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Homie Quotes (OOT)

Homie Quotes (OOT)

Brook: Matthew is dummy thicc

Matthew, to Brooklynn: This relationship won't work if you are gonna be the dominant one

Paul: I'm dating my mom

Ben: *making a protein shake at 4 am* it's not THAT loud

Zach, talking about Chris, to Bryan: This is my girlfriend

Tabi: get someone who looks at you like my dog looks at me when I have food

Chris: Zachary was the one that killed him

Brooklynn: You are a sad strange little man, and you have my pity.

Matthew: You often find things you want most in life...strange though, my youtube feed is filled with memes about death

Brook: lol you guys dead? Also Brook: * is never online*

Matthew: in fact whenever I do anything I eat food

Brook: You both bring me pain

Kayden: did you know the app says mariasoairha carieieies vocal range is like b2 to b7

Chris: Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna be dummy thicc If Matthew sticks around

Matthew, about somebody getting 4 dates: Wow that's 4 times as many dates that I got :c

Chris: Are you a part of the Big Tittie Committee?

Matthew: 'What's brown and sticky? Me' - |Matthew -2019 BC

Matthew:  'BC' stands for 'Before Coronavirus' btw

Brook: Easy Peasy, Rico Squeezy

Rozanne: Shicken

Zachary: I am we tall did

Silas: * Laughing * L i b e r a l s

Addy: I'm a VSCO girl, sksksksks

Matthew, to Brooklynn: No homo though

Brooklynn, asking about Matthew: Ain't he 5'5? Chris: ???

Ben: I'm a mommy's boy

Chris: You finna be looking like a dadgum traffic light

Chris: bro I'm finna bust you like a can of WD40 when it hit fire

Matthew: Gal don't you come to my street acting like you're a big waffle

Chris: I'm finna pull up to your house and make you into a waffle, you giant french toast stick

Matthew: Yo home dog, you straight up say that, well you're about to get the hizzy mizz, y'all already know I'm packing heat, and my pizza slices always got my back on de rat house, dog

Chris: pull up bruh, imma gall dang get you and roll you into a flatbread and make a pizza out of you

Matthew: yo home dog don't yall spit that in my face cause you already know ill straight-up pull up to your barbeque uninvited ill straight up Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda, and salt. In a separate bowl, cream together butter and brown sugar. Stir in eggs and mashed bananas until well blended. Stir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just to moisten. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan. Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 65 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf, comes out clean. Let bread cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack don't test me dog

Chris: You ain't gon' skrr skrr with no ankles, now are you, bro

Meg: Purple is the superior color- You mortals will soon understand

Chris: it's mainly just me trying to focus and my brain going, 'Now, you won't believe this, but...'

Chris: I was gon' say- you know how Astro's fandom name is Aroha? So, for some reason, the first thing I thought of was Scooby Doo trying to say "Aloha", and at that moment I realized I absolutely have lost my mind

Benben: I have a stomach bug, not an identity crisis

Kayden, talking about Tagalog: like respect to adults like mabantot ka po that means you are stinky WITH RESPECT

Benben: I've got a PINATA so I believe I am superior

Chris: Can I get my teacher to call me 'Scooby-Doo'? Asking for a friend...

Benben: What if I open up an OnlyFans but just of me laughing

Matthew: I think the vaccine to covid19 is stupidity so I'm immune

Matthew: stop if you keep sending me these images ill lose all my masculinity

Matthew: *sad giraffe noises*

Chris: I asked who has a crush on you and it said you / Matthew: Matthew Yes, Matthew? um, I don't know how to say this but

 but what? I LOVE YOU, O.O Matthew..... I don't like guys I run away

Chris, talking about her new phone: Now I can cry in HD

Matthew: oh yeah speaking of microwaves I need your help

Kayden: I just need my acne to clear up and wear eyeliner and I can make it as a kpop star

Kayden: my body pillow doesn’t love me:(

Maddie: Time to get my depression ice-cream

Benben: Stan water rat

Chris: let's name the water rat 'Post Malone'

Brook: My teacher is teaching me how to become a Minecraft character

Rozanne to Chris: Even your big lip looks pretty

Tabi: I'm so impatient, my horoscope said I need to have patience today

Benben: You know how crunchy roll is for anime? if you want to watch musicals, like Heathers, you get Scrunchy roll

Benben, chanting at Chris: RAMEN HEAD, RAMEN HEAD

Benben: I look like Katy Perry with short hair... you know-- it's a vibe though

Benben: I look, Uhm, drugs...

Benben: *Blinking profusely* "-is all I got out of your entire message.'

Benben: Hon hon hon, I am your french stalker

Matthew: I wish I was so stoned I was the rock

Matthew, talking about Brook: Shes turning 10 next year I'm so happy for her

Chris: My face is that of a chip

Brook: Your cheese is showing. You can't show your cheese

Brook: You can't just smack it, stretch it

Brook: My chunky baby, I call it Matthew

Matthew, taking bets on a fight: $100 on Chrissy

Chris: Oh, she's sweet but a Michael, A little bit Michael, At night she's screaming Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Josh, who is a diabetic: They say laughter is the cure to everything. unless you have diabetes..then I think insulin is better


Chris: Not Kayden our favorite eboy

Kayden: Tagalog is basically English Spanish

Kayden: he’s white so he prob won’t get it

Chris: LAMP = Laughing at my pain

Matt: Maybe because if you're white and you go to west Cleveland you turn into swiss cheese

Matt: Everything I have ever done in my life... all the blood sweat and tears, all the hardships, and struggles all of that trials and tribulations... ALL OF THAT, lead me to watching that video and because of that 30-second video I regret it all I wonder is there a different path I could have took to avoid that video

Chris: Arson, am I right?

Brook and Chris: I'm going to Cadillac a wreck

Chris: *boogies in singleness*

Matt: if I ever got a girlfriend my mom would unleash the hidden arts of Puerto Rico judo

Matt: Oh, don't worry, the bear and guy said 'no homo'

Matt: so obviously I flexed how fat and tall I am

Matt: To make it seem that I worked a lot harder on this than I actually did I'm gonna say no

Matt: so he is like 5 feet taller than brook

Matt: In an episode of Johnny Bravo- He goes up to a girl and asks her out, and the girl says, "I have a boyfriend," and Johnny is like, "You look like the kind of girl who needs two". Now I was joking around with Tabi, asking if Hailee was single, and Tabi said she had a boyfriend, and I was like she looks like the kind of girl who needs two. Now I thought that was it and I left. So fast forward I found out Tabi told this to HAILEE and worst of all Hailee told her boyfriend what I said O>O

Matt:  I'll give em that good left, right, goodnight,  you know what I'm saying

Matt, after firmly stating Shane turned 21: Oh, um, I meant he was 21 4 years ago.

Kayden to Chris:  do u live in the ghtoo part of cleavage land

Kayden: spider mummies who work at hooters

Kayden: but it's fine because I'm listening to Beyonce

Kayden: genitalman

Kayden: ugly ppl cant be horny

Kayden to Chris: if u don't like him u prob will have to settle for a white guy

Kayden: /e dance

Kayden to Chris: r u gonna stomp on me if u see me irl

Kayden: Ohioans am I right

Kayden to Chris: u should learn how to renegade

Kayden: I wanna be less white

Kayden to Chris: sksksksks with me

Kayden: cause we stan god here

Chris: Mariah Carey isn't dead yet, but if she was, man, she would be rolling in her grave

Matt:  it so long ago that I didn't even have a dad when we went

Matt: Bobby looks like he was a soldier who fought Vietnam and then heard popcorn popping

Matt: also I got scared for a moment thinking Mike made tik toks

Chris: I already get the badge of excuses called "I'm dumb because I was homeschooled"

Chris: I want to see you punt him like a football

Matt: 100 IQ move from Bobby

Chris: Where did the term "butterflies in my stomach" come from? Who ate some butterflies, then had their crush or something talk to them and go

"Hey, this reminds me of that time I ate some butterflies"

Chris: Out of nowhere, my one friend was talking about how she wanted to live out a grandma aesthetic- And I was like, "You want to see my grandmother's aesthetic?" And then proceeded to send a photo of a graveyard

Chris: I think I am just thrown off since you pulled an MJ lol

Matt: if I committed several war crimes in Iraq, no I didn't

Chris: I've ruined the joke because I can't type properly

Matt:  the microwave is the closet thing to baking I got and the closest thing to a baked treat I ever made was a Rice Krispy bar

Chris:  Like, If I were to rearrange the alphabet, I'd put P and U together because you stink

Matt: clear just means you can change colors easier - Chris: Listen, bro, I am not a chameleon


Chris: But that Lil' freak of nature works too

Kayden: can you ask sniffy guy if he plays Minecraft

Kayden: I might 1v1 Ethan

Kayden to Chris: I need the oldest people or people you dated so I can get clout if I kill them

Kayden: from ratatatpurilai

Chris: I will Milly rock on your grave

Kayden after being asked if he bakes:  No, but I watch the great British baking show, so I basically do

Kayden to Chris: you remind meof a doughnute

Kayden: invite them to look at the brothel

Chris: Murder is always an option

Kayden to Chris:  if my parents' divorce I'm blaming you

Kayden: is tmrw Obama

Kayden: emo couch

Kayden: yea, that dude is a disappointment, his fist is bigger than his face

Kayden: I wonder how many hot wheels I can fit in my mouth

Chris: What if Brook falls off? - Matt: from a ledge that is 12 inches high? Well, she will probably fall for a long time and it would be fatal... for the ground, not her.

Brook: Comply or die

Brook: I'm making Ben my maid of honor and he is gonna wear a purple dress

Chris to Matt: Maybe you could have turned into some Hallmark Christmas movie

Chris: I did the "Which Celebrity Are You" quiz and I kept getting people that died 

Brook to Matt: 736 you are a dude

Brook: Hello, fries. We meet again. But now I am America, so I am better than you

Brook: I'm amurica

Brook: yath quin

Chris to Matt: You are not the big cheeseburger you paint yourself to be

Shane: Remixxxxx

Chris: I am fluent in K-pop boy

Brook: Tears falling down at the party, Santa's getting high in the sleigh

Brook to Chris: Why are your feet on backward?!

Brook: The crunch back of Krispy Kreme

Brook to Matt: Ya like the big tooth mamas? 

Chris: By the time this is over with- my lifespan will have decreased so much that I'll just end up dead

Aaron: Uncle Bryan is my Uncle

Brook:  I didn't choose the simp life, the simp life chose me

Matt: I SIMP

Chris: I accidentally wrote a fanfiction between my brothers

Kayden: SpongeBob manifests his daddy issues


Kayden: I just finished my pedo anime :(

Kayden: this lightsaber goes in more places besides other peoples hearts

Kayden: It was like I was spooning with a ninja turtle

Matthew: Paul hit me with a metal chair today

Michael: Gotta simp equally for each other 

Michael: I think they're making a love action sleeping beauty and Matthew is the star princess

Ethan & Chris: French stoner 

Matthew: my first ASMR video should be "Kermit The Frog comforts you after a break up" or... "Po the Panda makes dumplings with you"

Matthew: I'm gonna start selling my bathwater 

Matthew, talking about the man chopping his ween off on a counter: I thought it was just another cooking video

Matt: Well if you got money ill be your girlfriend

Brook: That is biracial, but no the right

Matt: Please don't tell me the chaotic duo has united

Brook: You're a butt wiggle

Brook: I would marry him but he doesn't have arms

Brook: America has an anime boy

Chris: I've got to equip my arms

Chris: I don't trust a man with a hand

Chris: Pokemon rights, bro

Matt: Plus Niki Minaj is a WWE superstar so I appreciate the reference

Chris: 260p Garfield is my spirit animal

Chris: He put the SIMP in SHRIMP

Matt: why do you want me to fight this shrimp

Brook: I'll be able to see without my eyes

Chris: You want any ice cream? We don't have any, I just wanted to know

Michael: I spoke to a satanist and learned gay men like me

Matthew: today I saw Santa Claus riding on a fire truck being chased by cops

Matthew: I know this is random but I just realized my afro is getting stupidly big 

Matthew: You know on my 15th birthday I would have never guessed nearly a year later that I would be talking about if kissing the homies was homo

Brook: Do not disrespect God with your Ben sacrifice

Matthew: some guy with a weird voice telling me that I'm his girlfriend and explain why kettlebells suck

Matthew: get yourself a man who will give an apple

Matthew: My eyes are swollen so much that it looks like I have anime eyes

Matthew: Can I say hot girl cause the youth already thinks im bi

Chris's mom: I miss your teeth

Chris: Up your chances of being eaten by Simba

Brook: We are fabulous (not you Matthew)

Matthew: speaking of which I was chilling waiting to get the covid shot and I was holding my mom's purse cause she was busy and the guy was like the purse matches your eyes

Matthew: yo I can just imagine someone for real trying to kidnap me and I just laugh it off thinking it's you

Matthew: ***I can tell the untruth***

Matthew: Suicide is sounding pretty good now that I have seen this

Matthew: sadly jake paul appeared in a part of the show which ruined my day honestly

Matthew: get with the times old man praying to God is the slow way to reach him texting is the new thing brahhh

Chris: What if we put up Ben's phone number in Starbucks and tell people it is a furry hotline

Matthew: -Lyrics-           Gurl youdintjusaythat ahifj gurl saomggirl mathew  yasss girl broqueen should be hertosea this gurlll yassssssquennnnnnnnn

Matthew: him being cute is his only saving grace honestly

Matthew: Now if you excuse me imma just go to my queen shrine so  they  can whisper *"Don't Stop Me Now"*  softly into my ear

Matthew: Now if you excuse me I'm gonna go to my Goku shrine

Matthew: I like Minecraft cause I can build stuff just like how I want to build a relationship with my parents

Matthew: that sounds like being straight with extra steps

Matthew: Next time ill tell your dad to move out of the way, sit down for a few minutes then grab the tissue box, and then kick the song leader out and start singing Frank Sinatra songs. When brother Samuel eventually comes out to preach, ill say "Not in my house," ill then preach in brother Samuel's place and convert them all into my cat cult.

Matthew: someone other than my mum called me cute

Matthew: bald as a baby's bottom

Matthew: I would much rather go straight to the fiery pits of HFIL than to be bens boyfriend

Matthew: I block him out its honestly my only way to cope

Matthew: Jimmy neutron is a boy who can do some incredible things. Now, Jimmy neutron probably created a dimensional right machine, but it takes a ton of energy to just teleport one person. So jimmy gets his friend's Carl and Sheen so they can test out this machine! It works and Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen are teleported to our world! They try to teleport back after there creeped out by the way we all look! But Jimmy knows that the machine isn't at max power! But he doesn't tell anyone about it. Jimmy tries the machine and it works teleporting Carl and Jimmy back home! Sheen is left there Sheen tries to live a normal life but he becomes emotionally dead. He wants to keep his name Sheen but everyone just called him Shane so he switched his name to Shane. Shane now lives his life hating that he got betrayed by his best friend and he wishes he could return home so he could get revenge.

Chris: You don't seem like a good pony mother

Matthew: Bryan is just saying that causes he's too fat to go on a hike

Matthew: I don't play cooking I am cooking

Matthew: I got called thiccccccccc in class today

Matthew: Yes I do have forks shoved up Bryan

Brook: Doesn't Matthew have a dad?

Matthew: I'm bi-curious... curious about those biceps... no homo

Matthew: Arent all Asians white

Matthew: It's not racist because I'm black

Matthew: I wanted to cosplay as The Undertaker, but I never realized how much cleavage he shows, and I'm not that kind of guy

Matthew: I'll be racist for comedy

Matthew: It makes sense that she is tasty, she is black

Matthew: Black people are cannibals

Matthew: Black people probably taste better than white people

Matthew: I don't know what a ween is but ok

Matthew: I sometimes act like I never gave birth to him, honestly it's sometimes the only way I can cope

Matthew: I am a very respected little spoon

Matthew: Ben can not eat using me as a spoon

Matthew: If a fruitcake is someone who wants to beat up Bryan, then yes, I'm a fruitcake

(Typical Innocent) Matthew: Why do you want your boyfriend to be your daddy?

Matthew: Why did you marry your dad

Matthew: I do love fantasizing about getting physically assaulted

Brook: Emo chicken little

Matthew: Before I was an illegal fisher lol

Matthew: Yo, Aaron hugged me yesterday and I wanted to kill myself

Matthew: Aaron hugged me, so easily the worst day of my life

Matthew: I mean I would be a fan of myself too if I wasn't myself

Matthew: I saw Paul do salsa dancing and hula hooping

Matthew: I had to act like a cat

Matthew: So yeah, the hamburger was the highlight of my day

Matthew: Also, there was a 7-year-old girl who made me feel super self-conscious

Matthew: I was just wondering if you wanted to help me establish communism its not like I like you BAKA

Matthew: Yesterday felt like an anime moment tho

Matthew: We're certified comedians. In fact, I would do stand-up comedy, but I don't like to stand. So call me up if they ever come out with sit-down comedy.

Matt to Chris: I'm your grandson and older brother, so I will help you with anything

Matt to Chris: It's pride month so say you and Brooklynn are a couple now

Matt: Perks of being unlovable are that I don't have to worry about weirdos loving me cause no one loves me :,)

Matt: Sorry, Chrissy. Since you're a man your mental problems don't matter

Matt: Men's mental issues simply don't matter cause we simply have less value

Matt: Pride month is ending soon, so this is fine, I guess

Matt: I'll stay a girl until the end of pride month

Matt: If I'm gonna be trans my name is gonna be Nymph

Matt: So don't worry, I'm not actually trans

Chris: Are you ready to become a lesbian?

Brook: If I don't fit with my soldiers I am no queen

Matt: Is Brook our sister?

Matt: Maybe you can be female Bryan

Brook: Don't test me, you little insect

Matt: Okay, now the convo is about intercourse

Matt: Where is my Asian

Matt: Like, bro, get a shirt on, I'm not trying to see that, okay?

Matt: I mean, Doki Doki literature club is gonna give me the feeling of loving someone, even if it is fake

Matt: Well, its pride month, and this month we celebrate the fact that we can be anything we want, so this month I shall be white

Brook: I married Slenderman once

Brook: I hope someone poops in *your* room, Matthew

Matt: Wait a second, I'm not allowed to date my employees?!

Matt: Time to blast Gwiyomi now as I fall asleep

Chris: Matt has fleas

Brook: I'm waiting to get killed on the bed so it looks like I'm sleeping

Matt: I don't fat-shame because I'm fat myself

Matt: I just went to the store to get an Xbox gift card so I could buy Doki Doki Literature Club. My mom asked me what game I wanted, and I said "Sonic Adventure 2" cause it would be difficult to explain that I'm so lonely that a visual novel is the only way I can feel love

Matt: I know I'm ugly but I refuse to be uglier than Ben

Matt: Also, pride month is over I can go back to being homophobic :D

Matt talking about Chris: Bruh, she literally just made a story about me dating a toilet paper holder

Chris: This is not poetry, this is a cry for help

Brook: Poetry girl is me now

Matt: Pride month is over, I am no longer trans.

Matt: Also, yes. It sounds like I'm in Iraq over here

Matt: This guy has so much oil in him, I'm surprised the USA hasn't invaded him yet

Matt: If you're ever about to die just let me know so I can collect your loot

Matt: Well thank you, I'm gonna go kill myself

Brook: Say that again and you won't have hands to type with

Matt: I picked up that pen, and that was my good deed for the day

Matt's dad: If I'm ever lost in the forest I can hang upside down on a tree and the animals will think I'm a coconut.

Brook: Matthew would be a terrible husband to cat people

Matt: I hope I'm just racist

Matt: We should start doing how fast we can get Brooklynn to leave speed-runs

Kayden to Chris: Every time I see a white person, I think of you

Michael: Elmo-san


Kayden: I'm praying for car-chan

Kayden: Your parents were Asian, and you had a crippled brother

Kayden: we all have to be a woman sometimes

Kayden: I hate shirtless people

Kayden to Chris: I forgot you liked men


Kayden to Chris: Wow, you’re very creative for a sleepy person

Kayden: I’m Anti-Emily

Matt: Maybe try adding some strawberries during social interactions to make it better

Matt: #Funfact Hatsune Miku is much cheaper than having an actual girlfriend

Brook: If I'm the queen I order you to shut up

Matt: Next I'm gonna get a Hatsune Miku body pillow

Brook: You can probably survive

Matt: Am I the giraffe :O

Matt: tabi started acting like a cat said Brianna liked me (romanticly) Said she but me some cat headphones so all of us could be a cat squad

Matt: I shall be your simp just tell me when you twitch stream my queen

Matt: licking bums is giving me rikishi flashbacks

Matt: Bruh this guy looks like he will ask to smell your breath to see if you took his mtn dew

Matt: since he is a furry and he likes you does that mean he thinks you're an animal?

Matt: Everyone needs milk

Brook: I wanna become a motorcycle

Matt: Nice guys finish last, but first is last, and last is first, therefore nice guys still finish last

Chris: Gon' get Ben to say "UwU Brook, don't be sad" and say it is Latin

Chris: Is Ben an OWO or UWU kind of guy

Matt: yes I am 16 that's why I understand a T-Rex would be a horrible firefighter

Chris: The government is a conspiracy run by sewer rats

Matt: also when is your next stream so I can donate my life savings

Matt: Bruh, if someone actually buys it I'm just gonna take the money get it all from the bank and go to Nepal where I intend to live as a goat

Matt: I'm not gonna be walking around with black Cheetos growing from my head

Matt: Im Big Mamma Mattaroni

Matt: I prefer the term '"man cherries" but whatever

Chris: he got hit in his Respectful peanuts

Brook: Matthew is not pog

Matt: Also, speaking of DNA test, why do they always test to see who the father is but they never test to see who the mother is?

Chris: Are you in UWU mode?

Brook: I am more dangerous than the entire state of Nebraska

Brook: I've never smelled Paul so I wouldn't know

Brook: he smells like a radioactive fluid

Brook: Germ water

Brook: Germ worm

Brook: Bro the chicken stole my enderman

Brook: oiugyoiae rt ty89tirh8 fsugy8yn 6y9yuis  you rat how darfe yo leVE ME TO HAV YTO DEAL ITH THAT EVIL DEMON MAN

Brook: I am a lot of peoples mother, but I am not your mother

Brook: How dare Matthew get a cute boy to like you... how dare he...

Brook: I would love a grass egg, but what?

Brook: Give me that fresh money

Brook: I will trade you for dummythicc

Brook: I have no dad

Brook: You don't have money what do you need to hold

Brook: He's bad and European

Christina: Anyway, Matthew OnlyFans confirmed

Christina: I religiously season my food

Brook: I'm a father so I'm out


Brook: I have 3 children, want one?

Matt: but I have the body of a 70-year-old alcoholic divorced dad

Matt: My favorite Sonic is *Racially Ambiguous Sonic* because he can't be racist

Matt: Yandere X Matthew Lillard Listener

Matt: Also, I just realized the people upstairs heard loud metal banging and me screaming in pain and no one came down to check what was going on

Matt: You hit me with the steel chair so hard I thought I felt my soul leave my body

Matt: Also, I decided I'm going vegan, but I'm not a  vegan when eating

Brook: Stop being the homo

Matt: Well I know one thing he can kiss

Matt: The stink bottom

Brook: White stay uncooked

Matt: I mean, my stalker can just come out and confess their undying love for me, because I'm desperate, okay?

Matt: I don't need college for being an online bf

Matt: My dad came into my room while I had "Caramelldansen" blasting in the background with flashing rainbow lights

Matt: I'm not cut out for work... I should become a stay at home mom

Matt: I'm not gonna say Chinese take out I thought you said you wanna make out

Christina: I still want to put his number up at a Starbucks and say it is a furry hotline

Matt: Wait, so... Moriah is a guy?

Matt: Whenever I'm hurtin' for a squirtin' I watch *Moist TV*

Kayden: Did you hear that cute little puke?

Kayden: When sonmene doesnt wanna go into ur balls u give them candy

Kayden: Yeah, and when they keep squirming when you want them in your balls you give them a different type of candy and theyll be paralyzed

Kayden: Do you dream of things that aren’t your dead pets


Kayden: I'm gonna catch his spit

Kayden: God is her bestie

Kayden: But I'm not gonna cry listening to miku

Michael: You stole my lesbian joke, I am mad at you

Kayden: You look like youre 6 and 30 at the same time

Kayden: I just sneezed because of your bull-crap

Kayden: I think I can look like a Kpop idol if I try

Kayden: shut it booty boy

Homie Quotes (OOT)

Brook: Matthew is dummy thicc

Matthew, to Brooklynn: This relationship won't work if you are gonna be the dominant one

Paul: I'm dating my mom

Ben: *making a protein shake at 4 am* it's not THAT loud

Zach, talking about Chris, to Bryan: This is my girlfriend

Tabi: get someone who looks at you like my dog looks at me when I have food

Chris: Zachary was the one that killed him

Brooklynn: You are a sad strange little man, and you have my pity.

Matthew: You often find things you want most in life...strange though, my youtube feed is filled with memes about death

Brook: lol you guys dead? Also Brook: * is never online*

Matthew: in fact whenever I do anything I eat food

Brook: You both bring me pain

Kayden: did you know the app says mariasoairha carieieies vocal range is like b2 to b7

Chris: Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna be dummy thicc If Matthew sticks around

Matthew, about somebody getting 4 dates: Wow that's 4 times as many dates that I got :c

Chris: Are you a part of the Big Tittie Committee?

Matthew: 'What's brown and sticky? Me' - |Matthew -2019 BC

Matthew:  'BC' stands for 'Before Coronavirus' btw

Brook: Easy Peasy, Rico Squeezy

Rozanne: Shicken

Zachary: I am we tall did

Silas: * Laughing * L i b e r a l s

Addy: I'm a VSCO girl, sksksksks

Matthew, to Brooklynn: No homo though

Brooklynn, asking about Matthew: Ain't he 5'5? Chris: ???

Ben: I'm a mommy's boy

Chris: You finna be looking like a dadgum traffic light

Chris: bro I'm finna bust you like a can of WD40 when it hit fire

Matthew: Gal don't you come to my street acting like you're a big waffle

Chris: I'm finna pull up to your house and make you into a waffle, you giant french toast stick

Matthew: Yo home dog, you straight up say that, well you're about to get the hizzy mizz, y'all already know I'm packing heat, and my pizza slices always got my back on de rat house, dog

Chris: pull up bruh, imma gall dang get you and roll you into a flatbread and make a pizza out of you

Matthew: yo home dog don't yall spit that in my face cause you already know ill straight-up pull up to your barbeque uninvited ill straight up Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda, and salt. In a separate bowl, cream together butter and brown sugar. Stir in eggs and mashed bananas until well blended. Stir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just to moisten. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan. Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 65 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf, comes out clean. Let bread cool in the pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack don't test me dog

Chris: You ain't gon' skrr skrr with no ankles, now are you, bro

Meg: Purple is the superior color- You mortals will soon understand

Chris: it's mainly just me trying to focus and my brain going, 'Now, you won't believe this, but...'

Chris: I was gon' say- you know how Astro's fandom name is Aroha? So, for some reason, the first thing I thought of was Scooby Doo trying to say "Aloha", and at that moment I realized I absolutely have lost my mind

Benben: I have a stomach bug, not an identity crisis

Kayden, talking about Tagalog: like respect to adults like mabantot ka po that means you are stinky WITH RESPECT

Benben: I've got a PINATA so I believe I am superior

Chris: Can I get my teacher to call me 'Scooby-Doo'? Asking for a friend...

Benben: What if I open up an OnlyFans but just of me laughing

Matthew: I think the vaccine to covid19 is stupidity so I'm immune

Matthew: stop if you keep sending me these images ill lose all my masculinity

Matthew: *sad giraffe noises*

Chris: I asked who has a crush on you and it said you / Matthew: Matthew Yes, Matthew? um, I don't know how to say this but

 but what? I LOVE YOU, O.O Matthew..... I don't like guys I run away

Chris, talking about her new phone: Now I can cry in HD

Matthew: oh yeah speaking of microwaves I need your help

Kayden: I just need my acne to clear up and wear eyeliner and I can make it as a kpop star

Kayden: my body pillow doesn’t love me:(

Maddie: Time to get my depression ice-cream

Benben: Stan water rat

Chris: let's name the water rat 'Post Malone'

Brook: My teacher is teaching me how to become a Minecraft character

Rozanne to Chris: Even your big lip looks pretty

Tabi: I'm so impatient, my horoscope said I need to have patience today

Benben: You know how crunchy roll is for anime? if you want to watch musicals, like Heathers, you get Scrunchy roll

Benben, chanting at Chris: RAMEN HEAD, RAMEN HEAD

Benben: I look like Katy Perry with short hair... you know-- it's a vibe though

Benben: I look, Uhm, drugs...

Benben: *Blinking profusely* "-is all I got out of your entire message.'

Benben: Hon hon hon, I am your french stalker

Matthew: I wish I was so stoned I was the rock

Matthew, talking about Brook: Shes turning 10 next year I'm so happy for her

Chris: My face is that of a chip

Brook: Your cheese is showing. You can't show your cheese

Brook: You can't just smack it, stretch it

Brook: My chunky baby, I call it Matthew

Matthew, taking bets on a fight: $100 on Chrissy

Chris: Oh, she's sweet but a Michael, A little bit Michael, At night she's screaming Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Josh, who is a diabetic: They say laughter is the cure to everything. unless you have diabetes..then I think insulin is better


Chris: Not Kayden our favorite eboy

Kayden: Tagalog is basically English Spanish

Kayden: he’s white so he prob won’t get it

Chris: LAMP = Laughing at my pain

Matt: Maybe because if you're white and you go to west Cleveland you turn into swiss cheese

Matt: Everything I have ever done in my life... all the blood sweat and tears, all the hardships, and struggles all of that trials and tribulations... ALL OF THAT, lead me to watching that video and because of that 30-second video I regret it all I wonder is there a different path I could have took to avoid that video

Chris: Arson, am I right?

Brook and Chris: I'm going to Cadillac a wreck

Chris: *boogies in singleness*

Matt: if I ever got a girlfriend my mom would unleash the hidden arts of Puerto Rico judo

Matt: Oh, don't worry, the bear and guy said 'no homo'

Matt: so obviously I flexed how fat and tall I am

Matt: To make it seem that I worked a lot harder on this than I actually did I'm gonna say no

Matt: so he is like 5 feet taller than brook

Matt: In an episode of Johnny Bravo- He goes up to a girl and asks her out, and the girl says, "I have a boyfriend," and Johnny is like, "You look like the kind of girl who needs two". Now I was joking around with Tabi, asking if Hailee was single, and Tabi said she had a boyfriend, and I was like she looks like the kind of girl who needs two. Now I thought that was it and I left. So fast forward I found out Tabi told this to HAILEE and worst of all Hailee told her boyfriend what I said O>O

Matt:  I'll give em that good left, right, goodnight,  you know what I'm saying

Matt, after firmly stating Shane turned 21: Oh, um, I meant he was 21 4 years ago.

Kayden to Chris:  do u live in the ghtoo part of cleavage land

Kayden: spider mummies who work at hooters

Kayden: but it's fine because I'm listening to Beyonce

Kayden: genitalman

Kayden: ugly ppl cant be horny

Kayden to Chris: if u don't like him u prob will have to settle for a white guy

Kayden: /e dance

Kayden to Chris: r u gonna stomp on me if u see me irl

Kayden: Ohioans am I right

Kayden to Chris: u should learn how to renegade

Kayden: I wanna be less white

Kayden to Chris: sksksksks with me

Kayden: cause we stan god here

Chris: Mariah Carey isn't dead yet, but if she was, man, she would be rolling in her grave

Matt:  it so long ago that I didn't even have a dad when we went

Matt: Bobby looks like he was a soldier who fought Vietnam and then heard popcorn popping

Matt: also I got scared for a moment thinking Mike made tik toks

Chris: I already get the badge of excuses called "I'm dumb because I was homeschooled"

Chris: I want to see you punt him like a football

Matt: 100 IQ move from Bobby

Chris: Where did the term "butterflies in my stomach" come from? Who ate some butterflies, then had their crush or something talk to them and go

"Hey, this reminds me of that time I ate some butterflies"

Chris: Out of nowhere, my one friend was talking about how she wanted to live out a grandma aesthetic- And I was like, "You want to see my grandmother's aesthetic?" And then proceeded to send a photo of a graveyard

Chris: I think I am just thrown off since you pulled an MJ lol

Matt: if I committed several war crimes in Iraq, no I didn't

Chris: I've ruined the joke because I can't type properly

Matt:  the microwave is the closet thing to baking I got and the closest thing to a baked treat I ever made was a Rice Krispy bar

Chris:  Like, If I were to rearrange the alphabet, I'd put P and U together because you stink

Matt: clear just means you can change colors easier - Chris: Listen, bro, I am not a chameleon


Chris: But that Lil' freak of nature works too

Kayden: can you ask sniffy guy if he plays Minecraft

Kayden: I might 1v1 Ethan

Kayden to Chris: I need the oldest people or people you dated so I can get clout if I kill them

Kayden: from ratatatpurilai

Chris: I will Milly rock on your grave

Kayden after being asked if he bakes:  No, but I watch the great British baking show, so I basically do

Kayden to Chris: you remind meof a doughnute

Kayden: invite them to look at the brothel

Chris: Murder is always an option

Kayden to Chris:  if my parents' divorce I'm blaming you

Kayden: is tmrw Obama

Kayden: emo couch

Kayden: yea, that dude is a disappointment, his fist is bigger than his face

Kayden: I wonder how many hot wheels I can fit in my mouth

Chris: What if Brook falls off? - Matt: from a ledge that is 12 inches high? Well, she will probably fall for a long time and it would be fatal... for the ground, not her.

Brook: Comply or die

Brook: I'm making Ben my maid of honor and he is gonna wear a purple dress

Chris to Matt: Maybe you could have turned into some Hallmark Christmas movie

Chris: I did the "Which Celebrity Are You" quiz and I kept getting people that died 

Brook to Matt: 736 you are a dude

Brook: Hello, fries. We meet again. But now I am America, so I am better than you

Brook: I'm amurica

Brook: yath quin

Chris to Matt: You are not the big cheeseburger you paint yourself to be

Shane: Remixxxxx

Chris: I am fluent in K-pop boy

Brook: Tears falling down at the party, Santa's getting high in the sleigh

Brook to Chris: Why are your feet on backward?!

Brook: The crunch back of Krispy Kreme

Brook to Matt: Ya like the big tooth mamas? 

Chris: By the time this is over with- my lifespan will have decreased so much that I'll just end up dead

Aaron: Uncle Bryan is my Uncle

Brook:  I didn't choose the simp life, the simp life chose me

Matt: I SIMP

Chris: I accidentally wrote a fanfiction between my brothers

Kayden: SpongeBob manifests his daddy issues


Kayden: I just finished my pedo anime :(

Kayden: this lightsaber goes in more places besides other peoples hearts

Kayden: It was like I was spooning with a ninja turtle

Matthew: Paul hit me with a metal chair today

Michael: Gotta simp equally for each other 

Michael: I think they're making a love action sleeping beauty and Matthew is the star princess

Ethan & Chris: French stoner 

Matthew: my first ASMR video should be "Kermit The Frog comforts you after a break up" or... "Po the Panda makes dumplings with you"

Matthew: I'm gonna start selling my bathwater 

Matthew, talking about the man chopping his ween off on a counter: I thought it was just another cooking video

Matt: Well if you got money ill be your girlfriend

Brook: That is biracial, but no the right

Matt: Please don't tell me the chaotic duo has united

Brook: You're a butt wiggle

Brook: I would marry him but he doesn't have arms

Brook: America has an anime boy

Chris: I've got to equip my arms

Chris: I don't trust a man with a hand

Chris: Pokemon rights, bro

Matt: Plus Niki Minaj is a WWE superstar so I appreciate the reference

Chris: 260p Garfield is my spirit animal

Chris: He put the SIMP in SHRIMP

Matt: why do you want me to fight this shrimp

Brook: I'll be able to see without my eyes

Chris: You want any ice cream? We don't have any, I just wanted to know

Michael: I spoke to a satanist and learned gay men like me

Matthew: today I saw Santa Claus riding on a fire truck being chased by cops

Matthew: I know this is random but I just realized my afro is getting stupidly big 

Matthew: You know on my 15th birthday I would have never guessed nearly a year later that I would be talking about if kissing the homies was homo

Brook: Do not disrespect God with your Ben sacrifice

Matthew: some guy with a weird voice telling me that I'm his girlfriend and explain why kettlebells suck

Matthew: get yourself a man who will give an apple

Matthew: My eyes are swollen so much that it looks like I have anime eyes

Matthew: Can I say hot girl cause the youth already thinks im bi

Chris's mom: I miss your teeth

Chris: Up your chances of being eaten by Simba

Brook: We are fabulous (not you Matthew)

Matthew: speaking of which I was chilling waiting to get the covid shot and I was holding my mom's purse cause she was busy and the guy was like the purse matches your eyes

Matthew: yo I can just imagine someone for real trying to kidnap me and I just laugh it off thinking it's you

Matthew: ***I can tell the untruth***

Matthew: Suicide is sounding pretty good now that I have seen this

Matthew: sadly jake paul appeared in a part of the show which ruined my day honestly

Matthew: get with the times old man praying to God is the slow way to reach him texting is the new thing brahhh

Chris: What if we put up Ben's phone number in Starbucks and tell people it is a furry hotline

Matthew: -Lyrics-           Gurl youdintjusaythat ahifj gurl saomggirl mathew  yasss girl broqueen should be hertosea this gurlll yassssssquennnnnnnnn

Matthew: him being cute is his only saving grace honestly

Matthew: Now if you excuse me imma just go to my queen shrine so  they  can whisper *"Don't Stop Me Now"*  softly into my ear

Matthew: Now if you excuse me I'm gonna go to my Goku shrine

Matthew: I like Minecraft cause I can build stuff just like how I want to build a relationship with my parents

Matthew: that sounds like being straight with extra steps

Matthew: Next time ill tell your dad to move out of the way, sit down for a few minutes then grab the tissue box, and then kick the song leader out and start singing Frank Sinatra songs. When brother Samuel eventually comes out to preach, ill say "Not in my house," ill then preach in brother Samuel's place and convert them all into my cat cult.

Matthew: someone other than my mum called me cute

Matthew: bald as a baby's bottom

Matthew: I would much rather go straight to the fiery pits of HFIL than to be bens boyfriend

Matthew: I block him out its honestly my only way to cope

Matthew: Jimmy neutron is a boy who can do some incredible things. Now, Jimmy neutron probably created a dimensional right machine, but it takes a ton of energy to just teleport one person. So jimmy gets his friend's Carl and Sheen so they can test out this machine! It works and Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen are teleported to our world! They try to teleport back after there creeped out by the way we all look! But Jimmy knows that the machine isn't at max power! But he doesn't tell anyone about it. Jimmy tries the machine and it works teleporting Carl and Jimmy back home! Sheen is left there Sheen tries to live a normal life but he becomes emotionally dead. He wants to keep his name Sheen but everyone just called him Shane so he switched his name to Shane. Shane now lives his life hating that he got betrayed by his best friend and he wishes he could return home so he could get revenge.

Chris: You don't seem like a good pony mother

Matthew: Bryan is just saying that causes he's too fat to go on a hike

Matthew: I don't play cooking I am cooking

Matthew: I got called thiccccccccc in class today

Matthew: Yes I do have forks shoved up Bryan

Brook: Doesn't Matthew have a dad?

Matthew: I'm bi-curious... curious about those biceps... no homo

Matthew: Arent all Asians white

Matthew: It's not racist because I'm black

Matthew: I wanted to cosplay as The Undertaker, but I never realized how much cleavage he shows, and I'm not that kind of guy

Matthew: I'll be racist for comedy

Matthew: It makes sense that she is tasty, she is black

Matthew: Black people are cannibals

Matthew: Black people probably taste better than white people

Matthew: I don't know what a ween is but ok

Matthew: I sometimes act like I never gave birth to him, honestly it's sometimes the only way I can cope

Matthew: I am a very respected little spoon

Matthew: Ben can not eat using me as a spoon

Matthew: If a fruitcake is someone who wants to beat up Bryan, then yes, I'm a fruitcake

(Typical Innocent) Matthew: Why do you want your boyfriend to be your daddy?

Matthew: Why did you marry your dad

Matthew: I do love fantasizing about getting physically assaulted

Brook: Emo chicken little

Matthew: Before I was an illegal fisher lol

Matthew: Yo, Aaron hugged me yesterday and I wanted to kill myself

Matthew: Aaron hugged me, so easily the worst day of my life

Matthew: I mean I would be a fan of myself too if I wasn't myself

Matthew: I saw Paul do salsa dancing and hula hooping

Matthew: I had to act like a cat

Matthew: So yeah, the hamburger was the highlight of my day

Matthew: Also, there was a 7-year-old girl who made me feel super self-conscious

Matthew: I was just wondering if you wanted to help me establish communism its not like I like you BAKA

Matthew: Yesterday felt like an anime moment tho

Matthew: We're certified comedians. In fact, I would do stand-up comedy, but I don't like to stand. So call me up if they ever come out with sit-down comedy.

Matt to Chris: I'm your grandson and older brother, so I will help you with anything

Matt to Chris: It's pride month so say you and Brooklynn are a couple now

Matt: Perks of being unlovable are that I don't have to worry about weirdos loving me cause no one loves me :,)

Matt: Sorry, Chrissy. Since you're a man your mental problems don't matter

Matt: Men's mental issues simply don't matter cause we simply have less value

Matt: Pride month is ending soon, so this is fine, I guess

Matt: I'll stay a girl until the end of pride month

Matt: If I'm gonna be trans my name is gonna be Nymph

Matt: So don't worry, I'm not actually trans

Chris: Are you ready to become a lesbian?

Brook: If I don't fit with my soldiers I am no queen

Matt: Is Brook our sister?

Matt: Maybe you can be female Bryan

Brook: Don't test me, you little insect

Matt: Okay, now the convo is about intercourse

Matt: Where is my Asian

Matt: Like, bro, get a shirt on, I'm not trying to see that, okay?

Matt: I mean, Doki Doki literature club is gonna give me the feeling of loving someone, even if it is fake

Matt: Well, its pride month, and this month we celebrate the fact that we can be anything we want, so this month I shall be white

Brook: I married Slenderman once

Brook: I hope someone poops in *your* room, Matthew

Matt: Wait a second, I'm not allowed to date my employees?!

Matt: Time to blast Gwiyomi now as I fall asleep

Chris: Matt has fleas

Brook: I'm waiting to get killed on the bed so it looks like I'm sleeping

Matt: I don't fat-shame because I'm fat myself

Matt: I just went to the store to get an Xbox gift card so I could buy Doki Doki Literature Club. My mom asked me what game I wanted, and I said "Sonic Adventure 2" cause it would be difficult to explain that I'm so lonely that a visual novel is the only way I can feel love

Matt: I know I'm ugly but I refuse to be uglier than Ben

Matt: Also, pride month is over I can go back to being homophobic :D

Matt talking about Chris: Bruh, she literally just made a story about me dating a toilet paper holder

Chris: This is not poetry, this is a cry for help

Brook: Poetry girl is me now

Matt: Pride month is over, I am no longer trans.

Matt: Also, yes. It sounds like I'm in Iraq over here

Matt: This guy has so much oil in him, I'm surprised the USA hasn't invaded him yet

Matt: If you're ever about to die just let me know so I can collect your loot

Matt: Well thank you, I'm gonna go kill myself

Brook: Say that again and you won't have hands to type with

Matt: I picked up that pen, and that was my good deed for the day

Matt's dad: If I'm ever lost in the forest I can hang upside down on a tree and the animals will think I'm a coconut.

Brook: Matthew would be a terrible husband to cat people

Matt: I hope I'm just racist

Matt: We should start doing how fast we can get Brooklynn to leave speed-runs

Kayden to Chris: Every time I see a white person, I think of you

Michael: Elmo-san


Kayden: I'm praying for car-chan

Kayden: Your parents were Asian, and you had a crippled brother

Kayden: we all have to be a woman sometimes

Kayden: I hate shirtless people

Kayden to Chris: I forgot you liked men


Kayden to Chris: Wow, you’re very creative for a sleepy person

Kayden: I’m Anti-Emily

Matt: Maybe try adding some strawberries during social interactions to make it better

Matt: #Funfact Hatsune Miku is much cheaper than having an actual girlfriend

Brook: If I'm the queen I order you to shut up

Matt: Next I'm gonna get a Hatsune Miku body pillow

Brook: You can probably survive

Matt: Am I the giraffe :O

Matt: tabi started acting like a cat said Brianna liked me (romanticly) Said she but me some cat headphones so all of us could be a cat squad

Matt: I shall be your simp just tell me when you twitch stream my queen

Matt: licking bums is giving me rikishi flashbacks

Matt: Bruh this guy looks like he will ask to smell your breath to see if you took his mtn dew

Matt: since he is a furry and he likes you does that mean he thinks you're an animal?

Matt: Everyone needs milk

Brook: I wanna become a motorcycle

Matt: Nice guys finish last, but first is last, and last is first, therefore nice guys still finish last

Chris: Gon' get Ben to say "UwU Brook, don't be sad" and say it is Latin

Chris: Is Ben an OWO or UWU kind of guy

Matt: yes I am 16 that's why I understand a T-Rex would be a horrible firefighter

Chris: The government is a conspiracy run by sewer rats

Matt: also when is your next stream so I can donate my life savings

Matt: Bruh, if someone actually buys it I'm just gonna take the money get it all from the bank and go to Nepal where I intend to live as a goat

Matt: I'm not gonna be walking around with black Cheetos growing from my head

Matt: Im Big Mamma Mattaroni

Matt: I prefer the term '"man cherries" but whatever

Chris: he got hit in his Respectful peanuts

Brook: Matthew is not pog

Matt: Also, speaking of DNA test, why do they always test to see who the father is but they never test to see who the mother is?

Chris: Are you in UWU mode?

Brook: I am more dangerous than the entire state of Nebraska

Brook: I've never smelled Paul so I wouldn't know

Brook: he smells like a radioactive fluid

Brook: Germ water

Brook: Germ worm

Brook: Bro the chicken stole my enderman

Brook: oiugyoiae rt ty89tirh8 fsugy8yn 6y9yuis  you rat how darfe yo leVE ME TO HAV YTO DEAL ITH THAT EVIL DEMON MAN

Brook: I am a lot of peoples mother, but I am not your mother

Brook: How dare Matthew get a cute boy to like you... how dare he...

Brook: I would love a grass egg, but what?

Brook: Give me that fresh money

Brook: I will trade you for dummythicc

Brook: I have no dad

Brook: You don't have money what do you need to hold

Brook: He's bad and European

Christina: Anyway, Matthew OnlyFans confirmed

Christina: I religiously season my food

Brook: I'm a father so I'm out


Brook: I have 3 children, want one?

Matt: but I have the body of a 70-year-old alcoholic divorced dad

Matt: My favorite Sonic is *Racially Ambiguous Sonic* because he can't be racist

Matt: Yandere X Matthew Lillard Listener

Matt: Also, I just realized the people upstairs heard loud metal banging and me screaming in pain and no one came down to check what was going on

Matt: You hit me with the steel chair so hard I thought I felt my soul leave my body

Matt: Also, I decided I'm going vegan, but I'm not a  vegan when eating

Brook: Stop being the homo

Matt: Well I know one thing he can kiss

Matt: The stink bottom

Brook: White stay uncooked

Matt: I mean, my stalker can just come out and confess their undying love for me, because I'm desperate, okay?

Matt: I don't need college for being an online bf

Matt: My dad came into my room while I had "Caramelldansen" blasting in the background with flashing rainbow lights

Matt: I'm not cut out for work... I should become a stay at home mom

Matt: I'm not gonna say Chinese take out I thought you said you wanna make out

Christina: I still want to put his number up at a Starbucks and say it is a furry hotline

Matt: Wait, so... Moriah is a guy?

Matt: Whenever I'm hurtin' for a squirtin' I watch *Moist TV*

Kayden: Did you hear that cute little puke?

Kayden: When sonmene doesnt wanna go into ur balls u give them candy

Kayden: Yeah, and when they keep squirming when you want them in your balls you give them a different type of candy and theyll be paralyzed

Kayden: Do you dream of things that aren’t your dead pets


Kayden: I'm gonna catch his spit

Kayden: God is her bestie

Kayden: But I'm not gonna cry listening to miku

Michael: You stole my lesbian joke, I am mad at you

Kayden: You look like youre 6 and 30 at the same time

Kayden: I just sneezed because of your bull-crap

Kayden: I think I can look like a Kpop idol if I try

Kayden: shut it booty boy