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8.5 The Combined Gas Law

8.5 The Combined Gas Law

  • When the amount of gas does not change, use the combined gas law to calculate the unknown pressure, volume, or temperature of a gas.
  • If the amount of gas does not change, this expression is useful for studying the effect of changes in two of these variables.

  • A bubble is released from a diver's air tank at a pressure of 4.00 atm and a temperature of 11 degrees.
  • The given and needed quantities should be stated.
    • The properties that change are pressure, volume, and temperature.
    • The amount of gas is shown below the table.
    • The temperature must be changed tokelvins.
  • The gas law equation can be used to solve a mystery.
  • The data table shows that the pressure and temperature changes will increase the volume.
  • It is difficult to predict the overall change for the unknown in situations where the unknown value is decreased by one change but increased by another.
  • A weather balloon has a temperature of 25 degC and a pressure of 685mmHg.
  • There is a bubble of hot gas at a temperature of 35 degrees.
    • The final from an active volcano.
  • A sample of argon gas has a volume of 735 mL.
    • What is the final pressure of air, in atmo sure of 1.20 atm and a temperature of 112 degC.
  • Avogadro's law can be used to calculate the unknown amount or volume of a gas when the pressure and temperature don't change.
  • When there is a change in the number of moles or grams of gas, the properties of the gas change.
  • The volume of a balloon increases when you blow it up.
  • Air leaks out of a balloon if it has a small hole.
  • The volume of gas is related to the number of moles.
  • The weather balloon has a volume of 44 L.
  • The given and needed quantities should be stated.
    • The properties that change are volume and amount.
    • Below the table are the properties that do not change.
  • The gas law equation can be used to solve a mystery.
  • The mole factor is greater than 1, which increases the volume as predicted.
  • If both gases have the same number of moles of gas at the same temperature and pressure, they will have equal volumes.
  • The volume of three basketballs is about the same as the volume of one mole of gas.
  • Avogadro's law states that a mole of gas has a volume of 22.4 L.
  • The number of moles of gas and its volume, in liters, can be converted into conversion factors by using the molar volume.
  • The given and needed quantities should be stated.
  • To calculate the needed quantity, write a plan.
  • Write the equalities and conversion factors.
  • To cancel units, set up the problem with factors.

  • A sample of 0.500 mole of O2 is added to the container.
  • A sample of O2 is removed.
  • Half of Ne atoms can escape from a leak.
  • The molar volume can be used to calculate Ne gas in the container.
  • The total pressure of a mixture of gases can be calculated using the law of partial pressures.
  • A mixture of gases is what many gas samples are.
    • The air you breathe is made up of mostly oxygen and nitrogen gases.
    • Scientists observed that all gas particles behaved the same.
    • The total pressure of the gases in a mixture is determined by the amount of gas particles that collide.

  • The other was filled with argon at a pressure of 4.0m.
  • The pressure in the container is determined by the combination of single tank with the same volume and temperature, the number of gas molecules, and the helium with a pressure of 2.0 atm type of gas.
    • The total pressure of the gas mixture and argon is 6.0 atm, which is the sum of their individual or partial pressures.

  • The air you breathe is a mixture of gasses.
  • On a typical day, partial pressures for the gases in air are listed.
  • The pressure of the gas mixture is 7.00 atm.
  • To solve the unknown pressure, Rearrange the equation.
    • O2 can be used to match units.
  • If you want to calculate the unknown pressure, substitute known pressures into the equation.

  • The dissolved are three times greater than atmospheric pressure if the diver ascends to the surface too quickly.
    • A cut off of oxygen can cause gas bubbles to form in a blood vessel, which can block a blood vessel and increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood.
    • A diver suffering from the bends is put into a pool of toxicbacteria.
    • Hyperbaric chambers can be used to counteract carbon monoxide when pressure is first increased and then used during surgery.
    • The dissolved nitrogen can be used to treat cancer.
  • The blood can dissolving up to 85% of the oxygen.
    • If the partial pressure of the oxygen in the chamber is 2270mmHg (3 atm), about 2170mmHg of oxygen can be dissolved in the blood.
    • Oxygen at high pressure is used in the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning to get rid of the CO from the hemoglobin faster than breathing pure oxygen.
  • A patient undergoing treatment in a hyperbaric chamber must also undergo decompression at a rate that slowly reduces the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the blood.
    • Gas bubbles may form in the circulatory system if decompression is too rapid.
  • The "bends" may occur in a Hyperbaric chamber.
    • A breathing mixture with higher pressures is used in the treatment of diver below the surface of the ocean.
    • There are diseases that are nitrogen related.
  • Nitrogen is the partial pressure of a mixture of gases.
  • There are partial pressures in a gas mixture.
    • The pressures are called partial neon 75mmHg and nitrogen 125mmHg.
  • There is a mixture of oxygen and helium.
    • The partial pressure of a total pressure of a gas mixture is the same as the partial pressure of a gas mixture.
  • A head injury can affect a person's ability to breathe.
    • Breath in and out if it is added to the mixture.
  • There is a de crease ventilator, an air mixture is delivered at pressures that are in the ability of oxygen to diffuse into the blood.
  • She can exercise before she starts.
    • The medication relaxes the induce asthma, particu muscles that surround the airways.
  • She does a warm-up.
    • Whitney avoids exercising outdoors if her asthma is high.
  • Whitney's lung capacity was measured at a body airways increased and the temperature was 37 degrees.
  • How many grams of nitrogen can be found in Whitney's lungs within 20 minutes after the start of vigorous nitrogen if air contains less than 80% exercise.
  • Whitney does things to prevent asthma.

  • In a gas, particles are so far apart and moving that their attractions are meaningless.
  • The surface of a container can be used.
  • Avogadro's law can be used to calculate if the volume increases.

  • A mole of gas has a volume of 22.4 L.
  • The volume decreases and the temperature increases.
  • The individual gases should be used at the temperature.
  • If it were the only gas in change, it would exert 400 K pressure.
  • A gas law states that the volume of a gas is directly of mercury.
  • The atmosphere exerts pressure.
  • A gas law states that the pressure of a gas is related to the temperature and moles of the gas when the number of not changing.
  • Two properties change when pressure and moles are in opposite directions.
  • There is a relationship that combines gas laws.
  • A volume of 22.4 L occupied by 1 mole of a gas does not change.
  • A gas law states that a container exerts pressure.
  • Each gas would exert itself alone under the standard conditions.
  • The pressure was used to compare the gases.
  • Two properties increase or decrease together.
  • One of the gas laws that shows the relationships of the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture is the law of Dalton.
  • The partial pressure of each property in a table.
  • We convert the partial pressure of the gas to the full pressure.
    • What is the final volume in liters?
  • The temperature is -8 degC and the pressure is 658mmHg.
  • The densities of gases are the same.
  • The flasks have different pressures.

  • If pressure doesn't change, the temperature increases.
  • If pressure doesn't change, the temperature will go down.
  • If the temperature does not change, atmospheric pressure will decrease.
  • Increasing the atmospheric pressure and increasing the temperature.
  • A balloon is filled with neon gas with a partial pressure of 0.50 atm.
  • The Heimlich maneuver is when you put your arms around the person's waist and use your fists to push up on the person's abdomen.
  • The double of H2 in a container is the partial pressure of O2.
  • He chose the sample because it was lighter than air and had a pressure of hydrogen gas.
  • A fire extinguisher has a pressure of 10.
  • A weather balloon has a volume of 750 L when filled with helium at a pressure of 380 Torr.
  • During laparoscopic surgery, carbon dioxide gas is used to launch his expand the abdomen to create a larger working space.

What is the expansion at high altitudes if the partial pressure of helium is 32mmHg?

  • Two gas containers of equal volume X are partitioned with an increase in volume causing it to burst and a small parachute valve.
    • One contains H2 at a pressure of 1 atm and the other returns the instruments to Earth.
  • There are problems related to the topics in this chapter.
  • There is a space station above Mars.
  • A sample of xenon gas has a pressure of 745mmHg and a volume of 7.50 L. When the volume and temperature of the gas sample are less than 0.115 atm, what is the final pressure of the gas?
  • You are researching planet X.
    • The temperature inside CO2 gas was produced at 37 and 1.00 atm.
    • The final volume of the gas in the space station is 755mmHg, which is measured at 22 degC.
  • They move faster because of 25 L of cyclopropane energy.
  • External pressure decreases when a diver ascends to the surface.
  • The lungs are damaged by 0.381 atm.
  • The external pressure must be adjusted by the lungs.
  • The volume is 22.4 L.
  • A decrease in volume pushes the gas particles closer together, which will cause an increase in the pressure.
  • The partial pressure of the gas is called the pressure that each gas exerts as part of the total pressure.
  • The volume of the lungs is reduced.
  • The food can be seen in the trachea.
  • The pressure of oxygen will be lower.
  • The partial pressure of oxygen in the blood is raised.
  • They carry waste products and excess fluid from the body.
  • She has a lot of water in her cells.
    • The amount of water and blood pressure are regulated by hormones and the concentration of calcium in the blood.
    • She has diseases such as diabetes in her body fluids and the rate at which waste and high blood pressure can cause a decrease in kidney products removed from her body.
    • That function is explained by Amanda.
    • Water is essential for many chemical reactions in the urine, an abnormal level of urea in the blood, and swollen feet, all of which are symptoms of a malfunction of the kidneys.
    • If there is too much or too little failure of the kidneys, it may be treated with a transplant.
  • Due to the fact that her kidneys no longer perform, she can't regulate the amount of electrolytes or strep throat she contracted as a child.
    • As a result, she has an electrolyte stopped functioning, she was placed on a three-drug regimen, and her body takes a week to recover.
    • She enters the unit with water in her system.
    • The nurse asked how she was feeling.
    • The machine that she uses to reduce her high indicates that she feels tired and has a lot of waste products.
  • A nurse specializes in assisting patients.
    • Monitoring the patient before, during, and after the procedure is necessary for any problems such as a drop in blood pressure.
    • The patient is connected to the unit via a catheter that is inserted into the neck or chest, which must be kept clean to prevent infections.
  • A nurse must have a lot of knowledge about how the machine works to make sure it works correctly.
  • She is having treatment three times a week.
  • In a solution, identify the solute and solvent.
  • There are solutions around us.
  • Oxygen and nitrogen gases make up the majority of the air we breathe.
    • The ocean has many ionic compounds dissolved in water.
    • In your medicine cabinet, there is a solution of iodine dissolved in alcohol.
  • The solvent can be mixed in different proportions because it does not react with each other.
    • A solution of salt dissolved in water tastes salty.
    • The solution tastes very salty when a large amount of salt is dissolved.
    • In this case, salt is the substance present in the lesser amount, whereas the solvent is present in the greater amount.
    • The solute is salt and the solvent is water.
  • A solvent has at least one solute in it.
  • A solution of copper(II) sulfate forms as particles of solute dissolving, moving away from the crystal, and becoming evenly dispersed among the solvent (water) molecule.
  • Solids, liquids, or gases are known as solutes.
    • The solution has the same physical state as the solvent.
    • Sugar solution is liquid when sugar crystals are dissolved in water.
    • Water is the solvent and sugar is the solute.
    • Carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in water to make soda water and soft drinks.
    • The solute is the carbon dioxide gas, and the solution is water.
  • Water is a common solvent.
    • H bonds are polar.
    • The hydrogen atom has a partial positive charge and the oxygen atom has a partial negative charge.
    • The shape of a water molecule is not linear.
  • There are many hydrogen bonds that link water molecule together.
    • The properties of biological compounds are dependent on hydrogen bonds.
  • In water, hydrogen bonds form between the oxygen atom in one water molecule and the hydrogen atom in another.
  • A solution will be determined by the interactions between solute and solvent.
  • Energy is needed to separate the particles.
  • As solute particles move between solvent particles to form a solution, energy is released.
    • The energy for the initial separation must come from the attractions between the solute and solvent particles.
  • Between 1500 and 3000 mL of water is lost every day.
    • The majority of the body's water is contained in the cells of the kidneys, the skin, the lungs, and the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Dehydration can include the fluid in the tissue and the blood.
  • Between the loss of fluid can be fatal, these external fluids carry waste materials.
  • The intake of fluids replaces the water in the body.
  • The upper layer is less dense.
    • The two layers of water do not mix.
  • There are strong ionic bonds in NaCl.
  • The Ni tively charged Na+ ion and negatively charged Cl- ion is the ionic solute.
    • The 3)2 is found in the water of a polar solvent.
  • The attraction of the ion to other ion is diminished by the hydration of the ion.
  • The formula H2O over the arrow indicates that water is needed for the dissociation process but is not a reactant.
  • Ions on the surface of a crystal of NaCl are attracted to the polar water molecule that pulls them into solution.
  • The hydrogen bonds between the polar water and CH3OH form a solution.
  • Try Practice Problems 9.3 to 9.6 are nonpolar solutes.
  • Water and benzene are not polar solvent.
  • When FeSO4 and ionic solid LiBr are dissolved in water, describe the formation of a solution.

8.5 The Combined Gas Law

  • When the amount of gas does not change, use the combined gas law to calculate the unknown pressure, volume, or temperature of a gas.
  • If the amount of gas does not change, this expression is useful for studying the effect of changes in two of these variables.

  • A bubble is released from a diver's air tank at a pressure of 4.00 atm and a temperature of 11 degrees.
  • The given and needed quantities should be stated.
    • The properties that change are pressure, volume, and temperature.
    • The amount of gas is shown below the table.
    • The temperature must be changed tokelvins.
  • The gas law equation can be used to solve a mystery.
  • The data table shows that the pressure and temperature changes will increase the volume.
  • It is difficult to predict the overall change for the unknown in situations where the unknown value is decreased by one change but increased by another.
  • A weather balloon has a temperature of 25 degC and a pressure of 685mmHg.
  • There is a bubble of hot gas at a temperature of 35 degrees.
    • The final from an active volcano.
  • A sample of argon gas has a volume of 735 mL.
    • What is the final pressure of air, in atmo sure of 1.20 atm and a temperature of 112 degC.
  • Avogadro's law can be used to calculate the unknown amount or volume of a gas when the pressure and temperature don't change.
  • When there is a change in the number of moles or grams of gas, the properties of the gas change.
  • The volume of a balloon increases when you blow it up.
  • Air leaks out of a balloon if it has a small hole.
  • The volume of gas is related to the number of moles.
  • The weather balloon has a volume of 44 L.
  • The given and needed quantities should be stated.
    • The properties that change are volume and amount.
    • Below the table are the properties that do not change.
  • The gas law equation can be used to solve a mystery.
  • The mole factor is greater than 1, which increases the volume as predicted.
  • If both gases have the same number of moles of gas at the same temperature and pressure, they will have equal volumes.
  • The volume of three basketballs is about the same as the volume of one mole of gas.
  • Avogadro's law states that a mole of gas has a volume of 22.4 L.
  • The number of moles of gas and its volume, in liters, can be converted into conversion factors by using the molar volume.
  • The given and needed quantities should be stated.
  • To calculate the needed quantity, write a plan.
  • Write the equalities and conversion factors.
  • To cancel units, set up the problem with factors.

  • A sample of 0.500 mole of O2 is added to the container.
  • A sample of O2 is removed.
  • Half of Ne atoms can escape from a leak.
  • The molar volume can be used to calculate Ne gas in the container.
  • The total pressure of a mixture of gases can be calculated using the law of partial pressures.
  • A mixture of gases is what many gas samples are.
    • The air you breathe is made up of mostly oxygen and nitrogen gases.
    • Scientists observed that all gas particles behaved the same.
    • The total pressure of the gases in a mixture is determined by the amount of gas particles that collide.

  • The other was filled with argon at a pressure of 4.0m.
  • The pressure in the container is determined by the combination of single tank with the same volume and temperature, the number of gas molecules, and the helium with a pressure of 2.0 atm type of gas.
    • The total pressure of the gas mixture and argon is 6.0 atm, which is the sum of their individual or partial pressures.

  • The air you breathe is a mixture of gasses.
  • On a typical day, partial pressures for the gases in air are listed.
  • The pressure of the gas mixture is 7.00 atm.
  • To solve the unknown pressure, Rearrange the equation.
    • O2 can be used to match units.
  • If you want to calculate the unknown pressure, substitute known pressures into the equation.

  • The dissolved are three times greater than atmospheric pressure if the diver ascends to the surface too quickly.
    • A cut off of oxygen can cause gas bubbles to form in a blood vessel, which can block a blood vessel and increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood.
    • A diver suffering from the bends is put into a pool of toxicbacteria.
    • Hyperbaric chambers can be used to counteract carbon monoxide when pressure is first increased and then used during surgery.
    • The dissolved nitrogen can be used to treat cancer.
  • The blood can dissolving up to 85% of the oxygen.
    • If the partial pressure of the oxygen in the chamber is 2270mmHg (3 atm), about 2170mmHg of oxygen can be dissolved in the blood.
    • Oxygen at high pressure is used in the treatment of carbon monoxide poisoning to get rid of the CO from the hemoglobin faster than breathing pure oxygen.
  • A patient undergoing treatment in a hyperbaric chamber must also undergo decompression at a rate that slowly reduces the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the blood.
    • Gas bubbles may form in the circulatory system if decompression is too rapid.
  • The "bends" may occur in a Hyperbaric chamber.
    • A breathing mixture with higher pressures is used in the treatment of diver below the surface of the ocean.
    • There are diseases that are nitrogen related.
  • Nitrogen is the partial pressure of a mixture of gases.
  • There are partial pressures in a gas mixture.
    • The pressures are called partial neon 75mmHg and nitrogen 125mmHg.
  • There is a mixture of oxygen and helium.
    • The partial pressure of a total pressure of a gas mixture is the same as the partial pressure of a gas mixture.
  • A head injury can affect a person's ability to breathe.
    • Breath in and out if it is added to the mixture.
  • There is a de crease ventilator, an air mixture is delivered at pressures that are in the ability of oxygen to diffuse into the blood.
  • She can exercise before she starts.
    • The medication relaxes the induce asthma, particu muscles that surround the airways.
  • She does a warm-up.
    • Whitney avoids exercising outdoors if her asthma is high.
  • Whitney's lung capacity was measured at a body airways increased and the temperature was 37 degrees.
  • How many grams of nitrogen can be found in Whitney's lungs within 20 minutes after the start of vigorous nitrogen if air contains less than 80% exercise.
  • Whitney does things to prevent asthma.

  • In a gas, particles are so far apart and moving that their attractions are meaningless.
  • The surface of a container can be used.
  • Avogadro's law can be used to calculate if the volume increases.

  • A mole of gas has a volume of 22.4 L.
  • The volume decreases and the temperature increases.
  • The individual gases should be used at the temperature.
  • If it were the only gas in change, it would exert 400 K pressure.
  • A gas law states that the volume of a gas is directly of mercury.
  • The atmosphere exerts pressure.
  • A gas law states that the pressure of a gas is related to the temperature and moles of the gas when the number of not changing.
  • Two properties change when pressure and moles are in opposite directions.
  • There is a relationship that combines gas laws.
  • A volume of 22.4 L occupied by 1 mole of a gas does not change.
  • A gas law states that a container exerts pressure.
  • Each gas would exert itself alone under the standard conditions.
  • The pressure was used to compare the gases.
  • Two properties increase or decrease together.
  • One of the gas laws that shows the relationships of the partial pressures of the gases in the mixture is the law of Dalton.
  • The partial pressure of each property in a table.
  • We convert the partial pressure of the gas to the full pressure.
    • What is the final volume in liters?
  • The temperature is -8 degC and the pressure is 658mmHg.
  • The densities of gases are the same.
  • The flasks have different pressures.

  • If pressure doesn't change, the temperature increases.
  • If pressure doesn't change, the temperature will go down.
  • If the temperature does not change, atmospheric pressure will decrease.
  • Increasing the atmospheric pressure and increasing the temperature.
  • A balloon is filled with neon gas with a partial pressure of 0.50 atm.
  • The Heimlich maneuver is when you put your arms around the person's waist and use your fists to push up on the person's abdomen.
  • The double of H2 in a container is the partial pressure of O2.
  • He chose the sample because it was lighter than air and had a pressure of hydrogen gas.
  • A fire extinguisher has a pressure of 10.
  • A weather balloon has a volume of 750 L when filled with helium at a pressure of 380 Torr.
  • During laparoscopic surgery, carbon dioxide gas is used to launch his expand the abdomen to create a larger working space.

What is the expansion at high altitudes if the partial pressure of helium is 32mmHg?

  • Two gas containers of equal volume X are partitioned with an increase in volume causing it to burst and a small parachute valve.
    • One contains H2 at a pressure of 1 atm and the other returns the instruments to Earth.
  • There are problems related to the topics in this chapter.
  • There is a space station above Mars.
  • A sample of xenon gas has a pressure of 745mmHg and a volume of 7.50 L. When the volume and temperature of the gas sample are less than 0.115 atm, what is the final pressure of the gas?
  • You are researching planet X.
    • The temperature inside CO2 gas was produced at 37 and 1.00 atm.
    • The final volume of the gas in the space station is 755mmHg, which is measured at 22 degC.
  • They move faster because of 25 L of cyclopropane energy.
  • External pressure decreases when a diver ascends to the surface.
  • The lungs are damaged by 0.381 atm.
  • The external pressure must be adjusted by the lungs.
  • The volume is 22.4 L.
  • A decrease in volume pushes the gas particles closer together, which will cause an increase in the pressure.
  • The partial pressure of the gas is called the pressure that each gas exerts as part of the total pressure.
  • The volume of the lungs is reduced.
  • The food can be seen in the trachea.
  • The pressure of oxygen will be lower.
  • The partial pressure of oxygen in the blood is raised.
  • They carry waste products and excess fluid from the body.
  • She has a lot of water in her cells.
    • The amount of water and blood pressure are regulated by hormones and the concentration of calcium in the blood.
    • She has diseases such as diabetes in her body fluids and the rate at which waste and high blood pressure can cause a decrease in kidney products removed from her body.
    • That function is explained by Amanda.
    • Water is essential for many chemical reactions in the urine, an abnormal level of urea in the blood, and swollen feet, all of which are symptoms of a malfunction of the kidneys.
    • If there is too much or too little failure of the kidneys, it may be treated with a transplant.
  • Due to the fact that her kidneys no longer perform, she can't regulate the amount of electrolytes or strep throat she contracted as a child.
    • As a result, she has an electrolyte stopped functioning, she was placed on a three-drug regimen, and her body takes a week to recover.
    • She enters the unit with water in her system.
    • The nurse asked how she was feeling.
    • The machine that she uses to reduce her high indicates that she feels tired and has a lot of waste products.
  • A nurse specializes in assisting patients.
    • Monitoring the patient before, during, and after the procedure is necessary for any problems such as a drop in blood pressure.
    • The patient is connected to the unit via a catheter that is inserted into the neck or chest, which must be kept clean to prevent infections.
  • A nurse must have a lot of knowledge about how the machine works to make sure it works correctly.
  • She is having treatment three times a week.
  • In a solution, identify the solute and solvent.
  • There are solutions around us.
  • Oxygen and nitrogen gases make up the majority of the air we breathe.
    • The ocean has many ionic compounds dissolved in water.
    • In your medicine cabinet, there is a solution of iodine dissolved in alcohol.
  • The solvent can be mixed in different proportions because it does not react with each other.
    • A solution of salt dissolved in water tastes salty.
    • The solution tastes very salty when a large amount of salt is dissolved.
    • In this case, salt is the substance present in the lesser amount, whereas the solvent is present in the greater amount.
    • The solute is salt and the solvent is water.
  • A solvent has at least one solute in it.
  • A solution of copper(II) sulfate forms as particles of solute dissolving, moving away from the crystal, and becoming evenly dispersed among the solvent (water) molecule.
  • Solids, liquids, or gases are known as solutes.
    • The solution has the same physical state as the solvent.
    • Sugar solution is liquid when sugar crystals are dissolved in water.
    • Water is the solvent and sugar is the solute.
    • Carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in water to make soda water and soft drinks.
    • The solute is the carbon dioxide gas, and the solution is water.
  • Water is a common solvent.
    • H bonds are polar.
    • The hydrogen atom has a partial positive charge and the oxygen atom has a partial negative charge.
    • The shape of a water molecule is not linear.
  • There are many hydrogen bonds that link water molecule together.
    • The properties of biological compounds are dependent on hydrogen bonds.
  • In water, hydrogen bonds form between the oxygen atom in one water molecule and the hydrogen atom in another.
  • A solution will be determined by the interactions between solute and solvent.
  • Energy is needed to separate the particles.
  • As solute particles move between solvent particles to form a solution, energy is released.
    • The energy for the initial separation must come from the attractions between the solute and solvent particles.
  • Between 1500 and 3000 mL of water is lost every day.
    • The majority of the body's water is contained in the cells of the kidneys, the skin, the lungs, and the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Dehydration can include the fluid in the tissue and the blood.
  • Between the loss of fluid can be fatal, these external fluids carry waste materials.
  • The intake of fluids replaces the water in the body.
  • The upper layer is less dense.
    • The two layers of water do not mix.
  • There are strong ionic bonds in NaCl.
  • The Ni tively charged Na+ ion and negatively charged Cl- ion is the ionic solute.
    • The 3)2 is found in the water of a polar solvent.
  • The attraction of the ion to other ion is diminished by the hydration of the ion.
  • The formula H2O over the arrow indicates that water is needed for the dissociation process but is not a reactant.
  • Ions on the surface of a crystal of NaCl are attracted to the polar water molecule that pulls them into solution.
  • The hydrogen bonds between the polar water and CH3OH form a solution.
  • Try Practice Problems 9.3 to 9.6 are nonpolar solutes.
  • Water and benzene are not polar solvent.
  • When FeSO4 and ionic solid LiBr are dissolved in water, describe the formation of a solution.