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No need for those 4 create buttons(seems unnecessary), we can display empty notes/flashcards like the mock(but not created on db yet). A button inside the editor to autopopulate with AI is better, when they add content, update db. And a floating button to chat with AI, that doesn’t effect notes/flashcards, but each response can have buttons to pull to the flashcard or note,




  • OpenAI embeddings for embedded videos (createContentW…)

  • For Creat Notes/Flashcards from Content

    • CreateFlashcardSetFromContentInput/CreateFlashcardSetInputFromNote (need graphql input similar to createFlashcardSetFromNoteInput)

    • Add contentId to updateNoteInput, updateFlashcardSetInput and create schemas too

  • Allow chapters to be created from createContentWithTranscription

  • Pulling chapters from YT

Not urgent

  • dynamodbTrigger lambda for contentTable to get rid of the s3 items


  • Extension UI

    • Login

    • Video

    • tabswitcher

  • Delete Media From Home(maybe other functionalities too -> list public media on profile)

    • Trash content

    • Restore

    • Permanently delete

  • New Editors with embed ai

  • Chat Section for Media Page

  • Create AI notes/flashcards (set up flow)

  • Chapters in transcription box

  • Create aux function to create AI notes/flashcards using the next js server side (ai/knowtai API)

    • Notes one is already done, just needs to be hooked up


  • Extension UI

    • Flashcards Tab

    • PDF Tab

    • Article

Overall Remaining Work

Video Flow Remaining work

  • Custom controls

  • Transcription generating indicator

  • Audio Player

  • Embed Transcription for other iframes

  • Upload cancellation

  • Audio player slider disappearing on larger screen after adding chapters

  • Being able to click on transcript and scroll to part of the video

  • Spritesheet prev over captions

  • Clicking playback controls shouldn't pause the video

  • Uplaod audio to s3 with right extension + update dynamodb too

  • Deepgram speed

  • Ffmpeg timing out early? , only 1-2 frame , remaining empty (http://localhost:3000/content/8e62bf5f-9ee2-4a71-8f1a-66726b6693c1 , http://localhost:3000/content/abbfd493-e2e9-4127-a46a-d60639be9da9 ) I think it’s something else, cos, for some videos, even if it’s longer, getting result properly!

  • Support mkv,mov,webm,mp3,wav

  • Audio with type “VIDEO” on db (was on front-end, sorry:))

  • Change deepgram model to nova

    • Maybe pick language beforehand? If it has an effect on the cost

  • Create embeddings -> 1 embedding per paragraph in the transcript

  • Set up an API to find relevant information based on a question input. This should do semantic search on the embeddings vectors, and return a subset of the relevant information. Then, we can pass that info to the openai on the next js server.

  • Get subtitles to stream text

  • See if converting mp4 to mp3 before sending to deepgram speeds up processing

  • Backend - Update graphql scheme for front-end, can’t call transcript

  • List content on home page

  • Supported file types alert based on browsers when playing

  • Content card home page-> basic functionalities like other cards

  • Next Big Step -> OpenAI


No need for those 4 create buttons(seems unnecessary), we can display empty notes/flashcards like the mock(but not created on db yet). A button inside the editor to autopopulate with AI is better, when they add content, update db. And a floating button to chat with AI, that doesn’t effect notes/flashcards, but each response can have buttons to pull to the flashcard or note,




  • OpenAI embeddings for embedded videos (createContentW…)

  • For Creat Notes/Flashcards from Content

    • CreateFlashcardSetFromContentInput/CreateFlashcardSetInputFromNote (need graphql input similar to createFlashcardSetFromNoteInput)

    • Add contentId to updateNoteInput, updateFlashcardSetInput and create schemas too

  • Allow chapters to be created from createContentWithTranscription

  • Pulling chapters from YT

Not urgent

  • dynamodbTrigger lambda for contentTable to get rid of the s3 items


  • Extension UI

    • Login

    • Video

    • tabswitcher

  • Delete Media From Home(maybe other functionalities too -> list public media on profile)

    • Trash content

    • Restore

    • Permanently delete

  • New Editors with embed ai

  • Chat Section for Media Page

  • Create AI notes/flashcards (set up flow)

  • Chapters in transcription box

  • Create aux function to create AI notes/flashcards using the next js server side (ai/knowtai API)

    • Notes one is already done, just needs to be hooked up


  • Extension UI

    • Flashcards Tab

    • PDF Tab

    • Article

Overall Remaining Work

Video Flow Remaining work

  • Custom controls

  • Transcription generating indicator

  • Audio Player

  • Embed Transcription for other iframes

  • Upload cancellation

  • Audio player slider disappearing on larger screen after adding chapters

  • Being able to click on transcript and scroll to part of the video

  • Spritesheet prev over captions

  • Clicking playback controls shouldn't pause the video

  • Uplaod audio to s3 with right extension + update dynamodb too

  • Deepgram speed

  • Ffmpeg timing out early? , only 1-2 frame , remaining empty (http://localhost:3000/content/8e62bf5f-9ee2-4a71-8f1a-66726b6693c1 , http://localhost:3000/content/abbfd493-e2e9-4127-a46a-d60639be9da9 ) I think it’s something else, cos, for some videos, even if it’s longer, getting result properly!

  • Support mkv,mov,webm,mp3,wav

  • Audio with type “VIDEO” on db (was on front-end, sorry:))

  • Change deepgram model to nova

    • Maybe pick language beforehand? If it has an effect on the cost

  • Create embeddings -> 1 embedding per paragraph in the transcript

  • Set up an API to find relevant information based on a question input. This should do semantic search on the embeddings vectors, and return a subset of the relevant information. Then, we can pass that info to the openai on the next js server.

  • Get subtitles to stream text

  • See if converting mp4 to mp3 before sending to deepgram speeds up processing

  • Backend - Update graphql scheme for front-end, can’t call transcript

  • List content on home page

  • Supported file types alert based on browsers when playing

  • Content card home page-> basic functionalities like other cards

  • Next Big Step -> OpenAI