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13.8 Reactions of Alcohols: Substitution and Elimination

13.8 Reactions of Alcohols: Substitution and Elimination

  • We will focus on the reactions of alcohols now that we know how to make them.
  • We have already seen substitution and elimination.
    • Let's start our review with elimination reactions.
    • There are two types of elimination reactions: E1 and E2.
  • In this reaction, acidic conditions are used to convert the OH group into an excellent leaving group.
    • For a review of this mechanism, see Chapter 10.
    • The E1 mechanism involves an intermediate carbocation, so it works well with a tertiary alcohol.
  • We can't use an E1 reaction on primary alcohols.
    • We use an E2 reaction.
    • OH is still a terrible leaving group.
    • The problem was solved in an E1 reaction with the OH group.
    • We will need to convert the OH group into a better leaving group in an E2 reaction.
    • The strongly basic conditions that are required in order to perform an E2 process are incompatible with the use of a protons source.
  • It was used to favor elimination over substitution.
    • We can use either an E1 process or an E2 process to convert alcohol into alkene.
  • The OH group is not a good leaving group if we want to perform a substitution reaction with an alcohol.
    • The OH needs to be converted into a better leaving group.
    • There are many ways to do that.
  • An S 1 process can be used with tertiary alcohol.
  • A carbocation would be too unstable to form in this reaction.
    • After converting the OH group into a better leaving group, the leaving group is expelled when the nucleophile attacks.
  • The reaction works well with HBr, but it doesn't work well with HCl.
    • Chloride is less polarizable than bromide.
    • chloride is not as nucleophilic as bromide.
  • A substitution reaction can be done by converting an OH group into a better leaving group.
  • The first three steps convert a bad leaving group into a good leaving group.
  • SO is produced as a side product.
  • The reaction will be pushed to completion if the gas is free to leave.
  • It might seem like a new reaction.
  • N reaction where the OH group is converted into a better leaving group and then chloride functions as the nucleophile.
    • This reaction is the same as converting the OH group into a tosylate and then attacking with chloride.
  • We are looking at the reactions of alcohols.
    • The details of familiar reactions have been the focus of this section so far.
  • We must perform an elimination reaction to form an alkene.
    • Specific regiochemistry is required to eliminate this problem.
    • The less substituted alkene is called the Hofmann product.
    • An OH group is a bad leaving group.
    • The OH group needs to be converted into a better leaving group.

13.8 Reactions of Alcohols: Substitution and Elimination

  • We will focus on the reactions of alcohols now that we know how to make them.
  • We have already seen substitution and elimination.
    • Let's start our review with elimination reactions.
    • There are two types of elimination reactions: E1 and E2.
  • In this reaction, acidic conditions are used to convert the OH group into an excellent leaving group.
    • For a review of this mechanism, see Chapter 10.
    • The E1 mechanism involves an intermediate carbocation, so it works well with a tertiary alcohol.
  • We can't use an E1 reaction on primary alcohols.
    • We use an E2 reaction.
    • OH is still a terrible leaving group.
    • The problem was solved in an E1 reaction with the OH group.
    • We will need to convert the OH group into a better leaving group in an E2 reaction.
    • The strongly basic conditions that are required in order to perform an E2 process are incompatible with the use of a protons source.
  • It was used to favor elimination over substitution.
    • We can use either an E1 process or an E2 process to convert alcohol into alkene.
  • The OH group is not a good leaving group if we want to perform a substitution reaction with an alcohol.
    • The OH needs to be converted into a better leaving group.
    • There are many ways to do that.
  • An S 1 process can be used with tertiary alcohol.
  • A carbocation would be too unstable to form in this reaction.
    • After converting the OH group into a better leaving group, the leaving group is expelled when the nucleophile attacks.
  • The reaction works well with HBr, but it doesn't work well with HCl.
    • Chloride is less polarizable than bromide.
    • chloride is not as nucleophilic as bromide.
  • A substitution reaction can be done by converting an OH group into a better leaving group.
  • The first three steps convert a bad leaving group into a good leaving group.
  • SO is produced as a side product.
  • The reaction will be pushed to completion if the gas is free to leave.
  • It might seem like a new reaction.
  • N reaction where the OH group is converted into a better leaving group and then chloride functions as the nucleophile.
    • This reaction is the same as converting the OH group into a tosylate and then attacking with chloride.
  • We are looking at the reactions of alcohols.
    • The details of familiar reactions have been the focus of this section so far.
  • We must perform an elimination reaction to form an alkene.
    • Specific regiochemistry is required to eliminate this problem.
    • The less substituted alkene is called the Hofmann product.
    • An OH group is a bad leaving group.
    • The OH group needs to be converted into a better leaving group.