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29.6 The Wave Nature of Matter

29.6 The Wave Nature of Matter

  • It is reasonable to ask if there is a particle-wave duality for matter as well since we have seen connections between matter and photons.
    • The answer is yes.
    • The consequences will be shown in the next section.
  • When waves spread out and interfere as they pass through a double slit, they are detected on a screen as tiny dots.
    • The waves and the patterns produced on the screen can be explored using quantum detectors.
  • A radical proposal was made by a French physics graduate student in 1923.
    • Nature would be symmetric if matter had both particle and wave properties.
    • If we think of a wave as a particle, then what we think of as a particle may also be a wave.
    • The suggestion was so radical that it was greeted with skepticism.
    • Einstein said that the thesis was probably correct and that it might be of fundamental importance.
    • Einstein and a few other physicists supported de Broglie in his quest for a doctorate.
  • interference is the hallmark of a wave.
    • If matter is a wave, it must be constructive and destructive.
    • In order to see interference effects, a wave must interact with an object about the same size as its wavelength.
    • Since is very small, it is also small.
  • To see its wave characteristics, the bowling ball would have to interact with something much smaller than anything known.
    • When waves interact with objects larger than their wavelength, they show no interference effects and move in straight lines.
    • To get easily observed interference effects from particles of matter, the longest wavelength and smallest mass is needed.
  • The effect was first observed with electrons.
  • Clinton J. Davisson and G. P. Thomson were both physicists.
    • The patterns are similar to light interacting with a grating and are consistent with interference of electrons.
  • All particles have wave properties.
    • All particles have a relationship between wavelength and momentum.
  • The wave nature of particles was treated with wave equations in four papers published by the Austrian physicist.
    • Many others began important work at the same time.
  • Heisenberg formulated a mathematical treatment of the wave nature of matter that used matrices rather than wave equations.
  • The development of quantum mechanics was a result of de Broglie's work.
    • Davisson and G. P. were both awarded the prize for their vision in 1929.
  • The pattern was obtained by diffracted electrons.
    • There are bright and dark regions.
  • If you want to interact with crystal lattice structures that are about this size, you should calculate the electron's velocity.
  • The classical formula can be used to find the electron's energy and convert it to eV.
  • The low energy means that the electrons could be accelerated through a 54.0-V potential.
    • The results confirm the assumption that the electrons are nonrelativistic since their speed is just over 1% of the light's speed and the energy of the electron is about the same as the speed of light.
    • We would have had to use more involved calculations if the electrons had turned out to be relativistic.
  • The wave nature of matter can be seen in the electron microscope.
    • There is a limit to the detail that can be observed with any probe having a wavelength.
    • observable detail is limited to one wavelength.
  • It is easy to get electrons with smaller wavelength than visible light with a potential of 54 V. An electron microscope can detect much smaller details than an optical microscope.
  • There are two types of electron microscopes.
    • electrons that are emitted from a hot filament are accelerated by the transmission electron microscope The sample is passed through the broadened beam.
    • A magnetic lens focuses the beam image onto a fluorescent screen, a photographic plate, or a light sensitive camera from which it is transferred to a computer.
    • The TEM requires a thin sample to be examined in a vacuum.
    • magnifications of 100 million times the size of the original object can be provided by it.
    • The TEM allows us to see individual atoms.
  • The beam is focused onto the sample by using magnets.
    • The beam is moved around to look at the sample in the x and y directions.
    • The data for each electron position is processed by a CCD detector, which produces images like the one at the beginning of the chapter.
    • The advantage of theSEM is that it doesn't require a thin sample or 3-D view.
    • Its resolution is ten times less than a TEM.
  • A scanning electron microscope is used to observe small details, such as the tooth of a Himipristis, a type of shark.
  • When they interact with objects similar to their wavelength, protons, helium nuclei, and many others have been observed to exhibit interference.
  • All particles have the same wave nature.
    • The implications of the de Broglie wavelength include the quantization of energy in atoms and the change of our basic view of nature on the small scale.
    • The next section shows that there are limits to the precision with which we can make predictions.
    • There are limits to the degree to which we can measure an object's location.
  • The wave nature of matter allows it to have many characteristics of other waves.
    • Diffraction gratings produce patterns for light based on the spacing and wavelength of the light.
    • This effect is most pronounced when the wave interacts with objects with the same wavelength.
  • The bottom part of the spacing between the planes in a crystal is like the openings in a grating.
    • The paths of electrons scattering from successive planes differ by one wavelength at certain incident angles.
    • There is partial to total destructive interference at other angles.
    • Dramatic interference patterns can be produced by this type of scattering from a large crystal.
    • The father-and-son team first explored and analyzed Bragg reflection.
    • The path-length differences are shown in the expanded view and are similar to the pattern of x rays reflected from a crystal.

29.6 The Wave Nature of Matter

  • It is reasonable to ask if there is a particle-wave duality for matter as well since we have seen connections between matter and photons.
    • The answer is yes.
    • The consequences will be shown in the next section.
  • When waves spread out and interfere as they pass through a double slit, they are detected on a screen as tiny dots.
    • The waves and the patterns produced on the screen can be explored using quantum detectors.
  • A radical proposal was made by a French physics graduate student in 1923.
    • Nature would be symmetric if matter had both particle and wave properties.
    • If we think of a wave as a particle, then what we think of as a particle may also be a wave.
    • The suggestion was so radical that it was greeted with skepticism.
    • Einstein said that the thesis was probably correct and that it might be of fundamental importance.
    • Einstein and a few other physicists supported de Broglie in his quest for a doctorate.
  • interference is the hallmark of a wave.
    • If matter is a wave, it must be constructive and destructive.
    • In order to see interference effects, a wave must interact with an object about the same size as its wavelength.
    • Since is very small, it is also small.
  • To see its wave characteristics, the bowling ball would have to interact with something much smaller than anything known.
    • When waves interact with objects larger than their wavelength, they show no interference effects and move in straight lines.
    • To get easily observed interference effects from particles of matter, the longest wavelength and smallest mass is needed.
  • The effect was first observed with electrons.
  • Clinton J. Davisson and G. P. Thomson were both physicists.
    • The patterns are similar to light interacting with a grating and are consistent with interference of electrons.
  • All particles have wave properties.
    • All particles have a relationship between wavelength and momentum.
  • The wave nature of particles was treated with wave equations in four papers published by the Austrian physicist.
    • Many others began important work at the same time.
  • Heisenberg formulated a mathematical treatment of the wave nature of matter that used matrices rather than wave equations.
  • The development of quantum mechanics was a result of de Broglie's work.
    • Davisson and G. P. were both awarded the prize for their vision in 1929.
  • The pattern was obtained by diffracted electrons.
    • There are bright and dark regions.
  • If you want to interact with crystal lattice structures that are about this size, you should calculate the electron's velocity.
  • The classical formula can be used to find the electron's energy and convert it to eV.
  • The low energy means that the electrons could be accelerated through a 54.0-V potential.
    • The results confirm the assumption that the electrons are nonrelativistic since their speed is just over 1% of the light's speed and the energy of the electron is about the same as the speed of light.
    • We would have had to use more involved calculations if the electrons had turned out to be relativistic.
  • The wave nature of matter can be seen in the electron microscope.
    • There is a limit to the detail that can be observed with any probe having a wavelength.
    • observable detail is limited to one wavelength.
  • It is easy to get electrons with smaller wavelength than visible light with a potential of 54 V. An electron microscope can detect much smaller details than an optical microscope.
  • There are two types of electron microscopes.
    • electrons that are emitted from a hot filament are accelerated by the transmission electron microscope The sample is passed through the broadened beam.
    • A magnetic lens focuses the beam image onto a fluorescent screen, a photographic plate, or a light sensitive camera from which it is transferred to a computer.
    • The TEM requires a thin sample to be examined in a vacuum.
    • magnifications of 100 million times the size of the original object can be provided by it.
    • The TEM allows us to see individual atoms.
  • The beam is focused onto the sample by using magnets.
    • The beam is moved around to look at the sample in the x and y directions.
    • The data for each electron position is processed by a CCD detector, which produces images like the one at the beginning of the chapter.
    • The advantage of theSEM is that it doesn't require a thin sample or 3-D view.
    • Its resolution is ten times less than a TEM.
  • A scanning electron microscope is used to observe small details, such as the tooth of a Himipristis, a type of shark.
  • When they interact with objects similar to their wavelength, protons, helium nuclei, and many others have been observed to exhibit interference.
  • All particles have the same wave nature.
    • The implications of the de Broglie wavelength include the quantization of energy in atoms and the change of our basic view of nature on the small scale.
    • The next section shows that there are limits to the precision with which we can make predictions.
    • There are limits to the degree to which we can measure an object's location.
  • The wave nature of matter allows it to have many characteristics of other waves.
    • Diffraction gratings produce patterns for light based on the spacing and wavelength of the light.
    • This effect is most pronounced when the wave interacts with objects with the same wavelength.
  • The bottom part of the spacing between the planes in a crystal is like the openings in a grating.
    • The paths of electrons scattering from successive planes differ by one wavelength at certain incident angles.
    • There is partial to total destructive interference at other angles.
    • Dramatic interference patterns can be produced by this type of scattering from a large crystal.
    • The father-and-son team first explored and analyzed Bragg reflection.
    • The path-length differences are shown in the expanded view and are similar to the pattern of x rays reflected from a crystal.