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Chapter 1: Introduction

  • The universe is like a vast empty ocean with islands of galaxies

    • Only a small fraction of atoms are found in galaxies

    • Rest of the atoms are drifting in the intergalactic medium

    • Hydrogen and helium are the raw materials of creation

  • Quasars are the most powerful objects in existence

    • Reside in the centers of some galaxies

    • Shine with the power of a trillion stars

    • Blast out huge jets of matter

    • Can kill a galaxy

  • Quasars emit radio waves and move extremely fast

Chapter 2: Supermassive Black Holes

  • Quasars are not stars, but the active cause of galaxies billions of light years away

  • Quasars are thousands of times brighter than the entire Milky Way

  • Over a million quasars have been discovered

  • Quasars were common in the early universe

  • Quasars are powered by supermassive black holes

    • Black holes trap anything that crosses their event horizon

    • The light of quasars comes from the space around black holes

    • Quasars have an accretion disk of gas

    • Black holes convert matter into energy more efficiently than stars

Chapter 3: Supermassive Black Hole

  • Quasars use matter as fuel to shine

  • Matter falling into a black hole releases energy from gravity

  • Quasars form from matter spiraling into the event horizon

  • Quasars release more energy than all the stars in a galaxy combined

Chapter 4: The Brightest Quasars

  • Quasars consume large amounts of gas

  • Quasars in the early universe had a dense intergalactic medium to feed on

  • Brightest quasars power jets that launch enormous beams of matter

  • Quasars can only last for a few million years

  • Quasars can stop star formation in their galaxies

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • The universe is like a vast empty ocean with islands of galaxies

    • Only a small fraction of atoms are found in galaxies

    • Rest of the atoms are drifting in the intergalactic medium

    • Hydrogen and helium are the raw materials of creation

  • Quasars are the most powerful objects in existence

    • Reside in the centers of some galaxies

    • Shine with the power of a trillion stars

    • Blast out huge jets of matter

    • Can kill a galaxy

  • Quasars emit radio waves and move extremely fast

Chapter 2: Supermassive Black Holes

  • Quasars are not stars, but the active cause of galaxies billions of light years away

  • Quasars are thousands of times brighter than the entire Milky Way

  • Over a million quasars have been discovered

  • Quasars were common in the early universe

  • Quasars are powered by supermassive black holes

    • Black holes trap anything that crosses their event horizon

    • The light of quasars comes from the space around black holes

    • Quasars have an accretion disk of gas

    • Black holes convert matter into energy more efficiently than stars

Chapter 3: Supermassive Black Hole

  • Quasars use matter as fuel to shine

  • Matter falling into a black hole releases energy from gravity

  • Quasars form from matter spiraling into the event horizon

  • Quasars release more energy than all the stars in a galaxy combined

Chapter 4: The Brightest Quasars

  • Quasars consume large amounts of gas

  • Quasars in the early universe had a dense intergalactic medium to feed on

  • Brightest quasars power jets that launch enormous beams of matter

  • Quasars can only last for a few million years

  • Quasars can stop star formation in their galaxies