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Civics Memory Tools Summary

Civics Memory Tools Summary

Civics Acronyms -- Verbal-Linguistic Memory Tools Summary

  • Reasons for Having Government -- POP RUNS -- Gov’ts try to provide: Protection, Order, Peace by creating: Rules/regulations/laws, Unifying the people, and having the Needs of the people met by government Services;  or SLOPP -- Services provided; Law/Order, Protection/Peace-keeping, Planning/Policymaking for future needs.

  • Waves of Immigration -- Span  DEFAf  NoWE SEE -- Spanish, Dutch, English, French, African slaves, N.W. Europeans, S.E. Europeans.
  • 3 fastest-growing immigrant groups TODAY:  FEMEALS

Far-East and Middle-East Asians, and LatinoS

(Ex: “Asians” includes Japanese, Chinese, South Koreans, Israelis, Indians, Pakistanis, etc.)

  • 5 key institutions (groups of important, foundational relationships all societies need):

        Our friend Fred Sog -- Family, Religious, EDucational, SOcial organizations, Governmental

  • 2 Citizen types: It’s only natural!  Natural-born (on our soil, or by parents) or naturalized

  • 5 steps in the naturalization process:

        An immigrant named Mr. “DRATO” -- Declaration of Intent, Residency (5 yrs; 3 yrs. if married to U.S.

            citizen; incl. study in English, U.S. history, civics), Application for citizenship, Test (in English; incl.

            English interview), Oath of Allegiance in a formal ceremony.

  • 5 Key Founding Documents of Government -- McDIAC USCOBOR -- Mayflower Compact (direct democracy), Declaration of Independence (key ideas: all are equal, given natural rights, can set up own government and replace bad ones),  Articles of Confederation (our first constitution; made Congress weak; states held most power), U.S. Constitution (established 3 branch system used today), Bill of Rights (list of our basic civil rights).
  • Seven Articles of the Constitution -- LEJ - STATES - A - SUPREME - RAT
  • First Five Freedoms, First Amendment -- RAPPS (religion, assembly, press, petition, speech)

  • 3 Branches of Government -- LEJ -- Legislative (law-making), Executive (enforce laws), Judicial (judge cases by interpreting/applying laws)

  • 3 “SICk” Reasons Third Parties Form for “SIC(k)” reasons -- SIC -- Single-issue party, Ideology (set of ideas) is different, Candidate they have is strong, popular. However, what “DIMS” the hopes of third parties being successful?
  • DIMS -- Defeat of candidates discourages membership; Issue they started with is no longer important or a major party adopts that issue; Money is difficult for them to raise; Signatures, many, are needed on petitions to get candidates’ names on ballots.

  • Roles parties play today are represented by a “Sick Owl” -- SICk OWL -- Select/support candidates, Inform voters, Carry the people’s message, Operate the government, Watchdog over majority party, Linking levels/branches of government (Ex. federal/state governments, presidency/Congress).

  • 4 Voting Requirements -- Get in your CARR and drive to the polls! -- Citizenship; Age 18 or older; Residency in NJ/county for 30 days; Registered, in NJ,  21 days before election.

  • Reasons why we should ROQ the vote...and take voting seriously:
  • It’s a RIGHT  others struggled, fought and even died fo;
  • We get to give our OPINION and use our voice to determine to either keep present leaders (incumbents) or replace them;
  • We get to answer public QUESTIONS on the ballot!

  • 4 ways politicians try to get you to vote for them, or make a “CASE” for their election:

        CASE -- Canvassing (door-to-door or by phone/mail), Advertising, Spending money in many other

             ways, and getting Endorsements (support from famous people or organizations)

  • 5 duties (“must-do”s of citizenship): OPADS

Obey laws, Pay taxes, Attend school, Defend nation,  Serve in court (jury or witness).

OR O, LAST, CSC! -- Obey Laws, Attend School, Taxes paid, Court service (jury or witness), Serve

Country in the draft, if called.  

  • 4 responsibilities (“should do”s of citizenship):        Our friend, BESUV  RETCON

BE informed, Speak Up and Vote, REspect/Tolerate the diversity and

rights of others, CONtribute to the common good (Ex: volunteering, giving to charity).

  • 3 levels of federal judicial branch -- It’s a SAD day when you have to go to court!

Supreme Court, Appeals Courts (13), District Courts (94)

  • The only ways to get “RID” of a federal judge -- Resignation, Impeachment, Death

  • 5 Steps Supreme (and Appeals) Court Uses to Decide Cases:
  • First, Supreme Court cases must have “CLASS” to be chosen:
  • Constitutional issues involved, Law-related, All or many people affected, 2 Sides
  • Then, five steps to decide chosen cases: WA-OA-C-O-A :
  • Written Arguments; Oral Arguments;  Conference of justices; Opinion writing;  Announcement.

  • Federal System: RPHS -- Your school shows that Reserved Powers are for your Home State

  • 6 steps in a civil case: C-SAPS-TV

Complaint, Summons, Answer, Pleadings/discovery docs, Settlement or Trial, Verdict

  • 7 steps in a criminal case: APHIATACS

Arrest, Preliminary Hearing, Indictment, Arraignment, Trial, Acquittal or Conviction,

            Sentencing (pronounced “ah-FEE-ah-tahs”)

  • 3 main steps in a juvenile case: Hope you don’t get the AHS!

Arrest, Hearing (before juvenile judge), Sentencing; (Note: in RP and many other places, there are several steps in between the “Arrest” and “Hearing” phases to help juveniles avoid a juvenile court judge -- station house, juvenile conference committee, probation officer,legal referee)

Civics Memory Tools Summary

Civics Acronyms -- Verbal-Linguistic Memory Tools Summary

  • Reasons for Having Government -- POP RUNS -- Gov’ts try to provide: Protection, Order, Peace by creating: Rules/regulations/laws, Unifying the people, and having the Needs of the people met by government Services;  or SLOPP -- Services provided; Law/Order, Protection/Peace-keeping, Planning/Policymaking for future needs.

  • Waves of Immigration -- Span  DEFAf  NoWE SEE -- Spanish, Dutch, English, French, African slaves, N.W. Europeans, S.E. Europeans.
  • 3 fastest-growing immigrant groups TODAY:  FEMEALS

Far-East and Middle-East Asians, and LatinoS

(Ex: “Asians” includes Japanese, Chinese, South Koreans, Israelis, Indians, Pakistanis, etc.)

  • 5 key institutions (groups of important, foundational relationships all societies need):

        Our friend Fred Sog -- Family, Religious, EDucational, SOcial organizations, Governmental

  • 2 Citizen types: It’s only natural!  Natural-born (on our soil, or by parents) or naturalized

  • 5 steps in the naturalization process:

        An immigrant named Mr. “DRATO” -- Declaration of Intent, Residency (5 yrs; 3 yrs. if married to U.S.

            citizen; incl. study in English, U.S. history, civics), Application for citizenship, Test (in English; incl.

            English interview), Oath of Allegiance in a formal ceremony.

  • 5 Key Founding Documents of Government -- McDIAC USCOBOR -- Mayflower Compact (direct democracy), Declaration of Independence (key ideas: all are equal, given natural rights, can set up own government and replace bad ones),  Articles of Confederation (our first constitution; made Congress weak; states held most power), U.S. Constitution (established 3 branch system used today), Bill of Rights (list of our basic civil rights).
  • Seven Articles of the Constitution -- LEJ - STATES - A - SUPREME - RAT
  • First Five Freedoms, First Amendment -- RAPPS (religion, assembly, press, petition, speech)

  • 3 Branches of Government -- LEJ -- Legislative (law-making), Executive (enforce laws), Judicial (judge cases by interpreting/applying laws)

  • 3 “SICk” Reasons Third Parties Form for “SIC(k)” reasons -- SIC -- Single-issue party, Ideology (set of ideas) is different, Candidate they have is strong, popular. However, what “DIMS” the hopes of third parties being successful?
  • DIMS -- Defeat of candidates discourages membership; Issue they started with is no longer important or a major party adopts that issue; Money is difficult for them to raise; Signatures, many, are needed on petitions to get candidates’ names on ballots.

  • Roles parties play today are represented by a “Sick Owl” -- SICk OWL -- Select/support candidates, Inform voters, Carry the people’s message, Operate the government, Watchdog over majority party, Linking levels/branches of government (Ex. federal/state governments, presidency/Congress).

  • 4 Voting Requirements -- Get in your CARR and drive to the polls! -- Citizenship; Age 18 or older; Residency in NJ/county for 30 days; Registered, in NJ,  21 days before election.

  • Reasons why we should ROQ the vote...and take voting seriously:
  • It’s a RIGHT  others struggled, fought and even died fo;
  • We get to give our OPINION and use our voice to determine to either keep present leaders (incumbents) or replace them;
  • We get to answer public QUESTIONS on the ballot!

  • 4 ways politicians try to get you to vote for them, or make a “CASE” for their election:

        CASE -- Canvassing (door-to-door or by phone/mail), Advertising, Spending money in many other

             ways, and getting Endorsements (support from famous people or organizations)

  • 5 duties (“must-do”s of citizenship): OPADS

Obey laws, Pay taxes, Attend school, Defend nation,  Serve in court (jury or witness).

OR O, LAST, CSC! -- Obey Laws, Attend School, Taxes paid, Court service (jury or witness), Serve

Country in the draft, if called.  

  • 4 responsibilities (“should do”s of citizenship):        Our friend, BESUV  RETCON

BE informed, Speak Up and Vote, REspect/Tolerate the diversity and

rights of others, CONtribute to the common good (Ex: volunteering, giving to charity).

  • 3 levels of federal judicial branch -- It’s a SAD day when you have to go to court!

Supreme Court, Appeals Courts (13), District Courts (94)

  • The only ways to get “RID” of a federal judge -- Resignation, Impeachment, Death

  • 5 Steps Supreme (and Appeals) Court Uses to Decide Cases:
  • First, Supreme Court cases must have “CLASS” to be chosen:
  • Constitutional issues involved, Law-related, All or many people affected, 2 Sides
  • Then, five steps to decide chosen cases: WA-OA-C-O-A :
  • Written Arguments; Oral Arguments;  Conference of justices; Opinion writing;  Announcement.

  • Federal System: RPHS -- Your school shows that Reserved Powers are for your Home State

  • 6 steps in a civil case: C-SAPS-TV

Complaint, Summons, Answer, Pleadings/discovery docs, Settlement or Trial, Verdict

  • 7 steps in a criminal case: APHIATACS

Arrest, Preliminary Hearing, Indictment, Arraignment, Trial, Acquittal or Conviction,

            Sentencing (pronounced “ah-FEE-ah-tahs”)

  • 3 main steps in a juvenile case: Hope you don’t get the AHS!

Arrest, Hearing (before juvenile judge), Sentencing; (Note: in RP and many other places, there are several steps in between the “Arrest” and “Hearing” phases to help juveniles avoid a juvenile court judge -- station house, juvenile conference committee, probation officer,legal referee)