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17.2 Galvanic Cells

17.2 Galvanic Cells

  • It is often convenient to separate oxidation-reduction reactions into half-reactions in order to balance the equation and emphasize the actual chemical transformations.
  • When a clean piece of copper metal is placed in a solution of silver nitrate, silver metal begins to form and copper ion pass into the solution.
    • The blue color of the solution shows the presence of copper.
    • The reaction may be split into two parts.
  • Each reaction can be considered individually, because half-reactions separate oxidation from the reduction.

  • An oxidation reduction reaction occurs when a piece of copper is placed into a solution of silver nitrate.
    • As the reaction proceeds, the solution becomes blue because of the copper ion present, and silver metal is deposited on the copper strip as the silver ion are removed from solution.
    • There is a metal in this picture.
    • The anode is connected to a wire and the other terminal is connected to a silver electrode.
    • There is no current flow at this point because the circuit is open.
    • The circuit is closed using a bridge.
    • The salt bridge consists of a concentrated, nonreactive, electrolyte solution.
    • When electrons flow from left to right through the wire, they pass through a porous plug on the left into the copper nitrate solution.
    • The beaker on the left is neutral by the charge on the copper(II) ion that are produced in the solution.
  • The added cations keep the beaker on the neutral side.
  • Without the bridge, the compartments wouldn't stay neutral and the current wouldn't flow.
    • There is no need for a salt bridge if the two compartments are in direct contact.
    • The energy per unit charge available from the oxidation-reduction reaction is a measure of the cell potential.
  • A is the current in amperes and C is the charge in coulombs.
    • The energy in joules can be obtained if the charge in coulombs is multiplied by the volts.
  • In a standard galvanic cell, the half-cells are separated and the electrons can flow through an external wire.
  • There is a lot going on in this system so it is useful to summarize things.
  • oxidation occurs in the left half-cell and the anode is in the left half-cell.
  • The right half-cell has the cathode because reduction occurs here.
  • The left half-cell isOxidation in the figure.
  • The right half-cell is where the reduction occurs.
  • The inherent differences in the nature of the materials used to make the two half-cells lead to the cell potential being +0.46 V.
  • The salt bridge must be present to close the circuit and both an oxidation and reduction must occur for the current to flow.
  • A shorthand notation is used to describe galvanic cells.
    • It works for other types of cells as well.
    • A double line and a phase boundary are marked by a vertical line.
    • Information about the anode is written to the left, followed by the solution, then the bridge, and finally the solution to the right.
    • The initial concentrations of the various ion are usually included.
  • The Daniell cell is one of the least complicated cells.
    • It is possible to make a battery by placing a copper electrode at the bottom of a jar and covering the metal with a copper sulfate solution.
    • A zinc sulfate solution is floated on top of a copper sulfate solution and a zinc electrode is placed in the zinc sulfate solution.
    • An electric current can flow if the copper and zinc are connected.
    • An example of a cell without a salt bridge is this one.
  • Some oxidation-reduction reactions involve species that are poor conductors of electricity, and so an electrode is used that does not participate in the reactions.
    • There are many chemical reactions in which the gold, Platinum, and Graphite are not present.
    • At the anode on the left, magnesium undergoes oxidation, while hydrogen ion reduction takes place on the right.

  • Platinum and gold are generally unreactive.

  • The oxidation and reduction half-reactions can be written using cell notation.
  • When three electrons are lost to form Cu, Cu is reduced as it gains two electrons to form Cu.
    • Oxidation occurs at the anode.

  • When one electron is lost to form Fe3+, and five electrons are gained to form Mn2+, it undergoes oxidation.
  • Oxidation occurs at the anode.
  • The galvanic cell is where copper and zinc are reduced to copper and zinc, respectively.

17.2 Galvanic Cells

  • It is often convenient to separate oxidation-reduction reactions into half-reactions in order to balance the equation and emphasize the actual chemical transformations.
  • When a clean piece of copper metal is placed in a solution of silver nitrate, silver metal begins to form and copper ion pass into the solution.
    • The blue color of the solution shows the presence of copper.
    • The reaction may be split into two parts.
  • Each reaction can be considered individually, because half-reactions separate oxidation from the reduction.

  • An oxidation reduction reaction occurs when a piece of copper is placed into a solution of silver nitrate.
    • As the reaction proceeds, the solution becomes blue because of the copper ion present, and silver metal is deposited on the copper strip as the silver ion are removed from solution.
    • There is a metal in this picture.
    • The anode is connected to a wire and the other terminal is connected to a silver electrode.
    • There is no current flow at this point because the circuit is open.
    • The circuit is closed using a bridge.
    • The salt bridge consists of a concentrated, nonreactive, electrolyte solution.
    • When electrons flow from left to right through the wire, they pass through a porous plug on the left into the copper nitrate solution.
    • The beaker on the left is neutral by the charge on the copper(II) ion that are produced in the solution.
  • The added cations keep the beaker on the neutral side.
  • Without the bridge, the compartments wouldn't stay neutral and the current wouldn't flow.
    • There is no need for a salt bridge if the two compartments are in direct contact.
    • The energy per unit charge available from the oxidation-reduction reaction is a measure of the cell potential.
  • A is the current in amperes and C is the charge in coulombs.
    • The energy in joules can be obtained if the charge in coulombs is multiplied by the volts.
  • In a standard galvanic cell, the half-cells are separated and the electrons can flow through an external wire.
  • There is a lot going on in this system so it is useful to summarize things.
  • oxidation occurs in the left half-cell and the anode is in the left half-cell.
  • The right half-cell has the cathode because reduction occurs here.
  • The left half-cell isOxidation in the figure.
  • The right half-cell is where the reduction occurs.
  • The inherent differences in the nature of the materials used to make the two half-cells lead to the cell potential being +0.46 V.
  • The salt bridge must be present to close the circuit and both an oxidation and reduction must occur for the current to flow.
  • A shorthand notation is used to describe galvanic cells.
    • It works for other types of cells as well.
    • A double line and a phase boundary are marked by a vertical line.
    • Information about the anode is written to the left, followed by the solution, then the bridge, and finally the solution to the right.
    • The initial concentrations of the various ion are usually included.
  • The Daniell cell is one of the least complicated cells.
    • It is possible to make a battery by placing a copper electrode at the bottom of a jar and covering the metal with a copper sulfate solution.
    • A zinc sulfate solution is floated on top of a copper sulfate solution and a zinc electrode is placed in the zinc sulfate solution.
    • An electric current can flow if the copper and zinc are connected.
    • An example of a cell without a salt bridge is this one.
  • Some oxidation-reduction reactions involve species that are poor conductors of electricity, and so an electrode is used that does not participate in the reactions.
    • There are many chemical reactions in which the gold, Platinum, and Graphite are not present.
    • At the anode on the left, magnesium undergoes oxidation, while hydrogen ion reduction takes place on the right.

  • Platinum and gold are generally unreactive.

  • The oxidation and reduction half-reactions can be written using cell notation.
  • When three electrons are lost to form Cu, Cu is reduced as it gains two electrons to form Cu.
    • Oxidation occurs at the anode.

  • When one electron is lost to form Fe3+, and five electrons are gained to form Mn2+, it undergoes oxidation.
  • Oxidation occurs at the anode.
  • The galvanic cell is where copper and zinc are reduced to copper and zinc, respectively.