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Aqueous solutions are prepared by dissolving substances in water. Depending on their ability to conduct electricity, aqueous solutions can be classified as nonelectrolyte or electrolyte.

The product is an insoluble compound in precipitation reactions. We learn to use net and ionic equations to represent these reactions.

Acid-base reactions involve the transfer of protons from an acid to a base.

We learn about oxidation-reduction reactions in which electrons are transferred between reactants. There are several types of reactions.

Quantitative studies of solutions are carried out by learning how to express a solution in molarity.

We apply our mole method knowledge to the three types of reactions studied here. We will see how the titration technique is used to study acid-base and re dox reactions. There are three major categories of reactions that occur in aqueous solutions.

A solution can be either air, solid, or liquid.

The solutes that are dissolved in water are classified into two categories. A beaker of water has a pair of electrodes in it. The electric current must flow from one electrode to the other in order to light the bulb. Pure water isn't a good conductor of electricity. The bulb will light up if we add a small amount of salt to the water. When Solid NaCl is dissolved in water, it breaks up into Na+ and Cl- ion. The Na+ ion is attracted to the negative electrode.

The solution has the ability to conduct electricity.

We say that NaCl is an electrolyte. Pure water can't conduct electricity because it has very few ion atoms.

Strong electrolytes are ion compounds, such as sodium chloride, KI, and calcium nitrate. There are many strong and weak electrolytes in human body fluids.

Water is an effective solvent. The three-dimensional lattice of ion in the solid is broken when an ionic compound is dissolved in water.

Each Cl- ion is surrounded by water with its positive poles oriented toward the anion.

cations are stable in solution if hydration is used.

Bases and acids are used as electrolytes. hydrochloric acid and nitric acid are strong acids.

Only one of the two H+ ionizable compounds is completely ionized.

Pure water has a weak electrolyte.

acetic acid (CH3COOH), which gives vinegar its tart flavor, does not ionize completely and is a weak electrolytes.

The formula of acetic acid shows that the ionizable protons are in the COOH group.

A number of CH3COOH molecule break up into CH3COO- and H+ ion. As time goes on, some of the CH3COO- and H+ ion recombine into the CH3COOH molecule.

The state in which the acid molecule ionize as fast as the strontium recombines.

A single arrow is used to represent complete ionizations.

The three compounds shown in the diagrams are dissolved in water.

Predict the strength of the following compounds: a strong electrolyte, a weak electrolyte, or a non-electrolyte.

ionic compounds are usually involved in precipitation reactions.

The precipitation reactions discussed in this chapter are examples of metathesis reactions.

In a qualitative sense, a substance is insoluble. If a fair amount of a substance is added to water, it is said to besoluble. The substance is described as slightly insoluble if not. The ionic compounds are strong, but not equally so.

A number of ionic compounds are classified as insoluble in Table 4.2.

Even insoluble compounds can be dissolved to a certain extent.

There are several precipitates in Figure 4.4.

A solution of Pb(NO3)2 is added to a solution of KI.

Silver sulfate, calcium carbonate, and Na3PO4 are insoluble.

Although it is not necessary to memorize the solubilities of compounds, you should keep in mind the following useful rules. We need to refer to Table 4.2 for other compounds.

CaCO3 is insoluble.

The following ionic compounds aresoluble or insoluble.

A molecular equation can be used to identify the reagents. The molecule equation would be used if we wanted to make this reaction in the laboratory.

What actually is happening in solution is not described in a molecular equation.

When ionic compounds are dissolved in water, they break apart into their component cations and anions. The equations should show the dissociation of dissolved ionic compounds. We combine the cation and anion from PbI2 and KNO3 to see if there is a chance of a precipitate from this solution. PbI2 is an insoluble compound and KNO3 is not.

The products are BaSO4 and NaCl. BaSO4 is insoluble from Table 4.2.

The procedure for writing net and ionic equations is summarized in the following steps.

The correct formulas for reactant and product ionic compounds are used in the balanced molecule equation. Refer to Table 4.2 to figure out which of the products is insoluble.

Cancel the spectator ion on the other side of the equation.

There are learning resources on this topic.

The net ionic equation has the charges and number of atoms balanced.

Predict what will happen when a calcium nitrate solution is mixed with a K3PO4 solution. Write an equation for the reaction.

This is a precipitation reaction. We follow the procedure outlined.

The net ionic equation is balanced as to the number of atoms on each side, and the number of positive and negative charges on the left-hand side is the same.

Predict the result by mixing an Al(NO3)3 solution with a NaOH solution.

Practical problems associated with precipitation reactions are discussed in the chemistry in action essay.

The water supply is often affected by MgCO3), which are widespread on Earth's surface. In water, calcium carbonate is insoluble.

Some household and industrial uses are not suited for hard water.

The scale almost fills the pipe.

In household hot-water pipes it is possible to restrict or block the flow of water.

CaCO3 is converted to CaCl2.

Blue ion are shown.

Many people don't know the chemical names for acids and bases, but aspirin and milk of magnesia are familiar to them. Acid-base chemistry is important in sustaining biological systems and is the basis of many house hold products. We need to know more about acids and bases.

Section 2.7 defined acids as substances that ionize in water to produce H+ ion and bases as substances that ionize in water to produce OH- ion. The Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius+ formulated these definitions in the late 19th century to classify substances that were well known.

The sour taste of acids is due to the presence of acetic acid and citric acid.

Acids change the color of lit mus from blue to red.

Zinc, magnesium, and iron are some of the metals that react with acids to produce hydrogen gas. Carbon dioxide gas can be produced by reacting with carbonates and bicarbonates. Aqueous acid solutions produce electricity.

Bases have a bitter taste.

For example, soaps with bases exhibit this property.

Base solutions conduct electricity.

Arrhenius's definitions of acids and bases are limited because they only apply to the solution.

acids and bases are not required to be in a solution.

Arrhenius made contributions to the study of chemical solutions. Arrhenius won the chemistry prize in 1903.

In addition to his theory of acids and bases, Bronsted worked on other topics. In some texts, the acids and bases are called bronsted-lowry acids and bases.

The same acid-base theory was developed by both of them.

The diameter of an average atom is 10 m, while the size of a protons is 10 m. The O atom in H2O has a strong attraction for the small charged particle, so it cannot be a separate entity in the solution. The hydrated form of the protons is shown in Figure 4.7. The equation shows a reaction in which a proton is donated to a base.

Experiments show that the hydronium ion is hydrated so that it has more water in it. This is for convenience, but H3O+ is closer to reality. The same species is represented in both notations.

hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid are commonly used in the laboratory.

It is a weak electrolyte because the acetic acid is incomplete. HCl and HNO3 are ionized in solution because of their strong Student data, so they are strong acids.

Ionization of ammonia in water creates the ion.

The double arrows represent each step.

Perchloric acid has several strong and weak acids.

The table shows the strength of the electrolytes.

OH- is a Bronsted base.

Student data shows that you may struggle with base ionising.

Ammonia can accept a H+ ion and is classified as a Bronsted base.

NH4 and OH- ion are formed by 3 molecules reacting with water.

The strongest base in the laboratory is sodium hydroxide. Aqueous ammonia solution is the most commonly used weak base. There is no evidence that the NH4OH actu ally exists. Group 2A elements form hydroxides of the type M(OH)2, which is an alkaline earth metal. Ba(OH)2 is the only one that issoluble. Medicine and industry use magnesium and calcium hydroxides. Al(OH)3 and Zn(OH)2 are not used as bases because of their insoluble nature.

Substances are classified as bronsted acids or bronsted bases.

Most of the bases that you will encounter are anions.

The double arrows show that this is not a one time reaction.

If we had started the reaction with equal amounts of acid and base, we wouldn't have any leftover acid or base. This is a characteristic of neutralization reactions.

HCN does not ionize in solution because it is a weak acid.

The last equation doesn't show water as a product.

The acids and bases should be identified as strong or weak. H2SO4 is a strong acid for the first step and a weak acid for the second step. Both Ba( OH)2 and KOH are strong bases.

There is a net ionic equation for the reaction between a solution of phosphoric acid and a solution of sodium hydroxide.

The SO3 ion, sulfites, and sulfides act with acids to form gaseous products.

The hydronium ion is the protons in water. The acids are monoprotic.

Oxidation-reduction reactions are a part of the world. They range from burning fossil fuels to household bleach.

Most metallic and nonmetallic elements are obtained from their ores.

Many important redox reactions take place in water, but not all of them. A reaction in which two elements combine to form a compound is what we begin our discussion with. Four electrons are transferred from two Mg atoms to two O atoms.

Reduction is gain of electrons.

Oxygen is burned to form magnesium oxide.

The oxidation of magnesium occurs in the formation of magnesium oxide.

The number of elec trons lost by a reducing agent must be equal to the number of electrons gained by an oxidizing agent.

Some reactions have more apparent electron transfer than others.

Ag was converted to Cu atoms.

Cu, Zn, and Ag+ ion are converted to solid Ag as Cu atoms enter the solution.

The Ag+ ion is reduced to metallic Ag.

The oxidation and reduction in terms of loss and gain of electrons apply to the formation of ionic compounds such as MgO.

Experiments show that there is a partial transfer of electrons in the reactions.

It is useful to assign oxidation num bers to the reactants and products.

The oxidation numbers are above the element symbols. There is no charge on the atoms in the two reac tions shown. The oxi dation number is zero. It is assumed that complete electron transfer has taken place for the product molecule.

Oxidation numbers allow us to see elements that are oxidation and reduced. The elements that show an increase in oxidation number are oxidizers. The oxida tion numbers show a decrease from their initial values when chlorine and oxygen are reduced. The sum of the oxidation numbers is zero. The total is zero if we add the oxidation num bers of S and O. The charges must be canceled because the HCl and SO2 are neutral.

The following rules are used to assign oxidation numbers.

In the uncombined state, each atom has an oxidation num ber of zero. Each atom in H2, Br2, Na, Be, K, O2, and P4 has the same oxida tion number.

The oxidation num ber is equal to the charge on the monatomic ion.

All alkaline earth metals have an oxidation number of +2 in their compounds. There is an oxidation number of +3 in all the compounds of aluminum.

It is -1 with 2O2 and peroxide ion.

The oxidation number of hydrogen is -1, except when it is bonds to metals. The oxidation number is -1 in these cases.

The negative oxidation numbers of other halogens can be found in their compounds. They have positive oxidation numbers when combined with oxygen.

The oxidation numbers of all the atoms must be zero in a neutral molecule. The net charge of the ion must be equal to the sum of oxidation numbers in the ion. The oxidation number of N is -2 and that of H is +2 in the ammonium ion, NH+4. The oxidation numbers are equal to the net charge of the ion.

Oxidation numbers can be anything. Student data indicates that you may struggle to determine the oxidation of O in the superoxide ion, O-2.

We follow the rules listed for assigning oxidation numbers.

All alkali metals have an oxidation number of +2, and in most cases hydrogen and oxygen have an oxidation number of -2 in their compounds.

H has an oxidation number of 1. The nitrate ion must have a net oxidation number of -1.

The oxidation numbers of the familiar elements are arranged according to their positions in the periodic table. Nonmetallic elements may have either positive or negative oxidation numbers.

Group number is the highest oxidation number an element can have. The highest possible oxi dation number for the halogens is +7.

The transition metals have oxidation numbers.

There are oxidation numbers that are in color.

The most common oxidation-reduction reactions are combination, decomposi tion, combustion, and displacement. A more involved type is called dispropor tionation reactions, which will be discussed in this section.

The figure shows some reactions.

The opposite of combination reactions iscomposition reactions.

The oxidation number of O atoms changes from 0 to 2.

Most displacement reactions fit into one of the three subcatego ries.

The reactions between iron, zinc, and magnesium are shown in Figure 4.15. The reactions are used to make hydrogen gas.

A metal can be displaced by another metal in the compound.

Silver metal will not displace copper from copper nitrate.

Any metal above hydrogen will react with either water or an acid, but metals below hydrogen will not. Any metal listed in the series will react with any metal below it. Zinc metal will replace copper ion from copper sulfate if Zn is above Cu.

The goal of metal displacement reactions is to separate pure metals from their ores.

There will be more examples in Chapter 18.

The reactions that can be carried out in aqueous solutions are not possible because of the reactivity of molecular fluorine. In a solution of water and solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and

bromide and chloride ion cannot be moved by bromine or iodine.

There is a direct industrial application for the halogen displacement reactions. The halo Gens are the most reactive of the nonmetallic elements. They are strong oxidizing agents. As a result, they are found in nature as free elements and as halides. chlorine is the most important industrial chemical. The United States produced 25 billion pounds of chlorine in 2010, making it the tenth-ranked industrial chemical. The annual production of bromine is one-hundredth that of chlorine.

There is a halogen element. Seawater and natural brine are rich sources of cations.

fluorite and cryolite are used to make fluorine.

There is no way to convert F- ion to F2 using chemical means because fluorine is the strongest oxidizing agent. The details of which will be discussed in Chapter 18 will be the only way to carry out the oxidation. Chlorine is produced in an industrial way.

There is a red liquid in this picture.

The Dead Sea is home to about 4,000 parts per million of dissolved substances. The air- bromine mixture is cooled to condense the bromine after it is removed from the solution.

Iodine is prepared by the oxidation of I- ion with chlorine. They are both oxidation by chlorine because they are present in the same source. It is easy to separate the two because I2 is a solid that is in water. Most of the bromine will be removed by the air-blowing procedure, but the iodine will not be affected.

Both higher and lower oxidation states exist for the element in the products.

This reaction describes how the hypo chlorite ion oxidizes the color-bearing substances in stains, converting them to colorless compounds.

It is interesting to compare the reactions. They are similar to acid-base reactions that involve the transfer of protons. Acid-base reactions are easy to recognize, but there is no easy way to identify a redox process. The only sure way is to compare the oxida tion numbers of all the elements.

The definitions of combination reactions, decomposition reactions, displacement reactions, and disproportionation reactions are reviewed.

The oxidation number of Li changed from 0 to + while that of N changed from negative to positive.

The oxidation number of Ni increases from 0 to 2 while that of Pb decreases from 2 to 0.

Despite efforts to educate the public about the dangers of driving while intoxicated and harsher penalties for drunk driving offenses, law enforcement agencies still have to devote a lot of work to removing drunk drivers from America's roads.

The police use a device called a breathalyzer to test drivers suspected of being drunk. The device is based on a chemical reaction. A sample of the driver's breath is taken and treated with an acidic solution.

A driver is being tested for alcohol content.

The alcohol is converted to acetic acid and the instrument. The legal limit of blood alcohol content in the orange-yellow dichromate ion is reduced by 0.08 percent by mass. Anything higher is intoxication.

The alcohol in the driver's breath is reacted with a solution. The change in the absorption of light is registered by the detector and shown on a meter, which shows the alcohol content in blood.

The essay "Breathalyzer" describes how law enforcement uses a reaction to arrest drunk drivers.

We need to know how much reactants are present in a solution and how to control the amount of reactants used to bring about a re action in the solution.

In Chapter 12 we will see how the concentration of a solution can be expressed.

Concentration is an intensive property, so its value doesn't depend on how much of the solution is present.

It is important to keep in mind that molarity only refers to the amount of solute dissolved in water and does not take into account other processes, such as the dissociation of a salt or the ionization of an acid.

The solution has 1 mole of K+ ion and 1 mole of Cl- ion.

The solute is weighed and transferred through a funnel. Water is added to the flask and swirled to break down the solid. Knowing the volume of the solution in the flask and the quantity of compound can be used to calculate the molarity of the solution. As long as the volume of the final solution is known, this procedure does not require knowing the amount of water added.

The examples show the applications of Equations.

The mass should be given by the mol/L x volume or the g/mol.

A chemist needs to make a reaction with 3.81 g of glucose.

To calculate the volume, we need to first determine the number of moles contained in 3.81 g of glucose.

The volume of the solution is 2.114 x 10-2 mole.

The solution has 2.53 moles of C6H12O6. The number of moles in 8.36 mL or 8.36 x 10-3 L is 2. 53 mol x 8.36 x 10-3) or 2.12 x 10-2 mol. There are different ways of rounding off.

The laboratory stockroom is often used for storing concentrated solutions.

We often work with stock solutions that have been altered.

We need 0. mole 400 of KMnO4.

Add water to the KMnO4 solution to make it 1000 mL.

There are learning resources on this topic.

The final solution concentration is less than the original one, so it's a dilution process. The number of moles of the solute remains the same even though the concentration of the solution decreases.

H2SO4 solution with enough water to give a final volume of 5.00 x 102 mL in a 500-mL volumetric flask to obtain the desired concentration.

The answer is reasonable because the initial volume is less than the final volume.

The sections focus on two techniques for studying solution stoichi ometry: gravimetric analysis and titration.

The formation, isolation, and mass determination of a precipitate is a type of gravimetric analysis experiment. This procedure is usually applied to ionic compounds.

A sample substance of unknown composition is dissolved in water and allowed to react with another substance to form a precipitate. The precipitate is dried and weighed. Knowing the mass and chemical formula of the sample will allow us to calculate the mass of the original sample. The percent composition can be determined from the mass of the component and the mass of the original sample.

We would add enough AgNO3 solution to the NaCl solution to cause precipitation of all the Cl- ion present in solution. NaCl is the limiting reactant and AgNO3 is the excess reactant. fil tration, dried, and weighed separated the AgCl from the solution. The mass of AgCl can be used to calculate the mass of Cl. The percent by mass of Cl can be calculated because the same amount was present in the original sample.

There is a difference between the empty crucible and this mass.

The mass of a sample can be measured with gilmetrics. This procedure only applies to reactions that go to completion. It wouldn't be possible to remove all the Cl- ion from the NaCl solution if AgCl were slightly insoluble.

There are calculations involved in a gravimetric experiment.

A sample of an ionic compound is dissolved in water and treated with an excess of AgNO3.

We are asked to calculate the percent by mass in the unknown sample, which is the mass of the original compound. They end up in the AgCl precipitate.

The mass of the two substances is 35.45 g and 143.4 g.

The mass of Cl is 1.0882 g.

Roughly 1 g of AgCl is equal to 0.25 g of chloride, which is less than half the mass of the original sample. It is reasonable to calculate the percent chloride of 47.51 percent.

A sample of an ionic compound containing the bromide ion is dissolved in water and treated with an excess of AgNO3.

The whole identity of the unknown is not established by gravimetric analysis.

Knowing the percent by mass helps us narrow the possibilities. Because no two com pounds containing the same anion have the same percent composition by mass, comparison of the percent by mass obtained from gravimetric analysis with that calculated from a series of known compounds would reveal the identity of the unknown.

If a solution containing 6.00 g of KBr is treated with an excess of AgNO3 the mass of AgBr will be formed.

Quantitative studies of acid-base neutralization reactions can be done using a technique known as titration. We can calculate the concentration of the unknown solution if we know the volumes of the standard and unknown solutions used.

One of the bases used in the laboratory is sodium hydroxide. Solid sodium hydroxide has a tendency to react with carbon dioxide and it is difficult to get it in a pure form. The acid solu tion can be used to standardize the solution. The acid often chosen for this task is a monoprotic, weak acid called KHP, for which the formula is KHC8H4O4. Highly pure form of KHP is available.

A sharp change in the color of an indicator in the acid solution signals the equivalence point.

One commonly used indicator is phenolphthalein, which is reddish pink in basic solutions but colorless in acidic and neutral solutions. All the KHP present has been mitigated by the added NaOH at the equivalence point. The solution will turn pink if we add just one more drop of NaOH solution from the buret.

In a titration experiment, a student found that 23.48 mL of a NaOH solution was needed to neutralize KHP.

We want to know the molarity of the solution.

The problem has a volume of NaOH solution. To solve for molarity, we need to find the number of moles of NaOH. The equation for the reaction between KHP and NaOH is shown in the text.

KHP is KHC8H4O4.

There must be 2.678 mole of NaOH in the solution.

One of the simplest neutralization reactions is between NaOH and KHP. We could use a diprotic acid such as H2SO4 instead of KHP. There are two ionizable protons in 2SO4.

Student data shows that if you reacted at the equivalence point you would have to struggle with titration calculations.

The picture shows the titration of a NaOH solution with a diprotic acid.

The acid can be completely neutralized with NaOH.

We want to know the concentration of the solution. The moles of NaOH are calculated using the volume of NaOH solution required to neutralize the acid.

The equation for the neutralization reaction shows that 2 moles of NaOH neutralize 1 mole of H2SO4.

A NaOH solution is mixed with an acid solution. The acid-base neutralization reactions should be completed.

The transfer of electrons and protons are involved in acid-base reactions. A similar procedure can be used to titrate an oxidizing agent against a reducing agent.

We can add a reducing agent to a solution with an oxidizing agent.

The color of the indi cator is characteristic of its reduced form in the presence of large amounts of reducing agent. When it is present in an oxidizing medium, the indicator assumes the color of its oxi dized form. As the indicator changes from one form to the other, a sharp change in the indicator's color will occur, so the equivalence point can be easily identified.

Potas sium dichromate and potassium permanganate are oxidizers.

The mole method is the same as the acid-base neutralizations method. The equations are more complex for redox reactions.

The FeSO4 solution needs to be oxidized in an acidic medium.

The molarity of the FeSO4 solution needs to be calculated.

The FeSO4 solution volume is given in the problem. We need to find the number of moles of FeSO4 to solve the problem.

Magnesium is plentiful in Earth's crust, but it is cheaper to "mine" the metal from seawater.

The second most abundant cation in the sea is magnesium, which is 1.3 g in a kilo gram of seawater. The process for obtaining magnesium from seawater uses all three types of reactions discussed in this chapter.

This is how magnesium metal is made. The chlorine gas melted. The molten magnesium chloride can be converted to hydrochloric acid and recycled.

The chapter on metal from the sea describes the types of reactions discussed in the chemistry in action essay.

The guidelines should be applied to determine whether a reaction will produce a precipitate. The equations for a reaction should be composed. In a reaction, identify the spectator ion. You can compare the definitions of acids and bases. Define an acid as monoprotic, diprotic, or triprotic. A neutralization reaction between an acid and a base. Reducing agents and half-reactions are components of an oxidation-reduction reaction. Determine the oxidation number of each element in a compound by applying oxidation number rules. Distinguish oxidation-reduction reactions, including combustion, decomposition, displacement, and disproportionation. Determine if a metal displacement reaction occurs by using the activity series. Determine the concentration of the solution. Problems for reactions in solution include gravimetric analysis, acid-base titration, and redox titrations.

If the sol 9 is conducted, aqueous solutions are conducting. The amount of solute utes is the concentration of a solution. The solutes can be present in a given amount of solution. The solutions don't conduct electricity.

There are three major chemical reactions that take 1 L of solution.

Adding a solvent to a solution is a process known as acid-base reactions.

Predicting whether a solute will form in the solution is possible because of general rules about solubilities.

There is a method for determining the 4. Arrhenius acids ionize in water to give H+ strontium and the concentration of a Arrhenius bases ionize in water to give OH- strontium. Measure mass to solve the problem. The acids donate protons and the bases accept them.

neutralization is the reaction of an acid and a base.

A solution of concentra 6 is used in acid-base titration. In a redox reaction, oxidation and reduction always oc tion are added to a solution at the same time. The goal of oxidation is loss of electrons and reduction by the gain of electrons.

Oxidation numbers help us keep track of charge distri which the reaction in the titration is complete, as shown bution and are assigned to all atoms in a compound or by the change in the indicator's color, is called the ion according to specific rules. Oxidation can be defined as an equivalency point.

Acid-base titrations are similar to redox titrations. A decrease in oxidation number is defined.

The equivalence point is where many redox reactions can be classified.

The compound X is a water-soluble one.

There is a difference between the following sym and a nonelectrolyte.

Explain why a solution of HCl in benzene is not able to conduct electricity. We often conduct electricity in water.

Na2SO4 is a strong electrolyte.

The solutions of three compounds are shown.

Two solutions of AgNO3 are mixed. Water is not shown for simplicity.

The Na+ ion is smaller than the Cl- ion.

The two solutions are mixed. Water is not shown for simplicity.

Take the following compounds and add them to the equation and write them in the water.

Give an example of mixing a NaNO3 with a CuSO4 solution or mixing a Ba with a CuSO4 solution in a precipitation reaction.

The precipitation reaction requires a net ionic equation.

All combustion reactions are redox reactions.

All cations are assumed to be important.

Without referring to Figure 4.11, give the oxi dation numbers of the alkali and alkaline earth metals in their compounds.

List the general properties of acids and bases.

Common elements that are likely to take part in NaF, NaOH, CaO, BaSO4 and HNO3 are named after salts.

Reducing agents are called Mg3N2 (a) P.

The equation is used to calculate molarity. The oxidation number is a convenient concentration unit for the species.

Give the oxidation number of the atoms.

A strong oxidizer is 4.51 nitric acid.

How many grams of KOH are present in 2O, SO2, SO3 and P4O6.

The activity series can be used to calculate the molarity of each of the equations.

It is assumed that volumes are added up.

8H2O would need to be titration.

She weighed out 0.2458 g of KHP and transferred it to an Erlenmeyer 500 mL. The concentration of the final flask.

A quantity of 18.68 mL of a KOH solution is needed.

The Ba(OH)2 solution is dissolved in water and treated with an excess of Na2SO4.

The net ionic and potassium dichromate can be used as an equation.

2O4), the main component, is insoluble in water.

The acid rain phenomenon is caused by 2 present in the air.

The 4 solution is required for the following reactions.

The Fe(II) was converted to Fe(III) ion.

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are needed to oxidize 25.00 mL of H and odorless gases. You can distinguish between the two 2O2 solutions with the help of two chemical tests.

Many plants and vegetables have 2C2O4) in them.

A sample of an oxalic acid solution was re treated with magnesium. KMnO4 has reacted. Assume that the volume remains un solution needed to react with a second change.

Two solutions containing vari acid are shown. Each solution has a volume of 200 mL.

SO3 oxidizes in acidic solution.

umes are not dependent on each other.

Reactions were removed from the solution and weighed. The mass of the strip is 3.37 g.

4.117 (a) describe a magnesium hydroxide preparation. Two solutions containing vari in treating acid are shown. Each solution has a volume of 200 mL.

A typical acid concentration in an upset after the solutions are mixed is the mass of the precipitate.

The vol Mg(OH)2/mL is assumed.

The formula for malonic acid is C3H4O4.

The 4 solutions would react with 7.89 g of zinc.

Na2CO3 can be used to standardize acid how many ionizable H atoms are present in the solution.

A 3.664-g sample of monoprotic acid was dis a given volume of water.

The acid can be mitigated with a NaOH solution.

It's an important ingredient of vinegar.

The volumes are not always the same.

A student is given an unknown that is either iron(II) tion or not.

You are given a liquid when a zinc strip is placed in AgNO3 4.125. After a while, the strip showed that it is water.

Someone spilled concentrated sulfuric acid on the floor of a chemistry laboratory. It would be better to pour concentrated Ba(OH)2 since it is a strong electrolyte.

There was a 0.1022-g sample of MCO 3.

A sample of iron chloride hydrate was used in eyewash. The compound was then milk of magnesia dissolved in water and reacted with an excess of 2. This chapter is based on what you have learned. What is the formula of the original compounds?

An experiment would show that the compound is acid.

You are given a sample of the solution with a few drops of NaCl and an apparatus like that shown in ride.

Write a balanced equation for each step.

A 0.8870-g sample of a mixture of two things.

In 4.131, calculate the percent by mass of each compound.

The diagrams correspond to the reaction. The balanced equation was used for the reaction. The Ag+ ion and red spheres represent PbSO4 in the precipitation of Pb2+ ion spheres.

Hydrochloric acid is not an oxidizer in the sense that sulfuric acid and nitric acid are.

Explain how you would prepare KI by means of two reactions: an acid and a carbonate compound.

Water reacts with sodium to produce hydrogen gas.

A sample of industrially prepared oxidation numbers: +, +3, +4, +6, and +7 were found in 4.143 Chlorine.

Write a formula for each compound.

In an experiment to determine its composition, identify the bronsted acid and base.

If the mass becomes yellow. What is the percent by mass of NaBr in composes?

The hydrogen halides are highly re ing gases and have many industrial and dioxide gasses.

After a few minutes, the reaction slows down and 4.149 Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is an important indus eventually stops even though none of the reactants trial chemical used in fertilizers, in detergents, and is used up. The metal is produced by two different things.

Discuss why H3PO4 in your explanation.

When the process is placed in a pale green each step as precipitation, acid-base, or redox iron(II) sulfate solution, no visible change is made. Where should we put the M reaction?

Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) was produced by important nitrogen-richfertilizers, it was obtained by electrolysis. Its purity is reduced by an active metal.

The recommended procedure for preparing a very dilute solution is not to weigh out a very small mass or measure a very small volume of a stock solution. It is done by a series of dilu tions. A sample of 0.8214 g of KMnO4 was dissolved in water and made up to the volume in a 500-mL volumetric flask. A sample of the solution was transferred to a volu metric flask and put into a container of water.

Referring to the Chemistry in Action essay in transferred to a 250-mL flask andDiluted to the Section 4.8, answer the following questions: mark with water.

The precipitation of mag begins with copper limestone and ends with metallic copper. The steps are made of nesium hydroxide.

Four metals A, B, C, and D were tested.

To give H yield copper sulfate.

D does not.

The student started with 68.6 g of copper.

To get enough Na+ the start, calculate the time in seconds.

A quantity of 25.0 mL of a solution containing a cell.

600 mL is the volume of each solution.

The concentration of solution containing only Fe2+ requires the ion in the mixed solution to form.

Structural and/ or redox functions are some of the functions that contain metal ion.

Direct delivery into a vein is the fastest way to introduce therapeutic agents into the bloodstream. An adult male is participating in a trial study of a new drug and a clinical re searcher wants to know if he has 6 x 10-4mmol/L in his bloodstream. The hospital's pharmacy has a concentration of 1.2 x 10-3 mol/L.

Public water supplies are often "fluoridated" by the addition of compounds such as NaF. Steve Warmowski of The Image Works says that care must be taken not to exceed safe levels of fluoride, which can stain or etch tooth enamel.

A safe and effective concentration of fluoride in 4.173 Muriatic acid, a commercial-grade hydrochloric drinking water is generally considered to be acid used for cleaning masonry surfaces. How much fluoridated water is needed for a son to consume by drinking 1.2 g/ cm3.

Potas sium superoxide reacts with carbon dioxide because of acid-base and precipitation reactions.

The amount of KO2 needed to sustain a worker in a polluted environment is estimated by the electrical conductance.

1.0 L of information is added to the KOH solution.

Equal volume of oxidizing agent is added only if the very weak acid and strong acid are present. The reducing agent and the oxidizing agent have the same base.

A high level of arsenic was found in samples of his hair, suggesting that he might have been poisoned. The French royal family wanted to prevent Napoleon from returning to France and the governor of St.Helena, who did not get along with Napoleon, are the prime suspects.

Arsenic is not harmful. The commonly used poison is arsenic(III) oxide, As2O3 a white compound that is tasteless and hard to detect if administered over a period of time.

James Marsh created a procedure for detecting arsenic in the 18th century.

This test combines hydrogen formed by the reaction with a sample of the suspected poison. A toxic gas, arsine, can be formed if As2O3 is present. arsenic is recognized by its metallic luster when arsine gas is heated. It was too late to deter murder by As2O3 and Napoleon was a victim of arsenic poisoning, so the Marsh test was useless.

A solution containing arsenic(III) oxide is added to zinc metal.

Arsine oxidizes to arsenic, which has a metallic appearance, and hydrogen gas.

A sample of the wallpaper from Napoleon's drawing room was found to contain copper arse nate, a green color that was used at the time of Napoleon's death. The growth of mold on the wallpaper was promoted by the damp climate. To rid themselves of arsenic, the molds could have converted it to trimethyl arsine. Napoleon's health would have been ruined and arsenic in his body would have been a factor in his death, though it may not have been the primary cause. Napoleon's regular guests suffered from gastrointestinal problems and other symptoms of arsenic poisoning, but their health seemed to improve when they spent hours in the garden, their main hobby on the island.

This exercise in historical sleuthing provides a fascinating example of the use of chemical analysis, but we will probably never know whether Napoleon died from arsenic poisoning, inten tional or accidental. Chemical analysis is used in forensic science, but it is also used in practical applications such as quality control of commercial products and medical diagnosis.

As-75 is converted to the radio active As-76 when it is bombarded with high-energy neutrons. The amount of arsenic in a sample is determined by the intensity of the rays emitted by the radioactive isotope. As little as 5 ng of arsenic can be detected in 1 g of material.

The human body does not needArsenic.

The Marsh test involves the generation of hydrogen gas when zinc is added, the reaction of hydrogen with As(III) oxide to produce arsine, and the conversion of arsine to arsenic. Determine the type of reaction in each step by writing equations.

The substances that are gases and their general properties are examined first.

We learn how to express gas pressure and atmospheric pressure.

The relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of a gas is studied next. The ideal gas equation can be used to calculate the density or molar mass of a gas.

The ideal gas equation can be used to study the relationship between gases.

The behavior of a mixture of gases can be understood by the law of partial pressures, which is an extension of the ideal gas equation.

The pressure and temperature of a gas can be described with the help of the kinetic molecular theory of gases. This theory allows us to get an expression for the speed of the molecule at a given temperature, and to understand the phenomenon of gas diffusion and effusion.

The van der Waals equation will be used to study the correction for the nonideal behavior of gases.

Water can be solid ice, liquid water, steam, or water vapor. Substance's physical properties are dependent on its state.

Liquids and Solids are more complex than gases in many ways.

The forces of attraction between gas molecules are so small that each molecule can move independently.

Predicting the behavior of gases can be done with changes in temperature and pressure. The laws that govern this behavior have an important role to play in the development of the atomic theory of matter.

The ocean of air we live in has a composition of 78 percent N2, 21 percent O2, and 1 percent other gases, including CO2. The chemistry of this vital mixture of gases has become a source of great interest because of the detrimental effects of environmental pollution. Chapter 20 talks about the chemistry of the atmosphere and gases. The behavior of substances that are gases under normal atmospheric conditions will be the focus here.

The elements are gases under normal atmospheric conditions.

Ozone is a gas at room temperature. The noble gases in Group 8A are monatomic gases: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn.

cations and an ion in an ionic solid are held together by very strong electrostatic forces, so they are not gases at 25degC and 1 atm. Strong heating of the solid is what we need to overcome these attractions.

The only thing we can do is melt the solid under normal conditions. To boil it, we would have to raise the temperature.

The elements are gases at 25degC and 1 atm. Ozone is a gas.

The behavior of compounds is different.

The stronger these attrac tions are, the less likely a compound is to be a gas.

O2 is the only essential gas listed in Table 5.1.

The boiling point of HCN is close enough to qualify as a gas at ordinary atmospheric conditions.

CO, NO2, O3 and SO2 are not as toxic as they used to be. The gases He, Ne, and Ar do not react with any other substance. Most gases are odorless.

F2, Cl2, and NO2 are exceptions. The dark brown color of NO2 can be seen in polluted air. The volume and shape of the containers are assumed by gases.

The states of matter are compressible with gases.

When confined to the same container, gases will mix evenly.

Gases have lower densities than liquids.

It's easy to show atmospheric pressure. The ability to drink a liquid through a straw is an everyday example. The pressure in the side of the straw is reduced by sucking air out of the straw. The air that has been sucked out is replaced by the liquid in the straw.

One of the most important properties of a gas is pressure. The units of mea surement are derived from how we measure the pressure of a gas. We start with speed and acceleration.

We use cm/s, but the SI unit is m/s.

m/s2 or cm/s2 are used to measure acceleration.

Albert Einstein is one of the greatest physicists the world has ever known, but he is not the only one. The branch of physics that did not make a significant contribution was called physics.

The gases in the atmosphere are subject to Earth's pull. The atmosphere is denser near the surface of Earth. Increasing distance from Earth decreases the density of air. About 50 percent of the atmosphere lies within 6.4 km of Earth's surface, 90 percent within 16 km, and 99 percent within 32 km. The denser the air is, the more pressure it exerts.

Imagine what would happen if you held a piece of paper above your head. The paper does not bend due to the pressure of air acting on it. Air and water are both fluid. The pressure on an object in a fluid comes from all directions--downward and up ward, as well as from the left and right. Air pressure comes from the collision between the air molecule and any surface with which it comes in contact. The magnitude of pressure is determined by how often and how strongly the mol ecules impact the surface. The paper stays flat because there are as many molecules hitting it from the top as there are from underneath.

A simple barometer consists of a long glass tube, closed at one end and filled with mercury. If the tube is inverted in a dish of mercury so that no air enters the tube, some mercury will flow out of the tube into the dish, creating a vacuum at the top. The weight of the mercury in the tube is supported by the pressure on the surface of the dish.

A column of mercury exerts atmospheric pressure.

His specialty was in the study of the motion of fluids, and he worked in both mathemat ics and physics. He created a calculating machine.

Torricelli is said to be the first person to understand atmospheric pressure.

The pressure outside a jet plane is much lower than standard atmospheric pressure. The passengers must be protected from the air inside the cabin.

The Caribbean, Cuba, the Bahamas, and 24 states along the U.S. east coast were affected by Hurricane Sandy.

Hurricane Sandy had the lowest pressure recorded.

We are asked to convert frommmHg to kPa.

The principle of operation of a manometer is similar to that of a barometer.

Despite the fact that mercury is a toxic substance, it is used as the working fluid in nearly all barometers and manometers. The density of mercury is very high compared to other liquids.

Aqueous solutions are prepared by dissolving substances in water. Depending on their ability to conduct electricity, aqueous solutions can be classified as nonelectrolyte or electrolyte.

The product is an insoluble compound in precipitation reactions. We learn to use net and ionic equations to represent these reactions.

Acid-base reactions involve the transfer of protons from an acid to a base.

We learn about oxidation-reduction reactions in which electrons are transferred between reactants. There are several types of reactions.

Quantitative studies of solutions are carried out by learning how to express a solution in molarity.

We apply our mole method knowledge to the three types of reactions studied here. We will see how the titration technique is used to study acid-base and re dox reactions. There are three major categories of reactions that occur in aqueous solutions.

A solution can be either air, solid, or liquid.

The solutes that are dissolved in water are classified into two categories. A beaker of water has a pair of electrodes in it. The electric current must flow from one electrode to the other in order to light the bulb. Pure water isn't a good conductor of electricity. The bulb will light up if we add a small amount of salt to the water. When Solid NaCl is dissolved in water, it breaks up into Na+ and Cl- ion. The Na+ ion is attracted to the negative electrode.

The solution has the ability to conduct electricity.

We say that NaCl is an electrolyte. Pure water can't conduct electricity because it has very few ion atoms.

Strong electrolytes are ion compounds, such as sodium chloride, KI, and calcium nitrate. There are many strong and weak electrolytes in human body fluids.

Water is an effective solvent. The three-dimensional lattice of ion in the solid is broken when an ionic compound is dissolved in water.

Each Cl- ion is surrounded by water with its positive poles oriented toward the anion.

cations are stable in solution if hydration is used.

Bases and acids are used as electrolytes. hydrochloric acid and nitric acid are strong acids.

Only one of the two H+ ionizable compounds is completely ionized.

Pure water has a weak electrolyte.

acetic acid (CH3COOH), which gives vinegar its tart flavor, does not ionize completely and is a weak electrolytes.

The formula of acetic acid shows that the ionizable protons are in the COOH group.

A number of CH3COOH molecule break up into CH3COO- and H+ ion. As time goes on, some of the CH3COO- and H+ ion recombine into the CH3COOH molecule.

The state in which the acid molecule ionize as fast as the strontium recombines.

A single arrow is used to represent complete ionizations.

The three compounds shown in the diagrams are dissolved in water.

Predict the strength of the following compounds: a strong electrolyte, a weak electrolyte, or a non-electrolyte.

ionic compounds are usually involved in precipitation reactions.

The precipitation reactions discussed in this chapter are examples of metathesis reactions.

In a qualitative sense, a substance is insoluble. If a fair amount of a substance is added to water, it is said to besoluble. The substance is described as slightly insoluble if not. The ionic compounds are strong, but not equally so.

A number of ionic compounds are classified as insoluble in Table 4.2.

Even insoluble compounds can be dissolved to a certain extent.

There are several precipitates in Figure 4.4.

A solution of Pb(NO3)2 is added to a solution of KI.

Silver sulfate, calcium carbonate, and Na3PO4 are insoluble.

Although it is not necessary to memorize the solubilities of compounds, you should keep in mind the following useful rules. We need to refer to Table 4.2 for other compounds.

CaCO3 is insoluble.

The following ionic compounds aresoluble or insoluble.

A molecular equation can be used to identify the reagents. The molecule equation would be used if we wanted to make this reaction in the laboratory.

What actually is happening in solution is not described in a molecular equation.

When ionic compounds are dissolved in water, they break apart into their component cations and anions. The equations should show the dissociation of dissolved ionic compounds. We combine the cation and anion from PbI2 and KNO3 to see if there is a chance of a precipitate from this solution. PbI2 is an insoluble compound and KNO3 is not.

The products are BaSO4 and NaCl. BaSO4 is insoluble from Table 4.2.

The procedure for writing net and ionic equations is summarized in the following steps.

The correct formulas for reactant and product ionic compounds are used in the balanced molecule equation. Refer to Table 4.2 to figure out which of the products is insoluble.

Cancel the spectator ion on the other side of the equation.

There are learning resources on this topic.

The net ionic equation has the charges and number of atoms balanced.

Predict what will happen when a calcium nitrate solution is mixed with a K3PO4 solution. Write an equation for the reaction.

This is a precipitation reaction. We follow the procedure outlined.

The net ionic equation is balanced as to the number of atoms on each side, and the number of positive and negative charges on the left-hand side is the same.

Predict the result by mixing an Al(NO3)3 solution with a NaOH solution.

Practical problems associated with precipitation reactions are discussed in the chemistry in action essay.

The water supply is often affected by MgCO3), which are widespread on Earth's surface. In water, calcium carbonate is insoluble.

Some household and industrial uses are not suited for hard water.

The scale almost fills the pipe.

In household hot-water pipes it is possible to restrict or block the flow of water.

CaCO3 is converted to CaCl2.

Blue ion are shown.

Many people don't know the chemical names for acids and bases, but aspirin and milk of magnesia are familiar to them. Acid-base chemistry is important in sustaining biological systems and is the basis of many house hold products. We need to know more about acids and bases.

Section 2.7 defined acids as substances that ionize in water to produce H+ ion and bases as substances that ionize in water to produce OH- ion. The Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius+ formulated these definitions in the late 19th century to classify substances that were well known.

The sour taste of acids is due to the presence of acetic acid and citric acid.

Acids change the color of lit mus from blue to red.

Zinc, magnesium, and iron are some of the metals that react with acids to produce hydrogen gas. Carbon dioxide gas can be produced by reacting with carbonates and bicarbonates. Aqueous acid solutions produce electricity.

Bases have a bitter taste.

For example, soaps with bases exhibit this property.

Base solutions conduct electricity.

Arrhenius's definitions of acids and bases are limited because they only apply to the solution.

acids and bases are not required to be in a solution.

Arrhenius made contributions to the study of chemical solutions. Arrhenius won the chemistry prize in 1903.

In addition to his theory of acids and bases, Bronsted worked on other topics. In some texts, the acids and bases are called bronsted-lowry acids and bases.

The same acid-base theory was developed by both of them.

The diameter of an average atom is 10 m, while the size of a protons is 10 m. The O atom in H2O has a strong attraction for the small charged particle, so it cannot be a separate entity in the solution. The hydrated form of the protons is shown in Figure 4.7. The equation shows a reaction in which a proton is donated to a base.

Experiments show that the hydronium ion is hydrated so that it has more water in it. This is for convenience, but H3O+ is closer to reality. The same species is represented in both notations.

hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid, sulfuric acid, and phosphoric acid are commonly used in the laboratory.

It is a weak electrolyte because the acetic acid is incomplete. HCl and HNO3 are ionized in solution because of their strong Student data, so they are strong acids.

Ionization of ammonia in water creates the ion.

The double arrows represent each step.

Perchloric acid has several strong and weak acids.

The table shows the strength of the electrolytes.

OH- is a Bronsted base.

Student data shows that you may struggle with base ionising.

Ammonia can accept a H+ ion and is classified as a Bronsted base.

NH4 and OH- ion are formed by 3 molecules reacting with water.

The strongest base in the laboratory is sodium hydroxide. Aqueous ammonia solution is the most commonly used weak base. There is no evidence that the NH4OH actu ally exists. Group 2A elements form hydroxides of the type M(OH)2, which is an alkaline earth metal. Ba(OH)2 is the only one that issoluble. Medicine and industry use magnesium and calcium hydroxides. Al(OH)3 and Zn(OH)2 are not used as bases because of their insoluble nature.

Substances are classified as bronsted acids or bronsted bases.

Most of the bases that you will encounter are anions.

The double arrows show that this is not a one time reaction.

If we had started the reaction with equal amounts of acid and base, we wouldn't have any leftover acid or base. This is a characteristic of neutralization reactions.

HCN does not ionize in solution because it is a weak acid.

The last equation doesn't show water as a product.

The acids and bases should be identified as strong or weak. H2SO4 is a strong acid for the first step and a weak acid for the second step. Both Ba( OH)2 and KOH are strong bases.

There is a net ionic equation for the reaction between a solution of phosphoric acid and a solution of sodium hydroxide.

The SO3 ion, sulfites, and sulfides act with acids to form gaseous products.

The hydronium ion is the protons in water. The acids are monoprotic.

Oxidation-reduction reactions are a part of the world. They range from burning fossil fuels to household bleach.

Most metallic and nonmetallic elements are obtained from their ores.

Many important redox reactions take place in water, but not all of them. A reaction in which two elements combine to form a compound is what we begin our discussion with. Four electrons are transferred from two Mg atoms to two O atoms.

Reduction is gain of electrons.

Oxygen is burned to form magnesium oxide.

The oxidation of magnesium occurs in the formation of magnesium oxide.

The number of elec trons lost by a reducing agent must be equal to the number of electrons gained by an oxidizing agent.

Some reactions have more apparent electron transfer than others.

Ag was converted to Cu atoms.

Cu, Zn, and Ag+ ion are converted to solid Ag as Cu atoms enter the solution.

The Ag+ ion is reduced to metallic Ag.

The oxidation and reduction in terms of loss and gain of electrons apply to the formation of ionic compounds such as MgO.

Experiments show that there is a partial transfer of electrons in the reactions.

It is useful to assign oxidation num bers to the reactants and products.

The oxidation numbers are above the element symbols. There is no charge on the atoms in the two reac tions shown. The oxi dation number is zero. It is assumed that complete electron transfer has taken place for the product molecule.

Oxidation numbers allow us to see elements that are oxidation and reduced. The elements that show an increase in oxidation number are oxidizers. The oxida tion numbers show a decrease from their initial values when chlorine and oxygen are reduced. The sum of the oxidation numbers is zero. The total is zero if we add the oxidation num bers of S and O. The charges must be canceled because the HCl and SO2 are neutral.

The following rules are used to assign oxidation numbers.

In the uncombined state, each atom has an oxidation num ber of zero. Each atom in H2, Br2, Na, Be, K, O2, and P4 has the same oxida tion number.

The oxidation num ber is equal to the charge on the monatomic ion.

All alkaline earth metals have an oxidation number of +2 in their compounds. There is an oxidation number of +3 in all the compounds of aluminum.

It is -1 with 2O2 and peroxide ion.

The oxidation number of hydrogen is -1, except when it is bonds to metals. The oxidation number is -1 in these cases.

The negative oxidation numbers of other halogens can be found in their compounds. They have positive oxidation numbers when combined with oxygen.

The oxidation numbers of all the atoms must be zero in a neutral molecule. The net charge of the ion must be equal to the sum of oxidation numbers in the ion. The oxidation number of N is -2 and that of H is +2 in the ammonium ion, NH+4. The oxidation numbers are equal to the net charge of the ion.

Oxidation numbers can be anything. Student data indicates that you may struggle to determine the oxidation of O in the superoxide ion, O-2.

We follow the rules listed for assigning oxidation numbers.

All alkali metals have an oxidation number of +2, and in most cases hydrogen and oxygen have an oxidation number of -2 in their compounds.

H has an oxidation number of 1. The nitrate ion must have a net oxidation number of -1.

The oxidation numbers of the familiar elements are arranged according to their positions in the periodic table. Nonmetallic elements may have either positive or negative oxidation numbers.

Group number is the highest oxidation number an element can have. The highest possible oxi dation number for the halogens is +7.

The transition metals have oxidation numbers.

There are oxidation numbers that are in color.

The most common oxidation-reduction reactions are combination, decomposi tion, combustion, and displacement. A more involved type is called dispropor tionation reactions, which will be discussed in this section.

The figure shows some reactions.

The opposite of combination reactions iscomposition reactions.

The oxidation number of O atoms changes from 0 to 2.

Most displacement reactions fit into one of the three subcatego ries.

The reactions between iron, zinc, and magnesium are shown in Figure 4.15. The reactions are used to make hydrogen gas.

A metal can be displaced by another metal in the compound.

Silver metal will not displace copper from copper nitrate.

Any metal above hydrogen will react with either water or an acid, but metals below hydrogen will not. Any metal listed in the series will react with any metal below it. Zinc metal will replace copper ion from copper sulfate if Zn is above Cu.

The goal of metal displacement reactions is to separate pure metals from their ores.

There will be more examples in Chapter 18.

The reactions that can be carried out in aqueous solutions are not possible because of the reactivity of molecular fluorine. In a solution of water and solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and solution of solution of water and

bromide and chloride ion cannot be moved by bromine or iodine.

There is a direct industrial application for the halogen displacement reactions. The halo Gens are the most reactive of the nonmetallic elements. They are strong oxidizing agents. As a result, they are found in nature as free elements and as halides. chlorine is the most important industrial chemical. The United States produced 25 billion pounds of chlorine in 2010, making it the tenth-ranked industrial chemical. The annual production of bromine is one-hundredth that of chlorine.

There is a halogen element. Seawater and natural brine are rich sources of cations.

fluorite and cryolite are used to make fluorine.

There is no way to convert F- ion to F2 using chemical means because fluorine is the strongest oxidizing agent. The details of which will be discussed in Chapter 18 will be the only way to carry out the oxidation. Chlorine is produced in an industrial way.

There is a red liquid in this picture.

The Dead Sea is home to about 4,000 parts per million of dissolved substances. The air- bromine mixture is cooled to condense the bromine after it is removed from the solution.

Iodine is prepared by the oxidation of I- ion with chlorine. They are both oxidation by chlorine because they are present in the same source. It is easy to separate the two because I2 is a solid that is in water. Most of the bromine will be removed by the air-blowing procedure, but the iodine will not be affected.

Both higher and lower oxidation states exist for the element in the products.

This reaction describes how the hypo chlorite ion oxidizes the color-bearing substances in stains, converting them to colorless compounds.

It is interesting to compare the reactions. They are similar to acid-base reactions that involve the transfer of protons. Acid-base reactions are easy to recognize, but there is no easy way to identify a redox process. The only sure way is to compare the oxida tion numbers of all the elements.

The definitions of combination reactions, decomposition reactions, displacement reactions, and disproportionation reactions are reviewed.

The oxidation number of Li changed from 0 to + while that of N changed from negative to positive.

The oxidation number of Ni increases from 0 to 2 while that of Pb decreases from 2 to 0.

Despite efforts to educate the public about the dangers of driving while intoxicated and harsher penalties for drunk driving offenses, law enforcement agencies still have to devote a lot of work to removing drunk drivers from America's roads.

The police use a device called a breathalyzer to test drivers suspected of being drunk. The device is based on a chemical reaction. A sample of the driver's breath is taken and treated with an acidic solution.

A driver is being tested for alcohol content.

The alcohol is converted to acetic acid and the instrument. The legal limit of blood alcohol content in the orange-yellow dichromate ion is reduced by 0.08 percent by mass. Anything higher is intoxication.

The alcohol in the driver's breath is reacted with a solution. The change in the absorption of light is registered by the detector and shown on a meter, which shows the alcohol content in blood.

The essay "Breathalyzer" describes how law enforcement uses a reaction to arrest drunk drivers.

We need to know how much reactants are present in a solution and how to control the amount of reactants used to bring about a re action in the solution.

In Chapter 12 we will see how the concentration of a solution can be expressed.

Concentration is an intensive property, so its value doesn't depend on how much of the solution is present.

It is important to keep in mind that molarity only refers to the amount of solute dissolved in water and does not take into account other processes, such as the dissociation of a salt or the ionization of an acid.

The solution has 1 mole of K+ ion and 1 mole of Cl- ion.

The solute is weighed and transferred through a funnel. Water is added to the flask and swirled to break down the solid. Knowing the volume of the solution in the flask and the quantity of compound can be used to calculate the molarity of the solution. As long as the volume of the final solution is known, this procedure does not require knowing the amount of water added.

The examples show the applications of Equations.

The mass should be given by the mol/L x volume or the g/mol.

A chemist needs to make a reaction with 3.81 g of glucose.

To calculate the volume, we need to first determine the number of moles contained in 3.81 g of glucose.

The volume of the solution is 2.114 x 10-2 mole.

The solution has 2.53 moles of C6H12O6. The number of moles in 8.36 mL or 8.36 x 10-3 L is 2. 53 mol x 8.36 x 10-3) or 2.12 x 10-2 mol. There are different ways of rounding off.

The laboratory stockroom is often used for storing concentrated solutions.

We often work with stock solutions that have been altered.

We need 0. mole 400 of KMnO4.

Add water to the KMnO4 solution to make it 1000 mL.

There are learning resources on this topic.

The final solution concentration is less than the original one, so it's a dilution process. The number of moles of the solute remains the same even though the concentration of the solution decreases.

H2SO4 solution with enough water to give a final volume of 5.00 x 102 mL in a 500-mL volumetric flask to obtain the desired concentration.

The answer is reasonable because the initial volume is less than the final volume.

The sections focus on two techniques for studying solution stoichi ometry: gravimetric analysis and titration.

The formation, isolation, and mass determination of a precipitate is a type of gravimetric analysis experiment. This procedure is usually applied to ionic compounds.

A sample substance of unknown composition is dissolved in water and allowed to react with another substance to form a precipitate. The precipitate is dried and weighed. Knowing the mass and chemical formula of the sample will allow us to calculate the mass of the original sample. The percent composition can be determined from the mass of the component and the mass of the original sample.

We would add enough AgNO3 solution to the NaCl solution to cause precipitation of all the Cl- ion present in solution. NaCl is the limiting reactant and AgNO3 is the excess reactant. fil tration, dried, and weighed separated the AgCl from the solution. The mass of AgCl can be used to calculate the mass of Cl. The percent by mass of Cl can be calculated because the same amount was present in the original sample.

There is a difference between the empty crucible and this mass.

The mass of a sample can be measured with gilmetrics. This procedure only applies to reactions that go to completion. It wouldn't be possible to remove all the Cl- ion from the NaCl solution if AgCl were slightly insoluble.

There are calculations involved in a gravimetric experiment.

A sample of an ionic compound is dissolved in water and treated with an excess of AgNO3.

We are asked to calculate the percent by mass in the unknown sample, which is the mass of the original compound. They end up in the AgCl precipitate.

The mass of the two substances is 35.45 g and 143.4 g.

The mass of Cl is 1.0882 g.

Roughly 1 g of AgCl is equal to 0.25 g of chloride, which is less than half the mass of the original sample. It is reasonable to calculate the percent chloride of 47.51 percent.

A sample of an ionic compound containing the bromide ion is dissolved in water and treated with an excess of AgNO3.

The whole identity of the unknown is not established by gravimetric analysis.

Knowing the percent by mass helps us narrow the possibilities. Because no two com pounds containing the same anion have the same percent composition by mass, comparison of the percent by mass obtained from gravimetric analysis with that calculated from a series of known compounds would reveal the identity of the unknown.

If a solution containing 6.00 g of KBr is treated with an excess of AgNO3 the mass of AgBr will be formed.

Quantitative studies of acid-base neutralization reactions can be done using a technique known as titration. We can calculate the concentration of the unknown solution if we know the volumes of the standard and unknown solutions used.

One of the bases used in the laboratory is sodium hydroxide. Solid sodium hydroxide has a tendency to react with carbon dioxide and it is difficult to get it in a pure form. The acid solu tion can be used to standardize the solution. The acid often chosen for this task is a monoprotic, weak acid called KHP, for which the formula is KHC8H4O4. Highly pure form of KHP is available.

A sharp change in the color of an indicator in the acid solution signals the equivalence point.

One commonly used indicator is phenolphthalein, which is reddish pink in basic solutions but colorless in acidic and neutral solutions. All the KHP present has been mitigated by the added NaOH at the equivalence point. The solution will turn pink if we add just one more drop of NaOH solution from the buret.

In a titration experiment, a student found that 23.48 mL of a NaOH solution was needed to neutralize KHP.

We want to know the molarity of the solution.

The problem has a volume of NaOH solution. To solve for molarity, we need to find the number of moles of NaOH. The equation for the reaction between KHP and NaOH is shown in the text.

KHP is KHC8H4O4.

There must be 2.678 mole of NaOH in the solution.

One of the simplest neutralization reactions is between NaOH and KHP. We could use a diprotic acid such as H2SO4 instead of KHP. There are two ionizable protons in 2SO4.

Student data shows that if you reacted at the equivalence point you would have to struggle with titration calculations.

The picture shows the titration of a NaOH solution with a diprotic acid.

The acid can be completely neutralized with NaOH.

We want to know the concentration of the solution. The moles of NaOH are calculated using the volume of NaOH solution required to neutralize the acid.

The equation for the neutralization reaction shows that 2 moles of NaOH neutralize 1 mole of H2SO4.

A NaOH solution is mixed with an acid solution. The acid-base neutralization reactions should be completed.

The transfer of electrons and protons are involved in acid-base reactions. A similar procedure can be used to titrate an oxidizing agent against a reducing agent.

We can add a reducing agent to a solution with an oxidizing agent.

The color of the indi cator is characteristic of its reduced form in the presence of large amounts of reducing agent. When it is present in an oxidizing medium, the indicator assumes the color of its oxi dized form. As the indicator changes from one form to the other, a sharp change in the indicator's color will occur, so the equivalence point can be easily identified.

Potas sium dichromate and potassium permanganate are oxidizers.

The mole method is the same as the acid-base neutralizations method. The equations are more complex for redox reactions.

The FeSO4 solution needs to be oxidized in an acidic medium.

The molarity of the FeSO4 solution needs to be calculated.

The FeSO4 solution volume is given in the problem. We need to find the number of moles of FeSO4 to solve the problem.

Magnesium is plentiful in Earth's crust, but it is cheaper to "mine" the metal from seawater.

The second most abundant cation in the sea is magnesium, which is 1.3 g in a kilo gram of seawater. The process for obtaining magnesium from seawater uses all three types of reactions discussed in this chapter.

This is how magnesium metal is made. The chlorine gas melted. The molten magnesium chloride can be converted to hydrochloric acid and recycled.

The chapter on metal from the sea describes the types of reactions discussed in the chemistry in action essay.

The guidelines should be applied to determine whether a reaction will produce a precipitate. The equations for a reaction should be composed. In a reaction, identify the spectator ion. You can compare the definitions of acids and bases. Define an acid as monoprotic, diprotic, or triprotic. A neutralization reaction between an acid and a base. Reducing agents and half-reactions are components of an oxidation-reduction reaction. Determine the oxidation number of each element in a compound by applying oxidation number rules. Distinguish oxidation-reduction reactions, including combustion, decomposition, displacement, and disproportionation. Determine if a metal displacement reaction occurs by using the activity series. Determine the concentration of the solution. Problems for reactions in solution include gravimetric analysis, acid-base titration, and redox titrations.

If the sol 9 is conducted, aqueous solutions are conducting. The amount of solute utes is the concentration of a solution. The solutes can be present in a given amount of solution. The solutions don't conduct electricity.

There are three major chemical reactions that take 1 L of solution.

Adding a solvent to a solution is a process known as acid-base reactions.

Predicting whether a solute will form in the solution is possible because of general rules about solubilities.

There is a method for determining the 4. Arrhenius acids ionize in water to give H+ strontium and the concentration of a Arrhenius bases ionize in water to give OH- strontium. Measure mass to solve the problem. The acids donate protons and the bases accept them.

neutralization is the reaction of an acid and a base.

A solution of concentra 6 is used in acid-base titration. In a redox reaction, oxidation and reduction always oc tion are added to a solution at the same time. The goal of oxidation is loss of electrons and reduction by the gain of electrons.

Oxidation numbers help us keep track of charge distri which the reaction in the titration is complete, as shown bution and are assigned to all atoms in a compound or by the change in the indicator's color, is called the ion according to specific rules. Oxidation can be defined as an equivalency point.

Acid-base titrations are similar to redox titrations. A decrease in oxidation number is defined.

The equivalence point is where many redox reactions can be classified.

The compound X is a water-soluble one.

There is a difference between the following sym and a nonelectrolyte.

Explain why a solution of HCl in benzene is not able to conduct electricity. We often conduct electricity in water.

Na2SO4 is a strong electrolyte.

The solutions of three compounds are shown.

Two solutions of AgNO3 are mixed. Water is not shown for simplicity.

The Na+ ion is smaller than the Cl- ion.

The two solutions are mixed. Water is not shown for simplicity.

Take the following compounds and add them to the equation and write them in the water.

Give an example of mixing a NaNO3 with a CuSO4 solution or mixing a Ba with a CuSO4 solution in a precipitation reaction.

The precipitation reaction requires a net ionic equation.

All combustion reactions are redox reactions.

All cations are assumed to be important.

Without referring to Figure 4.11, give the oxi dation numbers of the alkali and alkaline earth metals in their compounds.

List the general properties of acids and bases.

Common elements that are likely to take part in NaF, NaOH, CaO, BaSO4 and HNO3 are named after salts.

Reducing agents are called Mg3N2 (a) P.

The equation is used to calculate molarity. The oxidation number is a convenient concentration unit for the species.

Give the oxidation number of the atoms.

A strong oxidizer is 4.51 nitric acid.

How many grams of KOH are present in 2O, SO2, SO3 and P4O6.

The activity series can be used to calculate the molarity of each of the equations.

It is assumed that volumes are added up.

8H2O would need to be titration.

She weighed out 0.2458 g of KHP and transferred it to an Erlenmeyer 500 mL. The concentration of the final flask.

A quantity of 18.68 mL of a KOH solution is needed.

The Ba(OH)2 solution is dissolved in water and treated with an excess of Na2SO4.

The net ionic and potassium dichromate can be used as an equation.

2O4), the main component, is insoluble in water.

The acid rain phenomenon is caused by 2 present in the air.

The 4 solution is required for the following reactions.

The Fe(II) was converted to Fe(III) ion.

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are needed to oxidize 25.00 mL of H and odorless gases. You can distinguish between the two 2O2 solutions with the help of two chemical tests.

Many plants and vegetables have 2C2O4) in them.

A sample of an oxalic acid solution was re treated with magnesium. KMnO4 has reacted. Assume that the volume remains un solution needed to react with a second change.

Two solutions containing vari acid are shown. Each solution has a volume of 200 mL.

SO3 oxidizes in acidic solution.

umes are not dependent on each other.

Reactions were removed from the solution and weighed. The mass of the strip is 3.37 g.

4.117 (a) describe a magnesium hydroxide preparation. Two solutions containing vari in treating acid are shown. Each solution has a volume of 200 mL.

A typical acid concentration in an upset after the solutions are mixed is the mass of the precipitate.

The vol Mg(OH)2/mL is assumed.

The formula for malonic acid is C3H4O4.

The 4 solutions would react with 7.89 g of zinc.

Na2CO3 can be used to standardize acid how many ionizable H atoms are present in the solution.

A 3.664-g sample of monoprotic acid was dis a given volume of water.

The acid can be mitigated with a NaOH solution.

It's an important ingredient of vinegar.

The volumes are not always the same.

A student is given an unknown that is either iron(II) tion or not.

You are given a liquid when a zinc strip is placed in AgNO3 4.125. After a while, the strip showed that it is water.

Someone spilled concentrated sulfuric acid on the floor of a chemistry laboratory. It would be better to pour concentrated Ba(OH)2 since it is a strong electrolyte.

There was a 0.1022-g sample of MCO 3.

A sample of iron chloride hydrate was used in eyewash. The compound was then milk of magnesia dissolved in water and reacted with an excess of 2. This chapter is based on what you have learned. What is the formula of the original compounds?

An experiment would show that the compound is acid.

You are given a sample of the solution with a few drops of NaCl and an apparatus like that shown in ride.

Write a balanced equation for each step.

A 0.8870-g sample of a mixture of two things.

In 4.131, calculate the percent by mass of each compound.

The diagrams correspond to the reaction. The balanced equation was used for the reaction. The Ag+ ion and red spheres represent PbSO4 in the precipitation of Pb2+ ion spheres.

Hydrochloric acid is not an oxidizer in the sense that sulfuric acid and nitric acid are.

Explain how you would prepare KI by means of two reactions: an acid and a carbonate compound.

Water reacts with sodium to produce hydrogen gas.

A sample of industrially prepared oxidation numbers: +, +3, +4, +6, and +7 were found in 4.143 Chlorine.

Write a formula for each compound.

In an experiment to determine its composition, identify the bronsted acid and base.

If the mass becomes yellow. What is the percent by mass of NaBr in composes?

The hydrogen halides are highly re ing gases and have many industrial and dioxide gasses.

After a few minutes, the reaction slows down and 4.149 Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is an important indus eventually stops even though none of the reactants trial chemical used in fertilizers, in detergents, and is used up. The metal is produced by two different things.

Discuss why H3PO4 in your explanation.

When the process is placed in a pale green each step as precipitation, acid-base, or redox iron(II) sulfate solution, no visible change is made. Where should we put the M reaction?

Ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) was produced by important nitrogen-richfertilizers, it was obtained by electrolysis. Its purity is reduced by an active metal.

The recommended procedure for preparing a very dilute solution is not to weigh out a very small mass or measure a very small volume of a stock solution. It is done by a series of dilu tions. A sample of 0.8214 g of KMnO4 was dissolved in water and made up to the volume in a 500-mL volumetric flask. A sample of the solution was transferred to a volu metric flask and put into a container of water.

Referring to the Chemistry in Action essay in transferred to a 250-mL flask andDiluted to the Section 4.8, answer the following questions: mark with water.

The precipitation of mag begins with copper limestone and ends with metallic copper. The steps are made of nesium hydroxide.

Four metals A, B, C, and D were tested.

To give H yield copper sulfate.

D does not.

The student started with 68.6 g of copper.

To get enough Na+ the start, calculate the time in seconds.

A quantity of 25.0 mL of a solution containing a cell.

600 mL is the volume of each solution.

The concentration of solution containing only Fe2+ requires the ion in the mixed solution to form.

Structural and/ or redox functions are some of the functions that contain metal ion.

Direct delivery into a vein is the fastest way to introduce therapeutic agents into the bloodstream. An adult male is participating in a trial study of a new drug and a clinical re searcher wants to know if he has 6 x 10-4mmol/L in his bloodstream. The hospital's pharmacy has a concentration of 1.2 x 10-3 mol/L.

Public water supplies are often "fluoridated" by the addition of compounds such as NaF. Steve Warmowski of The Image Works says that care must be taken not to exceed safe levels of fluoride, which can stain or etch tooth enamel.

A safe and effective concentration of fluoride in 4.173 Muriatic acid, a commercial-grade hydrochloric drinking water is generally considered to be acid used for cleaning masonry surfaces. How much fluoridated water is needed for a son to consume by drinking 1.2 g/ cm3.

Potas sium superoxide reacts with carbon dioxide because of acid-base and precipitation reactions.

The amount of KO2 needed to sustain a worker in a polluted environment is estimated by the electrical conductance.

1.0 L of information is added to the KOH solution.

Equal volume of oxidizing agent is added only if the very weak acid and strong acid are present. The reducing agent and the oxidizing agent have the same base.

A high level of arsenic was found in samples of his hair, suggesting that he might have been poisoned. The French royal family wanted to prevent Napoleon from returning to France and the governor of St.Helena, who did not get along with Napoleon, are the prime suspects.

Arsenic is not harmful. The commonly used poison is arsenic(III) oxide, As2O3 a white compound that is tasteless and hard to detect if administered over a period of time.

James Marsh created a procedure for detecting arsenic in the 18th century.

This test combines hydrogen formed by the reaction with a sample of the suspected poison. A toxic gas, arsine, can be formed if As2O3 is present. arsenic is recognized by its metallic luster when arsine gas is heated. It was too late to deter murder by As2O3 and Napoleon was a victim of arsenic poisoning, so the Marsh test was useless.

A solution containing arsenic(III) oxide is added to zinc metal.

Arsine oxidizes to arsenic, which has a metallic appearance, and hydrogen gas.

A sample of the wallpaper from Napoleon's drawing room was found to contain copper arse nate, a green color that was used at the time of Napoleon's death. The growth of mold on the wallpaper was promoted by the damp climate. To rid themselves of arsenic, the molds could have converted it to trimethyl arsine. Napoleon's health would have been ruined and arsenic in his body would have been a factor in his death, though it may not have been the primary cause. Napoleon's regular guests suffered from gastrointestinal problems and other symptoms of arsenic poisoning, but their health seemed to improve when they spent hours in the garden, their main hobby on the island.

This exercise in historical sleuthing provides a fascinating example of the use of chemical analysis, but we will probably never know whether Napoleon died from arsenic poisoning, inten tional or accidental. Chemical analysis is used in forensic science, but it is also used in practical applications such as quality control of commercial products and medical diagnosis.

As-75 is converted to the radio active As-76 when it is bombarded with high-energy neutrons. The amount of arsenic in a sample is determined by the intensity of the rays emitted by the radioactive isotope. As little as 5 ng of arsenic can be detected in 1 g of material.

The human body does not needArsenic.

The Marsh test involves the generation of hydrogen gas when zinc is added, the reaction of hydrogen with As(III) oxide to produce arsine, and the conversion of arsine to arsenic. Determine the type of reaction in each step by writing equations.

The substances that are gases and their general properties are examined first.

We learn how to express gas pressure and atmospheric pressure.

The relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and amount of a gas is studied next. The ideal gas equation can be used to calculate the density or molar mass of a gas.

The ideal gas equation can be used to study the relationship between gases.

The behavior of a mixture of gases can be understood by the law of partial pressures, which is an extension of the ideal gas equation.

The pressure and temperature of a gas can be described with the help of the kinetic molecular theory of gases. This theory allows us to get an expression for the speed of the molecule at a given temperature, and to understand the phenomenon of gas diffusion and effusion.

The van der Waals equation will be used to study the correction for the nonideal behavior of gases.

Water can be solid ice, liquid water, steam, or water vapor. Substance's physical properties are dependent on its state.

Liquids and Solids are more complex than gases in many ways.

The forces of attraction between gas molecules are so small that each molecule can move independently.

Predicting the behavior of gases can be done with changes in temperature and pressure. The laws that govern this behavior have an important role to play in the development of the atomic theory of matter.

The ocean of air we live in has a composition of 78 percent N2, 21 percent O2, and 1 percent other gases, including CO2. The chemistry of this vital mixture of gases has become a source of great interest because of the detrimental effects of environmental pollution. Chapter 20 talks about the chemistry of the atmosphere and gases. The behavior of substances that are gases under normal atmospheric conditions will be the focus here.

The elements are gases under normal atmospheric conditions.

Ozone is a gas at room temperature. The noble gases in Group 8A are monatomic gases: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn.

cations and an ion in an ionic solid are held together by very strong electrostatic forces, so they are not gases at 25degC and 1 atm. Strong heating of the solid is what we need to overcome these attractions.

The only thing we can do is melt the solid under normal conditions. To boil it, we would have to raise the temperature.

The elements are gases at 25degC and 1 atm. Ozone is a gas.

The behavior of compounds is different.

The stronger these attrac tions are, the less likely a compound is to be a gas.

O2 is the only essential gas listed in Table 5.1.

The boiling point of HCN is close enough to qualify as a gas at ordinary atmospheric conditions.

CO, NO2, O3 and SO2 are not as toxic as they used to be. The gases He, Ne, and Ar do not react with any other substance. Most gases are odorless.

F2, Cl2, and NO2 are exceptions. The dark brown color of NO2 can be seen in polluted air. The volume and shape of the containers are assumed by gases.

The states of matter are compressible with gases.

When confined to the same container, gases will mix evenly.

Gases have lower densities than liquids.

It's easy to show atmospheric pressure. The ability to drink a liquid through a straw is an everyday example. The pressure in the side of the straw is reduced by sucking air out of the straw. The air that has been sucked out is replaced by the liquid in the straw.

One of the most important properties of a gas is pressure. The units of mea surement are derived from how we measure the pressure of a gas. We start with speed and acceleration.

We use cm/s, but the SI unit is m/s.

m/s2 or cm/s2 are used to measure acceleration.

Albert Einstein is one of the greatest physicists the world has ever known, but he is not the only one. The branch of physics that did not make a significant contribution was called physics.

The gases in the atmosphere are subject to Earth's pull. The atmosphere is denser near the surface of Earth. Increasing distance from Earth decreases the density of air. About 50 percent of the atmosphere lies within 6.4 km of Earth's surface, 90 percent within 16 km, and 99 percent within 32 km. The denser the air is, the more pressure it exerts.

Imagine what would happen if you held a piece of paper above your head. The paper does not bend due to the pressure of air acting on it. Air and water are both fluid. The pressure on an object in a fluid comes from all directions--downward and up ward, as well as from the left and right. Air pressure comes from the collision between the air molecule and any surface with which it comes in contact. The magnitude of pressure is determined by how often and how strongly the mol ecules impact the surface. The paper stays flat because there are as many molecules hitting it from the top as there are from underneath.

A simple barometer consists of a long glass tube, closed at one end and filled with mercury. If the tube is inverted in a dish of mercury so that no air enters the tube, some mercury will flow out of the tube into the dish, creating a vacuum at the top. The weight of the mercury in the tube is supported by the pressure on the surface of the dish.

A column of mercury exerts atmospheric pressure.

His specialty was in the study of the motion of fluids, and he worked in both mathemat ics and physics. He created a calculating machine.

Torricelli is said to be the first person to understand atmospheric pressure.

The pressure outside a jet plane is much lower than standard atmospheric pressure. The passengers must be protected from the air inside the cabin.

The Caribbean, Cuba, the Bahamas, and 24 states along the U.S. east coast were affected by Hurricane Sandy.

Hurricane Sandy had the lowest pressure recorded.

We are asked to convert frommmHg to kPa.

The principle of operation of a manometer is similar to that of a barometer.

Despite the fact that mercury is a toxic substance, it is used as the working fluid in nearly all barometers and manometers. The density of mercury is very high compared to other liquids.