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  • RSA Algorithm introduced in 1978 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman

  • Motivated by the works of Diffie and Hellman

  • Implements public-key encryption and digital signatures

Public-key encryption

  • Encryption keys are public, decryption keys are not

  • Allows for secure transmission of messages without the need for a secure channel

  • Each person has their own encryption and decryption keys

  • Decryption key cannot be easily deduced from the public encryption key

Digital signatures

  • Used for verifying the origin of a transmitted message

  • Done using the sender's decryption key

  • Signatures cannot be forged and the signer cannot deny having signed the message

  • Useful for electronic mail, fund transfers, and other electronic transactions

Security of the RSA algorithm

  • No known successful attempts to break it

  • Difficulty of factoring large numbers is a key factor in its security

Public-key cryptosystems

  • Each user has their own encryption and decryption procedures

  • Encryption procedure is public, decryption procedure is kept secret

  • Procedures are related to the keys, which are sets of two special numbers

  • Deciphering an enciphered message gives the original message

Page 2

  • Reversing the procedures still returns M: E(D(M)) = M

  • E and D are easy to compute

  • The publicity of E does not compromise the secrecy of D

  • An E that satisfies (a), (c), and (d) is called a "trap-door one-way function" and is also a "trap-door one-way permutation"

  • Statement (b) is needed to provide "signatures"


  • Encryption assures a message is delivered privately

  • Without property (d), encryption process is not public-key

  • NBS standard requires keys to be delivered privately through another secure "courier"

  • RSA is a great answer to this problem

  • An efficient computing method of D must be found to make RSA stand-alone and reliable

  • Bob wants to send a private message to Alice

  • Alice decodes the message with her own DA

  • No beforehand communication is needed

  • No eavesdropper can deduce D from listening in on E

Page 3

  • Signatures

    • Digital signature needed to ensure message originated from sender

    • Bob wants to send private message to Alice

    • Decrypt message with Bob's key and encrypt with Alice's key

    • Alice can decrypt the document and verify the signature

    • Message need not be sent separately, can be deduced from signature

    • Assures message cannot be modified or forged

    • Signatures used to assure message came from public file

    • Every user gets a copy of the most recently updated public file

    • Anyone pretending to be in the public file without appropriate signature is identified as an "intruder"

  • Applications, predictions, hardware implementation

    • Electronic fund transmissions

    • Financial information security

    • Checks can be electronically signed with RSA

    • Additional measures needed for secure check transmission

Page 4

  • RSA can be applied to any electronic system that needs a cryptosystem implemented

  • RSA predicted a secure email world and encryption of live telephone conversations

  • The encryption device should be a hardware subroutine, not a direct buffer between a terminal and communications channel

  • E and D should be easy to compute through simple arithmetic

  • The message must be represented numerically to perform arithmetic algorithms on it

  • M is represented by an integer between 0 and n-1

  • If the message is too long, it is split up and encrypted separately

  • Encryption key: (e, n)

  • Decryption key: (d, n)

  • Encryption algorithm: C ≡ E(M) ≡ Me (mod n)

  • Decryption algorithm: M ≡ D(C) ≡ Cd (mod n)

  • Encryption and decryption keys are pairs of integers

  • Choosing two "random" large primes p and q to obtain n = pq

  • d must be coprime to (p-1) · (q-1)

Page 5

  • The reason for choosing d to be coprime to (p-1) · (q-1) is not explained

Page 5:

  • Introduction of Euler totient function φ(n)

    • Output is the number of positive integers less than n which are coprime to n

    • For primes p, φ(p) = p − 1

    • For n, φ(n) = φ(p) · φ(q) = (p − 1) · (q − 1) = n − (p + q) + 1

  • Substituting φ(n) into equation (7) to obtain e · d ≡ 1 (mod φ(n))

    • e · d = k · φ(n) + 1 for some integer k

    • Multiplicative inverse of d modulo φ(n) exists since d and φ(n) are coprime

  • Equations for encryption and decryption

    • D(E(M)) ≡ (E(M))d ≡ (Me)d (mod n) = Me·d (mod n)

    • E(D(M)) ≡ (D(M))e ≡ (Md)e (mod n) = Me·d (mod n)

  • Using Euler and Fermat's identity: Mφ(n) ≡ 1 (mod n)

    • If M is coprime to n, Mφ(n) = 1

    • M would not be coprime to n if M was either p or q

Page 6

  • M is relatively prime to n

    • Equation (9) holds

    • Evaluation: Me·d ≡ Mk·φ(n)+1 ≡ (Mφ(n))kM ≡ 1kM (mod n) = M

  • E and D are inverse permutations


Efficient encryption and decryption operations

  • Computing Me (mod n) requires at most 2 · log2(e) multiplications and 2 · log2(e) divisions

  • Exponentiate by repeated squaring and multiplication

    1. Binary representation of e

    2. Set variable C to 1

    3. Repeat steps 3a and 3b for i = k, k − 1, ..., 0

      • Set C to the remainder of C2 when divided by n

      • If ei = 1 then set C to the remainder of C · M when divided by n

    4. Halt

  • C is the encrypted form of M

  • Encryption time per block increases no faster than the cube of the number of digits in n

Finding large prime numbers

  • Finding n is the first step

  • p and q are not explicitly shown

  • Generate random odd 100-digit numbers until a prime is found

  • Test each number

  • Use Solovay and Strassen algorithm to test for primality

  • Approximately (ln 10100)/2 = 115 numbers to test

Page 7

  • Jacobi symbol and its representation

    • J(a, b) is the Jacobi symbol

    • J(a, b) can be represented as a b =  a p1α1 a p2α1 . . .  a pkαk

    • b = pα1 1 pα2 2 · · ·p αk k is the primal factorization of b

  • Definition of Legendre symbol

    • a p = 0 if a ≡ 0 (mod p)

    • a p = +1 if a 6≡ 0 (mod p) and a ≡ x2 (mod p)

    • a p = -1 if there is no such a ≡ 0 (mod p)

    • a 1 ≡ 1

  • Conditions for the Jacobi symbol

    • a must be an integer

    • b must be a positive odd integer

    • J(a, b) is 0 if gcd(a, b) 6= 1

    • J(a, b) is ±1 if gcd(a, b) = 1

  • Equation (10) and its truth value

    • Equation (10) is always true if b is prime

    • If b is composite, Equation (10) will have a chance of being false of over 50%

    • If (10) is true 100 times for randomly chosen a’s, then b is almost certainly prime, with a chance of being composite of 1 in 2100

  • Efficient program for computing J(a, b)

    • J(a, b) = if a = 1 then 1 else if is even then J(a ÷ 2, b) · (−1)(b2−1)÷8 else J(b (mod a), a) · (−1)(a−1)·(b−1)÷4

  • Protecting against sophisticated factoring algorithms

    • p and q should differ in length by a few digits

    • gcd(p − 1, q − 1) should be small

    • (p − 1) and (q − 1) should contain large prime factors

    • Generating a large random prime number u and taking the first prime in the sequence i · u + 1, i = 2, 4, 6, ...

  • Efficiency of prime number generation

    • Testing a 100-digit number for primality would take several seconds

    • Finding the next prime would take around a minute and a half

    • An average PC can do this much faster today

  • Finding large primes using known factorization

    • Take a number whose factorization is known

    • Add 1 to it and test for primality

    • If the number is prime, it can potentially be proven using the factorization of (p − 1)

Page 6.3

  • Finding d

    • Find a number d coprime to φ(n)

    • Any prime number greater than max(p, q) is fine

    • A cryptanalyst cannot find d by a direct search due to the large set of primes P

    • Any method of finding d that picks d out of a big set would do

Page 8: Finding e form d and φ(n)

  • Use a variation of Euclid's algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of φ(n) and d

  • Compute a series x0, x1, x2, ..., where x0 ≡ φ(n), x1 = d, ..., xi+1 ≡ xi−1 (mod xi), until an xk = 0 is found

  • gcd(x0, x1) = xk−1

  • Find numbers ai and bi such that xi = ai ·x0 +bi ·x1

  • If xk−1 = 1, then bk−1 is the multiplicative inverse of x1 (mod n), and is precisely e

  • If e < log2(n), find another e that's not too small so that the encrypted message undergoes reduction in modulo n ("wrap-around")

An example

  • p = 37, q = 43, n = p · q = 1591, d = 71

  • φ(1591) = 36 · 42 = 1512

  • Compute e:

    • x0 = 1512, a0 = 1, b0 = 0

    • x1 = 71, a1 = 0, b1 = 1

    • x2 = 21, a2 = 1, b2 = −21

    • x3 = 8, a3 = −3, b3 = 64

    • x4 = 5, a4 = 7, b4 = −149

    • x5 = 3, a5 = −10, b5 = 213

    • x6 = 2, a6 = 17, b6 = −362

    • x7 = 1, a7 = −27, b7 = 575

  • Thus e = 575 is the multiplicative inverse in modulo 1512 of d = 71

Encrypting the message

  • Use a numerical representation of the English alphabet

  • Each block of the message has to be less than n = 1591

  • Break the message into two-letter blocks

  • Encode the message using the algorithm in section 6.1

  • Replace steps 3a and 3b with conditions based on ek

  • After step 4, put C into modulo n

  • Example: NO ODD is encoded as 1415 0015 0404 575

Decrypting the message

  • Check if the message deciphers properly

  • Example: 82471 ≡ 1415 (mod 1591)

Page 9: How secure is RSA?

  • The RSA algorithm is considered one of the strongest encryption techniques.

  • No encryption technique is perfectly secure from a realistic cryptanalyst.

  • Brute-force methods may crack a message, but not likely an entire encryption scheme.

  • Probabilistic approach - there's always a chance someone may break the code.

  • NBS standard and RSA were certified based on attempts to break the algorithm.

  • No one has been known to crack RSA despite years of attempts.

  • Breaking RSA is at least as hard as factoring n.

  • Factoring large numbers is not provably hard, but no algorithms exist to factor a 200-digit number quickly.

  • Fermat and Legendre have contributed to factoring algorithms.

  • RSA is considered secure because factoring is still a difficult math problem.

  • Physical security methods are used to protect the decryption key.

  • Encryption device generates encryption and decryption keys but does not print out the decryption key.

  • The decryption key is erased if an attempted intrusion is detected.

8.1 Factoring n

  • Knowing the factors of n would give away φ(n) and therefore d.

  • Factoring numbers is far harder than determining primality or compositeness.

  • Many factoring algorithms are available.

  • Authors of RSA reference Knuth and Pollard as good sources for factoring algorithms.

  • Authors present an unpublished algorithm by Richard Schroeppel.

  • Schroeppel's algorithm factors n in approximately exp √ln n · ln ln n = n√ln ln n÷ln n = (ln n)√ln n÷ln ln n steps.

  • Authors present a table with data for various lengths of n and the time it takes to factor:

    • 50 digits - 1.4 × 10^10 operations, 3.9 hours

    • 75 digits - 9.0 × 10^12 operations, 104 days

    • 100 digits - 2.3 × 10^15 operations, 74 years

    • 200 digits - 1.2 × 10^23 operations, 3.8 × 10^9 years

    • 300 digits - 1.5 × 10^29 operations, 4.9 × 10^15 years

    • 500 digits - 1.3 × 10^39 operations, 4.2 × 10^25 years

  • Authors recommend n to be about 200 digits long for RSA.

  • The length of n can be varied based on the importance of encryption speed versus security.

Page 10

  • RSA encryption scheme allows the choice of key-length and level of security

  • Computing φ(n) without factoring n

    • Computing φ(n) would break the system

    • Computing φ(n) is as difficult as factoring n

    • Factoring n using φ(n) involves obtaining (p + q) from n and φ(n) = n − (p + q) + 1

    • Obtaining q from half the difference of (p − q) and (p + q)

    • Obtaining p from either p = n ÷ q or from half the sum of (p − q) and (p + q)

    • If n is prime, φ(n) = n−1 would be easy to compute, thus n must be composite

  • Determining d without factoring n or computing φ(n)

    • Computing d is no easier than factoring n

    • Knowing d allows us to calculate e · d − 1, which is a multiple of φ(n)

    • Miller [6] shows that n can be factored using any such multiple

    • All values d0 differ by the least common multiple (lcm) of (p − 1) and (q − 1)

    • Finding such a d0 is as hard as factoring n

  • Other ways of computing d

    • Computing e-th roots modulo n without factoring n is practically impossible

    • Discovering a way to break the code without factoring n would yield an efficient factoring algorithm

    • No known record of anyone breaking RSA in the 31 years since it has been published

Page 11

  • Avoiding "reblocking" for encryption of a signed message

    • Reblocking means breaking a signed message into smaller blocks

    • RSA provides a way to avoid reblocking by choosing a threshold value h

    • Every user maintains two public (e, n) pairs, one for enciphering and one for signature verification

    • Message blocking depends on the transmitter's signature n

  • Conclusions about RSA

    • RSA is a strong encryption algorithm

    • RSA implements a public-key cryptosystem for secure communications and digital signatures

    • Security of RSA relies on the difficulty of factoring large numbers

    • No one has succeeded in breaking RSA to date

    • Other trap-door one-way permutations exist

    • The size of n must increase over time as factoring algorithms improve and computers get faster

    • RSA keys are typically between 1024 and 2048 bits long

    • Experts predict that these key lengths may be breakable in the near future

    • 4096-bit keys are not expected to be broken soon

    • RSA is slower than certain other symmetric cryptosystems

    • RSA is commonly used to transmit keys for faster algorithms

    • Timing attacks and key distribution problems can potentially damage RSA's security

    • Solutions exist for these issues, but require more hardware and software

    • The Riemann hypothesis poses a major threat to RSA

    • If a solution to the Riemann hypothesis is found, RSA would fall apart

    • More sophisticated algorithms will continue to be developed in number theory and cryptanalysis

Page 1

  • RSA Algorithm introduced in 1978 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman

  • Motivated by the works of Diffie and Hellman

  • Implements public-key encryption and digital signatures

Public-key encryption

  • Encryption keys are public, decryption keys are not

  • Allows for secure transmission of messages without the need for a secure channel

  • Each person has their own encryption and decryption keys

  • Decryption key cannot be easily deduced from the public encryption key

Digital signatures

  • Used for verifying the origin of a transmitted message

  • Done using the sender's decryption key

  • Signatures cannot be forged and the signer cannot deny having signed the message

  • Useful for electronic mail, fund transfers, and other electronic transactions

Security of the RSA algorithm

  • No known successful attempts to break it

  • Difficulty of factoring large numbers is a key factor in its security

Public-key cryptosystems

  • Each user has their own encryption and decryption procedures

  • Encryption procedure is public, decryption procedure is kept secret

  • Procedures are related to the keys, which are sets of two special numbers

  • Deciphering an enciphered message gives the original message

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  • Reversing the procedures still returns M: E(D(M)) = M

  • E and D are easy to compute

  • The publicity of E does not compromise the secrecy of D

  • An E that satisfies (a), (c), and (d) is called a "trap-door one-way function" and is also a "trap-door one-way permutation"

  • Statement (b) is needed to provide "signatures"


  • Encryption assures a message is delivered privately

  • Without property (d), encryption process is not public-key

  • NBS standard requires keys to be delivered privately through another secure "courier"

  • RSA is a great answer to this problem

  • An efficient computing method of D must be found to make RSA stand-alone and reliable

  • Bob wants to send a private message to Alice

  • Alice decodes the message with her own DA

  • No beforehand communication is needed

  • No eavesdropper can deduce D from listening in on E

Page 3

  • Signatures

    • Digital signature needed to ensure message originated from sender

    • Bob wants to send private message to Alice

    • Decrypt message with Bob's key and encrypt with Alice's key

    • Alice can decrypt the document and verify the signature

    • Message need not be sent separately, can be deduced from signature

    • Assures message cannot be modified or forged

    • Signatures used to assure message came from public file

    • Every user gets a copy of the most recently updated public file

    • Anyone pretending to be in the public file without appropriate signature is identified as an "intruder"

  • Applications, predictions, hardware implementation

    • Electronic fund transmissions

    • Financial information security

    • Checks can be electronically signed with RSA

    • Additional measures needed for secure check transmission

Page 4

  • RSA can be applied to any electronic system that needs a cryptosystem implemented

  • RSA predicted a secure email world and encryption of live telephone conversations

  • The encryption device should be a hardware subroutine, not a direct buffer between a terminal and communications channel

  • E and D should be easy to compute through simple arithmetic

  • The message must be represented numerically to perform arithmetic algorithms on it

  • M is represented by an integer between 0 and n-1

  • If the message is too long, it is split up and encrypted separately

  • Encryption key: (e, n)

  • Decryption key: (d, n)

  • Encryption algorithm: C ≡ E(M) ≡ Me (mod n)

  • Decryption algorithm: M ≡ D(C) ≡ Cd (mod n)

  • Encryption and decryption keys are pairs of integers

  • Choosing two "random" large primes p and q to obtain n = pq

  • d must be coprime to (p-1) · (q-1)

Page 5

  • The reason for choosing d to be coprime to (p-1) · (q-1) is not explained

Page 5:

  • Introduction of Euler totient function φ(n)

    • Output is the number of positive integers less than n which are coprime to n

    • For primes p, φ(p) = p − 1

    • For n, φ(n) = φ(p) · φ(q) = (p − 1) · (q − 1) = n − (p + q) + 1

  • Substituting φ(n) into equation (7) to obtain e · d ≡ 1 (mod φ(n))

    • e · d = k · φ(n) + 1 for some integer k

    • Multiplicative inverse of d modulo φ(n) exists since d and φ(n) are coprime

  • Equations for encryption and decryption

    • D(E(M)) ≡ (E(M))d ≡ (Me)d (mod n) = Me·d (mod n)

    • E(D(M)) ≡ (D(M))e ≡ (Md)e (mod n) = Me·d (mod n)

  • Using Euler and Fermat's identity: Mφ(n) ≡ 1 (mod n)

    • If M is coprime to n, Mφ(n) = 1

    • M would not be coprime to n if M was either p or q

Page 6

  • M is relatively prime to n

    • Equation (9) holds

    • Evaluation: Me·d ≡ Mk·φ(n)+1 ≡ (Mφ(n))kM ≡ 1kM (mod n) = M

  • E and D are inverse permutations


Efficient encryption and decryption operations

  • Computing Me (mod n) requires at most 2 · log2(e) multiplications and 2 · log2(e) divisions

  • Exponentiate by repeated squaring and multiplication

    1. Binary representation of e

    2. Set variable C to 1

    3. Repeat steps 3a and 3b for i = k, k − 1, ..., 0

      • Set C to the remainder of C2 when divided by n

      • If ei = 1 then set C to the remainder of C · M when divided by n

    4. Halt

  • C is the encrypted form of M

  • Encryption time per block increases no faster than the cube of the number of digits in n

Finding large prime numbers

  • Finding n is the first step

  • p and q are not explicitly shown

  • Generate random odd 100-digit numbers until a prime is found

  • Test each number

  • Use Solovay and Strassen algorithm to test for primality

  • Approximately (ln 10100)/2 = 115 numbers to test

Page 7

  • Jacobi symbol and its representation

    • J(a, b) is the Jacobi symbol

    • J(a, b) can be represented as a b =  a p1α1 a p2α1 . . .  a pkαk

    • b = pα1 1 pα2 2 · · ·p αk k is the primal factorization of b

  • Definition of Legendre symbol

    • a p = 0 if a ≡ 0 (mod p)

    • a p = +1 if a 6≡ 0 (mod p) and a ≡ x2 (mod p)

    • a p = -1 if there is no such a ≡ 0 (mod p)

    • a 1 ≡ 1

  • Conditions for the Jacobi symbol

    • a must be an integer

    • b must be a positive odd integer

    • J(a, b) is 0 if gcd(a, b) 6= 1

    • J(a, b) is ±1 if gcd(a, b) = 1

  • Equation (10) and its truth value

    • Equation (10) is always true if b is prime

    • If b is composite, Equation (10) will have a chance of being false of over 50%

    • If (10) is true 100 times for randomly chosen a’s, then b is almost certainly prime, with a chance of being composite of 1 in 2100

  • Efficient program for computing J(a, b)

    • J(a, b) = if a = 1 then 1 else if is even then J(a ÷ 2, b) · (−1)(b2−1)÷8 else J(b (mod a), a) · (−1)(a−1)·(b−1)÷4

  • Protecting against sophisticated factoring algorithms

    • p and q should differ in length by a few digits

    • gcd(p − 1, q − 1) should be small

    • (p − 1) and (q − 1) should contain large prime factors

    • Generating a large random prime number u and taking the first prime in the sequence i · u + 1, i = 2, 4, 6, ...

  • Efficiency of prime number generation

    • Testing a 100-digit number for primality would take several seconds

    • Finding the next prime would take around a minute and a half

    • An average PC can do this much faster today

  • Finding large primes using known factorization

    • Take a number whose factorization is known

    • Add 1 to it and test for primality

    • If the number is prime, it can potentially be proven using the factorization of (p − 1)

Page 6.3

  • Finding d

    • Find a number d coprime to φ(n)

    • Any prime number greater than max(p, q) is fine

    • A cryptanalyst cannot find d by a direct search due to the large set of primes P

    • Any method of finding d that picks d out of a big set would do

Page 8: Finding e form d and φ(n)

  • Use a variation of Euclid's algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of φ(n) and d

  • Compute a series x0, x1, x2, ..., where x0 ≡ φ(n), x1 = d, ..., xi+1 ≡ xi−1 (mod xi), until an xk = 0 is found

  • gcd(x0, x1) = xk−1

  • Find numbers ai and bi such that xi = ai ·x0 +bi ·x1

  • If xk−1 = 1, then bk−1 is the multiplicative inverse of x1 (mod n), and is precisely e

  • If e < log2(n), find another e that's not too small so that the encrypted message undergoes reduction in modulo n ("wrap-around")

An example

  • p = 37, q = 43, n = p · q = 1591, d = 71

  • φ(1591) = 36 · 42 = 1512

  • Compute e:

    • x0 = 1512, a0 = 1, b0 = 0

    • x1 = 71, a1 = 0, b1 = 1

    • x2 = 21, a2 = 1, b2 = −21

    • x3 = 8, a3 = −3, b3 = 64

    • x4 = 5, a4 = 7, b4 = −149

    • x5 = 3, a5 = −10, b5 = 213

    • x6 = 2, a6 = 17, b6 = −362

    • x7 = 1, a7 = −27, b7 = 575

  • Thus e = 575 is the multiplicative inverse in modulo 1512 of d = 71

Encrypting the message

  • Use a numerical representation of the English alphabet

  • Each block of the message has to be less than n = 1591

  • Break the message into two-letter blocks

  • Encode the message using the algorithm in section 6.1

  • Replace steps 3a and 3b with conditions based on ek

  • After step 4, put C into modulo n

  • Example: NO ODD is encoded as 1415 0015 0404 575

Decrypting the message

  • Check if the message deciphers properly

  • Example: 82471 ≡ 1415 (mod 1591)

Page 9: How secure is RSA?

  • The RSA algorithm is considered one of the strongest encryption techniques.

  • No encryption technique is perfectly secure from a realistic cryptanalyst.

  • Brute-force methods may crack a message, but not likely an entire encryption scheme.

  • Probabilistic approach - there's always a chance someone may break the code.

  • NBS standard and RSA were certified based on attempts to break the algorithm.

  • No one has been known to crack RSA despite years of attempts.

  • Breaking RSA is at least as hard as factoring n.

  • Factoring large numbers is not provably hard, but no algorithms exist to factor a 200-digit number quickly.

  • Fermat and Legendre have contributed to factoring algorithms.

  • RSA is considered secure because factoring is still a difficult math problem.

  • Physical security methods are used to protect the decryption key.

  • Encryption device generates encryption and decryption keys but does not print out the decryption key.

  • The decryption key is erased if an attempted intrusion is detected.

8.1 Factoring n

  • Knowing the factors of n would give away φ(n) and therefore d.

  • Factoring numbers is far harder than determining primality or compositeness.

  • Many factoring algorithms are available.

  • Authors of RSA reference Knuth and Pollard as good sources for factoring algorithms.

  • Authors present an unpublished algorithm by Richard Schroeppel.

  • Schroeppel's algorithm factors n in approximately exp √ln n · ln ln n = n√ln ln n÷ln n = (ln n)√ln n÷ln ln n steps.

  • Authors present a table with data for various lengths of n and the time it takes to factor:

    • 50 digits - 1.4 × 10^10 operations, 3.9 hours

    • 75 digits - 9.0 × 10^12 operations, 104 days

    • 100 digits - 2.3 × 10^15 operations, 74 years

    • 200 digits - 1.2 × 10^23 operations, 3.8 × 10^9 years

    • 300 digits - 1.5 × 10^29 operations, 4.9 × 10^15 years

    • 500 digits - 1.3 × 10^39 operations, 4.2 × 10^25 years

  • Authors recommend n to be about 200 digits long for RSA.

  • The length of n can be varied based on the importance of encryption speed versus security.

Page 10

  • RSA encryption scheme allows the choice of key-length and level of security

  • Computing φ(n) without factoring n

    • Computing φ(n) would break the system

    • Computing φ(n) is as difficult as factoring n

    • Factoring n using φ(n) involves obtaining (p + q) from n and φ(n) = n − (p + q) + 1

    • Obtaining q from half the difference of (p − q) and (p + q)

    • Obtaining p from either p = n ÷ q or from half the sum of (p − q) and (p + q)

    • If n is prime, φ(n) = n−1 would be easy to compute, thus n must be composite

  • Determining d without factoring n or computing φ(n)

    • Computing d is no easier than factoring n

    • Knowing d allows us to calculate e · d − 1, which is a multiple of φ(n)

    • Miller [6] shows that n can be factored using any such multiple

    • All values d0 differ by the least common multiple (lcm) of (p − 1) and (q − 1)

    • Finding such a d0 is as hard as factoring n

  • Other ways of computing d

    • Computing e-th roots modulo n without factoring n is practically impossible

    • Discovering a way to break the code without factoring n would yield an efficient factoring algorithm

    • No known record of anyone breaking RSA in the 31 years since it has been published

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  • Avoiding "reblocking" for encryption of a signed message

    • Reblocking means breaking a signed message into smaller blocks

    • RSA provides a way to avoid reblocking by choosing a threshold value h

    • Every user maintains two public (e, n) pairs, one for enciphering and one for signature verification

    • Message blocking depends on the transmitter's signature n

  • Conclusions about RSA

    • RSA is a strong encryption algorithm

    • RSA implements a public-key cryptosystem for secure communications and digital signatures

    • Security of RSA relies on the difficulty of factoring large numbers

    • No one has succeeded in breaking RSA to date

    • Other trap-door one-way permutations exist

    • The size of n must increase over time as factoring algorithms improve and computers get faster

    • RSA keys are typically between 1024 and 2048 bits long

    • Experts predict that these key lengths may be breakable in the near future

    • 4096-bit keys are not expected to be broken soon

    • RSA is slower than certain other symmetric cryptosystems

    • RSA is commonly used to transmit keys for faster algorithms

    • Timing attacks and key distribution problems can potentially damage RSA's security

    • Solutions exist for these issues, but require more hardware and software

    • The Riemann hypothesis poses a major threat to RSA

    • If a solution to the Riemann hypothesis is found, RSA would fall apart

    • More sophisticated algorithms will continue to be developed in number theory and cryptanalysis