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1.2 Themes and Concepts of Biology

1.2 Themes and Concepts of Biology

  • An outline is required for some review papers.
  • The rationale of the work is given in a good introduction.
    • The researcher will present the hypothesis or research question at the end of the paper in order to justify the work.
    • The published scientific work of others requires citations following the style of the journal.
  • It doesn't have to be long to allow another researcher to repeat the experiment and get similar results.
    • The section will include information on how the researchers made the measurements, the types of calculations they used, and the statistical analyses they used to examine the data.
  • The materials and methods section does not discuss the experiments.
  • It is more common to combine the results section with the discussion section in some journals.
    • The researchers present their results with tables and graphs.
    • To put the results in the context of previously published scientific research, it is necessary to conduct an extensive literature search.
    • Proper citations are included in this section as well.
  • The scientific paper almost certainly answers one or more scientific questions that the researchers stated, but any good research should lead to more questions.
  • A well-done scientific paper allows the researchers and others to continue with their work.
  • They summarize and comment on findings that were published as primary literature.
  • This may sound like a silly question, but it is not always easy to define life.
    • Some of the characteristics of living entities but lack others are studied by a branch of biology called virology.
    • Although viruses can cause diseases, they do not meet the criteria that biologists use to define life.
    • They are not biologists, strictly speaking.
    • Some biologists look at the early evolution that gave rise to life.
    • These scientists are excluded from biology because the events that preceded life are not biological events.
  • Biologists seek answers to these and other questions as they discover new organisms.
  • These eight characteristics are what define life.
  • A toad is comprised of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
    • Single-celled organisms are very complex and simple.
    • Body structures with a distinct function are created by tissues.
    • Organ systems are formed by organs.
  • The leaves of this sensitive plant will fold when touched.
    • Plants can bend toward a source of light, climb on fences and walls, or respond to touch.
    • Microbacteria can move towards or away from light or chemicals.
    • A negative response is when a person moves away from aStimulus.
  • You can watch this video to see how plants respond to stimuli, from opening to light, to wrapping a tendril around a branch.
  • Single-celled organisms reproduce by first duplicating their DNA, and then dividing it equally as the cell prepares to divide to form two new cells.
    • Special reproductive germline, gamete, oocyte, and sperm cells can be produced by multicellular organisms.
  • The genes ensure that the offspring will have the same size and shape as the parent.
  • This fit is a consequence of evolution by natural selection, and biologists refer to it as adaptation.
    • There are many examples of adaptation, from heat-resistant Archaea that live in boiling hotsprings to the tongue length of a nectar-feeding moth that matches the size of the flower from which it feeds.
    • The ability to survive to reproduce is enhanced by all adaptation.
    • The adaptions are not always the same.
    • Natural selection causes the characteristics of individuals in a population to track changes in the environment.
  • Organisms grow and develop as a result of specific instructions provided by genes.
    • This ensures that a species' young will have the same characteristics as their parents.
  • These kittens have the same genes as their parents and look the same.
  • Even the smallest organisms need multiple regulatory mechanisms to coordinate internal functions, respond to stimuli, and cope with environmental stresses.
    • There are two examples of internal functions that are regulated.
    • Carrying oxygen throughout the body is one of the functions that the Organs perform.

mammals living in ice covered regions maintain their body temperature by generating heat and reducing heat loss through thick fur and a dense layer of fat under their skin

  • Cells need proper temperature, pH, and concentration of diverse chemicals in order to function properly.
  • An organisms needs to regulate body temperature through thermoregulation.
  • The polar bear has body structures that help it survive in cold climates.
    • Fur, feathers, blubber, and fat are some of the structures that aid in this type of insulation.
    • In hot climates, organisms use methods such as perspiration in humans or panting in dogs to get rid of excess body heat.
  • The California condor uses chemical energy from food to power flight.
    • California condors are in danger.
    • Biologists use a wing tag to identify a bird.
  • All organisms have a source of energy.
    • Some organisms capture the sun's energy and use it to make food.
    • Others use chemical energy to make food.
  • Random changes in hereditary material can cause the diversity of life on Earth.
    • The possibility for organisms to adapt to a changing environment is allowed by these mutations.
    • The forces of natural selection will affect reproductive success of organisms that evolve.
  • Living things are highly organized and structured, following a hierarchy that we can examine on a scale from small to large.
    • The nucleus is surrounded by electrons.
    • The atoms form something.
  • The instructions for the structure and functioning of all living organisms are contained in deoxyribonucleic acid, an example of a macromolecule.
  • This DNA molecule is made of atoms.
  • Some cells have macromolecules around them.
    • Organelles are small structures.
    • Green plants use the energy in the sun to make sugars, and the energy in the mitochondria is used to power the cell.
    • All living things are made of cells.
    • They need to invade and hijack the reproductive mechanism of a living cell to make new viruses.
    • Some organisms have a single cell while others are multicellular.
    • Cells are classified as prokaryotic or eukaryotic by scientists.
  • Plants and animals have organs.
    • There are many organ systems in mammals.
    • The circulatory system transports blood from the body to the lungs.
    • The heart and blood vessels are included.
    • Each tree in a forest is an individual.
    • Biologists call single-celled prokaryotes and single-celled eukaryotes organisms.
  • The population of pine trees in a forest is represented by many pine trees.
    • There are different populations in the same area.
    • The forest with the pine trees has populations of flowering plants, insects, andMicrobes.
    • The forest is an ecology.
    • Land, water, and even the atmosphere are included.
  • Living organisms are part of a highly structured hierarchy.
  • Communities exist within populations.
  • The diversity of life on earth is one of the reasons that biology has such a broad scope.
  • The evolution of various life forms can be summarized in a tree.
    • The diagram shows the evolutionary relationships among biological species based on similarities and differences.
  • A tree is made up of branches.
    • The internal nodes are points in evolution when researchers believe that an ancestors has diverged to form two new species.
    • The time elapsed since the split affects the length of each branch.
  • Microbiologist Carl Woese used the data he obtained from the sequencing of ribosomal RNA genes to build this tree.
    • The separation of living organisms is shown in the tree.
    • Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms.
  • In the past, biologists grouped living organisms into five kingdoms.
    • Modern systematics use all of the physical features of biology, but the organizational scheme was based on physical features.
    • In the early 1970s, American microbiologist Carl Woese showed that life on Earth has evolved along three different lineages.
    • The first two are prokaryotic cells.
    • The third domain contains the organisms and includes the three remaining kingdoms.
  • The new domain of Archaea resulted in a new tree.
    • Many organisms in the Archaea domain live in extreme conditions.
    • Genetic relationships were used to build his tree.
  • The genes in the tree have remained essentially unchanged throughout evolution.
    • Compared physical features are not enough to differentiate between the prokaryotes that appear fairly similar in spite of their tremendous biochemical diversity and genetic variability.
    • A sensitive device that revealed the extensive variability of prokaryotes was provided by comparing the genes.
  • There are images that represent different things.
    • The (c) sunflower and (d) lion are in the same area.
  • The scope of biology is broad and contains many branches.
    • Biologists can pursue one of those subdisciplines and work in a more focused field.
    • It is quite a broad branch, and depending on the subject of study, there are also biologists, geneticists, and ecologists.
  • The application of science to answer questions related to the law is called forensic science.
    • Biologists can be forensic scientists.
    • trace materials associated with crimes are examined by forensic scientists, who provide scientific evidence for use in courts.
    • Popular television shows that feature forensic scientists on the job may be the reason for the increased interest in forensic science.
    • The types of work that forensic scientists can do have been expanded by the development of new techniques.
    • Crimes against people such as murder, rape, and assault are what their job activities are related to.
    • Their work involves analyzing samples such as hair, blood, and other body fluids and also processing DNA found in many different environments and materials.
    • Other biological evidence left at a crime scene can be analyzed by forensic scientists.
    • If you want to pursue a career in forensic science, you will need to take chemistry, biology, and intensive math courses.
  • This subdiscipline studies different nervous system functions using different approaches.
  • Dinosaur fossils are being excavated at a site in Spain.
    • Biologists can specialize in a number of areas.
    • There are many fields that biologists can pursue.
  • The achievements of the natural sciences have culminated in biology.
    • It is the cradle of emerging sciences, such as the biology of brain activity, genetic engineering of custom organisms, and the biology of evolution that uses the laboratory tools of molecular biology to retrace the earliest stages of life on Earth.
    • The way biology is active in and important to our everyday world is demonstrated in a news headline.

  • The reviewed papers detail the interactions with one another and their environments.
  • Science tries to understand the nature of the universe by using rational means.
    • There are many fields in Science 1.2 Themes and Concepts.
  • Natural sciences include biology and its phenomena.
  • The science of life is biology.
    • Science can be applied to living organisms.
    • The main goal of several key properties such as order, sensitivity or response science is to expand knowledge without any expectation of stimuli, reproduction, growth and development, short-term practical application of that knowledge.
    • Practical problems are part of a hierarchy that includes highly organized parts of the primary goal of applied research.
  • In turn, biologists group organisms as reasoning uses particular results to produce general populations.
  • Less-diverse thinking that predicts results by applying general principles evolved into the great diversity of life today.
  • The scientific method is a step-based process that consists of organisms and uses a tree to show evolutionary relationships.
  • More conclusions are included in the examples.
    • Proper controls are used in the testing.
  • Scientists give their results in peer reviewed journals.
  • You can match the scientific reasoning.
  • Birds and insects have wings.
    • Birds and everyday problems.
  • Mild winters are better for insects.
    • insect pests will become 1.
  • If global temperatures increase, there is something wrong.
  • The daughter cell's chromosomes will be the same as 2 if something is wrong.
  • Humans, insects, and wolves all exhibit social behavior.
  • My toast doesn't toast my bread.
  • Communities exist within populations.
  • The first forms of life were on Earth.
  • The type of logical thinking that uses plants to arrive at a conclusion is called _____.
  • There is a suggested and testable explanation for an event.
  • The process helps ensure that a scientist's research is thorough and original.
  • A group of individuals of the same species living in the same area seem to grow more quickly than the other way around.
  • She determined that plants grow better when exposed to music.
  • The smallest unit of biological structure is the molecule functional requirements of living.
  • Viruses are not considered living.
  • A characteristic of _____ is the presence of a nucleus.
  • It is possible to apply the items biologists agree are necessary to everyday situations.
  • Put each of these items in order from their effect on your daily life by giving an example of how applied science has had a direct world.
  • Two topics that are likely to be studied by skin cell, elephant, water molecule, planet Earth, biologists, and two areas of scientific study that would tropical rainforest, hydrogen atom, and wolf pack are named.
  • You walk on a hot day.
    • Think about the topic of cancer and write a basic science way to keep your body healthy.
  • Explain to the researcher how biology can be studied.

1.2 Themes and Concepts of Biology

  • An outline is required for some review papers.
  • The rationale of the work is given in a good introduction.
    • The researcher will present the hypothesis or research question at the end of the paper in order to justify the work.
    • The published scientific work of others requires citations following the style of the journal.
  • It doesn't have to be long to allow another researcher to repeat the experiment and get similar results.
    • The section will include information on how the researchers made the measurements, the types of calculations they used, and the statistical analyses they used to examine the data.
  • The materials and methods section does not discuss the experiments.
  • It is more common to combine the results section with the discussion section in some journals.
    • The researchers present their results with tables and graphs.
    • To put the results in the context of previously published scientific research, it is necessary to conduct an extensive literature search.
    • Proper citations are included in this section as well.
  • The scientific paper almost certainly answers one or more scientific questions that the researchers stated, but any good research should lead to more questions.
  • A well-done scientific paper allows the researchers and others to continue with their work.
  • They summarize and comment on findings that were published as primary literature.
  • This may sound like a silly question, but it is not always easy to define life.
    • Some of the characteristics of living entities but lack others are studied by a branch of biology called virology.
    • Although viruses can cause diseases, they do not meet the criteria that biologists use to define life.
    • They are not biologists, strictly speaking.
    • Some biologists look at the early evolution that gave rise to life.
    • These scientists are excluded from biology because the events that preceded life are not biological events.
  • Biologists seek answers to these and other questions as they discover new organisms.
  • These eight characteristics are what define life.
  • A toad is comprised of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.
    • Single-celled organisms are very complex and simple.
    • Body structures with a distinct function are created by tissues.
    • Organ systems are formed by organs.
  • The leaves of this sensitive plant will fold when touched.
    • Plants can bend toward a source of light, climb on fences and walls, or respond to touch.
    • Microbacteria can move towards or away from light or chemicals.
    • A negative response is when a person moves away from aStimulus.
  • You can watch this video to see how plants respond to stimuli, from opening to light, to wrapping a tendril around a branch.
  • Single-celled organisms reproduce by first duplicating their DNA, and then dividing it equally as the cell prepares to divide to form two new cells.
    • Special reproductive germline, gamete, oocyte, and sperm cells can be produced by multicellular organisms.
  • The genes ensure that the offspring will have the same size and shape as the parent.
  • This fit is a consequence of evolution by natural selection, and biologists refer to it as adaptation.
    • There are many examples of adaptation, from heat-resistant Archaea that live in boiling hotsprings to the tongue length of a nectar-feeding moth that matches the size of the flower from which it feeds.
    • The ability to survive to reproduce is enhanced by all adaptation.
    • The adaptions are not always the same.
    • Natural selection causes the characteristics of individuals in a population to track changes in the environment.
  • Organisms grow and develop as a result of specific instructions provided by genes.
    • This ensures that a species' young will have the same characteristics as their parents.
  • These kittens have the same genes as their parents and look the same.
  • Even the smallest organisms need multiple regulatory mechanisms to coordinate internal functions, respond to stimuli, and cope with environmental stresses.
    • There are two examples of internal functions that are regulated.
    • Carrying oxygen throughout the body is one of the functions that the Organs perform.

mammals living in ice covered regions maintain their body temperature by generating heat and reducing heat loss through thick fur and a dense layer of fat under their skin

  • Cells need proper temperature, pH, and concentration of diverse chemicals in order to function properly.
  • An organisms needs to regulate body temperature through thermoregulation.
  • The polar bear has body structures that help it survive in cold climates.
    • Fur, feathers, blubber, and fat are some of the structures that aid in this type of insulation.
    • In hot climates, organisms use methods such as perspiration in humans or panting in dogs to get rid of excess body heat.
  • The California condor uses chemical energy from food to power flight.
    • California condors are in danger.
    • Biologists use a wing tag to identify a bird.
  • All organisms have a source of energy.
    • Some organisms capture the sun's energy and use it to make food.
    • Others use chemical energy to make food.
  • Random changes in hereditary material can cause the diversity of life on Earth.
    • The possibility for organisms to adapt to a changing environment is allowed by these mutations.
    • The forces of natural selection will affect reproductive success of organisms that evolve.
  • Living things are highly organized and structured, following a hierarchy that we can examine on a scale from small to large.
    • The nucleus is surrounded by electrons.
    • The atoms form something.
  • The instructions for the structure and functioning of all living organisms are contained in deoxyribonucleic acid, an example of a macromolecule.
  • This DNA molecule is made of atoms.
  • Some cells have macromolecules around them.
    • Organelles are small structures.
    • Green plants use the energy in the sun to make sugars, and the energy in the mitochondria is used to power the cell.
    • All living things are made of cells.
    • They need to invade and hijack the reproductive mechanism of a living cell to make new viruses.
    • Some organisms have a single cell while others are multicellular.
    • Cells are classified as prokaryotic or eukaryotic by scientists.
  • Plants and animals have organs.
    • There are many organ systems in mammals.
    • The circulatory system transports blood from the body to the lungs.
    • The heart and blood vessels are included.
    • Each tree in a forest is an individual.
    • Biologists call single-celled prokaryotes and single-celled eukaryotes organisms.
  • The population of pine trees in a forest is represented by many pine trees.
    • There are different populations in the same area.
    • The forest with the pine trees has populations of flowering plants, insects, andMicrobes.
    • The forest is an ecology.
    • Land, water, and even the atmosphere are included.
  • Living organisms are part of a highly structured hierarchy.
  • Communities exist within populations.
  • The diversity of life on earth is one of the reasons that biology has such a broad scope.
  • The evolution of various life forms can be summarized in a tree.
    • The diagram shows the evolutionary relationships among biological species based on similarities and differences.
  • A tree is made up of branches.
    • The internal nodes are points in evolution when researchers believe that an ancestors has diverged to form two new species.
    • The time elapsed since the split affects the length of each branch.
  • Microbiologist Carl Woese used the data he obtained from the sequencing of ribosomal RNA genes to build this tree.
    • The separation of living organisms is shown in the tree.
    • Prokaryotes are single-celled organisms.
  • In the past, biologists grouped living organisms into five kingdoms.
    • Modern systematics use all of the physical features of biology, but the organizational scheme was based on physical features.
    • In the early 1970s, American microbiologist Carl Woese showed that life on Earth has evolved along three different lineages.
    • The first two are prokaryotic cells.
    • The third domain contains the organisms and includes the three remaining kingdoms.
  • The new domain of Archaea resulted in a new tree.
    • Many organisms in the Archaea domain live in extreme conditions.
    • Genetic relationships were used to build his tree.
  • The genes in the tree have remained essentially unchanged throughout evolution.
    • Compared physical features are not enough to differentiate between the prokaryotes that appear fairly similar in spite of their tremendous biochemical diversity and genetic variability.
    • A sensitive device that revealed the extensive variability of prokaryotes was provided by comparing the genes.
  • There are images that represent different things.
    • The (c) sunflower and (d) lion are in the same area.
  • The scope of biology is broad and contains many branches.
    • Biologists can pursue one of those subdisciplines and work in a more focused field.
    • It is quite a broad branch, and depending on the subject of study, there are also biologists, geneticists, and ecologists.
  • The application of science to answer questions related to the law is called forensic science.
    • Biologists can be forensic scientists.
    • trace materials associated with crimes are examined by forensic scientists, who provide scientific evidence for use in courts.
    • Popular television shows that feature forensic scientists on the job may be the reason for the increased interest in forensic science.
    • The types of work that forensic scientists can do have been expanded by the development of new techniques.
    • Crimes against people such as murder, rape, and assault are what their job activities are related to.
    • Their work involves analyzing samples such as hair, blood, and other body fluids and also processing DNA found in many different environments and materials.
    • Other biological evidence left at a crime scene can be analyzed by forensic scientists.
    • If you want to pursue a career in forensic science, you will need to take chemistry, biology, and intensive math courses.
  • This subdiscipline studies different nervous system functions using different approaches.
  • Dinosaur fossils are being excavated at a site in Spain.
    • Biologists can specialize in a number of areas.
    • There are many fields that biologists can pursue.
  • The achievements of the natural sciences have culminated in biology.
    • It is the cradle of emerging sciences, such as the biology of brain activity, genetic engineering of custom organisms, and the biology of evolution that uses the laboratory tools of molecular biology to retrace the earliest stages of life on Earth.
    • The way biology is active in and important to our everyday world is demonstrated in a news headline.

  • The reviewed papers detail the interactions with one another and their environments.
  • Science tries to understand the nature of the universe by using rational means.
    • There are many fields in Science 1.2 Themes and Concepts.
  • Natural sciences include biology and its phenomena.
  • The science of life is biology.
    • Science can be applied to living organisms.
    • The main goal of several key properties such as order, sensitivity or response science is to expand knowledge without any expectation of stimuli, reproduction, growth and development, short-term practical application of that knowledge.
    • Practical problems are part of a hierarchy that includes highly organized parts of the primary goal of applied research.
  • In turn, biologists group organisms as reasoning uses particular results to produce general populations.
  • Less-diverse thinking that predicts results by applying general principles evolved into the great diversity of life today.
  • The scientific method is a step-based process that consists of organisms and uses a tree to show evolutionary relationships.
  • More conclusions are included in the examples.
    • Proper controls are used in the testing.
  • Scientists give their results in peer reviewed journals.
  • You can match the scientific reasoning.
  • Birds and insects have wings.
    • Birds and everyday problems.
  • Mild winters are better for insects.
    • insect pests will become 1.
  • If global temperatures increase, there is something wrong.
  • The daughter cell's chromosomes will be the same as 2 if something is wrong.
  • Humans, insects, and wolves all exhibit social behavior.
  • My toast doesn't toast my bread.
  • Communities exist within populations.
  • The first forms of life were on Earth.
  • The type of logical thinking that uses plants to arrive at a conclusion is called _____.
  • There is a suggested and testable explanation for an event.
  • The process helps ensure that a scientist's research is thorough and original.
  • A group of individuals of the same species living in the same area seem to grow more quickly than the other way around.
  • She determined that plants grow better when exposed to music.
  • The smallest unit of biological structure is the molecule functional requirements of living.
  • Viruses are not considered living.
  • A characteristic of _____ is the presence of a nucleus.
  • It is possible to apply the items biologists agree are necessary to everyday situations.
  • Put each of these items in order from their effect on your daily life by giving an example of how applied science has had a direct world.
  • Two topics that are likely to be studied by skin cell, elephant, water molecule, planet Earth, biologists, and two areas of scientific study that would tropical rainforest, hydrogen atom, and wolf pack are named.
  • You walk on a hot day.
    • Think about the topic of cancer and write a basic science way to keep your body healthy.
  • Explain to the researcher how biology can be studied.