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39.4 Transport of Gases in Human Bodily Fluids

39.4 Transport of Gases in Human Bodily Fluids

  • Dead space is created when there is no air movement.
  • The effect of gravity on the lungs is an example of an anatomic shunt.
    • The lung is vulnerable to changes in the magnitude and direction of forces.
    • When a person is standing or sitting upright, the pressure in their lungs goes up.
    • More air fills the bottom of the lung than the top, which results in more negative pressure at the base of the lung.
    • It takes less energy to pump blood from the bottom of the lung to the top when you are prone.
    • While standing or sitting, lung perfusion is not uniform.
    • The effect of airway pressure is combined with hydrostatic forces.
    • The arteriosclerosis of the arteries surrounding the airways does not match the arteriosclerosis of the lungs.
    • The rate of gas exchange is reduced.
    • This doesn't happen when lying down because gravity doesn't pull the bottom of the lung down.
  • If there is an obstruction of an area in the lung, there is a possibility of a physiological shunt.
    • The V/Q ratio changes and gas exchange will be affected by this.
  • The lung can compensate for mismatches.
    • The arterioles dilate if the ventilation is greater than the perfusion.
    • This increases the amount of blood flowing through the body.
    • The arterioles and the bronchioles dilate if the air is less than what's needed.
  • Once the oxygen diffuses across the alveoli, it enters the bloodstream and is transported to the tissues where it is unloaded, and carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood and into the alveoli to be expelled from the body.
    • Oxygen and carbon dioxide can be transported by different mechanisms.
  • Only a small amount of oxygen is transported this way.
    • Only a small amount of oxygen is dissolved into the blood.
    • The majority of oxygen is carried to the tissues.
  • The red Molecules have more oxygen bound to the heme groups.
    • The blood that is oxygenated is bright red, while the blood that is deoxygenated is dark red.
  • The red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide to the lungs are made of hemoglobin.
  • Hemoglobin is made up of four groups.
    • The iron binding oxygen is associated with the heme.
    • The red color of blood is due to the iron in it.
  • The first molecule is more difficult to bind to Hb than a second and third oxygen molecule.
    • As oxygen binding, the shape of the hemoglobin molecule changes.
    • It is more difficult to bind the fourth oxygen.
    • The relative Hb-oxygen saturation can be plotted as a function of the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood.
    • The pressure of oxygen increases and the hemoglobin becomes saturated with it.
  • The oxygen dissociation curve shows that as the partial pressure of oxygen increases.
  • Depending on the environment, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen may shift to the left or right.
  • Excess H+ ion is removed from the blood by the kidneys.
  • Oxygen carrying capacity and delivery can be affected by environmental factors.
  • More H+ is produced when the carbon dioxide level in the blood increases.
    • The affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is reduced by the increase in carbon dioxide and decrease in pH.
    • The oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to the right by the dissociation of the Hb molecule.
    • When the pH was higher, more oxygen was needed to reach the same saturation level.
  • The affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is reduced when the temperature increases.
  • The blood's ability to deliver oxygen to tissues and its oxygen-carrying capacity is decreased by diseases.
    • Red blood cells can't pass through the capillaries.
  • Patients with the disease have a high number of red blood cells, but they have lower-than-normal levels of hemoglobin.
    • The capacity for carrying oxygen is diminished.
  • People with the blood disorder have crescent-shaped red blood cells.
    • Carbon dioxide can be dissolved in the blood, binding to hemoglobin, or carried as a bicarbonate ion.
    • The transport of carbon dioxide is affected by several properties of the blood.
    • Carbon dioxide is in the blood more than oxygen.
    • The majority of carbon dioxide is dissolved in the plasma.
    • Carbon dioxide can enter red blood cells and bind to hemoglobin.
    • About 10 percent of the carbon dioxide is transported in this form.
    • The binding of carbon dioxide to hemoglobin is not permanent.
    • The carbon dioxide can be expelled from the body when it reaches the lungs.
  • The carbon dioxide diffuses into the red blood cells.
    • The continued absorption of carbon dioxide into the blood can be achieved by this reaction.
    • Blood pH can be altered if too much H+ is produced.
    • When the blood reaches the lungs, the bicarbonate ion is transported back into the red blood cell in exchange for the chloride ion.
    • The H+ ion bonds to the bicarbonate ion.
    • The carbonic acid intermediate is converted into carbon dioxide through the action of CA.
    • The carbon dioxide is expelled from the lungs.
  • The benefit of the bicarbonate buffer system is that carbon dioxide is soaked up into the blood with little change to the pH of the system.
    • It takes only a small change in the body's pH to cause serious injury or death.
    • When the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide change at high altitudes, the bicarbonate buffer system adjusts to regulate carbon dioxide while maintaining the correct pH in the body.
  • Carbon dioxide can associate with hemoglobin, but other molecule such as carbon monoxide cannot.
    • Carbon monoxide has a higher affinity for hemoglobin than oxygen.
    • When carbon monoxide is present, it preferentially binding to hemoglobin.
    • Oxygen cannot bind to hemoglobin, so very little oxygen is transported through the body.
    • It is difficult to detect carbon monoxide, a odorless gas.
    • Vehicles and tools are used to produce it.
    • Carbon monoxide can cause headaches, confusion, and nausea; long-term exposure can cause brain damage or death.
    • Carbon monoxide poisoning can be treated with 100 percent pure oxygen.
    • The separation of carbon monoxide and hemoglobin can be accomplished with the use of pure oxygen.
  • The oxygen saturation of hemoglobin decreases as percent CO increases.

  • Respiratory systems are used to facilitate gas exchange.
    • In mammals, air is warm and humid.
  • The respiratory bronchioles contracts and lowers upon inspiration.
    • The chest wall is expanded by the respiratory.
    • The bronchioles open into the alveolar ducts and the lungs expand.
  • The surface area for gas exchange is large when exhaling.
  • There are mechanisms in place to stop the state.
    • The hair and mucus are in the lung.
    • There is high surface tension at the air-airway that traps dust, dirt, and other particulate interface in the lung.
    • Surfactant is a mixture oflipids.
    • In the lungs and lipoproteins, acts like a detergent in the airways to particles are trapped in a mucus layer and transported via reduce surface tension and allow for opening of the alveoli.
  • Respiratory Surfaces of the lung can decrease if there is a restrictive disease.
  • The lungs can hold a lot of air, but they don't get trapped in the lungs, which makes breathing more efficient.
    • If resistance increases, the airway becomes obstruction, trapping air in volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and residual volume.
  • The arteries can affect the flow of gas into and out of the lungs.
    • The V/Q mismatch is caused by the mixture of gases in the air and can be calculated from changes in the body.
  • Red blood cells are affected by carbon dioxide.
    • Inside, carbonic anhydrase converts carbon dioxide into carbonic acid, which is then converted into bicarbonate and H+.
    • The H+ ion is made up of two alpha and two beta subunits that bind to hemoglobin in red blood cells.
    • In exchange for the heme group, Oxygen readily bind this transported out of the red blood cells.
    • Oxygen can bind more chloride ion.
    • The shift is called the chloride shift.
    • Bicarbonate oxygen is bound to heme.
    • The disease leaves the red blood cells.
    • The binding ability of the lungs can be affected by the altered conditions in the body.
  • It is dissolved in the blood and can further convert carbonic acid into water or carbon dioxide.
    • The carbon dioxide is dissolved in water.
    • The majority of carbon dioxide is expelled from the lungs.
  • Air travels from the pharynx to the arteries and veins when we breathe in.
  • The bronchioles are part of the body.
  • The air is warm and humid.
    • The d. nasal cavity, trachea, larynx, bronchioles, bronchi helps.
  • The inspiratory reserve volume is a measure.
  • Restrictive airway diseases.
  • The air in the lung is humidified.
  • When _____, Alveolar ventilation remains constant.
  • It would prevent contraction of the intercostal.
  • It wouldn't prevent inhalation because the conversion wouldn't change.

39.4 Transport of Gases in Human Bodily Fluids

  • Dead space is created when there is no air movement.
  • The effect of gravity on the lungs is an example of an anatomic shunt.
    • The lung is vulnerable to changes in the magnitude and direction of forces.
    • When a person is standing or sitting upright, the pressure in their lungs goes up.
    • More air fills the bottom of the lung than the top, which results in more negative pressure at the base of the lung.
    • It takes less energy to pump blood from the bottom of the lung to the top when you are prone.
    • While standing or sitting, lung perfusion is not uniform.
    • The effect of airway pressure is combined with hydrostatic forces.
    • The arteriosclerosis of the arteries surrounding the airways does not match the arteriosclerosis of the lungs.
    • The rate of gas exchange is reduced.
    • This doesn't happen when lying down because gravity doesn't pull the bottom of the lung down.
  • If there is an obstruction of an area in the lung, there is a possibility of a physiological shunt.
    • The V/Q ratio changes and gas exchange will be affected by this.
  • The lung can compensate for mismatches.
    • The arterioles dilate if the ventilation is greater than the perfusion.
    • This increases the amount of blood flowing through the body.
    • The arterioles and the bronchioles dilate if the air is less than what's needed.
  • Once the oxygen diffuses across the alveoli, it enters the bloodstream and is transported to the tissues where it is unloaded, and carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood and into the alveoli to be expelled from the body.
    • Oxygen and carbon dioxide can be transported by different mechanisms.
  • Only a small amount of oxygen is transported this way.
    • Only a small amount of oxygen is dissolved into the blood.
    • The majority of oxygen is carried to the tissues.
  • The red Molecules have more oxygen bound to the heme groups.
    • The blood that is oxygenated is bright red, while the blood that is deoxygenated is dark red.
  • The red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide to the lungs are made of hemoglobin.
  • Hemoglobin is made up of four groups.
    • The iron binding oxygen is associated with the heme.
    • The red color of blood is due to the iron in it.
  • The first molecule is more difficult to bind to Hb than a second and third oxygen molecule.
    • As oxygen binding, the shape of the hemoglobin molecule changes.
    • It is more difficult to bind the fourth oxygen.
    • The relative Hb-oxygen saturation can be plotted as a function of the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood.
    • The pressure of oxygen increases and the hemoglobin becomes saturated with it.
  • The oxygen dissociation curve shows that as the partial pressure of oxygen increases.
  • Depending on the environment, the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen may shift to the left or right.
  • Excess H+ ion is removed from the blood by the kidneys.
  • Oxygen carrying capacity and delivery can be affected by environmental factors.
  • More H+ is produced when the carbon dioxide level in the blood increases.
    • The affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is reduced by the increase in carbon dioxide and decrease in pH.
    • The oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to the right by the dissociation of the Hb molecule.
    • When the pH was higher, more oxygen was needed to reach the same saturation level.
  • The affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is reduced when the temperature increases.
  • The blood's ability to deliver oxygen to tissues and its oxygen-carrying capacity is decreased by diseases.
    • Red blood cells can't pass through the capillaries.
  • Patients with the disease have a high number of red blood cells, but they have lower-than-normal levels of hemoglobin.
    • The capacity for carrying oxygen is diminished.
  • People with the blood disorder have crescent-shaped red blood cells.
    • Carbon dioxide can be dissolved in the blood, binding to hemoglobin, or carried as a bicarbonate ion.
    • The transport of carbon dioxide is affected by several properties of the blood.
    • Carbon dioxide is in the blood more than oxygen.
    • The majority of carbon dioxide is dissolved in the plasma.
    • Carbon dioxide can enter red blood cells and bind to hemoglobin.
    • About 10 percent of the carbon dioxide is transported in this form.
    • The binding of carbon dioxide to hemoglobin is not permanent.
    • The carbon dioxide can be expelled from the body when it reaches the lungs.
  • The carbon dioxide diffuses into the red blood cells.
    • The continued absorption of carbon dioxide into the blood can be achieved by this reaction.
    • Blood pH can be altered if too much H+ is produced.
    • When the blood reaches the lungs, the bicarbonate ion is transported back into the red blood cell in exchange for the chloride ion.
    • The H+ ion bonds to the bicarbonate ion.
    • The carbonic acid intermediate is converted into carbon dioxide through the action of CA.
    • The carbon dioxide is expelled from the lungs.
  • The benefit of the bicarbonate buffer system is that carbon dioxide is soaked up into the blood with little change to the pH of the system.
    • It takes only a small change in the body's pH to cause serious injury or death.
    • When the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide change at high altitudes, the bicarbonate buffer system adjusts to regulate carbon dioxide while maintaining the correct pH in the body.
  • Carbon dioxide can associate with hemoglobin, but other molecule such as carbon monoxide cannot.
    • Carbon monoxide has a higher affinity for hemoglobin than oxygen.
    • When carbon monoxide is present, it preferentially binding to hemoglobin.
    • Oxygen cannot bind to hemoglobin, so very little oxygen is transported through the body.
    • It is difficult to detect carbon monoxide, a odorless gas.
    • Vehicles and tools are used to produce it.
    • Carbon monoxide can cause headaches, confusion, and nausea; long-term exposure can cause brain damage or death.
    • Carbon monoxide poisoning can be treated with 100 percent pure oxygen.
    • The separation of carbon monoxide and hemoglobin can be accomplished with the use of pure oxygen.
  • The oxygen saturation of hemoglobin decreases as percent CO increases.

  • Respiratory systems are used to facilitate gas exchange.
    • In mammals, air is warm and humid.
  • The respiratory bronchioles contracts and lowers upon inspiration.
    • The chest wall is expanded by the respiratory.
    • The bronchioles open into the alveolar ducts and the lungs expand.
  • The surface area for gas exchange is large when exhaling.
  • There are mechanisms in place to stop the state.
    • The hair and mucus are in the lung.
    • There is high surface tension at the air-airway that traps dust, dirt, and other particulate interface in the lung.
    • Surfactant is a mixture oflipids.
    • In the lungs and lipoproteins, acts like a detergent in the airways to particles are trapped in a mucus layer and transported via reduce surface tension and allow for opening of the alveoli.
  • Respiratory Surfaces of the lung can decrease if there is a restrictive disease.
  • The lungs can hold a lot of air, but they don't get trapped in the lungs, which makes breathing more efficient.
    • If resistance increases, the airway becomes obstruction, trapping air in volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and residual volume.
  • The arteries can affect the flow of gas into and out of the lungs.
    • The V/Q mismatch is caused by the mixture of gases in the air and can be calculated from changes in the body.
  • Red blood cells are affected by carbon dioxide.
    • Inside, carbonic anhydrase converts carbon dioxide into carbonic acid, which is then converted into bicarbonate and H+.
    • The H+ ion is made up of two alpha and two beta subunits that bind to hemoglobin in red blood cells.
    • In exchange for the heme group, Oxygen readily bind this transported out of the red blood cells.
    • Oxygen can bind more chloride ion.
    • The shift is called the chloride shift.
    • Bicarbonate oxygen is bound to heme.
    • The disease leaves the red blood cells.
    • The binding ability of the lungs can be affected by the altered conditions in the body.
  • It is dissolved in the blood and can further convert carbonic acid into water or carbon dioxide.
    • The carbon dioxide is dissolved in water.
    • The majority of carbon dioxide is expelled from the lungs.
  • Air travels from the pharynx to the arteries and veins when we breathe in.
  • The bronchioles are part of the body.
  • The air is warm and humid.
    • The d. nasal cavity, trachea, larynx, bronchioles, bronchi helps.
  • The inspiratory reserve volume is a measure.
  • Restrictive airway diseases.
  • The air in the lung is humidified.
  • When _____, Alveolar ventilation remains constant.
  • It would prevent contraction of the intercostal.
  • It wouldn't prevent inhalation because the conversion wouldn't change.