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Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Leaving Earth to find new homes in space is an old dream of humanity

  • Mars is often considered as a potential colony, but what if we think bigger?

  • What if we turn Venus, one of the most hostile and deadly places in the solar system, into a colony?

  • Venus has extreme conditions, but it might be easier than you think

Extreme Conditions on Venus

  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system with a surface temperature of 460 degrees Celsius

  • Venus has the most extreme greenhouse effect in the solar system

  • CO2 is the main component of Venus's atmosphere, making up 97% of it

  • Venus's atmosphere is 90 times denser than Earth's atmosphere

  • Standing on Venus's surface would feel like being 900 meters deep in the ocean

  • The pressure on Venus's surface is so high that it would kill you instantly

Why Bother with Venus?

  • Venus is a truly horrible place, so why should we even bother?

Chapter 2: A Proper Terraformed Venus

  • Venus is almost as big as Earth and has 90 percent of its surface gravity

    • Surface gravity is a big problem when colonizing the solar system

    • Long days in low gravity places can have negative health effects

  • Venus's size means it could be the 2nd largest habitat in the solar system

    • A new home for 1,000,000,000 of humans and trillions of animals

    • It could have oceans, lush forests, and a beautiful blue sky

  • A proper terraformed Venus may be the most pleasant place to live outside of Earth

    • Terraforming is not possible currently, but a future version of us could take on the project

Cooling Down Venus and Removing the Atmosphere

  • Before anything else, we need to cool Venus down and remove the gas that makes up the extremely heavy atmosphere

    • The atmosphere of Venus weighs around 465,000,000,000 tons

  • Options for removing the atmosphere:

    • Create giant solar collectors powering a huge array of laser beams to heat up the atmosphere and blast it into space

      • Requires thousands of times the entire power generating capacity of humanity

      • Would still take thousands of years to remove the atmosphere

    • Sequester the atmosphere by binding the CO2 in different compounds through chemical reactions

Chapter 3: Free The Atmosphere

  • Mining elements on Mercury and shooting them at Venus

    • Elements like calcium or magnesium

    • Mass driver systems

    • Electric rails

    • Binding CO2 into carbonates

    • Impractical due to scale

    • Requires several 100,000,000,000 tons of material

    • May take too long

  • Constructing a huge mirror to block out the sun

    • Mirror doesn't need to be complex or massive

    • Thin foil with structural support

    • Multiple pieces forming a mirror

    • Annular slacks of angled mirrors

    • Reflecting sunlight from one set of mirrors to the next

    • Redirecting light to the back to balance force

    • Keeping the mirror in position

  • Progression of the atmosphere on Venus

    • Infrastructure takes a few years to set up

    • Atmosphere slowly cools down over the first few decades

    • Atmosphere remains dense and deadly

    • After 60 years, temperature reaches 31 degrees Celsius

    • CO2 turns to liquid and begins to rain down

    • Constant global rainstorm lasting 30 years

Chapter 4: Over Venus's Surface

  • The pressure and temperature drop simultaneously

    • Puddles turn into lakes and oceans

    • Surface temperature is now -56 degrees Celsius

    • Pressure drops to 7 times the pressure on Earth

  • CO2 oceans freeze and rain turns into snow

    • Leaves Venus with frozen oceans and CO2 glaciers

  • Remaining atmosphere mostly nitrogen at 3 times Earth's surface pressure

  • Challenges of walking on Venus's surface

    • Freezing temperature and suffocation

    • Frozen CO2 remains a problem

Keeping the CO2 from Melting

  • Possible solutions to prevent CO2 ice from melting and filling up the atmosphere

    • Covering the surface with cheap plastic insulation and Venus Rock or water oceans

    • Concerns of building a planet with a potential time bomb

    • Risk of volcanoes melting CO2 and ruining everything

    • Alternative solution of shooting CO2 into space and collecting it in a small moon

    • Efficiency improvement using mass drivers instead of rockets

    • Moving the mass will be a challenging task

Obtaining Water from Ice Moons

  • Water is essential for moving forward

  • Possibility of obtaining water from ice moons

Chapter 5: The Venus Tethers

  • Europa has twice as much water as earth's oceans

  • Catching and transporting a moon through the solar system is difficult

  • Space Tethers can make the process easier

  • Tethers can take a payload on both ends

Europa's Role

  • Europa's striders do most of the work to catapult ice to Venus

  • The ice hits the Venus tethers and falls into the atmosphere as snow

  • Venus tethers catch CO2 ice shot up from below and accelerated into orbit

  • Excess nitrogen can be removed using the same method to lower atmospheric pressure

Terraforming Venus

  • Venus would be covered by a shallow frozen ocean after a few decades or centuries

  • Continents and islands would form, making Venus resemble Earth

Making Venus Habitable

  • Light and heat are needed to make Venus habitable

  • The last step of terraforming involves making the atmosphere breathable and adding life

Chapter 6: Atmosphere Of Planet

Avenous Day

  • Avenous day is 2802 hours long, more than 116 earth days.

  • Removing the giant mirror would result in half of the planet being grilled.

  • Even without the massive atmosphere, temperatures would reach unbearable levels.

  • Another set of mirrors can create a day-night cycle and control energy intake.

The Atmosphere

  • The atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and lacks oxygen.

  • The first inhabitants will likely be cyanobacteria.

  • Cyanobacteria can photosynthesize and release oxygen.

  • They can turn around the atmosphere of a planet and fertilize the ocean water.

  • Cyanobacteria can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and turn it into nutrients.

Land Colonization

  • Grinding down some of the ocean surface to create soil for nitrogen fixing plants.

  • Billions of trees would spread and cover large parts of the continent.

  • Venus would turn green.

  • CO2 would be released strategically to supply plants and cyanobacteria.

  • Orbital mirrors can provide extra light to areas already covered with plants.

Chapter 7: Vast New Planet

  • Genetic engineering and expanding understanding of genetics and life machinery may allow us to engineer life as needed

  • It would take several thousand years to make the atmosphere breathable for humans

  • Settlers would have to wear regular clothes and oxygen masks while exploring the planet

  • Venus offers vast resources and abundant sunlight for settlers

  • Potential uses for carbon dioxide ice and nitrogen in space

  • Possibility of using Venus as a base for rocket fuel production or terraforming other planets

Terraformed Venus

  • Venus is fully terraformed with animals roaming in vast ecosystems

  • Construction of cities on Venus

  • Billions of settlers and their descendants call Venus home

  • Reflection on the past and the transformation of Venus from a hostile planet to a habitable one

Possibility and Overcoming Challenges

  • Terraforming Venus is not easy and requires many things to go right

  • Technology within reach of a motivated and slightly more advanced humanity

  • Imagination is the only thing stopping us from achieving great things

Chapter 8: Conclusion

  • Skillshare is an online learning community

  • Offers thousands of classes for all skill levels

  • Classes available in creative disciplines like illustration, animation, film and video

  • Other classes include home decoration, growing houseplants, playing the guitar

  • First 1000 Courts Gazette viewers get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare

  • Viewers have taken over 100000 hours of classes

  • Kurzgesagt offers 3 Skillshare classes on how they make their animations

  • Recommend trying Skillshare for learning motion graphics

Extra Push for Motivation and Inspiration

  • Recommend the class "The Scientific Method for Artists: Find Inspiration, Get Motivated, and Grow Your Creative Skills" by Kendall Hiddigas

  • Kendall explains her 4 phase process for figuring out your direction as an artist

  • Class helps get into the flow of creating something

  • Any activity that excites and sparks new ideas is a great first step

Support Kurzgesagt and Get Creative with New Skills

  • Encourage viewers to try Skillshare

  • Support Kurzgesagt by using Skillshare

Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Leaving Earth to find new homes in space is an old dream of humanity

  • Mars is often considered as a potential colony, but what if we think bigger?

  • What if we turn Venus, one of the most hostile and deadly places in the solar system, into a colony?

  • Venus has extreme conditions, but it might be easier than you think

Extreme Conditions on Venus

  • Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system with a surface temperature of 460 degrees Celsius

  • Venus has the most extreme greenhouse effect in the solar system

  • CO2 is the main component of Venus's atmosphere, making up 97% of it

  • Venus's atmosphere is 90 times denser than Earth's atmosphere

  • Standing on Venus's surface would feel like being 900 meters deep in the ocean

  • The pressure on Venus's surface is so high that it would kill you instantly

Why Bother with Venus?

  • Venus is a truly horrible place, so why should we even bother?

Chapter 2: A Proper Terraformed Venus

  • Venus is almost as big as Earth and has 90 percent of its surface gravity

    • Surface gravity is a big problem when colonizing the solar system

    • Long days in low gravity places can have negative health effects

  • Venus's size means it could be the 2nd largest habitat in the solar system

    • A new home for 1,000,000,000 of humans and trillions of animals

    • It could have oceans, lush forests, and a beautiful blue sky

  • A proper terraformed Venus may be the most pleasant place to live outside of Earth

    • Terraforming is not possible currently, but a future version of us could take on the project

Cooling Down Venus and Removing the Atmosphere

  • Before anything else, we need to cool Venus down and remove the gas that makes up the extremely heavy atmosphere

    • The atmosphere of Venus weighs around 465,000,000,000 tons

  • Options for removing the atmosphere:

    • Create giant solar collectors powering a huge array of laser beams to heat up the atmosphere and blast it into space

      • Requires thousands of times the entire power generating capacity of humanity

      • Would still take thousands of years to remove the atmosphere

    • Sequester the atmosphere by binding the CO2 in different compounds through chemical reactions

Chapter 3: Free The Atmosphere

  • Mining elements on Mercury and shooting them at Venus

    • Elements like calcium or magnesium

    • Mass driver systems

    • Electric rails

    • Binding CO2 into carbonates

    • Impractical due to scale

    • Requires several 100,000,000,000 tons of material

    • May take too long

  • Constructing a huge mirror to block out the sun

    • Mirror doesn't need to be complex or massive

    • Thin foil with structural support

    • Multiple pieces forming a mirror

    • Annular slacks of angled mirrors

    • Reflecting sunlight from one set of mirrors to the next

    • Redirecting light to the back to balance force

    • Keeping the mirror in position

  • Progression of the atmosphere on Venus

    • Infrastructure takes a few years to set up

    • Atmosphere slowly cools down over the first few decades

    • Atmosphere remains dense and deadly

    • After 60 years, temperature reaches 31 degrees Celsius

    • CO2 turns to liquid and begins to rain down

    • Constant global rainstorm lasting 30 years

Chapter 4: Over Venus's Surface

  • The pressure and temperature drop simultaneously

    • Puddles turn into lakes and oceans

    • Surface temperature is now -56 degrees Celsius

    • Pressure drops to 7 times the pressure on Earth

  • CO2 oceans freeze and rain turns into snow

    • Leaves Venus with frozen oceans and CO2 glaciers

  • Remaining atmosphere mostly nitrogen at 3 times Earth's surface pressure

  • Challenges of walking on Venus's surface

    • Freezing temperature and suffocation

    • Frozen CO2 remains a problem

Keeping the CO2 from Melting

  • Possible solutions to prevent CO2 ice from melting and filling up the atmosphere

    • Covering the surface with cheap plastic insulation and Venus Rock or water oceans

    • Concerns of building a planet with a potential time bomb

    • Risk of volcanoes melting CO2 and ruining everything

    • Alternative solution of shooting CO2 into space and collecting it in a small moon

    • Efficiency improvement using mass drivers instead of rockets

    • Moving the mass will be a challenging task

Obtaining Water from Ice Moons

  • Water is essential for moving forward

  • Possibility of obtaining water from ice moons

Chapter 5: The Venus Tethers

  • Europa has twice as much water as earth's oceans

  • Catching and transporting a moon through the solar system is difficult

  • Space Tethers can make the process easier

  • Tethers can take a payload on both ends

Europa's Role

  • Europa's striders do most of the work to catapult ice to Venus

  • The ice hits the Venus tethers and falls into the atmosphere as snow

  • Venus tethers catch CO2 ice shot up from below and accelerated into orbit

  • Excess nitrogen can be removed using the same method to lower atmospheric pressure

Terraforming Venus

  • Venus would be covered by a shallow frozen ocean after a few decades or centuries

  • Continents and islands would form, making Venus resemble Earth

Making Venus Habitable

  • Light and heat are needed to make Venus habitable

  • The last step of terraforming involves making the atmosphere breathable and adding life

Chapter 6: Atmosphere Of Planet

Avenous Day

  • Avenous day is 2802 hours long, more than 116 earth days.

  • Removing the giant mirror would result in half of the planet being grilled.

  • Even without the massive atmosphere, temperatures would reach unbearable levels.

  • Another set of mirrors can create a day-night cycle and control energy intake.

The Atmosphere

  • The atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and lacks oxygen.

  • The first inhabitants will likely be cyanobacteria.

  • Cyanobacteria can photosynthesize and release oxygen.

  • They can turn around the atmosphere of a planet and fertilize the ocean water.

  • Cyanobacteria can fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and turn it into nutrients.

Land Colonization

  • Grinding down some of the ocean surface to create soil for nitrogen fixing plants.

  • Billions of trees would spread and cover large parts of the continent.

  • Venus would turn green.

  • CO2 would be released strategically to supply plants and cyanobacteria.

  • Orbital mirrors can provide extra light to areas already covered with plants.

Chapter 7: Vast New Planet

  • Genetic engineering and expanding understanding of genetics and life machinery may allow us to engineer life as needed

  • It would take several thousand years to make the atmosphere breathable for humans

  • Settlers would have to wear regular clothes and oxygen masks while exploring the planet

  • Venus offers vast resources and abundant sunlight for settlers

  • Potential uses for carbon dioxide ice and nitrogen in space

  • Possibility of using Venus as a base for rocket fuel production or terraforming other planets

Terraformed Venus

  • Venus is fully terraformed with animals roaming in vast ecosystems

  • Construction of cities on Venus

  • Billions of settlers and their descendants call Venus home

  • Reflection on the past and the transformation of Venus from a hostile planet to a habitable one

Possibility and Overcoming Challenges

  • Terraforming Venus is not easy and requires many things to go right

  • Technology within reach of a motivated and slightly more advanced humanity

  • Imagination is the only thing stopping us from achieving great things

Chapter 8: Conclusion

  • Skillshare is an online learning community

  • Offers thousands of classes for all skill levels

  • Classes available in creative disciplines like illustration, animation, film and video

  • Other classes include home decoration, growing houseplants, playing the guitar

  • First 1000 Courts Gazette viewers get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare

  • Viewers have taken over 100000 hours of classes

  • Kurzgesagt offers 3 Skillshare classes on how they make their animations

  • Recommend trying Skillshare for learning motion graphics

Extra Push for Motivation and Inspiration

  • Recommend the class "The Scientific Method for Artists: Find Inspiration, Get Motivated, and Grow Your Creative Skills" by Kendall Hiddigas

  • Kendall explains her 4 phase process for figuring out your direction as an artist

  • Class helps get into the flow of creating something

  • Any activity that excites and sparks new ideas is a great first step

Support Kurzgesagt and Get Creative with New Skills

  • Encourage viewers to try Skillshare

  • Support Kurzgesagt by using Skillshare