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12.3 Aldehydes and Ketones

12.3 Aldehydes and Ketones

  • xylene is not compatible with water.
  • The water has more of 1-propanol in it.
  • propane is not compatible with water.
  • There is a difference between propanol and 1-hexanol in water.
  • Draw aldehyde is different from the line-angle formulas of aldehydes and ketones.
  • The carbonyl group has a strong dipole with a partial negative charge on the oxygen and a partial positive charge on the carbon.
    • The physical and chemical properties of aldehydes and ketones are influenced by the carbonyl group.
  • The carbonyl group can be found in both aldehydes and ketones.
  • The aldehyde group always appears at the Naming Aldehydes and Ketones end of the chain.
  • The end carbon of aldehydes is the carbonyl group.
  • The aldehyde of benzene is called benzaldehyde by the IUPAC system.
  • There are four carbons in the longest carbon chain, which is named butanal.
  • If you count the carbonyl group as carbon 1, you'll get the name and number of any substituents.
    • The CH3 group is on carbon 3.
    • The compound is called 3-methylbutanal.
  • The most important classes of organic compounds are aldehydes and ketones.
    • The common names for unbranched ketones are still used because they have played a major role in organic chemistry for more than a century.
  • The IUPAC system has retained the name acetone.
  • Carbon chains with five carbon atoms or more are numbered from the end.
  • The ring starts with the carbonyl carbon as carbon 1.
    • The lowest possible numbers are given to substituents by the ring's numbered direction.
  • The longest chain has five carbon atoms.
  • The location of the carbonyl group is indicated by the number of the carbon chain starting from the end.
    • The carbonyl group is on carbon 2.
  • The methyl group is on carbon 4.
    • The name of the organization is 4-methyl-2-pentanone.
  • A partially negative oxygen atom and a partially positive carbon atom are contained in the polar carbonyl group.
    • aldehydes and ketones with one to four carbons are very soluble because the oxygen atom forms hydrogen bonds with water.
  • Alcohols, Thiols, Ethers, Aldehydes, and Ketones Hydrogen bonds five or more carbon atoms are notsoluble because longer hydrocarbon chains diminish the solubility effect of the polar carbonyl group.
  • The hydrogen bonds with water are formed by a carbonyl group with an oxygen atom.
    • The carbonyl group in 2-Hexanone is insoluble in water.
  • The long hydrocarbon chain would make Practice Problems 12.23 hingal, which is less soluble than ethanal.
  • Exposure to fumes can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and upper respiratory tract.
  • The oil of spear mint contains carvone, which is used to make perfumes.
  • Draw their line-angle formulas from the IUPAC and common names for aldehydes and ketones.
  • There are chemical equations for the oxidation of alcohols.
    • Balanced chemical equations are used to reduce aldehydes and ketones.
  • A double bond is formed between two carbon atoms.
  • A double Oxidation of Alcohols bond between carbon and oxygen is produced by the oxidation of a primary alcohol.
    • The symbol [O] over the arrow indicates that O is obtained from an oxidizer, such as KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7.
  • Adding another O to form carboxylic acids, which have three carbon-oxygen bonds, oxidizes formaldehyde and ethyl alcohol.
    • It is difficult to separate the aldehyde product from the oxidation reaction.
  • The products of secondary alcohols are called ketones.
  • There were no hydrogen atoms attached to the ketone group.
  • C bonds are too strong to oxidize.
  • This alcohol can oxidize to a ketone.
  • This alcohol can oxidize to an aldehyde.
  • The formula for the oxidation of 2-pentanol was drawn.
  • The side chains of cysteine, which contain thiol groups, are cross-linked by disulfide bonds.
  • A reducing substance is used to break the disulfide bonds when a person has his or her hair permanently curled.
    • While the hair is wrapped around curlers or straightened, an oxidizing substance is applied that causes new disulfide bonds to form between different parts of the hair strands, which gives the hair a new shape.
  • When disulfide bonds are reduced, it's called dimethyl disulfide.
  • In the United States, it is the most abused drug.
  • Even though acetaldehyde is a depressant, it can be converted to carbon dioxide and water in the body by ingestion of small amounts of the drug.
    • The aldehyde and carboxylic acid intermediates can cause hyde, a substance that impairs mental and physical coordination, if alcohol dehydrogenase oxidizes ethanol to aldeceta.
    • If the damage is present in the cells of the liver.
  • A person weighing 150 lbs needs one hour to metabolize the TAbLE 12.3, which gives some of the typical behaviors exhibited at various alcohol in 12 ounces of beer.
  • Alcohol can evaporate through the lungs when it's in the blood.
    • The percentage of alcohol in the lungs can be used to calculate the BAC.
    • The BAC is measured using several devices.
    • When a Breathalyzer is used, a suspected drunk driver exhales into a solution containing the orange cr6+ ion.
    • The alcohol in the exhaled air oxidizes and reduces the orange and green color of the substance.
  • Sometimes alcoholics are treated with a drug that prevents the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid.
  • Methanol is a highly toxic alcohol that can be found in products such as windshield washer fluid and paint strip.
    • Methanol is absorbed quickly in the GI tract.
    • The formic acid is present in the blood.
    • In some cases, a substance is given to the patient through a catheter.
    • The nausea, abdominal pain, and blurred vision is caused by the enzymes in the liver.
    • There is a blind oxidizer that oxidizes instead of a methanol oxidizer.
    • This pro ness can occur because the intermediate products destroy the retina cess, giving time for the methanol to be eliminated via the lungs without the eye.
    • A small amount of methanol can cause blindness.
  • The ease of oxidation of aldehydes allows certain mild oxidizing agents to oxidize the aldehyde functional group.
    • The reduced silver ion creates a mirror on the inside of the container.
  • A spray gun can be used to make mirrors by applying a mixture of AgNO3, ammonia, andglucose on glass.
  • A brick red solid of Cu2O forms when Benedict's solution containing CuSO4 is added to this type of aldehyde and heated.
  • Benedict's solution forms a brick-red solid of Cu2O in a positive test for many sugars and aldehydes.
  • Aldehydes and ketones can be reduced by either hydrogen or NaBH4.
    • Aldehydes reduce to primary alcohols, while ketones reduce to secondary alcohols.
    • Adding hydrogen to the carbonyl group requires a catalyst such as nickel, Platinum, or palladium.
  • Write a balanced equation for the reduction of cyclopentanone using hydrogen and a nickel catalyst.
  • The reacting molecule has five carbon atoms.
    • During the reduction, hydrogen atoms add to the carbon and oxygen in the carbonyl group, which reduces the ketone to the corresponding secondary alcohol.
  • Write a balanced chemical equation for the reduction of butanal using hydrogen and a catalyst.

  • A sunscreen with a follow-up skin check is called roxBenzone.

If no other moles were found in a bottle of sunscreen with a 6.0% m/v, how many grams of oxybenzone are suspicious?

  • Margaret tells Diana to use broadspectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 on exposed skin.
  • The sun helps protect against sunburn.
    • Avobenzone is found in sunscreen.
    • Structural formula is shown with the protection factor number of 2 to 100.

What is the formula and mass of the skin to sunburn?

  • If a bottle of sunscreen has 3.0% carbonyl groups, it's a bottle.
  • Avobenzone protects against sunburn.

  • An aromatic ring is the bond between the hydroxyl group and a phenol.
  • The OH group is based on the carbon carbon and oxygen atom.
  • The carbonyl group appears at the end of carbon in aldehydes.
  • Simple alcohols are generally named by their common names, with the carbonyl group occurring between two alkyl or aro the alkyl name preceding the term alcohol.
  • A phenol is an aromatic alcohol.
  • In the common names of ethers, the alkyl or aromatic groups are the carbonyl group is numbered to show its location.
  • Common names are used for many of the simple aldehydes and ketones.
  • Water has hydrogen compounds with one to four carbon atoms.
  • There are alcohols in water.
  • Balanced chemical equations for the d of alkyl groups are needed.
  • In a primary alcohol, one group is attached to the hydroxyl.
  • Two groups are attached to alcohol.
  • Primary alcohols oxidize to aldehydes, which can oxidize carboxylic acids.
  • Secondary alcohols can be converted to ketones.
  • Short-chain alcohols can bond with water.
  • Thiols oxidize to form disulfides.
  • Aldehydes are easy to oxidize to carboxylic acids.
  • Tollens' reagent oxidizes aldehydes to give silver mirrors.
  • A brick-red Cu2O solid is created by the reduction of blue Cu2+ by aldehydes with adjacent hydroxyl groups.
  • The presence of a catalyst to give alcohols can be reduced with H2.
  • After the name of each reaction, the chapter Sections to review are shown.
  • The chain is attached to OH.
  • The carbonyl functional bond to at least one hydrogen is an organic compound.
  • Benedict's reagent loses two hydrogen atoms from a reactant and is replaced by a brick-red solid of Cu, which oxidizes to alde 2O.
  • A carbon-oxygen double bond is contained in a functional group.
  • A reaction that removes water from an alcohol, in the presence of an acid, to form alkenes.
  • A silver mirror is formed when an aldehyde is reduced to a 1 degree alcohol and a ketone is reduced to a 2 degree alcohol.
  • The carbon chain is numbered from the end nearer the ketone.
  • It makes an alcohol.
  • Simple alcohols are named with the alkyl name preceding the term product from the dehydration of 2-methyl-1-butanol.
  • The name is written in front of OH.
  • A cycloalkanol is a type of alcohol.
  • A phenol is an aromatic alcohol.
  • The alcohols oxidize to ketones.
  • The alcohols do not oxidize.
  • The formula for the oxidation of 2-butanol was drawn.
  • There are functional groups in Frambinone.
    • There is a compound in ginger called gingerol.
    • There are functional groups in gingerol.
  • cinnamaldehyde is found in cinnamon.
  • There are functional groups in cinnamaldehyde.
  • There are problems related to the topics in this chapter.

  • The IUPAC compound C (C4H8O) forms can be given by drawing the structural formulas.
    • The IUPAC names for compounds A, B, and C are given by the formula C.

  • IUPAC names forms compound (B) do not undergo further oxidation if you draw 5H12O on oxidation.
  • The formula for the compound is drawn.
  • A shorter carbon chain is what 1-propanol has.
  • Butanal is more stable in water because it has less carbon atoms.
  • The polar OH group of 1-propanol can form hydrogen bonds with water, but the alkane pentane does not.
  • A shorter carbon chain is what it has.
  • It has a boiling point of less than 10.
    • The density of acetone is 0.786 g/mL.
  • acetone is used in nailpolish removal.
  • The balanced chemical equation can be written using the density symbol.
  • A hybrid car has a fuel capacity of 11.9 gal and a gas mileage of 45 miles per gallon.
    • In a liter of a common liquid antacid there are 400.
    • The liquid antacid is neutralized with a 0.080 M HCl solution.
  • One of the components of gasoline is oge.
  • stomach acid can be mitigated by an antacid.
  • Butyraldehyde has an unpleasant odor.
  • Ionone gives violets their scent.
  • It is very dangerous and has a low boiling point.
    • The purple flowers of violets are used in salads and to make hyde with a density of 0.802 g/mL.
    • The density of liquid ionone is 0.935 g/mL.
  • The smell of old gym socks is caused by butyraldehyde.
  • The smell of violets is due to ionone.
  • The formula for butyraldehyde was drawn.
  • Draw the formula for butyraldehyde.
  • In the presence of a plat combustion of butyraldehyde, ionone reacts with hydrogen.
  • How many grams of oxygen gas is needed to convert the ketone group to alcohol.
  • The amount of carbon dioxide gas produced by the product.

  • A physical examination showed that Kate, a 64 year old woman, had a high blood sugar level and blurry vision.
    • She gained 22 lbs over the past year.
    • She met Paula, a diabetes nurse, when she tried to lose the specialty clinic.
  • Her diet was high in sugars.
    • Kate usually ate two cups of pasta and three loaves of bread.
    • They are broken down into four slices of bread with butter or olive oil.
    • She eats eight to ten pieces of fresh fruit per day at meals, which is a simple sugar calledglucose.
  • Diabetes nurses teach patients how to manage their condition.
    • Proper diet and nutrition for both pre- and post-Diabetes patients are included in this.
    • Diabetes nurses help patients monitor their blood sugar levels and look for symptoms of the disease.
    • Diabetes nurses can help patients who have been hospitalized because of their disease.
    • There is overlap between diabetes and endocrinology nursing due to the fact that the endocrine system is involved with many diseases.
  • Kate uses a meter to check her blood sugars.
  • We have a lot of Carbohydrates in our food.

  • Water and carbon dioxide are returned to the atmosphere.
  • Carbohydrates in pasta and bread give the body energy.
  • CO2 and H2O are combined to form O2 in E Try Practice Problems 13.1.
  • Carbohydrates are converted to O 2 CO2 and H2O in the body.
  • A monosaccharide cannot be split.
    • One of the most common sugars is C6H12O6.
    • One molecule of sugar, C12H22O11, can be split by water in the presence of an acid or anidase to give another molecule of sugar.
  • In the presence of an acid or anidase, a polysaccharide can be produced.
  • Cotton is made of polysaccharide.
  • A monosaccharide has several hydroxyl groups attached to a chain of three to seven and 13.6 carbon atoms.
    • A monosaccharide is known as a polyhydroxy aldehyde.
  • Both classification systems can be used to indicate the aldehyde or ketone group and the number of carbon atoms.
    • Try Practice Problems 13 is a five-carbon monosaccharide that is an aldehyde, while Try Practice Problems 12 is a six-carbon monosac and 13.8 charide.
  • Ribulose is a ketone and has five carbon atoms.
  • It has six carbon atoms and is an aldehyde.
  • Classify the monosaccharides by the number of carbon atoms.
  • Provide a single example.

12.3 Aldehydes and Ketones

  • xylene is not compatible with water.
  • The water has more of 1-propanol in it.
  • propane is not compatible with water.
  • There is a difference between propanol and 1-hexanol in water.
  • Draw aldehyde is different from the line-angle formulas of aldehydes and ketones.
  • The carbonyl group has a strong dipole with a partial negative charge on the oxygen and a partial positive charge on the carbon.
    • The physical and chemical properties of aldehydes and ketones are influenced by the carbonyl group.
  • The carbonyl group can be found in both aldehydes and ketones.
  • The aldehyde group always appears at the Naming Aldehydes and Ketones end of the chain.
  • The end carbon of aldehydes is the carbonyl group.
  • The aldehyde of benzene is called benzaldehyde by the IUPAC system.
  • There are four carbons in the longest carbon chain, which is named butanal.
  • If you count the carbonyl group as carbon 1, you'll get the name and number of any substituents.
    • The CH3 group is on carbon 3.
    • The compound is called 3-methylbutanal.
  • The most important classes of organic compounds are aldehydes and ketones.
    • The common names for unbranched ketones are still used because they have played a major role in organic chemistry for more than a century.
  • The IUPAC system has retained the name acetone.
  • Carbon chains with five carbon atoms or more are numbered from the end.
  • The ring starts with the carbonyl carbon as carbon 1.
    • The lowest possible numbers are given to substituents by the ring's numbered direction.
  • The longest chain has five carbon atoms.
  • The location of the carbonyl group is indicated by the number of the carbon chain starting from the end.
    • The carbonyl group is on carbon 2.
  • The methyl group is on carbon 4.
    • The name of the organization is 4-methyl-2-pentanone.
  • A partially negative oxygen atom and a partially positive carbon atom are contained in the polar carbonyl group.
    • aldehydes and ketones with one to four carbons are very soluble because the oxygen atom forms hydrogen bonds with water.
  • Alcohols, Thiols, Ethers, Aldehydes, and Ketones Hydrogen bonds five or more carbon atoms are notsoluble because longer hydrocarbon chains diminish the solubility effect of the polar carbonyl group.
  • The hydrogen bonds with water are formed by a carbonyl group with an oxygen atom.
    • The carbonyl group in 2-Hexanone is insoluble in water.
  • The long hydrocarbon chain would make Practice Problems 12.23 hingal, which is less soluble than ethanal.
  • Exposure to fumes can cause irritation to the eyes, nose, and upper respiratory tract.
  • The oil of spear mint contains carvone, which is used to make perfumes.
  • Draw their line-angle formulas from the IUPAC and common names for aldehydes and ketones.
  • There are chemical equations for the oxidation of alcohols.
    • Balanced chemical equations are used to reduce aldehydes and ketones.
  • A double bond is formed between two carbon atoms.
  • A double Oxidation of Alcohols bond between carbon and oxygen is produced by the oxidation of a primary alcohol.
    • The symbol [O] over the arrow indicates that O is obtained from an oxidizer, such as KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7.
  • Adding another O to form carboxylic acids, which have three carbon-oxygen bonds, oxidizes formaldehyde and ethyl alcohol.
    • It is difficult to separate the aldehyde product from the oxidation reaction.
  • The products of secondary alcohols are called ketones.
  • There were no hydrogen atoms attached to the ketone group.
  • C bonds are too strong to oxidize.
  • This alcohol can oxidize to a ketone.
  • This alcohol can oxidize to an aldehyde.
  • The formula for the oxidation of 2-pentanol was drawn.
  • The side chains of cysteine, which contain thiol groups, are cross-linked by disulfide bonds.
  • A reducing substance is used to break the disulfide bonds when a person has his or her hair permanently curled.
    • While the hair is wrapped around curlers or straightened, an oxidizing substance is applied that causes new disulfide bonds to form between different parts of the hair strands, which gives the hair a new shape.
  • When disulfide bonds are reduced, it's called dimethyl disulfide.
  • In the United States, it is the most abused drug.
  • Even though acetaldehyde is a depressant, it can be converted to carbon dioxide and water in the body by ingestion of small amounts of the drug.
    • The aldehyde and carboxylic acid intermediates can cause hyde, a substance that impairs mental and physical coordination, if alcohol dehydrogenase oxidizes ethanol to aldeceta.
    • If the damage is present in the cells of the liver.
  • A person weighing 150 lbs needs one hour to metabolize the TAbLE 12.3, which gives some of the typical behaviors exhibited at various alcohol in 12 ounces of beer.
  • Alcohol can evaporate through the lungs when it's in the blood.
    • The percentage of alcohol in the lungs can be used to calculate the BAC.
    • The BAC is measured using several devices.
    • When a Breathalyzer is used, a suspected drunk driver exhales into a solution containing the orange cr6+ ion.
    • The alcohol in the exhaled air oxidizes and reduces the orange and green color of the substance.
  • Sometimes alcoholics are treated with a drug that prevents the oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid.
  • Methanol is a highly toxic alcohol that can be found in products such as windshield washer fluid and paint strip.
    • Methanol is absorbed quickly in the GI tract.
    • The formic acid is present in the blood.
    • In some cases, a substance is given to the patient through a catheter.
    • The nausea, abdominal pain, and blurred vision is caused by the enzymes in the liver.
    • There is a blind oxidizer that oxidizes instead of a methanol oxidizer.
    • This pro ness can occur because the intermediate products destroy the retina cess, giving time for the methanol to be eliminated via the lungs without the eye.
    • A small amount of methanol can cause blindness.
  • The ease of oxidation of aldehydes allows certain mild oxidizing agents to oxidize the aldehyde functional group.
    • The reduced silver ion creates a mirror on the inside of the container.
  • A spray gun can be used to make mirrors by applying a mixture of AgNO3, ammonia, andglucose on glass.
  • A brick red solid of Cu2O forms when Benedict's solution containing CuSO4 is added to this type of aldehyde and heated.
  • Benedict's solution forms a brick-red solid of Cu2O in a positive test for many sugars and aldehydes.
  • Aldehydes and ketones can be reduced by either hydrogen or NaBH4.
    • Aldehydes reduce to primary alcohols, while ketones reduce to secondary alcohols.
    • Adding hydrogen to the carbonyl group requires a catalyst such as nickel, Platinum, or palladium.
  • Write a balanced equation for the reduction of cyclopentanone using hydrogen and a nickel catalyst.
  • The reacting molecule has five carbon atoms.
    • During the reduction, hydrogen atoms add to the carbon and oxygen in the carbonyl group, which reduces the ketone to the corresponding secondary alcohol.
  • Write a balanced chemical equation for the reduction of butanal using hydrogen and a catalyst.

  • A sunscreen with a follow-up skin check is called roxBenzone.

If no other moles were found in a bottle of sunscreen with a 6.0% m/v, how many grams of oxybenzone are suspicious?

  • Margaret tells Diana to use broadspectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 on exposed skin.
  • The sun helps protect against sunburn.
    • Avobenzone is found in sunscreen.
    • Structural formula is shown with the protection factor number of 2 to 100.

What is the formula and mass of the skin to sunburn?

  • If a bottle of sunscreen has 3.0% carbonyl groups, it's a bottle.
  • Avobenzone protects against sunburn.

  • An aromatic ring is the bond between the hydroxyl group and a phenol.
  • The OH group is based on the carbon carbon and oxygen atom.
  • The carbonyl group appears at the end of carbon in aldehydes.
  • Simple alcohols are generally named by their common names, with the carbonyl group occurring between two alkyl or aro the alkyl name preceding the term alcohol.
  • A phenol is an aromatic alcohol.
  • In the common names of ethers, the alkyl or aromatic groups are the carbonyl group is numbered to show its location.
  • Common names are used for many of the simple aldehydes and ketones.
  • Water has hydrogen compounds with one to four carbon atoms.
  • There are alcohols in water.
  • Balanced chemical equations for the d of alkyl groups are needed.
  • In a primary alcohol, one group is attached to the hydroxyl.
  • Two groups are attached to alcohol.
  • Primary alcohols oxidize to aldehydes, which can oxidize carboxylic acids.
  • Secondary alcohols can be converted to ketones.
  • Short-chain alcohols can bond with water.
  • Thiols oxidize to form disulfides.
  • Aldehydes are easy to oxidize to carboxylic acids.
  • Tollens' reagent oxidizes aldehydes to give silver mirrors.
  • A brick-red Cu2O solid is created by the reduction of blue Cu2+ by aldehydes with adjacent hydroxyl groups.
  • The presence of a catalyst to give alcohols can be reduced with H2.
  • After the name of each reaction, the chapter Sections to review are shown.
  • The chain is attached to OH.
  • The carbonyl functional bond to at least one hydrogen is an organic compound.
  • Benedict's reagent loses two hydrogen atoms from a reactant and is replaced by a brick-red solid of Cu, which oxidizes to alde 2O.
  • A carbon-oxygen double bond is contained in a functional group.
  • A reaction that removes water from an alcohol, in the presence of an acid, to form alkenes.
  • A silver mirror is formed when an aldehyde is reduced to a 1 degree alcohol and a ketone is reduced to a 2 degree alcohol.
  • The carbon chain is numbered from the end nearer the ketone.
  • It makes an alcohol.
  • Simple alcohols are named with the alkyl name preceding the term product from the dehydration of 2-methyl-1-butanol.
  • The name is written in front of OH.
  • A cycloalkanol is a type of alcohol.
  • A phenol is an aromatic alcohol.
  • The alcohols oxidize to ketones.
  • The alcohols do not oxidize.
  • The formula for the oxidation of 2-butanol was drawn.
  • There are functional groups in Frambinone.
    • There is a compound in ginger called gingerol.
    • There are functional groups in gingerol.
  • cinnamaldehyde is found in cinnamon.
  • There are functional groups in cinnamaldehyde.
  • There are problems related to the topics in this chapter.

  • The IUPAC compound C (C4H8O) forms can be given by drawing the structural formulas.
    • The IUPAC names for compounds A, B, and C are given by the formula C.

  • IUPAC names forms compound (B) do not undergo further oxidation if you draw 5H12O on oxidation.
  • The formula for the compound is drawn.
  • A shorter carbon chain is what 1-propanol has.
  • Butanal is more stable in water because it has less carbon atoms.
  • The polar OH group of 1-propanol can form hydrogen bonds with water, but the alkane pentane does not.
  • A shorter carbon chain is what it has.
  • It has a boiling point of less than 10.
    • The density of acetone is 0.786 g/mL.
  • acetone is used in nailpolish removal.
  • The balanced chemical equation can be written using the density symbol.
  • A hybrid car has a fuel capacity of 11.9 gal and a gas mileage of 45 miles per gallon.
    • In a liter of a common liquid antacid there are 400.
    • The liquid antacid is neutralized with a 0.080 M HCl solution.
  • One of the components of gasoline is oge.
  • stomach acid can be mitigated by an antacid.
  • Butyraldehyde has an unpleasant odor.
  • Ionone gives violets their scent.
  • It is very dangerous and has a low boiling point.
    • The purple flowers of violets are used in salads and to make hyde with a density of 0.802 g/mL.
    • The density of liquid ionone is 0.935 g/mL.
  • The smell of old gym socks is caused by butyraldehyde.
  • The smell of violets is due to ionone.
  • The formula for butyraldehyde was drawn.
  • Draw the formula for butyraldehyde.
  • In the presence of a plat combustion of butyraldehyde, ionone reacts with hydrogen.
  • How many grams of oxygen gas is needed to convert the ketone group to alcohol.
  • The amount of carbon dioxide gas produced by the product.

  • A physical examination showed that Kate, a 64 year old woman, had a high blood sugar level and blurry vision.
    • She gained 22 lbs over the past year.
    • She met Paula, a diabetes nurse, when she tried to lose the specialty clinic.
  • Her diet was high in sugars.
    • Kate usually ate two cups of pasta and three loaves of bread.
    • They are broken down into four slices of bread with butter or olive oil.
    • She eats eight to ten pieces of fresh fruit per day at meals, which is a simple sugar calledglucose.
  • Diabetes nurses teach patients how to manage their condition.
    • Proper diet and nutrition for both pre- and post-Diabetes patients are included in this.
    • Diabetes nurses help patients monitor their blood sugar levels and look for symptoms of the disease.
    • Diabetes nurses can help patients who have been hospitalized because of their disease.
    • There is overlap between diabetes and endocrinology nursing due to the fact that the endocrine system is involved with many diseases.
  • Kate uses a meter to check her blood sugars.
  • We have a lot of Carbohydrates in our food.

  • Water and carbon dioxide are returned to the atmosphere.
  • Carbohydrates in pasta and bread give the body energy.
  • CO2 and H2O are combined to form O2 in E Try Practice Problems 13.1.
  • Carbohydrates are converted to O 2 CO2 and H2O in the body.
  • A monosaccharide cannot be split.
    • One of the most common sugars is C6H12O6.
    • One molecule of sugar, C12H22O11, can be split by water in the presence of an acid or anidase to give another molecule of sugar.
  • In the presence of an acid or anidase, a polysaccharide can be produced.
  • Cotton is made of polysaccharide.
  • A monosaccharide has several hydroxyl groups attached to a chain of three to seven and 13.6 carbon atoms.
    • A monosaccharide is known as a polyhydroxy aldehyde.
  • Both classification systems can be used to indicate the aldehyde or ketone group and the number of carbon atoms.
    • Try Practice Problems 13 is a five-carbon monosaccharide that is an aldehyde, while Try Practice Problems 12 is a six-carbon monosac and 13.8 charide.
  • Ribulose is a ketone and has five carbon atoms.
  • It has six carbon atoms and is an aldehyde.
  • Classify the monosaccharides by the number of carbon atoms.
  • Provide a single example.