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14.1 The Plant Kingdom

14.1 The Plant Kingdom

  • There is a diversity of plants including oils and dates.
    • Human and animal populations are fed wheat.
    • The cotton flower's fibers are turned into clothing or paper.
    • The showy opium poppy is a source of potent opiate compounds and is valued both as an ornamental flower and as a source of potent opiate compounds.
  • All plants are descendants of a single common ancestor according to current evolutionary thought.
    • The ancestors of modern plants were constrained by the transition from water to land.
    • To avoid drying out, plants had to evolve strategies, such as dispersal of reproductive cells in air, for structural support, and to filter sunlight.
    • Full independence from water was not achieved in all plants, and most seedless plants still need a moist environment.
  • Plants are a diverse group of organisms.
    • There are hundreds of thousands of plants.
    • There are 260,000 plants that produce seeds.
    • The plant kingdom includes mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants.
  • The plant kingdom has mostly photosynthetic organisms, but a few have lost the ability to photosynthesize.
  • The process of photosynthesis uses a plant.
    • Plants have cell walls.
    • Plants have different methods of reproduction.
    • Plants grow body mass until they die, meaning they don't have a final body form.
  • As organisms adapt to life on land, they have to contend with a number of challenges.
    • The majority of the chemical reactions of metabolism take place in the cell's interior, which is a watery soup.
    • Desiccation is a constant danger for organisms exposed to air.
    • When parts of a plant are close to water, their aerial structures are likely to dry out.
    • Water helps organisms live in aquatic habitats.
    • Plants need structural support in air, a medium that does not give the same lift.
    • Swimming is no longer possible for the male and female gametes.
    • Gametes and zygotes need to be protected from drying out.
    • The successful land plants adapted to all of the challenges.
    • Some species left the water and went on to conquer the driest environments on Earth, while others didn't move far from an aquatic environment.
  • Life on land offers a number of advantages.
    • Sun is abundant.
    • The water in the water column above does not affect the quality of light absorbed by the photosynthetic pigment, chlorophyll.
    • The concentration of carbon dioxide in air is higher than in water.
    • Until dry land was colonized by animals, there was no threat to the well-being of plants.
    • The situation changed when animals emerged from the water with abundant sources of food and water.
    • Plants evolved strategies to deter predator: from thorns to toxic chemicals.
  • Like the early land animals, the early land plants developed survival strategies to combat the effects of dry weather.
    • One of the strategies is tolerance for dry weather.
    • Mosses can dry out to a brown and brittle mat, but as soon as rain makes water available, mosses will soak it up and regain their green appearance.
  • It is possible to colonize environments with high humidity.
    • Ferns thrive in damp and cool places, such as the understory of temperate forests.
    • Plants used resistance to desiccation rather than tolerance to move away from aquatic environments.
    • These plants are able to survive in the driest environments on Earth because of their low water loss.
  • Land plants have adapted to life on land and this has an effect on their diversity and predominance in the land.
    • Alteration of 1 is one of the major adaptations found in many plants.
  • A sporangium, a gametangium that produces haploid cells, and apical meristem tissue can be found in this OpenStax book.
  • Alternation of generations is a description of a life cycle in which both haploid and diploid multicellular stages are present.
  • Humans are diplontic.
    • It can be the most obvious phase of the life cycle of the plant, as in the mosses, or it can occur in a tiny structure, such as a pollen grain in the higher plants.
    • The collective term for the plant groups of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts is the sporophyte stage.
    • Sequoias and pines have towering trees in their lifecycles.
  • The term "spore in a vessel" refers to a reproductive sac that contains spores.
  • The sporangia releases the spores in the environment.
    • The sexes are separated at different points in the life cycle when two different types of spores are produced in land plants.
    • The male and female gametophytes are called microspores because of their smaller size.
    • In a few seedless plants and in all seed plants, Heterospory is observed.
  • The haploid spore creates a multicellular gametophyte.
  • The life cycle of a fern shows a variety of generations.
  • The life cycle of a moss shows a variety of generations.
  • The thick cell walls that surround the seeds of seedless plants and the pollen of seed plants are made of a tough substance known as sporopollenin.
    • The yellow color of most pollen is due to the long chains of organic molecules in this substance.
    • It is resistant to chemical and biological degradation.
    • The existence of well-preserved fossils of pollen is explained by its toughness.
  • Land plants need protection of the embryo.
    • The embryo needs to be protected from desiccation.
    • In both seedless and seed plants, the female gametophyte provides nutrition and the embryo is protected as it develops into the new generation of sporophyte.
  • Gametangia are structures on the gametophytes of seedless plants in which gametes are produced.
    • The male gametangium releases sperm.
    • Many seedless plants have flagella that allow them to swim in a moist environment to the female gametangium.
    • The embryo is inside the archegonium.
  • The apical meristem is a cap of cells at the shoot tip or root tip made of undifferentiated cells.
    • All the specialized tissues of the plant are created by meristematic cells.
    • Light and water can be found in the shoots and roots, as well as minerals, which can be found in the roots.
    • Cells that increase the diameter of stems and tree trunks are produced by a separate meristem.
    • Apical meristems allow plants to grow in ways essential to their survival: upward to greater availability of sunlight, and downward into the soil to obtain water and essential minerals.
  • An example of a plant in which the apical meristem gives rise to new shoots and root growth is the apple seedling.
  • New organs and structures appeared as plants became independent of the constant presence of water.
    • Early land plants did not grow above a few inches off the ground, and they competed for light on these low mats.
    • Individual plants captured more light by growing taller.
    • Land plants incorporated more rigid molecules in their stems because air offers less support than water.
  • Plants had to evolve larger bodies in order to distribute water and solutes.
    • The xylem and phloem tissues are in the vascular system.
    • Xylem takes water and minerals from the soil up to the shoot and phloem takes food from the plant.
    • The shoot in the soil was anchored by the root system that took up water and minerals.
  • The leaves and stems of a land plant are covered with a waterproof cover called a cuticle.
    • The intake of carbon dioxide is prevented by the cuticle.
    • Plants that moved into drier habitats had open and close to regulate traffic of gases and water.
  • Plants can't avoid predatory animals.
    • They synthesise a large range of poisonous secondary metabolites, such as alkaloids, whose unpleasant smells and taste deter animals.
    • These compounds can cause diseases and even death.
  • As plants coevolved with animals, sweet and nutritious metabolites were developed to lure animals into providing valuable assistance in dispersal of pollen grains, fruit, or seeds.
    • Plants have evolved with animals.
  • Plants have adapted to life on land.
  • fundamental questions of evolution include how organisms acquired traits that allow them to colonize new environments and how the modern environment is shaped.
    • Paleobotany focuses on the study of extinct plants.
    • Paleobotanists reconstituting the morphology of organisms that have long disappeared by analyzing specimen retrieved from field studies.
    • They trace the evolution of plants by following the modifications in plant morphology and by identifying common ancestors that display the same traits.
    • There are gaps in the path to the development of modern organisms.
    • Fossils are formed when organisms are trapped in environments where their shapes are preserved.
  • The age of the fossils and the nature of the environment are determined by paleobotanists.
    • The delicate fossils and the layers in which they are found require great care.
  • The use of analytical chemistry and molecular biology to study fossils is one of the most exciting recent developments in paleobotany.
    • The environment free of oxygen is needed for the preservation of molecular structures since oxidation and degradation of material depends on the presence of oxygen.
    • Oleanane, a compound that deters pests and appears to be unique to flowering plants, is an example of analytical chemistry and molecular biology being used.
    • The current dates for the appearance of the first flowering plants are incorrect because Oleanane was recovered earlier.
    • The most information comes from fossils of nucleic acids.
    • They are compared to living organisms.
    • Evolutionary relationships can be built through this analysis.
  • Some paleobotanists don't agree with the conclusions drawn from the analysis of fossils.
    • The chemical materials of interest degrade quickly when exposed to air and further manipulation.
    • There is a high chance that the specimen will be contaminated with extraneous material.
    • As technology is refined, the analysis of DNA from plants will provide valuable information on the evolution of plants and their adaptation to an ever-changing environment.
  • Early in land plant evolution, the bryophytes, liverworts, mosses, and hornworts are seedless and nonvascular.
    • The lycophytes, which include club mosses, and the pterophytes, which include horsetails, are similar to the first vascular plants.
    • Plants that are seedless are referred to as lycophytes.
    • They don't produce seeds because they don't have enough food to make them.
    • The seed plants form the largest group of plants and dominate the landscape.

14.1 The Plant Kingdom

  • There is a diversity of plants including oils and dates.
    • Human and animal populations are fed wheat.
    • The cotton flower's fibers are turned into clothing or paper.
    • The showy opium poppy is a source of potent opiate compounds and is valued both as an ornamental flower and as a source of potent opiate compounds.
  • All plants are descendants of a single common ancestor according to current evolutionary thought.
    • The ancestors of modern plants were constrained by the transition from water to land.
    • To avoid drying out, plants had to evolve strategies, such as dispersal of reproductive cells in air, for structural support, and to filter sunlight.
    • Full independence from water was not achieved in all plants, and most seedless plants still need a moist environment.
  • Plants are a diverse group of organisms.
    • There are hundreds of thousands of plants.
    • There are 260,000 plants that produce seeds.
    • The plant kingdom includes mosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants.
  • The plant kingdom has mostly photosynthetic organisms, but a few have lost the ability to photosynthesize.
  • The process of photosynthesis uses a plant.
    • Plants have cell walls.
    • Plants have different methods of reproduction.
    • Plants grow body mass until they die, meaning they don't have a final body form.
  • As organisms adapt to life on land, they have to contend with a number of challenges.
    • The majority of the chemical reactions of metabolism take place in the cell's interior, which is a watery soup.
    • Desiccation is a constant danger for organisms exposed to air.
    • When parts of a plant are close to water, their aerial structures are likely to dry out.
    • Water helps organisms live in aquatic habitats.
    • Plants need structural support in air, a medium that does not give the same lift.
    • Swimming is no longer possible for the male and female gametes.
    • Gametes and zygotes need to be protected from drying out.
    • The successful land plants adapted to all of the challenges.
    • Some species left the water and went on to conquer the driest environments on Earth, while others didn't move far from an aquatic environment.
  • Life on land offers a number of advantages.
    • Sun is abundant.
    • The water in the water column above does not affect the quality of light absorbed by the photosynthetic pigment, chlorophyll.
    • The concentration of carbon dioxide in air is higher than in water.
    • Until dry land was colonized by animals, there was no threat to the well-being of plants.
    • The situation changed when animals emerged from the water with abundant sources of food and water.
    • Plants evolved strategies to deter predator: from thorns to toxic chemicals.
  • Like the early land animals, the early land plants developed survival strategies to combat the effects of dry weather.
    • One of the strategies is tolerance for dry weather.
    • Mosses can dry out to a brown and brittle mat, but as soon as rain makes water available, mosses will soak it up and regain their green appearance.
  • It is possible to colonize environments with high humidity.
    • Ferns thrive in damp and cool places, such as the understory of temperate forests.
    • Plants used resistance to desiccation rather than tolerance to move away from aquatic environments.
    • These plants are able to survive in the driest environments on Earth because of their low water loss.
  • Land plants have adapted to life on land and this has an effect on their diversity and predominance in the land.
    • Alteration of 1 is one of the major adaptations found in many plants.
  • A sporangium, a gametangium that produces haploid cells, and apical meristem tissue can be found in this OpenStax book.
  • Alternation of generations is a description of a life cycle in which both haploid and diploid multicellular stages are present.
  • Humans are diplontic.
    • It can be the most obvious phase of the life cycle of the plant, as in the mosses, or it can occur in a tiny structure, such as a pollen grain in the higher plants.
    • The collective term for the plant groups of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts is the sporophyte stage.
    • Sequoias and pines have towering trees in their lifecycles.
  • The term "spore in a vessel" refers to a reproductive sac that contains spores.
  • The sporangia releases the spores in the environment.
    • The sexes are separated at different points in the life cycle when two different types of spores are produced in land plants.
    • The male and female gametophytes are called microspores because of their smaller size.
    • In a few seedless plants and in all seed plants, Heterospory is observed.
  • The haploid spore creates a multicellular gametophyte.
  • The life cycle of a fern shows a variety of generations.
  • The life cycle of a moss shows a variety of generations.
  • The thick cell walls that surround the seeds of seedless plants and the pollen of seed plants are made of a tough substance known as sporopollenin.
    • The yellow color of most pollen is due to the long chains of organic molecules in this substance.
    • It is resistant to chemical and biological degradation.
    • The existence of well-preserved fossils of pollen is explained by its toughness.
  • Land plants need protection of the embryo.
    • The embryo needs to be protected from desiccation.
    • In both seedless and seed plants, the female gametophyte provides nutrition and the embryo is protected as it develops into the new generation of sporophyte.
  • Gametangia are structures on the gametophytes of seedless plants in which gametes are produced.
    • The male gametangium releases sperm.
    • Many seedless plants have flagella that allow them to swim in a moist environment to the female gametangium.
    • The embryo is inside the archegonium.
  • The apical meristem is a cap of cells at the shoot tip or root tip made of undifferentiated cells.
    • All the specialized tissues of the plant are created by meristematic cells.
    • Light and water can be found in the shoots and roots, as well as minerals, which can be found in the roots.
    • Cells that increase the diameter of stems and tree trunks are produced by a separate meristem.
    • Apical meristems allow plants to grow in ways essential to their survival: upward to greater availability of sunlight, and downward into the soil to obtain water and essential minerals.
  • An example of a plant in which the apical meristem gives rise to new shoots and root growth is the apple seedling.
  • New organs and structures appeared as plants became independent of the constant presence of water.
    • Early land plants did not grow above a few inches off the ground, and they competed for light on these low mats.
    • Individual plants captured more light by growing taller.
    • Land plants incorporated more rigid molecules in their stems because air offers less support than water.
  • Plants had to evolve larger bodies in order to distribute water and solutes.
    • The xylem and phloem tissues are in the vascular system.
    • Xylem takes water and minerals from the soil up to the shoot and phloem takes food from the plant.
    • The shoot in the soil was anchored by the root system that took up water and minerals.
  • The leaves and stems of a land plant are covered with a waterproof cover called a cuticle.
    • The intake of carbon dioxide is prevented by the cuticle.
    • Plants that moved into drier habitats had open and close to regulate traffic of gases and water.
  • Plants can't avoid predatory animals.
    • They synthesise a large range of poisonous secondary metabolites, such as alkaloids, whose unpleasant smells and taste deter animals.
    • These compounds can cause diseases and even death.
  • As plants coevolved with animals, sweet and nutritious metabolites were developed to lure animals into providing valuable assistance in dispersal of pollen grains, fruit, or seeds.
    • Plants have evolved with animals.
  • Plants have adapted to life on land.
  • fundamental questions of evolution include how organisms acquired traits that allow them to colonize new environments and how the modern environment is shaped.
    • Paleobotany focuses on the study of extinct plants.
    • Paleobotanists reconstituting the morphology of organisms that have long disappeared by analyzing specimen retrieved from field studies.
    • They trace the evolution of plants by following the modifications in plant morphology and by identifying common ancestors that display the same traits.
    • There are gaps in the path to the development of modern organisms.
    • Fossils are formed when organisms are trapped in environments where their shapes are preserved.
  • The age of the fossils and the nature of the environment are determined by paleobotanists.
    • The delicate fossils and the layers in which they are found require great care.
  • The use of analytical chemistry and molecular biology to study fossils is one of the most exciting recent developments in paleobotany.
    • The environment free of oxygen is needed for the preservation of molecular structures since oxidation and degradation of material depends on the presence of oxygen.
    • Oleanane, a compound that deters pests and appears to be unique to flowering plants, is an example of analytical chemistry and molecular biology being used.
    • The current dates for the appearance of the first flowering plants are incorrect because Oleanane was recovered earlier.
    • The most information comes from fossils of nucleic acids.
    • They are compared to living organisms.
    • Evolutionary relationships can be built through this analysis.
  • Some paleobotanists don't agree with the conclusions drawn from the analysis of fossils.
    • The chemical materials of interest degrade quickly when exposed to air and further manipulation.
    • There is a high chance that the specimen will be contaminated with extraneous material.
    • As technology is refined, the analysis of DNA from plants will provide valuable information on the evolution of plants and their adaptation to an ever-changing environment.
  • Early in land plant evolution, the bryophytes, liverworts, mosses, and hornworts are seedless and nonvascular.
    • The lycophytes, which include club mosses, and the pterophytes, which include horsetails, are similar to the first vascular plants.
    • Plants that are seedless are referred to as lycophytes.
    • They don't produce seeds because they don't have enough food to make them.
    • The seed plants form the largest group of plants and dominate the landscape.