.
    • The majority of the United States Colored Troops remained behind the lines as garrison forces despite the fact that more than 180,000 black men served during the war.
  • Black soldiers in the Union army were paid less than their white counterparts and were at risk of being murdered or sold into slavery if captured.
    • In 1863, James Henry Gooding wrote to Abraham Lincoln questioning why he and his fellow volunteers were paid less than white men.
    • Gooding argued that since he and his brethren were born in the United States, they should be treated as American soldiers.
  • African American soldiers used their positions in the army to change society.
  • The majority of the USCT had once been enslaved, and their presence as armed, blue-clad soldiers sent shock waves throughout the Confederacy.
  • African American soldiers symbolized liberation and the destruction of slavery to their friends and families.
    • The disruption of the Old South's racial and social hierarchy was represented by them.
  • The war gave martial authority to towns and plantations.
    • The library of war was as a black soldier marched by a group of Confederate prisoners.
  • The majority of the USCT occupied the South by performing garrison duty; other black soldiers performed admirably on the battlefield, shattering white myths that docile, Cowardly black men would fold in the maelstrom of war.
    • Black troops fought in more than four hundred battles and skirmishes, including Milliken's Bend and Port Hudson, Louisiana.
    • The highest honor for military heroism is the Medal of Honor.
    • Black soldiers laid their claims for citizenship through their voluntarism, service, and death.
    • There is no power on earth that can deny that a black man has earned the right to citizenship.
    • 25 slaves were with their masters in the army.
  • They were "camp servants," cooking their meals, raising their tents, and carrying their supplies.
    • Slaves were impressed by the Confederacy to perform manual labor.
    • The "Confederate" slaves have three important points to make.
    • Their labor was often coerced.
    • People are complicated and have differing loyalties.
    • A slave could hope that the Confederacy would lose but at the same time be concerned for the safety of his master and the Confederate soldiers he saw on a daily basis.
  • White Confederates did not see African Americans as equals.
    • Black laborers and camp servants were property.
    • It is difficult to argue that no African American ever fired a gun for the Confederacy; a camp servant whose master died in battle might well pick up his dead master's gun and continue firing, if for no other reason than to protect himself.
    • This was always informal.
    • The Confederate government passed a law in March 1865 that allowed for the enlistment of black soldiers, but only a few dozen African Americans had enlisted by the war's end.
  • Lee's Army of Northern Virginia continued its strategy in the East.
    • Chancellorsville, Virginia, was the site of one of the war's major battles between April 30 and May 6, 1863.
    • The Battle of Chancellorsville resulted in heavy casualties and the death of a Confederate general who was killed by friendly fire.
  • Lee invaded Pennsylvania in the summer of 1863 despite Jackson's death.
    • Heavy casualties crippled both sides during the battle at Gettysburg.
    • The July 3 assault on the Union center caused Lee to retreat from Pennsylvania.
    • The Battle of Gettysburg is the bloodiest battle of the war, with fifty-one thousand casualties.
  • Union forces continued their movement along the Mississippi River in the west.
    • In the winter of 1862, Grant launched his campaign against Vicksburg.
    • The "Gibraltar of the West" was Vicksburg, which was the last holdout in the west and would allow Union forces to travel along the Mississippi River.
    • The Vicksburg Campaign ended with the city's surrender.
    • The Confederacy was split in two by the fall of Vicksburg.
  • There was discontent over the war in the North despite the Union's success in the summer of 1863.
    • The first attempt at a draft among the northern populace during the Civil War was made in the wake of the Enrollment Act.
    • The wealthy could pay $300 for a substitute, sparing them from the carnage of war.
    • "A rich man's war, but a poor man's fight" was a popular refrain.
    • The New York City Draft Riots took place in July of 1863.
    • At least eleven black New Yorkers were lynched by white rioters over the course of four days.
    • The complete destruction of more than fifty properties, including the Colored Orphan Asylum, caused property damage in the millions.
  • It was the largest civil unrest to date in the United States and only was stopped by the deployment of Union soldiers, some of whom came directly from the battlefield at Gettysburg.
  • There were many displays of unity in the North.
    • In the Old Northwest, sanitary fairs raised millions of dollars for the Union.
    • Many women rose to take important leadership roles in the sanitary fairs, a clear contribution to the northern war effort.
  • There was a similar situation in the Confederacy.
    • The first act of the Confederate Library at Yale Congress took place in the spring of 1862.
  • Between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five, all able-bodied males were required to serve in the military.
    • The Confederacy had exemptions for those who owned more than 20 slaves.
  • In 1863, popular discontent reached a boiling point.
    • In the spring of 1863, there were "bread riots" in several Confederate cities, most notablyRichmond, Virginia, and the Georgia cities of Augusta, Macon, and Columbus.
    • The mobs were led by Confederate women to protest food shortages.
    • Women dramatically impacted the war through violent actions, as well as constant petitions to governors for aid and the release of husbands from military service, because of their own political control.
    • "Especially for the sake of suffering women and children, do try and stop this cruel war," one of these women wrote in a letter to the North Carolina governor.
    • 27 Confederates fought against the Union.
  • For some women, the best way to support their cause was to spy on the enemy.
    • When the war broke out, Rose O' Neal Greenhow was living in Washington, D.C., where she traveled in high social circles, gathering information for her Confederate contact.
    • Allan Pinkerton placed her under house arrest after he suspected Greenhow of espionage, and then instigated a raid on her house to gather evidence, which led to her imprisonment in Old Capitol Prison.
    • She was sent to Baltimore, Maryland, under guard.
    • Greenhow went to Europe to try to get support for the Confederacy.
  • She drowned after her boat capsized.
    • Elizabeth "Crazy Bet" Van Lew sacrificed her social standing for the Union, while Greenhow gave her life for the Confederate cause.
  • Van Lew was held in contempt by the narrow minded men and women of her city for her loyalty after she spied on the Confederacy.
    • General Grant put a guard on Van Lew when he took over.
    • In addition to her espionage activities, Van Lew also worked as a nurse.
    • There were more opportunities for proConfederate southern women to show their contempt for the enemy.
  • An American actress and a wartime spy was identified by the CIvIl War 391.
    • Military plans and drawings were snuck to Union officials by Cushman in order to fraternize with Confederate officers.
    • She was sentenced to death but was saved days before her execution by the Union's occupation of New Orleans.
    • Women were essential to the Union war effort.
  • The military strategy was changed in 1864.
    • The new tactics of "hard war" evolved slowly, as restraint toward southern civilians and property eventually gave way to a concerted effort to demoralize southern civilians and destroy the southern economy.
    • Lincoln promoted Grant to general-in-chief of the Union army in early 1864 after Grant's successes at Vicksburg and Chattanooga, Tennessee.
    • Some of the bloodiest battles of the Eastern Theater were caused by the change in command.
    • Grant's willingness to attack the Army of Northern Virginia was demonstrated by the Battle of the Wilderness, the Battle of Cold Harbor, and the siege of Petersburg.
    • Grant's army surrounded the Confederate city of Petersburg in June of 1864.
    • Supplies from the capital of the Confederacy were cut off.
    • The vital rail hub of Atlanta was captured by the Union armies under the command of William Tecumseh Sherman.
  • The disease was furthered by the action in both theaters during 1864.
    • Both armies were haunted by disease.
  • Half of the men in a company could be sick.
  • Civil War soldiers came from rural areas, where they were less exposed to diseases.
  • Soldiers from urban environments were less likely to die from diseases than their rural counterparts.
  • Civil War medicine focused on curing the patient.
    • Many soldiers tried to cure themselves with their own concoctions.
    • The ineffective home remedies were often made from plants.
    • Soldiers ate food that was not properly cooked and handled, and practiced poor personal hygiene because there was no understanding of germ theory.
    • They didn't take the right steps to make sure the water was free frombacteria.
    • It was common to have diarrhea and dysentery.
    • Civil War soldiers did not understand the value of replacing fluids when they were lost.
    • As a result, men affected by these conditions would weaken and become unable to fight or march, and as they became dehydrated their immune system became less effective, inviting other infections to attack the body.
    • Soldiers began to protect themselves from some of the more preventable sources of infections through trial and error.
    • Both armies began to dig latrines in the late 19th century.
  • The war cut down on exposure to diseases by burying human and animal waste.
  • The surgery was brutal.
    • There was little surgeons could do if a soldier was wounded in the torso, throat, or head.
    • Invasive procedures to repair damaged organs resulted in death.
    • One in six combat wounds were to one of those parts.
    • It was possible to amputate the remaining limbs.
    • If the limb was removed in forty-eight hours, soldiers had the best chance of survival.
    • A skilled surgeon could amputate a limb in a few minutes.
    • The lack of germ theory caused several unsafe practices, such as using the same tools on multiple patients, wiping hands on filthy gowns, or placing hands in communal buckets of water, and there is evidence that amputation offered the best chance of survival.
  • During the warmputations were a common form of treatment.
    • It was painful and resulted in death in many cases.
    • The first community of war veterans without limbs in American history was produced by it.
  • A common misconception is that amputation was done against a patient's wishes.
    • Americans have understood the benefits of nitrous oxide and ether since the 1830s.
    • Chloroform and opium were used to make patients unconscious or dull pain during the procedure.
    • Surgeons wouldn't amputate without the patient's consent.
  • opium and lion opium pills were administered in the Union army.
    • The United States had a Surgeon General in the 19th century.
    • He wanted to regulate the amount of medicine and make sure there was enough for the next engagement.
    • His guidelines only applied to the regular federal army.
    • The Union soldiers were organized at the state level.
    • Their surgeons often used their own concoctions from local flora, ignoring posted limits on medicines.
  • The hospitals in the North had better conditions.
  • This was partly due to the organizational skills of women like Dorothea Dix, who was the Union's Superintendent for Army Nurses.
    • Many women were members of the United States sanitary commission and helped to staff and supply hospitals in the North.
  • Key roles were taken on by women in both hospitals.
  • Death came in many forms; disease, prisons, bullets, even lightning and bee sting took men slowly or suddenly.
    • Their deaths affected more than their units.
    • Before the war, a wife was expected to sit at her husband's bed, hold his hand and preach to him after a long, fulfilling life.
    • The Civil War changed this type of death as men died far from home among strangers, so a woman was often at the mercy of the 395 men who fought alongside her husband.
  • I'm a widow now.
    • The loss of financial, physical, and emotional support can shatter lives.
    • It had the power to free women from bad marriages and open doors to financial and psychological independence.
  • The role of widows in the conflict was important.
    • The ideal widow wore black, mourned for a minimum of two and a half years, resigned herself to God's will, devoted herself to her husband's memory, and brought his body home for burial.
    • Not all widows were able to live up to the ideal.
    • Many couldn't purchase proper mourning garb.
    • Black silk dresses, heavy veils, and other antebellum mourning features were expensive and in short supply.
    • The war created an unprecedented number of widows who were pregnant or still nursing infants because most of these women were in their childbearing years.
  • In a time when the average woman gave birth to eight to ten children in her lifetime, the Civil War created many widows who were also young mothers with little time for formal mourning.
    • American society was affected by widowhood.
    • It was up to each widow to grieve her own way.
  • Military and social events took place against the backdrop of the presidential election of 1864.
    • The presidential contest featured a changed electorate.
    • The eleven states of the Confederacy did not participate in the addition of three new states.
    • The National Union Party ticket had Lincoln and Andrew Johnson on it.
    • George B. McClellan was his former commander.
    • McClellan was a "War Democrat" and the official platform of the Democratic Party was about negotiating an end to the Civil War.
    • George H. Pendleton was McClellan's vice presidential nominee.
  • Lincoln and McClellan each needed at least 116 electoral votes to win the presidency.
  • He would be given support.
    • Thanks to William Sherman's capture of Atlanta on September 2, 1864, Lincoln won the election easily.
    • Lincoln received support from members of the Radical Democracy Party who wanted the end of slavery.
  • Lincoln defeated McClellan in the popular vote.
    • Lincoln's victory was more pronounced in the Electoral College.
  • On March 4, 1865, President Lincoln delivered his inaugural address in front of a crowd of people at the U.S. Capitol.
  • Hard war was defined by the years of 1864 and 1865.
    • The effectiveness of the Union's strategy was demonstrated by the destruction of Confederate infrastructure in the West and East.
    • After the capture of Atlanta in the fall of 1864, William Sherman traveled to the Sea in the winter of 1865 to deliver the gift to Abraham Lincoln.
    • As Sherman moved into the heart of the Confederacy in South Carolina in 1865, his path of destruction became even more destructive.
    • Columbia, South Carolina, and the capture of Charleston brought the war to the birthplace of independence.
    • Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865, ending major Confederate military operations.
  • The end of legal slavery happened in 1865.
  • Ex-slaves were often Wikimedia.
  • The camps were disease-ridden.
    • The Republican Reconstruction program of guaranteeing black rights ended after the war.
    • After 1865, most black southerners continued to work on plantations, even though they faced public segregation and voting discrimination.
    • The effects of slavery continued after they were abolished.
  • America was once again territorially united as battlefields fell silent in 1865, after the question of secession had been answered.
    • The Civil War created more questions than answers.
  • Soldiers from the north and south returned home with broken bodies, broken spirits and broken minds.
    • Plantation owners did not have labor.
    • African Americans had no land after being freed.
    • Legal marriage, family reunions, employment, and fresh starts were some of the possibilities former slaves faced.
    • The battles for the peace were just beginning after the war was over.
  • Content contributions by Thomas Balcerski, William Black, Frank Cirillo, and Matthew C. were included in the edited chapter.
  • NoTeS to Ter 14 1.
  • The Lincoln Papers are from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
  • The Civil War's Ragged Edges were the subject of Weirding the War.
  • The CIvIl War was written by Clinton, Catherine and Silber.
  • The Ordeal of Combat was the subject of The Union Soldier in Battle.