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Writing Lewis structures 381 (c)J.S. are based on the Covalent Bond.

Action boxes and Chemical Mysteries give specific examples of chemistry as active and evolving in all aspects of acid and balance in the Stomach.

The Gas Laws icons allow the student and instructor to know that a video is available for a specific topic. There are videos in the ebook.

The study of change the measuring device and obtain more significant figures, but in every case, the last digit is always uncertain; the amount of this uncertainty depends on the particular measuring device we use.

The figure shows a balance. Balances such as this one can be used in general chemistry laboratories to measure the mass of objects. The mass will typically have four significant figures, for example, 0.8642 g or more.

Keeping track of the number of significant figures in a measurement such as mass ensures that calculations involving the data will reflect the precision of the measurement.

We must always be careful when writing sig nificant figures. Any digit that isn't zero is significant. There are four significant figures in 1.234 kg.

There are zeros between digits.

The first nonzero digit has zeros to the left of it. The purpose is to show the location of the decimal point. For example, 0.08 L has one significant figure, and 0.0000349 g has three significant figures.

The zeros written to the right of the decimal point are significant figures if the number is greater than 1. 40.062 mL has five significant figures, and 3.040 dm has four significant figures. 0.090 kg has two significant figures, 0.3005 L has four significant figures, and so on.

The trailing zeros after the last nonzero digit may or may not be significant for numbers that do not contain decimal points. 400 cm may have one significant figure, two significant figures, or three significant figures. We don't know which is correct. We avoid this ambiguity by using scientific notation.

The thirteenth edition is a continuation of the tradition.

In this case, we can express the number 400 as 4 x 102 for one sig, which means that we have a firm foundation in the concepts of chemical cess to over 1,000 digital learn.

The SmartBook version of this example shows the determination of significant figures.

Over 200 videos of chemistry faculty solving chemical topics in a logical format are included in the learning that is presented by presenting a broad range of resources. We try to explain concepts at all times.

In the electronic version of the text, all the learning determines the number of significant figures in the following measurements.

The steps of the scientific method are summarized. Substances can be categorized as elements or compounds. Take a look at the three states of matter.

Dimensional analysis can be used to solve problems.

The ability to send was in that section.

Elements are the simplest substances in chemistry.

Substances can exist in three states. A systematic approach to re solid, liquid, and gas is what the scientific method is about. The interconversion between these All chapters now has a comprehensive list of learning search that begins with the gathering of information states.

Changes in matter are studied by chemists.

The form ment of their students can be seen in the numbers expressed in scientific notation.

Scientific notation helps us identify their unique chemical properties by their location in the chapter. Each learn handle large and small quantities.

Evaluate the importance of experiments conducted by Thomson, Millikan, Rontgen, and Rutherford. Discuss the different types of radiation produced by radioactive substances. Give other relevant information and use the mass number of an isotope to solve it. The periodic table has metalloids, nonmetals, groups, and periods. The rules of nomenclature can be used to name the different types of compounds. The common polyatomic ion has formulas and charges.

The mass of one element combined with a fixed which states that all matter is composed of small particles called atoms, was the basis of modern chemistry.

An atom consists of a very dense central nucleus with different elements combined in whole-number ratios and that atoms are not created or destroyed in about the nucleus at a relatively large distance from it.

Nuclear particles have no 2 and are positively charged. The elements in a particular com charge are negatively charged. The pound is always combined in the same proportions as the mass, which is the law of definite proportions.

The development of problem-solving skills has always been reorganized so that they correlate with the main objective of the text. There are two major cates to a section. The heading for a group gories of learning is shown next in many cases.

The changes should make it easier to use the strategy and solution.

Some illustrations have been reasonable.

A similar problem in order to become proficient in graphs has been updated for new insights. Chemical topics and applications are included in the practice exercises.

In the end-of-chapter problem section, there are more similar problems listed in the margin note.

Review questions precede problems in each section.

A revised discussion of the difference between inten and facts includes sive and extensive properties.

The maps show the electron density distribution. The language that helps students understand versus limiting reagents has been made consistent.

There are figures and tables in reality.

The Chapter Outline and A Look are used to start the chapter.

Where of chemical concepts are where analogies are used.

How do you estimate the thinking needed to succeed in chemistry?

The student can do other problems of the same type. There are answers to learn about the science of scuba diving and nuclear at the end of the medicine.

The water supply is often affected by MgCO3), which are widespread on Earth's surface. Table 4.2 states that calcium carbonate is easy to access in review and study.

Some household and industrial uses are not suited for hard water.

The scale almost fills the pipe.

In household hot-water pipes it is possible to restrict or block the flow of water.

The main student is calcium carbonate.

CaCO3 is converted to CaCl2.

He reaction between the text and the diagrams is accurate.

Blue ion are shown.

The Student Solution Manual contains answers to the Review of Concepts.

He spent the last six years of his life in the ocean.

Cu(NO3)2 and (NH4)2S are some of the problems.

The French royal family wanted to prevent Napoleon from returning to France and the governor of St.Helena, who did not get along with Napoleon, are the prime suspects.

Arsenic is not harmful. If administered over a period of time, As2O3 is hard to detect and is tasteless.

James Marsh created a procedure for detecting arsenic in the 18th century.

This test combines hydrogen formed by the reaction be lowed by Problems to test the student's skill in zinc and sulfuric acid with a sample of the suspected poison. A toxic gas, arsine, can be formed if As2O3 is present. arsenic is recognized by its metallic luster when arsine gas is heated. It was too late to deter murder by As2O3 and Napoleon was a victim of arsenic poisoning, so the Marsh test was useless.

A solution containing arsenic(III) oxide is added to zinc metal.

Arsine oxidizes to arsenic, which has a metallic appearance, and hydrogen gas.

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Students can use a computer or mobile device to view and analyze data. It was found in clinics and labs. A virtual coach gives subtle hints to find what they want to study. The student can reflect on and correct those mis Connect Chemistry and as a stand-alone with the help of tegrity needed, asks questions about the student's choices, and is available as an integrated feature of McGraw-Hill.

The Student Solutions manual contains detailed solutions for selected problems, as well as answers to the Practice Exercises. There are problem-solving strategies that surround each chapter's most important topics and problem types.

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General chemistry is one of the key words that will help you review for more difficult subjects. There are exams.

chemistry has a very specialized vocabulary and can be studied in con thing. Studying chemistry is similar to learning a new language at the beginning of the text.

Some of the concepts are abstract.

You might even enjoy studying the worked-out examples in the body course. Here of each chapter you will find some suggestions to help you form good study habits and carry out the calcula correctly.

Take notes when attending classes.

The same day they are covered in class, always review the topics discussed in solve the type of problem illustrated in the exam class. Use it. You can supplement your notes with the answers to the practice exercises.

Stand the meaning of a term or use an equation for additional practice.

Explaining the example is a good way to test your understanding.

Do not hesitate to ask if your class is organized by section.

The guide explains how to take full advantage when you solve problems or study related to text, technology, and other tools.

You can use the outline to organize your notes in class.

We begin with a brief introduction to the study of chemistry and describe its role in our modern society. The scientific method is a systematic approach to research in all scientific disciplines.

A pure substance can either be an element or a com pound. There are two types of mixture, a heterogeneous mixture and a homogeneous mixture.

All matter can be found in one of three states: solid, liquid, and gas. We need to know the physical properties of a substance, which can be observed without changing its identity and chemical properties.

Being an experimental science, chemistry has to be measured. The SI units are used for quantities like volume and density. We are familiar with the three temperature scales.

The scientific notation is a convenient way to deal with large or small numbers in chemical calculations. Every quantity must show the proper number of significant figures, which are the meaningful digits.

In chemical calculations, multidimensional analysis is useful. The units will cancel if they are carried through the entire sequence of calculations.

Figuring out real-world problems involves making assumptions.

chemistry is a modern science, but its roots are ancient.

The study of chemistry will begin at the macroscopic level, where we can see and measure the materials of our world. The scientific method provides the framework for research in chemistry and all other sciences.

Scientists define and describe matter. We will learn how to solve numerical problems and handle numerical results. We will begin to explore the world of atoms and molecules in Chapter 2.

Students of biology, physics, ecology, geology, and many other subjects need a basic knowledge of chemistry to succeed. Without it, we would be living shorter lives in what we would consider primitive conditions, without automobiles, electricity, computers, CDs, and many other everyday conveniences.

The foundation of chemistry was laid in the 19th century when scientists were able to break down substances into smaller components and explain their physical and chemical characteristics. The rapid development of increasingly sophisticated technology throughout the twentieth century has given us even greater means to study things that can't be seen with the naked eye.

In the twenty-first century, what part of the central science will there be?

chemistry will play an important role in all areas of science and technology. Before diving into the study of matter and its transformation, let us consider some of the frontiers that chemists are currently exploring.

Regardless of your reasons for taking general chemistry, a good knowledge of the subject will allow you to appreciate its impact on society and on you as an individual.

At the introductory level, chemistry is thought to be more difficult than other subjects. For one thing, chemistry has a very specialized vocabulary. Even if this is your first class in chemistry, you already have a good idea of what to expect. In everyday conversations we hear words that have a chemical connection, but they may not be used in the correct way. Oil and water don't mix in the kitchen and boiling water left on the stove will evaporate.

Inc./Alamy has a stock photo of the water where you are going to kill eggs. We don't think about the chemical nature of the changes we observe.

Some students find it confusing that their chemistry instructor and text book are constantly shifting between the two worlds. The data for chemical investigations most often come from observations of large-scale phenomena, but the explanations are hidden in the unseen and partially imagined world of atoms and molecules. A chemist might think about the basic properties of iron and how these units interact with other atoms and molecules when looking at the rusted nails in Figure 1.2.

For example, a psychologist who wants to know how noise affects people's ability to learn chemistry and a chemist who wants to measure the heat given off when hydrogen gas burns in air would both do the same thing. Carefully defining the problem is the first step.

Chemists use symbols and equations to record their observations. A common basis for communication with other chemists is provided by this form of representa tion.

There are three levels of studying chemistry.

Interpretation is the next step in the scientific method when the experiments have been completed and the data has been recorded. In order to test the validity of the hypothesis in as many ways as possible, further ex periments are devised.

It is desirable to summarize the information in a concise way after a large amount of data has been collected. The law states that an increase in the mass of an object will always increase its force proportionally, and a decrease in the mass of an object will always decrease it.

Hypotheses may evolve into theories. Theories are constantly being tested. If a theory is disproved by an experiment, then it must be changed or discarded. It can take years, even centuries, for a theory to be proven or disproved.

Atomic theory is a case in point. The principle of chemistry was proposed by an ancient Greek philosopher.

Scientific progress is usually step-by-step.

Sometimes a law precedes a theory. Two scien tists may start working on a project with the same goal, but will end up taking different approaches. Humans are influenced by their background, training, and personality, and scientists are no different.

The development of science has been irregular.

Great discoveries are usually the result of the cumulative contributions of many workers, even though the credit for formulating a theory or a law is usually only given to one individual.

It takes an alert and well-trained person to recognize the significance of a discovery and to take full advantage of it. Most of the time, the public learns only spectacular scientific discoveries. There are hundreds of cases in which scientists have spent years working on projects that ended in failure, and in which positive achievements came only after many wrong turns and at a slow pace that they went unheralded. The dead ends contribute to the knowledge about the physical universe. Many scientists stay in the laboratory because of the love of the search.

The process we call the scien tific method is shown in the search for the answer to the question.

The discov research teams independently proposed mechanisms for the existence of the Higgs boson on July 4, 2012. The interaction of lisions requires a specific boson associated with a huge amount of data obtained from two independent sets of the field to produce a single event. Experiments that confirm the findings are more important than the number of these bosons. The interaction in science will be with the field. The interaction is never done. Our understanding can always be property we call mass, and the field and the associated boson improved or refined, and sometimes entire tenets of accepted sci came to be named for Peter Higgs, one of the original physicists ence are replaced by another theory that does a better job explain to propose this mechanism

If the theory is correct, the "Higgs boson" is the only particle that gives mass to matter, or if it is one of the most heralded quests in modern science.

Over the long run, the scientific method has proven to be our best way of understanding the physical world. It took a lot of work to find the evidence for the boson. In these 50 years for experimental science to confirm the existence of experiments, protons are accelerated to nearly the speed of light. This discovery was greeted with great fanfare in opposite directions in a 17-mile tunnel, and then the following year the prize was awarded, generating even more fundamental particles for Peter and Francois, another one of very high energies. The data is examined for evidence of the six original scientists who first proposed the existence of a excess of particles at an energy consistent with a theoretical pre universal field that gives particles their mass. It is not possible to say the name of the particle. The ongoing process of theory imagines where science will take our understanding of the uni suggesting experiments that give results used to evaluate and verse in the next 50 years, but we can be fairly certain that ultimately refine the theory, and so on, is the essence of the many theories and experiments driving

A student is collecting data for a sample.

Section 1.1 defines chemistry as the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. Matter includes things we can see and touch, as well as things we can't. Everything in the universe has a chemical connection.

The subcategories of matter are determined by composition and properties. We will consider the classifications of matter in Chapter 2.

Water, ammonia, table sugar, and gold are examples.

Substances can be identified by their ap pearance, smell, taste, and other properties.

Air, soft drinks, milk, and cement are some examples. There is not a constant composition. The composition of the samples of air collected in different cities would probably be different.

Heterogeneity is defined as either homogeneous or heterogeneous. The sand grains and iron filings are separate if sand is mixed with iron.

Any mixture can be rated by physical means into pure components without changing the identities of the compo nents. It is possible to recover sugar from a water solution by heating and drying it. The water component will be given back if we Condense the Vapor. The compo nents of the mixture will be the same as before.

Substances can be elements or compounds. 118 elements have been positively identified. Most of them happen on Earth.

Chapter 19 of this text is about the creation of the others by scientists.

CO is the formula for the carbon monoxide molecule, whereas Co is the symbol for the elementcobalt. The names and symbols of some elements are shown in Table 1.1.

The elements can form compounds by interacting with each other.

The properties of hydrogen gas are different from those of the starting materials. Water has two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Regardless of whether the water comes from a faucet in the United States, a lake in Outer Mongolia, or the ice caps on Mars, this composition does not change. Com pounds can only be separated by chemical means.

Each sphere is a representation of an atom.

There are different colored atoms.

All substances can be found in three states: solid, liquid, and gas. The distances between the atoms of gases are shown in Figure 1.6.

The atoms in a liquid are close together and can move past one another. In a gas, the atoms are separated by distances that are larger than the molecule.

The three states of matter can be converted without changing the composition of the substance. Ice will form a liquid after heating.

A cooling of a gas will cause it to condense. The liquid will form a solid form when it is cooled further. The molecule in the liquid state of water is packed more tightly than the molecule in the solid state.

An ice cube is in a container. The ice cube will melt and the water will boil to form steam.

Substances are identified by their properties. Physical properties include color, melt ing point, and boiling point.

We can freeze the water to recover the original ice because it is a physical change. The melting point of a substance is a physical property. We are referring to a physical property when we say that helium gas is lighter than air.

The original chemical substance, the hydrogen gas, will no longer exist after the change.

We bring about a chemical change when we hard-boil an egg. The chemical makeup of the egg white and the yolk is altered when they are sub jected to a temperature of about 100degC. This is an example of a chemical change. The chemical properties of the food and the enzymes affect what happens during digestion.

More matter means more people. The property's values can be added together. The mass of two copper pennies is the sum of the mass of each penny, and the length of two tennis courts is the sum of the lengths of each tennis court.

The amount of matter affects the value of an exten sive quantity.

So is the temperature. We could have two beakers with 100 mL of water each. The temperature of the combined quantities of water will be the same as it was in two separate beakers if we combine them. The density of the combined quantities of water will be the same as the original quantities. The temperature and density of water are not dependent on the amount of water present. The temperature and other intensive properties are not the same as mass, length, and vol ume.

The diagram in (a) shows a compound made up of atoms of two elements in a liquid state.

Determine which properties are intensive and which are extensive.

Other related quantities can be obtained using the measurements made by the chemists. The meterstick measures length or scale; the buret, the pipet, the graduated cylinder, and the volumetric flask measure volume; the balance measures mass; and the thermometer measures temperature.

A measured quantity is usually written as a number. The distance between New York and San Francisco by car is meaningless. The distance is 5166 kilometers. The same is true in chemistry, units are needed to say the right things.

The seven SI base units are shown in Table 1.2.

The base units can be used to derive all other units of measurement. SI units are modified in a way similar to metric units, as shown in Table 1.3. The book will use metric and SI units.

Time, mass, volume, density, and temperature are some of the things we will use frequently in our study of chemistry.

The terms "mass" and "weight" are not the same. Earth's gravity pulls an apple down from a tree. The weight of the apple does not depend on where it is located. The moon's gravity is only one-sixth that of Earth, so the apple on the moon would only weigh one-sixth of what it does on Earth. Despite their bulky suits and equipment, astronauts were able to jump freely on the moon's surface.

Volume is an example of a measured quantity.

The liter is a unit of volume.

The figure compares the relative sizes of two volumes. Even though the liter is not an SI unit, volumes are usually expressed in liters and milliliters.

Density is measured with derived units.

The density decreases with temperature.

The SI-derived unit for density is the kilogram. The unit is large for most chemical applications.

The measurement is at 1 atmosphere.

Os is the densest element known.

The densities are listed in Table 1.4.

A precious metal that is unreactive is gold. It's used in jewelry, dentistry, and electronic devices. A piece of gold with a mass of 301 g has a volume of 15.3 cm3.

The mass and volume are given to us.

A piece of metal with a density of 21.5 g/ cm3 has a volume of 4.29 cm3.

The density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL.

The mass of the liquid is calculated.

We are told the density and volume of the liquid and asked to calculate its mass.

The car battery's density of sulfuric acid is 1.41 g/mL.

The mass of the liquid is calculated.

There are three temperature scales in use.

The boiling and freezing points of water are defined by the Fahrenheit scale. The range between the freezing point and boiling point is divided into 100 degrees on the Celsius scale. The zero on the scale is the lowest temperature that can be reached. 0degF and 0degC are based on the behavior of water.

The degree on the Fahrenheit scale is 100/180, or 5/9, of a degree on the Celsius scale.

One degree Celsius is equivalent to one kelvin on the Celsius scale. Abso lute zero is equivalent to -273.15degC on the Celsius scale, according to experimental studies.

It is necessary to convert between degrees Celsius and de grees Fahrenheit.

The importance of units is shown in the chemistry in action essay.

Its melting point should be converted tokelvins.

After a 416-million-mile journey, the spacecraft was supposed to go into Martian orbit on September 23, 1999.

The failure to convert English measurement units into metric units in the navigation software caused the loss of the spaceship.

The thrust in pounds was specified by the engineers who built the spaceship. The scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory assumed that the thrust data they received was ex pressed in metric units. The pound is the unit for mass. 1 lbs is the force due to attraction on an object of that mass.

1 newton is 1 kg m/s2. The scientists treated it as 1 N instead of converting 1 lbs of force to lbs.

The melting point of lead, the boiling point of ethanol, and the boiling point of liquid nitrogen can be converted.

Platinum has a density of 21.45 g/ cm3.

The melting point of adamantane is 518 degrees.

The density of copper is at 20 and 60 degrees.

After surveying some of the units used in chemistry, we now turn to techniques for Hann dling numbers associated with measurements: scientific notation and significant figures.

Chemists deal with numbers that are either large or small.

It is easy to make mistakes when using these numbers in computations.

It would be easy to add one more zero after the decimal point.

It is said that any number expressed in this way will be written.

Suppose we are given a number and asked to express it in scientific notation.

There are two points to keep in mind.

The scientific notation for 74.6 is 7.46 x 10 and not 7.46 x 101.

We will look at how scientific notation is handled in operations.

The exponents are the same.

2 as usual and subtract the exponents.

It is not possible to get the exact value of the quan tity under investigation if all the numbers are integers. The last digit is uncertain when significant figures are used. We can use a graduated cylinder with a scale that gives an uncertainty of 1 mL in the mea surement to measure the volume of a given amount of liquid. The actual volume is in the range of 5 to 7 mL if the volume is found to be 6 mL. The volume of the liquid is represented by 6 +- 1 mL. The digit 6 is uncertain by either plus or minus 1 mL.

We could use a graduated cylinder that has fine divisions, so that the volume we measure is less than 0.1 mL. If the volume of the liquid is found to be 6.0 mL, we can say the quantity is between 6.0 and 6.1 mL.

The study of change the measuring device and obtain more significant figures, but in every case, the last digit is always uncertain; the amount of this uncertainty depends on the particular measuring device we use.

The figure shows a balance. Balances such as this one can be used in general chemistry laboratories to measure the mass of objects. The mass will typically have four significant figures, for example, 0.8642 g or more.

Keeping track of the number of significant figures in a measurement such as mass ensures that calculations involving the data will reflect the precision of the measurement.

We must always be careful when writing sig nificant figures. Any digit that isn't zero is significant. There are four significant figures in 1.234 kg.

There are zeros between digits.

The first nonzero digit has zeros to the left of it. The purpose is to show the location of the decimal point. For example, 0.08 L has one significant figure, and 0.0000349 g has three significant figures.

The zeros written to the right of the decimal point are significant figures if the number is greater than 1. 40.062 mL has five significant figures, and 3.040 dm has four significant figures. Only the zeros at the end of the number and the zeros between zero digits are significant if the number is less than 1. 0.090 kg has two significant figures, 0.3005 L has four significant figures, and so on.

The trailing zeros after the last nonzero digit may or may not be significant for numbers that do not contain decimal points. 400 cm may have one significant figure, two significant figures, or three significant figures. We don't know which is correct. We avoid this ambiguity by using scientific notation.

In this case, we can express the number 400 as 4 x 102 for one sig Student data indicates you may have a figure of two or three significant figures.

The figure determination is shown in example 1.4.

Determine the number of significant figures in the following numbers: (a) 394 cm, (b) 5.03 g, (c) 0.714 m, (d) 0.052 kg, and (e) 2.720 x 1022 atoms.

The zeros written to the right of the decimal point are significant figures because the number is greater than one.

The proper number of significant figures is shown in this example.

Determine the number of significant figures in each measurement.

There are two sets of rules for handling significant figures in calculations.

The answer cannot have more digits to the right of the original numbers than the original numbers.

The procedure for rounding off is the same as before. If the first digit is less than 5, we drop the digits that follow. If we want only two digits after the decimal point, 8.724 rounds off to 8.72. If the first digit is equal to or greater than 5, we add 1 to the preceding digit.

For example, the inch is defined to be 2.54 centimeters; that is, 1 in equals 2.54 cm Thus, the " 2.54" in the equation should not be interpreted as a measured number with three significant figures. We use conversion between "in" and " cm" to calculate the number of significant fig ures.

The answer has two significant figures.

The number 9 does not determine the number of significant figures.

The eBook shows how significant figures are handled.

The correct number of significant figures are: (a) 12,343.2 g + 0.1893 g, (b) 55.67 L - 2.386 L, and (c) 7.52 m x 6.9232.

The number of decimal places in the answer is determined by the number with the lowest number. The significant number of the answer is determined by the smallest number of significant figures.

The answer is 5.50 x 103 cm.

The answers to the appropriate number of significant figures should be carried out with the following operations.

The rounding-off procedure applies to one-step calculations. Depending on how we round off, we can get a different answer.

Let's suppose that A is 3.66, B is 8.45, and D is 2.11.

If we had not rounded off the intermediate answer, we would have obtained 65.3 as the answer for E. All answers, intermediate and final, will be rounded for most examples and end-of-chapter problems.

Three students are asked to determine the mass of a piece of copper wire.

Highly accurate measurements are also usually accurate. Highly precise measurements don't necessarily mean accurate results. A faulty balance may give incorrect readings.

The rulers you use for the measurement should be given the length of the pencil.

The density of the alloy was measured with the following results: 10.28 g/ cm3, 9.97 g/ cm3 and 10.15 g/ cm3.

A metal cube was measured using a laboratory balance.

Accurate numerical results can be achieved by careful measurements, the proper use of figures, and correct cal culations. To be meaningful, the answers must be expressed in the desired units.

The relationship between units that express the same physical quantity is the basis of dimensional analysis.

The fraction is equal to 1 because both the numerator and the denominator express the same length. The conversion factor can be written as 2.54 cm 1 which is equal to 1. Changing units can be done with conversion factors. If we want to convert a length expressed in inches to centimeters, we use the conversion factor.

The conversion factor that cancels the unit inches is what we choose. The result is expressed in four significant figures because 2.54 is an exact number.

Let's look at the conversion of 57.8 meters to centimeters.

The answer has three significant figures. The number of significant figures are not affected by the conversion factor 1 cm/1 x 10-2 m.

The units are carried through the entire sequence. If the equation is set up correctly, all the units will cancel. If this is not the case, then an error must have been made somewhere, and it can usually be spotted by reviewing the solution.

You will be able to solve numerical problems with the help of scientific notation, significant figures, anddimensional analysis. Many of the problems in chemistry are quantitative. Practice is the key to success. You cannot be sure of your understanding of chemistry if you only memorize the musical score and not solve the problems. The following steps will help you solve numerical problems.

Carefully read the question. Understand the information and what you are asked to do. It is helpful to sketch out the situation.

The equation relates the given information and the unknown quantity. You may be expected to look up quantities in tables that are not provided in the problem if you solve a problem that involves more than one step. Conversions are often carried out with Dimensional analysis.

Check your answer for the correct sign, units, and significant figures.

Being able to judge whether the answer is reasonable is an important part of problem solving. It's easy to spot a wrong sign. The answer would be too small even if the sign and units of the calculation were correct.

You can check the answer by rounding off the numbers in the calculation in Student data.

Access your eBook for additional will be close to the correct answer.

There are learning resources on this topic.

A person's average daily intake of sugar is 0.0833 pound.

The problem has a relationship between pounds and grams.

A metric conversion is needed to convert grams to milligrams. If you arrange the conversion factors correctly, pounds and grams will be canceled and the unit milligrams will be obtained in your answer.

We estimate that 1lb is 500g and that 1g is 1000g.

Rounding off 0.0833 lbs to 0.1 lbs, we get 5 x 104 lbs, which is close to the preceding quantity.

A roll of aluminum foil has a mass.

Conversion factors can be squared or cubed in analysis.

1 x 10-2 m is 1000 cm3 and 1 cm.

1 cm3 is 1 x 10 m3.

You can see that 1 L is 1 x 10-3 m3 from the preceding conversion factors.

The answer is 0.25 m3 because a 275-L storage tank would be equal to that amount.

The volume of a room is small.

Liquid nitrogen can be used to prepare frozen goods. The liquid has a density of 0.808 g/ cm3.

Writing Lewis structures 381 (c)J.S. are based on the Covalent Bond.

Action boxes and Chemical Mysteries give specific examples of chemistry as active and evolving in all aspects of acid and balance in the Stomach.

The Gas Laws icons allow the student and instructor to know that a video is available for a specific topic. There are videos in the ebook.

The study of change the measuring device and obtain more significant figures, but in every case, the last digit is always uncertain; the amount of this uncertainty depends on the particular measuring device we use.

The figure shows a balance. Balances such as this one can be used in general chemistry laboratories to measure the mass of objects. The mass will typically have four significant figures, for example, 0.8642 g or more.

Keeping track of the number of significant figures in a measurement such as mass ensures that calculations involving the data will reflect the precision of the measurement.

We must always be careful when writing sig nificant figures. Any digit that isn't zero is significant. There are four significant figures in 1.234 kg.

There are zeros between digits.

The first nonzero digit has zeros to the left of it. The purpose is to show the location of the decimal point. For example, 0.08 L has one significant figure, and 0.0000349 g has three significant figures.

The zeros written to the right of the decimal point are significant figures if the number is greater than 1. 40.062 mL has five significant figures, and 3.040 dm has four significant figures. 0.090 kg has two significant figures, 0.3005 L has four significant figures, and so on.

The trailing zeros after the last nonzero digit may or may not be significant for numbers that do not contain decimal points. 400 cm may have one significant figure, two significant figures, or three significant figures. We don't know which is correct. We avoid this ambiguity by using scientific notation.

The thirteenth edition is a continuation of the tradition.

In this case, we can express the number 400 as 4 x 102 for one sig, which means that we have a firm foundation in the concepts of chemical cess to over 1,000 digital learn.

The SmartBook version of this example shows the determination of significant figures.

Over 200 videos of chemistry faculty solving chemical topics in a logical format are included in the learning that is presented by presenting a broad range of resources. We try to explain concepts at all times.

In the electronic version of the text, all the learning determines the number of significant figures in the following measurements.

The steps of the scientific method are summarized. Substances can be categorized as elements or compounds. Take a look at the three states of matter.

Dimensional analysis can be used to solve problems.

The ability to send was in that section.

Elements are the simplest substances in chemistry.

Substances can exist in three states. A systematic approach to re solid, liquid, and gas is what the scientific method is about. The interconversion between these All chapters now has a comprehensive list of learning search that begins with the gathering of information states.

Changes in matter are studied by chemists.

The form ment of their students can be seen in the numbers expressed in scientific notation.

Scientific notation helps us identify their unique chemical properties by their location in the chapter. Each learn handle large and small quantities.

Evaluate the importance of experiments conducted by Thomson, Millikan, Rontgen, and Rutherford. Discuss the different types of radiation produced by radioactive substances. Give other relevant information and use the mass number of an isotope to solve it. The periodic table has metalloids, nonmetals, groups, and periods. The rules of nomenclature can be used to name the different types of compounds. The common polyatomic ion has formulas and charges.

The mass of one element combined with a fixed which states that all matter is composed of small particles called atoms, was the basis of modern chemistry.

An atom consists of a very dense central nucleus with different elements combined in whole-number ratios and that atoms are not created or destroyed in about the nucleus at a relatively large distance from it.

Nuclear particles have no 2 and are positively charged. The elements in a particular com charge are negatively charged. The pound is always combined in the same proportions as the mass, which is the law of definite proportions.

The development of problem-solving skills has always been reorganized so that they correlate with the main objective of the text. There are two major cates to a section. The heading for a group gories of learning is shown next in many cases.

The changes should make it easier to use the strategy and solution.

Some illustrations have been reasonable.

A similar problem in order to become proficient in graphs has been updated for new insights. Chemical topics and applications are included in the practice exercises.

In the end-of-chapter problem section, there are more similar problems listed in the margin note.

Review questions precede problems in each section.

A revised discussion of the difference between inten and facts includes sive and extensive properties.

The maps show the electron density distribution. The language that helps students understand versus limiting reagents has been made consistent.

There are figures and tables in reality.

The Chapter Outline and A Look are used to start the chapter.

Where of chemical concepts are where analogies are used.

How do you estimate the thinking needed to succeed in chemistry?

The student can do other problems of the same type. There are answers to learn about the science of scuba diving and nuclear at the end of the medicine.

The water supply is often affected by MgCO3), which are widespread on Earth's surface. Table 4.2 states that calcium carbonate is easy to access in review and study.

Some household and industrial uses are not suited for hard water.

The scale almost fills the pipe.

In household hot-water pipes it is possible to restrict or block the flow of water.

The main student is calcium carbonate.

CaCO3 is converted to CaCl2.

He reaction between the text and the diagrams is accurate.

Blue ion are shown.

The Student Solution Manual contains answers to the Review of Concepts.

He spent the last six years of his life in the ocean.

Cu(NO3)2 and (NH4)2S are some of the problems.

The French royal family wanted to prevent Napoleon from returning to France and the governor of St.Helena, who did not get along with Napoleon, are the prime suspects.

Arsenic is not harmful. If administered over a period of time, As2O3 is hard to detect and is tasteless.

James Marsh created a procedure for detecting arsenic in the 18th century.

This test combines hydrogen formed by the reaction be lowed by Problems to test the student's skill in zinc and sulfuric acid with a sample of the suspected poison. A toxic gas, arsine, can be formed if As2O3 is present. arsenic is recognized by its metallic luster when arsine gas is heated. It was too late to deter murder by As2O3 and Napoleon was a victim of arsenic poisoning, so the Marsh test was useless.

A solution containing arsenic(III) oxide is added to zinc metal.

Arsine oxidizes to arsenic, which has a metallic appearance, and hydrogen gas.

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Students can use a computer or mobile device to view and analyze data. It was found in clinics and labs. A virtual coach gives subtle hints to find what they want to study. The student can reflect on and correct those mis Connect Chemistry and as a stand-alone with the help of tegrity needed, asks questions about the student's choices, and is available as an integrated feature of McGraw-Hill.

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General chemistry is one of the key words that will help you review for more difficult subjects. There are exams.

chemistry has a very specialized vocabulary and can be studied in con thing. Studying chemistry is similar to learning a new language at the beginning of the text.

Some of the concepts are abstract.

You might even enjoy studying the worked-out examples in the body course. Here of each chapter you will find some suggestions to help you form good study habits and carry out the calcula correctly.

Take notes when attending classes.

The same day they are covered in class, always review the topics discussed in solve the type of problem illustrated in the exam class. Use it. You can supplement your notes with the answers to the practice exercises.

Stand the meaning of a term or use an equation for additional practice.

Explaining the example is a good way to test your understanding.

Do not hesitate to ask if your class is organized by section.

The guide explains how to take full advantage when you solve problems or study related to text, technology, and other tools.

You can use the outline to organize your notes in class.

We begin with a brief introduction to the study of chemistry and describe its role in our modern society. The scientific method is a systematic approach to research in all scientific disciplines.

A pure substance can either be an element or a com pound. There are two types of mixture, a heterogeneous mixture and a homogeneous mixture.

All matter can be found in one of three states: solid, liquid, and gas. We need to know the physical properties of a substance, which can be observed without changing its identity and chemical properties.

Being an experimental science, chemistry has to be measured. The SI units are used for quantities like volume and density. We are familiar with the three temperature scales.

The scientific notation is a convenient way to deal with large or small numbers in chemical calculations. Every quantity must show the proper number of significant figures, which are the meaningful digits.

In chemical calculations, multidimensional analysis is useful. The units will cancel if they are carried through the entire sequence of calculations.

Figuring out real-world problems involves making assumptions.

chemistry is a modern science, but its roots are ancient.

The study of chemistry will begin at the macroscopic level, where we can see and measure the materials of our world. The scientific method provides the framework for research in chemistry and all other sciences.

Scientists define and describe matter. We will learn how to solve numerical problems and handle numerical results. We will begin to explore the world of atoms and molecules in Chapter 2.

Students of biology, physics, ecology, geology, and many other subjects need a basic knowledge of chemistry to succeed. Without it, we would be living shorter lives in what we would consider primitive conditions, without automobiles, electricity, computers, CDs, and many other everyday conveniences.

The foundation of chemistry was laid in the 19th century when scientists were able to break down substances into smaller components and explain their physical and chemical characteristics. The rapid development of increasingly sophisticated technology throughout the twentieth century has given us even greater means to study things that can't be seen with the naked eye.

In the twenty-first century, what part of the central science will there be?

chemistry will play an important role in all areas of science and technology. Before diving into the study of matter and its transformation, let us consider some of the frontiers that chemists are currently exploring.

Regardless of your reasons for taking general chemistry, a good knowledge of the subject will allow you to appreciate its impact on society and on you as an individual.

At the introductory level, chemistry is thought to be more difficult than other subjects. For one thing, chemistry has a very specialized vocabulary. Even if this is your first class in chemistry, you already have a good idea of what to expect. In everyday conversations we hear words that have a chemical connection, but they may not be used in the correct way. Oil and water don't mix in the kitchen and boiling water left on the stove will evaporate.

Inc./Alamy has a stock photo of the water where you are going to kill eggs. We don't think about the chemical nature of the changes we observe.

Some students find it confusing that their chemistry instructor and text book are constantly shifting between the two worlds. The data for chemical investigations most often come from observations of large-scale phenomena, but the explanations are hidden in the unseen and partially imagined world of atoms and molecules. A chemist might think about the basic properties of iron and how these units interact with other atoms and molecules when looking at the rusted nails in Figure 1.2.

For example, a psychologist who wants to know how noise affects people's ability to learn chemistry and a chemist who wants to measure the heat given off when hydrogen gas burns in air would both do the same thing. Carefully defining the problem is the first step.

Chemists use symbols and equations to record their observations. A common basis for communication with other chemists is provided by this form of representa tion.

There are three levels of studying chemistry.

Interpretation is the next step in the scientific method when the experiments have been completed and the data has been recorded. In order to test the validity of the hypothesis in as many ways as possible, further ex periments are devised.

It is desirable to summarize the information in a concise way after a large amount of data has been collected. The law states that an increase in the mass of an object will always increase its force proportionally, and a decrease in the mass of an object will always decrease it.

Hypotheses may evolve into theories. Theories are constantly being tested. If a theory is disproved by an experiment, then it must be changed or discarded. It can take years, even centuries, for a theory to be proven or disproved.

Atomic theory is a case in point. The principle of chemistry was proposed by an ancient Greek philosopher.

Scientific progress is usually step-by-step.

Sometimes a law precedes a theory. Two scien tists may start working on a project with the same goal, but will end up taking different approaches. Humans are influenced by their background, training, and personality, and scientists are no different.

The development of science has been irregular.

Great discoveries are usually the result of the cumulative contributions of many workers, even though the credit for formulating a theory or a law is usually only given to one individual.

It takes an alert and well-trained person to recognize the significance of a discovery and to take full advantage of it. Most of the time, the public learns only spectacular scientific discoveries. There are hundreds of cases in which scientists have spent years working on projects that ended in failure, and in which positive achievements came only after many wrong turns and at a slow pace that they went unheralded. The dead ends contribute to the knowledge about the physical universe. Many scientists stay in the laboratory because of the love of the search.

The process we call the scien tific method is shown in the search for the answer to the question.

The discov research teams independently proposed mechanisms for the existence of the Higgs boson on July 4, 2012. The interaction of lisions requires a specific boson associated with a huge amount of data obtained from two independent sets of the field to produce a single event. Experiments that confirm the findings are more important than the number of these bosons. The interaction in science will be with the field. The interaction is never done. Our understanding can always be property we call mass, and the field and the associated boson improved or refined, and sometimes entire tenets of accepted sci came to be named for Peter Higgs, one of the original physicists ence are replaced by another theory that does a better job explain to propose this mechanism

If the theory is correct, the "Higgs boson" is the only particle that gives mass to matter, or if it is one of the most heralded quests in modern science.

Over the long run, the scientific method has proven to be our best way of understanding the physical world. It took a lot of work to find the evidence for the boson. In these 50 years for experimental science to confirm the existence of experiments, protons are accelerated to nearly the speed of light. This discovery was greeted with great fanfare in opposite directions in a 17-mile tunnel, and then the following year the prize was awarded, generating even more fundamental particles for Peter and Francois, another one of very high energies. The data is examined for evidence of the six original scientists who first proposed the existence of a excess of particles at an energy consistent with a theoretical pre universal field that gives particles their mass. It is not possible to say the name of the particle. The ongoing process of theory imagines where science will take our understanding of the uni suggesting experiments that give results used to evaluate and verse in the next 50 years, but we can be fairly certain that ultimately refine the theory, and so on, is the essence of the many theories and experiments driving

A student is collecting data for a sample.

Section 1.1 defines chemistry as the study of matter and the changes it undergoes. Matter includes things we can see and touch, as well as things we can't. Everything in the universe has a chemical connection.

The subcategories of matter are determined by composition and properties. We will consider the classifications of matter in Chapter 2.

Water, ammonia, table sugar, and gold are examples.

Substances can be identified by their ap pearance, smell, taste, and other properties.

Air, soft drinks, milk, and cement are some examples. There is not a constant composition. The composition of the samples of air collected in different cities would probably be different.

Heterogeneity is defined as either homogeneous or heterogeneous. The sand grains and iron filings are separate if sand is mixed with iron.

Any mixture can be rated by physical means into pure components without changing the identities of the compo nents. It is possible to recover sugar from a water solution by heating and drying it. The water component will be given back if we Condense the Vapor. The compo nents of the mixture will be the same as before.

Substances can be elements or compounds. 118 elements have been positively identified. Most of them happen on Earth.

Chapter 19 of this text is about the creation of the others by scientists.

CO is the formula for the carbon monoxide molecule, whereas Co is the symbol for the elementcobalt. The names and symbols of some elements are shown in Table 1.1.

The elements can form compounds by interacting with each other.

The properties of hydrogen gas are different from those of the starting materials. Water has two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Regardless of whether the water comes from a faucet in the United States, a lake in Outer Mongolia, or the ice caps on Mars, this composition does not change. Com pounds can only be separated by chemical means.

Each sphere is a representation of an atom.

There are different colored atoms.

All substances can be found in three states: solid, liquid, and gas. The distances between the atoms of gases are shown in Figure 1.6.

The atoms in a liquid are close together and can move past one another. In a gas, the atoms are separated by distances that are larger than the molecule.

The three states of matter can be converted without changing the composition of the substance. Ice will form a liquid after heating.

A cooling of a gas will cause it to condense. The liquid will form a solid form when it is cooled further. The molecule in the liquid state of water is packed more tightly than the molecule in the solid state.

An ice cube is in a container. The ice cube will melt and the water will boil to form steam.

Substances are identified by their properties. Physical properties include color, melt ing point, and boiling point.

We can freeze the water to recover the original ice because it is a physical change. The melting point of a substance is a physical property. We are referring to a physical property when we say that helium gas is lighter than air.

The original chemical substance, the hydrogen gas, will no longer exist after the change.

We bring about a chemical change when we hard-boil an egg. The chemical makeup of the egg white and the yolk is altered when they are sub jected to a temperature of about 100degC. This is an example of a chemical change. The chemical properties of the food and the enzymes affect what happens during digestion.

More matter means more people. The property's values can be added together. The mass of two copper pennies is the sum of the mass of each penny, and the length of two tennis courts is the sum of the lengths of each tennis court.

The amount of matter affects the value of an exten sive quantity.

So is the temperature. We could have two beakers with 100 mL of water each. The temperature of the combined quantities of water will be the same as it was in two separate beakers if we combine them. The density of the combined quantities of water will be the same as the original quantities. The temperature and density of water are not dependent on the amount of water present. The temperature and other intensive properties are not the same as mass, length, and vol ume.

The diagram in (a) shows a compound made up of atoms of two elements in a liquid state.

Determine which properties are intensive and which are extensive.

Other related quantities can be obtained using the measurements made by the chemists. The meterstick measures length or scale; the buret, the pipet, the graduated cylinder, and the volumetric flask measure volume; the balance measures mass; and the thermometer measures temperature.

A measured quantity is usually written as a number. The distance between New York and San Francisco by car is meaningless. The distance is 5166 kilometers. The same is true in chemistry, units are needed to say the right things.

The seven SI base units are shown in Table 1.2.

The base units can be used to derive all other units of measurement. SI units are modified in a way similar to metric units, as shown in Table 1.3. The book will use metric and SI units.

Time, mass, volume, density, and temperature are some of the things we will use frequently in our study of chemistry.

The terms "mass" and "weight" are not the same. Earth's gravity pulls an apple down from a tree. The weight of the apple does not depend on where it is located. The moon's gravity is only one-sixth that of Earth, so the apple on the moon would only weigh one-sixth of what it does on Earth. Despite their bulky suits and equipment, astronauts were able to jump freely on the moon's surface.

Volume is an example of a measured quantity.

The liter is a unit of volume.

The figure compares the relative sizes of two volumes. Even though the liter is not an SI unit, volumes are usually expressed in liters and milliliters.

Density is measured with derived units.

The density decreases with temperature.

The SI-derived unit for density is the kilogram. The unit is large for most chemical applications.

The measurement is at 1 atmosphere.

Os is the densest element known.

The densities are listed in Table 1.4.

A precious metal that is unreactive is gold. It's used in jewelry, dentistry, and electronic devices. A piece of gold with a mass of 301 g has a volume of 15.3 cm3.

The mass and volume are given to us.

A piece of metal with a density of 21.5 g/ cm3 has a volume of 4.29 cm3.

The density of mercury is 13.6 g/mL.

The mass of the liquid is calculated.

We are told the density and volume of the liquid and asked to calculate its mass.

The car battery's density of sulfuric acid is 1.41 g/mL.

The mass of the liquid is calculated.

There are three temperature scales in use.

The boiling and freezing points of water are defined by the Fahrenheit scale. The range between the freezing point and boiling point is divided into 100 degrees on the Celsius scale. The zero on the scale is the lowest temperature that can be reached. 0degF and 0degC are based on the behavior of water.

The degree on the Fahrenheit scale is 100/180, or 5/9, of a degree on the Celsius scale.

One degree Celsius is equivalent to one kelvin on the Celsius scale. Abso lute zero is equivalent to -273.15degC on the Celsius scale, according to experimental studies.

It is necessary to convert between degrees Celsius and de grees Fahrenheit.

The importance of units is shown in the chemistry in action essay.

Its melting point should be converted tokelvins.

After a 416-million-mile journey, the spacecraft was supposed to go into Martian orbit on September 23, 1999.

The failure to convert English measurement units into metric units in the navigation software caused the loss of the spaceship.

The thrust in pounds was specified by the engineers who built the spaceship. The scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory assumed that the thrust data they received was ex pressed in metric units. The pound is the unit for mass. 1 lbs is the force due to attraction on an object of that mass.

1 newton is 1 kg m/s2. The scientists treated it as 1 N instead of converting 1 lbs of force to lbs.

The melting point of lead, the boiling point of ethanol, and the boiling point of liquid nitrogen can be converted.

Platinum has a density of 21.45 g/ cm3.

The melting point of adamantane is 518 degrees.

The density of copper is at 20 and 60 degrees.

After surveying some of the units used in chemistry, we now turn to techniques for Hann dling numbers associated with measurements: scientific notation and significant figures.

Chemists deal with numbers that are either large or small.

It is easy to make mistakes when using these numbers in computations.

It would be easy to add one more zero after the decimal point.

It is said that any number expressed in this way will be written.

Suppose we are given a number and asked to express it in scientific notation.

There are two points to keep in mind.

The scientific notation for 74.6 is 7.46 x 10 and not 7.46 x 101.

We will look at how scientific notation is handled in operations.

The exponents are the same.

2 as usual and subtract the exponents.

It is not possible to get the exact value of the quan tity under investigation if all the numbers are integers. The last digit is uncertain when significant figures are used. We can use a graduated cylinder with a scale that gives an uncertainty of 1 mL in the mea surement to measure the volume of a given amount of liquid. The actual volume is in the range of 5 to 7 mL if the volume is found to be 6 mL. The volume of the liquid is represented by 6 +- 1 mL. The digit 6 is uncertain by either plus or minus 1 mL.

We could use a graduated cylinder that has fine divisions, so that the volume we measure is less than 0.1 mL. If the volume of the liquid is found to be 6.0 mL, we can say the quantity is between 6.0 and 6.1 mL.

The study of change the measuring device and obtain more significant figures, but in every case, the last digit is always uncertain; the amount of this uncertainty depends on the particular measuring device we use.

The figure shows a balance. Balances such as this one can be used in general chemistry laboratories to measure the mass of objects. The mass will typically have four significant figures, for example, 0.8642 g or more.

Keeping track of the number of significant figures in a measurement such as mass ensures that calculations involving the data will reflect the precision of the measurement.

We must always be careful when writing sig nificant figures. Any digit that isn't zero is significant. There are four significant figures in 1.234 kg.

There are zeros between digits.

The first nonzero digit has zeros to the left of it. The purpose is to show the location of the decimal point. For example, 0.08 L has one significant figure, and 0.0000349 g has three significant figures.

The zeros written to the right of the decimal point are significant figures if the number is greater than 1. 40.062 mL has five significant figures, and 3.040 dm has four significant figures. Only the zeros at the end of the number and the zeros between zero digits are significant if the number is less than 1. 0.090 kg has two significant figures, 0.3005 L has four significant figures, and so on.

The trailing zeros after the last nonzero digit may or may not be significant for numbers that do not contain decimal points. 400 cm may have one significant figure, two significant figures, or three significant figures. We don't know which is correct. We avoid this ambiguity by using scientific notation.

In this case, we can express the number 400 as 4 x 102 for one sig Student data indicates you may have a figure of two or three significant figures.

The figure determination is shown in example 1.4.

Determine the number of significant figures in the following numbers: (a) 394 cm, (b) 5.03 g, (c) 0.714 m, (d) 0.052 kg, and (e) 2.720 x 1022 atoms.

The zeros written to the right of the decimal point are significant figures because the number is greater than one.

The proper number of significant figures is shown in this example.

Determine the number of significant figures in each measurement.

There are two sets of rules for handling significant figures in calculations.

The answer cannot have more digits to the right of the original numbers than the original numbers.

The procedure for rounding off is the same as before. If the first digit is less than 5, we drop the digits that follow. If we want only two digits after the decimal point, 8.724 rounds off to 8.72. If the first digit is equal to or greater than 5, we add 1 to the preceding digit.

For example, the inch is defined to be 2.54 centimeters; that is, 1 in equals 2.54 cm Thus, the " 2.54" in the equation should not be interpreted as a measured number with three significant figures. We use conversion between "in" and " cm" to calculate the number of significant fig ures.

The answer has two significant figures.

The number 9 does not determine the number of significant figures.

The eBook shows how significant figures are handled.

The correct number of significant figures are: (a) 12,343.2 g + 0.1893 g, (b) 55.67 L - 2.386 L, and (c) 7.52 m x 6.9232.

The number of decimal places in the answer is determined by the number with the lowest number. The significant number of the answer is determined by the smallest number of significant figures.

The answer is 5.50 x 103 cm.

The answers to the appropriate number of significant figures should be carried out with the following operations.

The rounding-off procedure applies to one-step calculations. Depending on how we round off, we can get a different answer.

Let's suppose that A is 3.66, B is 8.45, and D is 2.11.

If we had not rounded off the intermediate answer, we would have obtained 65.3 as the answer for E. All answers, intermediate and final, will be rounded for most examples and end-of-chapter problems.

Three students are asked to determine the mass of a piece of copper wire.

Highly accurate measurements are also usually accurate. Highly precise measurements don't necessarily mean accurate results. A faulty balance may give incorrect readings.

The rulers you use for the measurement should be given the length of the pencil.

The density of the alloy was measured with the following results: 10.28 g/ cm3, 9.97 g/ cm3 and 10.15 g/ cm3.

A metal cube was measured using a laboratory balance.

Accurate numerical results can be achieved by careful measurements, the proper use of figures, and correct cal culations. To be meaningful, the answers must be expressed in the desired units.

The relationship between units that express the same physical quantity is the basis of dimensional analysis.

The fraction is equal to 1 because both the numerator and the denominator express the same length. The conversion factor can be written as 2.54 cm 1 which is equal to 1. Changing units can be done with conversion factors. If we want to convert a length expressed in inches to centimeters, we use the conversion factor.

The conversion factor that cancels the unit inches is what we choose. The result is expressed in four significant figures because 2.54 is an exact number.

Let's look at the conversion of 57.8 meters to centimeters.

The answer has three significant figures. The number of significant figures are not affected by the conversion factor 1 cm/1 x 10-2 m.

The units are carried through the entire sequence. If the equation is set up correctly, all the units will cancel. If this is not the case, then an error must have been made somewhere, and it can usually be spotted by reviewing the solution.

You will be able to solve numerical problems with the help of scientific notation, significant figures, anddimensional analysis. Many of the problems in chemistry are quantitative. Practice is the key to success. You cannot be sure of your understanding of chemistry if you only memorize the musical score and not solve the problems. The following steps will help you solve numerical problems.

Carefully read the question. Understand the information and what you are asked to do. It is helpful to sketch out the situation.

The equation relates the given information and the unknown quantity. You may be expected to look up quantities in tables that are not provided in the problem if you solve a problem that involves more than one step. Conversions are often carried out with Dimensional analysis.

Check your answer for the correct sign, units, and significant figures.

Being able to judge whether the answer is reasonable is an important part of problem solving. It's easy to spot a wrong sign. The answer would be too small even if the sign and units of the calculation were correct.

You can check the answer by rounding off the numbers in the calculation in Student data.

Access your eBook for additional will be close to the correct answer.

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A person's average daily intake of sugar is 0.0833 pound.

The problem has a relationship between pounds and grams.

A metric conversion is needed to convert grams to milligrams. If you arrange the conversion factors correctly, pounds and grams will be canceled and the unit milligrams will be obtained in your answer.

We estimate that 1lb is 500g and that 1g is 1000g.

Rounding off 0.0833 lbs to 0.1 lbs, we get 5 x 104 lbs, which is close to the preceding quantity.

A roll of aluminum foil has a mass.

Conversion factors can be squared or cubed in analysis.

1 x 10-2 m is 1000 cm3 and 1 cm.

1 cm3 is 1 x 10 m3.

You can see that 1 L is 1 x 10-3 m3 from the preceding conversion factors.

The answer is 0.25 m3 because a 275-L storage tank would be equal to that amount.

The volume of a room is small.

Liquid nitrogen can be used to prepare frozen goods. The liquid has a density of 0.808 g/ cm3.