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Everyone will get put in pairs (besides engineering teams - who will focus on fixing the bugs you guys experience). You can check your pairs here. You can name your pair and place that pair name on the linear cards mentioned below.

Based on the role you are assigned you’ll follow the steps below. You can do over zoom (recommended) or do async too. 

Visit when you’re ready to test. Whenever you run into an issue add it to the “Testing” Linear board. There’s many cards that you can reference. Place your issues in the right page card. 

For example if you had an issue on the homepage there should be a card on linear that says [Mobile] Home Screen fixes. If there isn’t please make one and add your issue as a sub-issue with the following: 

  • Screenshot 

  • Screen Recording (streamable link)

  • Description of error

  • Pair name/indicator (in description)

NOTE : If using streamable, make sure to create a streamable account & log in before uploading your video. Otherwise your screen recordings will expire in 24 hours & you will need to redo it

This is the master doc. Everyone can access their pairs doc in the link here: 

** If when doing things – anything is confusing to you please message Abheek or create a card on Linear

Partner 1 Flow (Bilal)

  • Sign up for a student account on (not with Google Sign In) with a unique ending domain for you and your partner should have a different one. CLOSE THE WEBSITE IMMEDIATELY - DO NOT GO THROUGH ONBOARDING on the website

  • Open the mobile app and log into this account

  • Go through the onboarding process with the mobile app and once you get to the home screen fill out this form: 

  • Create a flashcard set with about 10 simple terms

  • After you created the flashcard set did you get the streak walkthrough? After finishing the onboarding fill out this form: 

  • Start a practice test on the flashcard set – finish the test

  • Start a spaced repetition session – get to the round completion

  • Go through all the flashcards in flashcard mode

  • Start a learn mode session on the flashcard set – master the set fully

  • Did you get a level up screen yet? Leave a comment here on how many times you got it & what level you’re on.  If you can’t find it leave a comment - “CAN’T FIND” 

  • Check your current XP, and your current coins! Can you leave a comment here on what they are? If you can’t find it leave a comment - “CAN’T FIND” 

  • Go to the Knowt Store screen (where you can redeem your coins). If you can’t find it leave a comment - “CAN’T FIND” 

  • Try to purchase an item!

Everyone will get put in pairs (besides engineering teams - who will focus on fixing the bugs you guys experience). You can check your pairs here. You can name your pair and place that pair name on the linear cards mentioned below.

Based on the role you are assigned you’ll follow the steps below. You can do over zoom (recommended) or do async too. 

Visit when you’re ready to test. Whenever you run into an issue add it to the “Testing” Linear board. There’s many cards that you can reference. Place your issues in the right page card. 

For example if you had an issue on the homepage there should be a card on linear that says [Mobile] Home Screen fixes. If there isn’t please make one and add your issue as a sub-issue with the following: 

  • Screenshot 

  • Screen Recording (streamable link)

  • Description of error

  • Pair name/indicator (in description)

NOTE : If using streamable, make sure to create a streamable account & log in before uploading your video. Otherwise your screen recordings will expire in 24 hours & you will need to redo it

This is the master doc. Everyone can access their pairs doc in the link here: 

** If when doing things – anything is confusing to you please message Abheek or create a card on Linear

Partner 1 Flow (Bilal)

  • Sign up for a student account on (not with Google Sign In) with a unique ending domain for you and your partner should have a different one. CLOSE THE WEBSITE IMMEDIATELY - DO NOT GO THROUGH ONBOARDING on the website

  • Open the mobile app and log into this account

  • Go through the onboarding process with the mobile app and once you get to the home screen fill out this form: 

  • Create a flashcard set with about 10 simple terms

  • After you created the flashcard set did you get the streak walkthrough? After finishing the onboarding fill out this form: 

  • Start a practice test on the flashcard set – finish the test

  • Start a spaced repetition session – get to the round completion

  • Go through all the flashcards in flashcard mode

  • Start a learn mode session on the flashcard set – master the set fully

  • Did you get a level up screen yet? Leave a comment here on how many times you got it & what level you’re on.  If you can’t find it leave a comment - “CAN’T FIND” 

  • Check your current XP, and your current coins! Can you leave a comment here on what they are? If you can’t find it leave a comment - “CAN’T FIND” 

  • Go to the Knowt Store screen (where you can redeem your coins). If you can’t find it leave a comment - “CAN’T FIND” 

  • Try to purchase an item!