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Vampire primarily from eastern European, Slavic folklore


"Slavs" means "people of the word"

Slavic languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Polish etc.

Slav: "word"

Ethno-centric way of viewing their own language

  • Thought they had the one true language

Really only


Slavs are ethno-linguistic group

  • Linked ethically + linguistically


German person: nyemets

  • Literally means "the dummy"
  • Thought Germans were stupid bc they spoke a diff language


Sources of Study

Slavic prehistory is difficult to study

Had no native writing sys

Have no early first-hand accounts of the Slavs

4 main sources of study

  1. Historical sources
  2. Outside writings about slavs by other ppl
  3. Ppl who had contact about slavs w.o being slavic
  4. Skewed bc they didn't understand the culture or were racist
  5. Archaeology
  6. Slavic grave sites, temple sites etc.
  7. i.e. worshipped dead ancestors (like Day of the Dead)
  8. Ethnography
  9. Look at modern day ethnicity to try to interpret how things may have been done thousands of years ago
  10. Many things haven't changed a lot
  11. i.e. recipes, clothing
  12. Linguistics
  13. Important I
  14. Slavic languages are all interrelated, used to be one language originally
  15. One mother tongue
  16. When they developed into diff cultures, became diff languages over time
  17. If you know one Slavic language, it is easy to pick up on another
  18. Allowed ppl to understand parts of the past

Carpathian Mountains

Where did the Slavs settle originally?

  • Know they'd been in contact w. ancient Chinese
  • Migrated west to E Europe to Carpathian Mountains
  • Original Slavic homeland was roughly btwn modern Poland + Ukraine
  • Found word for one type of tree is same in all Slavic languages, found the geography that matched that tree


Slavic Settlements

  1. Personal level
  2. Slavs lived jointly
  3. Extensive family underr 1 roof
  4. Rule of elders: respect your elders
  5. Grandmother = babushka
  6. Respect of elders is still present in modern day Slavic culture
  7. Territorial level
  8. Everything was held + used in common
  9. Lived in communist utopia almost
  10. Often migrated along rivers --> easy transport
  11. Communal lifestyle
  12. Economic Level
  13. Primary concern was benefit of the whole over the individual
  14. If one year a harvest didn't go well, everyone suffers
  15. Benefit of whole was built into cultural mentality of slavs
  16. Some areas they migrated to were very inhospitable at certain periods of the year
  17. Suffering is good for you, dealing with it will make you a better person
  18. Russian winter
  19. The General Winter
  20. Benefit of the whole so everyone has better chance of survival


  • Slavs were a matriarchy
  • Women had primary positions of power
  • Babushka is representation of old matriarchical traditions
  • Peaceful
  • No evidence of weaponry for warfare until after 476 AD
  • Patriarchy eventually takes control in Slavic countries
  • Bear + wolf: important animals in Slavic culture


First Slavic Migration

5 main things that contributed to this movement

  1. Collapse of Roman Empire 476 AD
  2. Western Rome (Italy) fell
  3. Eastern Rome (Byzantines, Turkey lasted for much longer)
  4. Rome was basically source of order in Europe
  5. Collapse resulted in chaos, so Germanic tribes moved west
  6. Germanic Tribes Move West into power vacuums
  7. Slavs follwoed them west
  8. Became aware of better areas
  9. Primary building material was wood
  10. Romans invented cement
  11. Armed
  12. Possible Climate Change
  13. Series of volcanic eruptions around - 535 AD
  14. Caused extended winter --> ruined agriculture
  15. Caused further chaos

Caused matriarchy to lose control

Women in warfare weren't norm bc of difficulty of childbearing

Matriarchy became patriarchy bc of war


Lasted until 700 AD

Expanded into diff areas


Second Slavic Migration

  1. Urbanization
  2. Slavs began to urbanize
  3. Become immigrants --> go to diff territories that had powerful cities
  4. Cultural identity further altered
  5. Borrowing + sharing of ideas
  6. Populated Several Areas
  7. Bulgaria
  8. Encountered Bulgars, Turkish origin, shamanistic practices
  9. Slavs + Bulgars = Bulgarians today
  10. Moravia
  11. Empire of Charlegmagne the Great, 1st Holy Roman Emperor, catholicism
  12. Encountered Franks
  13. Czech republic, Poland --> strong German/Frankish influence
  14. Kiev
  15. Kievan Rus was original Russian empire
  16. Encountered Vikings/Varangians: pagan
  17. Rus'
  18. Origin of Russia
  19. Slavic ppl called the vikings originally Rus
  20. Means rowers bc the vikings rowed boats down the rivers
  21. When vikings left, referred to territory as R (us

Slavs were originally hunter gatherer society (2500 - 100 BC)

  • Always on the move, follow migrating animals, weather etc.
  • Don't leave much behind
  • Animism
  • Everything has its own spirit
  • Every stone, tree, animal etc.

Agrarian (100 BC - onward)

  • Domesticated animals
  • Don't have to worry about moving around, more time to do cultural things + think more
  • Shamanism


Pagan Practices

  1. Numinous place
  2. i.e. Oracle at Delphi: go there to get your fortune told
  3. Natural gas was coming out of rocks and the oracle was sniffing it, getting high
  4. Location in the natural world that has something special/strange power to it that ppl don't understand originally
  5. Slavs worshipped nature
  6. When lightning struck a tree, it was a numinous place for Slavs
  7. Soothsayer
  8. Shaman figure
  9. Someone special in the community
  10. Link btwn human + spirit world
  11. Can interpret many special things
  12. Been born in special way, or have a birthmark or something
  13. Very intelligent, had stronger sense of intiution probably
  14. Volkhv = wolf-man/wolf pelt
  15. Would wear skin of wolf
  16. Wolf was seen as important symbol of power of nature; wore wolf pelts to absorb the power of nature
  17. Spiritual forces
  18. Numinous place has spiritual forces that can be interpreted by volkhv
  19. Basically anything in nature
  20. Worshipped the dead
  21. Believed hailstorm was dead ancestors being angry
  22. Gods
  23. Spiritual forces must have powers above them that control them + dictate what to do
  24. Perun: god of thunder + lightning
  25. Probably original, not influenced by everything
  26. Arrows were lightning bolts

Slavs were difficult to convert to Christianity

  • Lack of writing system
  • No way of transmitting Christian texts
  • Slavic spoken languages were incredibly complex bc they had no writing system
  • Don’t want to learn greek, latin or hebrew
  • Church believed Christian text could only be transmitted in 3 holy languages: Greek, Latin, Hebrew (Aramaic)

Saints Cyril and Methodius (826 - 869, 815 - 885)

  • Part of bynzantine empire
  • Trying to convert slavic ppl

Patriarch Photios I (810/820 - 893):


863 AD: slavs get their 1st writing system --> glagolitic alphabet

  • Supposed to be used for any Slavic language
  • Was too complex
  • Over time follwoers of St. Cyril + Methodius created cyrillic
  • Multiple diff cyrillic alphabets


Slavs were also practicing dual-belief or dual-faith

  • Would do Christian stuff but would also worship pagan practices
  • Christian Church assimilated pagan beliefs into Christian bbeliefs
  • Replaced old gods with saints
  • Basically worship saints instead
  • Other parts couldn't be incorporated but they let it persist
  • House Spirit
  • Domovoi
  • Depicted as little old men, pointy ears, cloven hooves
  • Lived near or around the stove
  • Spirit of the house
  • If you don't leave food out for him he would kill your cat or drink the blood/milk of your cow
  • Forest Spirit
  • Leshii
  • One per forest, maybe more than one depending on size
  • Responsible for sounds you hear at night
  • Can control wolves, turn into snakes, trick you by turning into ppl you knew
  • Steal your babies, especially if it’s a little girl --> eventually make them their wife
  • Rusalka
  • Mermaid like
  • Undead, mangled corpse
  • Shapeshifters
  • Usually look like beautiful young girl
  • Supposed to have perfect figure, ideal woman
  • Really long, pale white hair, tinged in green
  • Empty white spheres of death eyes
  • Springtime
  • Victims primarily young men, age to be married
  • Rip heads off, drown you, tickle you to death
  • Link to vampire
  • Originally vampire could not be women
  • Female equivalent of vampire
  • Mostly girl of marriage age who died before she was married
  • Girls not officially part of community until marriage
  • Especially if they didn't have kids
  • Representation of unused beauty + fertility
  • Reinforce taboos: no sex before marriage
  • Restless bc the girls didn't achieve marriage or children
  • Could sometimes be positive
  • Dew on the grass was from dripping hair of Rusalka
  • Could be made happy
  • Vampire = disease + death, nothing positive


Vampire primarily from eastern European, Slavic folklore


"Slavs" means "people of the word"

Slavic languages: Russian, Ukrainian, Polish etc.

Slav: "word"

Ethno-centric way of viewing their own language

  • Thought they had the one true language

Really only


Slavs are ethno-linguistic group

  • Linked ethically + linguistically


German person: nyemets

  • Literally means "the dummy"
  • Thought Germans were stupid bc they spoke a diff language


Sources of Study

Slavic prehistory is difficult to study

Had no native writing sys

Have no early first-hand accounts of the Slavs

4 main sources of study

  1. Historical sources
  2. Outside writings about slavs by other ppl
  3. Ppl who had contact about slavs w.o being slavic
  4. Skewed bc they didn't understand the culture or were racist
  5. Archaeology
  6. Slavic grave sites, temple sites etc.
  7. i.e. worshipped dead ancestors (like Day of the Dead)
  8. Ethnography
  9. Look at modern day ethnicity to try to interpret how things may have been done thousands of years ago
  10. Many things haven't changed a lot
  11. i.e. recipes, clothing
  12. Linguistics
  13. Important I
  14. Slavic languages are all interrelated, used to be one language originally
  15. One mother tongue
  16. When they developed into diff cultures, became diff languages over time
  17. If you know one Slavic language, it is easy to pick up on another
  18. Allowed ppl to understand parts of the past

Carpathian Mountains

Where did the Slavs settle originally?

  • Know they'd been in contact w. ancient Chinese
  • Migrated west to E Europe to Carpathian Mountains
  • Original Slavic homeland was roughly btwn modern Poland + Ukraine
  • Found word for one type of tree is same in all Slavic languages, found the geography that matched that tree


Slavic Settlements

  1. Personal level
  2. Slavs lived jointly
  3. Extensive family underr 1 roof
  4. Rule of elders: respect your elders
  5. Grandmother = babushka
  6. Respect of elders is still present in modern day Slavic culture
  7. Territorial level
  8. Everything was held + used in common
  9. Lived in communist utopia almost
  10. Often migrated along rivers --> easy transport
  11. Communal lifestyle
  12. Economic Level
  13. Primary concern was benefit of the whole over the individual
  14. If one year a harvest didn't go well, everyone suffers
  15. Benefit of whole was built into cultural mentality of slavs
  16. Some areas they migrated to were very inhospitable at certain periods of the year
  17. Suffering is good for you, dealing with it will make you a better person
  18. Russian winter
  19. The General Winter
  20. Benefit of the whole so everyone has better chance of survival


  • Slavs were a matriarchy
  • Women had primary positions of power
  • Babushka is representation of old matriarchical traditions
  • Peaceful
  • No evidence of weaponry for warfare until after 476 AD
  • Patriarchy eventually takes control in Slavic countries
  • Bear + wolf: important animals in Slavic culture


First Slavic Migration

5 main things that contributed to this movement

  1. Collapse of Roman Empire 476 AD
  2. Western Rome (Italy) fell
  3. Eastern Rome (Byzantines, Turkey lasted for much longer)
  4. Rome was basically source of order in Europe
  5. Collapse resulted in chaos, so Germanic tribes moved west
  6. Germanic Tribes Move West into power vacuums
  7. Slavs follwoed them west
  8. Became aware of better areas
  9. Primary building material was wood
  10. Romans invented cement
  11. Armed
  12. Possible Climate Change
  13. Series of volcanic eruptions around - 535 AD
  14. Caused extended winter --> ruined agriculture
  15. Caused further chaos

Caused matriarchy to lose control

Women in warfare weren't norm bc of difficulty of childbearing

Matriarchy became patriarchy bc of war


Lasted until 700 AD

Expanded into diff areas


Second Slavic Migration

  1. Urbanization
  2. Slavs began to urbanize
  3. Become immigrants --> go to diff territories that had powerful cities
  4. Cultural identity further altered
  5. Borrowing + sharing of ideas
  6. Populated Several Areas
  7. Bulgaria
  8. Encountered Bulgars, Turkish origin, shamanistic practices
  9. Slavs + Bulgars = Bulgarians today
  10. Moravia
  11. Empire of Charlegmagne the Great, 1st Holy Roman Emperor, catholicism
  12. Encountered Franks
  13. Czech republic, Poland --> strong German/Frankish influence
  14. Kiev
  15. Kievan Rus was original Russian empire
  16. Encountered Vikings/Varangians: pagan
  17. Rus'
  18. Origin of Russia
  19. Slavic ppl called the vikings originally Rus
  20. Means rowers bc the vikings rowed boats down the rivers
  21. When vikings left, referred to territory as R (us

Slavs were originally hunter gatherer society (2500 - 100 BC)

  • Always on the move, follow migrating animals, weather etc.
  • Don't leave much behind
  • Animism
  • Everything has its own spirit
  • Every stone, tree, animal etc.

Agrarian (100 BC - onward)

  • Domesticated animals
  • Don't have to worry about moving around, more time to do cultural things + think more
  • Shamanism


Pagan Practices

  1. Numinous place
  2. i.e. Oracle at Delphi: go there to get your fortune told
  3. Natural gas was coming out of rocks and the oracle was sniffing it, getting high
  4. Location in the natural world that has something special/strange power to it that ppl don't understand originally
  5. Slavs worshipped nature
  6. When lightning struck a tree, it was a numinous place for Slavs
  7. Soothsayer
  8. Shaman figure
  9. Someone special in the community
  10. Link btwn human + spirit world
  11. Can interpret many special things
  12. Been born in special way, or have a birthmark or something
  13. Very intelligent, had stronger sense of intiution probably
  14. Volkhv = wolf-man/wolf pelt
  15. Would wear skin of wolf
  16. Wolf was seen as important symbol of power of nature; wore wolf pelts to absorb the power of nature
  17. Spiritual forces
  18. Numinous place has spiritual forces that can be interpreted by volkhv
  19. Basically anything in nature
  20. Worshipped the dead
  21. Believed hailstorm was dead ancestors being angry
  22. Gods
  23. Spiritual forces must have powers above them that control them + dictate what to do
  24. Perun: god of thunder + lightning
  25. Probably original, not influenced by everything
  26. Arrows were lightning bolts

Slavs were difficult to convert to Christianity

  • Lack of writing system
  • No way of transmitting Christian texts
  • Slavic spoken languages were incredibly complex bc they had no writing system
  • Don’t want to learn greek, latin or hebrew
  • Church believed Christian text could only be transmitted in 3 holy languages: Greek, Latin, Hebrew (Aramaic)

Saints Cyril and Methodius (826 - 869, 815 - 885)

  • Part of bynzantine empire
  • Trying to convert slavic ppl

Patriarch Photios I (810/820 - 893):


863 AD: slavs get their 1st writing system --> glagolitic alphabet

  • Supposed to be used for any Slavic language
  • Was too complex
  • Over time follwoers of St. Cyril + Methodius created cyrillic
  • Multiple diff cyrillic alphabets


Slavs were also practicing dual-belief or dual-faith

  • Would do Christian stuff but would also worship pagan practices
  • Christian Church assimilated pagan beliefs into Christian bbeliefs
  • Replaced old gods with saints
  • Basically worship saints instead
  • Other parts couldn't be incorporated but they let it persist
  • House Spirit
  • Domovoi
  • Depicted as little old men, pointy ears, cloven hooves
  • Lived near or around the stove
  • Spirit of the house
  • If you don't leave food out for him he would kill your cat or drink the blood/milk of your cow
  • Forest Spirit
  • Leshii
  • One per forest, maybe more than one depending on size
  • Responsible for sounds you hear at night
  • Can control wolves, turn into snakes, trick you by turning into ppl you knew
  • Steal your babies, especially if it’s a little girl --> eventually make them their wife
  • Rusalka
  • Mermaid like
  • Undead, mangled corpse
  • Shapeshifters
  • Usually look like beautiful young girl
  • Supposed to have perfect figure, ideal woman
  • Really long, pale white hair, tinged in green
  • Empty white spheres of death eyes
  • Springtime
  • Victims primarily young men, age to be married
  • Rip heads off, drown you, tickle you to death
  • Link to vampire
  • Originally vampire could not be women
  • Female equivalent of vampire
  • Mostly girl of marriage age who died before she was married
  • Girls not officially part of community until marriage
  • Especially if they didn't have kids
  • Representation of unused beauty + fertility
  • Reinforce taboos: no sex before marriage
  • Restless bc the girls didn't achieve marriage or children
  • Could sometimes be positive
  • Dew on the grass was from dripping hair of Rusalka
  • Could be made happy
  • Vampire = disease + death, nothing positive