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16.7 Cancer and Gene Regulation

16.7 Cancer and Gene Regulation

  • Chemical modifications occur in response to external stimuli.
    • Changes in expression of genes can be caused by these changes.
    • This is an efficient way for the cell to change its levels quickly.
    • Alteration of accessibility to the chromosomes, translation, and nuclear shuttling can be achieved by altering the function of a certainprotein.
  • The addition of an ubiquitin group to a protein is a sign of degradation.
    • Ubiquitin shows that the lifespan of the proteins is complete.
    • Changing the longevity of the protein is one way to control the expression of genes.
  • The degradation of the ubiquitin tags is marked.
  • By the end of this section, you will be able to discuss how changes to gene expression can cause cancer and how understanding regulation of gene expression can lead to better drug design.
    • Tumours in cancer cells can cause cells to grow as they normally would.
    • The progression of the cell through the cycle can be altered by the changes in the growth rate.
    • One example of a gene modification that alters the growth rate is an increase in the number of cyclin B genes.
  • Each phase of the cell cycle requires a cell to pass through a checkpoint.
    • This makes sure that the cell has completed the step and not encountered any changes that will affect its function.
    • cyclin B is one of the many proteins that control these checkpoints.
    • The function of cyclin B is altered by the post-translational event.
    • Cells can progress through the cell cycle even if there are changes in the cell.
    • The posttranslational change of cyclin B prevents it from controlling the cell cycle and contributes to the development of cancer.
  • Cancer is a disease of altered genes.
    • There are many genes that are turned on or off that change the activity of the cell.
    • A gene that is not normally expressed in that cell can be switched on and expressed at high levels.
    • Changes in gene regulation can be the cause of this.
  • Changes in epigenetic regulation can be detected in cancer.
    • When observing cancer at different sites in different individuals, changes at each of these levels can be detected.
  • Some genes function in normal cells.
    • These genes are active in normal cells and prevent cell growth.
    • There are many genes in cells.
    • 50 percent of all cancer types have a p53 variant, which is the most studied tumor-suppressor gene.
    • The p53 is a transcription factor.
    • It can bind to sites in the genes.
    • The change in the activity of the target genes will be caused by themutation of p53 in cancer.
  • You can learn more about the use of p53 in fighting cancer by watching this animation.
  • Positive cell-cycle regulators are Proto-oncogenes.
    • Proto-oncogenes can become oncogenes and cause cancer.
  • The oncogene can cause cell growth to be uncontrollable.
    • This is because oncogenes can change the activity of genes that control cell growth.
    • The myc is an oncogene involved in cancer.
    • Normal B cells are turned into cancer cells by overexpression of myc.
    • High B-cell numbers can cause tumors that can interfere with normal bodily function.
    • Patients with Burkett's lymphoma can have tumors on their jaw or mouth that affect their ability to eat.
  • In cancer cells, genes are Silencing through epigenetic mechanisms.
    • Alterations to histone and DNA are associated with silenced genes.
    • In cancer cells, the promoter region of silenced genes is methylated on the CpG islands.
    • The acetylation modification that is present when the genes are expressed in normal cells is absent from Histone proteins that surround that region.
    • In cancer, this combination of histone deacetylation and histone demethylation is found.
    • The gene in that chromosomal region is silenced when these modifications occur.
    • Epigenetic changes are altered in cancer.
    • It is possible to design new drugs by preventing the action of histone deacetylase, or by the addition of methyl groups to DNA.
    • A silenced gene can be switched back on in a cancer cell to help reestablish normal growth patterns.
  • Epigenetic mechanisms are thought to regulate genes involved in the development of many other illnesses.
    • New ways to treat diseases like cancer will emerge as our knowledge of how genes are controlled deepens.
  • Alterations in cells that give rise to cancer can affect the expression of genes.
    • The binding of a transcription factor to its binding site in a promoter can be increased by the reactivation of a transcription factor.
    • This could lead to increased cell growth.
  • The binding ability of a transcription factor can be increased if a promoter or enhancer region is changed.
  • This could lead to an increase in the expression of genes in cancer cells.
  • Researchers are trying to figure out how to control the expression of genes in cancer.
    • New drugs and new ways to treat cancer have been discovered because of how a transcription factor binding pathway can be turned off.
    • Many genes are overexpressed in breast cancer.
    • Key transcription factors can be increased by this.
    • The over expression of the EGFR in a subset of breast cancers is an example.
    • Many transcription factors which control genes in cell growth are activated by the EGFR pathway.
    • There are new drugs that are used to treat cancer.
  • Changes in the post-transcriptional control of a gene can cause cancer.
    • Several groups of researchers have shown that certain cancers have altered expression of miRNAs.
    • miRNAs bind to the 3' UTR of RNA to degrade them, so overexpression of these could be detrimental to normal cellular activity.
    • Too many miRNAs could lead to a decrease in the expression of genes.
    • There have been several studies that show a change in the miRNA population.
    • The subset of miRNAs expressed in breast cancer cells is different from the subset expressed in lung cancer cells or normal breast cells.
    • Alterations in miRNA activity can contribute to the growth of breast cancer cells.
    • If some miRNAs are expressed only in cancer cells, they could be potential drug targets.
    • It is possible that new drugs that turn off miRNA expression in cancer could be an effective way to treat the disease.
  • There are a lot of examples of how cancer can affect thetranslation of genes.
    • Changes in the translation of a molecule and changes in the expression of a molecule can be found in cancer cells.
    • In colon cancer cells, an example of how the expression of an alternative form of aProtein can have dramatically different outcomes is seen.
    • The long form of the c-FLIPL and short form of the c-FLIPS are involved in the cell-death pathway.
    • Both forms are involved in the death of normal cells.
  • The development of cancer can be caused by the expression of the wrong protein.
  • Scientists are using what is known about the regulation of gene expression in disease states to develop new ways to treat and prevent disease.
    • Scientists are designing drugs based on the expression patterns of individual tumors.
    • This idea that therapy and medicines can be tailored to an individual has given rise to the field of personalized medicine.
    • Medicines can be designed to target diseased cells without harming healthy cells.
    • Targeted therapies exploit the overexpression of a specific protein or the deletion of a gene to develop a new medication to treat disease.
    • One example is the use of anti-EGF receptor medications to treat a subset of breast cancer tumors that have high levels of EGF.
    • As scientists learn more about how gene expression changes can cause cancer, more targeted therapies will be developed.
  • A clinical trial coordination is the person in charge of the trial.
    • This job includes coordinating patient schedules and appointments, maintaining detailed notes, building the database to track patients, ensuring proper documentation has been acquired and accepted, and working with the nurses and doctors to facilitate the trial and publication of the results.
    • A clinical trial couner may have a science degree or certification.
    • People who have worked in science labs or clinical offices are qualified to be clinical trial coordinators.
    • Clinics and doctor's offices that conduct clinical trials may hire a coordinators for these jobs.

  • There is a wound around histone.
    • The genes may be silenced with the help of the DNA.
  • Not all cells within an organisms have the same removal of chemical modifications and flags to histone DNA.
    • Most of the genes in prokaryotic organisms are located in the chromosomal region.
    • The cells can control most of the time.
    • Some genes are only expressed if they are expressed by controlling accessibility.
  • Specific cellular locations are targeted by the regulation.
    • In prokaryotic cells, translation and transcription occur at the same time.
  • The translation that occurs in the cytoplasm is different from the translation that occurs in the nucleus.
  • Gene expression in prokaryotes is mostly regulated at the transcription factors, but there are elements at the promoter to increase or prevent regulation.
    • enhancer expression is regulated at the epigenetic, transcriptional, regions.
    • Post-transcriptional, translation, and post-translational enhancers can be found within a gene or on other levels.
  • The expression of genes in prokaryotic cells is regulated by the post-transcriptional level.
    • There are two major types of Gene Regulation that control prokaryotic transcription.
    • Post-transcriptional control can be affected bypressors at any stage after they are blocked.
    • There are activators that bind to the transcription.
  • The process of creating a Inducer molecule can increase the amount of transcription by matureRNA that is ready to be translated.
    • This involves the reactivation of repressors.
    • There are introns that do not code.
  • If tryptophan isn't needed, the border to remove the introns and exons should be used.
  • The RNA can be translated once it is mature.
  • The lac operon is activated by the CAP, which binding to the promoter of a given transcript.
    • There are different types of splicing that may beRNA polymerase binding.
    • CAP is activated under different conditions.
  • The lac operon requires the presence of transported to be translated.
    • Lactose is required for transcription to occur.
    • Lactose inactivates the lac transported to the cytoplasm and prevents the repressor from binding complexample.
    • The time it resides there before being degraded may be inactivated.
    • Lactose must be present for effective transcription of the proteins that is synthesised and the stability of the glucose must be absent.
    • The stability of the RNA is called lac operon.
  • RpBs andmiRNAs control the stability of the RNA.
    • The epigenetic level is where the first stage of gene-expression control miRNAs bind to the 5' UTR.
    • There are mechanisms that increase or decrease stability.
    • MicroRNAs control access to the chromosomal region to allow genes to be turned on or off.
    • How mRNA breakdown is controlled by chlortin remodeling.
  • The status of the RNA can be changed.
    • Changes at every level of the cell's genes can affect how much of a certain type of cancer can be detected.
    • To translate a point in time.
    • To understand how changes to the genes must assemble on the RNA, we need to understand how the genes are made.
  • Proper translation can be prevented by complex.
  • Like cancer, these post-translational modifications can greatly impact.
  • There is no nucleus in prokaryotic cells.
  • The ara operon controls the a.
    • Cells can be involved in the production of sugar arabinose.
    • When arabinose is an animal.
  • AraC is in this scenario.
  • There is a structure in an unprocessed pre-mRNA.
  • It has been estimated that alternative splicing occurs in more than 85% of multi-exon genes.
  • It is necessary for the binding of _____ to take place.
  • Different genes can be expressed in different tissues.
  • A scientist compares two genes.
  • Gene B's core promoter is 250bp.
  • The scientist's hypotheses are most likely to be capability.
  • Gene B will make more transcripts.
  • There is less mRNA involved in the transcript of Gene A.
  • The ribosomal subunit wouldn't be able to control Gene B's transcription.

Which of the following is involved in the post ribosomal subunit?

  • Cancer causing genes are called _____.
  • The stability of the RNA molecule will be determined by the binding of an RNA bindingProtein.
  • Patients with a set gene expression pattern can be treated with targeted therapies.
  • Many genes that are normally expressed can be turned off with the help of aprotein modification.
  • A study shows that rat mothering is harmful to a cell.
    • If too behavior impacts the stress response in their pups, what would happen?
  • A scientist discovers a virus that degrades a subunit of the eIF4F complexample, which is a positive effect of attentive mothering.

16.7 Cancer and Gene Regulation

  • Chemical modifications occur in response to external stimuli.
    • Changes in expression of genes can be caused by these changes.
    • This is an efficient way for the cell to change its levels quickly.
    • Alteration of accessibility to the chromosomes, translation, and nuclear shuttling can be achieved by altering the function of a certainprotein.
  • The addition of an ubiquitin group to a protein is a sign of degradation.
    • Ubiquitin shows that the lifespan of the proteins is complete.
    • Changing the longevity of the protein is one way to control the expression of genes.
  • The degradation of the ubiquitin tags is marked.
  • By the end of this section, you will be able to discuss how changes to gene expression can cause cancer and how understanding regulation of gene expression can lead to better drug design.
    • Tumours in cancer cells can cause cells to grow as they normally would.
    • The progression of the cell through the cycle can be altered by the changes in the growth rate.
    • One example of a gene modification that alters the growth rate is an increase in the number of cyclin B genes.
  • Each phase of the cell cycle requires a cell to pass through a checkpoint.
    • This makes sure that the cell has completed the step and not encountered any changes that will affect its function.
    • cyclin B is one of the many proteins that control these checkpoints.
    • The function of cyclin B is altered by the post-translational event.
    • Cells can progress through the cell cycle even if there are changes in the cell.
    • The posttranslational change of cyclin B prevents it from controlling the cell cycle and contributes to the development of cancer.
  • Cancer is a disease of altered genes.
    • There are many genes that are turned on or off that change the activity of the cell.
    • A gene that is not normally expressed in that cell can be switched on and expressed at high levels.
    • Changes in gene regulation can be the cause of this.
  • Changes in epigenetic regulation can be detected in cancer.
    • When observing cancer at different sites in different individuals, changes at each of these levels can be detected.
  • Some genes function in normal cells.
    • These genes are active in normal cells and prevent cell growth.
    • There are many genes in cells.
    • 50 percent of all cancer types have a p53 variant, which is the most studied tumor-suppressor gene.
    • The p53 is a transcription factor.
    • It can bind to sites in the genes.
    • The change in the activity of the target genes will be caused by themutation of p53 in cancer.
  • You can learn more about the use of p53 in fighting cancer by watching this animation.
  • Positive cell-cycle regulators are Proto-oncogenes.
    • Proto-oncogenes can become oncogenes and cause cancer.
  • The oncogene can cause cell growth to be uncontrollable.
    • This is because oncogenes can change the activity of genes that control cell growth.
    • The myc is an oncogene involved in cancer.
    • Normal B cells are turned into cancer cells by overexpression of myc.
    • High B-cell numbers can cause tumors that can interfere with normal bodily function.
    • Patients with Burkett's lymphoma can have tumors on their jaw or mouth that affect their ability to eat.
  • In cancer cells, genes are Silencing through epigenetic mechanisms.
    • Alterations to histone and DNA are associated with silenced genes.
    • In cancer cells, the promoter region of silenced genes is methylated on the CpG islands.
    • The acetylation modification that is present when the genes are expressed in normal cells is absent from Histone proteins that surround that region.
    • In cancer, this combination of histone deacetylation and histone demethylation is found.
    • The gene in that chromosomal region is silenced when these modifications occur.
    • Epigenetic changes are altered in cancer.
    • It is possible to design new drugs by preventing the action of histone deacetylase, or by the addition of methyl groups to DNA.
    • A silenced gene can be switched back on in a cancer cell to help reestablish normal growth patterns.
  • Epigenetic mechanisms are thought to regulate genes involved in the development of many other illnesses.
    • New ways to treat diseases like cancer will emerge as our knowledge of how genes are controlled deepens.
  • Alterations in cells that give rise to cancer can affect the expression of genes.
    • The binding of a transcription factor to its binding site in a promoter can be increased by the reactivation of a transcription factor.
    • This could lead to increased cell growth.
  • The binding ability of a transcription factor can be increased if a promoter or enhancer region is changed.
  • This could lead to an increase in the expression of genes in cancer cells.
  • Researchers are trying to figure out how to control the expression of genes in cancer.
    • New drugs and new ways to treat cancer have been discovered because of how a transcription factor binding pathway can be turned off.
    • Many genes are overexpressed in breast cancer.
    • Key transcription factors can be increased by this.
    • The over expression of the EGFR in a subset of breast cancers is an example.
    • Many transcription factors which control genes in cell growth are activated by the EGFR pathway.
    • There are new drugs that are used to treat cancer.
  • Changes in the post-transcriptional control of a gene can cause cancer.
    • Several groups of researchers have shown that certain cancers have altered expression of miRNAs.
    • miRNAs bind to the 3' UTR of RNA to degrade them, so overexpression of these could be detrimental to normal cellular activity.
    • Too many miRNAs could lead to a decrease in the expression of genes.
    • There have been several studies that show a change in the miRNA population.
    • The subset of miRNAs expressed in breast cancer cells is different from the subset expressed in lung cancer cells or normal breast cells.
    • Alterations in miRNA activity can contribute to the growth of breast cancer cells.
    • If some miRNAs are expressed only in cancer cells, they could be potential drug targets.
    • It is possible that new drugs that turn off miRNA expression in cancer could be an effective way to treat the disease.
  • There are a lot of examples of how cancer can affect thetranslation of genes.
    • Changes in the translation of a molecule and changes in the expression of a molecule can be found in cancer cells.
    • In colon cancer cells, an example of how the expression of an alternative form of aProtein can have dramatically different outcomes is seen.
    • The long form of the c-FLIPL and short form of the c-FLIPS are involved in the cell-death pathway.
    • Both forms are involved in the death of normal cells.
  • The development of cancer can be caused by the expression of the wrong protein.
  • Scientists are using what is known about the regulation of gene expression in disease states to develop new ways to treat and prevent disease.
    • Scientists are designing drugs based on the expression patterns of individual tumors.
    • This idea that therapy and medicines can be tailored to an individual has given rise to the field of personalized medicine.
    • Medicines can be designed to target diseased cells without harming healthy cells.
    • Targeted therapies exploit the overexpression of a specific protein or the deletion of a gene to develop a new medication to treat disease.
    • One example is the use of anti-EGF receptor medications to treat a subset of breast cancer tumors that have high levels of EGF.
    • As scientists learn more about how gene expression changes can cause cancer, more targeted therapies will be developed.
  • A clinical trial coordination is the person in charge of the trial.
    • This job includes coordinating patient schedules and appointments, maintaining detailed notes, building the database to track patients, ensuring proper documentation has been acquired and accepted, and working with the nurses and doctors to facilitate the trial and publication of the results.
    • A clinical trial couner may have a science degree or certification.
    • People who have worked in science labs or clinical offices are qualified to be clinical trial coordinators.
    • Clinics and doctor's offices that conduct clinical trials may hire a coordinators for these jobs.

  • There is a wound around histone.
    • The genes may be silenced with the help of the DNA.
  • Not all cells within an organisms have the same removal of chemical modifications and flags to histone DNA.
    • Most of the genes in prokaryotic organisms are located in the chromosomal region.
    • The cells can control most of the time.
    • Some genes are only expressed if they are expressed by controlling accessibility.
  • Specific cellular locations are targeted by the regulation.
    • In prokaryotic cells, translation and transcription occur at the same time.
  • The translation that occurs in the cytoplasm is different from the translation that occurs in the nucleus.
  • Gene expression in prokaryotes is mostly regulated at the transcription factors, but there are elements at the promoter to increase or prevent regulation.
    • enhancer expression is regulated at the epigenetic, transcriptional, regions.
    • Post-transcriptional, translation, and post-translational enhancers can be found within a gene or on other levels.
  • The expression of genes in prokaryotic cells is regulated by the post-transcriptional level.
    • There are two major types of Gene Regulation that control prokaryotic transcription.
    • Post-transcriptional control can be affected bypressors at any stage after they are blocked.
    • There are activators that bind to the transcription.
  • The process of creating a Inducer molecule can increase the amount of transcription by matureRNA that is ready to be translated.
    • This involves the reactivation of repressors.
    • There are introns that do not code.
  • If tryptophan isn't needed, the border to remove the introns and exons should be used.
  • The RNA can be translated once it is mature.
  • The lac operon is activated by the CAP, which binding to the promoter of a given transcript.
    • There are different types of splicing that may beRNA polymerase binding.
    • CAP is activated under different conditions.
  • The lac operon requires the presence of transported to be translated.
    • Lactose is required for transcription to occur.
    • Lactose inactivates the lac transported to the cytoplasm and prevents the repressor from binding complexample.
    • The time it resides there before being degraded may be inactivated.
    • Lactose must be present for effective transcription of the proteins that is synthesised and the stability of the glucose must be absent.
    • The stability of the RNA is called lac operon.
  • RpBs andmiRNAs control the stability of the RNA.
    • The epigenetic level is where the first stage of gene-expression control miRNAs bind to the 5' UTR.
    • There are mechanisms that increase or decrease stability.
    • MicroRNAs control access to the chromosomal region to allow genes to be turned on or off.
    • How mRNA breakdown is controlled by chlortin remodeling.
  • The status of the RNA can be changed.
    • Changes at every level of the cell's genes can affect how much of a certain type of cancer can be detected.
    • To translate a point in time.
    • To understand how changes to the genes must assemble on the RNA, we need to understand how the genes are made.
  • Proper translation can be prevented by complex.
  • Like cancer, these post-translational modifications can greatly impact.
  • There is no nucleus in prokaryotic cells.
  • The ara operon controls the a.
    • Cells can be involved in the production of sugar arabinose.
    • When arabinose is an animal.
  • AraC is in this scenario.
  • There is a structure in an unprocessed pre-mRNA.
  • It has been estimated that alternative splicing occurs in more than 85% of multi-exon genes.
  • It is necessary for the binding of _____ to take place.
  • Different genes can be expressed in different tissues.
  • A scientist compares two genes.
  • Gene B's core promoter is 250bp.
  • The scientist's hypotheses are most likely to be capability.
  • Gene B will make more transcripts.
  • There is less mRNA involved in the transcript of Gene A.
  • The ribosomal subunit wouldn't be able to control Gene B's transcription.

Which of the following is involved in the post ribosomal subunit?

  • Cancer causing genes are called _____.
  • The stability of the RNA molecule will be determined by the binding of an RNA bindingProtein.
  • Patients with a set gene expression pattern can be treated with targeted therapies.
  • Many genes that are normally expressed can be turned off with the help of aprotein modification.
  • A study shows that rat mothering is harmful to a cell.
    • If too behavior impacts the stress response in their pups, what would happen?
  • A scientist discovers a virus that degrades a subunit of the eIF4F complexample, which is a positive effect of attentive mothering.